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Budget - 2016
2016 ANNUAL BUDGET of the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY COMMISSION Cftof Mayor Jon R. BIanchard Commissioner Kaye J. Crawford Commissioner Trent Davis Commissioner Randall Hardy Commissioner Karl Ryan City Manager Jason A. Gage 2016 Budget Detail Contents Description Page Letter of Transmittal 1 Financial and Budgetary Policies 15 Organization Charts 25 Summary Tables Computation of Tax Levy 39 Mill Levies by Taxin District 40 Budget Analysis by Class of Revenue 41 Key Revenues 42 Budget Analysis by Category of Expenditure 44 Comparison of Actual and Estimated Fund Balances 45 General Fund Revenue General Revenues 46 Public Safety Revenues 48 Public Works Revenues 50 Health and Sanitation Revenues 51 Recreation and Culture Revenue 52 Community and Economic Development Revenues 53 General Fund Expenditures City Commission 54 A enc Su ort 55 Public Trans ortation 56 City Mana er 57 Risk Management 58 Legal 59 Municipal Court 60 Economic Development 61 Human Resources 62 Community Relations 63 Finance 65 Reserves and Transfers 66 Computer Technology 67 Police 69 Fire/EMS 71 Engineering 79 Street S1 Traffic Controls 83 Flood Works 84 Parks 85 Cemetery 93 Building Maintenance 94 Animal Shelter 95 Aquatics Center Kenwood Cove 96 Recreation 97 Smoky Hill Museum 104 Development Services 106 Capital Outlay 108 Arts and Humanities Fund Sales Tax Capital Fund 112 117 Sales Tax Economic Development Fund 124 Business lm rovement District Fund Tourism and Convention Fund 127 130 Special Parks and Recreation Fund 133 Special Alcohol 138 Special Gas Tax Neighborhood Park Development Fund 141 145 Bicentennial Center Sanitation 147 149 Solid Waste Fund Golf Course 153 159 Water and Sewer Fund Revenues 164 Customer Accounting Reserves 165 167 Debt Service Utilities Administration 169 170 Water Distribution 171 Water Plant Sewer Capital Outlay Workers Compensation Reserve 172 174 177 180 Health Insurance 183 Central Garage Fund Bond and Interest Fund 186 190 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Jason A. Gage City Manager 300 West Ash • P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 July 10, 2015 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of Salina, Kansas Mayor Blanchard and Commissioners: TELEPHONE (785) 309-5700 FAX • (785) 820-8532 TDD (785) 309-5747 E-MAIL iason.gage dsalina.org WEBSITE • www.salina-kLM As Chief Executive Officer, a primary duty of the City Manager is to annually prepare and propose to the City Commission a financial business plan for the municipal government. Kansas state law (K.S.A. 12-1014) and the budget submittal requirements contained in the City of Salina Financial Policies provide both guidance and the framework for this duty. As a result, it is my privilege to place before the City Commission the proposed 2016 Budget. City staff has been working on the budget in various capacities since April. Department directors began with the operational areas of the budget, analyzing the service plans, needs, costs and effectiveness related to their departmental operations. Various follow-up reviews and revisions at the Finance Department and City Manager's Office levels addressed the more "strategic" factors of budget allocations, financial planning and decision-making. The complete budget document is very lengthy and contains a "line -item" approach to budgeting for all functions of city government. The detail portion is focused on the basic spending units and is in many ways an accounting document. However, the annual budget has also been viewed by staff and the governing body as a planning document. To assist the City Commission in your review of the service goal, policy and planning aspects of the budgetary process, with this budget message I have provided a budget overview and summary pages. This includes: tax levy information, budgeted revenues and expenditures, fund balance projections, debt service plans and much more. After several years of fiscal stagnancy and instances of limited instability, 2015 and 2016 are showing some signs of progress. Property values display some growth (1.4% on existing properties) and sales taxes are apparently growing at about 3%. However, we also face 50 continued expenditure growth due to inflationary pressures and service demands. Even a 2% growth rate on our payroll creates a $500,000 annual impact. We have been aided this year by continued efforts to control expenditures, including utilization of one time opportunities, continuation of the General Fund tax stabilization transfer from the special sales tax, use of the special sales tax to fund certain major equipment purchases and an intense review of operational, line -item requests. We are continuing to implement our "lean management" philosophy to target reductions in those areas where it is possible to become more efficient, while maintaining the quality of services provided. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS ➢ The primary focus in the preparation of the 2016 Budget is to maintain service levels, restore fund balances to targeted levels, recognize our employees through limited allowances for merit recognition, and target service cost reductions through lean management efficiencies. Since mid -2008, a total of 35 full-time equivalent positions have been eliminated or frozen through attrition. The 2016 Budget currently provides for an average 2.4% cost allowance for merit adjustments. This is the same percentage provided by the City Commission for this year. In addition, the budget sets aside an $800,000 (4.6%) General Fund reserve for an overall pay plan adjustment, as well as targeting salary market inequities, as identified. ➢ The 2016 Budget anticipates cash expenditures of $75,134,938 (operating, capital and debt service) as compared to budget expenditures of $74,041,956 for this year. This 1.5% overall change represents a complex mix of factors, including the previously mentioned salary allowance for merit adjustments, retirement -related costs, a projected increase in health care costs and decreases in fuel costs. The addition of the previously mentioned animal services function has also influenced total expenditures to a slight degree. Cash capital allowances of $1,006,231 are slightly higher in the General Fund for 2016 as compared to $936,320 for this year. ➢ Operating costs net of capital and debt service commitments continue to be managed at a rate that comparable to current inflationary growth. The inflationary change as measured by the annualized Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the period ending December 31, 2014 was .8%. Operating expenses in the General Fund will increase from $37,375,561 in 2015 to $37,837,393 in the proposed budget. This is a 1.4% increase. Overall operating costs will increase from $56,468,896 to a proposed budget of $56,890,658, which is a .7% growth rate. ➢ General Fund revenues for 2016 (including internal transactions) total $40,045,333. General Fund expenditures are budgeted to be $39,644,333 (inc. the $800,000 salary reserve). This -2- difference provides a projected gain of $401,000 in the General Fund, which is needed to make progress toward the targeted fund balance of $5,000,000. ➢ At the current mill levy rate, the total City of Salina property tax is projected to be $11,270,014, an increase of $285,917, or 2.6% from the prior year. This change is based on a very slight increase in property valuations as provided by the Saline County Appraiser's Office. The mill levy is budgeted to be unchanged at 27.080 mills. ➢ The City of Salina portion of total property taxes paid by our residents and businesses will continue to be approximately 20% of total property taxes paid from all taxing entities and we will continue to have one of the lowest property tax rates of any first-class city in Kansas. However, this very conservative fiscal approach can limit our organization's ability to address many important community needs. The 2016 Budget proposes a cash capital improvement plan of $7.675 million, excluding projects carried over from prior years. Major new projects for 2016 include: replacement of the outdoor weather warning system, reconstruction of Centennial Road, and rehabilitation of one of the lime drying lagoons for the Water Treatment Plant. ➢ Our recent focus on major street maintenance and rehabilitation continues in 2016, with about $800,000 in gas tax and $1.6 million in special sales tax dedicated to this component of our infrastructure. In 2015, the comparable amounts were $1.1 million from the gas tax, and $1.6 million from the sales tax. Unfortunately, we do not have available revenues to further increase our investment in street improvements at this time. ➢ Likewise, we have budgeted to continue our annual water main replacement project, with another $4 million in projects scheduled. BUDGET OVERVIEW Preparation of the 2016 Budget continues to be a challenging task, though this year offers some reasons for optimism. One positive indicator is the financial condition of the General Fund. In recent years, the year-end fund balance has declined as a result of stagnant local economic growth coming out of the recent recession. Sales taxes provide about 40% of the total resources for the General Fund. For the years since 2008, this revenue source has somewhat unpredictably decreased slightly, remained steady and also increased. The 2014 sales tax grew by about 3.5% and recent projections for 2015 are estimated at 3%. -3- Property value growth has also begun to show some promise. For the 2015 Budget, total property values grew only .68%. This is significantly improved for the 2016 budget, with overall property value growth improving to 2.03%. The 2.1% growth in real estate was only partially offset by personal property value reductions related to machinery and equipment (from $12,571,997 to $11,757,119). Please keep in mind that personal property values have reduced from $39,528,375 in 2007 to $11,757,119 for 2016 as additional machinery and equipment is replaced and removed from the tax rolls. This is equivalent to an annual revenue loss of $752,000 for the General Fund. Growth in property values are clear indicators of local economic strength. It appears that property values in Salina are beginning to show signs of a recovery from prior recessionary impacts. The 2016 Budget does provide for modest growth in the General Fund year-end balance, building on modest progress made in both 2014 and 2015. The 2015 year-end unencumbered fund balance is projected to be $3,793,418. This is still well short of the $5,000,000 target, but significantly better than the $1,985,729 year-end balance at the close of 2013. During this same time, some progress has been made in reducing reliance on the special sales tax for property tax stabilization. This is a necessary financial objective unless and until the current sales tax, which is scheduled to expire in early 2019, is renewed by the local electorate. In 2014, this supplement of $400,000 was eliminated in the Bond and Interest Fund and the supplement to the General Fund was reduced from $400,000 to $360,000. This level of funding is budgeted to be stable through 2016. As provided for in past years, the proposed 2016 Budget is designed to contain some flexibility for the City Commission to address needs which may arise over the coming year. The City Commission and city management have the ability to address additional goal -related programs and/or unexpected needs through budget amendments or changing allocations, as needed. For most budgeted funds, this proposed budget also maintains reasonable and appropriate contingency funds and unobligated reserves which are at or exceed established financial targets. KEY FINANCIAL POINTS 1. Property Taxes: (See Schedule A) The proposed budget provides for stability in the property tax mill levy at 27.080 mills. This results in property tax that is $285,917, or 2.6% higher than in the 2015 budget. The additional proceeds are combined with other revenue enhancements and budget savings to help stabilize the financial position of the General Fund. The total proposed mill levy of 27.080 is allocated among two separate, budgeted funds. The largest allocation of 19.78 mills goes to the General Fund as established under state law. The General Fund portion of the mill levy is decreased from 20.274 mills for 2015. The levy for the Bond and Interest Fund will increase from 6.806 mills to 7.298 mills. This M! change is due to a combination of factors, including a fixed debt retirement schedule, change in property values, and an aggressive capital improvements program. Recent legislative restrictions to the growth in property tax -related expenditures that will go into effect in 2018 may cause the City to begin reviewing how property tax is budgeted and used in future years. 2. General Sales Tax: The proposed budget provides revised sales tax projections for 2015 and estimates for 2016. Sales taxes have resumed a modest rate of growth, with year-to-date revenues increasing by about 3.4% over 2013 for the same period. We have projected the year-end, 2015 growth rate to be at 3% and include the same growth rate for 2016. It is important to note that modest inflationary growth in the sales tax is not sufficient to support natural or inflationary growth in the General Fund as a whole. There must also be growth in the property tax base, as well as growth in other taxes, user charges and fees. One item of difficulty which impacts the City's general sales tax revenue projections is Kansas' distribution formula for county -wide sales taxes. The formula "rewards" a local government that raises its property taxes at a rate higher than other local entities within a county. Conversely, the formula "penalizes" a local government which maintains its mill levy or lowers it when others within the same county do not. In recent years, the City of Salina has occasionally been adversely affected by the formula. This may be a topic to discuss as a potential priority for the next legislative session. 3. Special Sales Tax: The City's special sales tax is at the rate of .4% and expires in early 2019. This revenue is dedicated to economic development, capital improvements and tax stabilization in accordance with our prior commitment to the voters. Approximately 92% of the special sales tax is utilized for capital improvements. Of this amount, $1.35 million is allocated to the debt on Kenwood Cove. Approximately $1.6 million is allocated for street improvements. For 2016, $360,000 is allocated to property tax stabilization, with the balance being used for various smaller capital items. Preliminary planning for the potential renewal of this tax is a policy issue to be addressed in the near future. 4. Total Expenditures: (See Schedule E) The 2016 Budget anticipates cash expenditures of approximately $75,134,938, as shown on Summary Schedule "E". This compares to $74,041,956 for the current year, which is a conservative 1.5% increase. These budget estimates are based on a conservative approach to expenditure projections. Not included in the above estimates are capital costs of new projects to be financed by general obligation bonds and/or special assessments or the share of capital improvement projects attributed to grants. Annual bond payments on -5- major capital projects are reflected as budgeted expenditures in the years these payments are due and over the life of the bond issue. 5. Fund Balances: (See Schedule F) In the City's strategic financial planning and management system, achieving the target fund balances as established for 16 of our 22 budgeted funds remains a critical financial objective. Fund balances are held for multiple purposes. These include, but are not limited to: rainy day or emergency funds to cover revenue shortfalls, large unanticipated expenditures, ongoing cash flows, coverage for variance in budget estimates and preservation of our bond rating. Those funds that do not have designated target fund balances are used primarily for pass-through purposes. In 2013, the target fund balance for the General Fund was increased to $5 million from $3.6 million (expressed in a budgetary accounting basis). The adopted City Budgetary and Financial Policies require that the fund balance target be maintained at 15% to 20% of total annual revenues. The Government Finance Officers Associating (GFOA) recommends that balances be no less than 2 months of operating revenues, which equals 16.7%. That would place the target at a minimum of $5.0 million, which is the recommended target at this time. Once the fund balance becomes healthier, we anticipate increasing it to the 20% threshold. For 2016, the General Fund will remain short of the target; however, significant progress has been made over the last three years. Reaching the newly targeted level will likely be a multi-year process, extending over the next two to three years. Staff will establish an annual amount to increase the fund balance to ensure the overall goal is reached'. The Employee Health Care Fund will be short of the targeted level. Enterprise funds are generally set with a somewhat higher target since they are primarily fee based only and do not have the stability of the property tax in which to rely. Based on the revenue stream in the Water and Wastewater Fund, the recommendation is that the target balance be increased from $3.5 million to $4.0 million for 2016 and beyond. 6. Bond Issues: (a) General Obligation Bonds — For the year 2016, we expect a normal schedule of general obligation (G.O.) bond issuances. In July, we will hold our regularly scheduled bond issue to finance approved capital improvements and special assessment projects. As has been our practice in recent years, we will also review any potential savings that might be realized by refinancing outstanding debt that is eligible. (b) Temporary Notes — Temporary notes are used as an affordable, short-term financing tool until capital projects are completed and can be bundled together for G.O. bond financing. For 2016, temporary notes will likely be used for special assessment projects and the -6- final phase of the Bicentennial Center improvements. As provided for in the capital improvements program, temporary notes for the Bicentennial Center renovation project will be issued with a maturity date in 2018 and rolled into permanent financing at that time. 7. Significant User Charge Issues: (a) Sanitation — We typically recommend a modest, annual increase in Sanitation Fund rates. A 2% increase (from $13.78 $14.06) is proposed for 2016. The Sanitation Fund balance is projected to remain well above its target level at these rates. (b) Solid Waste System — A tipping fee increase from $31.42 to $32.36 per ton is proposed for the City of Salina Solid Waste Disposal Facility. This is equivalent to 3%. Through the use of our Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) initiative, staff has identified significant long-term savings in operations. This is necessary to offset the loss of prior year revenue due to the construction of a new landfill in McPherson County, resulting in our loss of a portion of their solid waste stream. In conjunction with a modest schedule of fee increases, these savings should serve to keep the fund on sound footing through the next five-year period. Other changes have included an application to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) for approval of an amended operational plan and license that will extend landfill cell life and defer closure costs on the three open disposal cells. (c) Golf Course — No specific fee increases are being proposed at this time for the Salina Municipal Golf Course, though a revision of the fee structure may be considered later in the year. While the Golf Fund has performed well to date when compared to recent years, predicting Golf Course financial performance is difficult this early in the playing season. The budget recommendation is to defer the decision on rates until we know more about the 2015 financial performance. Fund balance variances relating to the golf course are due to a combination of factors, including seasonal impacts, regional competition and capital needs. (d) _Emergency Medical Services — Staff is proposing that EMS fees be adjusted at the time we receive notice of Medicare and Blue CrosslBlue Shield rate schedule changes. We can then structure our rates to insure that we receive maximum reimbursement without unnecessarily penalizing those either with other coverage or without any coverage. This will insure that we are able to continue to qualify for maximum reimbursement from third -party payers and minimize the tax assistance provided by Saline County. 90 (e) Water and Wastewater Utilities The decision regarding water service rates is also recommended to be deferred until later in the year when better information is available regarding current year performance. At that time, rate changes for 2016 will be recommended and projected advisory rates developed for the subsequent four-year period. The current rate study projects an average 4.5% rate adjustment for 2016, but will be reviewed and adjusted as needed to balance operation and capital needs, as well as cost impact to our customers. Annual service rates are dependent on operational needs, response to state and/or federal mandates, long-term water planning and water system capital needs. Other fees and charges will also be adjusted slightly, based on our policy to review and adjust charges in small, annual increments. Fee changes are recommended based on anticipated inflationary changes as well as cost of service considerations. Effective dates for rate changes will typically be January 1, 2016. 8. Franchise Fees: The public utility franchise agreements extended to our private gas and electric utility providers provides for a 5% franchise fee. This fee is administered under state law to address the utilization and impacts of these service providers to the City's right-of-way network. Under the terms of the electric utility franchise agreement, the fee may be changed by the City at the close of 2015 without further negotiation. The natural gas franchise fee can also be considered for change, but is subject to negotiation with Kansas Gas Service. If these fees are changed by the City Commission, staff also recommends the same percentage increase be applied to the payment in lieu of franchise fees for the City's water/wastewater enterprise. The proposed budget contemplates the fee increasing to 6%, and a partial year (80%) impact of $800,000 for 2016. The full year, annual estimate of this change is approximately $1 million. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2016 Proposed Capital Improvement Program CIP — Major Projects In addition to annual sub-CIP programs for vehicles, water and sewer lines, major equipment, parks, buildings, computers, etc., the proposed 2016 CIP includes: o Street Maintenance Program: The Gas Tax Program provides $.8 million in funding for contracted street repairs, major and connecting sidewalks, and curb ramps. This is slightly less than the $1.15 million budgeted in 2014 due to the need to replenish the fund balance. Traffic control equipment, curb and gutter replacement and Americans with Disabilities (ADA) ramps are also funded from these funds. -8- o Street Enhancement Program: Continuation of the transportation enhancement initiative that is funded through the A% special' sales tax is once again recommended. This program focuses on major street maintenance and rehabilitation, unpaved streets, entryway/corridor enhancements, traffic controls, sidewalks and other street work. The amount scheduled for 2016 is budgeted at $1.6 million. This is well above the initially targeted level of $1 million per year and is the result of City Commission direction to focus more resources on infrastructure and street improvements. o Waterline Improvements: For waterline improvements, $4 million is scheduled to be financed using revenue bonds. This project is scheduled to replace the oldest and most deteriorated lines within the City. With governing body approval, continuation of this replacement program will likely continue at least through 2018. o Centennial Road Reconstruction from Jumper to the South City Limits: This project provides for the completion of Centennial Road reconstruction through the remaining length of the Airport Industrial Park. This road is listed as an impact street in the Comprehensive Plan. The project will include removal and replacement of existing pavement, addition of curb and gutter, addition of underground storm sewers and 10' sidewalks on one side of Centennial Road. The project cost is anticipated to be $1,400,000. o Clean and Rehabilitate the South Lime Drying Lagoon: This project includes removal and disposal of approximately 180,000 cubic yards of material and repairing 300 feet of damaged retention berm. This lagoon is approaching capacity after having been in service for 33 years. The project cost will be about $1,600,000. Repair of the second lagoon is scheduled in future years, o Replace the Community's Outdoor Weather Warning S stem. The outdoor weather warning system is managed and maintained by the Saline County Emergency Management Department through the emergency operations center. However, the City of Salina owns the warning system and assumes all costs of siren replacement and maintenance. Most of the existing system is very old in need of replacement. The anticipated cost for this project is $500,000. The full Five -Year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is included in another section of this document. The next formal update to the CIP will be completed in late 2015. -9- Operating Capital The City normally budgets for routine replacement of new vehicles, equipment, and building maintenance and repair. Our process has typically been to budget an "allowance" for these activities and then prepare for the City Commission a specific list for approval just prior to the beginning of the budget year. We refer to these operating capital allocation lists as sub-CIP plans. Allowances provided in the 2016 budget for this purpose include the following: o General Fund: For 2016, the General Fund includes $560,000 budgeted for equipment replacements and building maintenance. Of this amount, $200,000 is scheduled for replacement of an ambulance, with reimbursement from Saline County under the terms of our agreement with them. o Special Sales Tax: The 2016 recommended budget allocates $480,000 for major equipment, and building and facilities items that cannot be funded by the General Fund. o Special Parks: For 2016, $244,000 has been allocated for park and recreation facility enhancements, consistent with anticipated revenues from the one-third distribution of state special alcohol tax allocations. o Water and Wastewater: The Water and Wastewater Fund includes a budgetary allowance of $768,000 for building repairs, and vehicles and equipment replacement. In addition, $2 million has been set aside for system enhancements to cover the costs of routine repairs and minor improvements to utility infrastructure. Reserve Funds: Several capital improvement reserve funds have been established over the years to assist with major capital replacement needs. In general, these funds are allocated resources by budgeted transfers from operating funds. They may accumulate fund balances over a number of years. In accordance with Kansas budget law, projects financed by these funds must be authorized, but need not be "budgeted" in the same sense as the rest of the operating budget. These reserve funds are as follows: o Flood and Drainage: This fund was established in response to community flooding in 1996. The purpose of the fund is to construct flood and drainage control systems to minimize the future effects of localized flooding on the community. The City is authorized to levy up to 1 mill in property taxes to finance these projects, but has not done so for several years due to prior year financial constraints. There are no remaining resources available for future drainage projects at this time. Providing additional dedicated resources for this purpose could be done by reinstating the mill levy for this need, by transferring resources from the General Fund or by creating a dedicated revenue source. Staff is currently reviewing the creation of a storm water utility as established by many other comparable communities for this purpose. o EPA Equipment Reserve: This fund was established in regards to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements to provide resources for replacement of equipment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This fund is financed through an annual transfer of $60,302 from the Water and Wastewater Operating Fund. The balance in the fund is currently $116,000. o Water and Wastewater Improvements Fund: This recently established fund is intended to annually provide resources for economic development -related utilities infrastructure needs and to save for major utilities system infrastructure projects. The current balance in the fund is nearly $8.6 million. Budgeted transfers from operations are $4.4 million in 2016. o _Solid Waste Capital Reserve Fund: This fund was established in 2013. The 2015 transfer to the fund is currently scheduled at $600,000. Payments on bond and interest obligations and capital equipment replacement are addressed from this fund. The current balance of the fund is just under $1.8 million. GENERAL PERSONNEL ISSUES 1. Pay Plan — An across-the-board pay plan adjustment has not occurred since 2008. The status of the plan needs to be reviewed and the plan adjusted as necessary. The 2016 budget incorporates an $800,000 salary reserve set aside for this purpose. This amount should address the total cost impact of a 3% pay plan adjustment and allow some limited flexibility to address targeted salary market inequities. It is likely that entry level and maximum salary levels of certain positions are no longer competitive in the marketplace. Staff recommends further review of salaries for these positions, pending local economic conditions and budget performance at mid -year. We will also be looking closely at salaries as a whole over the next few months. 2. Health Insurance — Staff recommends an increase in health premiums for 2016, but is still evaluating the plan costs. The plan did experience adverse experience through 2014, though recent 2015 data indicates these impacts may now be moderating. Provided that experience continues to follow recent trends, this will result in a fund balance of about $1 million at the end of 2015. -11- If our claims are more in line with prior years, the fund balance should be closer to the $1.5 million target. 3. Staffing Issues — The current authorized full-time employment for the City is 473, with 10 classified part-time employees and approximately 350 temporary/seasonal employees utilized throughout the year. Staffing has been reduced from a 2008 staffing of 511 full-time, 10 classified, part- time and 5 regular, part-time personnel. Staffing levels did increase in 2014 largely as a result of creating the Animal Services Division of the Parks and Recreation Department. This function was formed after the dissolution by Saline County of joint health department. In addition, three positions were added to the Police Department as part of department restructuring and a community engagement position was also created at the request of the City Commission. The proposed budget includes an ongoing review and strategic approach to filling positions left vacant through natural attrition, with future openings to be assessed based on service efficiencies and impact. Since mid -2008, total staffing has been reduced by this approach a total of 43.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions, without compromising service quantity or quality. This impact to reduced staffing is a direct result of departmental efficiency efforts and our organization's ongoing continuous process improvement efforts. 4. Other Benefits The City participates in both KPERS (state retirement system for non-public safety personnel) and KP&F (state retirement system for public safety personnel) retirement systems. The rates for 2016 have stabilized with respect to previous years. KPERS will decrease from a rate of 9.48% of salary in 2014 to 9.18% of salary in 2015. KP&F rates will decrease from 23.56% of salary to 22.29% of salary. These rate reductions are estimated to create an overall savings of $75,000 and $40,000 positive impact to the General Fund. AGENCY CONTRACTS AND GRANTS The City has ongoing General Fund operating grant relationships with various local agencies. These include, but are not limited to: the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, Salina Downtown, Inc., Salina Municipal Band, AMBUCS Skyfire, and the Occupational Center for Central Kansas (OCCK). This budget has been prepared assuming no increases in the base funding amounts for these agencies. However, staff is reviewing the budget capacity to address the City Commission's desire to address OCCK's request to fund the local cost portion of the 5t" route for their CityGo, fixed -based transportation program. -12- CONCLUSION Salina is a wonderful community that offers a great quality of life for our residents. We believe that our city government contributes to our community through the provision of quality city services and infrastructure improvements. We also believe that our departments are leading other Kansas communities with regard to finding ongoing, operational efficiencies. Salina citizens have high aspirations for their community and high expectations for local government customer service, performance and efficiency. We strive continually to meet and exceed those expectations. While staff has consistently worked to improve the City's overall financial position, the challenges that 2016 offer will include our ability to balance operational and capital needs, while also continuing to increase the financial capacity of the General Fund. It is for this reason that staff is making budget recommendations that continue to realign our organization to our community's strategic needs and establish a roadmap to future financial stability. Our priorities are governed by the City's Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan and related guidance from the City Commission. Staff continues to remain focused on providing the best value to our citizens with the resources available. The City's efforts do not start and end with approval of the annual budget. The work of effective budgeting and financial management is a year-round activity. The City Commission provides continuing policy direction and the policy framework to the staff at study sessions, regular meetings and workshops. That guidance is used for service priorities and budget formulation. Staff strives to recommend a budget that allows our organization to remain fluid and adaptable to changing goals, needs and circumstances. We believe that efficient management of budgeted programs and projects is essential throughout the year. This proposed, preliminary budget represents the best efforts of staff. It is consistent with the governing body's adopted financial policies and designed to meet its major goals. It is now placed before the governing body for review, discussion, consideration, modification and eventual adoption. Once adopted, your staff will give our best professional effort to implement this budget in an efficient manner and achieve continued organizational success through it. The community of Salina and its municipal government are moving confidently forward. Your staff believes that the proposed 2016 Budget is a major part of what will allow us to continue to progress and prosper as a community. Respectfully submitted, qlas,,M�Ga' ge City Manager -13- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Formulating the annual budget document is a team effort, and the culmination of countless hours of work by numerous City staff members. At the department level, senior managers and staff evaluate their people, program and project needs and goals. They do a thorough and thoughtful job, resulting in reasonable and responsible requests. Finance Director Rod Franz serves a dual role. He is a budget technician, but also a strategic planner as he works with the City Manager on in-depth fiscal analysis and long-range impacts of decisions. In addition, the clerical staff in the Finance Department brings this information all together as a formal document. All team members deserve shared credit for an outstanding end product. -14- General Financial and Budgetary Policies Accounting Auditing, Financial Reporting Policy A. The City will establish and maintain accounting records in such a manner that reports may be issued on a basis consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and statutory requirements. B. The City will maintain a record of fixed assets which identifies all material City assets, except for general infrastructure assets, General Infrastructure assets are assets such as streets and drainage facilities which, if properly maintained, have an indeterminate life. C. The City will contract for an annual audit of City accounting records. The audit shall be conducted in accordance with the Federal Single Audit Act, if required, and shall provide an opinion on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report which shall be prepared on a GAAP basis. D, The City will annually submit documentation to qualify for the Government Finance Officers Association "Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting". E. The City will comply with all financial reporting requirements set forth in Kansas law, F. The City will identify and implement less formal methods than the annual budget document and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to provide important financial data to the citizens of the community. Efforts will be made to provide these "popular reports" via print and electronic media. G. The City Manager will provide the City Commission with a year end summary (unaudited) financial report within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year. Interim updates on financial condition shall also be provided to the City Commission throughout the fiscal year. Capital Improvement Program A. The City shall establish a five-year Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) to guide decision-making on public improvements and expenditures. The C.I.P. provides a mechanism for scheduling public physical improvements over a number of years. it establishes the City's priorities for public projects based on available financial resources and project criteria. B. The C.I.P. shall be updated annually following analysis of year-end financial reports, and prior to the adoption of the City's annual operating budget. Generally, the updated C.I.P. shall be approved by the City Commission by April 10 of each year. C. The City shall use a portion of its annual budgeted revenues for cash capital investments. Mill levy proceeds, sales taxes, user fees or other local revenues may be dedicated for capital improvements. D. The City will maintain its physical assets at a level adequate to protect its capital investment and to minimize future maintenance and replacement costs. The C.I.P. and budget will provide for the major renovation and orderly replacement of buildings, facilities and equipment from current revenues where possible. E. The Capital Improvement Plan shall include an appropriate reserve for contingencies for approved projects. F. City staff, in making C.I.P. recommendations to the City Commission, shall use the following criteria in evaluating projects. 45- Priority consideration will be given to: 1. Capital investment projects which preserve existing infrastructure and maintain basic public services. 2. Capital projects which implement a component of an approved City plan. 3. Projects which specifically replace or renovate an essential, but obsolete, facility. 4, Projects which reduce the cost of operations, maintenance or energy consumption. 5. Projects identified as addressing important public health and safety issues. 6. Projects mandated by the federal or state government. 7. Projects which are funded, in whole or in part, by leveraged or partnership funding, including grants, private funds, etc. G. Certain capital improvement projects lend themselves specifically to public-private partnership, wherein project funding would be derived partially from the City and partially from private donations, dedicated user fees and other non -city sources. Community proponents wishing to initiate such projects should first present a concept plan to the City Commission, including a financial cost-sharing plan for both the initial capital costs, as well as the ongoing cost for operations and maintenance. Generally, the City Commission will consider proposed partnership projects at its regular C.I.P. planning period during the first quarter or each year. If approved by the City Commission, proponents would be encouraged to complete project plans and initiate fund-raising efforts. H. Certain non -infrastructure capital projects may be of such type and scope as to be beyond the financial capacity of the City without additional revenues, and thus may be appropriate for public referendum. Public Referendum projects should fall within the following criteria: 1. Projects not involving public health and safety or basic infrastructure; and. with a capital cost estimate of $750,000 or greater; or, 2. Potentially requiring a significant ongoing City appropriation for operations and maintenance. Proponents of such projects may circulate a petition in accordance with state law, calling for a public referendum on the project and specified funding source. The City Commission shall determine whether the City takes an official position on the issue. If approved by the voters, the project would be completed. 1. The C.I.P. as approved annually, shall contain the following sections,- 1. ections: 1. A listing of preliminarily approved capital projects, including estimated cost and funding source by years, which have undergone review for costs and benefits and have identified funding expected to be available for the project. 2. A separate listing of potential capital projects which require significant additional information, e.g. concept design, feasibility report, cost estimates, funding source analysis, etc. before they can be formally considered for approval and placement in a specific year in the C.I.P. This section shall be titled "Projects For Further Review." 3. A separate listing of projects for which adequate information exists as to planning, estimated costs, benefits, etc. and which the City Commission agrees would be desirable projects for the community in the future, but for which an adequate and appropriate funding mechanism has not yet been determined as available. This section shall be titled "Projects Identified But Unfunded." 4. An identification within any of the "Five -Year," "Further Review," or "Identified But Unfunded" categories of any projects specified as "Partnership Projects" or "Public Referendum Projects." -16- Cash Management eg_ment Polic A. The City will maintain one primary checking account. Other checking accounts may be used when required by: bond covenants; grant programs; or specialized activities such as the recreation activity account, the Bicentennial Center Event account and the Water and Wastewater Petty Cash account. All checking accounts must be approved by the Director of Finance B. Petty cash funds may be established with the approval of the City Commission. C. All checking and petty cash funds shall be balanced monthly. Reconciliations shall be maintained for review by the independent auditors on an annual or surprise basis. D. The City will establish and maintain an investment policy. This policy shall set guidelines on safety, liquidity, maturities, allowed investments, diversification, safekeeping, and other such issues. Debt Management Policy A. The City will confine long-term borrowing to capital improvements which have an extended service life to the community. B. The City will use short-term debt (up to four years maturity) for bond anticipation purposes, or for the purposes of financing Capital Improvements for which it is not practicable to rely on cash financing, and for which long term bonds are not deemed to be appropriate. C. The City will follow a policy of full disclosure on every financial report and Preliminary or Official Statement used to evaluate the City's financial condition for bond rating or investment purposes. D. General Obligation debt may be used for enterprise activities, providing the specific enterprise fund makes the debt service payments on the bonds. E. General Obligation Bonds (City at -large portion) will normally be issued with a maturity not to exceed 10 years. The City Commission may designate specific projects in the Capital Improvements Program for extended financing periods, not to exceed 15 years, due to the size, scope, life, or developmental impact of the project. The District portion for Special Assessment Bonds may not exceed 15 years. Revenue Bonds, or GO bonds for which enterprise revenue has been pledged, will be issued with a maturity not to exceed 20 years. F. General Obligation Bonds shall be issued with approximately level principal payments. Revenue Bonds shall be issued with approximately level debt service payments. G. The City will apply for a bond rating from Moody's Investors Service for every bond issue, and make all reasonable efforts necessary to maintain the City's bond ratings and seek upgrades when financial conditions merit. -17- Fund Balance A. The City recognizes the need to maintain appropriate fund balances to: secure and maintain investment-grade credit ratings; meet seasonal requirements in cash flow; and, reduce susceptibility to negative impacts from emergency or unanticipated expenditures or to revenue shortfalls. B, To meet these requirements, the City will adopt budgets which provide for an undesignated fund balance reserve in each of the City's budgeted funds, in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. General Fund — A fund balance reserve of not less than 15% nor more than 20% of anticipated current year revenues for the fund. 2. Employee Benefits Fund — A fund balance reserve of not less than 10% nor more than 20% of anticipated current year revenues for the fund. 3. Bond and Interest Fund —A fund balance of not less than 10% nor more than 15% of the anticipated General Obligation debt bond and interest payments for the upcoming budget year, including any special assessment -paid debt, but excluding debt planned for repayment by enterprise funding or other City funds. 4. Other Budgeted Funds — Fund balance reserves shall be planned for and maintained as needed, based on the volatility and reliability of the revenue mix for the fund, as well as the predictability and degree to which expenditures in the fund are controllable. C. In June of each year, prior to the presentation of the proposed budget, the City Manager shall recommend to the City Commission specific fund balance targets for each budgeted fund, based on guidelines established above. Upon acceptance by the City Commission, those targets shall be used in the upcoming budget planning, as well as financial reporting for the next year. D. Fund balance reserves shall generally be shown as appropriations in the City budget, but shall be designated separately in the budget and staff financial reports. E. The City Manager shall provide the City Commission with a year-end fund balance reserve report within 60 days following the end of the fiscal year. This preliminary report shall provide results for each budgeted fund compared to its established fund balance target, as well as staff analysis of revenue or expenditure occurrences accounting for any variance. If a fund balance at year-end has failed to meet its established target, the City Manager shall prepare and recommend a plan designed to address the shortfall. If a fund balance at year-end exceeds the established target, as well as the current budget estimate, the City Commission may consider use of the unanticipated available funds in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. General Fund —Uses One-time expenditures which do not substantially increase recurring operating costs. Newly identified or previously unfunded capital improvement projects, considered in light of the full capital improvement program. Shifting of capital projects from bond financing to cash financing, to reduce future debt service costs. Start-up expenditures for new programs undertaken at mid -year, provided that such action is considered in the context of revenue expectations and expenditure obligations in future budget years. 2. Bond and Interest Fund If the year-end Bond and Interest Fund balances exceed the target as well as current budget estimates, the allocation of mill levy/property tax to that fund shall be adjusted for the next budget year to bring the fund balance reserves in line with the established targets. -t8- 3. Other Budgeted Funds If the year-end fund balances in any fund exceed the target fund balance and current budget estimate, the City Manager shall provide analysis and impact evaluation of that situation. The City Commission will take into account any unanticipated available funds when considering capital purchases, one-time program needs, or setting of user fees. Investment Poles A. Scope This investment policy applies to the investment activities of the City of Salina for all of the funds entrusted to its care, including bond proceeds and building funds, B. Objectives 1. Safety of principal. The first objective for each investment transaction is to insure that capital losses are avoided. 2. The City of Salina's cash management portfolio shall be designed with the objective of regularly exceeding the State Investment Rate for Q —89 days, or for 3 months, whichever is higher. These indices reflect the fed funds rate, and the 3 month treasury securities yield, and are considered benchmarks for risk free investment transactions, and therefore comprise a minimum standard for the portfolio's return. The investment program shall seek to achieve returns above this threshold, consistent with risk limitations identified herein and prudent investment principles. All investments shall me made in accordance with State Law. 4. The investment portfolio is subject to public review and evaluation. The overall program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism worthy of the public trust. The governing body, however, recognizes that in a diversified portfolio occasional accounting losses from the sale of a security are possible, and must be considered within the context of the overall portfolio's investment safety and return. C. Delegation of Authority Management responsibility for the investment program is hereby delegated to the Director of Finance and Administration, who shall establish written procedures for the operation of the investment program, consistent with this investment policy, and subject to the approval of the City Manager. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority, where appropriate, to persons responsible for the investment transactions. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the Director of Finance and Administration. The Director of Finance and Administration shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials. D. Prudence The standard of prudence to be used by investment officials shall be the "prudent person" and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Investment officers acting in accordance with written procedures and exercising due diligence shall be relieve of personal responsibility for an individual securities credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to avoid adverse developments. E. Internal Controls The Director of Finance and Administration shall establish a system of internal controls with respect to investment activities. Such internal controls shall be documented in writing. The internal controls shall be reviewed with the Independent auditor. The controls shall be designed to provide reasonable assurances against losses of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, misrepresentation by third parties, unanticipated changes in financial markets, or imprudent actions by employees and officers of the City of Salina. Internal controls shall be so designed as to achieve the above listed objectives without being unduly burdensome on the organization. F. Allowed Investments The Director of Finance and Administration may invest in any investment allowed under Kansas Law applicable to the City of Salina at the time the investment is made. These include, as of the effective date of the policy, the following: 1. N.O.W. accounts, Pass book savings accounts, money market accounts in designated Depository Banks. 2. Temporary Notes or no -fund warrants issued by the City of Salina.- 3. alina;3. Certificates of Deposit in banks, savings banks, and savings and loans organized under the laws of the United States or incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas, having a main office within the State of Kansas, and which have main or branch offices located within the City of Salina. 4. In United States Treasury bills or notes 5. In the Municipal Investment Pool 6. Repurchase agreements 7, Expanded Powers: In the event that the City of Salina applies for and receives authority to invest under KSA 12- 1677b (the "expanded powers" statute), investments may also include direct obligations of, or obligations that are insured as to principal and interest by the United States of America or any agency thereof; and obligations and securities of United states sponsored enterprises which may be accepted as security for public funds; excluding mortgage backed securities. The Director of Finance and Administration shall maintain a list of securities authorized under this section G. Maturities Assets of the City of Salina may be invested in instruments whose maturities do not exceed two years, provided that in the event authority to invest under KSA 12-1677b is granted, the maximum maturity shall be 4 years. Investment maturities shall be scheduled on a laddered basis in a manner as to coincide with projected cash flow needs. H. Risk and Diversification The goal of diversification is to reduce the extent of losses due to having an unbalanced portfolio in terms of maturities, instrument type, and issuers. Therefore, portfolio maturities shall be staggered to avoid undue concentration of assets in a specific maturity sector. Liquidity, free of market risk, shall be assured through practices insuring that the next disbursement date and payroll date are covered through maturing investments, marketable U.S. Treasury Bills, the Daily Municipal Investment Pool, or money market accounts. Default risk shall be minimized by requiring that all security purchases occur on a delivery vs. payment basis, and that all securities are adequately collateralized. Risk of market price volatility shall be controlled through the adoption of a "buy and hold" strategy whereby the City holds each investment to maturity, coupled with maintenance of an adequate liquidity position to insure the ability to meet normal anticipated cash flow needs. When advantageous, it is allowable to sell investments to realize a gain due to price fluctuations; however, such transactions shall not be a part of the normal course of business. The City of Salina recognizes that investment risks can result from issuer defaults, market price changes or various technical complications leading to temporary illiquidity. Portfolio diversification is employed as a way to control risk due to issuer default. In the event of a default by a specific issuer, the -20- Director of Finance and Administration shall review, and, if appropriate, proceed to liquidate securities having comparable credit risks. Collateralization, Safekeeping, and Custody 1. Deposits and Re -purchase Agreements Collateralization shall be required on all deposits and repurchase agreements. Collateral pledged must meet state statute requirements, and must be held by the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Home Loan Bank in Topeka, or by a third party custodian pursuant to an adopted tripartite custody agreement. The City of Salina shall enter into a Security Agreement for Deposits with the depository bank for all deposits. The city will receive a deposit advice for the pledged securities from the Federal Reserve Bank, or a joint custody receipt from the third party custodian. The maximum Federal Insurance provided for account customers can be considered a part of the institutions pledged collateral. Collateralization shall be maintained at 100% of the market value of principal and accrued interest at all times, including peak periods. At the end of each month, the depository bank will provide the market value of each pledged security to the City. In the event a third party custodian is used, such custodian shall not have an ownership relationship or affiliation with the depository bank. Pledged collateral shall not be released until an acceptable repledging of collateral is made by the depository bank and confirmed to the Director of Finance and Administration or their designee in the event of a transfer of collateral. 2. Investments (Treasury Securities, Agency Securities) Collateralization of investments shall be by the actual investment instrument. All securities owned by the City of Salina must be perfected in the name of the City of Salina, and held by the City or its authorized safekeeping agent. All investments of the City of Salina shall be confirmed and safekeeping receipts identifying the investment security shall be issued as required by this policy. The City will enter into a safekeeping agreement with a safekeeping agent whereby all investments are held in the City's account in the City's name by the safekeeping agent. By state statute, all Municipal Investment Pool accounts shall be exempt from providing safekeeping receipts or written confirmation. The Director of finance or designee may receive verbal confirmation by phone following Municipal Investment Pool guidelines. J. Interest Earnings The Director of Finance and Administration will designate which funds are to receive interest earnings. Interest earnings will be credited to those funds based on the average of the balance on the first day of the month and the cash balance on the last day of the month. This distribution may be manually adjusted if, in the Director's judgment, there are obvious interfund inequities. K. Authorized Depositories, Institutions, and Broker/Dealers Kansas State Law provides that City funds may be deposited (in checking, money market accounts, certificates of deposit and other similar "deposits") in those institutions designated by resolution as an authorized depository. This is further limited by the requirement that funds may not be deposited in institutions that do not have a "main" office within the State of Kansas unless satisfactory arrangements cannot be negotiated with an institution with a main office within the State of Kansas. This limitation does not apply to the purchase of investments such as treasury and agency securities. Investment services, consisting of the purchase of treasury securities, agency securities, or other investments as may be permitted shall be limited to the following: 1. Any State or Nationally Chartered Bank authorized as a depository, whether or not said institution has a "main" office within the State of Kansas, and; 2, The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Missouri _21_ 3. Primary Government securities Dealers which report to the market report division of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 4. Broker -Dealers who are registered in compliance with the requirements of section 15C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and registered pursuant to K. S. A. 17-1254. The Director of Administration and Finance may establish additional information requirements as deemed necessary to assure the safety of the City's investments, and shall maintain a list of financial institutions and broker dealers who have been qualified to provide services to the City of Salina. L. Bank Services Periodically, as deemed necessary, The City of Salina may invite proposals from financial institutions located within the City, for the purpose of providing comprehensive bank services, including checking and money market accounts, safekeeping as well as other services as may be deemed necessary. The participating institutions will be evaluated with procedures established by the Director of Administration and Finance in conjunction with other City administrative staff. M. Reporting and Evaluation At the end of each calendar quarter, the Director of Finance and Administration shall prepare and submit to the City Manager a report outlining the quarter's investment activity. Such report shall contain sufficient information to evaluate the performance of the investment program and verify that investment officials have acted in accordance with the investment policy and written investment procedures. WNS Operating Budc iet A. In accordance with State Law, the City Manager shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual City budget. A proposed budget for the following fiscal year (beginning January 1) shall be submitted for City Commission review and discussion on or before July 10 each year, along with a calendar for timely consideration and approval of the budget by August 15, as required by State Law. B. The budget must be balanced for all budgeted funds. Total anticipated revenues plus the portion of anticipated reserves in excess of the established fund balance target (or in accordance with a fund balance target plan), must equal total estimated expenditures. C. Budgeted funds include the following: General Fund Special Revenue Funds: Special Sales Tax Capital Special Sales Tax Economic Development Flood and Drainage Arts and Humanities Fair Housing Business Improvement District No. 1 Tourism and Convention Neighborhood Park Service Special Parks and Recreation Special Alcohol Special Gas Tax Bicentennial Center Bond and Interest Fund Internal Service Funds: Worker's Compensation Reserve Health Insurance Central Garage Enterprise Funds: Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water and Wastewater D. Funds may be added to or removed from the budget as requirements change. In general, any continuing operations of the City shall be accounted for through budgeted funds. Non -budgeted funds are used for construction projects authorized through the issuance of debt, for trust and agency activities, for activities funded by State and Federal Grants that are not of a continuing nature, and for special purpose reserve funds. Unless otherwise provided in authorizing legislation, expenditures from special purpose reserve funds shall not be made unless there are no other resources available to accomplish the desired task. Should resources from special purpose reserve funds be required, any such expenditure shall be processed through a budgeted fund. -23- E. All budgets will be adopted on a cash basis as modified to include as expenditures for the fiscal year: expenditures incurred but not paid; and purchase commitments. Revenues will be recognized at the time payment is received, whether or not it was billed or due in another period. F. All appropriations lapse at year-end except for encumbered appropriations, which are carried forward into the next fiscal year as reservations of fund balance. G. The budget shall be adopted at the fund level. Expenditures may not exceed the fund's budget without approval from the City Commission. When appropriate, the budget for a fund may be republished to reflect changes deemed necessary and appropriate by the City Commission. H. Department budgets will also be specified during the annual budget. The City Manager may authorize transfers of authorizations between departments within the same fund and transfers of authorizations between line items within a department. I. The City will include an amount in the general fund budget (i.e., a line item for contingencies) for unforeseen operating expenditures. The amount of the contingency will be no more than 2% of the operating budget. J. The budget will provide for adequate maintenance of capital equipment and facilities and for their orderly replacement, in conjunction with the adopted multi-year Capital Improvements Program, K. The City will maintain a budgetary control system to monitor compliance with the budget. L. Enterprise funds shall be self-supporting. Internal Service funds shall be self-supporting to the greatest extent practicable. However, the City Commission may authorize transfers from other funds as they deem necessary for Internal Service operations. M. It shall be a goal of the City of Salina to reduce reliance on ad -valorem property taxes in the funding of city services. Revenue Polic A. The City will follow an aggressive policy of collecting all revenues properly owed to the city government. B. The City will review user fees/charges annually, and the City Manager shall make recommendations for any adjustments on the basis of that review. C. The City will try to maintain a diversified and stable revenue system to shelter it from short -run fluctuations in any one revenue source. The revenue mix should combine elastic and inelastic revenue sources to minimize the effect of an economic downturn. D. The City will set fees and user charges for each Enterprise Fund, at a level which fully supports the total direct and indirect cost of the activity. The City Enterprise operations include: Water and Wastewater; Solid Waste (Landfill); Sanitation (trash collection); and Golf Course. E. Recognizing that the public good may be better served by setting some fees at less than 100% of an activity's cost, fees and user charges for certain non -enterprise city services and programs may be set a level which only provide partial user fee funding of activity costs. -24- City of Salina CITIZENS CITY COMMISSION Jon Blanchard, Mayor Kaye J. Crawford Kart Ryan Trent Davis Randall Hardy City Manager Jason Gage Municipal Court I Risk Management Development Services I Cary Hobbie Building Services Neighborhood Services Planning & Zoning Parks & Recreation I Dion Louthan Parks Division Recreation Division Golf Course Facility Maintenance Animal Services Bicentennial Center Computer Technology Public Works ngineering Public Services Streets Traffic Control Flood Control Sanitation Solid Waste Central Garage Deputy City Manager I Michael Schrage j4Utili ties artha Tasker Water Plant Division Wastewater Plant Division Utility Division Water Distribution Wastewater Collection Community Relations Gina McDPnald Human Relations Community Engagement Legal Services Mize & Linville Chartered* * Contract Position -25- Arts & Humanities Brad Anderson Smoky Hill Museum Human Resources Continuous Process improvement Bryon Johnson FinancefAdministration Fire Police Rod Franz Calvin Kelsey Brad Nelson City Clerk Fire Administration Administration Water Customer Fire Suppression Patrol Division Accounting Fire Prevention Support Division Finance EMS Investigative Division * Contract Position -25- Arts & Humanities Brad Anderson Smoky Hill Museum Human Resources -26- N � ; r E — Q1 2- CL 2 E M' u s __ J r I i I _27_ Z) M G c u W W � o o P v ITI45 U d it U iw r r IN 7 im -28- ra id Al -29- t F CD v i bk u r A id 5 36 0 0 U 0 -30- r-3 C9 I i t4 z z �r� Lyl q) .q I m Z 9 -- -a - C9 I i t4 Lyl q) .q I Z 9 -- -a - -31- z H U O � � y U UUmU U „Q v c ,✓ o vi 1 oz C'o � U Q UU�Cd� d -31- z i { m I� L) 10 �c 1 0 I� s� .E 10 a a 0 E �It �CL m ❑ .Q � . � �c -32- % » \ ) ® \ ) S_I . _£y . - £ / $\> w / 0\ \cp cc \ \ o L) -! �t §1.0 V) on /2 _tm§§ 2 2 £�o e § C)»@ {!/ / k � ---------------------------------) c � 4. % d ) /■ 2 a 5 f ;_ Q \a } /O }\ / ]tm2 ]\ ; in a \/ kk \ LL at R !{e 6 \)j kd ( ; |{�� �\ 72 225 |� \ n ! c k f) { # \ \ [ \ 7 �] [/ ° ) \ _ — o LL / § LL} UJ § \ \ `\ \ \ \ w {)� j\ Q;/ CL 0 ) k1 �cy u �. 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O O co N =O C '00 U' G� Cl U A L L 0 C L t U? (n C rLot) cz O O O O (� o L)CL-Uo-� U -39- Mill Levies By Taxing District Within Salina City Limits Schedule B City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Budget -40- 12/21/2015 2011 Levy 2012 Levy 2013 Levy 2014 Levy 2015 Levy TAXING UNIT For 2012 For 2013 For 2014 For 2015 For 2016 ----------------------------- USD 305/STATE ED. LEVY ----------- 58.820 ----------- 58.649 ----------- 58.116 ----------- 55.605 ----------- 56.291 CITY OF SALINA 26.272 26.190 26.927 27.080 27.451 SALINE COUNTY 32.576 34.823 37.895 38.047 38.425 EXTENSION COUNCIL 1.190 1.176 1.176 1.285 1.507 LIBRARY 5.292 5.452 5.761 6.034 5.925 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 4.007 4.007 4.504 4.486 4.396 STATE OF KANSAS 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 TOTAL TAX LEVY 129.657 131.797 135.879 134.037 135.495 2011 Levy 2012.Levy 2013 Levy 2014 Levy 2015 Levy TAXING UNIT For 2012 For 2013 For 2014 For 2015 For 2016 ------------------------- USD 305 ----------- 45.37% ----------- 44.50% ----------- 42.77% ........... 41.48% ----------- 41.54% CITY OF SALINA 20.26% 19.87% 19.82% 20.20% 20.26% SALINE COUNTY 25.12% 26.42% 27.89% 28.39% 28.36% EXTENSION COUNCIL 0.92% 0.89% 0.87% 0.96% 1.11% LIBRARY 4.08% 4.14% 4.24% 4.50% 4.37% SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY 3.09% 3.04% 3.31% 3.35% 3.24% STATE OF KANSAS 1.16%n 1.14% 1.10% 1.12% 1.11% TOTAL TAX LEVY ------------ 100.00% ------------ 100.00% ------------ 100.00% ------------ 100.00% ........ ---- 100.00% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 ASSESSED VALUATION (000-S) ------------ $402,355 ------------ $403,850 ------------ $405,107 ------------ $407,875 ------------ $410,564 Percent Growth From Previous Year 0.53% 0.37% 0.31% 0.68% 0.66% City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Budget -40- 12/21/2015 U N N O' N O d w 0 0 0 DON 00 CD -OM d WN O M d O O W O 0 O h d M&n m st 40 W O N r 0 cri C. w O O �� O N O N N LLIJ d d N i m 0 O to ; tfy r O M 0 0 C. m Ln N h d 0 O O r N r O M CO N N N O d tfO N N C 01 r d O N d 0 C II O S N N R r N Z) , d' h Lf) ; N O i M CO ; N v CO N O O d m I« O r O 0 m h W N 00 GI N IN h r a, 00 t0 N d m O h O Lf) O N d N Y7 r m r OO 00 M L to N O d m O M 'It fV LL l6 S d co ; M a '- ri t0 i o O a r U7 d k9 M N 00 � r to to V/ to to r ti r M d r r O N Ln w 603,69 b► to to to trs to 'ti N CO d IF V� r +++ Ui I w as LO w to 42 w vi u7 itt Q 0 H , O1 O 00 N O O m r d 00 O M M h O Q1 co r to U-1 00 O h d O O m r Hi O h t0 i 00 49 t0 11 O O a tNff r N O O M OO tc c h Of O1 to � M [I lO t0 II y j i t 1I7 [ h T m N Q7 M d M t0 to 00 M M 00 d O i0 h S O O 11 Ot`O') N ; tMo , h � 61A r lA co Vt fA V3 m r to to CI O r h yy fA VY w � 4.1"4 w ; N N II ? ; NY CO 1 tf► Wi V V3 �► ' o 40 CDop o 0 C. 0 N o 0 0 0 0 oII ommoh CD In C, 01 O o mom u o meta O ; 1fi O to y M O' M 'D C N O ` N C O O C y N 0 IY1 O p m O O 1f) O O I N O N II S C O tV O S N p p O h W to h h to N tf7 00 an* to O N N O N d N r m 00 O C) 04 00 II d I II 't V I to O M d r t17 w d l� h V! to 40 d 69 N tR ' d ` N 00 r II y i N i 6�t 4fl ' to to to 6'i to W dq 69 C L ~ Il 0 !I CD M Ol ' N 0 c. Oo N O ti to 0 O O tt) N to O tT 69 t0 O fH W' O � N i 4M7 h 0 0 O tO N W to O Q O 0 0 O O V O 00 t0 t17 O>' 1% a II II ce Go .d, t9 7 ' M p M N 00 M CO p N N Od0 W h co d 1A d d t O� tq d to Vi Vi u'1 � i to t0 !I O II cn d7 II r II O' 07 N ; M M d V3 d W rta � r N N C to tR ti 1- II II h h V , to r •= d i � � FA 6A <fl N to 40) L4 UM? 4d9 O i O O O O O N h 0 0 P O 0 0 O O O P O O O N tO p r p 0 O S N t" ti m to m OO O cool r i 07 00 O p O O tf7 t0 0 0 O O O h O m tf1 L M O Nr N MM Oh htn it i t• h fl r II a d i rO'1 tf1 ; 00 N to CIF 613, dd m tb EA to tf� 40 to to to dtA tR 4A � tR fA up 4.9N d V' 11 II ; fV v II II sU S W � Vi r II II C (D Q i d it O M -2-i! IA O t5) co Pw i 00 00 O O h O O O O O LO 0 0 OO Ln O [ T d' II ; Vi T 11 Lq C C) tf) O '_ N d M O O m O O h r to N d r ; m m 11 � 11 II QI M LO 000 N N O d 1!) I,R N N 6'-'6 tO0 YO! II ; LO N II 11 16 Q a= h w w N -0y, ; to r Mg. In w U 000 0 o O o II II S hMh ii to C� 0 y C. ; O p O h O 0 O O O d y d; M i M sb ao h 00 r r jj II C C cq N 3 m S > yr w O ar S C>00 C) II 0y it I o u'1 O X S O ; O O = S O , O N M C') [ O O II Il d I , urk 40 it 11 to i to to � 4 S Ito II ` II , h N• h p O O to h f !! II i 0 ; O V) N ; wj ' M 1f) N h h O Of II M II i h h II N II 42) K m ; at M M ; 0o OH ll W @ ; N + [ M ~ M tf# d r r 'R 60 I r r 6 to w ' anon d i Owim N LO N Od0 ' fv h II N II 5+ I M ~ C� 06 CCTIR 00 00 ' 00 II w Il m II 6 i I{ II U 3 d M ; N M S m N N CO i N yrg O CL to to r _ N_ O N 0) @ G C d N 3 m M o N N c a d d a W a CL d CL d } m C d a ;a, d '� D a IL oa x d 0 Q u d M m U d d y c z d x a� E ao a u) 1 m d' U 3 3 3 n w O� rnd LI. i .d+ H U W 3 U L N C N Eo on fa a im :3N U7 C K K= y a Q �' C 3 C N C y O atf O t6 to 9 N N O d O '« O ad > m v Yy _C7�wc1A C0 U ao ad N O 0 OV mdym moZ- r�N l-aV (D no UUtAN 0) (n -41- Key Revenues For the 2016 Budget SCHEDULE D Item 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Revised 2016 Budget Property Taxes General Fund $ 8,055,673 $ 7,840,249 $ 8,109,046 $ 8,122,487 $ 8,139,579 Bond and Interest $ 2,355,627 $ 2,302,819 $ 2,522,111 $ 2,726,506 $ 3,003,084 Total Property Taxes $ 10,411,300 $ 10,143,068 $ 10,631,157 $ 10,848,993 $ 11,142,663 Delinquent Taxes General Fund $ 167,378 $ 189,732 $ 179,829 $ 177,337 $ 177,337 Bond and Interest $ 77,709 $ 58,452 $ 55,984 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 Total Del. Property Tax $ 245,087 $ 248,184 $ 235,813 $ 232,337 $ 232,337 Vehicle Taxes General Fund $ 862,318 $ 918,280 $ 962,452 $ 903,833 $ 953,439 Bond and Interest $ 292,127 $ 279,234 $ 282,567 $ 279,408 $ 320,345 Total Vehicle Tax $ 1,154,445 $ 1,197,514 $ 1,245,019 $ 1,183,241 $ 1,273,784 Sales Taxes County Sales Tax $ 6,924,075 $ 6,932,832 $ 7,133,379 $ 7,450,000 $ 7,675,000 City Sales Tax $ 5,241,205 $ 5,326,724 $ 5,555,601 $ 5,825,000 $ 6,000,000 Capital Improvement $ 3,763,045 $ 3,882,314 $ 4,113,828 $ 4,250,000 $ 4,377,500 Economic development $ 317,297 $ 327,575 $ 347,225 $ 317,744 $ 327,276 Total Sales Taxes $ 15,928,325 $ 16,141,870 $ 16,802,808 $ 17,525,000 $18,052,500 Franchise Fees Gas $ 914,356 $ 1,098,838 $ 1,138,118 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,200,000 Electric $ 2,745,686 $ 2,804,878 $ 3,074,617 $ 3,100,000 $ 3,720,000 Telephone $ 136,312 $ 140,648 $ 123,824 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 Cable $ 320,491 $ 344,913 $ 348,943 $ 660,000 $ 550,000 Solid Waste Host Fee $ 117,500 $ 120,000 $ 114,752 $ 100,000 $ 120,000 Water/Wastewater $ 940,255 $ 875,000 $ 1,050,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,200,000 Total Franchise $ 5,174,600 $ 5,384,277 $ 5,850,254 $ 6,080,000 $ 6,910,000 EMS Fees EMS BC/BS $ 230,982 $ 262,422 $ 305,106 $ 375,000 $ 386,250 EMS Medicare $ 583,794 $ 667,747 $ 848,010 $ 875,000 $ 901,250 EMS Medicaid $ 55,655 $ 91,500 $ 107,355 $ 110,000 $ 113,300 EMS OTher $ 341,666 $ 278,794 $ 306,786 $ 345,000 $ 362,250 EMS Individual $ 127,919 $ 115,642 $ 142,393 $ 115,000 $ 118,450 EMS Collection Agency $ 84,025 $ 76,132 $ 60,022 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 Total EMSCh-g $ 1,424,041 $ 1,492,237 $ 1,769,672 $ 1,890,000 $ 1,951,500 Other Public Safety Revenues County EMS $ 894,492 $ 1,037,353 $ 877,163 $ 894,759 $ 995,000 Fire Protection Fees $ 186,733 $ 235,928 $ 165,755 $ 220,959 $ 200,000 Court $ 1,656,481 $ 1,721,071 $ 1,554,950 $ 1,550,000 $ 1,550,000 Building Permits and Inspection $ 362,319 $ 374,944 $ 270,589 $ 335,000 $ 350,000 Total Other Public Safety $ 3,100,025 $ 3,369,296 $ 2,868,457 $ 3,000,718 $ 3,095,000 City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Budget _42_ 12/22/2015 Key Revenues For the 2016 Budget SCHEDULE D Item 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Revised 2016 Budget Intergovernmental !State $ 462,003 $ 478,93$ $ 517,929 495000 540000 Liquor Tax All Funds $ 1,374,319$ 1,341,051 $ 1,388,637 $ 1,432,730 $ 1,373,070 Gas Tax $ 1,836,322 $ 1,819,989 $ 1,906,566 $ 1,927,730 $ 1,913,070 Total Intergovernmental Recreation and cultural Revenues $ 479, 990 $ 474,515 $ 413,404 $ 413,900 $ 429,600 Recreation Fees, Exc. Activity Fund $ - $ 198,684 $ 265,000 $ 222,000 Animal Shelter Fees $ $ 515,052 $ 729 411,0 $ 446,027 $ 450,00 $ 455,OQ0 Aquatic Center Fees $ 97,971 $ 148,417 $ 120, 401 $ 97,000 $ 137,000 Recreation Activity Fund $ 241,383 $ - $ - $ - $ - 13i -Center Fees $ 1,376,312 $ 1,407,406 $ 1,417,582 $ 1,420,000 $ 1,420,00 Transient Guest Tax Humanities fees, Including River Festiva $ 361,762 $ 344,872 $ 353,555 $ 370,350 $ 370,350 Arts and $ 3,072,470 $ 2,786,939 $ 2,949,653 $ 3,016,250 $ 3,033,950 Total Recreation and Cultural Revenue Other Revenues: $ 100,623 $ 34,290 $ 34,290 $ 40 000 $ 40,000 County EDP Charges $ 305,965 $ 277,168 $ 201,315 $ 250,000 $ 150,000 Street Cuts $ 98,745 $ 68,876 $ 72,732 $ 96,208 $ 96,208 Interest 1,595,986 1,663,774 $ 1,809,992 $ 1,655,000 $ 1,555,000 Special Assessments $ 2,101,319 $ 2,044,108 $ 2,118,329 $ 2,041,208 $ 1,841,208 Total Other Revenues: Enterprise Fees: $ 2,455,085 $ 2,472,749 $ 2,536,795 $ 2,500,000 $ 2,550,00 Sanitation Fees $ 3,098,806 $ 3,155,785 $ 2,595,475 $ 2,007,000 $ 2,047,6$7 Solid waste $ 756,938 $ 695,429 $ 858,823 $ 834,500 $ 888,750 Golf Course $ 10,415,088 $ 9,229,090 $ 9,756,350 $ 10,986,680 $11,315,000 Water Sales $ 8,127,311 $ 8,087,117 $ 8,327,241 $ 8,656,120 $ 8,915,000 Sewer Fees $ 24,853,22$ $ 23,640,170 $ 24,07 684 $ 24� 9$4,300 $ 25,716,437 TotalEnter rise Fees $ 69,301,162 $ 68,267,652 $ 70,452,412 $ 72,729,777 $75$ 1 Total All Key Revenues City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Budget -43- 12/22/2015 U N O N (A e} to C 0 0 0 N w 0 w mIt W N O M't O 0_ 1 to 14 N (D r 00 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 h V 0) W)W �� CO N � to O 1(/ LO N A IT N O O r N r O M♦ c 0'1 N W O to N N N uJ ' hto i N e!CON 00't C01•w 0 r O O toff 0 V'N V A LLJ 0 s M CO ' N i d CO i M 00 N00 a) N N h 00 to 0 of r to q Vi M N 00 47 r N It tD O 0 r 00_ CO h O LO 11] dt M M 1n to O 7 r H 1 M i 0 tt'1 T VI V1 r to to to r A r w M 60 T O t4oLn 4 V3 6q V) 69 N V1 to 4A VVi M r ) FA n to�V) fo U) Co O tb co O to Cl O to A 00 It O v M to Ntf) 'I p i V to O h N O 0 O Cfa! N cD co oc n I t+O1 i N a M O M 1- O A M O O O DD O Q O 7 V t(� O a O iim A to O O M w to M A r O A � 0 a- a i b Ngo W 4Ul)A V) 6p �6h4N Vi to�N 0�/ . ! 4o�VT r ' h i V) V) IA 6 f14 V) lh� N , N O O O O tq O 00 O O 0' h O O to O 01 O A 0 O w O O O � h s' d1 O7 ►L.A O M tc C0 47 M O M . O N t i CCi W tD N r t7 00 O M O O N W 1 o O 00 4A M M N r rm Tan cm N: 0 00 t' j� Q M i M N N O to IA r r 4A W. :9 M N V) N b to 40 V) V) V4 V) E0 TIA L ro °r° 1 a m = v Ln o tQln C S7 4y ' MlD r � Yi M 0 W i Oct r; toci (D (D r of h M ' a y a i N i N 0 ' 0 0 to 6q N 40 CO A r�r CO, r-- 40 r w V) A N a ' j 69 4A V) 1 to — m w Vf + N b r Vr b b 0 N N M 0 b O A 0 w 0 0 to to d O N' N It 117 i17t 0o O t71 O T O M W ttT O Co t1O A LR CO M tO QI N r b W tD 0 M A tD O r V to v t- A' A 0 OD O O r A i 0 O N N' A b 00 i co N 00 h O 00 V h O m A It m b N Ol 117 W0 N In O 00 N w tD N D> A ' -f r A 0 A M T i O ' 'a V C i 14) tD r Im Cl) C7 w A IR N N M 117 to to ER EA 44 T V) to �r to to V! V) 6 r M M A -Ct b 4A CO V a i N tD Ol M 4A M N to 40 U4 V4 40 to a r- C to V* Vi Vi LU7 'a r O O N M 0 0 O O W) 0 0 00 N a , M M m 0 O M It O O b N O O O d ; CL N N co O 07 N O O M O ih O M A r to ' w N O qzr V -0 CD r M N h to ; 00 LU ... 0 O N %t N O 4 40 N N N M M V V) a) X 0 O 4A 4q 00 4iN 00 �'-j f/► 40 60 to - M N N 1 N N p () i O i In r N W) LOO M T a a N' u7 00 0' un U 10 N I w w roi 7. y v) ui LL ro n ' 6Oq L ¢ v N o b A o O o o b to A o � CO � 00 _o O O tf7 O In O N r tD O N O �' r tff to � a 00 -p L C ro 0i r . r M ' M O A f1i Vi 00 N O O 00 w O 00 h CD 00 C O L OI Ln 00 00 of a N 0 r r V) N N N N ' w D LO 0? Ir M rMI# Il'f ITIt V) MFRM MN � r @ 0) L6 4f1 V)A N Tr t0 40 fA 6q V), 44 to 40 4.19. 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V n 0� W 0 cc O 0 0 W m m 0 w CCL t6 w qty Urnrn I— o_ 0 c tn(h in—ZtntnNmLLw3: -44- U LL LU J D 0 LU 2 U N U C N tp m C 7 LL 'd N C r M Cn LU O [3 0) w (a Q) Q O C O N CZ E O U LC) O N ro Q O N f6 Q M 0 N Q z LL Q O D 0 0 o Q o 0 Q o 0o a oa000z0V' 0z , oCODo0QO 0 0 0Q (D 0ooa9�iZo �� z o ooao 0 0000 0 0 QO O 00 0 OOOC7 CD O - CD CDo Q o 0 o a o o a 0 0 O O H O to Q pOj 69 r- Lr) Q Or LC) X) to {11 LOf) N 0 N 464 01, lNC) 69 r(A 69 � 6g f!-? r 69 613 N 69 69 Ef3 69 t!9 69 6) r- C6 O 00 M LO a N 00 Q T Q O Q CD Q O O OI 00 N Ln ce) 0 C) �# p O f+ M O M OO E9 «�i fR N H9 O ffl O En N CD O rn d' iC) O O O N O N TO r O h 0 p a)Lo- �ti Noo N CDN NQ - LNC) OD N O N� r Lf) (9ir ER 69 N 64 Et7 T r- 0 (O i� 69 69 69 to d9 ca C{} 69 69 (ii r 00 O ("� (D C'') O O CD M CS) r O d) O T O 0 0 CD N c0 O� r 0 0 CD T N 0 CD M r N tf) 69 69 64 (D N 0 ti Oa] O COO N O O r� N r O O E st u% CA f_ N L N N O O CA o000 m d O CMD r- Om) N r LCD r- CO N tf) M CD c) LC) co M M Q) O r. c0 O Cn M O 0) Q r m M 69 V 69 O r 69 69 0) yg N 69 (A N O 69 b9 Efl 6•} 64 b9 Efl M 00 N CO (D N O (0 to N O (D 00 Q OI CD r O N M 0) c0 O Lo lf) b4 fA � LC') Q 00 q r CD a LCT � N CA d' r 0 �f M CO (D V O yj r (O (D Q 0 r 00 O Nr 0 M lti O Lli N N CD E 69 Q (0 00 CD0) 00 r- CO V N N (D O � Ch N bq E!} 64 Ffl 69 69 r � � r 64 Uil69 69 69 tR 69 T O O Lo Lf) O M N CO N L� r O LO Ln L.f) Lf) N O Q O f+ 'd' N Q Ln O Q) CA r- co M Ln r N qt M 0 O c- 0D 69 O CD N CD 69 0 f` ( r O r M to CD Q ti N Lf) O O (D O N N LO 04 'q Cvj O CA M M co O Q r r T LO M °) MC (6 C; N �' cMD�(NCD CD � �Lo r- v r v Or c0 0) 00o Ln N 69 r- r Ln 69 Lf) 69 N 69 f v - ' O? � N - 69 64 6f} EH 69 69�y3 (a a [b CA'. 0 r r M Ci0 LI) fA Cb CD O (D Lf) O N O O r- LC) O M 6) r- r O a co (� r N Cl) M O Q (� 69 d' (A qt M r Lf)N M O d ti N Q M OO Q CA N (D N CA 0 C7 N r r Lf) N QO 'i C09 IT- 0 (ND m N (7) O N (r, -, IN- CD O cD (D 69 Co � (D l7 0) r T I- t9 I- 69 r-- M C) Cb N (co:, CD N N H9 CD 69 Q d3 T 69 Gq [V E,~7 69 06 O O N LCj - 69 69 (fl d9 .; 64 69 r r N ffl N: r (y 64 yq Ff3 69 LU 7 w W U) w � Q 0 0� u 1 LU U-1 LLJ ~ U) F w a 0 U) � U) w® <LU a JO LU Uwa�� Q a o a Z �U ' �(n� Q n�4alULl LUw n W z LLI LLL LZUJw DaC)(Qz w w(DLIJ L) w wz~Y� %a� w��� z� n- (nzww z U) < < w �QJQZ �- Q' J J� �O.JJJLLlo J QQLlI��= Q a- L) Q Q �Wd ¢ < U) ��UUUz� �Y�az2 0 Lu -i D ¢-�w� d�0 Ljj L) �uC~zfnm ILa00LL- � v 7cocoQmzv w F- N -45- Q N N N N r U City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Safina Budget Unit: 10001 General Fund General Government Revenues General Government Revenues are those income sources that are not tied to any particular program. These would include property and motor vehicle taxes, sales taxes, earnings on investments, franchise fees, and other similar revenue items. 4038 Franchise - Water/Waste Budget Detail $1,050,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed $100,000 $120,000 4195 Interfund Fees Budget Budget 4000 Real Estate & Pers Prop $7,840,249 $8,109,046 $8,122,487 $8.122,487 $8.139,579 4005 Pavment in Lieu of Tax $1,336 $26,044 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Prop Tax $7,841,585 $8_135.090 $8,122,487 $8,122,487 _ $8,139,579 4002 Delinquent Property Tax $189,732 $179,829 $177,337 $177,337 $177,337 4002 Delinquent Property Tax $12 $5 $0 $0 $0 Totals for; D Taxes 189 744$179,834$177,337 Transfers Interfund $0 177 337 $177,337 4010 Vehicle Tax $918,280 $962,452 $880,947 $880,947 $949,748 4012 Recreational Vehicle Ta $0 $0 $12,770 $12.770 $1,026 4014 16120M Tax $0 $0 $10,116 $10,116 $2,665 Totals for: MV Tax91$ 6,280 962 45290K3 833 90$ 3,833 $953,439 4020 Sales Tax--Countvwide $6,932,832 $7,133,379 $7.400,000 $7,450.000 $7,675,000 4022 Sales Tax --City $5,326,724 $5,555,601 $5,750,000 $5.825,000 $6.000.000 Totals for: Sales Tax $12.259,556 $12,688,980 $13.150,000 13 275,000 $13,675,000 4030 Franchise Tax - Gas $1,098,838 $1,138,118 $996,000 $1,100,000 $1,200,000 4032 Franchise Tax - Electri $2,804.878 $3,074,617 $3,520,000 $3,100,000 $3,720.000 4034 Franchise Tax - Telepho $140,648 $123,824 $140,000 $120,000 $120,000 4036 Franchise Tax - Cable $344,913 $348,393 $340.000 $660,000 $550,000 4042 Video Service Franchise $0 $1,287 $0 $16,000 $20,000 Totals for: Other Tax $4,389.277 $4,686,239 $4.996,000 $4,996,000 $5,610,000 4055 Liquor Tax $159,646 $172,643 $165,000 $165,000 $180,000 4060 Federal Grants $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Totals for: Unres Gran jja646 172 64319M0-0019$ 5.000 $210,000 4780 Investment Income $270 $554 $668 $668 $668 4780 Investment Income $0 $62 $0 $0 $0 4780 Investment Income $121 $158 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 4780 Investment Income $9,525 $10,375 $20.000 $20,000 $20,000 Totals for: Interest $9,916$11,149 jal 6_68$21,66--8 $21..668 4349 oil Well Lease $6,319 $6,118 $6,550 $6,550 $6,550 4850 Other Reimbursements $77.693 $57,103 $48,008 $48,008 $48.008 4850 Other Reimbursements $0 $9,526 $5.130 $5,130 $5,130 4885 Sale Of Commodities $0 $0 $2,889 $2,889 '$2,889 4885 Sale Of Commodities $19,912 $13,972 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 4895 Sale Of Salvaqe $42,432 $53,177 $40,000 $40.000 $40,000 4905 Other Miscellaneous $58,676 $320,183 $55,000 $86,801 $55,000 4905 Other Miscellaneous $165 $260 $0 $0 $0 4910 Petty Cash -Long $17 $0 $0 $0 $0 4910 Pettv Cash -Cash Lona ($165) {$47) $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Misc.$205,049$460,292 177 57720$ 9.37817$ 7,577 4038 Franchise - Water/Waste $875,000 $1,050,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,200,000 4040 Host Fee - Solid Waste $120,000 $114,752 $100,000 $100,000 $120,000 4195 Interfund Fees $1,233.000 $1,063,627 $1,230,395 $1,230,395 $1,246,570 4960 Interfund Serv. Prov. $495,844 $453,844 $520,000 $520,000 $520,000 4960 Interfund Serv. Prov. $0 $117,000 $0 $0 $0 4960 Interfund Serv. Prov. $2,215,000 $2,075.000 $2,461,350 $2,461,350 $2,585,000 Totals for: Int Sery $4,938,844 $4,874,223 $5,311,745 $5,311,745 $5,671,570 4964 Transfers Interfund $0 $1,017 $0 $0 $0 4966 Transfers Ooeratinq $300,000 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Totals for: Transfers S300'_000 $1.0172� 5.000 25 0-00$25.000_ 4999 Carryover Surolus $0 $0 $2,784,403 $2,784403 $3,391,709 4999 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $855 $46,590 $65,375 -46- City of Salina, Kansas 4999 Carryover Surplus 4999 Carryover Surplus Totals for: Carryover 4595 Administative Services 4605 Tax Exemption Fees 4656 Suretv Deposits 4845 Returned Check Charqes Totals for: Sery Chrg Totals for: General Govt Revenue -47- t 2016 Annual Budget Salina $0 $0 $22,752 $25,593 $100,137 $52,841 $88,913 $0 LO $0 $0 —2 $111,224 91 g 234 — - $2.956.723 _ $3 598.838 - $34.290 $34.290 $40,000 $40,00$00 $40.00$0 $1,025 $200 $0 $0 $0 $107,119 $82,671 $0 $00$0 $150 1142,584 $390 11$ 7,55ti _ 40 004 440 000 40 _ �, - 31,354,48132 2$ 89 470$3fi,039.881 $36,234,171 $38,300,008 -47- City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 10002 General Fund 2016 Annual Budget Public Safety Revenue Public safety revenues are those that are generated for the City by Police, Fire, EMS, and Building Inspection and enforcement activity. 4852 Other Reimburse -PD Budget Detail $122,646 $180,000 $180,000 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed $18,000 $5,000 4905 Other Miscellaneous Budget Budget 4060 FederaiGrants $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 4075 Ems - County $1,037,353 $877,163 $894,759 $894,759 $995,000 Totals for: Unres Gran 1,03 7 353 $877,16.3 919 759919 759 $1,020,000 4852 Other Reimburse -PD $210,669 $122,646 $180,000 $180,000 $150,000 4854 Other Reimburse -Fire $8,529 $6,416 $18,000 $18,000 $5,000 4905 Other Miscellaneous $4,786 $510 $1.000 $1,000 $1.000 Totals for: Misc. 223 984 L2_9572$199,00 11K _000$156,000 4880 Sale of Assets $0 $22,312 $10,000 $10,000 $10.000 Totals for: Fixed Asst U2� 2,31210 000 ILO 0-00 $10,000 4110 Other Rental $11,490 $11,430 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 4111 Municipal Court $1,721,071 $1,554,950 $1,700,000 $1.550,000 $1,550,000 4202 Suretv Bond Forfeitures $1,205 $0 $0 $0 $0 4361 Reqistration Fees $11,370 $2,975 $10,000 $1,000 $10,000 4400 Ems-BclBs $262,422 $305,106 $314,000 $375,000 $386,250 4405 'Ems -Medicare $667,747 $848,010 $794,000 $875,000 $901,250 4410 Ems-Medicaid/Welfare $91.500 $107,355 $90,000 $110,000 $113.300 4415 Ems-Otherinsurance $278.794 $306,786 $338,250 $345,000 $362,250 4420 Ems-tndividual $115,642 $142.393 $160,000 $115.000 $118,450 4425 Ems - Collection Aqencv $76.132 $60,022 $80,000 $70,000 $70,000 4430 Fire Prot. Outside Citv $235,928 $165,755 $220,959 $220,959 $200.000 4435 Rescue Services $412 $1,350 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 4440 Hazmat Fees $4.962 $1,908 $4,000 $4,000 $4.000 4505 Weed Cuttinq $30,238 $36,635 $60,000 $60.000 $60,000 4540 Alarm Monitorinq $47,860 $43,500 $45.000 $45,000 $0 4620 Permits & Licenses - Co $1,212 $1,362 $0 $0 $0 4622 Concrete Construction $125 $0 $0 $0 $0 4624 Electrian Licenses $9.383 $7,415 $7,524 $7,524 $7,524 4626 Mobile Home Craftsman $0 $63 $0 $0 $0 4628 Mechanical Contractor $5,982 $5,220 $3,179 $3.179 $3,179 4630 Plumbers $6,327 $3,529 $51,227 $51,227 $3.000 4632 Concrete Const. Permit $1,095 $1,513 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 4634 Housemovinq Permits $410 $0 $300 $300 $300 4636 Buildinq & Inspection $374,944 $270,589 $335.000 $335,000 $350,000 4636 Reqistered Tradesman $4,753 $2,729 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 4640 Licensed Contractor $59,376 $20,696 $15,000 $15,000 $60,000 4642 Solid Fuel App Contract $0 $45 $0 $0 $0 4644 SWPPP-LD Commercial $1,272 $656 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 4646 ROW Excavation Permit $173 $945 $200 $200 $200 4648 Land Distb Reinspection $159 $0 $0 $0 $0 4650 Land Disturb Permit -Res $405 $406 $400 $400 $400 4652 Levee Permit $800 $800 $1,000 $1.000 $1.000 4654 ROW Dumpster Permit $62 $140 $0 $0 $0 4655 Utilitv ROW Permit $0 $1,365 $0 $0 $0 4670 Other Licenses & Permit $26,326 $27,802 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 4672 Private Club $13,500 $11,425 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 4674 Cereal Malt Beveraqe $4,675 $3,750 $6,500 $6,500 $4,000 4676 Cereal Malt Bev. Stamps $0 $25 $600 $600 $600 4678 Retail Liquor $4,500 $3,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 4680 Circus, Carnival $316 $710 $525 $525 $525 4682 Liquidation Sale $0 $0 $102 $102 $102 4684 Tree Trimming $378 $1,445 $525 $525 $525 4686 Junk Dealers $870 $870 $1,529 $1,529 $1,529 4688 Pawnbrokers $325 $225 $102 $102 $102 4690 Taxicabs $863 $1,017 $420 $420 $420 4692 Taxicab Drivers $435 $827 $420 $420 $420 4694 Street Advertisinq $368 $276 $51 $51 $51 4696 Mobile Home Court $510 $21 $0 $0 $0 -48- City of Salina, Kansas 4698 Vendor, Peddler 4700 Refuse Haulers 4704 Bail Bondsman 4706 Merchant Police 4708 Animal 4710 Street Parade Permit 4712 Scrap Metal Register Fe 4714 Scrap Metal Register Re Totals for: Sery Chrg 4863 donations Police Dept Totals for: Op. Grant Totals for: Public Safety Revenu 2016 Annual Budget $3.667 $7,830 $4,000 $4,000 $6,000 $0 $4.389 $4.432 $657 $0 $734 $0 $734 $734 $602 $14.877 $13,876 $15.000 $15.00$00 $15.000 $0 $562 $310 $609 $185 $0 $357 $3557 $357 $400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100 4 1�,- $50 -- $ 3 9� $0 — $4,331 $4,286,654 _ ,$4.300.468 - - $0 $1,000 $0 $0 LO $0 L L $1.000 -- --L-0- - -- — - $6,362,561 $5,014,727 5 460 663$5,415.413 $5,486,468 -49- ` ; y City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 10003 General Fund Public Works Revenue These represent revenues generated by Engineering, Traffic, Streets and other Public Works activities in the General Fund Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Item Number and Description Budget Budget 4905 Other Miscellaneous $5.374 $0 L01$ $10,000 0,000 $10,000 $10.000 $10.000 1 0,000 Totals for: Misc. i5,374 4545 Enqineerinq 4550 Street Cut $0 $277,168 $53,469 $201,315 $1,000 $300,000 $1,000 $250,000 $1,000 $150,000 Totals for: Sery Chrg $277,168$254,784$301,00_0 $251,000 151 000 4868 Tree Donations $10 14 $500 500 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,00 Totals for: Op. Grant _ Totals for: Public Works Revenue $282,552 $255,284 $314,000 $264.000 164 000 -50- City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit, 10004 General Fund Revenues generated by health and sanitation activities within the General Fund. Budget Detail 2016 Annual Budget Health & Sanitation Rev -51- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Item Number and Description Budget Budget 4210 Burial And Removal $23,963 $30,369 $32,000 $1,000 $32,000 $1,000 $32,000 $1,000 4215 Grave Marker $1,183 $1,848 $46 $0$0 $0 4220 Title Transfer $23 $17,920 $27,780 $21,000 $21,000 $21,000 4870 Sale Of Lots Totals for: Sery Chrg$43,089_$60,043 $54,00 _554 0005� 4 000 Totals for: Health & Sanitation $43,089 $60,043 $54.000 54 00 $54,000 -51- City of Salina, Kansas _ 2016 Annus! Budget Salina Budget Unit: 10005 General Fund Rec. & Culture Revenue These are revenues generated by the Recreation and Cultural Activities provided by the General Fund. 4070 Museum - Rental Budget Detail $200 $0 $0 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed $27,500 $27,500 4085 Rent Park Shelters Budget Budget 4850 Other Reimbursements $12,123 $2,364 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 4905 Other Miscellaneous $1,878 $15,302 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Misc.1$ 4,001 L_7666 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 4070 Museum - Rental $275 $200 $0 $0 $0 4080 Rent Neiqhborhood Cente $26,480 $24,024 $27,500 $27,500 $27,500 4085 Rent Park Shelters $15,683 $15,045 $15,000 $15,000 $16,000 4305 Recreation Fees $150,801 $127,012 $120,000 $120,000 $127,000 4307 Natural Resource Fees $12,010 $14,030 $12,300 $12,300 $14,000 4309 Sale of Bike Helmets $660 $860 $1.100 $1,100 $1,100 4311 Baseball Tournaments $8,099 $7,892 $9,000 $9.000 $8.000 4313 Baseball - Youth League $30.526 $29,025 $27,000 $27.000 $30,000 4315 Softball Tournaments $10,180 $8,415 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 4317 Softball - Youth Leaque $17,691 $17,158 $19,000 $19,000 $18,000 4319 Soccer Program Fees $13,765 $17,682 $15,000 $15,000 $19.000 4321 Special Populations Fee $22,406 $20,048 $23,000 $23.000 $23,000 4325 Senior Proqram Fees $17,663 $15,057 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 4327 Basketball Fees $17,050 $16,633 $16,000 $16,000 $17.000 4329 Volleyball Fees $12,900 $16.373 $12.000 $12,000 $17,000 4331 Baseball Fee Adult-Scho $11,705 $14,850 $12,000 $12,000 $13.000 4333 Softball Fee Adult-Scho $43,336 $34,177 $45,000 $45,000 $38,000 4335 Football Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 4337 Other Use Fees $11,982 $12,415 $17,000 $17,000 $10,000 4353 Activitv Seniors $53,151 $76,227 $40,000 $40.000 $40.000 4355 Activitv Ticket Monev $0 $3,134 $0 $0 $0 4357 Activitv Lakewood $80,803 $29,011 $40,000 $40,000 $80.000 4359 Activitv Soecial Pops $16,463 $12.029 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 4515 Animal Shekter Fees $0 $15,562 $15,000 $15.000 $16.000 4520 Animal Impound Fees $0 $15.983 $40.000 $40,000 $16,000 4525 Animal Boardina Fees $0 $8385 $45,000 $45,000 $9.000 4530 Animal License Fees $0 $42,351 $45,000 $45.000 $45,000 4535 Animal Misc Fees $0 $108,903 $75,000 $120,000 $106,000 4536 Animal ShelterlCounty F $0 $7,500 $0 $0 $30.000 4555 Swimmino Pool $411,729 $446,027 $500,000 $450,000 $455,000 4560 FoodlBeverage $19,195 $22,508 $18,000 $18,000 $25.000 Totals for: Sery Chrg $1,004,553$1,178, 518$1,230,90 _..a $1,225,900 $1,243,600 4065 State Grants $2,442 $250 $0 $0 $0 4860 Donations $13,665 $3,767 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Op. Grant1$ 6.107 $4,017 $5,000 _ _$5 000 $5,000 Totals for: Rec. & Culture Revert $1,034,6 61 $1,200,199$1,243,400$1,238,400 1 256 100 -52- �. 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 10006 General Fund Com. & Ec. Dev Revenue Community and Economic Development revenues are those generated by the planning and economic development activities of the City, including fair housing. Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 20148Aae Amen201 Bu g sed Revenue $38,272,521 $39,102,522 $43,354,299 $43,468,339 $45,588,306 -53- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016Proposed Item Number and Description Budget $55,763 $112,578 11$ 2,578 $100,000 $100.00 $100,000 M-000 $100,000 4060 Federal Grants Totals for. Unres Gran 55 763_ _ ---$100,000 _ 4785 Fair Housinq $65,455 $66,000 $84,573 $66,855 $65,000 $66,855 $85,000 $132,230 $85,000 4785 Fair Housing Totals for: Int Sery $62,740 $128,195 16$ 0,573 13 1.855 _ - 151 855 2130 4500 Plats And Rezoninq $10,727 $13,996 $10,000 $500 $10.000 00 $5$0 $10,000 00 $5$0 4510 Vacation Fees $492 $0 $652 $5,000 4512 Wireless Permit $11.21 119 648 5$0$10,500 10 �— --- $10,500 -- — -- Totals for: Sery Chrg _ - Totals for: Com. & Ec. Dev Reven $195,177 282 799242 355262 355 32�a Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 20148Aae Amen201 Bu g sed Revenue $38,272,521 $39,102,522 $43,354,299 $43,468,339 $45,588,306 -53- City of Salina, Kansas 201E Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1001100 General Fund City Commission As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances, resolutions and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions, administrative staff, other political entities or the general public. The City Commission exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an annual budget. The Commission makes appointments to various boards, authorities and commissions. The Commission appoints and evaluates the City Manager. The five -member Commission is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners are elected every two years. The two candidates receiving the most votes are elected to four-year terms. The third highest vote -getter is elected to a two-year term. Annually, the Commission elects one member to serve as Mayor. The City Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 107 of the City - County Building. Usually the Commission also meets in a less formal Study Session at 2:30 p.m. prior to the regular meetings. Stems for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Wednesday preceding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except at those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose, (legal, personnel or real estate matters) as authorized under Kansas law. Information regarding the regular City Commission meeting is prepared by administrative staff and is availabGe to citizens and news media representatives. Item Number and Description 2013 Actual Budget_Detail. 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended Budget 2016 Proposed Budget 6002 FT- Regular $18,000 518,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18.000 Totals for: Personal S $18,000 18 000$48,000$18.000--- $18,000 6100 Unemplovment $37 $26 $35 $35 $35 6110 Social Securitv $1,116 $1.116 $1,133 $1,133 $1.133 6120 Medicare $261 $261 $265 $265 $265 Totals for: Empl Benef $1,414 $1.403 j1 433_ $1,433 �1=433 7000 Office Supplies $0 $0 $250 $250 $250 7025 Books & Periodicals $351 $373 $200 $200 $200 7580 Public Education $2,210 $170 $10,000 $4,000 $4,000 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $2,969 $2,060 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for: Supplies $5,530 $2,6031� 1 950 $5,950 $5,950 8070 Rent/Lease - Buildings $333,744 $373,413 $350,000 $350,000 S350,000 8315 Employee Development $9,390 $5,599 $6,000 $6,000 $7,000 8340 Dues $21,750 $25,717 $23,000 $23,000 $23.000 8360 Leqal Notices $14,167 $17,505 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 8550 Other Contractual $10.815 $5,256 $6,000 $6,000 $6.000 Totals for: Other Sere38$ 9,86642$ 7,490149-0-0001401,00040$ 1,000 Totals for: Commission $414 810 449 496 � 431 383 � J_ $ 425 383 426 383 $y -54- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas - Salina Budget Unit: 1001110 General Fund Agency Support includes support for outside agencies not included specifically elsewhere. For 2016 and beyond, that is General Agency support limited to the Salina Municipal Band. Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015Budget 2016Proposed Item Number and Description 8035 Aqency Contracts Operat $28.568 $19.550 $0 $17 0 .5 $0 $240,0 $0 $0 $ $0 $17,5 $0 8035 Aqency Contracts Operat $719,415 74477,983 119 950 17 57524$ Q•O 0— — — — $17,, - — Totals for: Other Seri - — Totals for: Agency Support19 747 983 9550 �. 17,575 24$ 0,000 i$ 7,575 -55- City of Salina, Kansas Salina 2016 Annual Budget Budget Unit: 1001130 General Fund Public Transportation This budget unit accounts for supplements paid to the CityGo public transportaion system, operated by the Occupational Center of Central Kansas (OCCK). The local supplements are combined with Federal and State Funding to provide public transportation within the City of Salina. The system currently consists of five (5) routes, with services provided Monday through Friday, 6 AM to 9 PM and Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM. The system provides about 290,000 rides per year. The fixed -route system was initiated in 2009. -56- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 8050 Aoencv Cont. Transoorta $556,320 $560,835 $560,815 $560.815 $653,000 Totals for: Other Sery JUQ 320 $560,835$550 815$560,815$653,000 Totals for: Public Transportation $556,320 $560,835 $560,815 560 815 $653-000 -56- t 206 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas sadnd Budget Unit: 1001200 General Fund City Manager The Office of the City Manager is the office of the chief executive of Salina City Government. The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term and serves as the City's chief executive and administrative officer. As provided by State statute and City ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws, ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include acting as liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff, preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, processing citizen inquires and service requests, maintaining effective public relations with the news media, working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments, the businesointme t and removal of alls community and City the l ty employees ty at aIll and all other personusiness nel and conferences. The City Manager is responsible for the app matters. As chief executive officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs, capital expenditures and improvements, as well ission adopts the budget, it be o esethe tresponsibilanager Pyeof the Citpares a yrbudget to see feethat or the F slpropety rlmission. Once the he y adm nista ed. Comm This office is also responsible for several other functions including Municipal Court and Risk Management Full time authorized staff: 2012: 6 2013: 6 2014: 6 2015: 6 2016: 6 -57- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 Budgetded 2016 udogProposed Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $473,7$0 $491,753 $48 $500 $50 $500 $48 9,888 $500 6006 PT- Salaries $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 $2,41 6014 OT- Reaular 6018 LonaevitvPaY $1,754 $1,922 $2.419 $$1,000 $2,419 $$1,000 $15,000 6240 Transp.Allowance $$1,475 $1,475 $$1,928 $1,200 $1,500 $1,500 50$ 9,807 8220 Cell Phone Allowance 49$ 1,883 54$ 9,803 508 807 _- 5$9,9016 _ -, - Totals for: Personal S - -- --$950 _ $950 6100 Unemployment $958 $665 $$7,381 $$5.65 $950 $$5 731 $$5.650 6110 Social Security $$7,215 $7,208 $7,381 $5.650 $5.650 $1,000 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $1.011 $1,028 $1.000 $56.268 $1,000 $56.268 $56,268 6150 KperS 546,030 $13.277 $52,741 $13,858 $17,000 $17,000 .000 $fig 599 6210 Other Benefits 95 699 $103&91 10� 8,599 - 10$ 8.599 - - - - __ - -- Totals for. Empl Benef �-- --- - - $65,000 $74,175 6160 Health Insurance $59,220 $56,410 $8.000 $74,175 $7 $8,000 6200 Workmen's Compensation $8,000 67 220 6� 4 410 $2,005 - - - 8$ 2,175 Totals for. Ben Trans _ $ 7000 Office Supplies $1,302 $517 $464 $1,500 $500 $1$500 500 $500 7025 Books & Periodicals $448 $214 $750 $750 8310 Postage-- $269 $-2 0� 9 $1 195- �_- - - _ -�-- ,750 750 Totals for: Supplies - - - $600 8215 Telephone $776 $460 $600 $$4,250 10,000 $600 $$4,250 10,000 $$4,2250 8315 Employee Development $4,162 $3,480 $1,000 8340 Dues$2,672 5550 Other Contractual $5.610 $1,000 $15,850$15,850 $1,000 15,.850 Totals for: Other Sery - 12 266 -$18,273 -- ---- _ 9000 Office Equipment$1,OOD $0 $0 Ko $1.040 $1 000 $1,000 $11,400 $ 1,000 _ Totals for. Capital Ou _ __ _ _ __ -- - - - - ,-- - - - -- Totals for: Manager $669,08 7$697,272$719,1181 72115 $725,181 -57- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1001300 General Fund Risk Management The Risk Management budget unit operates under the auspices of the City Manager's office. The department manages the City insurance program for Property and Casuality coverages, General Liability, Public Officials Liability and associated acibvities. Interfund fees to suport these activities are charged to the Enterprise and Internal Service Funds. Staffing costs are covered in the City Manager's office. Budget Detail -58- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Item Number and Description Budget Budget 7000 Office Suppiies $36 $0 $0 $500 $250 $500 $250 $500 $250 7025 Books & Periodicals $0 $43 $22 $200 $200 $200 8310 Postage Totals for: Supplies 79 22 1950 950_ _ _ _ $950--- 8115 Insurance $441,733 $425,731 $466,710 $466,710 $65,000 $482,710 $65.000 8120 Claims Paid $16,639 $675 $104,347 $2,525 $65,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,400 8190 Other Professional 8215 Telephone $190 $107 $600 $600 $600 8315 Emolovee Development $108 $385 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $500 8340 Dues Totals for: Other Sery $420 $459,765$533.095 $0 $500 _ $538,81 53$ 8,810 $554,810 9000 Office Equipment $0 $0 L $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: CapitalOu E0 Totals for: Risk Management $459,844 $533,117 $540,760 $540,760 $556,760 -58- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1001440 General Fund Legal General legal services are provided by contracted legal counsel to the City Commission, C"sty Manager, administrative staff and advisory commissions on a variety of municipal matters. These services include legal opinions, preparation of ordinances, resolutions, contracts and agreements. The City's legal counsel represents the City in most litigation. Legal services are provided under contract with a local law firm for normal legal work connected with City business. Other specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate under contract. -59- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015$Admgeentded 2016proposed Item Number and Description 7000 Office Supplies $3,484 $746 $1 400 $ $1,000 $1,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $201 $3,285 $S3 X29 '4 ����_ $4,000— 000 - —— �_,_,,_.___ Totals for: Supplies -- -- ---- $667.221 — $4D0$500 $40 0,000 000 $40 $500 8010 Leaal $557,fl79 $130 $268 $500 $750 8315 Emolovee Development $730 $730 $7S0 $750 40� 01,25 8340 Dues $668.21 g 401 250 40$ 1,250- - - -. Totals for: Other Sery _$557,939 — —�---- Totals for: Legal�6$ 1,224 $669,048 $405,250 $405,250 40$ 5,250 -59- Budget B 16 Annual u City of Salina, Kansas 20 g Salina Budget Unit: 1001600 General Fund Municipal Court The Municipal Court, presided over by the Municipal Judge serving on a full-time basis, hears misdemeanor criminal and traffic cases. Types of cases include, but are not limited to, domestic violence, petty theft, disorderly conduct, DUI, parking and animal control. Fuli time authorized staff: 2012: 11 2013: 11 2014: 11 2015: 11 2016: 11. Court is also staffed by two uniformed officers from the Police Department. Budaet Detail Totals far: Municipal Court $1,559,126 1 637 869 $1,735.795 1 732 561 JIZL1 025 -60- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Item Number and Description Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $569,840 $565,858 $561,000 $561,000 $561,000 6006 PT- Salaries $0 $5,075 $16,000 $8,000 $8.000 6014 OT- Reqular $3,054 $2,075 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 6018 Lonqevitv Pay $5,005 $5,289 $5,485 $5.485 $5,485 6240 Transp.Ailowance $3.144 $3.144 $2,880 $2,880 $2,880 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $638 $900 $900 $900 $580,76 $900 580 765 Totals for: Personal S$581,681$582,341$588,765 6100 Unemployment $1,071 $722 $1,325 $1,325 $1,325 6110 Social Security $33,662 $33.747 $35,000 $35.000 $35,000 6120 Medicare $7,873 $7,892 $9,000 $9,000 $9.000 6130 Life Insurance $1,329 $1,389 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 6150 Koers $51,161 $58,630 $57,371 $57,371 $57,371 Totals for: Empl Benef $95,096 1102,380$104,096$104,096 $104,096 6160 Health Insurance $80.584 $112,820 $139,334 $127,000 $139,334 6200 Workmen's Compensation $9,300 $9,300 $9,300 14$ 8,63413� $9,300 6 30fl $9,300 148,634 Totals for Ben Trans8$9884122 120 _ 7000 Office Supplies $8,615 $2,178 $5.000 $6,000 '$6,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $657 $383 $1,000 $1,000 $1.000 7470 Maintenance $2,895 $4,165 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $100 7580 Public Education $0 $0 $100 $500 $100 $500 $500 7610 Other Oper. Supplies Totals for: Supplies1$ $0 2,167 $570 97,296 _1$ 1,600 112 600 $12,600 8020 Medical $5,022 $1,802 $6,000 $4,000 $4,000 8075 Housinq Prisoners $461,620 $445,244 $450,000 $448.000 $448,000 8080 Prisoner Transport $25,492 $28,056 $27,000 $32,500 $32,500 8190 Other Professional $86.973 $95,549 $88,000 $95,000 $95.000 8215 Telephone $2,361 $1,980 $1.500 $2,100 $2,100 8315 Employee Development $8,689 $205 $1,200 $1.200 $1,200 8340 Dues $865 $1,130 $1,000 $1,000 $1,130 8365 Printinv $668 $838 $1.500 $1,500 $1,500 8395 Rpr-Buildings $1,209 $1,207 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens $7,341 $8,705 $9,000 $10,500 $11,000 8510 State Fees $165,693 $161,873 $195,000 $210,000 $210,000 8525 Refunds $2,902 $2,633 $5,000 $2,000 $3,000 8525 Refunds -Restitution ($206) $5,967 $681 $68,840 $26,000 $65,000 $500 $65,000 $0 $65,000 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery77$ 4.596$818,743$877,70_0$874,800$875,930 9000 Office Equipment $1,265 $1,456 $5,000 $20,000 $5,000 Totals for: Capital Ou $1,265 $1,456 $5,000$20,00 4 $5.,000 7565 Crime victims fund $4,437 $3,533 $0 $4,000 $4,000 Totals for: Other $4, $3,533 90 $4.000 $4 000 Totals far: Municipal Court $1,559,126 1 637 869 $1,735.795 1 732 561 JIZL1 025 -60- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit, 1001710 General Fund Economic Development The Economic Development Budget Unit operates under the auspices of the City Manager's Office, and is used to account for ithin e City. is general funds allocated to prom tof Commercee Beginning n 2016,iwwill be operated byUntil 2014, h tractwith alperformed under Chamber contract with theSalinacomposed of develinpm by the group ( the Salina, Saline unityCouEc Salina Airport Authoritic Development y r and thte Salina ChaOrepresentatives mb r Commerce. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 201 Bsed Budget Budget 5.100 5,100 8045 Aqencv Contract Ec. Dev $100.000 �4$ q,ODQ $4 7,519 $175,100 i7 75,100 $17- 75 100 - $17-00 Totals for: Other Sery _ - — - Totals for. Economic Development 1Q$ 0,000 47 519 $175,1100 175 10Q 175 iQQ -61- Budget City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Bud 9 Salina Budget Unit: 1002000 General Fund Human Resources The Human Resources Department coordinates the City of Salina's centralized human resources functions. The department administers employee benefit programs, workers compensation, personnel policies and procedures, recruitment and selection, grievance procedures, employee performance evaluations, training programs, and maintains all current and past employee personnel files, records and reports. They maintain the complete payroll system and processes bi-monthly payroll. The City has approximately 473 full time employees plus another 350 part time and temporary employees throughout the year. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 4 2013:4 2014: 4 2015: 4 2016: 4 7000 Office Supplies $6,400 Budget Detail $4,000 $4.000 54.000 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed 8310 Postaqe $1,650 $1,394 $2.600 Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $195,679 $201,697 $206,000 $206,000 $212,180 6006 PT- Salaries $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 6014 OT- Reaular $233 $153 $500 $500 $1,500 6018 Longevity Pav $1,169 $1,533 $1,750 $1,750 $1.750 6020 Earned Leave $352,145 $354.861 $330,000 $330,000 $330,000 6240 Transo.Allowance $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Totals for: Personal S$549.526 $20,026 L558,544$539,550-53$ $26,000 9,550 _ $546,73 6100 Unemployment $352 $245 $562 $562 $562 6110 Social Securitv $11.044 $11,459 $13,159 $11.647 $13,543 6120 Medicare $2,583 $2,680 $3,053 $3.053 $3,142 6130 Life Insurance $440 $450 $455 $455 $455 6150 Koers $18,003 $20,649 $20,892 $20,892 $23,835 6190 Wellness Proqrams $54.349 $32.612 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 Totals for: Empl Benef8$ 6,7716$ 8,095 _7$ 3,1217. 1 609$76,537 6160 Health Insurance $35,264 $38,056 $47,000 $38,000 $47,000 6200 Workmen's Compensation $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3.500 $3.500 Totals for: Ben Trans 38 76441 556 50 500 41 5005$ 0,540 7000 Office Supplies $6,400 $2,884 $4,000 $4.000 54.000 7025 Books & Periodicals $499 $297 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 8310 Postaqe $1,650 $1,394 $2.600 $2,600 $2,600 Totals for: Supplies $8,549 $4,575 _$8,000--- $8 000 $8.a00 8025 Emplovee Recognition $4,494 $5,927 $7,600 $7,600 $7.600 8215 Telephone $494 $253 $494 $494 $494 8315 Emplovee Development $1,094 $1.218 $3,500 $3.500 $4,500 8340 Dues $680 $525 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 8355 Emplovee Recruitment $36,375 $43,739 $35,000 $35,000 $35.000 8365 Printing $1,032 $723 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 8550 Other Contractual $20,026 $20,443 $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 Totals for: Other Sery$64,196$72,828$74,794 $74,794 $75,794 9000 Office Equipment $3,656 $0 $3,000 $3.000 $3,150 Totals for Capital Ou $3,656 Lo $3.000 $3,000 $3,150 Totals for: Human Resources $751,461 $745,598 $748,965 $738,453 $760.711 -62- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1002500 General Fund Community Relations The Human Relations Department enforces Chapter 13 of the City Code, the EqualOpportunity and Affirmative Action Ordinance. Chapter 13 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, familial status (housing only), blic contracts and internal and external and physical or mental disability, in employment, housing, public accommodations, pu affirmative action programs. Chapter 13 established the Human Relations Commission and the Human Relations Department, defines their respective roles and responsibilities. It sets out the administrative procedures for filing and processing complaints of discrimination. The Salina Human Relations Department contracts with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through a Memorandum of Understanding to process housing complaints based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national origin, elations disability, sto condut Fair Housing Education. The n FisccalcYear 2015. These amounts a eSalina Human eflected as a special a ertn efundtwill receive bout $65,000 from HUD for in the budget The City Public Information Officer is also assigned to this Budget Unit. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 5 2013. 4 2014: 4 2015: 4 2016: 4 One position moved to Finance in 2013 -63- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 mended 2016 PrBudget doge sed Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $2$1,068 $1$1,95,729 $2$1,800 $2$1,800 2,420 $2$1,600 6018 Lonaevitv Pay $3,144 232 $3,144 $3.100 $3.100 $ $300 OG 6240 Transp.Allowance 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 25� 2.20d $300 22$ 9.000 23 20 Totals for. Personal S 224 205 �_- - 200 405 _ - �. __ __ -- -- - --. 6140 Unemployment $425 $254 $11,900 $400 $15,000 $400 $15,000 $400 $12,404 6110 Social Security $13,324 $3,116 $2.783 $ $ $640 $2,800 $500 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $475 $241 $411 $411 $20,361 $640 $640 $26,739 $26,739 $3$-8 6150 Kpers $20.241 37 581 $y- 35 708 ��709 4�_ 6�-279- 279 _--- - 700 - - - Totals far: Empl Benef - - _ _--- - _ $54,340 $$5,040 $54,340 6160 Health Insurance $38,710 $$ 4.500 $30,911 $$35,911 00 $$59,0340 ,000 $$35'000 $5,000 59 344 6200 Workmen's Compensation --- - - Totals for. Ben Trans _ -- - _ - -- - - - $1.5$0 7000 Office Supplies $627 $595 $0000 $1'5$00 $1,000 7025 Books &Periodicals $0 $1,$67 $3'1$$0 $B,D$0 $8 $6,000 $0 7580 Public Education $65 4$0 7580 Public Education $449 $377 $800 $800 300 $9 8310 Postage $.-3,10-8 X42 100 - -1� 3 -- - - Totals for: Supplies _ _ - -- -- - -- $4.0$0 $4'0$0 $4,DS0 8190 Other Professional $522 $2,310 $0 8190 Other Professional $690 $460 $350 $350 $750 8215 Telephone $442 $50 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,000 8315 Employee Development $2,0$0 $1,1$0 $ $500 $ $500 $1,000 8315 Employee Development 8340 Dues $782 $715 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 $7,500 8365 Printing 8550 Other Contractual $2.154 $6'518 $D $1,500 $1,000 $7,500 $1,000 $1,000 8615 Exhibits $D $6,640 1� 113$15,850 _ __�- 23 250 Totals for: Other Sery _ __ - - -- - - $1,000 $1.500 9000 Office Equipment $0 0 $1,000 $1,000 - 1 000- 1. Totals for Capital Ou _ _ _ 0 - _.- - - - 55 $6$66,855 $15$1,375 9210 Interfund Serv. Prov. $65,455 $66,000 6$ 6 $66.855 855 - -- - -- Totals for: Int Servs -- _ .-- - - - -- -L--- - - - -63- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Community Relations $380,199 $353,306 $451.824 41p 28 $514,885 -64- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1003000 General Fund Finance Under the supervision of the Finance Director, this department provides the proper planning, accounting and control of all fiscal masters in the City . Accounts payable, accounts receivable, investments, contracts, purchasing, temporary and long-term financing are processed by the Finance Department. This Department includes the Office of the City Clerk, which is responsible for public records managemet.of the of the City Commission Director of Finance is alsoereslponsible icensingfore neral Water Customer Accouunt nreceipts, andtg and Meterficial Service Drecortlss on, wh ch are budgeted selparately in D the Water and Sewer Fund. Financial statements are prepared periodically. Fiscal reports are also disseminated to other governmental agencies. The documentation for all fiscal records and transactions is conducted in accordance with generrovalally acs and n accounting o her procedures. The Finance Department is also responsible for the license and permit appI c administrative tasks. Full time authorized staff: 2012:5 2013:8 2014:8 2015: 8 2016 8 Two part-time positions (75 FTE each) were consolidated into one full-time position, and a full time position was moved from Human Relations in 2013. -65- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015BAdm�eentded 2016 Prdog Proposed Item Number and Description $375,681 $385,855 $445,0$0 $445.0$00 6400 FT Salaries Budget $10,729 $1,754 $435,0$0 $4,000 $4.400 6006 PT- Salaries 6014 OT- Regular $3,081 $3.741 $4,092 $4,000 $5,367 $5,367 $5.367 6018 Longevity Pay $4,487 $3,1144 $3.144 $3.144 4$$ 57,511 6240 Transp.Allowance 397 122 398 586 457 511 447 511$3,144 _ _y-_ Totals for. Personal S - - -- - - - -- - $575 $575 6100 Unemployment $737 $23.160 $503 $23.584 $575 $26,000 $$5.500 $$5,500 6110 Social Securitv $5,416 $5.516 $5.500 55.500 $850 $850 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $859 $36.086 $838 $40,898 $850 $44.000 $4$ 6 925 $44,000 7 25 6150 KoeIn 66 258$71,339 72 925 Totals for: Empi Benef- $78,200 61,339 $$5,500 $78,200 6160 Health Insurance $58.087 $5,500 $55.313 $$ 5,500$64 $5,500 $83,700 6200 Workmen's Compensation 64,500 �-- 3. --- - - __19U8_39_ - - - - - Totals for: Ben Trans$63,587 - - - - - - -- - so 6250 Petty Cash -Short $0 $2,508 $6 $5,944 $0 $4,000 $0 $ $90D $4.000 $900 7000 Office Suopkes 7025 Books & Periodicals $752 $625 $900 $7,000 $ 8310 Postage $8, 798 1 058 $9,027 1 602 - 1y_-. $13,40$0 $11 900 - - Totals for-. Supplies - - - $31,000 1,000 31,000 $$1,000 8015 Auditing $19,008 $724 $19,578 $1,530 $1,000 $$31,000 8215 Telephone 8315 Employee Development $2,890 $4,500 $1,500 $4,500 8340 Dues $465 $1,605 $4.884 $1,707 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,500 8365 Printing 8450 Credit Card FeeslExpens $1,441 $2.113 $1,500$0 $1,500 $0 $0 8525 Refunds 8550 Other Contractual $459 $76,956 $80,361 $75,000 $10.000 $83,000 10,000 $75,00 $10,000 8610 EMS Contractual $9,362 1112 92Q $6,798 11�_ 8 072 12-�- $34 000 �- 1226 000 Totals for: Other Sery $12,000 $4,044 9000 Office Equipment $2,233 $616 X6 16 $4.000 - 4 5A 0-0 000 Totals for. Capital Ou 2233 $, � ,,�0$12.00- $0 SRefund Surety Deposits 125,212 $125 $79,256 79.,256 $0 $0 � LO Totalssfor-. Other 212 - ._ -- - - - - - - Totals for: Finance $779,390 744 284 $�� 76$ 0,036 $750,675 $760,036 -65- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Safirm Budget Unit: 1003150 General Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. The current goal for General Fund reserve levels is $5,000,000. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9240 Contingency $47,302 $28,849 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Totals for: Other Sere$47,302$28.848 50 000$50,000$50,000 9246 5alary Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $700,000 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $2,999,627 $3,391,709 $3,801.233 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $50,000 $52,841 $64,0S9 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 s0 $65,735 s0 Totals for: Reserves U0 U0$3,049.62,$3.510,285 $4,565.322 Totals for: Reserves And Transfe $47,302 $28,849 $3,099,627 $3,560,285 $4,615,322 -66- 2016.Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1003500 General Fund Computer Technology The Computer Technology Department provides technical services for the City of Salina and i5 support for the City of Salina. In addition, limited support is provided for Saline County functions still resident on City severs- support provided includes system management, user support, programming, PC installation and repair, training services, management of the City network and r infrastructure, protecting City data from outside threats, disaster recovery, backup and storage of City data, developing and maintaining the City's intranet and planning for future technology needs. Compuer is now located in the eral Fund. Serviicetfuds are to s assessed andinte nal chargetoto recover aduntil portion of6thetcosts associated with hen Enterprise and Internal as an Internal Department Full time authorized staff: 2012: 7 2011 7 2014: 7 2015: 7 2016: 7 _67_ Budget Detail 2413 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2D1 B 2016 urdgetsed Item Number and Description Budget 6000 FT Salaries Budget $374,830 $382,818 $389,270 $1,000 $389,270 $1.000 $3$4, 000 000 6014 OT- Regular $238 $4.757 50 $5,009 $5.0$0 $5.0$0 6018 longevity Pav 6020 Earned Leave $3.898 $2,760 $2,040 $3,000 $2,444 $2.040 6240 Transp.Allowance $2.044 $1,540 $2.040 $1.554 $1,500 4$07 144_ 8220 Cell Phone Allowance 387 263$394j,77- -_ 398 800 -- - - ---- - Totals for. Personal S - -$398,81 $1,100 $1.100 6100 Unemployment $716 $490 $22,936 $1,100 $22.700 $ 22,700 $$5'400 6110 Social Securitv $22,606 $ $ $5.300 $5,300 $1.000 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $892 $892 $902 $902 $39,898 $1.0Op $40,366 $1,040 $40.366 $40.500 6150 Koers $35.107 64 608 6$ 9.590 70 466 �"-- 7$ 0,466 - - - = 7 1 000 - -- Totals for: Empl Benef _ _$6 - ___- --- - - -- $82,800 $82,800 6160 Health Insurance $66,626 $6,600 $71.902 $6,600 $82.800 $$ 6;600 $$89,400 $$800 6240 Workmen's Compensation L73,Totals - - - - - for: Ben Trans - _ -�2 - - - $1,500 $1.50D $1,500 7000 Office Sus plies $1.072 $851 $11,354 $1,500 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 7010 Printer Supplies $15,364 $2,208 $890 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 7015 Computer Tapes $43 $0 $1.500 $1,500 $ 7025 Books & Periodicals $2,448 $2,465 $3.400 $ $400 ,000 $400 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $171 $157$400 25 8310 Postage 136_6 15 717 Q$�--- 2$ 5.900 --- 2$ 5.900 - - - - �900 � - Totals for: Supplies _2$ - - - $2.500 $2,500 $2.500 8215 Telephone $1,876 $2,819$200 $1,340 $ $ 0 $5,000 $5. $000 8315 Employee Development $200 $300 $300 $298,000 $320,000 8340 Dues 8550 Other Contractual $24fi,548 $247533 , $8,661 $298,000 $9,000 $9.OD0 $9,0 00 8584 AS/400 Hrdwre Maintenan $8,655 $3,180 $4,000 $4.000 $4,000 8586 AS/400 Software Costs $3,715 $27,257 $301;446 $8� B 8� 8.- $-- 8588 NWS Software Cost 800 -$ - _ Totals for: Other Serv- - -$0 . _ -- -- - $1,000 9000 Office Eauipment $232,181 $0 $224,878 $1,000 $300,0$0 $300,0$0 00,000 $300,0$0 9035 Other Equipment 9100 Computers/Technolo4v $145,162 $0 301 000 30$ 1. 004 0 305 1,04 Totals for. Capita! Ou 33$ 7,343 22$ 4,878 7120 Gas & Oil $266 $233 $774 $300 $500 $304 $5D0 $300 $500 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $397 $10,000 $ $1 $ 9210 Interfund Serv. Prov. $10,000 1510 663 1$ 1,007 10 800 - - $1 0 800 $110800 Totals for: Int Servs _ $0 $100,000 $88,913 $100,000 9250 Cash Reserve 10� 0,000 _8� g 91310$ 0.000 Totals for. Reserves -- _-, - - - -- ----- -- _67_ City of Salina, Kansas Salina 2016 Annual Budget Totals for: Information Services $1,221,666 $1,156 489 $1,385.176 $1.374 089 -68- $1,379,040 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit-. 1004100 General Fund Police Administration The Salina Police Department exists or the purpose of protecting and serving the people of Salina. The protection f oflife and the prevention of crime are the department's highest operational priorities. Investigation of crimes; apprehension enforcement of federal, state, and local laws: traffic and crowd control, maintenance of records; and the operation of a consolidated, multi -agency communications center are primary responsibilities. The department, recognizing that there is always more to do, continually searches far ways to improve the quality and expand the scope of police service in response to citizen needs and expectations. Consistent with the department's strong community service orientation, police personnel perform diverse duties and engage in a wide range of community activities in the interest of protecting and serving the public. ntinues to be ited every ee years InitAolice Department co cred tatiotn orn awrEnforcement Agenof 1996, thelcies Inc. By seeking accreditation and rvoluntarriiily omply ngrwith hundbreds of nationy the ally Commission on Ac recognized professional police standards, the department strives to: 1) increase its capability to prevent and control crime, 2) enhance agency effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of law enforcement services, 3) improve cooperation and coordination with other law enforcement agencies and with other components of the criminal justice system, and 4) increase citizen and staff confidence in the goals, objectives, policies and practices of the department. In our endeavor to keep Salina a safe community, police personnel maintain high visibility and frequent contact with the general public. The success of the department is dependent upon the degree of support, cooperation and assistance it receives from the receives is indicative of an effective police -community partnership. It is this community. The tremendous support the department ost enjoyable cities of its size in the nation in which to live, work partnership which has helped make Salina one of the safest and m and play. Full time authorized staff' 111 2016: 111 (staff count includes two positions assigned to Municipal Court 2012: 111 2013: 111 2014: 111 2015: Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries 6014 OT- Regular 6018 Longevity Pav 6240 Transp.Allowance 8220 Cell Phone Allowance Totals for: Personal S 6100 Unemolovment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6140 Ko&F 6150 Kpers Totals for: Ernpl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 7000 Office Supplies 7025 Books & Periodicals 7080 Electrical & Lighting 7085 Janitorial 7325 Wearing Apparel 7350 Officers Service Equip. 7405 Tools 7570 Training 7580 Public Education 7585 Photography 7610 Other aper. Supplies 7640 Oth.Oper.-K9 8310 Postage Totals for: Supplies 8020 Medical -69- 2016 Proposed Budget $5.388,706 $20,233 $400.000 $58,000 $14.256 $3,400 K,04 .595 - $10,050 $76,000 $76,000 $12,000 $1,025.850 $119,830 $_ 319.730 $1.092,000 $120.000 $1 212,000 $14,000 $7,000 $2,500 $4.000 $60.000 $40,380 $1,500 $65.000 $1,500 $2,500 $9,000 $6,000 $12.000 $225,380 $2,000 Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015BAdmge tided $5.313.398 $5.038,125$5,315,70$30 $5,$60,000 2.000 $0 $399.197 $408,557 $400,000 $450,000 $58.000 $54,441 $47,634 $12,391 $58,000 $14,256 $14,256 $8,030 $3.088 $2,625 $3.900 $5,791,,859- $3,900 $5,738,156 15178,154 - $5 509.332 - - - - - - $10,978 $7,081 $10,050 $76,000 $10,050 $70.000 $74,744 $74.247 $72,457 $73.244 $76,000 $76,000 $11,795 $10,888 $12,000 $1$119.830 $12,000 $1$099,$00 $1.154.869 $1.208,973 ILA4 _ - $1,319,73 $1,382,880 $899,321 $869,139 $1,092.000 $120,000 $975.000 $120,000 $100,000 99. 9 323 $110,000 $1,212,000 X2,000 - - $1,096,000 - $11,112 $14.590 $14,00 $7,000 $14,000 $7,000 $7,173 $2,519 $6,736 $6,446 $1.000 $1.000 $ 3,590 $3,759 $4,000 $60,000 $4,000 $60,000 $$3.590 $19,487 $$3,937 $23,717 $,380 $$1,500 $314 $1,668 $1,500 $1 $51,688 $1.50D ,888 $$$,500 $56,384 $615 $90.872 $1,793 $1,500 $1,563 $3,273 $2,500 $2,500 $9.000 $9,458 $9,841 $6.703 $9,000 $6,000 $6,000 $3,722 $12,321 $12,498 $12'000 $12 0768 168 417 237 833 - - $210,568_�,-- $1.440 $30 $2,000 $2.000 -69- 2016 Proposed Budget $5.388,706 $20,233 $400.000 $58,000 $14.256 $3,400 K,04 .595 - $10,050 $76,000 $76,000 $12,000 $1,025.850 $119,830 $_ 319.730 $1.092,000 $120.000 $1 212,000 $14,000 $7,000 $2,500 $4.000 $60.000 $40,380 $1,500 $65.000 $1,500 $2,500 $9,000 $6,000 $12.000 $225,380 $2,000 City of Salina, Kansas Salina 2016 Annual Budget 8190 Other Professional $3,856 $4,748 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 8215 Telephone $14,780 $14,371 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 8230 Gas Service $418 $707 $600 $600 $600 8315 Ems)lovee Development $1,822 $1,530 $1500 $1,500 $1.500 8340 Dues $4.632 $5,668 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 8355 Employee Recruitment $3,027 $23,705 $8,100 $8,100 $10,000 8365 Printinq $4.215 $3,889 $4.000 $4,000 $4,000 8390 Rpr-Radio $49,631 $39, 504 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 8395 Rpr-Buildings $9,096 $19,716 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 8400 Rpr-Off. Equip. $28,021 $14,862 $20,000 $20.000 $20.000 8550 Other Contractual $47,762 $59,435 $45,245 $45,245 $73.311 8625 Dept Accreditation $6,759 $4,065 $5,065 $5,065 $5,065 Totals for: Other Seri 175 459 192 230 $177.310 $177,310 20$ 7,276 9005 Off Equip -Furniture $1,804 $4,396 $3,000 $3.000 $3,000 9015 Off. Equip -Other $925 $2,269 $1,000 $1,000 $1000 9020 Radios $20,510 $21,164 $23,913 $23,913 $28,056 9035 Other Equipment $18.774 $19.824 $36,462 $36,462 $32,640 Totals for: Capital Ou $42,013$64,375 $47,653 $64,375 $64,696 7120 Gas & Oil $198,861 $205,000 $100.000 $170.000 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $88,901 $100.000 $100.000 $85,000 Totals for Int Servs 28$ 7,762$305,0._OQ$200,000 $255,000 Totals for: Police $8,894,227 $8,885,489 $9.168,677 _._ $165, 622 $106, 336 27$ 1, 958 8 758 428 -70- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas $dElnd Budget Unit: 1004500 General Fund Fire Administration Once known only for fire response, the Salina Fire Department has evolved into an "All Hazards" type emergency service delivery organization. The department is highly involved in incident prevention and highly effective in response to life and property threatening incidents that do occur. Advanced Life Support Ambulance Services, Fire Suppression, Fire Prevention, Public Safety Education for Fire and Medical Emergencies, Technical Rescue, and Hazardous Materials Responses are all services provided by the Salina Fire Department. Our Strategic Planning process has become the foundation of the budget process and guides the department in its response philosophy and training. With adequate funding and coordinated planning the Salina Fire Department is on a path to become a recognized leader in the field of fire and EMS services statewide. The Fire Chief is responsible for the overall administration, direction, and operation of the department under the City Manager. Other Administrative Division staff positions include the Training and Safety Chief, a Data and budget Manager, a Fire Department Mechanic, Public Safety Secretary, and a part time Administrative Assistant. The Management team for the Department includes these Administrative Division staff, plus leadership positions from other Divisions, including the Battalion Chiefs (Fire Suppression Division), Division Chief of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and the Fire Marshall (Fire Prevention and Inspection). Full time authorized staff: 2012: 5 2013: 5 2014: 5 2015: 5 2016: 5 In addition, the Department also has 2 part time clerical personnel. -71- Budget Detail 2013 Actuat 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015BAdmgended 2016 Pret dogpevtsed Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $332.739 $339,995 $335,000 $25,575 $335.000 $25,575 $$25.000 $25.575 6006 PT- Salaries $38.778 $2,722 $34.495 $2,557 $1,5$4 $1.5$00 $1.5$0 6014 OT- Reqular $687 $1,497 6016 OT- Flsa 6018 Longevity Pay $2,319 $2,508 $2,424 $12.250 $2,424 $12'250 $12,250 6240 Transo.Aliowance $4,800 $4,800 $600 $60D $600 8224 Cell Phone Allowance $929 38$ 6.452 37 7349$377,349-600 377 349 - $377,3-- Totals for: Personal S 382 974 $38 � - _. -- - -- - -- - - 6100 Unemployment $716 $486 $7'813 $D $4.500 $0 $9 500 $0 $9,500 6110 Social Security $4,176 $4,099 $4,103 $4,000 $4,000 $4.000 $800 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $761 $761 $63,222 $800 $58.500 $800 $58.500 $58.500 6140 Kp &F $48,674 $11.912 $11,208 $16,151 $16.151 $16,151 88,951 6150 Kp&Fers for. Empl Benef 7$ 5.338 $8-7,593 8� 1 88,951 Totals 6160 Health Insurance $54,800 $59,141 $67,275 $6,605 $$6,600 $g65,6d0 7,275 $$6,600 6200 Workmen's Compensation $6,600 $6,600 65,741 $73L87 0 7$ 3,875 --- - Totals for: Ben Trans 61 4DD �-y_ -- - - -- --- - - - 7000 Office Supplies $1,266 $1,498 $1,500 $2,000 $1,500 $2.000 $1,960 $5,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $1,309 $1,911 $672 7045 Shop Mechanic Supplies $325 $582 $1,0076 $1,1176 $1,176 7D70 Paints $182 $104 $335 $1,470 $1,470 $1,470 $9,000 7080 Electrical & Lightinq $8.131 $9,945 $8,500 $8,500 $38,000 7085 Janitorial 7325 Wearina Apparel $33,842 $35.995 $36,000 $21,000 $36,000 $21,400 $$7.500 7355 SCBA's $12,542 $20,992 $3,091 $7,500 $7,500 57.500 7360 Hazardous Materials Equ $4,886 $0,500 $0,500 7370 Fire Station Equipment $6,252 $2,3i9 $$0,500 $2.000 $12,000 7405 Tools $17,936 $15,279 $16,550 $16,000 $16,000 $6,5$00 7574 Training 7575 Traininq Facility Suppl $6,,2690 $6,34$40 $6,50$00 $6,5$0 7580 Public Education $635 $463 $300 $300 $980 7605 Seeds, Plants, Trees $1 $1.708 $2,450 $2,454 $2,450 $1.764 7610 Other Oper. Supplies ,739 $598 $ $1,764 $1,764 $500 8223 Uniform Cleaninq $515 $611 fi11 $500 $500 127 SDO 8310 Postage 10 12 60 � 124j60�- _ - $--�- _ .- Totals far. Supplies - - -1056 - - 8020 Medical $18,080 $13,426 $15,000 $1(),000 $15,000 $10.000 $15,000 $10.000 8190 Other Professional $5,927 $52,888 $7,105 $52,313 $36,500 $36,500 $36,500 8215 Telephone $18,265 $16,045 $15, 000 $15,000 $15,000 8315 Employee Deveiopment -71- City of Salina, Kansas Safina 2016 Annual Budget 8340 Dues $1,371 $2,020 $980 $980 $980 8365 Printinq $155 $455 $490 $490 $490 8375 Repairs $2,626 $392 $2,450 $2,450 $2,450 8390 Rpr-Radio $2,575 $7,146 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 8395 Rpr-Buildings $36,562 $49,273 $39,000 $39,000 $39,000 8445 Laundry & Towel Service $1,275 $1,303 $1,470 $1,470 $1,470 8515 Collection Fees $4,413 $2,145 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 8545 Fire Conference $0 $3,497 $3,920 $3,920 $3,920 8550 Other Contractual $4,301 $4,439 $2,450 $2.450 $17,450 8590 Other Software Maint $2,724 $50 $2.724 $2.724 $2,724 Totals for: Other Sery $151,162 159 60 13� 6,984 136 984 151 984 9005 Off.Equip-Furniture $179 $1,960 $1,960 $1,960 9020 Radios $9,252 $9.500 $9,500 $9,500 9025 Firefiqhtinq Equipment $10,748 $17,500 $17,500 $20,000 9035 Other Equipment $6,840 $12,740 $12,740 $12,740 9050 Personnel Protective Eq $27,000 $27,000 $62,780 $27,000 9055 Fire Station Equipment $9.627 $19,000 $24,000 $10,000 Totals for: Capital Ou 6$ 3,646 887 700_ 1?$ 8,480 81 200 7120 Gas & Oil $56,435 $55,000 $48,000 $55,000 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $52,471 $55,000 $55.000 $57,000 Totals for: Int Servs 10$ 8,90f 11$ .0,000 10$ 3,000 112 000 Totals for: Fire 943 509 999 019 $1,024 524$1,013,159 9 $1,225 $8,862 $18,566 $12.409 $27,276 $8,096 76 434 $ 50.581 $48,324 9$ 8.905 980 190 _72_ 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1004600 General Fund Emergency Medical Services The Salina Fire Department provides county -wide advanced life support EMS and ambulance services. All medical personnel are supervised by an on -duty EMS Supervisor on a 24 hour basis. The Fire Department is responsible for transporting patients from the Salina area to regional hospitals in Wichita and Kansas City for advanced medical treatment at a moments notice. Today, 7 out of 10 emergency calls to the Fire Department are for medical services. In the past year, the department responded to 4663 EMS calls and transported 4361 patients; an average of nearly 13 incidents per 24 hour period. Both the Fire and EMS Divisions of the department are responsible for providing advanced emergency medical care. Medical services and protocols are approved and supervised by a Medical Doctor who operates as the Medical Director for the department. The department's medical operations are assigned to the Division Chief of EMS. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 19 2013: 19 2014: 19 2015: 19 2016: 19 -73- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 2016 udagp Proposed Item Number and Description Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $1,118,3$0 4 $1,147.79$0 $1,152,fl$0 $1,135.0$$00 $1'$000 17,000 6006 PT- Salaries $47,683 $47,882 $48.000 $48.000 $48,000 $9,240 6016 OT- Flsa 6018 Longevity Pav $7,894 $7,781 $9.240 $1,500 $9,240 '$1,500 $1,500 6240 Transo.Allowance $0 $254 $123 $300 $600 $600 $600 S1 228.340 8220 Cell Phone Allowance 51 174 165 $1 203 876 1 2� 71 340 1 14fl Totals for: Personal S $3.000 $ 3,000 6100 tJnemplovment $2,189 $1,493 $0 $3.000 $600 $600 $600 6110 Social Security $0 $16,615 $16,701 $$3.200 $$3.200 $$3,200 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $1,884 $1,943 $300,928 $3.200 $284.186 $3.200 $284,186 $284,186 6140 KP&F $254,558 32$ 1,065 30�, 8,586 30$ 8.5$6 30$ 8,586 Totals for: Empl Benef$275,246 $246,854 $$25,000 $$25,004 6160 Health Insurance $173,994 $21,000 $194,219 $25,000 275 8x4 26� 0 00p 27$ I.854 6200 Workmen's Compensation $1914,994--- 21 219 �1- Totals for. Ben Trans _ $1,176 ,176 $1$750 $1,176 7D00 Office Supplies $662 $128 $ $52 $523 $754 $750 $12,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $7,215 $9.285 $10.695 $10. 695 $$2,400 7325 Wearinq Apparel $18.303 $17,954 $$5,500 $$2,500 ,000 7570 Training 75BO Public Education $70 $1,681 $64,955 $2,500 $48,000 $50,500 $53,000 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $47,201 $18,025 $17,690 $18.500 $18,500 8 S21,5a0 7615 Prescrip Druqs and Meds $20,629 $28.810 $21,500 $21,500 $500 7635 Disposable Supplies $0 $0 $500 $500 $2,940 8223 Uniform Cleanin4 $3,864 $3,963 $2,940 $2,940 866 �y- B310 Postaae 11 6,097_ $145,992 12$1 561 - 127 -130 Totals for. Supplies $10.000 $1D.000 $10,000 8020 Medical $6,110 $31,607 $5,403 $31.317 $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 $18,500 9190 Other Professional $19,871 $23,198 $18.500 $18.500 $30,000 8215 Telephone 8315 Employee Development $33,993 $33,070 $$10,0 0 $$6,000 $2,000 8340 Dues $100 $48 $823 $252 $980 $980 $980 8365 Printing$2,500 $485 $1,443 $1,540 $1,50() $3,500 $3,500 8375 Repairs 8390 Rvairsio 52,995 $3,408 $17,764 $3,500 $13,720 $13,720 $13,720 8525 Refunds 8550 Other Contractual $17,039 $8,354 $9.044 1$7 040 7,840 1$,$ 25.040 $22,840 13$ 7 040 Totals for: Other Sery$120,602 12� 5,722 - 9()30 Ems Equipment $20 829 $29,020 $65,000 $a$ $65,000 $s$ $65,000 24,500 $899 9050 Personnel Protective Eq $15,275 $15,874 x,550 01,50 500 - - Totals for: Capital Ou _ 3�6 104 - _494 _ _- _ - 7120 Gas & Oil $52.167 $60,400 $50,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $50,000 $35,400 7165 Maint-Vehicles & EQuip $25,091 $38.576 -73- d:?9r'c71 City of Salina, Kansas Salina Totals for- int Servs7$ 7,2589$ 8,5768$ 5,004 Totals for: Fire $1,994,466 $2,1.59 344 $2,198,881 we 2016 Annual Budget 70 000 $85,000 $2,165,627 $2,251,186 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1004650 General Fund EMS Transfers This Budget unit is used to make scheduled non -emergency transfers between facilities. Transfer service are to be provided by on- call part time personnel. _75- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 A mended 2016Proposed Item Number and description Budget Salaries $0 $3,487 $17,000 $17.000 0�0. $1000 6006 PT- 0 �3 487_. t�7 000 - ... _1�.-7 - Totals for- for Personal S - _ _ _ _. - --- - -- -- $25 6100 Unemployment $o $6 $2$6 $25 $1,$20 $25 $1,020 $1,020 6110 Social Security $0 $58 $200 $200 $200 5 6120 Medicare � t2 $1245 5_1245 - - --- - - - Totals for: Empl Benef - - _ --.- -_ -- - -- _ -- - - — $100 $100 6200 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $100 $1D0 $1100 $100 Totals for. Ben Trans --- - -- -- - - - -_ _ $1.84p $1,800 7325 Wearinca Apparel $0 $81 $0 $1,800 $2.500 $2,500 $2,500 7570 Training $0 $0 $p $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $0 $p $3.000 $3.000 $9,800 9035 Other Equipment Lo 141 $9,800-- - Totals for. Supplies _ - _ - - --- - - - — Totals for: Fire $0 $3,880$2 8 145 2$ 8,1 $28,145 _75- City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1004700 General Fund 2046 Annual Budget Fire Suppression The Fire Suppression Division provides the equipment and personnel to respond to fire, emergency medical, hazardous materials, and technical rescue situations throughout the City and Saline County. This division also responds to other districts and communities as situations dictate when requested. This division ensures a fire -safe environment for citizens and employees by minimizing the loss of life and property and trauma impact through effective and innovative emergency response programs. This includes compliance with state and federal regulations pertaining to the storage, use and handling of hazardous materials. The suppression division participates in the delivery of a wide range of public fire education programs throughout the community. The Fire Suppression Division maintains a Technician Level Hazmat Team county wide which is capable of setting hot zones, making entry into those areas that require mitigation in order to bring the incident under control. The division provides technical rescue services that include High angle/Low angle rope rescue, vehicle and machinery extrication, building collapse, trench rescue, and water rescue efforts throughout the county. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 65 2013: 64 2014: 64 2015: 64 2016: 64 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual Budget Detail 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended Budget 2016 Proposed Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $3,655.478 $3,720,220 $3.750,577 $3,800,000 $3,750,577 6014 OT- Reaular $0 $22 $0 $0 $0 6016 OT- Flsa $171,348 $169,045 $190,000 $190,000 $190,000 6018 Lonaevity Pav $31,815 $31,155 $34,090 $34,090 $34.090 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $900 $900 $0 $0 $0 Totals for Personal S $3,859.541 $3,921,342 $3.974,667 $4,024,090$3,974,667 6100 Unemplovment $7,139 $4,908 $6,444 $6,444 $6,444 6120 Medicare $50.186 $50,662 $51.000 $51,000 $51,000 6130 Life Insurance $6.061 $6,174 $7,000 $7,000 $7.000 6140 Kp&F $834,735 $981.506 $931,153 $950.000 $931.153 Totals for. Empl Benef89$ 8,121 $1,043,25 $995,597 $1,014,444 995,597 6160 Health Insurance $592,487 $659,163 $750.465 $735,000 $750,465 6200 Workmen's Compensation $57,000 $57,000 $57,000 $57,000 $57.000 Totais for: Ben Trans $649,487$716,163$807,465 79$ 2,000 $807,465 8355 Empiovee Recruitment $1,185 $0 $1,470 $1,470 $1.470 Totals for: Other Sery $1,185 N0 1 470 $1470 $1,470 Totals for: Fire $6,408,334 $5,680,755 _76_ $5,779,19 9 $5,832,004 $5,779,199 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1004800 General Fund Fire Prevention The Fire Prevention Division is committed to reducing fire loss, injury and death caused by fires and to making your living experience within the City Salina a safe one. The Fire Prevention Division employs many strategies to accomplish the Division's safety goals. The Fire Prevention Division works year round conducting routine fire safety inspections for all business occupancies within the city. Enforcing codes established by the State of Kansas and the City of Salina the division makes recommendations and assists occupants with fire safety and emergency action planning. It is the objective of the Fire Prevention Division to educate those we come in contact with before there is a problem. The intent of the fire code is to protect those that live, work, play or visit our city. The code enforcement team is committed to providing proactive enforcement of these codes by developing courteous and professional business relationships with the public, contractors, business owners and residents of the city. ding plan review. The Fire Prevention Division works very closely with the Building A vital part of the code enforcement process is builial building construction projects. Salina is proud to be a trendsetter Services Division and Development Review Team on all commerc in the State of Kansas for "one -stop -shop and coordinated inspections." The division conducts annual evaluations of all business occupancies within the city putting together a pre -fire action plan to be used by the fare department Operations Division during emergency responses. This identification process promotes rapid identification of special hazards within a structure and allows the Operations Division to more rapidly dep#oy firefighting and emergency medical resources ultimately improving life, safety, and property conservation. The Fire Investigations Section, commonly referred to as Arson Investigations, conducts investigations into the cause of fires, burn injuries, and chemical releases within the City including those of a suspicious, incendiary, or undetermined nature. The Investigators also provide follow-up to investigations initiated by Company Officers as situations warrant. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 3 2013: 3 2014: 3 2015: 3 2016: 3 Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries 6014 OT- Reqular 6018 Longevity Pav Totals for: Personal S 6100 Unemolovment 6110 Social SecuritV 6120 Medicare 6130 Life insurance 6140 Kp&F Totals for: Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 7025 Books & Periodicals 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7580 Public Education 7590 Fire Investiqation 9040 Fire Inspection Equip Totals for: Supplies 8020 Medical 8315 Emolovee Development 8340 Dues Totals for: Other Senn 9035 Other Equipment Totals for: Capital Ou Bud�et�Detal� 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 RAS Amended 201Budgetsed $212,279 $14,160 $3,823 $1,484 $231,746 $434 $915 $3,256 $466 $45,951 --5 $31,362 $4,500 135,862 $219,857 $13,440 $6,889 $2,314 24� 2-500 - - $306 $930 $3,387 $475 $56,408 $61,506 $33,846 $4,500 $313,346 $221,722 $221,722 $221.722 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $3,500 $3,500 $3.500 $2,296 $2,296 -110,080 - - 24,E 518- - $242,518 2$2 596 -8- $319 $319 $319 $1,000 $1,000 $1.000 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $750 $750 800 --- $51.509 $51,509 $51,509 5� 7,078 -$57,078 - - $57,078 $1,975 $294 $1,116 $884 $5,324 $2,915 $3,092 $3,962 $1,602 $2,025 1$13109 -110,080 - - $0 $0 $2.935 $2,137 $1,399 $2,350 $4.33A $4,48- 4,4$$3,413 $3,413 $6,713 $1413 _J713 - 1►►re $36,900 $36,900 $36,900 $4,500 $4,500 $4.500 4$�0 441 400 _ $41,400 "_ ._ $1,500 $1,500 $4,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,700 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2.600 $2.600 $2,600 1� 3 600_ 1 - - 800 --- $600 $600 $600 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $2.000 $3.500 $6 6 00 600 L 6-00 - 00 $7,500 $7,50 $7,500 -IL590 0 0 _ $7,500 City of Salina, Kansas Totals for: Fire Salina $339,486 $363,632 -78- 2016 Annual Budget $368,696 $368,696 $373,396 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas sa ina Budget Unit: 1005200 General Fund Engineering The Engineering Division serves the public interest by assuring that all municipal public works improvements and facilities are designed and constructed in accordance with established standards. The Engineering Division coordinates all engineering services related to private development projects during both planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers is also performed by the department staff. In essence, the Engineering Division manages, designs and constructs the majority of the projects included in the City's annual Capital Improvement Program. equirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations, final plans, Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the r specifications and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal public works improvement projects in surveying, analyzing bids, supervising construction, certifying progress of construction and recommending acceptance of work done by contractors. Depending upon the size and scope of an improvement project, the engineering services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants or by a combination of the two. The Engineering Division also performs all traffic safety and school safety services for the city. All mapping services, including computerized geographical information systems (G.I.S.), are provided by the Engineering Division. Finally, the division also performs the utility locating and coordination services for the water, wastewater, storm water, and traffic signal systems in the City. The City Engineer is responsible for management of the Engineering Division. The City Engineer is, in turn, responsible to the Director of Public Works. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 13 2013: 13 2014: 13 2015: 13 2016: 16 Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budaet 6006 PT- Salaries 6014 OT- Reaular 6018 Longevity Pav 6240 Transp.Allowance 8220 Cell Phone Allowance Totals for. Personal S 6100 Unemplovment 6110 Social Securitv 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6150 Kpers Totals for. Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 7000 Office Supplies 7025 Books & Periodicals 7030 Draftinq Supplies 7325 Wearing Apparel 7610 Other Oper. Supplies 8310 Postaqe Totals for. Supplies 8215 Telephone 8315 Emplovee Development 8340 Dues 8400 Rpr-Off. Eauip. 8430 Rpr-Other 8550 Other Contractual Totals for. Other Sery 9000 Office Equipment 9035 Other Equipment Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 5741,045 $745,676 $791,610 $2.255 $4,760 $5,200 $1.207 $4.109 $1,000 $3.889 $4.554 $5.245 $6,840 $6,840 $6,840 $1,800 $2,425 $2,400 $757,036$768,364 - -81�-. $1.447 $983 $2.150 $45.213 $45.944 $48,500 $10.630 $10.745 $11.500 $1,608 $1.610 $1,600 $68,980 $77.445 $78,724 $127,878$136,727 - -- 14$ __ 2015 Amended Budget $765.000 $5.200 $1,000 $5,245 $6.840 $2,400 $785,685 $2,150 $52,500 $11.500 $1,600 $88,694 $96,929 $100,970 $114,029 $14,500 $16,000 $16,000 11� 1. ,429 -- __ -._. - 13 29 - - 2016 Proposed Budget $799,350 $5,200 $1.000 $5,000 $6.840 $2.400 81$ 9,790 $2.150 $48,500 $11,500 $1,600 $78.724 $142,47. $123,000 $114,029 $16,000 $16.000 -- 139.- - - -- - 13� $2,001 $1,898 $3,000 $3,000 $750 $599 $342 $2,519 $750 $1,200 $1,200 $928 $0 $742 $750 $750 $451 $1,249 $1,000 $1,000 $755 $4.7 34 $730 X80 _. $960 _ $7.66-0 - - $960 --.-- $3,470 $3,340 $9,721 $11,997 $2,613 $2.750 $415 $0 $1,368 $16 $13.521 $35,048 $31 108 5.3151 $0 $1,059 $0 $3,228 -79- $3,480 $13,245 $2,950 $1,000 $1,000 $11,000 3675 $2.670 $500 $3,480 $13,246 $2,950 $1,000 $1,000 $11,000 $32,675 $2,670 $500 $2,500 $750 $1,500 $750 $1,300 $960 $7-.760 - $3,480 $13,245 $2,950 $1,000 $1.000 $16,000 $37&75 $0 $500 City of Salina Kansas Salina 2416 Annual Budget Totals for: Capital Ou L $4,287 $3,170 $3,17.0.. 7120 Gas & Oil $8,362 $8.221 $8,500 $5.000 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $5,516 $4,697 $8.500 $10.580 Totals for: Int Servs J13 878 12 918 17 000 15 580 Totals for: Engineering $1,046,063 51.099,897 $1,145,303 $1,140,214 -80- 500 $8,500 $10,500 $19,000 $1,157,228 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1005510 General Fund Street The Street Workgroup is the largest of the several work groups within the Department of Public Works and frequently assists or supplements other City Departments and divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects of street cleaning and maintenance, including repair of utility cuts. Streets, bridges and storm sewers are cosily to repair. The cosi of maintaining and repairing these facilities continue to grow; however, neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repair becomes necessary. There are currently over 280 centerline miles of streets in the City and 21 bridges. During winter months, snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the work group. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main traffic ways are cleared first, followed by the collector streets, which connect residential streets with the arteriai and main traffic ways. Finally, as time permits and conditions require, residential streets are cleared of snow Intersections, hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and sand are applied as conditions 6ctate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street work group in coping with snow and ice is to clear the arterial and collector streets for ambulances, police and fire vehicles so they can reach various areas of the community. The Street work group has an inventory in excess of 35 pieces of rolling equipment, including maintainers, street sweepers, trucks, tractors and numerous other items such as power mowers, power saws, snowplows and miscellaneous small equipment. As a work group of the Public Works Department, it is supervised by the Street Superintendent, who in turn is responsible to the Operations Manager. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 30 2013: 28 2014: 28 2015: 28 2016: 28 6100 6110 6120 6130 6150 Totals for: Unemplovment $2,015 Budget Detail 52,900 $66,510 $2,900 $66,510 Social Securitv $63,619 $14.879 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015B mended 2016 udgetPfoposed Item Number and Description $3,200 $3,200 Life $98.309 $106,428 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $1,030,413 $996.475 $1,063,630 $8,000 $980.000 $8.000 00 $1'0$8,000 OT- Reci ar 6014 OT- Regular $22,171 $15,180 $14,904 $14,639 $15,760 $15,760 $16,000 $3,700 6018 6240 Lonae .tV Pay $3,696 $3,696 $3,700 $1,200 $3.700 $1,200 $1,200 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $1,250 $1 072,710 $1.200 $1,030,914 $1,092,290 y 60 Or1 0 $1,09 1 900 ._-- Tnta�c rnr, Personal S $100 3�- _ - _ 6100 6110 6120 6130 6150 Totals for: Unemplovment $2,015 $1,319 $61,796 52,900 $66,510 $2,900 $66,510 Social Securitv $63,619 $14.879 $14,452 $15.636 $15,636 Medicare Me Meinsurance $2,529 $2.387 $3,200 $3,200 Life $98.309 $106,428 $114,620 $105.004 Kpers Empl Benef181 35118� 6 38220$ 2.8-66- 1 246 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 7000 Office Supplies 7065 Metal Products 7075 Lumber 7105 Weldinq Supplies 7175 Parts -Machinery & Equip 7245 Chemicals 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7405 Tools 7610 Other Oper. Supplies 7650 Buildinqs & Grounds 8310 Postaqe Totals for: Supplies 8215 Telephone 8315 Emplovee Development 8340 Dues 8390 Rpr-Radio 8395 Rpr-Buildinqs 8550 Other Contractuai 8630 Solid Waste Fees Totals for: Other Sery 9000 Office Equipment $202.209 $204.981 $239,763 $220.000 $20,000 $20.000 $20,000 $20.000 24,40 800 $222,209$224,981$259,763 - -$854 --$815 $1.000 $1,200 $1,000 $1.200 $2,267 $2,001 $1,176 $2,742 $3,020 $3,020 $563 $992 $700 $9,000 $700 $9.000 $7,702 $1,852 $4,309 $160 $2,200 $2,200 $6,865 $7,150 $7,540 $7,540 $2.500 $2,327 $2,242 $4,516 $2,500 $4,350 $4,350 ,350 $4,585 $160 $2,716 $650 $47 $105 2i6 962 $100 $32,260 $100 3�- Ug 184 - - $757 $1,375 $2,880 $2.880 $793 $1033 $2,455 $2.455 $285 $284 $305 $0 $285 $150 $150 $0 $2,085 $1.303 $3,050 $3.050 $70,600 $59,884 $67,062 $620 $92,000 $4,000 $4,000 $1.801 65, 00q 773 6-- - 104 820 _ ,42 - -- - - -98 - $3,034 $3,394 $800 $800 -81- $2,900 $66,510 $15.636 $3,200 $114,620 1292-866 $239,763 $20.000 25 9,763 $1,250 $1,700 $3,520 $900 $9.500 $2,700 $7,635 $3.000 $4,650 $1,150 $100 $3-6.-395 $2,880 $4,355 $285 $150 $4.550 $76,810 $4,000 $93,0 30 $545 City of Salina, Kansas 9035 Other Equipment $10,000 Totals for: Capital Ou i j 034 7120 Gas & Oil $125,124 7165 Maint-Vehicles 8 Equip $168,4$7 Totals for: Int Servs L293,611 Totals for: Street 11,877,70 4 ¢. Salina 2016 Annual Budget $4,353 $18,800 $18,800 $7.7471$ 9,600 JL9 600 $107,149 $125,125 $60,000 $220,753 $171,700 $171,700 327 90229$ 6,82523 1 700 $1,878,586 $2.008.424 $1,808,886 -82- $22.300 2$ 2.845 $125,125 $172,200 $297,325 $2,004-034 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit- 1005520 General Fund Traffic Control The Traffic work group is responsible for installation and maintenance of traffic control devices, street painting and paint stripping, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of traffic ways and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently, there are 63 electronically controlled intersections, 43 electronically controlled school zones and 13 mid - block electronically controlled crossings in the City. This Division maintains the 365 downtown decorative lights, and 38 high bay lights. There are over 7,500 street signs in the City and nearly 80 miles of streets that require painted centerline markings. As a division of the Public Works Department, it is supervised by the Street Superintendent, who in turn is responsible to the General Services Operations Manager. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 4 2013: 4 2014: 4 2015: 4 2016: 4 Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015B d 201 sed Burdget Item Number and Description Budget 6000 FT Salaries Budaet $114,269 $133,732 $132,260 $6.000 $132'280 $6.000 $1 36,300 $6.000 6006 PT- Salaries $2,516 $3.958 $2.904 $3.120 $6.000 $6,000 $$6.000 $1,900 6014 OT- Regular 6018 Lonaevity Pay 0 $1,80 $1,638 $1,770 $1,200 1.770 $1.200 $ $$1.200 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $800 $123,013 $1,200 $142,594 - 7 250 14$ - = - 14 7,250 $ = -- ,400 15� 1- - Totals fvr: Personal S __-- _- - - -- $380 fi100 Unemployment $225 $178 $8,264 $380 $8.612 $380 $8'612 $8,612 6110 Social Security $7,088 $1,658 $1,933 $1.575 $1,8575 50 $1.850 $575 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $321 $369 $14,494 $575 $14,637 $261,637 6150 Kpers $10.942 234 2�a 2 - -- 054 - -- - Vj 054 - ---- Totals for: Empi Benef --2�0 - - - _- - - --- $47,725 $47,725 6160 Health Insurance $30,066 $38.056 $2.600 $47.725 $$ 2,600 $ 325 $$50,325 6200 Workmen's Compensation $2,600 Totals for: Ben Trans 3$ 2,666$40,656 - -- _ - --- - - - 7000 Office Supplies - $192 $201 $420 $200 $200 $200 2 $200 $200 $300 7105 Welding Supplies $80 $7,839 $12,588 $$4,310 $$4, $20,960 $4,650 7205 Traffic Llahts Parts $2,392 $$1,714 $4,650 $4,650 $1,180 7215 Street Liqhts 7325 VVearinq Apparel $2,603 $1.536 $1,180 $650 $650 $1.300 7405 Tools $1.700 $424 $536 $841 $400 $400 $700 $425 7610 Other Oper. Supplies 7650 Buildings & Grounds $38 $1.718 $700 34 290 $700 34 290$29.865 - Totals tar: Supplies 1$ 5,268 _ _ 3�- 0 117Q -- - -- -- ��� - - - - - _- 8205 KP & L Hookup $0 $0 $82 $750 $580 $750 $580 $1,000 $580 8215 Telephone $113 $532,521 $582,927 $532,554 5532,550 $42.800 $532,554 $42,800 8250 Street Lighting 8305 Traffic Control Signals $41.845 $50,125 $42800 , $S400 $ 2,540 $ 7,290 8315 Empievee Development $500 $6,$4 $$0 $400 $400 8340 Dues $2$0 $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 $350 8390 Rpr-Radio 8395 Rpr-Buildings $2,256 $539 $0 $0 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 8405 Rpr-Traffic Liqhts $1908 $2,692 $186 $6,150 $6,150 $7,075 594 145 8550 Other Contractual 582 115 ��- 64$ x,503 587 870 �y- - 58$ 7.870 Totals for: Other Sery - -- _ - - $1,100 $250 9000 Office Equipment $250 $34,879 $150 $9,626 $1,100 $10,125 $10,125 9,125 $g 375 9035 Other Equipment $35,129 X76 _1$ 1,225 - - _- - - --- - Totals for: Capital Ou --- --_ - - - - $8,600 $12.400 7120 Gas & Oil $9,867 $10.989 $12,284 $12,000 $10,600 00 $18 $2�6 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $14,787 2$ 3 273 2�2 00 600 $_ $=�-- Totals for: Int Servs 124,654 -�- - - - - - - - Totals for: Traffic Control879 83$ 3,079 91$ 1,736 694 - 87$ 5,614 88$ 3,76!3 -83- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1005530 General Fund Flood Works The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools and 3 churches were inundated. Approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years, Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood of 1951 provided the impetus for the construction of the Caty's present flood protection system. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961, are designed to protect the City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost in excess of $6,000,000, approximately $2.3 million in local funds and the balance Federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges, and thousands of acres of land involved in right-of-way easements. The function of the Flood Control Work Group is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all times the flood levee, including the slopes and the driving surfaces, gates, pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The Work Group has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. Flood Works also maintains storm water detention ponds owned by the City in various residential areas. As a division of the Public Works Department, it is supervised by the Flood Control Supervisor, who in turn is responsible to the General Services Operations Manager. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 3 2011 3 2014: 3 2015, 3 2016: 3 6100 Llnemniovment Budget Detail $150 $300 $300 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed $7,271 $7271 6120 Medicare Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $114,816 $117,704 $120.000 $120,000 $123,500 6006 PT- Salaries $2.619 $1,782 $3.000 $3,000 $3,000 6014 OT- Regular $3,278 $2,466 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 6018 Lonqevitv Pav $1,537 $1.663 $1,800 $1,800 $1,950 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $304 $300 $300 Totals for: Personal S$122,550 6200 12$ 3,915 $127J0 127,100 $130,750 6100 Llnemniovment $224 $150 $300 $300 $300 6110 Social Securitv $7,025 $7.019 $7,271 $7,271 $7271 6120 Medicare $1.643 $1,642 $1,700 $1.700 $1,700 6130 Life insurance $303 $307 $550 $550 $550 6150 Kpers $10.959 $12,403 $13,025 $13,025 $13,025 Totals for Empl Benef ---$2-0,154 21 521$22,846$22.846 $22,84 6160 Health Insurance $31,362 $33,846 $41,800 $41,800 $41,800 6200 Workmen's Compensation $2,000 $2.000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for: Ben Trans3$ 3,362 $35,846 43 8004$ 3.800 $43,800 7000 Office Supplies $253 $201 $350 $350 $350 7060 Sand, Rock, Gravel & Sa $7,262 $7,034 $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 7245 Chemicals $3,367 $4,247 $5.220 $5,220 $5,220 7325 Wearinq Apparel $580 $777 $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 7405 Tools $275 $93 $200 $200 $200 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $1,278 $2.708 $10,960 $10,960 $5.110 7650 Buildings & Grounds $127 $100 $5,140 $5,140 $140 Totals for: Supplies $13,142 $15,160$47.020 4$ 7.020 $36.170 8215 Telephone $104 $67 $580 $580 $580 8315 Employee Development $207 $2,372 $425 $425 $425 8390 Ror-Radio $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 8395 Rpr-Buildings $46 $35 $0 $0 $600 8550 Other Contractual $7,288 $24,777 $19,340 $35,340 $38,815 Totals for: Other Sery$7,645$27,251 20 445$36,445$40,520 9000 Office Equipment $100 $126 $150 $150 $150 9035 Other Equipment $3.491 $724 $11,400 $11.400 $2,275 Totals for: Capital Ou $3,591 850 $11,550 $11,554 2 425 7120 Gas & Oil $15,708 $14,088 $15,750 $6,000 $15,750 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $20,790 $22,871 $18,100 $18,100 $18,100 Totals for: Int Servs 126 4983$ 6,959 33 8502$ 4 1_00$33,850 Totals for: Flood Works L236,942 $261,50Z 306 611 $312,861 $310,361 _$4_ 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006100 General Fund Parks and (Recreation Admin. The Parks and Recreation Administration includes overall Parks and Recreation Administration, as well as Recreation program costs that are not charged out to specific programs. The Recreation division is responsible for providing ayear-round diversified schedule of recreation activities for all citizens of Salina, including participant programs, community services, and special events. Over 100 programs are offered each year for adults and youth in areas such as Athletics, Instructional Classes, Performing and Visual Arts, Special Populations, Environmental Education, Senior Citizens Activities, Day Camps, and Trips and Tours A seven member Parks & Recreatton Advisory Board studies issues and mattes recommendations to the City Commission regarding policy and programs. s, with some programs self-supporting, and others partially provided through User fees are charged for many recreation program general tax funding. Income is credited to the General Fund. Full time authorized staffing: 2012: 11 2013: 11 2014: 11 2015: 11 2016: 11 The department is also authorized 2 part time positions. In addition, this department employ's about 250 seasonal employees. -85- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed 9 Item Number and Description Budget 6004 FT Salaries Budget 5239,398 $218147 $262,615 $7,504 $225,000 $7,500 $277,943 $1,000 6006 PT- Salaries $1,780 $2,358 $924 $3,881 $2,358 $ 58 $2,500 $450 6014 OT- Reqular 6018 Longevity Pav $351 $182 $450 $6,060 $4 $450 $6,060 $6,060 6240 Transp.Allowance $6,060 $850 $5.174 $563 $850 $850 $850 288,803 8220 Cell Phone Allowance 25$ 0.797 22� 8=871 $279,8 y--_ L242,218 ._ -- - Totals for: Personal S -$780 - - - -- $450 6100 Unemployment $486 $292 $13.723 $16.400 $780 $16,000 $16,000 6110 Social Security $15,440 $3,611 $3'209 $ 3,881 $ 53,900 $595 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $568 $487 $22,906 $595 $22.312 $595 $22,312 $ 6150 Kpers $23,660 40 617 4$ 3.568 _. ___ 4 --- $48.3 -- - Totals for: Empl Benef$43,765 - - - - _ $54.000 6160 Health insurance $47,895 $44,107 $1'000 $45,535 $1.630 $45,535 $46,535 1.000 $�55 6200 Workmen's Compensation $1,000 48 895 �--��� 4845 107 4,- - - - 000 Totals for: Ben Trans _- - - - - - - $2,500 $2,500 7000 Office Supplies $2.817 $1,992 $2,905 $2,500 $3 500 $3.500 $3,500 7005 Off.Suppries -Paper $2,532 $0 $0 $0 $0 7025 Books & Periodicals $47 $1,472 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 7100 inti -Paper Prod. 7325 Wearinq Apparel $636 $0 $0 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $ 4,500 7595 Recreation Supplies $1,310 $642 $539 $2,500 $2,500 $0 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $2,317 $476 $1,500 $1,500 $ 1,500 7700 Bike Helmets $315 $15,727 $7,312 $18,000 $18,000 $9.0 00 $_=y-. 8310 Postage 2$ 7 173 13,866 330 000 o 0-00 -- - _ Totals for: Supplies _ _ _ - - --$o - - -- $0 8055 Rent/Lease ($2001 $56,604 $O $$6,1000 $0 16.000 $$6.1100 $1,000 $6,000 8190 Other Professional $5,965 8215 Telephone 8315 Emplovee Development $4999 7 $2,000 $2,000 $1,500 8340 Dues $78 , $38,299 $91 $30,325 $27,500 $27,500 $30,00 $35.000$300 8370 Advertisinq & PfOmOtlon $27,713 $32,$830 $30,000 $30,000 3 ,000 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens $245 $3,200 5525 Refunds 8550 Other Contractual $3,88D $3,290 8$0662 $3,200 992 $3,200 92 600 - 500 �- Totals far: Other Sere 93 336 �-y- - - - - __500 -- 8150 Sales Tax 8150 $61 $67 $ $ $60 Totals for Other _ $6 -- - -- �- - - - ____$60_ -85- City of Salina, Kansas Safina 7120 Gas & Oil $8,181 $6,603 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $7,831 $3,362 Totals for: Int Servs 16 012 $9.965 Totals for: Parks and Recreation Adm $466,981 $510,708 $480,039 $419,155 -86- 2016 Annual Budget $8.000 $4,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $5.000 $16,000112,000 13 000 $508,596 $466,981 $510,708 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006200 General Fund Parks The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and landscaping, including bail diamonds, parkways and landscaped median strips. In addition to caring for the grounds, the Division operates and maintains all facilities related to the parks. They include the Keva in Thomas Park, maintenance buildings in Oakdale, Sunset, Ivey, and Thomas equ arks, the former presently Stimmei School, and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters, spray parks and playground e City owns 25 parks totaling 640 acres. The Division also has the responsibility for maintaining the swimming pool and the grounds of the Salina Bicentennial Center, Salina Community Theater, and the Smoky Hill Museum. The Department has budgeted approximately 20,000 hours of summer/seasonal staffing to help address all park responsibilities. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 13 2013: 13 2014: 13 2015: 13 2016: 13 Department staffing also includes 1 part-time clerical position. 6100 Unemolavment Budget Detail $985 $45,810 81,850 $46,000 6110 Social Security 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 udge{ded 2016Budget Item Number and description $1,404 $2.850 6130 Life Insurance $56.166 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $121 206 61 50 79,001) $47 560,000 $575.000 $160.000 $579.000 $160,000 6006 PT- Salaries Totals for: $154,8fiB $1,052 $1.500 $1,500 $1,50 6014 OT- Reaular $1,386 $14,277 $13,478 $14,DOp $1 $1 $300 $300 6018 Longevity Pav 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 744 845 $� $300 $3 754 800 $300 $300 75$ 0,800-y- $754,800 Tnralc fnr Personal 5 728 368 ��- - - 6100 Unemolavment $1,391 $985 $45,810 81,850 $46,000 6110 Social Security $43.323 $10.132 $10,714 $11,000 6120 Medicare $1,473 $1,404 $2.850 6130 Life Insurance $56.166 $79,228 $70,759 61 50 Kpers Benef JIL2 485 135 141 $132.45_- Totals for: Empi $27,000 _ - 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 7000 Office Supplies 7025 Books & Periodicals 7040 Plumbina Supplies 7045 Shop Mechanic Supplies 7055 Cement Products 7060 Sand, Rock, Gravel & Sa 7065 Metal Products 7070 Paints 7075 Lumber 7080 Electrical & Lighting 7085 Janitorial 7245 Chemicals 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7385 Safetv Equip & Supplies 7405 Tools 7595 Recreation Supplies 7605 Seeds. Plants, Trees 7610 Other Oner. Supplies Totals for: Supplies 8215 Telephone 8315 Emplovee Development 8340 Dues 8395 Rpr-Buildings 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Equipment 9085 Land Totals for: Capital Ou 7120 Gas & Oil $126,700 $11.000 $137,700 $1,024 $54 $8.491 $8,470 $1,269 $540 $26 $857 $534 $2.070 $4,200 $14,570 $3,526 $697 $4,930 $15,936 $19,106 $7,437 $9 3.737 $128,218 $11,000 139 218 $869 $59 S9,282 $8,193 $423 $1,950 $111 $1,477 $1,548 $1.637 $3,814 $16,623 $2,999 $1,349 $2,208 $16,683 $21.889 $1.206 9$ 2,320 $148.522 $11.000 15$ 9,522 $1,000 $100 $10.000 $8,500 $500 $1.000 $500 $1,500 $1.000 $2,000 $4,500 $18.000 $3,0()0 $1,000 $2,000 $16,000 $21,000 $7,500 9100 $1.850 $46,000 $11,000 $2,850 560.000 $12$ 1,70- $143,000 $11,000 $154,00 0 $1,000 $100 $10.000 $8,500 $500 $1,000 $500 $1.500 $1.000 $2,000 $4,600 $18,000 $3,000 $1,000 $2,000 $16.000 $21,000 $7.500 9g 9,100 $4,820 $4,127 $5,000 $2,000 $5,000 $2,000 $430 $160 $1,906 $164 $400 $400 $5,642 $18,846 $24.000 $24,000 $6,000 $4,026 115,078$31.1 $6,089 32 $6,000 3�7 40037,400- $9,587 $6,864 $1,500 $1.500 $0 $0 X87 $1,500 $8,364 - - $0 - - $1.5 - - - --$1,50-- `5Q-$44,445 $44,445 $44,233 $47,976 $27,000 -87- $1.850 $46.000 $11,000 $2.850 $70,759 $132.459 - $148,522 $11.000 $15%522 $1,100 $0 $10,000 $8.500 $15,000 $2,000 $0 $1.500 $1,500 $2,000 $4.500 $18,000 $3,500 $0 $3.000 $18,000 $22,000 $7,500 $118400 $5,000 $2.500 $0 $22.000 $6.000 $35, 50� $35,500 $0 $35,500 $47,976 City of Safina, Kansas Salina 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $55.610 $57,380 $60,000 8245 Solid Waste Disposai $9,516 $10,006 $10,000 Totals for: Int Servs $109,571 $114619.11$ 7976 Totals for: Parks S1.2M526 526 $1,265,63 $1,302-7 -88- 2016 Annual Budget $60,000 $60.000 $10.000 $10,000 97,000$117,976 1 269 50 $1,353,857 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salida Budget Unit-, 1006230 General Fund Downtown The Parks & Recreation Department has responsibility for maintaining the 16 -block downtown area and is charged with providing and caring for all turf, accubrately determine the addition to ss nd maintaining of downtown maill arcadesntena tee,' fountains, and restrooms. This division was establishedin990 to more Full time authorized staff. 2012: 1 2013: 1 2014: 1 2015: 1 2016: 1 -89- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2055 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 udgeised Item Number and Description Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $28,296 $29.221 $$6 $6.0 $.500 $23.000 6.050 $ 29,500 86.000 6006 PT- Salaries $2.954 $0 $3,353 $421 S0 $0 $0 6014 OT- Reaular 6018 Lonqevitv Pav $399 $0 3$ 2 995 $540 $36,000 $500 $29,500 -- 35 500 Totals for: Personal S 31 649 �_ -y-_ _ - - -— - - $100 6100 Unemployment $49 $1.805 $40 $1.871 $100 $ $104 $2.200 $2.200 $500 6110 Socias Security $ $$86 $544 $500 $110 $110 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $85 $85 $86 $2.974 $110 $2.697 $2,697 52.697 6150 Kpers $2.619 $55`408 5 60-- 647 -- - y— _ $5,607 -_ - - - Totals for: Emp4 f3enef _$4 - - - - $1 6160 Health Insurance $10.454 $11.282 $552 $12.302 $ $5$4 $500 6200 Workmen's Compensation $550 1 4 12 852 -- $9050 12 852 Totals for Ben Trans 1$ i, -- - - - -- -_- - - . 7085 Janitorial $690 $614 81 $181 $260 $2fi0 8800 $260 $800 $260 7325 Wearing Apparel $169 $100 $100 $100 7405 Tools $469 $1,757 $2.813 $ X800 $ 2,500 $ $600 7605 Seeds, Plants, Trees $849 $256 S600 $600 $4,260 7610 Other Oner. Supplies $3,874 $3.864 $ 260 _ - - .._ - - Totals for: Supplies _ - - - - --- - ---- 53.000 $3,000 ,000 $6.300 8375 Repairs $4.798 $6.520 $2,785 $9.305 $$10'3000 7,300 $$ 8550 Other Contractual 1� 1 3� S. - 0'300$13,3 -- - - - Totals for: Other Sery -- - _ _— - - $3.200 $500 9035 Other Equipmeni $0 $p $3.200 $3 200 �3 2d0 X04 - - Totals for: Capital Ou _ -_- - - - - - — - - - - -. - $2,033 7120 Gas &Oil $1,972 $1.340 $2,213 $2,033 $1,000 52.033 $$1.0033 $3,.030 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $588 $2,560 $3,553 -033 - _ -- - -- - - Totals for: Int Servs _ _ _ _ _ - - -— Totals for: Parks $65,386 $66,959 7$ 52526$ 4,950 $75,052 -89- CIA - City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006240 General Fund Forestry 2016 Annual Budget The Forestry Division is responsible for planting, pruning, and replacement of trees in the parks and public areas, including Downtown. This Division also is responsible for the care of street trees including trimming and removal of dead or dangerous trees A nursery in Thomas Park provides replacement and additional planting stock for public areas. Review of all landscape pians for commercial building permits is also a division responsibility. The Tree Advisory Board is responsible for studying and proposing tree ordinances, programs, and policies for establishing an urban forest program. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 3 2013: 3 2014: 3 2015: 3 2016: 3 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $93,674 $93.112 $111,000 $109,000 $124,500 6006 PT- Salaries $2,209 $2,868 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 6014 OT- Regular $279 $105 $300 $300 $300 6018 Lonqevitv Pav $1,284 $1.159 $1,500 $1.500 $1,500 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Totals for: Personal S 12Z 746 $97,544 Iliz 100 $115,100 JILO 600 6100 Unemployment $184 $126 $300 $300 $300 6110 Social Security $5,766 $5,878 $7,140 $7,140 $7,140 6120 Medicare $1,349 $1.375 $1.660 $1,660 $1,660 6130 Life Insurance $221 $181 $500 $500 $500 6150 Kpers $8.754 $9,718 $10,527 $10,527 $10.527 Totals for: Empl Benef $16,274 $17,278 $20,127 20 127 $20.127 6160 Health Insurance $22,485 $16,904 $23.000 $23.000 $23,000 6200 Workmen's Compensation $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 Totals for: Ben Trans2$ 4,685 $19,104 JZ5 2_00$25.200 25 200 7000 Office Supplies $98 $149 $200 $200 $200 7075 Lumber $15 $16 $100 $100 $100 7235 Tree Plagues $83 $65 $150 $150 $150 7325 Wearinq Apparel $619 $580 $600 $600 5600 7385 Safety Equip & Supplies $176 $212 $150 $150 $150 7405 Tools $2,177 $267 $200 $200 $200 7605 Seeds, Plants, Trees $323 $5,128 $1.000 $1,000 $1,000 7605 Seeds, Plants, Trees $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,500 7610 Other Oner Supplies $95 $430 $250 $250 $250 Totals for Supplies $3,586 56,847 $2.650 $2.650 $5150 8315 Emplovee Development $915 $800 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 8340 Dues $60 $76 $200 $200 $200 8550 Other Contractual $16,076 $14,765 $15.000 $15,000 $15,000 Totals for: Other Sery 17 05315 641t6 700 1$ 6.70a 16 700 9035 Other Equipment $0 $2,520 $500 $500 $500 Totals for: Capital Ou L $2.520 500 500 500 7120 Gas & Oil $3.557 $3,354 $6,161 $2,500 $4,000 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $5,506 $5.506 $7,000 $7.000 $7,000 Totals for: Int Servs $9,063$8,860$13,161$9,500$11,000 Totals for: Paries 1168,405 $167,794 $195,438 $109-77 209 277 -90- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006250 General Fund Neighborhood Centers Three of the four Neighborhood Centers provide meeting and recreational facilities for clubs, organizations, and groups of Salina citizens. The largest Neighborhood Center is Memorial Hall, which was constructed in 1921 and provides meeting rooms and recreational facilities. It also houses the USD ##305 Adult Education Center, and Community Access TV. Both Carver Center and ces Friendship former residence located ter were built inthe Lakew Lak0's and ewood and petl o sly meeting used as a cfor enterorganizations but was converted to aindividuals. cent aknv1995 to ood Lodge house nature and environmental programs. The full time staff position was replaced with a part-time position in 2012. -91- Budd{ Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015Budget 2016Proposed Item Number and Description $0 $16,825 $0 $15,328 $0 $15.328 $0 $0 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $378 $16.145 6006 PT- Salaries 16 523 �_- 1$ $15, 1$ _ Totals for: Personal S - .6,825 _ - 6100 Unemplovment - $30 $20 $928 $55 $ $55 $ $0 $0 6110 Social Securitv $941 $$16 $217 $560 $560 $560 $560 $0 $0 6120 Medicare $511 $511 $0 6130 Life Insurance 261 $1,261 711$16 $1,711 $1.511 $1,511 6150 Kpers Totals for: Empl Benef $2,468 - 2 892 - -- 306 -- -- - -_- _ - - --- . 6160 Health Insurance $1'175 $$2,020 $$1,800 $$1,800 L - Totals for: Ben Trans_--- -$ - -_-- - - -- - - - 7040 Piumbinq Supplies 584 $426 $0 $500 $400 $500 $400 $500$37 $400 7070 Paints$2,600 7100 Jntrl-Paper Prod. $2,813 $828 $2.600 $2,000 $2 600 $00 2,000 $5,500 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $1,640 $614 �1 868 x`500 Totals for: Supplies X074 8190 Other Professional $2.805 $2,699 $3,200 $2,100 $3.200 $2,100 $3.200 $2.100 8215 Telephone $2,076 $3,006 52.103 $1.783 $5,150 $5.150 8385 Rpr-Heating &Cool $3.5$0 $22,$15 $5.1$0 $5'1$0 $5,150 $0 8395 RPT -Buildings $15 8425 Ror-Eauipment 31 $1,431 $867 $0 $0 $0 8525 Refunds $29,924 1�5Q - - 1- S15,60 0 -- - __ Totals for: Other Sere$12,894 - - - 9035 Other Eauipment $1,000 $720 $1,00 $1 OOD- $1.000 X1040 $1,0001 $1,000 ..- Totals for. Capital Ou T � _ p 72 - -�0 - - - - _ 8245 Solid Waste Disposal $2,048 $1,947 947 $2,420 X2 2.420 $2420 2,420 $x_20_ Totals for Int Servs -048 _1 -`420 - _ Totals for: Neighborhood Centers 4825$ 6,1964$ 5,9_54 $45,954 g_4520 -91- City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006270 General Fund 2016 Annual Budget Field Maintenance The Fields Maintenance Division takes care of all of the Baseball and Soccer fields within the City. Staffing cost is allocated from other Parks and Recreation staffing. Item Number and Description 2013 Actual Budget Detail 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended Budget 2016 Proposed Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $85,929 $88225 $89,000 $89,000 $89,000 6006 PT- SaYaries $40,571 $49,442 $42,000 $49.500 $54,000 6014 OT- Reqular $2,398 $2,335 $2.500 $2,500 $2,500 6018 LongevitvPav $1,278 $1,362 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Totals for Personal 5 $130,476 $141,664$135,300$142,800.14$ $150 $332 7.300 6100 Unemolovment $246 $179 $350 $350 $350 6110 Social Security $7,569 $8,312 $8.128 $8,128 $8,128 6120 Medicare $1,770 $1.944 $1,900 $1.900 $1,900 6130 Life Insurance $217 $220 $225 $225 $225 6150 Kpefs $8,067 $9,222 $9,357 $9,357 $9,357 Totals for: Empl Benef $17,869$19,877$19.960$19j)60$19,960 $12,800 $3,672 $1,661 $11,150 6160 Health Insurance $20,908 $22,564 $24,965 $24,965 $24,965 6200 Workmen's Compensation $1,500 $1,500 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 Totals for: Ben Trans2$ 2,408$24,064$26,765$26,765 $5,976 $5,976 $5,976 $26,76 7055 Cement Products 7060 Sand, Rock, Gravel & Sa 7070 Paints 7075 Lumber 7080 Efectftal & Liahtina 7085 Janitorial 7325 Wearing Apparel 7385 Safety Eauip & Supplies 7405 Tools 7595 Recreation Supplies 7610 Other Oper. Supplies Totals for: Supplies 8315 Employee Development 8395 Ror-Buildinas 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Equipment Totals for: Capital Ou 7120 Gas & Oil 7165 Maint-Vehi6es & Equip Totals for: Int Servs Totals for: Parks $0 $0 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $6,190 $5,083 $7,000 $7.000 $7,000 $3,264 $4,223 $3,000 $3,000 $4,500 $2,519 $1,812 $1.350 $1,350 $2.000 $1,167 $5.904 $3,000 $15.000 $3,000 $432 $2.350 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $330 $414 $400 $400 $400 $126 $10 $150 $150 $150 $332 $154 $500 $500 $500 $2,126 $2,646 $2,500 $2,500 $2.500 $2,237 $2,816 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $18,723 $25,412$26,-4-00--3$ 8,40Q2$ 6,050 $85 $171 $350 $350 $850 $57 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $3,530 $1.490 $800 $800 $12,800 $3,672 $1,661 $11,150 $11.150 13 650 $359 $5.159 $1,500 $1,500 $8,000 359 $5,159 $1,500 $1,50 $8,000 $5,691 $5,092 $5,976 $5,976 $5,976 $2,543 $4,373 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $8,234$9,465$11,976 $11,97 11 976 $201,741 $227,302 $233,051 $252,551 $253,701 -92- 2016 Annual Budget. City of Safina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit, 1006280 General Fund Cemetery This Division provides for the care, maintenance, and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery, located at Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. The cemetery contains 47 acres and more than 15,000 graves at the present time. Based on present use, approximately 100-125 burials per year, space is expected to be available for at least another 15 years. Fees collected from interment are $21,000 and from the sale of lots WOOD: the remaining is financed from general revenues. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 2 2013: 2 2014: 2 2015: 2 2016: 2 Totals for. Cemetery 16� 5,870 $146J78 $185,877 -93- $177,630$166.784 Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 ugg Amended osed 2016B dg Item Number and Description t $89,911 $71,571 $82.000 $7,200 $78,000 $7.200 $82,000 $8,000 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries $7,070 $6.674 $1.006 $1.000 $1,000 $1.000 6014 OT- Reqular $846 $2.209 $1,383 $1.5$0 $1,5$0 6018 Lonqevitv Pav S13 $300 $O $1,5$0 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $ 100,049 8$ 0,934 $91,700 8$ 7,- _ 9� 2 50- Totals for: Personal S 6100 Unemployment $228 $104 $4,827 $210 $5,150 $210 $5.150 $210 $5.150 6110 Social Security 57.083 $1.657 $1,129 $1.250 $1,250 $1$300 6120 Medicare $212 $191 $300 $300 $7 115 i 6130 Life Insurance $10.166 $7,777 $7,115 $7,115 6150 Kpe Totals for: Empl Benef - 1�- - _ $14,028 _ _1 025 _ 114 _- $14,025$14,025 6160 Health insurance $14.356 521,688 $23,305 $1,550 $23,305 $1,550 $23.305 6200 Workmen's Compensation $1,550 90fi $1.552 2 3 240�5� 2�5 524,855, Totals far: Ben Trans 15 _ ��--,_ _ -- - - 7060 Sand, Rock. Gravel & Sa $2,316 $1,423 $25,000 $250 $25,000 $250 $1,500 $250 7100 Jntrl Paper Prod. $172 $49 7325 Wearinq Apparel $3287 $107 $500 $500 $600 7405 Toois 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $2.501 $2,525 $4,000 3 150 $4,000 3 � 5Z_350 y-- Totals for: Supplies $6,614 _ $44,425 _- .. -- - $2,057 $2,052 $2,150 $2,150 $2,300 $150 8215 Telephone $0 $0 $150 $150 8315 Employee Development $1,006 $2,453 $3,000 $3.000 $3.000 8395 Ror-Buildings $3,150 $968 $2,300 $2.300 $ 8525 Refunds �6 213 $5,473. $'600 �. - - $7,750 -__ Totals for: Other Sery _ __ - - - - 9035 Other Equipment $3.364 $D LO $$1 300 $1,300 $1,300 3.800 $300 $3,800 Totals for. Capital Ou $3,364 _ - - - 7120 Gas &Oil $6,247 $5,419 $6,247 $1,000 $2,000 $10,000 $6,500 $16 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $9,131 $12,659 118 07_8 166 247 $12,000 500 _- - Totals for. Int Servs 15 378 _ �- _ -- -- - - - -- Totals for. Cemetery 16� 5,870 $146J78 $185,877 -93- $177,630$166.784 C"_ Cit of Salina Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Y .- Salina Budget Unit: 1006300 General Fund Building Maintenance The Buildings Division is responsible for maintenance of all Parks & Recreation buildings including the Golf Course clubhouse and maintenance shop, Cemetery, Neighborhood Centers, Park maintenance shop buildings, as well as the Police Department, Municipal Court, Museum, Salina Community Theater, Salina Art Center, Health Department, and General Service's buildings. Buildings staff also provides input and recommendations to the Bicentennial Center, and Fire Department. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 9 2013: 9 2014: 9 2015: 9 2016: 9 Totals for: Building Maintenance ^ -- $1,149,565 $1,134,297 $ $1,241,814 1 225 408 11,159,031 -94- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $303,633 $287,814 $315,000 $265,000 $295,000 6006 PT- Salaries $17,590 $15,943 $30,000 $30,000 530,000 6014 OT- Regular $4,838 $3,345 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 6018 Lonaevitv Pav $3,192 $3.436 $3,300 $3.300 $3.000 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $600 $488 $1.000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Persona! S32$ 9,85331$ 1,02635$ 2,800$302,800$332,500 6100 Unemployment $615 $406 $625 $625 $500 6110 Socia[ Security $19,351 $18,955 $23,500 $17,000 $21.500 6120 Medicare $4,526 $4.439 $5,300 $5.300 $4.500 6130 Life Insurance $768 $735 $1,105 $1,105 $800 6150 Koers $28,479 $30.508 $32,664 $26,500 $32,660 Totals for: Empi Benef 153 739$55,04310,1945� 530 $59,960 6160 Health Insurance $70,528 $71,382 $86,825 $72.000 $86,825 6200 Workmen's Compensation $6,000 $6.000 $6.000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Ben Trans $76,528 77 382 JL2 8257$ 8,00 $92,825 7040 Plumbinq Supplies $1,142 $661 $1,386 $1,386 $1,286 7070 Paints 5144 $123 $570 $570 $570 7075 Lumber $315 $843 $855 $855 $855 7080 Electrical & Lightinq $3.921 $2,016 $6,500 $21.500 $6,500 7085 Janitorial $9,024 $7.099 $9,200 $9.200 $12,060 7100 Jntrl-Paper Prod. $2.640 $3,175 $2,860 $2.860 $0 7325 Wearinq Apparel $1,749 $1,429 $1,680 $1,680 $1,680 7405 Tools $3,085 $2,191 $3,000 $3,000 $3.000 7610 Other Ooer Supplies $4,203 $5,453 $4,000 $4.000 $4,000 Totals for: Supplies2$ 6,2232$ 2.990 30,05.1$45,051$29,951 8190 Other Professional $3,409 $5,130 $3,500 $3.500 $3.500 8210 Other Prof. -Elevator $15,899 $14,010 $17,500 $17,500 $17,500 8215 Telephone $958 $894 $850 $850 $850 8230 Gas Service $88,044 $95,074 $88.000 $88,000 $95,000 8260 Light & Power $403,719 $415.168 $42D.000 $420,000 $420,000 8265 L&P-Recreation $81,610 $79,707 $84.000 $84,000 $84,000 8315 Employee Development $1,341 $3,094 $1,700 $1.700 $1,700 8385 Rpr-Heatinq & Cool $2,106 $2.475 $3,700 $3,700 $3.700 8395 Rpr-Buildinqs $9,429 $4,109 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 8425 Rpr-Equipment $1,223 $1,476 $1,500 $1,500 $1.500 8430 Rpr-Other $2,163 $4,798 $0 $0 $0 8550 Other Contractual $9,419 $10,075 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Totals for: Other Sery61$ 9.32063$ 6,01063$ 4,75 $634,750 64$ 1,750 9105 Capital Improvement Pro $34,678 $26,478 $41,400 $41,400 $74,440 Totals for: Capital Ou$34,678$26,478 $41,400 $4140 _$74,44 7120 Gas & Oil $4,558 $4,074 $5,190 $3,000 $5.190 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $4,666 $1,294 $5,198 $3,500 $5,198 Totals for Int Servs $9,224 $5,368 110 388 $6,5001$ 0,388 Totals for: Building Maintenance ^ -- $1,149,565 $1,134,297 $ $1,241,814 1 225 408 11,159,031 -94- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit- 1006400 General Fund Animal Shelter Beginning in January 2014, the animal services function was added to the City of Salina resulting from the dissolution of the Salina - Saline County Health Department. Full time authorized staff. 2014: 7 2015: 7 2016: 7 -95- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015Budget ended 2016Proposedsed Item Number and Description $215,257 $274,216 $15,000 $215,004 $15,000 $235,000 $15,000 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $0 6006 PT- Salaries $0 $0 $0 $9,278 $5.000 $5,000 $14,000 6014 OT- Regular $0 $1,948 $0 $0 $2,100 6018 Lonqevitv Pav $226,483 2gq 21fi 23$ 5,000 _ $262,100 Totals for: Personal S 6100 Unemplovment $0 $0 $288 $13,463 $274 $20.330 $274 $15.000 $300 0,300 $23,500 6110 Social Security $0 $3,149 $3'9$0 $3,900$o $300 6120 Medicare 6130 life Insurance $0 $280 $280 $23,060 525,216 $25.216 $49 6150 Kpers $0 D 4� 0.240 49.720 `1�9Q-- - 616 --= Totals for: Empl Benef _ � - -- - - 6160 Health Insurance _ $0 $40.506 $4.500 $47,506 $6.000 $40.000 $6 .000 $45,500 $5.000 6200 Workmen's Compensation $0 $D 4- 5 406 5_506 000 ---- 5 _ -_ Totals for: Ben Trans _ - -- - 7000 Office Supplies - $24 $5.512 $336 $5,700 $2,500 $5,700 $2.500 $6,000 $2.500 7040 Plumbing Supplies $0 $5 $178 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 7080 Electrical & Liahtinq $0 $6,565 $3,900 $3,940 $8.0 7085 Janitorial $0 $2,751 $2.000 $2.000 $3.000 $8.000 7325 Wearing Apparel $0 $7,156 $15.865 $60,865 0.000 $$4.000 7610 Other Oper. Supplies 7645 Other Oper. Animal Supp $0 $32,914 $35,000 $6.750 $35AOD $6,750 8310 Posiaae $0 $24 $3,835 5$ 9,247$73,715 11�- 74,500 $ - Totals for. Supplies 8040 Aaencv Cont. Animal Shl $298.686 $0 $432 $0 $0 $D $0 $0 $540 8190 Other Professional $0 $0 $4,504 $4,800 $4.804 $4,800 8215 Telephone $0 $10,219 $6,000 $6.000 $10,000 $20.000 Gas Service 8235 G $0 $19,237 $16.454 $16.450 $$450 8260 ast & Power 8315 Emplovee Development $0 $3,$15 $ $4 0 $450 $ $450 $450 8340 Dues $0 $0 $15 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 8385 Rpr-Heating & Cool $0 $4,682 $14,000 $$3.004 $$9,000 8395 Rpr-Buildinqs $0 .682 $1,801 $3,000 $3,000 $9,000 8425 Rpr-Equipment $0 $5,026 $5,000 $5,000 $5,500 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens $0 $61,062 $41.500 $41,500 ,000 36 8550 Other Contractual 11$ 1,0$� 10�. 3?0 - 10��- - 0250 --- Totals for. Other Sery$298&86... - - - 9000 Office Equipment $0 $1,005 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $5 $3,000 9035 Other Equipment $0 $4,052 $5.0 $4,000 $ . - '500 5 �`-- -- - Totals for Capital Ou _- _ - - -- -- - 8525 Refunds -Animal Shelter $0 $1,640 X40 $7 505 $$7 500 2,500 $$2 500 J Totals for: Other U0 - - 7120 Gas &Oil $0 $8.164 $14,000 $5,0$00 $6,000 $5.0$00 $10.000 $$2,500 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $4 $p $6,222 $2,093 $2,500 8245 Solid Waste Disposal 1,�6 G79 1$ g 00q 11 004 - 23,004 Totals for: Int Servs _ --_ - - - _ - - - Totals for: Animal Shelter 29�1D $505,232 $602,977 $567,925 1602,966 -95- r�- Cityof Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget _ Salina Budget Unit: 1006520 General Fund Aquatics Center This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate Kenwood Cove, a contemporary water park with modern features. Kenwood Cove is open from approximately Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, based on school ending and starting dates, Kenwood Cove is staffed entirely by temporarylseasonal personnel. 6100 Unemployment Budget Detail $354 $640 $640 Item Number and Description 2013 Actuai 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed $25,000 $22,000 6120 Medicare Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $3,662 $4,577 $14,000 $14,000 $14.000 6006 PT- Salaries $270,878 $261,913 $311,000 $311,000 $311,000 6014 OT- Reqular $3 $1,643 $500 $500 $500 Totals for: Personal S 274543 26$ 8,13312Z5_500$325,500 32 840$32,840$28 $325,500 6100 Unemployment $546 $354 $640 $640 $640 6110 Social Security $17,008 $16,590 $25,000 $25,000 $22,000 6120 Medicare $3,978 $3,880 $7,200 $7,200 $5.200 6130 Life Insurance $6 $5 $0 $0 $0 6150 Koers $452 $466 $0 $0 $500 Totals for: Empl Benef 2$ 1,990 $21.295 32 840$32,840$28 340 6160 Health Insurance $683 $388 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Ben Trans 683 $388 L02 Lo U) 7000 Office Supplies $649 $841 $1,400 $1.400 $3.000 7040 Plumbinq Supplies $727 $1,280 $750 $750 $750 7070 Paints $273 $347 $500 $500 $500 7075 Lumber $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 7080 Electrical & L.ightinq $594 $2,538 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 7085 Janitorial $2.381 $2,385 $2,000 $2,000 $3.500 7100 Jntrl-Paper Prod. $1,962 $2.004 $1.500 $1.500 $0 7175 Parts-Machinerv& Eauip $1,357 $338 $1.000 $1.000 $1.000 7245 Chemicals $23.271 $37,434 $38,000 $38,000 $38,000 7325 Wearina Apparel $5,529 $4.594 $5,000 $5.000 $5.000 7595 Recreation Supplies $6,769 $9.719 $5,500 $5,500 $7,500 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $1,981 $4,252 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Totals for Supplies 145493 IK732 6$ 1,65061 6506$ 4,750 8190 Other Professional $1,445 $2,851 $5,000 $5,000 $5.000 8215 Telephone $1.808 $1,546 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 8370 Advertisinq & Promotion $8,578 $4,276 $9,000 $9,000 $9.000 8395 Rpr-Buildings $2.481 $2,153 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 8425 Rpr-Equipment $341 $5.823 $3,000 $3.000 $4,200 8525 Refunds $5,091 $3,899 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 8550 Other Contractual $6.613 $5,280 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Other Sere$26,357$25,828$32,000$32,000 $33,200 8150 Sales Tax $236 $219 $400 $400 $400 Totals for: Other X236 219 400 400 400 8245 Solid Waste Disposal $1,297 $1.595 $1,300 $1,300 $1,500 Totals for: Int Servs $1,297 1 595 $1,300 $1,300 $1,500 Totals for: Swimming Pools $370,599 $383,190 $453,69D 453 690 $453,690 -96- City of Salina. Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit- 1OO653O General Fund Athletics The Athletics division allocates the resources required for administration of all adult and youth athletic programs. Staff expenses are charged out (from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. -97- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015B mended 2016 Item Number and Description gPrroposed $48,828 $49,083 $49,495 $110,040 $49,495 $110,000 $50,500 $110,000 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries $101,277 $101,412 $18 $0 $0 6014 OT- Reqular $0 $312 $354 $300 $300 $380 6018 Lonqevitv Pav $300 $300 $300 8220 Cell Phone Allowance D,7�Z 15$ 1.16 16�fl 095 160 095 - -- 16$ 1,180 Totals for Personal S _15$ -- -- 6100 Unempiavnzenk $296 $200 $9,140 $300 $9.000 $300 $9,000 $300 $9.500 6110 Social Securitv $8,990 $2.102 $2,138 $2,000 $2.000 $2,300 6120 Medicare $120 $125 $100 $100 $125 6130 Life Insurance $4.909 $6,746 $5,444 $5, 444 $7,000 6150 Kpers Totals for: Empl Benef 1$ 6,417 1L349 1$ 6.844 116 844 - - 1�2�- 6160 Heaith Insurance $10,591 $11,967 $12,160 $1,500 $12,160 $1,500 $13,200 700 6200 Workmen's Compensation $1,504 15 2,091 $1,500 13_,467 1.3 66� 1-- #$4 ---1- Totals for: Ben Trans 7025 Books 8 Periodicals $2,399 $400 $00fl $0 7080 Electrical 8 Lighting $ $13,997171 $14,036 $14,000 $14,04D $15,000 7595 Recreation Supplies $187 $739 $500 $500 $0 7610 Other Oper. Supplies 14 642 17 194 1�4 900$14,900- -- 15 000 -- Totals for. Supplies _- -- - 8055 Rent/Lease $10,550 $8,350 $12,040 $6.000 $12.000 $6.000 $14,000 $6,500 8190 Other Professional $5.520 $2,097 $7,611 $1.950 $1,500 $1.500 $2,000 8525 Refunds $2,004 $601 $2,000 $2,000 $2.500 8550 Other Contractual 20171 �_�- 18512$21, 500 2 500_- Z�5'9Q0 - Totals for: Other Sere - - - - ---- -- -- --- - - $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 9035 Other Equipment 0 $3,000 Totals for: Capital Ou _ Totals for: Recreation 21$ 3,998$218,689$226,999$226,999$238,105 -97- City of Salina Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006540 General Fund 2016 Annual Budget Natural Resources Natural resource programming through Lakewood Discovery Center as well as other nature programs, activities and events. Staff expenses are charged out (from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Totals for: Recreation $269,835 $228,585 214 850 $205,850 $203,250 -98- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $82,479 $83,569 $85,000 $76.000 $49,500 6006 PT- Salaries $32,368 $18,246 $26.000 $26,000 $27,000 6014 OT- Reqular $0 $108 $0 $0 $0 6018 Lonqevitv Pay $1,190 $1,274 $1,200 $1,200 $700 Totals for: Personal S jjjfj 0_37$103197$112,200 103 200 $77,200 6100 Unemployment $218 $132 $300 $300 $200 6110 Social Security $6.707 $6,108 $6,500 $6,500 $5.000 6120 Medicare $1,569 $1,428 $1,500 $1.500 $1.000 6130 Life Insurance $212 $214 $200 $200 $200 6150 Kpers $7,642 $8.644 $7,600 $7,600 54.600 Totals for: Empl Benet $16,348 16 5261$ 6 100$16,100$11,000 6160 Health Insurance $20,908 $22,564 $25,000 $25,000 $13.500 6200 Workmen's Compensation $1,000 $1.000 $1,000 $1,000 51.000 Totals for Ben Trans2$ 1,9082$ 3,5642,6.000 2$ 6,00 $14,500 7025 Books & Periodicals $13 $0 $100 $100 $0 7060 Sand. Rock. Gravel & Sa $0 $0 $1.000 $1,000 $0 7070 Paints $112 $0 $0 $0 $0 7075 Lumber $714 $0 $700 $700 $0 7080 Electrical & Lightinq $47 $0 $0 $0 $0 7325 Wearinq Apparel $350 $377 $350 $350 $0 7405 Tools $214 $6 $200 $200 $0 7445 Mach. & Equip. (<$250) $577 $168 $500 $500 $0 7595 Recreation Supplies $8.683 $3,767 $8,500 $8,500 $13,050 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $1,717 $1,958 $1,700 $1,700 $0 Touts for: Supplies $12,427 $6.2761$ 3,050 $13,050$1 3,050 8190 Other Professional $325 $0 $0 $0 $0 8315 Employee Development $60 $0 $0 $0 $0 8370 Advertisinq & Promotion $0 $1,043 $0 $0 $0 8525 Refunds $484 $1,902 $Q $0 $0 $540 Activity Fund $96.150 $70.237 $40.000 $40,000 $80.000 8550 Other Contractual $5,776 $5,738 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 Totals for: Other Sery10$ 2,7957$ 8,92047 50 $47,500 8$ 7,500 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $320 $102 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: int Servs Lq20 102 LO LO LO Totals for: Recreation $269,835 $228,585 214 850 $205,850 $203,250 -98- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006550 General Fund Recreation Programs This provides the resources for the administration of all youth and adult instructional programs. Staff expenses are charged out (from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries 6018 Lonqevitv Pay 8220 Cell Phone Allowance Totals for: Personal S 6100 Unemployment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6150 Kpers Totals for: Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7445 Mach. & Eauio. (<$250) 7595 Recreation Supplles 7610 Other Oper. Supplies 8310 Postaae Totals for: Supplies 8055 Rent/Lease 8190 Other Professional 8315 Employee Development 8525 Refunds 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery Totals for: Recreation 19$ 4,261 $185,544 $203,999$203,9991211.9-4a -99- Bud e_� t Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015Budget 2016 Pdgetsed gended $49,499 $51,927 $50,000 $50,000 $80,000 $53,000 $77,300 $70,429 $64,172 $1,598 $80,000 $1,500 $1.500 $1,640 $1,535 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $121,763 - - 11�,_- - - 13.E-�.__ -- $131,80 j 3�0 - $206 $146 $300 $7,000 $300 $7.000 $300 $7.000 $6.591 $1.541 $6,696 $1.566 $1,500 $1,500 $1,600 $136 $169 $150 $5.450 $150 $5.450 $200 $6 7,200 300 $5,138 1$ 3,612 $7,167 1$ 5,7_44 1-4 4�0$14.4Qa - _y- $11.698 $18,616 $29,889 $29,889 $1.500 $20,500 $1,500 $1,500 13 198_ $1.500 2�_6 - - - $1,500 -- $31,38 - 3�9 - - 72 - - $0 $301 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20.559 $301 $6.323 $0 $18,000 $18,000 $18,500 $2.703 $735 $500 $5$00 $0 $14 2, 3 276 $0 $7,660 - - - --- -118 500 - -1$ 8,50_ - 18,50 $1,105 $235 $1.100 $1,100 52,5$00 $1,100 $17.5$0 $16,751 $21.804 $2,50$0 $318 $310 $0 $185 $310 $310 $300 $3,928 $1.803 $4,000 $4,000 $ $4,000 2 900 $22,412 2$ 4,Q27- - $7,910- - Totals for: Recreation 19$ 4,261 $185,544 $203,999$203,9991211.9-4a -99- -100- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1006560 General Fund Special Populations The Special Populations budget provides for the administration of all therapeutic recreational programs for adults and youth. Staff expenses are charged out (from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $0 $30 $0 $0 $0 6006 PT- Salaries $35,980 $36,247 $36,000 $36,000 $36,000 6014 OT- Regular $1,482 $252 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 6018 Lonqevity Pay $403 $424 $400 $400 $450 Totals for: Personal S $37,865 D-6 9533$ 7,904$37,900$37,950 6100 Unemployment $70 $47 $70 $70 $70 6110 Social Security $2,151 $2.127 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 6120 Medicare $503 $498 $500 $500 $500 6130 Life Insurance $50 $52 $50 $50 $50 6150 Kpers $2,257 $2.518 $1,771 $1,771 $2.500 Totals for: Empi Benef $5,031 $5,242 $4,491 14 491 $5,220 6160 Health Insurance $2,521 $2,656 $2,415 $2,415 $2,900 6200 Workmen's Compensation $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Totals for: Ben Trans $2,721 $2,856 $2,615 96-115 $3,100 7325 Wearinq Apparel $0 $34 $0 $0 $0 7595 Recreation Supplies $1,531 $1,882 $2,000 $2,000 $2.200 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $0 $114 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Supplies $1,531 $2,030 $2,000 $2,000 $2,200 8315 Emplovee Development $120 $0 $120 $120 $0 8525 Refunds $25 $422 $100 $100 $220 8540 Activity Fund $14,047 $10,583 $15,000 $15,000 $15.000 8550 Other Contractual $4,084 $2,555 $4,000 $4,000 $4.000 Totals for: Other Sero1$ 8,27613 560 1$ 9,220 1$ 9,220 $19,220 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Eauio $29 $78 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Int Servs $29 $Q L 1-0 Totals for: Recreation $65,453 $60,719 $66,226 $66,226 $67,690 -100- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006570 General Fund Camp Salina This supports a licensed day camp during the summer for school age children. Staff expenses are charged out (from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget Amended 2015B 201Budcetsed Item Number and Description Budget 6006 PT Salaries $30.913 $31,925 3 25_ $31.000 $31,000 1,OOD 33,000 $33 000 �---- Totals for: Personal S 30,913 _ - - -$45 _3�Od_ - _3$ 6100 Unemployment - $65 $ $65 $ $65 $ $65 $2.100 6110 Social Security $1,917 $448 $463 $463 $500 $500 $500 2 565 $500 $2 665 6120 Medicare 2 430 �y- X487 565- - - -- - - - Totals for: Empl Benef _-- - -$230 $1,750 6200 Workmen's Compensation $230 $1,732 5--- 230 $— $230 $230 - $1 750 - Totals for. Ben Trans L2230 _ -- -- -- -- - - - 7595 Recreation Supplies $2,690 $2,388 $2.700 $3,000 $2.700 $3.000 $5,700 $0 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $ 3.013 5 703 --_ $2.240 X28 $5,700 - - - -- -$5,704 - - $5,700 Totals fcr Supplies _ _ - - - - $2.0000 $2560 8055 Rent/Lease $2,090 $2,536 $71 $2,00$00 8190 Other Professional $50 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 8525 Refunds 8550 Other Contractual $20 $120 $0 $0 $2 a0o $0 $2,000 ? 500 Totals for. Other Sery $2, 280-- $2 607 - - - - - -- - Totals for: Recreation379$411495 41556 $43�--- $41,495 4�-- -102- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1006580 General Fund Senior Programs This supports programs geared towards the senior portion of the population. Staff expenses are charged out (from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6006 PT- Salaries $8,326 $8,433 $8,300 $8,300 $9,000 Totals for: Personal S $8,326 $8.433 $8,300 $8,300 $9,000 6100 Unemployment $17 $12 $20 $20 $20 6110 Social Securitv $515 $520 $500 $500 $500 6120 Medicare $121 $122 $100 $100 $100 6150 Kpers $12 $41 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Empl aenef L665 695 620 620 620 6160 Health Insurance $22 $97 $0 $0 $p 6200 Workmen's Compensation $650 $0 $650 $650 $650 Totals for: Ben Trans 672 97 650 650 650 7595 Recreation Supplies $246 $588 $1.000 $1,000 $1,000 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $75 $100 $0 $0 $0 8310 Postaqe $14 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Supplies 335 X688 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 8055 Rent/Lease $360 $1,328 $1.504 $1,500 $1,500 8190 Other Professional $0 $25 $0 $0 $0 8315 Emplovee Development $84 $0 $0 $o $0 8370 Advertisinq & Promotion $5,242 $3,765 $0 $0 $0 8525 Refunds $1,686 $9,247 $0 $0 $0 8540 Activitv Fund $49,185 $68.561 $40,000 $40,000 $40.000 8550 Other Contractual $1,904 $376 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for: Other Sery$58,461$83,302 43 500 43 50p4$ 3,500 Totals for: Recreation $68,459 $93,215 54,070 $54.070 54 770 -102- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 1006590 General Fund Recreation Special Events This covers the costs and services required to support several annual special events throughout the year. Staff expenses are charged out (from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail -103- 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 mgeentded 2016Budget Prroposed Item Number and Description 6006 PT -Salaries $1,042 $658 $1,200 $1,200 $0 $1.200 $0 6014 OT- Reqular $0 $1,042 $18 $676 $0 $1,200 200 $.— Totals for Personal S - -- ---$1,200 - 6100 UnemoloYment $2 $1 $40 $0 $65 $0 $65 $0 $40 6110 Social SecuritV $65 $9 $20 $20 $$o 6120 Medicare $15 $0 $2 $0 $0 6150 Kners Totals for: Empt Benef _ $82_ _ _ � _ 85 — - � $85- -- f- - -- _. 6160 Health Insurance $0 $4 $0 $0 $0 $D $0 $0 6200 Workmen's Compensation $18 $4 $0 0 =- Totals for: Ben Trans �_ _ - _. 7595 Recreation Supplies $14,027 $9,996 $15,000 $15,000 $175 $15,175 $0 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $165 $100 1$ 0 096 $175 1$ 175 1�, 15 17�5- -. Totals for: Supplies$14,192, . - - - - 8055 Rent/Lease $3.878 $860 $4,000 $5,500 $4.000 $5,500 $4,000 $8.000 8190 Other Professional $7,453 $15,750 $0 $0 $0 8370 Advertising & Promotion $867 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 8550 Other Contractual $425 $16,610 0- --$12,0_ - Totals for: Other Sere -1�6— _ - -�-p Totals for: Recreation $27, 957 27 43g $25,960 $25,960 118 425 -103- -104- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit; 1007200 General Fund Smoky Hill Museum In 1983, the City of Salina and Saline County authorized the purchase of the Post Office at 211 West Iron for the purpose of establishing a historical museum. The City and County acquired the building for a museum on June 17, 1985, and opened on October 5, 1986. In 1991, the City of Salina took full responsibility for the museum. The Smoky Hill Museum inspires a broader understanding of the region's rich history by engaging residents and visitors of all ages through diverse learning experiences. The City of Salina provides the basic administration and operating costs for the Museum. The Division Director, five full-time employees, and two part-time employees are City staff members. Other funds come from grants, sponsorships, and revenues through the Friends of the Smoky Hilt Museum. Three additional part-time employees are also funded by the Friends organization. The Smoky Hilt Museum earned fully accredited status from the American Association of Museums in 1997. The gallery was fully renovated in 2005 - 2006. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 6 2013: 6 2014: 6 2015: 6 2016: 6 In addition, two part time positions are authorized. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $260.383 $267,413 $268.958 $275,000 $268,958 6006 PT- Salaries $20,905 $18,420 $21,000 $21,000 $21.000 6014 OT- Regular $544 $715 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 6018 LongevitvPav $2.282 $2,534 $1,089 $1,089 $1,089 Totals for: Personal S $284,114 $289,082$292,047$298,089 $292,047 6100 Unemployment $530 $362 $700 $700 $700 6110 Social Securitv $16.525 $16.796 $16,882 $16,882 $16,882 6120 Medicare $3,865 $3,928 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 6130 Life Insurance $584 $594 $1,100 $1,300 $1.100 6150 Kpers $24,021 $27,538 $28,442 $28,442 $28.442 Totals for: Empl Benef4� 5,5254$ 9,2185$ 1,1245$ 1,12 $51,124 6160 Health Insurance $43.068 $46,476 $52,900 $52,900 $52,900 6200 Workmen's Compensation $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5.000 Totals for: Ben Trans $48,068 $51,476 $57,904 57 900 7000 Office Supplies $2,083 $2.210 $2,000 $2.000 $2,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $643 $257 $500 $500 $500 7070 Paints $184 $436 $400 $400 $400 7080 Electrical & Lighting $1.203 $531 $1,000 $1,000 $750 7085 Janitorial $1.156 $1.220 $825 $825 $825 7115 Collections $2,691 $2,801 $1000 $3.000 $3000 7405 Tools $0 $1,286 $200 $200 $200 7580 Public Education $8,263 $8,587 $8,500 $8,500 $8500 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $6,662 $5,915 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 8310 Postaqe $1,977 $2,073 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for: Supplies $24,862 $25,316$25,425$25,425 $25,175_ 8055 Rent/Lease $1,326 $1,860 $2,000 $2,000 $1,900 8190 Other Professional $4,525 $3,330 $4,500 $4,500 $3.500 8215 Telephone $2,226 $1,753 $2,000 $2,000 $1,800 8315 Emplovee Development $1,253 $1,094 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 8340 Dues $1.420 $1,878 $2,000 $2,000 $1,900 8365 Printinq $2,188 $2,414 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 8370 Advertisinq & Promotion $21,908 $22,929 $21,500 $21,500 $18,500 8395 Ror-Buildings $31,757 $23,564 $40,000 $40,000 $20.000 8550 Other Contractual $5,892 $4,559 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 8615 Exhibits $13,166 $12,949 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 Totals for: Other Sery8$ 5.6617$ 6,3309$ 5,00095 000 7$ 0,600 9000 Office Equipment $905 $1,326 $800 $800 $800 Totals for: Capital Ou 905 1 326 $80() $800 7120 Gas & Oil $320 $253 $500 $500 $500 7165 ftnt-Vehicles & Equip $1,301 $1,041 $800 $800 $800 -104- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Totals for: Int Servs $1.621 $1.2 $1,300- - $1,300 $1,300_ Totals for: Smoky Hill Museum $490,756 494 042 $523,596$529,638498,946$ -105- City of Salina Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1007500 General Fund Development Services The Development Services Department consists of the divisions of Planning, Neighborhood Services, and Building Services. The City Manager is currently responsible for overseeing this department. The Pianning Division of Development Services provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission, Heritage Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals and Downtown Design Review Board. The goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission to guide the growth and development of the City in order to assure a more orderly and attractive community. The Planning Division assists other departments as a link between the planning function and the administrative structure, advises engineers, developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, flood plain regulations, minimum requirements for subdivisions and traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well-being of the community. This division also has the responsibility of administering economic development grants, tax abatement requests, transportation grants and assisting with capital improvement programming. The Neighborhood Services Division of Development Services administers services related to housing rehabilitation, neighborhood service areas, revitalization tax rebates, emergency shelter grants, and code enforcement. Community development grant programs such as CDBG, HOME, ESG, etc. are administered in this division. This division works with other city departments, community agencies and neighborhood groups to develop goats, strategies and action plans for neighborhood clean up and revitalization The Building Services Division of Development Services is responsible for coordination of the building permit plan review process including fire and zoning review, building permit issuance, coordination of all building permit code inspections, including all interim inspections as well as final inspections and issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. The Building Services staff works closely with other city departments in the development process and provides information and assistance to facilitate development, The Building Services division has the responsibility of enforcing the Minimum Housing Code, Chapter 18 of the Salina Code and is also responsible for evaluating dangerous structures within the City of Salina. Building Services provides support to the Building Advisory Board, and works cicsely with local plumbing, mechanical and electrical contractors as well as architects and design professionals by offering open meetings to discuss pertinent issues. This division has also assumed the responsibilities of Housing Rehab Coordinator, which entails preparing detailed work write ups, coordination with the contractors performing the rehab work and all on site inspections related to that housing rehabilitation project. This is a shared position between Building Services and Neighborhood Services. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 15 2013: 15 2014: 14 2015: 14 6100 Unemployment Budget Detail $937 $1,640 $1.640 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed $45,332 $45,332 6120 Medicare Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budoet $741,947 $724,692 $779,508 $779.508 $779.508 6006 PT- Salaries $0 s0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 6014 OT- Reqular $1,062 $956 $1,500 $7,000 $1,500 6018 Longevity PaV $6,647 $6,906 $6.643 56,643 $6.643 6240 Transp.Allowance $9.984 $8,150 $9,880 $9,880 $9.880 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $1,200 $1,238 $1,800 $1,800 $1.800 Totals for: Personal S $760,840 $741,942$799,33-1.-$824,831$819.331 Ben Trans$127,694$130,742 6100 Unemployment $1,431 $937 $1,640 $1.640 $1,640 6110 Social Security $45.137 $43.880 $45,332 $45,332 $45,332 6120 Medicare $10.556 $10,262 $10,532 $10,532 $10,532 6130 Life Insurance $1,677 $1,636 $2,900 $2,900 $2,900 6150 Kpers $69,170 $75.628 $75,775 $75,775 $75,775 Totals for: Empi Benef$127,971$132343 $136.1.79$136,179$136.179 6160 Health Insurance $109,694 $112,742 $127,239 $127,239 $127,239 6200 Workmen's Compensation $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18.000 $18,000 Totals for: Ben Trans$127,694$130,742 $145,23 14 5.239 $145,239 7000 Office Supplies $2.738 $2,696 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 7025 Books & Periodicais $3,621 $1,894 $8,000 $8.000 $6,000 7325 Wearinq Apparel $618 $665 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 7445 Mach. & Equip. (c$250) $0 $46 $500 $500 $500 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $2,555 $1,622 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 8310 Postaqe $12,886 $13,978 $16,500 $16,500 $16,500 Totals for: Supplies2$ 2,418 U-0 1K.500 $35,50c) 33 504 8085 Demolition $0 $0 $40,000 $75.000 $180,000 -106- -107- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina 8190 Other Professional $106 $0 $2,536 $8.500 $3,600 $8.500 $3.610 $8.500 $3,0 00 8215 Telephone 8315 Employee development $3.941 $3,113 $4,754 $8.000 $3,0200 $8.000 $3,0$00 $2,500 8340 Dues 8355 Employee Recruitment $1.1$0 $0 $805 $805 $$28 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2.000 8360 Legal Notices $398 $1,537 $28 $1,023 $2,110 $2,000 $2,000 $2,010 8365 Printing 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens $2,343 $1,841 $2,000 $15,000 $2,000 $15.000 $15.000 8550 Other Contractual $27,339 $53,745 $1,296 $50,000 $5D,fl00 $$60,400 8565 Minumum Housinq Costs $1,374 $1$,755 $41,929 $79,00012j_441100 40$ 8,000 8578 Nuisance Abate: Mowing 5$ 9.914 10�.,- - - - Totals for: Other Senn - -.--- $0 $0 $4.000 $4,000 $1.000 $1,000 9000 Office Equipment $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000 9105 Off.Equip-Furniture $2,9$0 $3.0 1 000 $0 $1,000 $500 9010 Off. Equip -Computers $0 $ $ $500 $501 9035 Other Equipment $2,989 $3,091 $6 500 = - X 00 - - - -- ,500 5 _ $5 -- Totals for: Capital Ou __ _- _ -_-- - - - - $15,000 $15,000 $15.001 8165 Housina Grants $8.834 $76,271 $5.433 $82,689 $75.004 $75.000 0,000 $$580,000 0,000 8170 Emergencv Shelter Grant $90 9$0 $$8,000 80,000 $$8,000 $8,000 8180 Revitalization Tax Reba $16,195 255- 000- 8185 Enterprise Zone Rebate 176 012 17$ 5,799 17$ g 000$178,90 Tatals for: Other_ _ -__ - --- - - - $8.000 $3.000 $8.000 7120 Gas Oil $7,681 $4,163 $6,280 $2,862 $10,000 $14,000 $5,000 13 000 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Eauip $11.84 $9 142 118 0Dl7 - - $1�'-- - Totals for: Int Servs - Totals for: Development Services1 1 289 682 $1,322,.117 $1,497,849 1 5$ 53,349 Sia 749 -107- -108- 4rb- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1009100 General Fund Capital Planning This budget unit is used to account for costs related to future capital project planning activities Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9240 ContingencV $19,811 ($9,748) $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Other Sery $19,811 ($9,7481 $0 $00 5-0 Totals for: Capital Outlay 19811 9748 Lo tD LO -108- 2016 Annual Budget City of Safina, Kansas Sarna Budget Unit: 1009200 General Fund Vehicles and Equipment These accounts provide for all General Fund Vehicles and Equipment. capital outlay accounts reflect cash capital outlays, generally greater than $20,000 each, from the General Fund. Smaller individual amounts are considered to be operationai purchases made from individual departmental budgets. General vehicles and equipment is supplemented by Sales tax in an additional amount determined each year. -109- Budget Metall 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015B dgetded 2016 Prdgpeotsed Item Number and Description 9435 Other Equipment $194,693 $194,621 $359,578 $200,000 $310,004 $200,000 $310,000 $200,000 $310,000 9060 Vehicles $325,483 520 176$554,199 510 040 �---- 51�q �00 - -- - $ -000 Totals for: Capital pu _��—_ Totals for: Capital outlay 52$ 0,176 5$ �# 19951$ (),000 $510,000 51 0 -109- City Of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 1009300 General Fund Buildings and Facilities This account provides for all General Fund improvements and repairs to Public Buildings operated by the City. This is supplemented by Special Sales tax in an additional amount determined each year.. -110- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9110 Construction Contracts $35.663 $46.060 $50,000 $50.000 $50.000 Totals for: Capital Ou 35 6634�6d 50 000 $50,000 $50,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $35,663 $46,060 $50,000 $50.000 50 000 -110- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Infrastructure Improvements Budget Unit: 1008500 General Fund This set of accounts provides for all General Fund cash financed Capital Improvement projects (as opposed to equipment). Due to Expenses for the annual ADA sidewalk ramp replacement fiscal stress, these accounts have been largely inactive for several years. are included here. Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended Budget 20166Ptlgeotsed Item Number and Description 8190 Other Professional $0 $18.252 $0 L $0 $0 Totals for: Other Sery - -_ _— - -- — __-1_ — — - - $o 9110 Construction Contracts $8.891 $11,670 $o $17,520 $o $ $0 $1 5M 000 $1 d0 9245 Ada Compliance Reserve 2 561 $17.5 �-- 15 000 - - - — Totals for: Capital Ou — — —— Totals for: Capital Outlay $20,561 35 7721� 5,00U 15,0015 000 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Protsed Buricipt $38,452,287 $38,337,747 $43,354,299 $43,468,339 $45,588,306 Expense -I11- 4r"- City of Salina, Kansas Salina 2016 Annual Budget Budget Unit: 20005 Arts and Humanities Fund Recreation and Cultural Revenu The Arts and Humanities Fund provides for General Arts Programs in the Community, including Horizons, Arts in Education, Poetry Series, Art -ala -Carte, etc. The bulk of the Smoky Hill River Festival is also financed from this fund. Revenues include various user fees, State and Federal Grants, a supplement from the General Fund and funding from the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation, a private 501-c-3 organization. Totals for: General Govt Revenue $972,104 $852,659 $1,136,201 $1,082,871 $1,182,435 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Revenue $972,104 $852,659 $1,136,201 $1,082,871 $1,182,435 -112- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 4780 Investment Income $534 $445 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for: Interest 534 445 12_000 $2,000 $2,000 4240 Miscellaneous Income $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 Totals for: Misc. LO L 500 500 4966 Transfers Qperatinp $500.000 $366.016 $607,034 $500,000 $607,034 Totals for: Transfers50$ 0,000 $366,016$607,034$500,000 $607.0 4999 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $46,317 $100.021 $92,551 Totals for: Carryover UO L $46,317 $100,021 $92,551 4800 A&H Foundation Support $126,698 $132,634 $110,000 $110.000 $110.000 4802 A&H Program Services $5.767 $7,006 $23,650 $23,650 $23,650 4806 Button Sales -Pre Festiv $136,280 $139,370 $134,000 $134.000 $134,000 4808 Button Sales-Emolovee $23.930 $23,930 $23,000 $23,000 $23,000 4810 Button Sales -Gate $48,252 $49,422 $61.000 $61,000 $61,000 4812 Four Rivers Market Fees $17,250 $17,875 $17,225 $17,225 $17,225 4814 Jury Fees $10,712 $10,602 $12,000 $12.000 $12,000 4816 Artist Fees -Fine Arts $25.750 $25,575 $25,575 $25,575 $25,575 4818 1st Treasures Tent Fees $2,220 $2,195 $2,200 $2.200 $2,200 4820 Game Fees $1.172 $1.237 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 4822 Food Fees $53,015 $55,048 $50,000 $50,000 $50.000 4824 Craft Demonstration Fee $1,803 $2.026 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 4826 Electrical Fees $5,544 $6,655 $6,500 $6,500 $6.500 4828 T -Shirts Sales $7,078 $5.551 $8.000 $8,000 $8,000 4830 Merchandising $0 ($47) $0 $0 $0 4832 Soft Drink Sales $959 $1.299 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 4834 Gift Certificates $5,140 $5,820 $4,000 $4.000 $4,000 Totals for: Sery Chrg $471,570 486 198480 350$480,350$480,350 Totals for: General Govt Revenue $972,104 $852,659 $1,136,201 $1,082,871 $1,182,435 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Revenue $972,104 $852,659 $1,136,201 $1,082,871 $1,182,435 -112- -113- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 2003150 Arts and Humanities Fund Reserves cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. unanticipated Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2016 Ptlgeotsed 2015 Budget 201 Budget B-4--+ Item Number and Description 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $100,000 $92,551 $167,701 $100.0.0� 92,551 16�,- Totals for Reserves -- - - _ __ — - - - - - - - _ - -- -- -- Totals for: Arts & Humanities $0 L0100 000 9$ 2,551 $167,701 -113- -114- City of Salina Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2007100 Arts and Humanities Fund Arts and Humanities The Salina Arts and Humanities Commission and Department was established by City ordinance in 1966. The Director of Arts and Humanities is the administrative officer for the Commission. The Department Director, four full-time employees and two part-time persons are City staff members. In 2009, the City assumed full responsibility for operations and implementation, including the Smoky Hill River Festival The Arts and Humanities Commission, an appointed advisory board, promotes and encourages public programs to further the public awareness of and interest in the artistic and cultural development of the City. It serves in an advisory capacity to the City Commission, City Manager and Director of Arts and Humanities in matters of public cultural policy. The Smoky Hill Museum is also division of the Department, but funded directly from the General Fund Full time authorized staffing: 2012: 5 2013, 5 2014: 5 2015: 5 2016: 5 The Division also has two part-time positions Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $291,130 $289,756 $288,000 $276,000 $288.000 6006 PT- Salaries $26,611 $24,212 $20,000 $20.000 $20,000 6014 OT- Reqular $5.837 $5.697 $3,500 $3,500 $3500 6018 Longevity Pay $2,195 $1,925 $2,128 $2,128 $2128 6020 Earned Leave $0 $2,912 $0 $0 $0 6240 Transp.Allowance $3,144 $3,144 $2.880 $2,880 $2.880 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $600 $600 $300 $300 $300 Totalis for: Personal S $329,517$328,24.61116.808304 808 31$ 6,808 6100 Unemployment $596 $395 $600 $600 $600 6110 Social Security $18,898 $18,612 $19,247 $16.076 $19,247 6120 Medicare $4.420 $4,353 $4,386 $4,386 $4.386 6130 Life Insurance $697 $695 $1,100 $1.100 $1.100 6150 Kpers $29,640 $33,347 $31.000 $29,500 $31,000 Totals for: Empl Benef 154 251 57 4-02$56,333 IL 662 $56,333 6160 Health Insurance $46,601 $53,457 $61.343 $50,000 $61.343 6200 Workmen's Compensation $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 Totals for: Ben Trans 49 901 $56,757 jg4 643$53.300 64 643 7000 Office Supplies $2,456 $3,172 $2,700 $2.700 $3,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $544 $901 $500 $500 $500 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $3,384 $636 $1,800 $1,800 $2.000 7560 Food/Beverage Supplies $1,535 $1,769 $1.400 $1,400 $1,400 8310 Postage $3,937 $1,232 $6,000 $4,000 $3.000 Totals for: Supplies ILI 856 7 710$12,400$10,400 $9,90 8190 Other Professional $10,144 $15,601 $20,600 $20,600 $16.500 8195 Other Profession -Artist $108,163 $120,152 $145,867 $130,000 $128,000 8215 Telephone $1,703 $1,065 $2.200 $2,200 $2,200 8315 Employee Development $1,369 $1,479 $3,000 $3,000 $4.000 8320 Mileage/Travel $4,390 $2.206 $2,800 $2,800 $2,800 8340 Dues $1,210 $1,452 $1,200 $1,200 $1.200 8365 Printinq $8,264 $6.107 $9,500 $9,500 $9,500 8370 Advertisinq & Promotion $4,365 $6,184 $7,350 $7,350 $7.350 8550 Other Contractual $11,293 $8,987 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 8582 Other Cont tech service $3,050 $3,100 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 Totals for: Other Senn $153,951 $166,333 JZ0L5 11718$ 9,25 $186,150 9000 Office Equipment $2,155 $1,955 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 9092 Community Art $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $15.000 Totals for: Capital Ou $2,155 11 955 $17,500 17 500 $17,500 7120 Gas & Oil $1,020 $824 $1,200 $1,200 $1.200 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $629 $660 $750 $750 $750 Totals for: Int Servs $1.649 1 484 $1,950 $1,950 $1,950 -114- City of Salina, Kansas Totals for: Arts & Humanities Sa1�na 1603,280$619,887$674,751— -115- 2016 Annual Budget 6270 $653,284 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Expense $954,202 $974,737 $1,136,201 $1,082,871 $1,182,435 -116- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2007110 Arts and Humanities Fund Smoky Hill River Festival This shows the direct expenses of the annual Smoky Hill River Festival Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6006 PT- Salaries $11,599 $15.911 $13,165 $13.165 $13,165 6014 OT- Reqular $731 $683 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Personal S$12,330 1$ 6,594 $13,165 $13,165 113_165 6100 Unemplovment $23 $20 $30 $30 $30 6110 Social Security $696 $882 $650 $650 $650 6120 Medicare $163 $206 $155 $155 $155 Totals for: Empl Benef 882 1 108 $8,35 835 835 7000 Office Supplies $4,347 $3,117 $4,500 $4.500 $4,500 7240 Siqns $3,680 $3,392 $3,000 $3.000 $3,000 7325 Wearinq Apoarel $5.387 $4.870 $6.000 $6,000 $6.000 7595 Recreation Supplies $0 $0 $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 7600 Recreation Sup. Childre $10,209 $5,964 $11,400 $11,400 $11,400 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $8,259 $7,666 $7,250 $7,250 $7,250 7660 Food/Beverage Supplies $12.253 $14.447 $10.550 $10,550 $10.550 8310 Postaqe $6,991 $634 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 Totals for Supplies 51 126 540,090$53,100$53.100 53 100 8025 Emolovee Recoqnition $11,375 $11,200 $11,500 $11,500 $11.500 8035 Aqencv Contracts Operat $65.000 $65.000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 8190 Other Professional $8,333 $8,450 $8,625 $8.625 $8,625 8195 Other Profession -Artist $45.332 $46,340 $44,000 $44,000 $44,000 8200 Other Professional -Stag $29,061 $32,350 $32,250 $32.250 $32.250 8215 Telephone $214 $196 $200 $200 $200 8320 Mileage/Travel $6,541 $4,986 $12.000 $12.000 $12,000 8365 Printinq $19.819 $15.388 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 8370 Advertisinq & Promotion $35,397 $41,407 $44,000 $44.000 $44.000 8550 Other Contractual $1,299 $1.124 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 8582 Other Cont tech service $45,308 $44,866 $43,100 $43,100 $43,100 Totals for: Other Sery26$ 7,679 27$ 1,307 $279.875 279 87 $279,875 9035 Other Equipment $18,068 $24,494 $13,000 $13.000 $13.000 Totals for: Capital Ou $18,068 24494 1$ 3.00 $13,000 13 000 8150 Sales Tax $609 $512 $725 $725 $725 Totals for Other 609 512 J�L25 725 725 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $228 $745 $750 $750 $750 Totals for: int Servs 228 745 $750 750 750 Totals for: Smoky Hill River Fes $350,922 $354,850 $361,450 $361,450 $361,450 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Expense $954,202 $974,737 $1,136,201 $1,082,871 $1,182,435 -116- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas - - Salina Budget Unit: 21001 Sales Tax Capital Fund General Revenues These limited purpose funds were established to account for the .4 cent safes tax attributed towards Capital programs and tax stabilization activities. Approximately 92.2% of the Special Sales tax is designated for these activities, with the balance Oocated to Economic Development activity. 2012 Actual Totals For 2013 Actual Revenue $3,954,780 $4,119,654 -117- nd 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget $4,851,338 $5,278,469 $5,084,219 BudgetDetail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Item Number and Description Budget $3,947,947 $4,113,828 $4,250,000 2�0�0 $4.250.000 0,000 $4,377,500 _4 3� 77 500 4024 Sales Tax -Special Pump Totals for: Rest Sales3 9,$ 47,947 _$4,11 3,828_ _4 -$4,2 4780 Investment Income $6,833 $5,826 $5,826 $5.000 $5 000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $`000 Totals for: Interest 6 833 �---- — —$0 -- $0 $596,338 $1.023,469 $701,719 4999 CarrvoverSuralus Lo 6.338 $1.023.469—$701-719 Totals for: Carryover _L -59$ _ Totals for: General Govt Revenue 3 954 780 4 119 654 4 8$ 51 338 $5,278,469 $5,084,219 2012 Actual Totals For 2013 Actual Revenue $3,954,780 $4,119,654 -117- nd 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget $4,851,338 $5,278,469 $5,084,219 City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2103150 Sales Tax Capital Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as weN as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. -118- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $77,709 $0 $274,588 $701,719 $274,588 Totals for: Reserves7$ 7,709 L IZZ4 5_88$701,719 $274,588 Totals for: Capital Outlay $77,709 LO $274,588 701 719 $274,588 -118- City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit: 2103200 Salina Sales Tax Capital Fund 2016 Annual Budget Interfund Support This account is used to record support from the sales tax to other operations within the City. 2013: General Fund: $ 400,000 Bond and Interest: $ 400,000 2014: General Fund: $ 360,000 2015: General Fund: $ 360,000 Maint. Kenwood Cove $ 106,750 2016: General Fund $ 360,000 Maint. Kenwood Cove $ 106,750 Budget t Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015B Budget 201 gproposed item Number and Description 9225 Transfers -Operating $800.00D $360,0$$0 $106,$360.050 00 $106.00 0750 00 $106.0750 9225 Transfers -Operating $25.000 B2$ 5,000 466 754 —_- 466 750 _ _- -- 46$ 6.750 — Totals for: Int Transf —$360,000. - Totals for: Capital Outlay 8200 g5_0,000 466 7�50 — $466,750 $466,7 50 -120- City of Safina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2103250 Sales Tax Capital Fund Debt Services This is to account for the transfer from Special Sales tax to the Bond and Interest fund to provide support for the debt outstanding for the Kenwood Cove Aquatics facility, as well as the supplement for the Bicentennial Center Bonds Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9225 Transfers-aperatinp $1,350.000 $1,400,000 $1.350,000 $1,350,000 $1,701,805 Totals for: Int Transf $1.350.000 $1,400.000 $1.350,000 ILL50 000 IiI911 805 Totals for: Debt Service 1 350 Q00 1 400,000 $1.350,000 $1,350,000 $1,701,805 -120- City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit: 2109200 4r - Salina Sales Tax Capital Fund Supplement to the General Fund Vehicles and Equipment 2016 Annual Budget Vehicles and Equipment -121- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 mgeentded 2016Proposed dg fsed Item Number and Description $312,612 $300,0000 $300,000 $300,000 $0 9080 Vehicles $214,893 9060 Vehicles $8,600 JZL3 3 $0 3112.6 30 �� 0-0 0 _ 30�— -- -- 30y— Totals for: Capital Ou - - --- Totals for: Capital Outlay 223 49331$ 2,612 imo 000 99-0-0-00$300,000 -121- -122- C�- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2109300 Sales Tax Capital Fund Buildings and Facilities Suppiement to General Fund Public Building Repairs Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 8190 Other Professional $34,463 $238.400 $180.000 $180,000 $180,000 Totals for: Other Sery $34,463$23B,400 180 000 18$ 0,000 $180,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay 34 463 � $ 238 400 $180,000 .180 000 180 D00 $180,000 J-^ �� -122- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina T C ital Fund Infrastructure Improvements Budget Unit: 2109500 Sales ax ap This Budget Unit provides funding for projects Identified for the fund. 2016 projects include: Entryway Signage $ 125,000 Management Software $ 125,000 Civil Defense Warning System S 115,500 Levee Trails 50,400 $ 1,600,000 Street Initiative Ecra Ballfieid Replacements $ 425,400 Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 20t D...4 proposed Item Number and Description Budget 9 9110 Construction Contracts S1 85 $2.482,044 $2.280,00$00 $2.280,000 $ $2,161.07$66 9110 Construction Contracts $0 $198,919 $2 680,963 $2 280,000 S2 280.Q00 S2 161 076 Totals for: Capital Ou$1,375,885 _ _ Totals for: Capital Outlay$2,280,000 $1,375,885 $2,680,963 $2,280,000 — 2 1� ,_ 61,076 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budge C�„e„ro $3,886,550 $4,991,975 $4,851,33 -123- 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget $5,278,469 $5,084,219 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Revenue $334,409 $348,973 $951,470 $997,898 $428,704 -124- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 22001 Sales Tax Economic Dev Fund General Revenues These limited purpose funds were established to account for the .4 cent sales tax. Approximately 7.8% of the Special Sales Tax is allocated to Economic Development purposes, with the balance allocated towards capital items and tax stabilization. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 4024 Sales Tax -Special Purno $332.920 $347.225 $317.744 $317,744 $327,276 Totals for: Rest Sales $332,920 $347,225 $317,744 $317,744 $327,276 4780 Investment Income $1,489 $1,748 $5,000 $5.000 $5,000 Totals for: Interest $1,489 $1,748 5 000 $5,000 $5,000 4999 Carrvover Surplus $0 $0 $628,726 $675.154 $96.428 Totals for: Carryover 5_0 L $628,726 $675,154 V6_4 2 8 Totals for: General Govt Revenue $334,409 $348,973 $951,470 $997,898 $428,704 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Revenue $334,409 $348,973 $951,470 $997,898 $428,704 -124- City of Salina, Kansas 201E Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2201700 Sales Tax Economic Dev Fund 'Economic Development This fund provides resources from the Special Sales Tax for Economic Development projects approved by the SEDIC (Salina Economic Development Incentives Council). Applications for funding are considered as they are submited. The fund also provides for a continuing supplement for the Lee District. -125- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201Budgetded 2016B Proposed Item Number and Description $586,900 $281.708 $901.470 1.470 $901,470 $901.47 $378,704 $378,704 8190 Other Professional Totals for. Other Sery58$ 6,900— 28�-_ 1 70890$ — _ – Totals for: Economic Development $586,900 281 708 901 4701901,470$378,704 -125- Budget City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Bud g Salina Budget Unit: 2203150 Sales Tax Economic Dev Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Expense $586,900 $281,708 $951,470 $997,898 $428,704 -126- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $50,000 $96,428 $50,000 Totals for: Reserves $0 -LO$50,000$96,428 $50,000 Totals for: Economic Development L$50 $96,428 $50,000 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Expense $586,900 $281,708 $951,470 $997,898 $428,704 -126- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 23006 Business Impr. District Fund Com. & Ec. Dev Revenue Ordinance Number 83-8971, adopted August 25, 1983, established Business improvement Dist6ct #1 (BID), which encompasses substantially all of the City downtown central business district. The BID initiated a major physical rehabilitation project in the area. With the project complete, the BID has concentrated on maintriining the ivate nonprofit organization.hysical ents TheaCity reviews anpromoting d approves thearea. The nnual program of work is implemented by Salina Downtown Inc., a p p Salina and program of work as a Downtown, Inc. pe operating fundsart othrough aannual mandatory fee structure. t uct The re.BIn addition ID too the BIDrassessmentsllthe lCity fprol sdDs and Salina annual operating supplement to the group. -127- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 menItem 2016 Pag used Number and Description udgetded 4780 Investment Income $24 $14 14- $500 500 '� $500 §a0 $500 -$50 - - Totals for: Interest - -- - - 24- — — -- -- - — $90,000 __ -- - — $90,000 $90.000 4770 Business Impr. District $84,462 $82,629 8$ 2,69 $90.000 9.0 00� g0 - 000 -- Totals for. Sery Chrg 84 462 - _ _ - — - - Totals for: General Govt Revenue $84,486 $82,643 — $905 9$00 S$ x-500 Totals For Fund Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014t Ada 20158udyetsed 2012 tded $84,486 $82,643 $90,500 $90,500 $90,500 Revenue -127- Cob - City of Salina, Kansas . , 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2301730 Business Impr.. District Fund Lee District This budget unit accounts for Business Improvement District # 1 fees that are passed through to Salina Downtown Inc. -128- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2413 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 8035 Apencv Contracts Ooerat $83,326 $81,425 $90,500 $90,540 $90,500 8515 Collection Fees $1,297 $1,520 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Other Sery84 623 8$ 2,945 $90,500 $90,500 $90,504 Totals for: BID $84,623 $82,945 $90,500 94 50 $90.500 -128- City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit: 2303150 Salina Business Impr. District Fund 2016 Annual Budget Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget woe nec %90.500 -129- 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget tan inn $90,500 City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 24006 Tourism & Convention Fund Com. & Ec. Dev Revenue A 6.4% transient guest tax is levied upon the gross receipts derived from hotellmotel sleeping accommodations. The revenue is for the promotion of conventions and tourism in Salina. By written contract with the City of Salina, the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce operates the Convention and Tourism Bureau. A ten -member Convention and Tourism Committee appointed by the City Commission advises the Chamber on the use of the funds. The chamber receives revenues generated by 3 cents of the tax. .4 cent of the tax is dedicated to marketing for cultural organizations and for the Kenwood/Oakdale facilities (Bicentennia) Center) The Salina Bicentennial Center receives 2 cents of the hotel/motel tax proceeds for operations of the Bicentennial Center 1 cent of the tax is dedicated to Capital Improvements to the Bicentennial Center. Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget Revenue $1,407,511 $1,417,788 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 -130- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 4045 Transient Guest Tax $1,407,406 $1,417,582 $1,420,000 $1.420,000 $1.420,000 Totals for: Other Tax $1,407,4061 417 582 $1,420,000 $1,420.000 $1,420,000 4780 Investment Income $105 $206 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interest 105 206 $0 LO Totals for: Cam. & Ec. Dev Reven $1,407,511 $1,417,788 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget Revenue $1,407,511 $1,417,788 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 -130- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Tourism & Convention Fund Tourism and Convention Budget Unit: 2401140 The Tourism and Convention fund also provides support for Bicentennial Center operations as This provides support to Visit Salina. the bonds outstanding on the facility. well as providing assistance in retiring some of Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended Budget 201 BProposed Item Number and Description 8035 Aqencv Contracts Operat $745,875 $819,fi33 81$ 9 633 $7B8 $�Q $78 88.$10 $788,810 78$ 8,810 - --- Totals for-. Other Sery 74$ 5,875 _ — _ — - - — $631.190 631,190 $631 9225 Transfers-Operatinq $604,125 $660,057 604 125 66$ 0,057 $631,190 $631,190 — - - 63�- 90 - - 190 - T, Int Transf otals for. _ -- -- — -- - - Totals for. Tourism $1,350,000 $1,479.690 51,420,400 IMP 000 $�4�- 1 420 400 City of Salina, Kansas C 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2403150 Tourism & Convention Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed 8udoet Budget Expense $1,350,000 $1,479,690 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 $1,420,000 -132- C07 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit, 25005 Special Parks and Rec Fund Rec. & Culture Revenue Under state law, cities and counties receive a share of the state 10% tax on the gross receipts from the sale of liquor and cereal malt beverages by the drink. The 10% tax applies to the grass receipts from the sale of drinks containing aicoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages, sold by private clubs, and by caterers and drinking establishments in "wet' counties, The local share depends on the amount of tax collected within the city. The revenue is distributed on March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15. As of January 1, 1993, cities over 6,004 population receive 70% of the amount collected within their jurisdiction, and must allocate the revenue as follows: one-third to the general fund, one-third to a special alcohol and drugs programs fund, and one-third to a special parks and recreational fund. Each third raises about $160,000 per year for these programs. 2012 Actual Totals For Fund 2013 Actual 2014 Budget Revenue $159,868 $173,005 -133- 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed 13udoet Budget $346,500 $343,168 Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015Budget sed 2016Budget Item Number and Description gended 4055 Liauor Tax $159,646 $172,643 $160,000 1660 $160,000 16�Qd0 $180 000 000 �00 Totals for: Unres Gran -159 6_'16 17$ 2,643 - _ - -- 4780 Investment Income $222 $362 X362 $4,000 4 000 $4,000 $$4,000 - - - -- - Totals for: interest $222 ----� - - - - - - 4999 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 LO $91,668 $91,668 $182,600 8,— 00 =- $159.168 15-68 Totals for: Carryover - _ _- - - - - - - - Totals for: Rec. a Culture Reven $159,868 173 005 �- 25S 5,66a $346,600 343 168 2012 Actual Totals For Fund 2013 Actual 2014 Budget Revenue $159,868 $173,005 -133- 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed 13udoet Budget $346,500 $343,168 City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2503150 Special Parks and Rec Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. -134- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $103,236 $159,168 $103,236 Totals for: Reserves UO $0 $103,236 1159 168 $103,236 Totals for: Parks LO L $103.236 159 168 $103,236 -134- City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 2503200 Special Parks and Rec Fund Item Number and Description 9220 Transfers-Interfund Totals for: Int Transf Totals for: Parks Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget s0 $0 $0 LO $0 — -- — L $0 Lo - -135- 2016 Annual Budget Interfund Transfers 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget $0 $0 U LO L City of Salina Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2503250 Special Parks and Rec Fund Debt Service Special Parks resources were pledged to reduce the Debt outstandig for construction of the Bill Burke Park Soccer fields. The final year for that debt is 2015 -136- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9160 Principal - City Share $25,000 $0 $30.000 $30.000 $0 9170 Interest - City Share $419 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Debt Sery 25 419 L$30,00Q-3$ 0.000 L0 Totals for: Parks 25 419 L0 $30,000 $30,000 LQ -136- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas'„ Budget Unit: 2509500 Special Parks and Rec Fund Infrastructure Improvements ly for In the City of Salina, Annuall one-third of the revenue Parks and Recreation Advisory Board submits a plan for use ofted to parks and recreation is used �those fundslin park facility to the City's park system Y for a period of 14 years, is designated to assist with the bond and interest payments on bonds improvements. $30,000 per year, issued for the construction of the Bill Burke Soccer Fields. -137- Budde_t �etaii 241 201 Proposed 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget � dgetded Budget B Item Number and Description 9110 Construction Contracts $112,017 $100,982 $122432 lam- $15157,432 7 432 - $239,932 239 332 - — Totals for. Capital Ou i 1$ 2.017 - _ - -1-082 - - - - - Totals for. Parks 11$ 2 017 70D 982 "00, $122,4321157 43223399,932 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014gAmdoe tded 2015 Proposed g sed __„Ce $137,436 $100,982 $255,668 $346,600 $343,168 -137- City ty of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 26004 Special Alcohol f=und Health & Sanitation Rev Under state law, cities and counties receive a share of the state 10% tax on the gross receipts from the sale of liquor and cereal malt beverages by the drink. The 10% tax applies to the gross receipts from the sale of drinks containing alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages, sold by private clubs, and by caterers and drinking establishments in "wet' counties. The local share depends on the amount of tax collected within the city. The revenue is distributed on March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15. As of January 1, 1993, cities over 6,000 population receive 70% of the amount collected within their jurisdiction, and must allocate the revenue as follows: one-third to the general fund, one-third to a special alcohol and drugs programs fund, and one-third to a special parks and recreational fund. Each third raises about $160,000 per year for these programs. Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Revenue $159,694 $172,684 $165,204 $202,456 $217,252 -138- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 4055 Liquor Tax $159,646 $172,643 $160,000 $160.000 $180,000 Totals for: Unres Gran$159.646$172,643,. 160 000 160 0+00 $180,000 4780 Investment Income $48 $41 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interest 48 41 5-0 L 4999 Carrvover Surplus $0 $0 $5,204 $42.456 $37,252 Totals for: Carryover 10 LO $5,204 JL2 456 $37,252 Totals for. Health & Sanitation $159,69 172 684 $165,204 $202,456 $217,252 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Revenue $159,694 $172,684 $165,204 $202,456 $217,252 -138- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 2001110 Special Alcohol Fund Special Alcohol nance rams and ervices o activities The City of Salina enters intocontracts local social agencies g s lat(Ie under this program. The currpo9amprovdes funding forsubstance abuse, education, and prevention programs at Cental Kansas Foundation, St. Francis of Salina, and Catholic Charities. Hem Number and Description 8035 AaencV Contracts Operat Totals for: Other Sery Totals Special Alcohol -139- Budget Detail 2015 Budget 201 2016ProposedBudget 2013 Actual 2014 Actual ddgetded Budget $,159,510 $134,433 $165,204 165 204 $165,204 165 204 $217,252 7 252 - - - $159 , 510 - —159 13� 433 - -— - - - - 510 13�,433 204 I165--`-- 165 204 �— — 21� 7,252 -139- Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Expense $159,510 $130,433 $165,204 $202,456 $217,252 -140- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2603150 Special Alcohol Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $0 $37,252 $0 Totals for: Reserves 10- $00 L $37,252 LO Totals for: Special Alcohol LO LO L $37,252 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Expense $159,510 $130,433 $165,204 $202,456 $217,252 -140- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Shcitttd Special Gas Tax Fund Public Warks Revenue Budget Unit: 27003 This represents the portion of the State tax on motor fuels that is allocated to taxed the city of Salina. at slightly different The tax rate (far motor fuels) is rates. Cities receive 43% of the fax, generally $.24 per gallon, with some special and alternative fuels being allocated based on population. Budget Detai1 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget Amen 201 Sudgetded ed 2016 Pdgesed Item Number and Description 4050 Gas Tax $1,341,051 $1,388,637 $1,432,730 $1 43 2 730 432,730 $1 432 730— $1,373070 $1,373,0 Totals for Unres Gran$1,341, 051 1 3 _ 8� 8Z _y _ _ $ 6,000 4780 Investment Income $3,097 $3.090 $090 $6.000 $6 04D $6.000 $6,000-- P.000 - - Totals for. Interest $3,097 _ - - - - -- -- - - $0 $0 4905 other Miscellaneous $5,896 ,�896 5— $0 0 $0 - - - -- 5-0 Totals for: Misc. _ _ _- $180,000 - - - - — - $170,000 $170.000 170,000 $170 000 0,000 $170,0007 4964 Transfers Interfund 180 000 17$ 0,004 17$ 6,Op� - -—- -- - Totals for: Transfers - �00 .-- - - - $513,970 $376,058 $342,088 4999 Carrvover Surplus $0 $0 3 97 51^� 0 37�6�56 $342,088 Totals for: Carryover Totals for: Public Works Revenue $1,530.0 44 1 5$ , 61,727$2,122,700$1,984,788$1,891.1 2 1 001 9�-'984,7881 8$ 1. Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended Budoet 2015 Proposed Budget $1,5301044 $1,561,727 $2,122,700 $1,984,788 $1,891,158 Revenue -141- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2703150 Special Gas Tax Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $500,000 $342,088 $500,000 Totals for Reserves -LO $0 $500,000 342 088 $500,000 Totals for: Street LO L $500,000 $342,088 50D 000 -142- 2010 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 2705510 Special Gas Tax Fuad Street in the Special Gas Tax fund are allocated to purchasing materials to be used in Street repairs Resources Budget petal 201 Amended 2016 Pdge sed 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 8 Item Number and Description $102,897 $144,158 $166,635 $166,635 $235,955 $166,635 $265,830 7050 Asohait 7055 Cement Products $210,165 $240,05,955 22 $83,775 $23 $83,900 $103,904 $103,900 $12,450 7060 Sand, Rock, Gravel & Sa $58,972 $7,578 $8,374 $12,450 $ 12,450 $21,100 7070 Paints 7240 Si4ns $14,619 $17,198 49 3 527y— $21,100 520 04D 5440,040 - - --_ -569,915 - - - Totals for: Supplies $394,2 — -- J$$9 -- - - - - - Totals for: Street 4,23149$ 3=527520 040$540,040S569,9 15 -143- Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget Expense $1,528,755 $2,093,837 $2,122,700 $1,984,788 $1,891,158 -144- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2709500 Special Gas Tax Fund Infrastructure Improvements This fund is used in street maintenance, such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing, concrete and asphalt contract repair work and for the purchase of equipment. The vast majority of these improvements are contracted, although a small amount of funding is set aside for purchase of materials to be used by in-house staff. No staff expense is paid by the Special Gas Tax Fund. This activity is performed under the general supervision cf the Director of Public Works. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9105 Capital Improvement Pro $1,134,524 $1,600,310 $1,102,660 $1.102.660 $821,243 Totals for: Capital au $1,134,524 $1,600310 $1,102,66 $1,102,660$821,243 Totals for: street $1,134,524 V-60013110 $1,102,660 $1,102,660 $821,243 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget Expense $1,528,755 $2,093,837 $2,122,700 $1,984,788 $1,891,158 -144- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 28005 Neighborhood Park Development F Recreation Revenue This fund was created in 1999 to account forth e fees collected from new residential buiiding projects in salina, By City ordinance, these funds are further segregated by separate park service area. As a larger amount of revenues are aggregated to this fund, they orhood ks in the will llect d ($200 00 each)rfrom new home'or bu d ng constru tion willdevelpment of bbe spent nrthe area of tow nfrom whareas ich it w s collected ees co Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014BAmduee ded Revenue $9,030 $7,642 $134,260 $119,382 -145- 2015 Proposed Budget $24,000 Bud_ eft Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 201 BProposed Item Number and Description Budget 4780 Investment income $530 $342 42 $4,000 0� $ 4,0� 00 -- $ 4.000 gip Totals for: Interest _ - X30 _ - - - - $0 $0 $110,260 $95.382 5-0- 4999 Carrvover Surplus Lo11$ 0 260- — - $95,382 Totals for. Carryover _ _ _ - - - - - 0,000 $2�0 0,000 $220 4772 Nei4hb0,000 orhood Park Fees $8.500 300 300 $$7,300 000 000 - _ _$2 _Q_ - - Totals for: Sery Chrg $8,500 y — — -- - - Totals for: General Govt Revenue $9,0.30 $7,642$134-260$119,38 2 24 000 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014BAmduee ded Revenue $9,030 $7,642 $134,260 $119,382 -145- 2015 Proposed Budget $24,000 City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget unit: 2809500 Neighborhood Park Development F Infrastructure Improvements Resources are committed to Park improvements in specific targeted neighborhoods. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9105 Capital Improvement Pro $118,228 $22,948 $134,260 $134,260 $24,000 Totals for- Capital Ou $118,228 $22,948 JIZ.4 2605134260. $24.00 Totals for: Parks $118,228 $22,948 $134,260 $134,260 $24,000 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget Expense $118,228 $22,948 $134,260 $119,382 $24,000 -146- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas - -_ Salina 29005 Bicentennial Center Fund Rec. &Culture Revenue Budget Unit. a tenniflowal transferred to Global Spectrum as of March 1, 2012. As a result, Responsibility for the Operation ofthe 4 Bicentennial Ce City of Saiina revenues generated by the Cento Budget (Detail 2013 Actual 2414 Actual 2015 Budget 2015B Budget 201Budogetsed Item Number and Description 4780 Investment Income $60 $ o $0 $0 LO $0 Totals for: Interest _ - - �_ - -- - �--- $635,853 - -- - -- $480,000 - - _-- - $480,000 0.000 $550 4966 Transfers Operatinq $489,851 489 851 63� 5,853 48�- 0 000 - - - - �+8a afl� 000 — Totals for Transfers--� - ---- -- - $0 $30.000 4999 Carrvover Surplus $0 000 $0 $0 L 330 Totals for Carryover $0 - - - - -- __L0 -- $0 $0 4090 Bicentennial Center Ren $93.970 $374 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4580 Catering In -House $11,811 $10,456 $0 $0 $0 U $0 L 4590 Novelties 11- 237- X74 0 - - --- - -- - - Totals for Sery Chrg -- Totals for: General Govt Revenue 60� 6.148gg$ 6,227 480 00048$ 0,00058$ 000 Totals For Fund Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Ada 201 Bu getsed 2012 tded $606,148 $636,227 $480,000 $480,000 $580,000 Revenue -147- City of Safina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 2906150 Bicentennial Center Fund Operations This budget unit accounts for the contract payments to Global Spectrum, as well as any direct expenditures that the City may be responsible for under the agreement with Global Spectrum. Item Number and Description 7000 Office Supplies 7490 Maint-Miscellaneous 7490 Maint-Miscellaneous Totals for: Supplies 8215 Telephone 8230 Gas Service 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Equipment 9045 Equip -Operations Totals for: Capital Ou 9115 Principal Totals for: Debt Sery 9250 Cash Reserve Totals for: Reserves Totals for: Bicentennial Center 2015 Amended Budget Detail Budget 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget !$7201 $0 $0 $44 $0 $0 $0 ($183) $0 676 183 Ro $833 ($153) $0 ($3,866) $0 $0 $592,664 $619.235 $450,000 589 631619 082 $450,000 $0 $25.700 $0 $19,352 $0 $0 $19,352 $25,700 50 $0 $0 $0 LO Lo LO $0 $0 $30,000 L 3 9-0 00 $608,307 $644,599 $480,000 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Lo $0 $0 $0 $0 $450.000 $450,000 $450,00 450 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 IQ $0 $100,000 1100,00 $30,000 $30,000 $30,00 3$ 0.000 $480,000 $580,000 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Expense $608,307 $644,599 $480,000 $480,000 $580,000 -148- 201E Annual Budget City of Safina, Kansas Salina Health &Sanitation Rev Budget Unit: 30004 Sanitation Fund from fees paid by users of the service. No property taxon monies are devoted to this activity. Participants This Fund is self-supporting pickup services pay fees in the curbside recycling program or those who use special ! diet betail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 B Amended 2016 Prdge}sed Item Number and Description 4780 Investment Income $2,137 $2,549 �2 549 $3,500 $3 5t70, $$3,500 _. $3500 - _- __- — Totals for: Interest _ �2 137 _ -- - -- — — $705,366 __ _ _ $897,013 947.953 $947 4999 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 LO 70_ 5 366 - 89$ 97,013 953 ��— Totals for: Carryover $2,472.749 $2,536.795 $2.577,829 $2.500,000 2 5$ 00 50-000 $2.000 550,000 4290 Sanitation 2 4�,_ 72 7_49 $2 536.795- 2 5�.�7^— _ Totals for: Sen+ Chrg Totals for: General Govt Revenue3 2 474 886$2.53%344 53,28fi,695$3,400, 513 $-501453�---�— Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 20114 Amended Rudaet 2015 Proposed Budget $2,474,886 $2,539,344 $3,286,695 $3,400,513 $3,501,453 Revenue -149- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3003150 Sanitation Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. -1S4- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $693.721 $947,953 $679,874 Totals for: Reserves L $693,721$947,953 67$ 9,874 Totals for: Sanitation 1-0 LO69S 3,721 $947,953 679 074 -1S4- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3005550 Sanitation Fund Sanitation This work group in the Public Works Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposai of garbage, rubbish, trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina, for persons choosing to contract with the City. Commercial collections, including apartment houses, are handled by licensed, private haulers or by the individual business. The work group is supervised by the Sanitation Superintendent, who is responsible to the Operations Manager. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single, duplex and triplex residential units on an optional basis. The work group operates four 25 yard trucks, each with an assigned route to be served each day, Monday through Friday. The work group also runs three 20 yard grass packer trucks which pick up yard waste and transport it to a private composting company. There are approximately 14,000 residential refuse customers. There are presently 5,190 yard waste carts receiving weekly service A limited curbside recycling program was initiated in 2005. The Sanitation Fund is charged .150 by the Water and Sewerage Department for each monthly bill that is sent out, and a certain amount is paid to the General Fund for general administrative services. The division also offers a special pickup service for customers and non -customers. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 21 2013: 22 2014: 22 2015: 22 2016: 22 -151- _Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Item Number and Description Budget Budget 5601,425 $617,783 $632,630 $2,000 $600,000 $3,675 5632,600 $2,000 6000 FT Salaries Budget 6014 OT- Reqular $9.718 $6,437 $10.932 $6,899 $7.390 $7,390 $7.900 6018 Lonqevitv Pav $3,570 $3.549 $7,400 $1 00 $ 00 60 20 Earned Leave $600 $600 $600 $600 $6 $6 $600 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $6211,750 $639,763 63�_ 1 065 65$ 0.500 Totals for: Personal S _$650,020 6100 Unemployment $1.156 $805 $37,588 $1,144 $36,500 $1,144 $36,500 $1.144 $36,500 6110 Social Security $36.457 $8,526 $8,791 $9,450 $9,450 $9,450 6120 Medicare $1,277 $1,363 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 6130 Life insurance $56,591 $64,630 $64,986 $64,986 $64.986 6150 Kpers 10 4,007 11$ 3,17? 11_4 280 110 11�4fl Totals for. Empl Benet 5 - 6160 Health Insurance $127.688 $134,792 $158,359 $130.000 $158.359 13,200 6200 Workmen's Compensation $13,200 $13,200 147 992- $„•559 143 200 $7 559 Totals for Ben Trans 140 888 _�_-- - - - -- 7000 office Supplies $631 $580 $13,401 $650 $14,000 $650 $14.000 $675 $14, 500 7175 Parts -Machinery & Equip $13.949 $7,823 515,550 $17,050 $15.450 7325 Wearinq Appafel $5,634 $445 $722 $750 $750 $775 7405 Tools 7610 Other Ooer. Supplies $2.175 $2,060 $3,075 $3.075 $140 $3,175 $100 7650 Buildings & Grounds $0 $1,388 $27 $100 $240 $240 8310 Postage $24 �58 22 8 226_ 001 35 4 365 35 5 865 ,915 - - - Totals for: Supplies _ - __ -- - -- -- - 8215 Telephone $352 $263 $1,500 $3,540 $1,500 $3,540 $1,500 $3,540 8315 Employee Development $664 $324 $400 $400 $400 $400 40 Dues 834 $0 $439 $420 $1,000 $1,000 $1,0D0 830 Rpr-Radio $184 $576 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 8395 Rpr-Buildings $56,387 $58,438 $71,800 $71,800 $74.000 8555 Other Contractual 5- 8.026 6$ D,a21 $79,240 $79,240 8.2 440 Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Equipment $54,523 $58,272 $124.563 $59.550 $145,000 $59,550 $115.000 $66,925 $357,000 9060 Vehicles $154.050 208 573$182 .835 204 550 17$ 4.550 425 3,925 - Totals for: Capital Ou $2-�-- _ - - - -- 7120 Gas &Oil $139,586 $132,168 $139,600 $170,000 $75,000 $170,000 $139,600 $175,000 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $152,774 $28,412 $187,875 $28,654 $32,200 $32,200 $32,200 8025 Administration & Billin $72,000 $72.000 $72,OOQ $72,000 $72 000 8090 Data Processing Charqes $528,746 $495,966 $546,410 $546,410 $546,410 6245 Solid Waste Disposal 2,296 2.40 2,40 2,400 titer $3$0.000 $3$10,000 $376,350 $376,350 $376,350 ServiceSeryProv. 98255 210 Interfu -151- City of Salina, Kansas Totals for Int Servs Totals for: Sanitation Salina 11,233,870 X228 $1,338.96D $-2389,972 2 399 14 $2,592,974 2016 Annual Budget $1,274.36 D $1,343,960 $2,452.56 0 2 821 579 Totals For Fund 2092 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Expense $2,389,972 $2,399,148 $3,286,695 $3,400,513 $3,501,453 -152- City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit-. 32004 r Salina Solid Waste Fund 2016 Annual Budget Health & Sanitation Rev The Solid Waste Fund is solely financed from tipping fees collected from users of the landfill and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for landfill operations. No tax monies are devoted to this activity. Of the tonnage fee, $1.00 is allocated for Waste Management activity under the oversight of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Board, $.0.50 is allocated for postclosure care. Other fees include a $11.00 per ton fee assessed by the State of Kansas, and $2.00 per ton to support City street maintenance. Available cropland is farmed under contract, with the Solid Waste Fund receiving a percentage of the proceeds. Totals for. General Govt Revenue g 2$ 46,003 $3,069,840 3 9$ 12,094 $4,575,328$4,554.68.4 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014guriaAm tded 2015 PropBudgetsed Revenue $3,195,053 $3,069,840 $3,912,094 $4,575,328 $4,554,684 -153- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 20115 Budget 2015 Amended 2016Proposed ro sed Budget Item Number and Description 4780 Investment Income $4,508 $5,991 x_991 $$7,000 $$7,000 $7,000 Totals for Interest -4 508 - - -- -- .- - - -- 10 $4$42,310 2,310 $4$42 4905 Other Miscellaneous $33.737 3�3 73_7 $37.540 3� 7 540 $2`310 �-'� 310 Totals for: Misc. $430.834 $q78,940 3.500 $43� 450,000 $45$ 4300 Solid Waste -Internal $466.987 466 9137 0 834 78 940 - - 33 500 -, -- - - - 4,000 - - -- Totals for: Int Sery-�- - - _ -43� -- - - $0 $1,342,184 $2.085,518 $2.007.687 4999 Carryover Surplus $0 50 $1 342,184 $2 085,518_- 2.007 687 Totals for Carryover $2,576,457 $2,034.660 $2,000.00D $2,040,687 4295 Sotid Waste 4900 Recycled Material $2,688.798 $1,023 $19'018 $7.000 $2,0 66d $7,000 007 2�-000 $7.000 $2 047 687 Totals for: 5ery Chrg 2 6� 89 821 _ 2 5�- 95 4�5 - 41 _ - - -- 9035 Other Ecuiument - $4,550 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9060 Vehicles $48.400 NO L NO - L Totals for Capital Ou _$52.950 Totals for. General Govt Revenue g 2$ 46,003 $3,069,840 3 9$ 12,094 $4,575,328$4,554.68.4 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014guriaAm tded 2015 PropBudgetsed Revenue $3,195,053 $3,069,840 $3,912,094 $4,575,328 $4,554,684 -153- -154- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3203150 Solid Waste Fund Reseves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash fiow variances throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $1,244.763 $2,007.687 $1,244.763 Totals for: Reserves -$-0- $1,244.763 $2,007.687 $1,244,763 Totals for: Solid Waste L0 L0$1,244,763 $2,007,687 $1,244,763 -154- City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit: 3205560 Salina Solid Waste Fund 2036 Annual Budget Solid Waste The City -owned and City -operated Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facility, located southwest of Salina on Burma Road, provides solid waste disposal facilities for Saline County, Ellsworth County, Lincoln County, McPherson County and Ottawa County. The facility accepts about 90,000 tons of waste per year, and is a licensed subtitle D facility subject to Federal Environmental Protection Agency landfill regulations administered by the State of Kansas. As a work group of the Public Works Department, the operation is supervised by the Landfill Superintendent, who is responsible to the Public Works Operations Manager Full time authorized staff: 2012: 9 2013: 9 2014: 9 2015: 9 2016: 9 6100 Unemployment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6150 Kpers Totals for. Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans $744 $499 Budget Detail $825 $23,000 $825 $24.000 $21296 $5,448 $23,253 $5,438 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Item Number and Description $1,500 $40.000 $1.500 $42.345 $36,856 Budget Budget Totals for: Supplies220 $352,248 $348,901 $359.650 $45,660 $345,000 $45,660 $359,000 $46,100 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries $41,015 $2,579 $41,971 $1,248 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 6014 OT- Regular $6,421 $6,671 $7,350 $7,350 $6,500 6018 LongeviiV Pey $3,734 $2,947 $2.000 $2,000 $2,000 6020 Earned Leave $300 $500 $600 $600 $600 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $406,29$402,238 417 760 40$ 3.11 41� 6 70� Totals for: Personal S _ _ 6100 Unemployment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6150 Kpers Totals for. Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans $744 $499 $825 $24,000 $825 $23,000 $825 $24.000 $21296 $5,448 $23,253 $5,438 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $930 $902 $1.500 $1,500 $40.000 $1.500 $42.345 $36,856 $40,200 $42,345 74,6707�'37$= Totals for: Supplies220 _- 6� 7.2747�2 --$80,731 $80.613 $99,295 $86,000 $6.600 $99.295 $6,600 $7,100 8$ 7 7138- $7.200 7 93110$ $6,600 5,895 - -9�, 2 60010$ 5,895 - 7000 Office Supplies $1,617 $9.309 $1.512 $16.972 7060 Sand, Rock, Gravel & Sa $1,900 $1,996 7325 Wearinq Apparel $0 $0 7335 Protective Clothina-EMS $174 $0 7405 Tools $210 $0 $0 7580 Public Education 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $7,357 $9,077 Totals for: Supplies220 5672- 9 557 8005 Engineering 8020 Medical 8095 Tire Disposal 8100 Recycled Paper 8105 Waste Manaqement 8215 Telephone 8230 Gas Service 8260 Liqht & Power 8315 Employee Development 8340 Dues 8390 Rpr-Radio 8395 Rpr-Buildings 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens 8550 Other Contractual 8630 Solid Waste Fees Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Eauipment Totals for: Capital Ou 9160 Principal - City Share 9170 Interest - City Share Totals for: Debt Sery $95,000 $0 $3,875 $30 $2,217 $8,617 $5,919 $10,071 $635 $532 $80 $2,288 $2,296 $30,343 $254,227 $416,130 $210,153 $0 $3,054 $0 $1.970 $1.829 $6,791 $10,741 $5,148 $546 $0 $2,277 $2,397 $29,226 $99.783 37 3,915 $0 LO $403.881 $411,959 $16,317 $8,240 42$ 0,198 4299 - -- -155- $2,250 $21.000 $2.250 $880 $500 $500 $22,350 $49,73 0 $55,500 $50 $5.000 $0 $80,000 $3.140 $9,065 $10,100 $2,620 $675 $250 $2,000 $2.300 $35,450 $81,500 $287,650 $2,250 $21,000 $2,250 $880 $500 $500 $22,350 $49,730 $55,500 $50 $6,000 $0 $80,000 $3,140 $9.065 $10,100 $2,620 $675 $250 $2,000 $2,300 $35,450 $81,500 $288,650. $2.250 $21.000 $2.250 $880 $500 $500 $17,800 $45,18 .E $78.050 $50 $6.000 $0 $80,000 $2.240 $9,065 $10,750 $2,120 $675 $250 $7,000 $2,400 $37,210 $86,500 $322,310 $4,250 $4,250 $1,200 $4,250 - $4,25 - - ,200 - $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 P0 - - I _()_ - City of Salina, Kansas Salina 2016 Annual Budget 7120 Gas & Oil $210,357 $200,867 $210,400 $140,000 $210,400 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $85,356 $135,426 $115.400 $115,400 $130,400 8090 Data Processinq Charqes $61,000 $61,000 $61,000 $61.000 $61,000 8255 Water Service $1,543 $1,691 $1,550 $1,550 $1,700 9210 Interfund Serv. Prov. $607,503 $544,752 $615.000 $615,000 $615.000 Totals for: Int Servs $965,759 $943736 $1,003,350 $93Z95 $1,018,5D0 9220 Transfers-Interfund $D $D $600,000 $600,000 $1,200,000 Totals for: int Transf $D $600,000 60$ 0 Opo $1,200,000 Totals for: Solid Waste $2,383,938 2 327866 $2,543.30 5 2 442 615 $3,184,455 -156- r7- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 3205570 Solid Waste Fund Household Hazardous Waste The Hazardous ste t the HHW ty, all household hazardooi s waste Dmlaterriial received is segt egated and stored for pickup aand �disposal by tr visin supports the Ciy's a contractor. The Household HHazardous haz Waste Coordinator reports to the Sanitation Superintendant. Authorized full time staff: 2012: 1 2013: 1 2014: 1 2015: 1 2016: 1 8215 Telephone 8315 Employee Development 8340 Dues 8395 Ror-Buildinqs 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Equipment Totals for. Capital Ou $207 $288 Budget Detail $311 $298 $830 $250 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 Amended dg `ded 201 Budget Item Number and Description $22,631 $30,825 26085 - 23 956$33,205 -- '-�y-- -- -- - 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $35,914 $3 $1020 $38,240 $500 $38,240 $500 $39,400 $500 6014 OT- Reqular $0$1.350 $1,267 $1,309 $1.350 4S- 0 990 $1.400 4-1. 300 6018 Lonaevitv Pav $37,181, 3.�, 8 474 4p 090 J� _ --- _ Totals for. Personals __-- - - - - - — - - $90 $90 6100 Uneployment m $69 $2,162 $47 $2.216 $90 $ $ $2.300 $481 6110 Social Security $506 $518 $4$1 $480 $220 $220 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $98 $3.530 $99 $4.049 $220 $3,600 $3,600 $3.600 6 691 6150 Koers 6 365 $4 91- ._$6'� 691 �� Totals for. Empl Senef _ - $1 $12,880 6160 Health Insurance $10.454 $500 $11,2822 $1 .880 $600 $600 $600 1$ 3,480$1,282 6200 Workmen's Compensation 1$ 0.954 1— 13 480$13,480 -— - - - - _ _ - - - Totals for: Ben Trans - -- - - -- - -- - - - - $120 $150 7000 Office Supplies $82 $573 $146 $502 $120 $805 $805 $850 $135 7325 Wearing Apparel $125 $57 $130 $130 $21,425 7405 Tools 7580 Public Education $13,125 $16,$57 $6 927 $21.425 $7,880 $7,880 $9.150 7610 Other Oper. Soplies $6,710 $0 $1.009 $200 $200 $300 32 695 may— 7650 Buildinqs & Grounds 2$0972 2$ 5.250 30560 Totals for: supplies $300 8215 Telephone 8315 Employee Development 8340 Dues 8395 Ror-Buildinqs 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Equipment Totals for. Capital Ou $207 $288 $250 $311 $298 $830 $250 $250 $250 $1.064 $489 $1,050 $24.253 $22,631 $30,825 26085 - 23 956$33,205 -- '-�y-- -- -- - - -- $o $176 $a 1-0 $1-76- - - - U Tota^ lsfor. Household Hazardous q01 557 $250 $1.830 $250 $1.050 $30.825 $34,205 $0 i0� 6=Og7 12$ 4,026 $125,026 -157- $2,350 $250 $1.050 $26,150 30 104 $1.200 $1,200 12$ 5'466 City of Salina, Kansas 2018 Annual Budget Sarna Budget Unit: 3209500 Solid Waste Fund Infrastructure Improvements Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Rudoet Budget Expense $2,538,445 $2,433,935 $3,912,094 $4,575,328 $4,554,684 -158- City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit: 34005 fol�- Salina Golf Course Fund The Golf Course is an Enterprise Fund, supported by various user fees and charges. Item Number and Description 4020 Sales Tax --Countywide Totals for: Sales Tax 4780 Investment Income Totals for: Interest 4850 Other Reimbursements 4905 Other Miscellaneous 4910 Pettv Cash long Totals for: Misc. 4999 Carrvover Surplus Totals for: Carryover 4095 Electric Carts 4100 Pull Carts 4105 Cart Storage 4110 Other Rental 4341 Membership Fees 4343 Green Fees 4345 Trail Fees 4347 Drivincl Range 4351 FIRST TEE REGISTRATION 4560 Food/Bevefaae 4565 Food/Beverage--Beer Sal 4570 Pro Shop Totals for. Sery Chrg 4860 Donations Totals for: Op. Grant Totals for Rec. & Culture Reven 2016 Annual Budget Rec. & Culture Revenue $656 Budget Detail $0 U $0 - - LOp--- X656 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 Budgetded 2016 Prdgeotsed $23,583 $25,437 $27,000 2�7 000_- $27,000 .'y ,000 $227,020 - -- 2�-3,583 25 437 �._- -- --.�-� - = - - - - - $182 -- - $258 NO $0 LO $0 $182 _- - - - - - - - - - $378 - - - $275 $0 $52.0$0 $52,0$($310 $0 $0 $50,419 $47,7$55 $50.00 4�_ 8 249 5Q $000 52, 1�000 1�- 0;766) 5$� _ - - - - $0 - $0 $118.969 $117,157 $163,470 163 470 -$116,509 - - $130,142148 $145.000 $145.000$30D S145,000$250 $150 300 $9,200 $9.200 59,000 $8.438 $450 $8,913 $1,013 $1,000 $1,000 $1.000 $175,000 $153.880 $175,815 $140,000 $$11M0 $140.000 $$11,000 000 $2561,500 $248,393 $284,925 $7,152 $11.000 $11,000 $6.765 $22.143 $31.486 $25,0$0 $25.0$00 $10,000 $0 $37.621 $9.106 $46,346 $41,000 $41.000 $18,000 $25,000 $17.350 $24,097 $18.000 $80,000 80.000 $83,730 $66.469 5,612 7500 $55 5001811,7507 �- $695,429 78$ $656 L $0 U $0 - - LOp--- X656 - �- - $860,012 $953,469$951,65 7 1 020 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual Revenue $769,960 $860,012 -159- 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 udgetProposed Budaet $953,469 $951,657 $1,052,220 -160- r�- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3463150 Golf Course Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Gash Reserve $0 $0 $142,305 $163,470 $215.435 Totals for: Reserves NO U142 305 $163,47Q $215,43 Totals for: Golf Course �0 LO $142.305 163 470 $215,435 -160- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 3406820 Golf Course Fund Golf Course The Salina Municipal Golf Course, opened in 1970, is located on 137 acres of land. This well-maintained 18 -hole golf course is supplemented by a 6 -hale par -3 course opened in the spring of 2001. The Golf Course manager oversees the entire operation of the facility including maintenance. Approximately 42,000 rounds of golf are played each year. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 5 2013: 5 2014: 5 2015: 5 2016: 5 In addition to the full time staffing, the Golf Course makes extensive use of seasonal employees during peak play seasons. 6100 Unemolovment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6150 Kpers Totals for: Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for. Ben Trans 7000 Office Supplies 7035 lrripation Supplies 7175 Parts -Machinery & Equip 7245 Chemicals 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7385 Safetv Equip & Supplies 7405 Tools 7445 Mach. & Equip. (<$250) 7595 Recreation Supplies 7605 Seeds, Plants, Trees 7610 Other Oper Supplies 7705 Pro Shop 7710 Pro Shop Merchandise 7715 Snack Bar 7720 Dhvinq Range 8310 Postaqe Totals for: Supplies 8055 RenVLease 8060 Rental Cart Repair 8215 Telephone 8230 Gas Service 8260 Liqht & Power 8315 Employee Development 8340 Dues 8365 Printing 8370 Advertising & Promotion 8395 Rpr-Buildings 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens 8525 Refunds 8550 Other Contractual Totals for. Other Sery 8150 Sales Tax $623 $419 $19.231 Bud_ get Betz ll $630 $18,109 $19,142 $4.477 $4.497 $4,900 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Prdog used Item Number and Description $47,484. - - - 4$49, - - 60 - - 4$--- Budget $38.056 $42,107 $209,055 $213,736 $219,2$70 $200,0$0 $219'2$00 6000 FT -Salaries Budget $239 $40 --$44,427 - - - $185 $861 $17,027 6006 PT- Salaries $31,803 $32,160 $35,000 $35,000 $36.000 $72,000 6010 PT- Clubhouse $67,721 $63.306 $71,000 $71.000 $6,000 6012 PT -Maintenance $5,638 $5,291 $6.000 $6,000 $3.500 OT- Regular OT-LcnReo 6014 ar $2.986 $3,154 $3,450 $3,450 $6,000 6018 $5.236 57.362 $6,000 $6.000 ,000 6020 Earned Leave 8220 Cell Phone Allowance343 $300 $300 $300 $300 32 1 75Q,�. 000 Tntal� for' Personal $ 322 978$325,349 �y $39.592 $741 -$341,027 $3,000 $6,000 6100 Unemolovment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6150 Kpers Totals for: Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for. Ben Trans 7000 Office Supplies 7035 lrripation Supplies 7175 Parts -Machinery & Equip 7245 Chemicals 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7385 Safetv Equip & Supplies 7405 Tools 7445 Mach. & Equip. (<$250) 7595 Recreation Supplies 7605 Seeds, Plants, Trees 7610 Other Oper Supplies 7705 Pro Shop 7710 Pro Shop Merchandise 7715 Snack Bar 7720 Dhvinq Range 8310 Postaqe Totals for: Supplies 8055 RenVLease 8060 Rental Cart Repair 8215 Telephone 8230 Gas Service 8260 Liqht & Power 8315 Employee Development 8340 Dues 8365 Printing 8370 Advertising & Promotion 8395 Rpr-Buildings 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens 8525 Refunds 8550 Other Contractual Totals for. Other Sery 8150 Sales Tax $623 $419 $19.231 $630 $19,900 $630 $18,109 $19,142 $4.477 $4.497 $4,900 $4,900 ,900 $496 $505 $22,832 $600 $23.540 $21.421 $20,086 44 824 $47,484. - - - 4$49, - - 60 - - 4$--- $35,264 $38.056 $42,107 $38.317 $6,110 $6,000 $6,000 $44,056 $6,110 8 217 - $41,264 -- _4$ _ --$44,427 - - - $185 $861 $17,027 $250 $15,000 $250 $15,000 $4,837 $1,644 $1,167 $2,000 $2.000 $55,377 $60.988 $56,000 $56.000 $500 $380 $532 $203 $500 $500 $500 $253 $955 $1.087 $1,000 $1,000 $240 $200 $1,000 $1.000 $20,579 $19,654 $30.000 $8.000 $30,000 $8.000 $8,157 $3.661 $8,433 $5.579 $2,000 52.000 $3.007 $1,375 $2,000 $2,000 $65,000 $64,766 $58,712 $48,769 $65,000 $35,000 $35,000 $39.592 $741 $1,068 $3,000 $6,000 $326 $396 $250 2`500 $250 $224,--- $204 700 22$ 051 -22� $2,408 $4,236 $3,536 $2,383 $7,129 $6,782 $6,657 $6,799 $36,121 $45,182 $814 $1.575 $2,042 $2,032 $0 $187 $4,049 $1,895 $4,980 $2,765 $14,981 $20,772 $0 $229 $265 $934 82 9829� 5 771 -- $22,673 $23.889 -161- $0 $0 $2.000 $2.000 $7,000 $7,000 $6,000 $6,000 $41.000 $41,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 $250 $250 $3,000 $3.000 $2,000 $2,000 $12,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $1.000 $7,000 $77,750 - -8. 50 - - $600 $19,900 $4.900 $525 $23,500 $49.4 25 $41.500 $6,110 $47,61 $250 $12,000 $2.000 $60.000 $500 $500 $1,000 $1.000 $30,000 $8,000 $2,000 $2.000 $65,000 $50.000 $3,000 $250 $237,5-.- 0 $0 $1.000 $7,000 $7,000 $38,000 $2,000 $2,000 $250 $2,000 $2,000 $20,000 $0 $1,000 $82,25 0 $27,000 $27.000 $27,000 City of Salina, Kansas Totals for: Other $22-673 7120 Gas & Oil $19,150 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $25,694 8245 Solid Waste Disposal $1,610 8255 Water Service $3,071 Totals tor- Int Servs4$ 9,525 Totals for; Golf Course $768,946 Salina 23 889 $27.000 $20,903 $20,000 $18,270 $22,000 $1.461 $1,400 $3,552 $2,700 $44,186$46,100 5$0,000 $806,786 $811,164 -162- 2016 Annual Budget 27 00 $27.000 $15,000 $231000 $22,000 $22,000 $1,400 $1,500 $2,700 $3.500 4110D 5$0,000 $788,187 $836,785 City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit: 3406840 Safina Golf Course Fund 2016 Annual Budget Course Maintenance Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed 9udoet Budget e�cQ oea X806.786 $953,469 $951,657 $1,052,220 -163- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 37008 Water And Wastewater Fund Water/Wastewater Revenue Water and wastewater fees are set annually by the City Commission, based on the future needs of the utility for operations and for capital improvements and enhancements. Totals for: General Gout Revenue 18,185,223 $20,835,206 $25,434,381 $24,586,148 $30,444,216 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Revenue $18,185,223 $20,835,206 $25,434,381 $29,586,148 $30,444,216 -164- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 4780 Investment Income $27.359 $29,270 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Totals for: Interest PZ -35-9$29,270 $25,000$25,000$25,000 4240 Miscellaneous Income $177,267 $0 $200,000 $200.000 $0 4245 Sales Tax Collected $160,839 $182,850 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 4255 Meter Deposits $133,303 $139,915 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 4850 Other Reimbursements $0 $179,900 $0 $0 $0 4885 Sale Of Commodities $11,933 $9.110 $0 $0 $0 4905 Other Miscellaneous $4,691 $0 $0 $0 $0 4910 Pettv Cash -Cash Lona $154 $285 $0 $0 $0 Totals for, Misc. $488,187 512 06047�O,D00 $470,000 $270.000 4200 Sanitation Bill Charqe $28.412 $28,654 $35,950 $35.950 $35,950 4225 Internal Water Charges $42,255 $44.240 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 4230 Internal Sewer Charqes $42.255 $44,240 $45.000 $45,000 $45,000 Totals for: Int Sery J112 922 117,134 $125,950 $125,950 $125,950 4962 Transfer Construction $0 $2,007,482 $0 $0 $0 4966 Transfers Operating $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Transfers $200,000 $2.007,482 LO 4999 Carrvover Surplus $0 $0 $5.154,731 $9.306,498 $9,777.366 Totals for: Carryover N $5,154,731 $9,306.498 $9.777.366 4235 Water Charqes $9,229,090 $9.756.350 $10,986.680 $10,986,680 $11,315,000 4250 FrontFootage 8 Tappinq $22.728 $68,369 $6,000 $6,000 $6.000 4265 Meter Pit Installation $16,620 $15,600 $9,900 $9.900 $9,900 4275 Pretreatment Permit $1.200 $1,700 $0 $0 $0 4280 Sewer Charqes $8.087,117 $8,327.241 $8,656,120 $8,656,120 $8.915.000 Totals for: Sery Chrg $17,356,755 $18,169,260 $19,658,700$19,658,700 $20,245,900 Totals for: General Gout Revenue 18,185,223 $20,835,206 $25,434,381 $24,586,148 $30,444,216 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Revenue $18,185,223 $20,835,206 $25,434,381 $29,586,148 $30,444,216 -164- r 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Shcind Budget Unit: 3703100 Water And Wastewater Fund Water Customer Accounting The Customer Service and Accounting Division, reporting to the Finance Department, reads meters each month, computes also account charges, provides service assistance to individual customers and collects all water and wastewater usfe19,7The customers andbiils and collects for the Sanitation Division residential refuse collection service. The utility has approximately issues about 240,000 bills annually. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 10 2013: 10 2014: 7 2015: 7 2016: 7 Reduction in staff in 2013 - 2014 was due to immplementation of advanced technology of the meter reading system. Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries 6014 OT- Regular 6018 Lonqevity Pay Totals for: Personal S 6100 Unemolovment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance 6150 Kpers Totals for: Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 6250 Petty Cash -Short 7000 Office Supplies 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7405 Tools 7470 Maintenance 7580 Public Education 8310 Postaqe Totals for: Supplies 8010 Legal 8215 Telephone 8315 Employee Development 8340 Dues 8365 Printinq 8400 Rpr-Off. Eauip. 8450 Credit Card Fees/Expens 8550 Other Contractual 8555 Low income Assistance Totals for: Other Sery 9000 Office Equipment 9005 Off.Equip-Furniture 9100 Computers/Technologv Totals for. Capital Ou 8140 Ks Water Protection Fee 8145 Clean Water Fees 8150 Sales Tax 8155 int On Meter Deposits 8160 Refunded Meter Deposits Totals for: Other 7120 Gas & Oil 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip 8090 Data Processinq Charges Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016prro proposed Budget Budget 9 $353,306 $284,868 $35 $0 $4,846 $2,197 $4,907 $4,451 $363,094$291,516 - $681 $370 $21,440 $17,276 55,014 $4,040 $937 $738 $33,212 $29,467 - 6�8- -- - 51-- - $265,000 $190.000 $265.000 $1,000 $1,000 $1.000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $5,367 $5.367 $5,367 $274,3677 19$ 9 36- 27�- 4 36 $660 $660 5660 $24.286 $15.000 $24,286 $5,625 $5,625 $5,625 $1,400 $1,400 - 22���6 $28'082 $22.000 $$1.4002 $60,053 $5.000 $20,000 60 053 y- $65,189 $42,069 $90.850 $45.000 $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 72 389 200 4269 - - g-- --8,050 �- $224 $2,722 $225 $0 $2,452 $655 $108.869 -11.5147 - - $33,259 $2,910 $1.392 $1,195 $21,191 $809 $62,473 $60,872 $4,270 $188. 371 $363 $2.726 $0 $4,000 $0 $4.00$0 $0 $1,363 $o $2,600 $1,000 $0 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 $565 $4,000 $4,000 $105,791 $112,000 $112.000 10$ 9,44512. 0 500 -12$ 0,500 - $90.850 $7.200 $98.05 0 $0 $4,000 $0 $500 $0 $4,000 $112,000 $120,500 $9,080 $50.000 $50.000 $2,600 $50.000 $2.600 $1,363 $o $2,600 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1.225 $2,00 $2,00 $22,000 $2.00 $22,000 $13,023 $1,709 $22,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2.000 $69.497 $72,000 $72,000 $70.000 $72,000 $70,000 $47,395 $70,000 $6,000 $6,000 $770,000 $6,917 $150,209 U7 600 - - 22���6 226,000 600 �� $980 $5,000 $5.000 $20,000 $5.000 $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 $5,000 $5,000 $244,948 $9980 30 000$30,000 =- -- - - 26$ 9,948 - - - $56,449 $59,317 $70,000 $65,00 $70,000 $65,000 $52,920 $189,807 $55,608 $167,799 $210,000 $210,000 $153 $215 $3,000 $140,000 $3,000 $140,000 $125,178 42� 4 507 -- $138,176 421 115 � 48_ 8 000 - - --- - - $4813,000 $7,632 $603 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,360 $710,000 $1,304 $770,00 $770,000 $770,000 -165- $70,000 $65,000 $210,000 $3,000 $140,000 $488,000 $0 $0 $770,00 City of Salina, Kansas Totals for: Int Seas71$ 8,992 Totals for: Water Customer Accounti $1,947,175 Salina $771,907 $770,000 $1 ,846,33 $2,068,570 -166- 2016 Annual Budget $770,000 $1,932,352 $770,000 12,30,518 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas sadnd Budget Unit: 3703150 Water And Wastewater Fund Reserves ll as This budget unit includes insrevenuest aside to @ccommodate cash and expenditures throughout the year. Ineadddo throughoutb dgeted transfers ato multi-year capital ap tafor l unanticipated fluctuations reserve accounts are shown here -167- Budge ail 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget Budget Budget Item Number and Description 9265 Capital Reserve Transfe $3,385,544 $0 L0 $2,200,000 200 000 $2,200,000 $2,200,00-D $4 400 000 _-.— Totals for: Int Transf ILL85 _.__ -_ - - - - - -$2 $5,058,343 $9,777,366 $5 $00,000 9250 Cash Reserve Eoa Wastewater Plant Re $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,302 $5 118,645 $60,302 $9 837,668 60,3022 �5 060,30? 9260 = - Totals for: Reserves _ _ - - -- ---- - - Totals tor: Water Customer Accounti 3 385 �544 $0 77 3318,645 12$ 037,658 302 9 4, fiq`_ -167- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3703200 Water And Wastewater Fund Interfund Transfers This represents transfers from the Water and Wastewater fund to provide for in -lieu of fees and administrative support from the General Fund -168- Budget Detail Item Number and [Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 8520 Franchise Fees $875.000 $950,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,200.000 9210 Interfund Serv. Prov. $1,480,000 $1,480,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 Totals for: Int Servs$2355 400 $2,430,000 $2,600,000 $2,600,000 j2 80Q,000 9225 Transfers -Operating $0 $0 $100,000 $100,009 $30,000 Totals for: Int Transf LO L010$ 0,00010$ 0003$ 0.000 Totals for: Utilities Administration $2,355,000 2 430 00 $2,700,000 $2,700,000 2 830 000 -168- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 3703250 Water And Wastewater Fund Debt Service This set of accounts provides the budgetary authority to make annual payments on bonds and loans outstanding that have financed major capital improvements to the utility. Item Number and Description 9225 Transfers -Operating Totals for: Int Transf Totals for: Debt Services Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget -169- $2,574,000 $2.220,000 $2,220,000 $2,2$ 20,000 ,220,000 g2 520.000 - -- $2 448 000- 12,448,Oo02 574 000 2 2�. 2D.0002 21220,000 00 2 6$�,�— -169- Cit of Salina, a, Kansas 4r,-2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3708100 Water And Wastewater Fund Utilities Administration The Administration Division provides for the supervision of the Water Plant, Wastewater Plant, and Utility Divisions, excluding Water Customer Accounting, which operates under the supervision of the Director of Finance. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 8 2013: 6 2014: 6 2015: 6 2016: 6 8005 Enqineerina $24,995 Budget Detail $25.000 $25,000 $25,000 Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed 8070 Rent/Lease - Buildings $66,749 $74,683 $100,000 Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $467,926 $471,083 $578,500 $488,500 $590,000 6006 PT- Salaries $3,100 $1,562 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 6014 OT- Reqular $20 $60 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 6018 Lonqevitv Pay $3,038 $3.006 $3.200 $3.200 $3,200 6020 Earned Leave $19,476 $32,109 $0 $0 $30.000 6240 Transp.Allowance $3,696 $3,696 $3.696 $3,696 $3,696 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $1,500 $1,450 $1,500 $1,500 $1.500 Totals for: Personal S $498,756 512,966 $593.396 503 396 $634.896 6100 Unemolovment $920 $627 $400 $400 $400 6110 Social Security $29.393 $29.300 $30,284 $26,000 $30.284 6120 Medicare $6,874 $6,852 $7.082 $7,082 $7,082 6130 Life insurance $1,005 $937 $700 $700 $700 6150 Kners $43,385 $46,899 $52.759 $45,000 $52,759 6180 Adm Fee -PCS Prescriotio $0 $0 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 Totals for: Empl Benef 81 577 $84,615 $95,625 83 582 $95,625 6160 Health Insurance $44,410 $52,696 $57,356 $52.000 $57,356 6200 Workmen's Compensation $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 Totals for: Ben Trans $62A10 $70,696 $75,356 70,000 $76,356 7000 Office Supplies $673 $1,467 $1.200 $1.200 $1,200 7025 Books & Periodicals $0 $0 $400 $400 $200 7470 Maintenance $162 $0 $0 $0 $0 8310 Postaqe $722 $790 $1,000 $1,000 $1.000 Totals for: Supplies $1,557 $2,257 $2,600 2 600 $2,400 8005 Enqineerina $24,995 $10,900 $25.000 $25,000 $25,000 8015 Auditinq $19,008 $34,328 $20,000 $20,000 $35,000 8070 Rent/Lease - Buildings $66,749 $74,683 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 8215 Telephone $503 $192 $1,500 $1.500 $500 8315 Employee Development $2,750 $2,027 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 8340 Dues $410 $431 $750 $750 $600 8360 Leqal Notices $0 $329 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 8365 Printinq $1,161 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 8550 Other Contractual $62,388 {$15,161} $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 8620 Automated Meter Readinq $937 $900 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Other Sere $178,901 $108,629 $183,250 $183,250 197 100 7120 Gas & Oil $800 $2295 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $697 $897 $800 $800 $1,000 Totals for: Int Servs $1.497 $3,192 $2.300 $2,300 $-3,00.0 Totals for: Utilities Administration 1824,698 782 355 $952.527 845 128 $1008.377 -170- :id 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 3708200 Water And Wastewater Fund Water Distribution The Utility Division/Water Distribution maintains 8 elevated storage tanks on 5 separate pressure systems; 2,300 fire hydrants, 320 miles of water mains, 4,100 valves, and 19,750 water services and meters. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 13 2013: 14 2014: 15 2015: 15 2016: 15 item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budget 6006 PT- Salaries 6014 OT- Reqular 6018 Longevity Pav 8220 Cell Phone Allowance Totals for. Personal S 6100 unemplovment 6110 Social Security 6120 Medicare 6130 Life insurance 6150 KperS Totals for: Empl Benef 6160 Health Insurance 6200 Workmen's Compensation Totals for: Ben Trans 7000 Office Supplies 7060 Sand. Rock. Gravel & Sa 7240 Sians 7325 Wearinq Apparel 7335 Protective Clothinq-EMS 7405 Tools 7465 Meter Maintenance 7495 Maint-Mains 7505 Maint-Service Lines 7510 Maint-Hvdrants 7515 Maint-Equipment 7555 Maint-Street Cut Repair 7610 Other Oper. Supplies 7650 Buildings & Grounds Totals for: Supplies 8215 Telephone 8230 Gas Service 8260 Licht & Power 8315 Employee Development 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sery 9035 Other Equipment Totals for. Capital Ou 7120 Gas & Oil 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Eauip 8255 Water Service Totals far: Int Servs Totals for. Water Distribution -171- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 Budgetded 2016Proposed rsed dget $425,838 $443,1$40 $4$7,5D0 1,000 $4$07.500 ,000 91000 $4$7,500 $4,301 $31,949 $45,000 $$5,050 $$6.050 $36.763 $5,380 $6,041 $6.050 $3.000 $3.000 $900 $900 $3,000 55$._.2 550 5250 552 550 -�- - 47 3 182 48$ 2,084 $37i $588 $1,000 $1,000 $28,000 $1.000 $32,400 $27.379 $27.527 $7.500 ,400 $$ 7 $7.500 $7,500 $6,403 $6.438 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,078 $42,744 $1.151 $48,864 $54.184 $86 070D 00 $ 54,184 $96,284 $78.4 $84,568 - 96 284 - �I.N - - - - - - - $118,757 - -$136.688 $178,250 $135.000 178,250 $$10,000 $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 18 45,000 18$- 2550 - - 1251 57 14� 6 686 - - - -,_ - - -$1.000 $1,126 $1,072 $1,000 $5,200 $1,250 $5,200 $4,258 $1,568 $5,200 $2'500 $2.500 $3.000 $6,357 $4.155 $0 $1.805 $3.500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $4,511 $1.905 $4.250 $4,250 $4,250 $4,472 $3.415 $12.400 $12.400 $12,400 $13,028 $103.667 $9.868 $58,550 $80.000 $80.000 $1 82,750 $80.050 $1 84,250 $233,214 $157.012 $1$5.000 82,750 $5.000 $5.000 $2,020 $7,483 $5,475 $8,358 $4.500 $4,500 5.000 $198.000 $5,500 $1$8,000 $256.686 $164,980 $195.000 $8.000 $10.105 $1,833 $8.984 $6.821 $11.500 $11,500 1619,100 $11,500 52� 2 350- 65� -2 9-15 IA; 8-13 � - 51 OQ- $3,058 - $1,193 $4,750 $4,750 $8,100 $2,750 $7,000 $5.838 $4,701 $8.150 $4.400 4,400 $5.000 $4,081 $4,313 $4,500 $4,500 $5,ODO $2,703 $76,584 $3,309 $17,374 $46,500 $64 24 $$60,25 5 992 264 - - - fi�s- -_. -- - $15,247 -3�gd- $18,447 $39,050 $39,050 3 050 $20,800 20 -1~800 15 247 118 447 - -- - - $39,05 - - $38.327 $35,406 $40,000 $25.000 $35.000 $40,000 $35,000 $46,553 $24,373 $35,000 $37,000 37,000 $97 $35,000 $32,005 $30,078 8$ 9;857 $112,000 000 $�- $ 10,000 11$ 6.885 $1,557,72 1 2$ 92,345 1 q99 454 1 470 8501 5$ 50,484 -171- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3708250 Water And Wastewater Fund Water Plant The Water Plant Division consists of a filtration & softening plant, which has the capacity to treat 20 million gallons per day from the Smoky Hiil River and 15 wells. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards of the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment and the U.S. EPA. Compliance with those standards is assured by continual testing in the plant proper, as well as throughout the complete system. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 15 2013: 16 2014: 16 2015: 16 2016: 16 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $519,375 $497,633 $551,000 $520.000 $562.000 6014 OT- Reqular $30,058 $34.790 $30,000 $30,000 $35.000 6018 Lonqevitv Pay $7,088 $7,866 $8,750 $8,750 $8,750 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 Totals for: Personal S $557,121 $540,889 590 350559 350 60$ 6.350 6100 Unemplovment $1,039 $687 $1.800 $1.800 $1,800 6110 Social Securitv $32,620 $32.035 $29,000 $29,000 $29.000 6120 Medicare $7,629 $7,492 $8,160 $8.160 $8,160 6130 Life Insurance $1,308 $1,200 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 6150 Kners $51.083 $55,286 $59,186 $56.000 $59,186 Totals for: Empl Benef 93,679 $96.700 100 89 $97,710 $100,896 6160 Health Insurance $101,890 $94.215 $115,000 $95,000 $115.000 6200 Workmen's Compensation $12,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 514,000 Totals for: Ben Trans $113,890 $108.215 1129.000 109 000129 000 7000 Office Supplies $2,117 $1,020 $2,700 $2.700 $2,000 7250 Chem.- Lime $274,203 $288.080 $320,000 $320,000 $350000 7255 Chem.- Soda Ash $382,645 $330,592 $450.000 $450,000 $440,000 7260 Chem. -Alum $120,901 $150,209 $120,000 $120.000 $110,000 7265 Chem.-Co2 $25,994 $27,448 $30,500 $30,500 $31,000 7270 Chem. -Miscellaneous $5,973 $8.130 $8,500 $8.500 $8.000 7275 Chem. -Ammonia $18,091 $18,935 $21,000 $21,000 $21,000 7280 Chem.- Chlorine $39,442 $38.830 $44,000 $44.000 $42,000 7285 Chem -Blended Poly $17,282 $18,401 $29.000 $29,000 525,000 7290 Chem -Soda Hex $17,472 $0 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 7295 Chem -Fluoride $8.458 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $8,000 7300 Chem -Polymer $3,977 $5,882 $11.000 $11,000 $11,000 7305 Chem -Caustic Soda $3,439 $978 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 7325 Wearinq Apparel $2.902 $349 $2,750 $2.750 $2,750 7335 Protective Clothinq-EMS $1,256 $0 $1,000 $1,000 51,000 7375 Laboratory $67.618 $67,706 $70,800 $70.800 $70.000 7405 Tools $2,700 $1,931 $2,750 $2,750 $2,000 7500 Maint-Storage Tanks $1,850 $4,170 $10.000 $10,000 $5,000 7520 Maint-Pumpinq Stations $23.116 $42,061 $45,000 $45,000 $50.000 7530 Maint-Sludqe Lines $8,020 $14,839 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 7535 Maint-Wells $98,937 $124,368 $132,000 $132,000 $100.000 7540 Maint-Process Equip. $71,369 $125,580 $112.000 $112,000 $118,000 7545 Maint-Monitors & Tele. $4,275 $8,953 $25,000 $25,000 $30,500 7550 Maint-River Pumps $5,705 $14,549 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $18,952 $24,171 $16,000 $16,000 $20.000 7650 Buildings & Grounds $43,755 $44.331 $25,000 $25,000 $29,000 Totals for: Supplies $1,270,449$1,361,51 3 $1,532,000 $1,532,000 $1,517,250 8215 Telephone $6,115 $6.434 $7,000 $7,000 $7,500 8230 Gas Service $19,637 $19,809 $20,000 $20,000 $21,500 8270 L&P-Wells $66,922 $63,129 $71,000 $71,000 $71,000 8275 L&P-Rvr Intke $23,447 $24,634 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 8280 L&P-Filter Bldq $39,859 $44,121 $42,500 $42,500 $48,000 8285 L&P-Twrs & Vals $5,238 $5,315 $5.500 $5,500 $6,000 8290 L&P-Hs & Bps $212,994 $231,920 $226,000 $226,000 $255,000 8295 L&P-Chemical $100,357 $98.095 $106,500 $106,500 $106,500 8300 L&P Fire Pump Station $11.211 $12,530 $12,000 $12,000 $13,000 8315 Employee Development $2,348 $2,862 $4,150 $4,150 $4,150 -172- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina 8340 Dues $0 $20,400 $280 $15,577 $0 $16,070 $0 S16,070 $0 $17,800 8550 Other Contractual 508 528 $524,706 $537 ?20 $537, _i77_ ___ - Totals for: Other SerV --�_- --- -- -- - - - 9035 Other Equipment $4,063 $2.533 $0 $0 $0 $23,000 2� -- Totals for: Capital Ou 4 063 — — $2 533 _ - - -- - -- - - -- --- - - - _ - 7120 Gas &Oil _ $2,113 $2,753 $2,700 $2,500 $2,700 $2,500 $3,00 00 $2,500 7125 Gas & Oil DIESEL $1,815 $664 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Eauip $3,9$6 $4,325 $4,000 $4,000 $4.500 8255 Water Service t0 586 1 528 113 200 113 200- - 1�_.000 — - Totals for: Int Servs - Totals far. Water Plant Z 5$ 5B 3_16 2 645 084 $2,9031_66$2,848,980 2 967 946 -173- City of Safina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3708300 Water And Wast and Wastewater F Sewer water collection The Utility Division/Wastewater Collection maintains all waste tion mains and wastewater pumping stations. The and 59 sewer wastewater collection system consists of 215 miles of lines a lift stations. Full time authorized staff: 2012: 9 2013: 9 2014: 9 2015: 9 2016: 9 Budget Detail Bu it Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2 014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $319,881 $281,523 $340,000 $275,000 $347.000 6014 OT- Reqular $19,880 $16,160 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 6018 Longevity Pau $4,291 $ 3, 947 $4,650 $4,650 $4,650 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $600 $450 $2.520 $2,520 $2,500 Totals for. Personal S $344,462 lam 367 170 30_ 170 $374,150 6100 Unemployment $644 $710 $710 $710 6110 Social Securitv $20,226 $19,645 $17,000 $19.645 6120 Medicare $4,730 $4,300 $4,300 $4,300 6130 Life Insurance $822 $1,100 $1,100 $1.100 6150 Kners $31,513 $36,661 $30,000 $36,661 Totals for: Empl Benef 5$ 7,935 6$ 2,416 $53,110 6$ 2,416 6160 Health Insurance $54.456 $78,500 $62.000 $78,500 6200 Workmen's Compensation $11,000 $11,000 $11.000 $11,000 Totals for: Ben Trans $65,456 8$ 9.500 73,000 8. 9 500 7000 Office Supplies $930 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $50 $400 $400 $400 7060 Sand, Rock. Gravel & Sa $2.361 $6,500 $6.500 $6.500 7245 Chemicals $138,143 $193,600 $193,600 $179.100 7325 Wearino Apparel $3,186 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 7335 Protective Clothinq-EMS $2,889 $4,860 $4860 $4.860 7385 Safety Equip & Supplies $2,476 $2,425 $2,425 $2,550 7405 Tools $3,573 $3,900 $3,900 $3,900 7465 Meter Maintenance $748 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 7520 Maint-Pumoinq Stations $141,640 $235,000 $235,000 $215,500 7525 Maint-Sewer Lines $24,916 $56,000 $56.000 $51.000 7560 Tv Unit Expense $9,125 $23.000 $23,000 $18,000 7610 Other Oner. Supplies $1.551 $4,200 $4,200 $4.200 7650 Buildings & Grounds $5,954 $15,100 $15.100 $10,000 Totals for Supplies 337 522 551 985 55�, 1 985 503 010 8215 Telephone $281 $500 $500 $500 8230 Gas Service $2,304 $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 8260 Liqht & Power $165,605 $170,600 $170,600 $184,000 8315 Employee Development $2,312 $6,850 $6,850 $4,800 8340 Dues $116 $500 $500 $500 8365 Printinq $fl $400 $400 $400 8390 Rpr-Radio $635 $2,500 $2,500 $1.000 8550 Other Contractual $13,706 $14,880 $14,880 $15,000 Totals for: Other Sere $184,959 $198.73 19$ 8,730 20$ 9,200 9035 Other Equipment $13,196 $28,550 $28.550 $15,000 Totals for. Capital Ou 13 196 2$ 8 550 $28,550 _115,000 7120 Gas & Oil $28.416 $29,300 $14,000 $29,30D 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $33.857 $40,000 $40,000 $40.000 Totals for: Int Servs 6$ 2,273 $69,300 5$ 4,000 6$ 9.300 Totals for: Wastewater Collection $1,065,793 $1,367,651$1,261,545$1,322,576 $373 $17,412 $4.072 $736 $30,488 53 081 $63,491 $11,000 74 491 $840 $845 $1,306 $176.396 $1,666 $1,732 $646 $3,106 $1,730 $167.775 $26,134 $10,722 $1,736 $1,957 39$ 8,591 $321 $2,790 $178,468 $4,065 $176 $0 $311 $10.021 19$ 6,152 $10,168 1 p 168 $24283 $33,588 5$ 7,871 1 092 434 -174- C2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 3708350 Water And Wastewater Fund Sewer The Wastewater Plant Division maintains the wastewater treatment plant. It is responsible for the treatment of ail sanitary sewer wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. This Division also monitors industrial users for hazardous waste contamination, etc. There are currently 17 industrial users that are permitted and it is the Division's responsibility to monitor these industries to insure permit compliance. Full Time Authorized Stasi: 2012: 15 2013: 15 2014: 15 2015: 15 2016: 15 -175- Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015Budget 2016 tPrroposed Item Number and Description 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $$26.308 $$8,018 9,422 $$30,000 432,000 410.000 $$30,000 441,000 $$30,000 6014 OT- Regular $7,574 $5,751 $ .300 $ .300 $8.300 $300 6018 Lonqevitv Pav 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 443 491 47$ DSOo 448 600 479 600 �- _ Totals for: Personal S 52� 3 512 - 6100 Unemplovment _$564 $1.001 $26.316 $1,340 $32.100 $1.340 $26,000 51.340 $32,100 6110 Social Securitv $31,488 $7,364 $6.155 $8.160 $8.160 $8,160 $2 500 6120 Medicare 6130 Life Insurance $1,160 $878 $44,881 $2,500 $57.427 $2,50() $45,000 $57,427 6150 Kpers $48,415 89428 7$ 8,794$101,527- - _.8� - 101 527 $101,527 _27 - Totals for: Empl Benef-_ _ ---- $110,486 $90,000 $110.486 6160 Health Insurance $90,060 $13,200 $80,129 $13,200 3.200 $1 13.200 $03 $2$ 3.686 6200 Workmen's Compensation 10�� 9_- 686 - - 200 - -- --_ - - Totals for: Ben Trans -,110 - - - --- $1,110 $1$300 7000 Office Supplies $1,071 5985 $0 $1,110 $360 $300 7025 Books & Periodicals $184 $0 $500 $500 $500 7060 Sand, Rock, Gravel & Sa $0 $59.878 $47.9$0 $45,000 $50,0005$0 7245 Chemicals 7310 Plant Chemicals $3,761 © $45,0$00 $640 $2.000 $2.006 $2,00 7325 Wearinq Apparel $2,093 $1.197 $1.000 $1 $90 $1,000 7340 Protective Clothinq-Pla $827 $150 $0 $90 $90 $35.00 7345 Protect Clothing Lab $21,200 $35,1138 $30,000 $30,000 $3,800 $3,800 7375 Laboratory 7380 Pre -Treatment tLab $1,871 $3.051 $1.5$80 $3,800 $1.600 $1.$05 $1,600 7390 Safetv Equip -Plant $2,019 $0 $75 $50 7395 Safetv Equip-PreTreatme $0 $50 $50 7400 Safetv equip -Lab $66 $2,052 $1.3 $2 750 $2' $2,500 $50 7410 Plant Tools $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 $75 7416 Pre -Treatment Tools $52 $0 $100 $100 $30,00 742() Tools -Laboratory 7465 Meter Maintenance $17,322 $35,000 $130,0$0 0 $35,060 $135.0$0 7515 Maint-Equipment $129.351 $129. $147,0$0 $130.0$0 0 7525 Maint-Sewer Lines $65 $13 $7,735 $2,825 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $27.307 $17'726 $18,()00276 g286.10550 7650 Buildings & Grounds 29$ 4.1364 27-6 777 -27$$ 6'- 4025 Totals for: Supplies _ - - -- $3,500 $3,500 $6.000 8215 Telephone $3,522 $20,819 $5,658 $26,543 $30,013 $0 $30,0$0 $38,0$0 8235 Gas Service 8230 Gas Service Plant $9,0$0 $8,4$0 $0 $245,000 $205,050 $205,0$0 826Q Light &Power Plant $0 $193,612 $183,955 $Q $400 $400 8260 Liqht & Power 8315 Employee Development $57 $50 $ $4Q0 $3,150 $3,150 $3,150 8315 Emp Dev-Plant $3,369 $175 $19 215 $2 $200 $200 $200 $300 8315 Emol Devl-Pretreatment $266 $320 $300 $300 $150 8315 Embl Devi -Lab $107 $0 $150 $150 $6 8340 Dues -Lab $0 ($64) $D $0 $300 $300 8340 Dues 8340 Dues -Plant $178 $320 $0 $300 $300 $300 $300 8390 Rpr-Radio $0 $206,128 5229,600 $241,300 $241,300 $268, 8550 Other Contractual -175- City of Salina, Kansas Salina Totals for: Other Sery $437.241 458,029 484,600 9035 Other Eouipment $12,079 $15.863 $25,000 Totals for Capital Ou $12,079 $15,863 JZ5 000 7120 Gas & Oil $5,462 $4,145 $6,500 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $6,666 $10.063 $8,000 8255 Water Service $41,562 $46,887 $45,000 Totals for: lnt Servs 553,690 $61,095 59 500 Totals for: Wastewater Treatment $1,513,87 4 1 427 378 $1,541,338 -176- 2016 Annual Budget 484 60 $522.450 $25,000 $3.600 $25,00 3 600 $3,000 $6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $45,000 $50,000 $56,00 0 6$ 6,000 $1,476,82 5 1 583 013 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Saiina Water And Wastewater Fund Vehicles and Equipment Budget Unit: 3709200 includes the Water and Wastewater Fund Vehicles and Equipment allowances. This Budq� e_ t Detail 2015 Budget 201 Amended 2016Proposedt Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual B 9035 Other Equipment $18,077 $0 $243.167 $150,000 $5MOCD $150,000 $558,000 $154,000 $555 9060 Vehicles 9100 ComputerslTechnolopv $633.341 $23,649 $43 $243.2-- $25,000 733 0005733,0003 - — 000 Totals for: Capital Ou 6,067 75 — _73-3—�� _ Tatais for: Vehicles and Equipment 87$ 5,067 $2 43 210 73$ 3 '000$733,000 73$ 3.000� -177- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 3709300 Water And Wastewater Fund Buildings and Facilities This includes the Water and Wastewater Fund allowance for repair and upgrade to Buildings and facilities. -178- Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2416 Proposed Budget Budget 9090 Buildinqs $36,022 $0 $60,004 $60,000 $60,000 Totals for: Capital Ou $36,022 L 60 000 $60,000 $60.000 Totals for: Buildings and Facilities $36,022 L $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 -178- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 3709500 Water And Wastewater Fund Infrastructure Improvements This is to account for system enhancements as well as any large cash financed improvement projects. -179- Budget Q.etall 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 mended 20166Prdog iced Item Number and Description 8360 Leqal Notices $0 $756 ��_ $2 $0_ NO - $Q Totals for. Other Sery - -� _ — _ —s2 _ - - -- - $0 9095 System Enhancements $0 $147,279$2.000,000 95.237 $2.000.000 $0 $4.000,000 $4,00Q00 9095 System Enhancements $5,16?,4 2 $2,042,516 $2 Q-0-000 s2 002,000 — Totals for: Capital Ou _ Totals for: Infrastructure Imp. $5j 67,4 $2,043,272 $2,000,000$2,0 00.00a 4 0$ 00,000 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget Amended ma 2014Bud Proposed 2015Pt $23.534,666 $16,366,410 $25,434,381 $29,586,148 $30,444,216 -179- Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Revenue $424,905 $335,980 $1,131,957 $1,081,634 $1,140,594 -180- City of Salina, Kansas 2015 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 41001 Workmen's Comp Reserve Fund General Revenues The City is partially self insured for Workers Compensation exposures. This internal service fund is supported by transfers from operational funds. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 4780 Investment Income $1.507 $1,941 $2.500 $2,500 $2,500 Totals for: Interest $1,507 $1-,94.1 2 500 1L5_00 $2,500 4850 Other Reimbursements $0 $4,703 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Misc. $4,703 Lo 4960 Interfund Serv. Prov, $423.398 $329.336 $457,490 $457,490 $457.490 Totals for: Int Sere $423398 $329,336 1157 490 $457,490 $457,490 4999 Carrvover Surplus $0 $0 $671,967 $621,644 $680.604 Totals for: Carryover L $671,967 $621,644 $680,604 Totals for: General Govt Revenue 42A 90 $335,980 $1,131,957 $_1,081,63 1 140 594 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Revenue $424,905 $335,980 $1,131,957 $1,081,634 $1,140,594 -180- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina Budget Unit: 4102100 Workmen's Comp Reserve Fund Workers Compensation The Worker's Comp Reserve fund provides of payment of Worker's Compensation Claims filed as a result of employee on -the job injuries, as well as the costs of workplace safety assessments and programs. These activities are financed through the Human Resources Department in the general fund. -181- y get Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015Budget ended 2016BPrdagp {sed item Number and Description $9,847 $13,089 $82,576 $10,000 $30,000 $10,000 $30,000 $18.637 $30,000 8020 Medical 8115 Insurance - Workmens Co $73,587 $259,319 $235,000 $341,030 $341.030 $341,030 8120 Claims Paid 8190 Other Professional $ 6$ 6.686 $ 5$ 0,035 4000 2$ 01'D30 0.000 40,000 2$ 09 667 Totals for: Other Sery _ _401'034 — -- – - Totals for: Workers Compensation $366,6 8fi 350 035 $401,03D$401,030$409,6G7 -181- Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget Expense $366,686 $350,035 $1,131,957 $1,081,634 $1,140,594 -182- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 4103150 Workmen's Comp Reserve Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variances throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2035 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $o $730,927 $680,604 $730,927 Totals for; Reserves LO N $730,927 109_604 $730,927 Totals for: Workers Compensation LO LO $730,927 $680,604 $730,927 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budget Budget Expense $366,686 $350,035 $1,131,957 $1,081,634 $1,140,594 -182- City of Safina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 42001 Health Insurance Fund General Revenues The Health Insurance Fund accumulates resources to pay claims, premiums, and other costs associated with the City's partially self insured health insurance benefit for our employees. Agencies currently participating in the program include the Salina Public Library, the Salina Housing Authority, and the Salina Airport Authority. Revenues to the fund consist of transfers from City operating funds, withholdings from Employee paychecks, and payments from the other agencies involved in the program. This program was initiated in 1997. Revenue 2012 Actual 2013 Actual $5,917,920 $5,990,784 -183- 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget $8,288,390 $7,313,536 $7,866,258 Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 201 5 B 2016 udogpe[sed Number and Description Budget Item $2,981 981fl0- $5.000 $$5;000 $5'000 - - 4780 Investment Income Totals for: Interest $4,581 4 5812 �-- - - -- 4850 Other Reimbursements $11.766 $13,130 $26,000 $ $26,000 $10,000 $26,000 $3$ 0; 4905 Other Miscellaneous $9,092 858 2�-p $000 $6,213 $19,343 '000 33 y _ 36,0 ..— Totals for: Misc. - -- -- miu 4455 Ins. Premiums -PCS miuSer $868.460 $861,869 $1,010,850 1 0, 10.650 $825,000 82�, 5 00 31,010.850 $1 010,850 Totals for: Int 86$ 8,464— 86,1 869 _ $0 $0 $1,199,040 $896.855 $1,130.908 4999 Carryover Surplus $1,199.040 89856 - - $1 ,130,908 Totals for: Carryover - _ - - — 4445 Ins. Premiums -Health $4,573,687 $4,654,890 $5,520,000 17,500 5� $5,159.000 $391,680 $5,220,000 $463500 4450 Ins. Premiums Dental $450,335 .701 $5.106.591 6 037. •500 $5 550.680 $5 683,500 --- - Totals for: Sery Chrg51 024 021 - — Totals for: General Govt Revenue g g$ 17 920 $5 89q 784 $8,288,39q$7,313,536� $7,866,258 Totals For Fund Revenue 2012 Actual 2013 Actual $5,917,920 $5,990,784 -183- 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget $8,288,390 $7,313,536 $7,866,258 City of Salina, Kansas 4rb" Salina 2016 Annual Budget Budget Unit: 4202200 Health Insurance Fund Health Insurance This includes costs related to the City of Salina self insured health plan for our employees, as well as other participating agencies. -184- 2016 Proposed Budget $13,000 $13.00 $455,000 $455,00 $4,957,000 $935.000 $0 $200,000 $6,092,000 $28,000 28 000 $1.278,258 1 278 258 $7,866,258 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended Budget 6180 Adm Fee -PCS Prescriptio $4,216 $4,258 $13,000 $13,000 Totals for: Empl Benef $4,216 _ $4,258 $13,000 13 000 6160 Health Insurance Totals for: lien Trans $418,052 $413,979 $455,000 $420,000 $418,052 _ 1413,97 L455,000 $420,000 8120 Claims Paid 8130 Claims Paid -PCS $4,979,460 $807.786 $5,330,580 $5,617,000 $4,545,000 8190 Other Professional $1.750 $905,765 $1,020 $935.000 $0 $976,628 9240 Continqencv Totals for: Other Sery $0 5788 996 $0 16,237,365 $200,000 6,752,000 - $0 $200.000 5 721 628 6170 Adm Fee -Dental Ins. Totals for: Int Servs $24,581 $23.116 $28.000 $28,000 $24,581 $23,116 $28,000 28 000 9250 Cash Reserve Totals for Reserves $0 $0 $1,040,390 $1,130,908 1 040 390 $1,130,90$ Totals for: Health Insurance: 19 2L5 845 $6,678,718 $8,288.39D 7 313 536 -184- 2016 Proposed Budget $13,000 $13.00 $455,000 $455,00 $4,957,000 $935.000 $0 $200,000 $6,092,000 $28,000 28 000 $1.278,258 1 278 258 $7,866,258 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas w Salina Budget Unit: 4203150 Health Insurance Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Ex 2012 Actual 235,845 Totals For Fund 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 718 -185- Budoet 90 $7,313,536 2015 Proposed Budget $7,866,258 City of Salina, Kansas 2018 Annual Budget Salina Budget Unit: 45001 Central Garage Fund General Revenues The Central Garage account is a "housekeeping" or internal service fund. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, Tabor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage, including fuel, parts, labor and overhead, is recovered from the various departments and is included here for accounting purposes. The current shop rate is $65-00/hour and the mark-up on fuel is $0.15 per gallon. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actuai 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Revenue $1,639,758 $1,674,098 $1,976,488 Budget Budget 4780 Investment income $261 $219 $40 $40 Totals fora Interest _ 261 219 _ 40 40 _ $40 40 4850 Other Reimbursements 4905 Other Miscellaneous $6,369 $4,550 $12,782 $12.782 $12,782 Totals for: Misc. $1.578 $7,947 $1,252 JL802 $0 112,782 $0 12 782 $0 JIL782 4950 Central Garage 4952 Garaqe: Sale of Parts $276.904 $333,254 $259,407 $275,000 $200.000 $275,000 4954 Garaqe: Labor Charges $301.948 $404,301 $361,337 $375,000 $300,000 $375,000 $300,000 $375,000 4956 Garaqe: Safe of Fuel Totals for: Int Sery $719.444 $643,032 $775,000 $575,000 $300,000 $775.000 II&L 550 $1,668,077 1 725 000 1 450 000 $1,725,000 4966 Transfers Oneratinq Totals for Transfers $0 $0 $30,000 $30,000$3D,00- LO 5-0 $30.00 $30,00 30 000 4999 Carrvover Surplus Totals for: Carryover $0 $0 $208,666 $16,441 $39.760 50 LO208 666 16 441 $39,76 Totals for: General Govt Revenue 11,639,758 1 674 098 $1,976,488 1 509 263 1 807,582 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Revenue $1,639,758 $1,674,098 $1,976,488 Budget $1,509,263 Budget $1,807,582 -186- -187- 2016 Annual Budget � City of Salina, Kansas $d Elnd Budget Unit. 4503150 Central Garage Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. Budget Detail 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Item Number and Description Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 L 50 $284,180 $284.180 $39,760 $110.634 3$ 9 760— 11$ 0,634, Totals for: Reserves - Totals for: Central Garage LO L $284.180 39 764 $110,634 -187- City of Salina, Kansas 2016 Annual Budget Budget Unit: 4505540 Salina Central Garage Fund Central Garage All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment, except that of the Fire Department, and some equipment in the Parks and Recreation Department, is maintained by the Central Garage. Presently, there are 274 vehicles in the fleet and 441 smaller pieces of equipment (mowers, compressors, golf carts, etc.). The Central Garage Division also operates the city-wide fueling facility located at Eim Street and Third Street. As a work group of the Public Works Department, it is supervised by the Fleet Superintendent, who in turn is responsible to the General Services Operations Manager, Full time authorized staff: 2012: 5 2013: 5 2014: 5 2015: 4 2016: 4 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 6000 FT -Salaries Budqet $187,795 $174.951 $177,500 $177,500 5182,000 6014 OT- Regular $1,117 $67 $1,500 $1,500 $1.500 6018 Longevity Pay $2.290 $1,432 $1,560 $1.560 $1.700 6020 Earned Leave $9,838 $1,423 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 8220 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Totals for: Personal S $201,341 Ll78,17 3 $181.860 181 86 $186,500 6100 Unemployment $363 $213 $590 $590 $590 6110 Social Security $11,845 $10,329 $10,593 $10,593 $10,593 6120 Medicare $2,770 $2,416 $2,477 $2,477 $2,477 6130 Life Insurance $450 $441 $880 $880 $880 6150 Kpers $18,194 $18,103 $16,907 $18,500 $16,907 Totals for: Empl Benef $33,_622 $31,502 $31.447 33 04 $31.447 6160 Health Insurance $41,291 $45,128 $51,750 $51,750 $51,750 6200 Workmen's Compensation $4.400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 Totals for Ben Trans $45,691 $49,528 $56.150 56 15 $56,150 7000 Office Supplies $1 $0 $0 $0 $0 7020 Off.Suppty-Garaqe $409 $465 $650 $650 $1,000 7025 Books & Periodicals $3,062 $2,578 $3,360 $3,360 $3,570 7065 Metal Products $93 $436 $500 $500 $750 7085 Janitorial $271 $520 $800 $800 $2,000 7105 Weidinq Supplies $320 $110 $1,000 $1,000 $1,250 7130 G&O-Garage Vehicle $1,114 $1.071 $1,630 $1,630 $1,630 7135 G&O-Gasoline Stk $575,028 $516,568 $577,582 $400,000 $577.582 7140 G&O-Propane Stock $928 $163 $930 $930 $930 7145 G&O-Diesel Stock $299,584 $293,664 $258,489 $210,000 $258.489 7150 G&O-Oil Stock $54,634 $38,503 $54.650 $35,263 554,650 7155 G&O-Anti-Freeze $2,577 $3,849 $3,350 $3,350 $3,350 7160 G&O-Diesel exhaust flui $728 $677 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 7180 Vehicle Parts $112,826 $95,787 $91,200 $91,200 $93.780 7185 Parts -Vehicle Stock $32,135 $31.069 $35,000 $35,000 $39,200 7190 Expendable Parts Stock $3,069 $1,591 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 7195 Heavy Equipment Parts $261,238 $337,157 $250.000 $250.000 $270,000 7200 Heavy Eq. Parts - Stock $20.238 $17,339 $18,000 $18,000 $18,500 7325 Wearinq Apparel $940 $997 $1,150 $1,150 $1.250 7425 Tools -Shop $3,303 $1,875 $5.600 $5,600 $7,000 7430 Tools -Hand Tools $454 $648 $1.000 $1,000 $1,500 7435 Tools -Power $882 $227 $1,000 $1,000 $1,500 7440 Tool Repair $912 $223 $500 $500 $500 7610 Other Oper. Supplies $543 $864 $650 $650 $1,500 Totals for: Supplies $1,375.289 -S - 1,346,381 $1.314,541 1069083 1347431 8215 Telephone $1,594$1,416 $1,200 $1,200 $1.500 8230 Gas Service $3.095 $3,138 $3,000 $3,000 $3,360 8260 Light & Power $9,874 $11,497 $10,000 $10,000 $11,600 8315 Employee Development $835 $1,374 $3,700 $3,700 $4,100 8340 Dues $617 $625 $660 $660 $960 8395 Rpr-Buildings $4,047 $680 $5,000 $10,000 $10.000 8435 Rpr-Shop Equip $2 $39 $0 $0 $0 8440 Rpr-Fuel Station $1,199 $13,646 $2,500 $30.000 $2.500 -188- -189- 2016 Annual Budget City of Salina, Kansas Salina 8445 Laundry & Towel Service $203 $0 $300 $1,750 $300 $1,750 $300 $4,200 8550 Other Contractual Totals for: Other Sere2$ $7,909 9,375 $22,042 5$ 4,457$28J.$60,610$38,52.- 0 - 9000 Office Equipment $0 $7,904 $85 $7,544 $3.000 $11,000 $3,000 $7,560 $2,800 $15,500 9035 Other Equipment 9060 Vehicles $15.228 $0 $47,600 $39,600 $0 Totals for: Capital Ou $23,132 $7,629 $61,600 $60.16 0 _ $18,300 7165 Maint-Vehicles & Equip $4,135 $5,678 $8,600 $10,000 $8.600 $10,000 $8,600 $10,000 9210 Interfund Serv. Prov. Totals for Int Servs $8,844 12 979 $8,844 1$ 4,5221$ 8,604_$18,600$ 18 600 Totals for: Central Garage $1,721,429$1,682, 192 1 692 308 $1,469,503 $11,696 948 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaet Budget Exnense $1,721,429 $1,682,192 $1,976,488 $1,509,263 $1,807,582 -189- City of Salina, Kansas Budget Unit: 50001 r Salina Bond And Interest Fund 2016 Annual Budget General Revenues The Bond and Interest Fund provides for the payment of principal and interest on the various bonds financed out of the General Fund or under the City's general obligation bonding authority. The principal and interest payments come from a variety of sources, including the property tax levy, special assessment payments by property owners and transfers from other funds. The City of Salina provides its long-term financing of non-utility capital improvements. e.g. Major Street Projects, through the use of General Obligation Bonds. The City's current bond rating by Moody's Investor Service is Aa3. These are considered high-grade bonds, and provide excellent interest rates for financing these investments in the community's infrastructure. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 4000 Real Estate & Pers Prop $2,303,819 $2,522,111 $2,726,506 $2,726.506 $3.003,084 Totals for: Prop Tax $2,303,819 $2,522,111 $2,726,506 $2,726,506 $3,003,084 4002 Delinauent Property Tax $58,452 $55,984 $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 Totals for: D Taxes $58,452 55 984 $55.000$55,000$55.000 - - 4010 Vehicle Tax $279,234 $282,567 $273.979 $273,979 $318,805 4012 Recreational Vehicle Ta $0 s0 $3,029 $3,029 $645 4014 16120M Tax Totals for: MV Tax $0 $279,234 $0 $282,567 $2,400 $279.408 $2,400 279 40 $895 $320,345 4780 Investment Income $5,483 $244 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Interest $5,483 244 $5, 000 L5,000 5 000 4905 Other Miscellaneous $149,290 $9,060 $126,800 $126,800 $126.800 Totals for: Misc. $149,290 $9,060 $126.800 126 80 $126,800 4930 Bonds $212,034 $219,773 $225,000 $225.000 $225.000 4935 Temporary Notes $1,056 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Other Fina $213.090 $219,773 - $225.00 225 000 $225.000 4966 Transfers Operating $1,867,555 $1,356,214 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 Totals for: Transfers 1 867,555 1_3 56 214 $1350.,000 $1-.,-350,00 $1,350,000 4999 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $299,381 $344,672 $245,291 Totals for: Carryover LO L $2W381 $344L672 $245,291 4774 Special Assessments $1,663,774 $1,762.750 $1.600,000 $1.600,000 $1,500,000 4776 Deliouent So. Assessmen $42,637 $47,242 $35,000 $35.000 $35,000 4778 Prepaid Sp. Assessments $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Totals for: Sery Chrg $1,706,411 1 809 992 $1,655,00 $1,655.000 1 555 000 Totals for- General Govt Revenue $6,583,334 6 255 94 $6,722,095 6 767 386 $6,885,520 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budoet Budget Revenue $6,583,334 $6,255,945 $6,722,095 $6,767,386 $6,885,520 -190- City of Salina, Kansas Salina 2016 Annual Budget Budget Unit: 5003150 Bond and Interest Fund Reserves This budget unit includes reserves set aside to accommodate cash flow variences throughout the year, as well as accomodation for unanticipated fluctuations in revenues and expenditures throughout the year. -191- Budget— Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9250 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $200A00 $245,291 $200.000 Totals far: Reserves LVO 20$ 0,000 $245,291 $200,000 Totals for: Debt Service L $200.00 245 291 $200,000 -191- City of Salina, Kansas Salina 2016 Annual Budget Budget Unit: 5003250 Bond And Interest Fund Debt Service The Debt Service accounts provide for annual principal and interest payments on outstanding debt. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2013 Actual 2014 Actual 2015 Budget 2015 Amended 2016 Proposed Budget Budget 9115 Principal 9155 Principal -Owner Share 9160 Principal - City Share 9165 Interest - Owner Share 9170 Interest - City Share Totals for: Debt Sery Totals for: Debt Service $0 $0 $100,000 $100.000 $100,000 $1,548,362 $1,487,452 $1,237,091 $1,237,091 $1,124,675 $3,334,543 $3,517,965 $3,337,074 $3,337,074 $3,539,430 $420,973 $421,284 $364,538 $364,538 $367,405 $1,154,103 $1,182.720 $1,483,392 $1,483,392 $1,554,010 $6,457,981 6 609 421 $6 522 095 $6,522,095 L6,685.520 $6,457,981 G 609 421 $6,522.095 6 522 09 $6.685&20 Totals For Fund 2012 Actual 2013 Actual 2014 Budget 2014 Amended 2015 Proposed Budaat Budget Expense $6,457,981 $6,609,421 $6,722,095 $6,767,386 $6,885,520 _192-