05-10315 Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No.05-10315 together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT (Published In The Salina -Y Thence North 30-de- Journal January 28,2006) grees-29-minutes-32- Nicole Veatch being ORDINANCE NUMBER seconds East, along the 05-10315 Westerly line of said ex- AN ORDINANCE PRO- fisting utility easement, a duly sworn,declare that I am the Classified VIDING FOR THE VACA- distance of Fifty-two and TION OF A PORTION OF A Ninety-four hundredths 20-FOOT UTILITY EASE- (52.94)feet; Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- MENT IN LOT 1,BLOCK 6, Thence South 89-de- SCHILLING SUBDIVISION grees-53-minutes-58- #5 TO THE CITY OF SALI-! seconds East, a dis- paper published at Salina,Saline County,Kansas,and NA, SALINE COUNTY, tance of Twenty-three KANSAS. and Nineteen hun- BE IT ORDAINED by the dredths (23.19) feet to of general circulation in said county,which newspaper Governing Body of the City the Point of Beginning; of Salina,Kansas: Said portion of the exist- Section 1. That on De- ing Twenty and Zero has been continuous) and uninterruptedly published cember 12, 2005, the gov- hundredths (20.00) feet 5 nterru h te ) h erning body conducted a wide utility easement public hearing on the petition contains Three-thousand for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- filed by Tim Rogers, repre- Seven-hundred Fifty- for P senting Salina Airport Au- nine and Twenty-eight thority("Petitioner"),request- hundredths (3,759.28) ing vacation of a portion of a square feet more or less. tached notice,and that the attached 20-foot public utility ease- Section 2. That the gov- ment in Lot 1,Block 6,Schil- erning body finds from the ling Subdivision #5 in the evidence presented at the Ordinance No.05-10315 City of Salina, Saline Coun- public hearing that: ty, Kansas,more particularly (a) Due and legal notice described as: has been given by publica- has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 Commencing at the tion as required by law. Southeast corner of Lot (b)No private rights will be One (1), Block Six (6), injured or endangered by the times, the first publication given in Schilling Subdivision vacation of a portion of this No.5,to the City of Sali- public utility easement. na, Saline County, Kan- (c) In justice to the Peti- the issue of January 28 2006. sax; tioner public utility easement Thence on an assumed vacation request shall be bearing of North 00-de- granted. grees-06-minutes-47- Section 3. That a portion ".�� '( �1I t seconds West along the of the public utility easement East line of said Lot One located in Lot 1, Block 6, (1), a distance of Two- Schilling Subdivision #5 is Co hundred Sixty-eight and hereby vacated and shall re- Subscribed and sworn to before me,this Ninety-one hundredths vert to the owners of Lot 1, (268.91)feet; Block 6, Schilling Subdivi- Thence South 89-de- sion#5 in the City of Salina, day of c� A.D.2006 grees-53-minutes-13- Saline County,Kansas. seconds West along the Section 4. That this ordi- South line of an existing nance shall be in full force Twenty and Zero hun- and effect from and after its dredths(20.00)feet wide adoption and publication utility easement, a dis- once in the official city news- Notary Public tance of Seventy and paper. Thirty-eight hundredths (70.38)feet to the East- Introduced:Dec.12,2005 erly line of an existing Passed:Jan.23,2006 Twenty and Zero hun- dredths(20.00)feet wide Deborah Divine,Mayor utility easement; Thence South 30-de- [SEAL] NOTARY PUBLIC State of Kansas grees-29-minutes-32- ; seconds West,along the ATTEST: WENDY Romp( Easterly line of said ex- Lieu Ann Elsey 111L MY Appt.Exp. Z2-o g fisting utility easement, a CMC,City Clerk (1t) distance of Thirteen and Five hundredths (13.05) feet to the Point of Be- ginning; Thence continuing South 30-degrees-29-minutes- 32-seconds West, along the Easterly line of said existing utility easement, a distance of Eighty-four and Forty-seven hun- dredths(84.47)feet; Thence North 60-de- grees-06-minutes-09- seconds West,along the Westerly line of said ex- isting utility easement, a distance One-hundred Forty-six and Sixty-two hundredths (146.62) feet; Thence South 89-de- grees-53-minutes-58- seconds East, a dis- tance of Forty and Twenty-five hundredths (40.25)feet to the East- erly line of said existing Twenty and Zero hun- dredths(20.00)feet wide utility easement; Thence South 60-de- grees-06-minutes-09- seconds East, along the Easterly line of said ex- isting utility easement, a I distance of Ninety-one and Ninety hundredths (91.90)feet: