Merchant Service Credit Cards Merchant Services Application P.O. Box 2121 Wichita, Kansas} 67201 (316) 383-1433 or (BOO) 327-3483 SECTIONA-DBA(OòingßusinessAs) , ,0:,:':,:""."" ,'" ,', ':,:::, ,,'.:' :,:,':, ,:"", ,,':,.,-:: DBA Name: (RequIred) Salina Bicentennial Center DBA-Address: (Requlred- No P.%~e'ifhe Midway CIty: Salina Slate: Kansas DBA p,o, Elo~: P.O. Box 1727 CIty. Salina State: Kansas DBA E-mail Add='!; Length otTUM Under Current Qwnetshlp: Veall!: ZIp: 67401 Zip: 67402-1727 24 Monlhs: Federal Ta~ 10#: (Required) 48-6017228 Stãte 1$SUe<! Sales Tax ID#: (Required) Phone Nl,ln'lbett!ncludlng area code): (785 ) 826-7200 ,FBXNumber(including~II'e3QOde): (785 ) 826-7207' Number of locations; (if more IMn one, allach a list of physical addresses and phone I1IImbr:ts) Iypa at Business: (check ilppropria~ oo)l;(C$) be!oUl) 0 Reteil 0 W1\O1e6a!e 0 tJlstribulDr D 5C1Vite$ D Restaurant 0 Hole! [X] Other (Spectfy): Convention/Sports/Tradeshow/Concert Arena D..IaIl..dDe~cr pdonofPraductaorServ1ce&: Event Tièket Sales Prï<'~1~lar.mRaw lings, or ,bee . Gallion Prim..ry Can~ Ph""e Num\)er (Including aree code): ( 785) 826- 7200 SECTION B-CORPORATE BUSINESS (Ifdifferentfrom Section A),: :,;.:",,:,:.,:>,':' ""," :>:-:::,;:" '::"':)"":":':' CoIporatetJame:(Requlred) City of Salina, Kansas Bicentennial Center corpOf1)l~,Add,tesS: (Required - NQ..,i='Oo. BO¥Ða) A h City; Stale: K J IU west s Street Salina ansas Corporate P.e, 60;<; P.O. Box 736 CIty: Sal ina S~le: Kansas Ph(>1'1~ Number (inctUdlng area code): ( 785) 309- 5735 F3>; NUn'lber(lndudlng area code): ( ) Zip; 67401 ZIp: 67402.:.:.0736 SECTIONC-OWNERSHIPIPlease.Prillt).;,':,,; ,:,>' .. ",>;'""". ",:, .;. .:'" .::,,::.>..' :';:".',':',¡::> APPLIC,ANT MI,IST OWN AT LEAST 150% of THI! BUSINESS. IF NOT, COMPLETIi INFORMATION FOR ADDl11oNAL OWNI:R5 UNTIL AT LEAST GO'li OF OWNERSHIP IS DOCUMENTED. A1APOUcant (B) Ap )liè:lnl (C) Applicant Name: Rod Franz, Director 0 Finance for the City of Salina, Kansas Re$id~nce Addll!3s: Same as above City I $lale I Zip: SSN; Birthdate: 'to Ownership: l'I~m~or EttIplOyl!t". Type of OWnetshlp: (check appropriate box below) A aU$INEiSS RESOLUTION MUST Be PRoVIDED FOR ALL OWNERSHIPS EXCLUDING SOLe PR,QPRlëTORSHIPS (I.e., CORPORATE RESOLUTION, LLC), D lI'IdlVlduall Sole Proprietorship 0 Partnen;hip D A.$$OCi¡¡ùon , Estates I Trust 0 TBJ! E7iempt Organization (501 C) KXI Govemment (Federal' SlaLÐ I Local) 0 Intcm¡J~onal Opel'alions D Umlted UabUlty CompanIes 0 Other (Spl;Çjfy BBIOw): 0 CorpQt"3lion (¡)Ie.atl!o specIlY): = Chapter S - Chapter C - Medical - Lcg~1 SECTION D -BANK OF DEPOSIT. (Attach a voided check}:'::'.'. ";:'>: :>.;:,'0.:':;" . ;>..>,:>:':::, :.i,;':!~;;:'>:.',;::< Bilnk of Deposit 1 k Sun£' ower Ban C~.i"r~a",- Kansas QI/5Ïð1ttj4~'1 ~~~ Inle which we will credit/debit fund;; SECTIONE~BUSINESSMETHODS. :" "',' .,' ,: .,>':,i", ",", ", "",: :,",;' "'.:':.:'::.:'/",:':::,::";:":::":, Whalla the andclpa\ed yeariy credit card vall/me? (Rec¡l,Iired) S 250,000.00+" 5ale& Method (MUST TOTAL 100"1i): S\oIC Frl;ln~ elf Premise: % 0/. TyPI!:!I ot Carda (MUST TOTAL 100%); Individual Credit Cafe: Gov..mment Purchase: What Is the anticipaled ilVerage ticket sï=? (Required) $ $77 (average transaction per Intrust) M..~Otde.t: % Phone Order. '\{" 1I'IleI'nelOlder. "Ii -100'\{, % % BU5incss Ie Bl,1$in~.s Putc1'laaa: % Debit Card Pl.lrc1'la$~: % "'100% 1i1230-192 IR",,- 08/01) 111I1~¡1~1II111~11~11~11[lllllllIIIIJII~1I Merchant Service$ Application P.o. Box 2121 Wichita. Kansas. 67201 (316) 383-1433 or (800) 327-3483 SECTION F - -MERCHANT FEE SCHEDULE COMPLETE TIlE "TERNlNAL &. EQUIPMEKr CHARGES" SECTION AND THE 'OPTIONAL PRODUCT FEES" SECTIONS. TERMINAL" EQUIPMENT CHARGES CHECK EQUIPMENT INTENDED FOR U$E, WHETHeR IT WILL BE PURCt1ASED OR RENTëO. AND TIlE QUANTITY NEEDeD. lIern: --Monlhly Rental: Purchase Price: 0 HyperCom TIP (Terminal 8< Printer combo) 0 $32..00 0 $6a~.Oo 0 VeriFoneTRANZ330 (Tenninelonly) 0 $15,00 0 $409.00 D \/erif'ooe TRANZ 380 ;(1 (Terminal only) 0 $20.00 0 SSO4.00 0 VeriFone TRANZ sao z2 (Tenninal only) 0 $30.00 0 5975.00 0 VeriFone TRANZ 460 (Terminal 8< Printer combo) 0 $30.00 0 $703,00 0 VeriFoneP2S0Printer (Pl'inleronly) 0 $12.00 0 $351.00 Compatible wl1h TRANZ 330/360 (Terminal only) (Termln.a.l & PrinlSr combo) (Terminal & Printer combo) 0 VeriFone Omni 3200 0 LinllPQint 3000 0 Eclipse 0 Banizan Manua.llmprintsr 0 VeriFone 1000 PIn Pad (Pin Pad only) ~rom 58 P~J\.~mj only) Oo~;~ D Other - /'ICI equity ;s Dum/owards purchase of equlpmenr. Mi'rnuf'acwres wsmmfll . purchased equipment is under WSml1l~ ror one-year from dale of purchase. Purohassd cqulþment aftet oOlloyoar warranty, msy be "swappetr' for identical equipment for the cost of $125.00 per itam. If used squlpmf!1lt is not røtumed within ten (10) bU'.;;ness clOIys. Merc:hanr Wl1, be ClIarged fl.l1l purr:haSsd pf/œ of the "9wappsci" equipmenr. REFURB~HED EQUIPMENT Rllfurbishcd edUIDmem:J15 ~150 3vailàbll!! rot ÐIIrchatle for.. nxlucl!!tl Dl'lce. Aeful'bished eduiDment does nol <:ome with a man.m.t!tumr'$ _tranlV. CHECI( SERVICES INll!NDEO FOR USE. Service: 0 Weekly Deposit Sun'lmary 0 Cally Deposit Summil.ty 0 SI f'@P3.y Ol'iglnaUon Fee Monthly Fee D PTC Product Sof1:warø 0 eMetchanMew.c:om Ofiglrlatton Fee $35.00 one Umo sell.lp fee perulier Monthly Fee $15.00 monthly file per user Reissuence FBCI $35,00 per \!!IIIr reiasua.nce ror Merçhal1Ul enrolled in eMctà\anIView.com. aD monthly stalements will be liel1tlhl'OUgh eMerchantView.com. To teœhle an 'l\ódllional hardcopy mlomenl, a monthly fee of $15.00 will be assessed. D Adál1.ional Hardcopy $15.00 monlhly fee Basic March.,n' ~l;¡l'Vlces ~. I...:!Z]"p~e TIme SeWp Fee (appeol/ed açcounta only) - Determined Þy account type ~ MonthlY Minimum FBEI- Determined by acçounttype 0 Discount Fee. Oetennjned by Merchan1tyDC. volume. & ticket &ize D Estlmatea Interchangø f4;.æ (VISAlMasterCard).oeførmlnl¡d by VISA. ana MasfatCartt 0 Debit Pinned Transactions 0 Other Card Foes (Oi$cover, Diners. Amel'ic:an Express, JCB) 0 A.ddress Verification Fea 0 Help OeSil Fee D Reprogram Fee 0 Momhly Stalamant Fee . D tulC I VISA per Item Fee D Supp~1':$ , All Servlr;e Fees, Equipment PriCes. afl<1 Equipment are subject fo change. Rf1(rJr 10 INTRUST C$rd Center Mcrcl1ant Card Servics A¡¡reemenl regarding equipment rental. 0 Other 0 Other 0 Other Quantity: 0 532-00 0 $32,00 D $35.00 0 $3.00 NIA NIA Cl n Ii 0 $625.00 0 $625.00 0 $810.00 0 $39.95 D $170.00 0 $1118.00 II n n Fée: $5..00 per S\lmmary genen;¡æd S 1.50 per :surnn'lal'ý generated Quantity: $50.00 one lime se1lJp fee $15.00 morrth!y lee $3G1.00 (per purchased software) '. . "\ . . ':.," ~ ". " $0.30 per tnuu,action $0.15 per Itar\~n per card 1y' )c $0.05 per address Verf1l~tion No Chill'ge No Charge No Charge No Charge No ChaJ'ge SECTION G - REFUND POLICY I WARRANTY . . DelailS:d de$Cl'lpllon of refund pcllCý: (Required) None Is lhel'9 a Iree trl3l period? 0 Yes What Is the reslOckin¡¡ fGo? (ReQuired) Non p 1$ there.a warranty? 0 Yes !:XX No (II yes, please describe in dclaillhe !yþe of warranty (Le., manufacturer, labor. pans warranty) along ",¡Ih the Cletall.!l and condition; or Ihé warri~nty) Do you accept advaoced s~ea? (If yea. how long ¡¡lIer toe crecflt card &ale \$ proCO$sed wbl the merchandisé be shipped or BaNjos provided?) I!XJ No '., Merchant Services Applícatíon P.O. Box 2121 Wichita, Kansas, 67201 (316) 383-1433 or (800) 327-3483 . . .~J FQR MERCHANTS WHO PRocess TRA"SACTIONS ovER THE INTERNET, SEE INTRI,IST CARD CENTER MERCHANT CARD sERVIce AGREEMENT FOR YOUR LIABILITIES. FOR MERCHANTS WHO AD"ER'T1SE, ATTACH A cOPY OF ALL ADVERiISEMENTS. DIRECT MAIL PIECES, AND/OR BROCHURES, PROVIDE NAMES OF NSWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES IN WHICH ADS WILL RUN. Do you advcrli~ over the Internal? Do you process trBn&aclionl; over the Il'¡letnet'1 BOYes !XJYe:/; What i& thc ¡¡hone number listed on the Merchant':; Inlcme\ site? (Raqulred) 1-888-826-SHOW (7469) What ~ ~~ ~~ §~ !mMY the ¥4rt§ t'a Intarnel tiÌle1 ~lJlred) 1$ \!'Ie W~te Sacurad? (If yea, chl!ck belOw) [KJ Yea 0 No D SSL D SET 0 Other (Spectly): (If~, Ii$( Ihl; n;)~ :lnd addf'l'!B.II of the fulflllment hou:;e) DNo DNa Metch3ntlnletnet Addraaa: Of applicabla) la e fulflilment housc o.¡$CQ? DYes ŒJNo l$telemar1œtlng Involvea? 0 Yea ao No WUI Merchant be :;clling òUl,$Îde af the United StaleS! (If yes, attach a copy at !he script) Dye:¡¡ ONe (II yes. what % of sale a?) SECTION 1- VISA I MASTERCARD I OTHER CARDS' , .', . ", ,: ,,' ' , '" I'" ' , "OR MERCHANTS WHO HAVE BEEN OR CURRENTLY ARE A VI$A I MASTERCARD MERCHANT, ATTACH COPIES OF THe LAST :1 MoNTHS OF MERCHANT STATEMENTS. Have you l;If;!en 3. VI!IS I MaaterCsrd Marchant before? Qgg yç:s¡ 0 No Wher1: Prior to 2001 Wllhwhom: CardX Sys tems, Are you curranOy a Villa I Masl8rCard Merchant? YB$ No \NIX you accept olher cards (Di&oover, OinGI'B. Armri~n la:tpl'es!I, JCB)'? XX] Yes Disrover: 6011 0175 2077 683 DIners: JCB: Other: 'Call Ol&cover. , American Express end JCB \.0 eatabli&h the Mçrchant ~=un\, If yes: Ine. Under what name; Same 11 yea, with whom? Intrust Bank Card Center No If yei, ph~;¡5C rl$t yo1,lf " lCCOlInt nuCnbElrs below: Arne(~n Expre!!!I: Oinenl SECTIONJ-SIGNATURES ' , ' " ,"':. .'". , '-'" " '. , , . The applIcant Merchant ("Me!clIanl") and ih; unden;ign<; d fIOPre$en!:;!lUln:(s) r'e )te$enl and œrtlly that all In1Dnnadon provIded and all atalements made in this Marchant Scrvic«; Appliç;ilion (thl~ "Application") ate We. compIelB and accurate and agÆe 10 noúfy INTRUST Card Carller ¡BANK') of ;¡ny impDrlanl changes In the facta 3etforth In this Application. Merchant and each at 118 underalgned repreaentatlves heÆby authorize BANK. prior to BANK'5 accc¡¡tang: oflhis ....ppr~UOh, if tL Is accepted. from Urne to dme thereafter, to invesliga19 the individual and bu$Ïnc6'S history and batl<gfound of Me(cl\an~ each SUCh represet'llatlve and any othet officers, partner¡¡. proprIetors and I or ownen; of Metchant and 10 obtain credit reporLB or other background InvesUgatlon reports on each of them bearing upon their financial rG:s¡lJOf1tiÌbJity or a~~bmty' fQl' partJclpaUon In BANK's merchant programs. Merchant and each at jIB unden;ignad m¡¡rea:nlatiYlJS ¡¡grct: that ill bu5incss r,*rences, induding without UmltaLlan banks. may release any and ;¡q credit and finandaJ infofTMlion to BANI<. and f\ll'lher "greesnd acknoWledge that the Infonnadon prov ((ad In this Appllcatton and all other relE!Val1t infcrm¡¡ijen may be SúDDlied by BANK to Its. affiliates. Marchant acknowledges and certifies. by signing below through ils authorized mPfasanl¡¡tiYo;::;. th¡¡t it has ~ved !/nd I't:.<Id the INTRUST èard Center Merchant Card Service Ag~n\ (\he: 'Agre~rMnl1 an(f ~(Chllnl $eNlœs Fee Schedule ("Fee Schsdule"), agrees to all terma and mndillons Bet forth in thl! A¡¡rccrncnl al'ld Fee SchedUle, and If accepted by BANK mID the BANK'a merchant progrmn. will comply with the Agreem<mt. F" Schadulc, and th" ~~...t P~ing Guide sa they may be amended from lima to tima, all at which are incorporalad hemin by this rercrenc;c:, l\ny un~~e(..1 111("1;\6<:11\ sltikeovef, Of madlfiç;!tion ma(le by Merchant 10 the preprinted laxt or line entries at this ApprlCEltion, Agreement, or Fell Schodo.¡le sh~1 be of no affect whatsoever, and at BANK's discretion. may render the Agreement invalid. Œ4~)~.~ Dala: \'2\ \?\UX>~ Dsb!: ~- ~ c..1e: PERSOI'tAL,GU1t.~tfT:Y:" ' " , "" " ~ TER. OR. AGENT BANK INVESTIGATING NTI IS APPLICATION QUALIFieS TO DePOSIT CREDIT CARD T CRJßED ABOVE. IT FoR THE sol.e PURPOSE OF BY SIGNING, I/WE Date: Dale: '- Merchant ServÎces Application'" P.O. Box 2121 Wichita, Kansas, 67201 (316) 383-1433 or (800) 327-3483 Dale APplicaUon ~ecell/8d: Cur't<!nl Relatlonahlp with Bank: D Personal Checking #; 0 pen;onaI Saving$ #: DTITT1~~PDSit : D Other. (specffy) ETC: (check one) ETC Type: (check one) Date Services N;çdçd; 0 el.t$ÏT1~ checking #: D Buslneae Savings #: DIM#: 0 wI Tauçh Tone Phone D WI 8ectronic Tcrmin~1 D wi Electronic Tennlnal & Prinlcr D Saftware D TYPE 1: ETC only with h05t balancing, re<llllme look up, authortzatlan only voice b~l.tp, merchant dose batch D TYPE 2: ErC only wilh ~I ~me look up, authorizaUon only voice backup, merçh¡¡nt dose batch 0 TYPE 3: lITe only, system close batch D 1YPE 4: ere with voice back up, S%h::m close bab::h D TYPE S: ErC only. merchant dose b;.\tch D n'PE 6: erc \UÏ1h voIce backup, merchant cIoae batch 0 TYPE 7: E.TC only, authorlza1Jon only voice backup. ITI9rchant cloSe b"alch TeTTT1inal or Scf\ware Type: Does M~n\: (ch«xone) Terminal Programming Insllucllona: 0 AVS D 9'5 0 Purchase Card Printer Type: Does Mert:hant (check onG) Pin Pad Type (Ql.tpliCõ\1é Pflnlet): DoeS Merchant (check one) Shipping (check); Internet Processing opUana: D o...n D PlJlçhasé flam IB 0 N/A D 3-D;ly D Standard D Overnight D Software Package D TenninaJ D TOI ch Tone Specify P~ng Gataway; (i.o., Mapp, CybercasÞ, S",rePay) D Metchanl Address DO'" Do not prOC!uct a con1il1TlaUon letter D 1 = Produce daily confil1TlaUon lettan; - Mail \0 Msrchant addrè$$ (MDoO3ð 0( 110 p.çcoun~ D 2 = Produce s weekly deposit summary (MW-Q48)- Mail to Merchant addl'9&& 0 MònII\IY S~lem<:nLs Opijon$: (Check ~p th~l ~pply) D eMerchanLVIew.œm PlatrOl"""': D VISA Net (VItal) Batch ClD6lng TIme D 1 = Early OJt Off (6;00 P.M. CST) Spcciõ1l h'l.slruI;\ÌQI'\: Mail Slalcmcnt5 To; Cheçl< :on options thaI apply. DOwn DRenl D Purchas.. from 18 D NIA Number Requested: ETC Application: D E.CA D Check Guaranœa D Debit D 0Wr1 0 Rent D Purohaae from 18 ON/A Number Rf;!que!lœd: Number ReQuasted: D Corpol1lte Address D 0 = Do not product a confirmálion lelter 0 3 = Produee ~ d~ily con~I'm8Uon letter - Mallia mrporala aðåress (M~38 or HQ Aœounb3) D 4 = Produce a weekly dapœil summary (MW-048) . M<s~ 10 cOl'pOl'3\e ¡¡Qdre$$ D Monthly StatelTl9nls D Other. (Specify) D FDR Na$hville D Lale Cut OfT (12:00 MldnlghlCST} D omaha ON' SITE: INSPECTION:" , Slore Fl'O!1l OITIç¡e Building 15 the business name on the m;¡t( l,Jee the !Rim<: ~ the name an the application? Does Ihe Merchant o~n or le~ building In which Merchant business la located? I$lhere $lJffic:tenlInYentorytomndUcl.buelneas? DYes 0 No Whatlathemerchandlae? Event tickets DNa Financlallnstltudon Representadve Name: Representative Title: Signature 62.30-192. (R.ey. OB/O1) Otho3r DYes Event Promoter 15 the mercNindise marketable? C] Y95 0 NQ ATTACH ÞICTURE OF MERCHANT LOCATION TO APPLICATION , MERCHANT SElWIC!iÍS PR,oV\blËR, SICNA.:J:URES: ~~ Agent Bank Name: Repre¡;entativ9 Nama; Repre$entative TIde: Signatl.lre: MERCHANT CARD SERVJCE AGREEMENT 24. SrECIAL REQUIQ.,EMENTS FOJt RESERVA1l0N ~ERVICES. . A. (f Merchant providCli lodging (lIotel, morel, reso~ or Inn) or car rentals, Mercbant may ~e (;crtain Cud types specified by the Bank to guantntèe a reservation by obtaining the Cwd'5 embossed name, account nwo.ba and expiration dale and by completing the following procedures; B. Verbally conf\I1T1 to the Cardholdcr the r=rvation by statinl; the follcr,vÍll.g infarmation: LOu-d's ert'ibossed name, w:count number IU1d ex:piration d&tc a., provided by thc Cardholder; . 2. nam~ 3I\d =sC( address, including sttret, city and $tale of the lo~t¡on of the lodging check-in or vebicle piek-up; 3. reservation eonf"umaxion code; 4. rate and any ailier details r~larillg to the réServatia¡¡; and , 5. provisions of the gunraroe.ed rcset'o'1tlian relating to the Cardh~lde.r's abh- táticns and any oilier c:anœllation dcmils rd;lIed ta thc re~erval.ton as spec- ified belew, C. Far Lodein~ Merchants: ". l.Infarm dIC Cardholder that lodging accormnadatlons WIll be held wml chè:C\coUt time an the day after the scheduled arrival date urucs:; canœlléd by 6:00 pm, (local cstablVõlunent rime) on the seh~duled arrival œt.:; and 2. For resort establishmems requiring cancellaben befere 6;00 p.m, (load es1ablislunent time) on the scheduled at"rival date, the càIJcellation timc mlJ.5[ not exceed 72 MIlI'S before !he schc:duIed atri~ œtc. The Cardholder must be provided with the specific wñtæn cà.nœllaticn poli,?" i~clocling the date and rime the c:ancelIarîon privilegC$ expire. If a rescrwf¡en IS made less than 72 hours before the scheduled arrival, the cancellatian procedure of 6.00 p.m. (loc~1 ~tablishment time) 0f1 the :;c;heduled anival date will apply. D. fQr Car Rental Merohan\~' 1. Inforrn the Cardhaldec thaT the vehicle will be held until the seheduled pick-up rime, unlc!.-s !he reservation is ~celled by the specified ~=II,,-- tion time, which must not e.xceed 72 hO\l~ before lie scheduled pIck-up lime; and 2. ¡rthe reservation is made !é;!;s !hall 72 bclus before the scheduled rcntlll, the cancellation period mu~t be no catHer than 12 houn; before the schedlllcd pick-up lime. E- Provide the Cardholder with Ihe wrinen confLrmation specified belo",. I-Por lödging Men:hants - rfrcqUèSted, provide a written confinnation to thc Catdholdct-, including the infermation specifi~d in subs<:ction (A) abo"". 2. Far Qu- Renl.a.l Mercbants - f'rovide a written canfirm~tion ((I the Cardholder, j{1duding!he information spcci tíed in subsectien (A)!Ibovc. FoT reservations rnade less than 72 hours befoTe the scheduled pick-up time, written conÏum¡Ltjon is ""'luired only upon tOe Csnlliolder's request, 3. Ad\'ise the Carclhalclcr or !hI'; billing for ~ No Shew Chal'ge as specified below (A "No Show Charge" is a chatge by Mcrehant Tt:Sulting fi'om the Cardholder's failure to use the TCServalÍon.) The No Show Chaq;~ must have an Aulhorizaticn cod~ and mlJ.5t bear the wot'ds "Ne Shaw" (Jt1 the slj,,'rtature line af the Chatge Record cr ~ atherwis.; specified by the Bank. 4. I=or Lod.@ng Merchants -If the Cardholder bas not checked in by check- out tiroe the day fallowing ¡he scheduled arrival date and the ~t:ion was not properly cancelled, the Cardhalder may be charged tor one nights lodg- ing (including 1<I)Ió). 5.For Car Rental Mcrçhanl~ - If the vehick has not been renTed by th~ scheduled pick-up túne: ¡¡nd !he reservation was not prop<:Tly cancelled. Merchant may bill the Cardholdcr Ii No Show Owge,111c amoW1t of the No Show Chæge may vary", but may not excec:d the vall1~ of 2 days' Tenlal BANK (including nox). If the Card Account is charged It No Show Chatgc for "- reserved vehicle, Merchant must hold the v<::hicl~ availablc for the Bonkom,OI' Cardholder tòr the pcñod or time t'epresent£d by th" No Show Ch<lrgc. F. Cancellation Procc::duTCS. t.Merchant will accept a (;¡JJ1œlIation request from a Cat'dhcldcr provided [)¡o~ the c.ánCeIlation rcqu~ i,. made befare the specified cancellation tim¡;;, Z. Merchnnt will provide the: Cardholder widl a canccllaLion (;ode and advis¡;; the Cardholder to rcrain it in case of di:spuœ. 3.Jf r"'1uested. Mereh¡¡nt will also pra"ide the Carclholdcr with writTcn 00{1- firmarion of the cancellation including the Card's embossed name, the can- cellarian code an4 the dctails relaled to the cancellation réS~rvaticn, G, Scheduled Reservation ~ Ptoccdwes. I. If th" r"scr-.-ed lodging ¡¡ccommodáLians or vehicle has not been renred or cancelled by the specitl~d c¡mccllatian time, tile lodging aœommodatiens Or vchicle must be held llvaìlable in acc:ordancE: with reservation. 2. I ("¡he Cardholder does not cancel Of claim the ~['V1Ition within the pre- scribcd rime, Merchant may submit a No Sh.ow Charge (including tax) with the ~rd$ embossed name, ;retOunr number and a:pirdlion da~ and thc words -Na Sh{WJ" on the signa/ur1:; line of th~ Charge Record or as o1h~ wi$e $[lecitlc:d by Ùtè Bank. 3. Merchant must obtain an ^urhoriVition cade for the No Show (:haTgc PoIllc a 12/09/03 13:45 FAX 316 3~3 117Z lNTKU;:;l J:janK-l...ara l...ent:er <gJ uuo/ UU 1 P.O. Ba1C 2121 'Wic\lita, Kansas 67201 '(31E) 383-1433 or (800) 327-3483 in accorlbnce wirh tht Authorization provisions in thi,. Agreement, H. Alternate 1.Ad .~ng or vehicle. 1. If the guaranteed lodging Or velúclc is ,not available:. Merchant must provide alternate accommodarions er an ¡¡hematl'; vehicle as specified below at no cb3rge ta the Cardholder. (a) Fer Lod¡>inp; MeTchantt: . (i) Provide the Cardhalder widl at least comparable lodging for I night "t Methe!" establishmcnl (ii) Providè transportation for the Cardholder to the other est¡¡.b- Iishment. (iii) Ifrcquc."tcd, provide !he Cardholder with a J-minute tele- phone call. (iv) rf requcstœ, forward all me5.'õu(¡cJ; and calls tor thc Cardholder to the alremate e"I:ablislunenL (b) FaT Ç¡ ~ Rental Men:ha~tS.: . (i) Provide the Cardholder with ~t lta!òt a cOmparable vc!1id" from anather ca., rentál merch,mt for !he period of time guar- anteed (ii) Pn;rvide transportation for th~ Cardholdcr to the: location of the otb"r car rental mCTchánL 25. GENERAL PROVlSIONS 25.1 Assi~mcnt. This Agreement is binding upon thl'; panies, and their succes- sors and assigns. Merchant will n(lt assign thi¡: AgTccmenl wi!hout the Bank's prior written eon5Cnt, and any purported ,1ssignment made wi!hout the B<u1.k's consent will be vaid, 25.2 Arn~. The Bank may amend this A~ 'eement <It any rime by sending M.;e;hant written notice at le.ast 15 da)'R b<~fore the effective date of the amendment, except that the: Bank will give ]0 days' notice of addttìonal, Or ¡!.{1 increase in Praccssing Fees. The al1l~nd(T\c:nt will become effective unle"" the Bank Teceives Merchant's natice terrrùn~tiDH- this AI,<reemem befoœ thç effçetivc dalè. The Bank may amend this Agreement upon less than 15 days' prior netice if the Bank re<lsonably determines immediale modification is required by laws, Operating Rule¡; Or any adverse change in Merchant's financial cendition. Amendments submitted by Merchant will bind the Bank only if in writing and approved and signed by t'-YO eCthe /::lank'. :mthanz.,d emcees. 253 Waiv~. The Bank's failure to entorec thi. AgT/:èment will not waive the Bank's rights IUlder this AgTèement. Waiver;¡ af <u1.y provision af this Agreement mUSt be in writing and si~ned by a Bank officer. A waiv~r in one instance will not apply ta other occasions unless that intent is dear from the sign¡;;d waiver. 25.4 Commercial Code. Chat'ges and Credit Vouchers <Ire credit card "slips" ex.eluded from the definitian of "item" under section 4104 of the Uniform Commercial Code. 25.5 Ef 'ecti~ This AgTecment becomes effective when siglled by all pat- tie". 25.6 F:nti~c At!~~. This AgTccment is the complete and fl1lal agreement between Merchant and the Bank ror service:¡ COVeted by this Agreement and sup"~edèS all pricr or contcmpornneous negotiations, stipulations or agree- mcn~q. IN WITNESS W9EREOF, the pattics have eJtecüted this M~rchant CHId Seryi(;cs Agreem~nt on the date last written below. ACENT 'BANK (ifAl'plica"lc) A¡;ont Bomk om.., TIlk TIde 1>.« Nome TIde Cote M"rchnnl SeMees will not corrunence uncil this AI~menr is signed by me lV1erch,un a"d ~l\llTIcd tD 111" Bank, signe.d by the A¡;ent l3aJùc (if applicable) 811<1 si~ by the Bank. A cop)' aflbl':: flllly executed Agreement will remain on file at the Bank. Me.-chHnt $hould retain 11 copy "r lhi! A~reel11ent fa'- its n:coros. 12109/03 13:45 FAX Jlti J~J 117~ IN'11{UST J:lan.k:-Card Cent:er tg 007/007 CORPORATE RESOLUTION I hereby certify as follows: apooir1Í.ed City Clerk - L Iamtheduly~of: City of Salina (Corporation) of Sa I i na . (City) Kansas , (State) a (State) corporation, and the keeper of the :records and the corporate seal of the corporation; 2. On the 15th day of Decenber ,20 03 at a meeting of the Board of Directors / Shareholders of the Corporation, at which a quorum was present and acting throughout, the following resolution was unanimously passed. BE IT RESOLVED, that AI an E. J i I ka (Oflker of said Corporation) is hereby authorized, in the name of and fOT the account of this Corporation to enter into ëtn agreement through Intrust (Bank name) as agent for INTRUST Card Center to provide VISA and MasterCard Merchant Credit Card services to our customers. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as (Secretary) of said corporation, and have attached hereto the official seal oftbe Corporation this 15th dayofOecenber -, 20~. (SEAL) :::::::f::ly