Administrative BriefApril To: From: Subject: l, 1977 All City Commissioners N. D. Olson, City Manager Monday, April 4, 1977, Commission Meeting F-4 and F-5: You will recall that we held the amendment of Section 22-150 off of last weeks agenda in order for staff to develop a proposed amendment that hopefully will be more practical and enforceable by the Police Department. The proposed amendment will not'apply to private property. It will relate strictly to night time parking in residential areas and on streets designated as arterials. The present ordinance applies to private property as well as on street parking with the prohibition being for more than a three hour period between 7:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. The proposed amendment will prohibit the designated types of vehicles from parking at any time during the night. In conjunction with this, we are proposing that Section.32-55 be amended. This will be an ordinance for first reading. This section is referred to as the clear site zone for intersections. We are proposing to add the words "or the parking of any vehicle other than passenger cars". There is no way that this type of an ordinance can be drafted to fit every situation, but we do think that this is much more realistic, particularly since pickup trucks equipped with campers are so very common. PoS, The above comments are those of Bill Harris's. I asked him to attempt to explain for me the proposed ordinance changes. To assist you further we are highlighting those portions deleted from our present ordinance and the additions to the proposed ordinances.