03-10145 Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of Ord.No.03-10145 1 Contaminant Any sub- licensed Atatrabled iechnidan use is -above free water sur- together with proof of publication of the same. Stance that upon' entering the licensed by the city Berk upon face); potable water •supply would approval of the utilities depart- e. Industrial process water 'render it a danger to the health ment to perform testing and lines;' t.Pressure tanks; or life of the consumer. . . • repair of backflow preventers. Cross connection. Any 'phis- j Uhlrties r,,Department.• The 9 Pumps; . • ■ ice) connection .or arrange- agency of .the municipal rgov , h Steam lines; AFFIDAVITmeni ,between two,(2) other= emment vested with the t f.Swimming pools; wise..,separate piping •systems, sponsibiliiy. for enforcement,of, '.1.e Tanks and vats,'bottom in- one of which contains potable the cross connection ordman '+lefts --• - - i water and the other'which con- ces. Y (5) Other cross connections. I, Ann M.Garrison ,being tams:;water,Or any. substance i Vacuun.•My absolute Ares Connection to the public pots- of unknown or_'questionable sure,less-than•that exerted ,by ble water-supply system for i the atmosphere: ,' the following is prohibited' un- flow,. whereby jthete may'the less roe protected by the Flow`,from one• system a to the Vacuum- breaker A •device properly rtY P Y duly sworn,declare that I am the Advertising Services other.`) that permits;,entrance 'of,,air in-1 appropriate backflow. preven- Double check,'valve aysem to the water,.supply,distribution tiondevice.; bly. A'device consisting of two line to,pre�prevent backsiphonade r,' a &oats; 't : , a Coordinator of TI-�SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- (2) internally loaded soft seat water potable Water ghee! b Operating, dissecting, em- •from impurities in-amounts suf- balmmg,- and •mortuary tables ed check vas With po'sibve ficient. to cause disease or or similar equipment; in such shut-off valves on both• up- harmful physiological effects. installations the hose' used for a er published at Salina Saline County,Kansas and stream and downstream ends, ha water su shall a used at quay shall conform• to Pply P P P Y arid. -properly aocated test least) twelve (12) inches away Pow ,r KDHE. requirements. for:public ( ) y Dual•check valve.•:A device water supplies:•.:, '.• from.every'point of the table or of general circulation in said county,which newspaper consisting of.:two,(2):internally_ water; nonpotable.' ,water attachments; . g Y that is not safe, human con- f c,.,Pumps -for: nonpotable loaded soft seated'. check 'substances;,' printing ' oril valves. This device does not sumption or that is of question- P ,9 Y able potability.• through an air gap , contain'test.;ports and is',ac- d. Building drains, sewers, has been continuously and uninterruptedly published ceptabte for:use only'at-the Sec .41-76.2. .Prohibited 1 9 cross connections. or vent systems, i; -. meter of residential customers. e.' Commercial• buildings or Dual check valve with at- (a) Private• water supplies. 9 F for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- mosphenc vent. A dual -check No person, shall establish or industrial. plants manufacturing valve with an,atmospheric•vent permit-.to ,be, 'established or or otherwise usiny polluting or maintain or permit.to be.main- -contaminating substances; -•\ . which, in the event of failure of faired an cross, connection. tit;.._Underground, irigation the downstream check valve, any...cross•- stems; )ached notice,and that the attached 'vents'leakage into•'the 'atmos- whereby a-private water,'sup- ply sY i may enter the public water @9- Any fixture of similar haz- phere.through the: vent. 'port. and �' This device is suitable for luse supply system of the city: I r. - Ord.No 03-10145 with:•residential boilers steriliz- (b) Chemigation• No•,person Sec:: 41-704 L' Backflow shall a any substance, b Pre ventors. ere, ipment'''tanks,..antl 'tlai- ,apply Y s ,a. roved devices-to pro-, equipment'menC the ••chemigatian :, process (.) APP P ry q P t'•' through an irrigation system;as tecl 'against backflow shall'be Free'water'surface. A' water r installed at 'all existing has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 defined fn thiSdivision.. g 1 and Y P surface at atmospheric pres- newly• installed fixtures':land sure. � Sec. 41-70.3. Regulated �' cross connections. I equipment where, in the, judg- Flood level;rim. The;.edge of meni of the utilities depart- ter rece table from.•which;wa- Cross•,connections rnade( in p. tunes, the fast publication given 111 P merit,•backflow may occur'and P �' ter ovedlows. the following installations shall Y Frost proof closet be .regulated:.in the •following where there is a hazard•of A tiopper manner:, ' contamination' of the public with no water in'the bowl and ? water supply system.the in the the issue of June 6 2003, with the trap and water 'supply (1) Boilers. Potable- •water) control valve ,located below, connections to boiler feed wa- judgment of the utilities;depart-j frost line. ter systems•iii-which boilerlwa-I merit an approved backflow i t ,ter conditioning chemicals: are prevention device is required,f irrigation ; system. Anyr,de , 9 or if'previously installed'.back- -� -. ��C_ 1 vice or combination of devices[ 'or can be•introduced Shall. be p ty I I made through.;an air gap; or flow_prevention devices do-not honing a hose, pipe:or other, I through a reduced pressure I meet current requirements, the conduit which connects direct-� i 9 p 1 4.41 or indirectly'.to.,the,ci ' zone backflow preventer locat-' director of utilities or his'agent ly ty water i ed in the potable watei'line'be- 'will give notice'.in writing to the system, through which water is i customer• to install 'the proper Subscribed and sworn to before me,this fore "the point where 'such P P crown awns a green is `land,, , device. The.customer'shall im- _ crops, lawns, greenhouse veg-, chemicals May be introduced. •elation or land vegetation. The + (2)• Refrigeration unit coif- mediately install the proper de- -N J n .� ! ,dgrisers I and;;cooling. jackets. vice at the customer's .ex- da of A.D.2003 term does not include any, Except when potable, water • Y hand held•hose sprayer or oth=t parse: Failure•to .comply• shall provided ,for,„a. refrigeration be - grounds for discontinuing e.similar device. water service to the-customer KDHE The Kansas .Depart- condenser'or 'cooling`jacket is I until the device is roe in- . ment of Health and Environ- entirety outside the• piping or properly cry • Notary Public tank containing'a toxic'refriger- stalled. , mart' r ant, the inlet connection. shall ' (b) Approved devices. shat Overhaul.'To examine Uror• be installed at an roved lo- NQ PUBLIC-State 01 Kansas, oughly,with a view to repairs. i I be provided with an approved,I app backflow .preventer. Heat ex-, cation on,a: consumer's water (Published In The Salina „ Person. Any individual, part- service line, whenever.the fol- =�•--- ��}�R��K nershi , co artnershi , firm, i changers used, to ,heat water •,Joumal:June 16,2003) P P• P. lowing conditions exist' 7. ORDINANCE NUMBER ` in= D-C.Z.—C1.4 company, corporation associ-; i for potable use shall be'of the' 9 ' , 'double wall e ° (1)•Premises where water or 0310145 ', ation, joint • stock company, (3) Cross;connections .not any objectionable substance AN ORDINANCE PROVID- Irpst,. estate, governmental, en- subject to � e c less.no. that would be an actual"or ce tiry, or any other legal•artily or po- tential hazard to`-the health ING FOR„THE AMENDMENT shalt-ha wards and.' terms Where ,a ,water cross ,Drina,•. OF CHAPTER 41, ARTICLE t, their legal •representatives,) and well-being ,of consumers shall. have•the meaning ascri- Lion• is not,subject to back 9 t,-. DIVISION 4,- SECTIONS bed thereto: agents or assigns. The sings- shat protect the public system ;41-70 THROUGH 41-70.9 OF ) tar 'shalt include the plural pressure,- a vacuum„ breaker{ P P Air gap. The•-unobstructed I shall be installed on -the dis-I with an approved- backflow where indicated by the con- prevention assembly commen- fTHE• SALINA CODE PEp- vertical ,distance at least twice charge side'of the last valve' P ly 1TAINING TO CROSS, CO - te)idiameter of supply text: prove with the degree of-,haz- NECTIONS •AND):.i p1) line Plumbing. The practice, ma- on she line 'serving the fixture 9 REPEAL, and no less than one (1) inch, or .equipment. .A :list of some aid.• This shall include•.the facials and fixtures used in the aQ 9 protective handling of process water and i1NB EXISTING SECTIONS through' the free atmosphere, I conditions r uirin rotective n9 P h41-70 THROUGH 41-70:9.r,,,,,,,- ;',, installation, maintenance, ex- water on inatin 'from the pub- 1 the, lowest opening tension and alteration.`of all{ devices of this kind are given originating P 3'BE IT ORDAINED by the from any pipe or faucet sup' j in the following table: • tic water system which has [Governing Bod of.the C' of .piping futures, appliances and ) 9 been Subject to deterioration in Y nY a "plying water{ to a'tank, plumb- Partial list of cross,,Drina,- subject Kansas ing'fixture,"or:other device and appurtenances. - Gons not subject to back,pies- quality. i Section• 1 That.:Sections the flood level rim of a recap- •.Pollution. The, presence of sure. (2) Premises where .cross A0-70. through .41 70 9i of table. any..foreign substance-Organ- i a.Aspirators and ejectors; connections are uncontrolled is inorganic or biological) in Chapter•41,'Article II, Dvision Approved device. Devices b. Commercial dish',washing shall protect' the public•water water which tends"'to degrade r supply installing an approved 4'of the Salina'Coded are here tested r and accepted-by a roc- machine; i ppty g pp b' amended to` read,as for- its quality so'as to.'constitute,a Y proved testing• laboratory ap c. Commercial .laundry ma- air•gap or an'approved re lows: . hazard or impair the '•useful-- . duced pressure zone backflow proved'by, the Kansas Depart- •chine;• P noes or quality of the water to prevention device. 'DIVISION 4. CROSS CON- meni of Health and' Environ• d.Dental units; P . NECTIONS a degree which'does-not cre- ment .and the utilities depart- ' e. Garbage can cleaning (3) Premises where because i Sec.41-70.Purpose. ate an 'actual hazard to'..the. P ` inert machines; ;_ of security requirements ; or The u public health but -which' does other prohibitions it is Ism ssi- purpose' of this division Bacidiow:',The flow of water 1:Flush tanks; .' h'••' P Po is to ,protect the adversely• affect the water p public water orb,other substances .into the g.Hose bibs;. ble to complete an• in-plant supply system of the City. of distribution system of a quality. - cross connection in on, y pots- Private,water supply. All_wa- i. Hose outlets SPA Salina from contamination due• ble_supply ppn'. ` the public water system,shall pot of•water from any ! i.Steam tables; i P Y to backflow fromf idly cross. source other than, its intended ter,' other than the j:Tank and vats. be protected by an approved connection to •prohibit and source. Backsiphonage is one public water supply system of (4)• Cross •connections sub= air gap"or an approved',re- eliminate all' cross connections type of backflow.' ' the city. jest to backpressure:-Where a duced pressure zone backflow between a private'water sup 'Beddlow prevented A de Reduced ': pressure zone potable water. dross, ,erne,- prevention assembly. - ply and the public.'water sup vice or•means'to..prevent back- backflow preventer. An ,•as lion is made to a line,'fxture, (c)•Premises..which,may ,fall ply, and to-provide for the flow. :.- -- - sentry of• two (2)'..independ-'• tank, vat, pump, or other into one•(1) or more of 'the maintenance. of a continuing_ .. '.The flowing entry, acting soft• seated ,aP-,_ equipment with a hazard; of) above-mentioned . categories effective. •connection back of contaminated or pollut- proved,.check' valves ,together backflow where the water i may be,.but are not.limited)to control rogram. This program ed substances from a plumb- with .a •hydraulically•. operating cross connection,is,subject to the following; shall' include regularly ',lied- ing .fixture i or any vessel :or differential' , pressure ; relief bacspressure, ,an'air-gap shall, • following: bottling'prants, sled inspections' to detect and source -into the .potable water valve located 'between '. the be installed. Where an air gap (2) Buildings: hotels, .apen- eectione. certain cross con- supply.system due to negative check valves and at the same -cannot be,installed,-the utilities merits, public, or private build- . nections as well as to'-prevent pressure in solid system.- , time below the' first check department inmay require the ing', or other structures hav- any future backflow• from other ,.Chemigation.. Any.. process valve: .'The unit,-shall contain use of an approved reduced ing actual or potential •cross ,regulated' cross connections. whereby pesticides, fertilizers properly'''.'located" 'test •cocks pressure zone backflow, pre- eons;- `- 7 The_utilities department of the on other.chemicals or animal and resilient seated shutoff venter. A partial list of such ' (3)Car wash facilities• j city shall be responsible.,for :wastes are added,to the pota- valves at each:end'of the•as- connections is shown in the l4)• Chemical manufacturing, conducting the 'cross cone,- ble water System for the ty app following table: • ' handling,or processing plants] tionecontrol ro ram, • f : y purr asse s','in roved these P 9 pose of applicetion to land,' assemblies',:must be access[- Partial list of• cross ,Drina,-:' (5)- Chemically .contaminated Sec.41-70:1:Definitions. ' crops, lawns, greenhouse veg- ale, for inspection and;..testing Lions subject to back pressure. - ' water,, „ [As used in.this division, the elation or . land .vegetation and be installed in an. storage g a.Chemical lines t (6)•Dairies and cold stora through an irigation system. around location where no part b.Dock water outlets facilities;.' of the assembly will be sub- c.Fire sprinklersy'stems l (7)i. Film or photography • merged. d. .Hose bibs-'(where hose processing laboratories; (8)Fire systems;. (9) Hospitals, medical cen- ters, r`oorgues,, mortuaries_, au- .Sec.41-70.8_Inspection. Q topsy facilities, dinics, or nurs- The utilities department or ing and convalescent homes;. ? other •designate of 'the. city (10)Laundries; 5 ';.A:. ,, •� manager shall have the right (11) Metal cleaning,,,,proc- of entry into any.building .or easing,or fabricating plants;.,j 4,i premises in the city as fre- (12) .Oil 'and.'gas,pioduction, 'quent, as necessary in order storage, or transmission facili- to ensure that plumbing has ties; been•installed in a manner as (13)1 Packing or".food:proc- to. prevent the possibility of easing plants; contamination . of the public (14)• Paper and. paper prod-, water supply' system of the ucts'plants; city. (15)Power plants;_ ;` Sec. 41-70.9. Protection (16).; Radioactive materials from contaminants. plants or handling facilities; < ' Pursuant to' its home rule (17) 'Restricted or classified authority and K.S.A. 65-163a, facilities', the City of Salina,.may refuse (18)Rubber plants; to deliver, water to any prem- pla19.'Sand,- ravel,,or.asphalt ises,_where a condition exists nts;-' " 9 P which might lead to the con- s • tarnination of the public water', (20)Schools; supply system and may con- (21)Solar heating systems; tinue to refuse to deliver water (224-, Temporary services: until the condition is corrected fire/hydrants, air-valves, blow- to'(the satisfaction of the city. offs•end"other outlets. In addition, the city may imme- -Set.- •41.70.5. -Installation diatety terminate water service of approe devices. to a..premises where a back- 'When ,required, approved flow' condition exists which devices-shall be installed by a. may be . hazardous 'to the 'plumbing ' contractor licensed health of customers served by to°make the installation by the the public water' supply system. City-in accordance with the of the city°'• manufacturer's • • 'instructions, Section 2. That the existing' any-applicable utilities .depart- Sections 41-70 through 41-- meni,,regulations, and the •Uni- 70.9 are hereby repealed. ' forrn,,z,Plumbing..Code or ,any •{Section 3. •That this ordi-. other.applicable local, state,or nance shall.be in full'force and federal laws. The owner of'an effect,from and.after its adop- owher-occupied . single-family tion and_publication .once in residence may personally' in- I the official city newspaper. stall the, approved •devices in the• owner's residence without I Introduced:May 19,2003' ' a license, but-shall not be ex- I.,Passed:June 2,2003 empt from any required r per- mits required testing or inspec- . Alan E.Jilka,Mayor lions. Backftow and_ backsi- ,- phonage devices of all. types (SEAL]... ' • •�;u.. shall be in an accessible,loca- - lion. •Installation in pits`or any ATTEST: • other location not' property Lieu Ann Nicola - - ' drained shall be prohibited, City Clerk' ,'R, (1t)• unless dual check valves are installed in the meter'box::At- mospheric vacuum 'breakers shall be installed with the-eriti= cal level at_least six.(6)'inches above the flood.rim of the fix- , lure they serve and on the dis- charge side of the' last•control. valve to the-fixture,,,No shut-off- valve or faucet shall be instal- led beyond the atmospheric vacuum. breaker. Pressure Vacuum breakers shall be in- stalled with the critical level at least.twelve (12) inches above the flood rim but may 'have Control valves downstream from the vacuum breaker. For closed equipment or -vessels, such as pressure sterilizers, the top of-the vessel shall be considered the flood level rim, and a check,valve shall be in- stalled on the discharge side of the pressure vacuum break- er. - Sec. 41-70.6.' • Testing, maintenance and repair of approved devices. , I It shall be the 'responsibility Of building and premises own- ers to maintain all backftow preventers within the• building or on the.premises,in good Working order and to make sure no piping or other ar- rangements ,have been instal- led for the purpose of bypass- ing the backflow,devices' The utilities department, will set ap- propriate testing 'and overhaul schedules for such- devices. ;Testing intervals shall not ex- ceed one (1);'year and over- haul intervals shall not exceed ;five (5) years for devices locat- ed within a -building or on premises having a high degree of hazard:•A building"or prem- ises having' a low, degree of • hazard, including but not limit- ■ed-i to 'one- and two-family dwellings, shall be -subject to testing-intervals 'not to exceed five (5) years-and overhaul in-. tervals not to exceed ten.-(10) years. . r Sec.•, 41-70.7.. Qualified -technicians.. \ f Testing''and overhaul of:.011 backflow preventers shall :,be made by qualified technicians: Qualified, technicians, are those technicians who.have complet- ed.a training course and'have i_passed, a written ,examination approved by the- utilities•kde- apartment.'. Upon •approval"aof the'; 'utilities department,C;,;the_ city clerk shall.:license-the'd"de-_ vice testers,after ascertaining the- technician meets`-r.;the above qualifications. •--Periodic training is-required to,maintain the testers qualifications. and •license.