03-10144 Affidavit of Publication Following is a true and correct copy of ORD.NO.03-10144 . - a. The. proposed private ( posed private -,streets r—rights-of-way and to ether with proof of publication of the same. limited- streets will have direct i must be reviewed. and access highways ' where together P "access onto; ra' public. ! . approved by the City located as to affect-the . 'street;- -• .Engineer prior .to con- subdivision of adjoining . b. The •proposed;;private 'struction';.r -r'' ' lands shaft be treated as streets ;are not•.necessa- '• The board •of commis- . follows: " , • -ry to provide i direct Aral- t ' sioners r may following (1) In residential districts AFFIDAVIT •,,, tfic. access- -to tpublic receipt of recommen- a buffer'strip• at least I I.'streets -:from.:-properties• dation•from'they planning twenty-five (25) feet'in located -outside the.de- commission, grant a•var- I depth in addition to the •i<,velopment.`1,..--;. ; ,•vane,from one•or more t, normal .depth of the"lot I, Ann M.Garrison ,being The:,proposed private ' of the',city's 'design required 9n the district streets are so laid out or standards 'for• - public shall be. provided adja- designed so-as to.:.--dis- ) - :streets if it finds: •• f t- a cent.to the railroad right-- ,, courage; trough •iitraffic; a. Granting` the variance ,' of-way or.limited•access duly sworn,dedare that I am the Advertising Services •-'r,,and .• 4.;,wit'not be•detrimental to highway. This strip shall d The r proposed private •the public safety,;,health, be• part of .the platted streets will provide. for"I or welfare or injurious to lots and-shall be'desig- Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL,a daily news- qu adeate, access ,the !, other property 1 i j•rated:.on the plat This •.safe movement of;drat- 4 ] b -The. conditions. upon 51np.--. is° reserved for ,, fit proper drainage, and t , which,the. request for is screening ' The place- serve as an adequate variance is. based are 'ment of habitable struc- paper published at Salina,Saline County,Kansas, and alternative" to, a •public I unique,- to the -property 'tures-hereon is prohibit- - • stieet i ,= for which the•variance is ' eel" ` -(2) A, notation shall he .sought and are not ap-' (2) -'Streets'.parallel to the railroad, when irOer- ,Placed_ on ail plats„-,of j ':plicabie generaly to oth of general circulation in said county,which newspaper any subdivision in•.which. i er property."' , ;setting -a street• which private streets:,are es-, •• -c.•Because;of the panic- ':crosses the-railroad at ,tabtished' :,stating •that: j t ular_.physical 'surround- grade, shall be.a cis = has been continuously and uninterruptedly published . •All maintenance of±'the i ,rigs- shape or topo lance of at 'least'one • right-of-way and `street graphical 'conditions of hundred •fifty (150) feet -surface shall:be •therre I i •the•specific property in-. _from the railroad right �' sponsibility of -the-abut- i' volved, a - partx;ular " of-way. •Such.,distance for five consecutive years prior to first publication of at- trig Property owner,:or 11 hardship .to the owner shall ybe detemined. with -Owners' association. No 1, would result; if the pub- duel'consideration'of'the private r`street may be l i tic street standards"were 'duel' :'distance re; tached notice,and that the attached :: dedicated to ,or,accept-•ii complied with. . .quired'for,;•future separa: e'd by the City,•of.'Satina y d. The:special.or,pew tion;,of-grades-,tiy,:means (for public street .,:Salina J liar. conditions, upon rot. appropriate ,approaclt) ORD.N0.03-10144 is until•it brought into I1 : which+ the request is `gradients r ; n 'conformance with• the' based did. •not result (d)IMersecbons .,:'1 x+ minimum 'standards'',for 1' from or Were not created • ,(1) Streets shalt be 18.4! public•`streets of l7t"the• by an•act of the property -r out so as to intersect,as] has been correctly published in said newspaper 1 a;• �y ., • ., ..iv ,, ,owner. . ;t.:nee as Y p nearly' Possible ,at1 (3) When pnvatef streets h . , (5); The 'planning :corn- y,, right-angles.•A.,proposed ,, are the`devel- it mission may restrict on intersection of two (2� open shall•submit to; the street parking,on private new.:streets shall have times, the first publication given in ,'planning''commission_ for )I " streets'as a •condition of ,no_angle• less than,'sev approval a written -and plat approval if the Corn- enty-five • (75).r degrees. binding, declaration •';to --mission deems it.,neces- ,An r oblique -street shall the issue of August 30 2003. �'be recorded vath the' fi sary ,to; improve traffic be ,curved ,approaching nal plat establishing-'an i, ' circulation or traffic safe- an intersection- and be ,'t. owner's'; association"or• i �._ ' ty L,':- aPProximately at; right' similar legal.entity which 1; :(6) The planning` Corn-. .angles' for at least one mission may re uire' the :hundred 100 feet from _ ..A AI _WI" AA. t will have: ! Y q ( ) a. The=legal'.authority to ( • -installation:,,of.'•sidewalks Tr the,:.. intersection: •Not along private streets as more . than two .maintain and exercise - (2). ^11 `Ya,control 'over the, street 1 •' , a-condition.of •plat ap- streets 'shall intersect at OL proval if. the Commis- any point•unless,specifi;? Subscribed and sworn to before me,this b,.The power to compel sion deems •it necessary -'-catty approved.'-by ,the contributions from . own- ' in order to•provide safe cplanning commission. { ers within the develop + pedestrian access. 'to •(2) A.proposed 'new in- - day of P M Q � f I nearby, schools,'• parks,' tersection along one A.D.2003 merit to, cover their pro- I 9 (?) portionate shares of the playgrounds, •'shopping •side of an existing }} . centers or other corn- al street shah. wfierever. • tenon +of' .]i centers facildies:u • • n ^S practicable „coincide•street i 'l(7) ,Street .names shall ;)-with.any• existing inter- Note Public In order to determine I I be:assigned by the de-. - sectio_its on the,opposite whether-the monthly}or veloper, subject'to' plan 1 ?lrrsnde of such'' street: ROTARY PUBLIC•State of Kos -:I annual contributions- will i nag' commission appro-`• 2,Street,•jogs with center' be adequate the Bevel- „vat.'by. placing the name line offsets of 'less than e.c�:�� WENtY on the plat. Names shall ( ode"' hundred'. (1 50)u• ohers `design 'engineer v fifty. (50) be• sufficiently different feet shall not be. permit- '$22-- filial# prepare and• sub-• in sound and spelling so "••led on .any tclass.street; nit estimates of the'cost as„not to„cause..conflict i)'except where the- inter: (Published In The Salina d trans exist such as drare- of_posed-ptainte, tee,:pro•: 'or•-contusion with 'exist• 'sected street has sea' Journal on August 30,2003) T age. and 'Miry require posed.private street-sys i I 9 public private' 4:•rated dual,drives without tern ,at a level that'is in ublic or a • , ORDINANCE NUMBER finents, m safe and efficient streets-. The city shall in '. median breaks•at'either 03-10144. ",. ; 4 traffic,:movement i intersec- - consistent '.with the ;city's Y AN -ORDINANCE • AMEND- lion,design and so ;forth.{ public`• street mainte stall;street:name signs v inter editor. Intersec- ING CHAPTER 36,••'ARTICLE , Access control and acts#•ff nonce program The ;within the public• right-of- lions of streets along ar= III; SECTION'36-7.4.1 OF,:THE eration -:arid. .deceleration t . 'city' engineer shall ':re- .....,,way. at the;:intersection terials shaft'be 'at•least SAUNA CODE PERTAINING i lanes may be" required to view the 'coati estimates j .of• public streets ands pri eight hundred (600)' feel TO STREET)C."f DESIGN 3 properly handle” traffic}flow and..inform.the -planning') ..l vote streets.. Street• ti aPam* .• STANDARDS AND.::REPEAL- : and,to protect the'carrying ` commission' 'and- •board f •name signs shall,tie in- Sion 2. That the.existing ING . THE-•EXISTING SEC- "capacity -of „the street! of ' 'commissioners stalled- by the 'developer Se2en„36.74.1 is hereby re- TION 36-74.1. Public ,streets shall '-be whether the•dues''to be -- at all other''intersections Pe-eel BE IT ORDAINED by the constructed. in aocoidance assessed.';will generate [ = 'within the development ;Section 3.• That this ore . Govering• Body of the with_-city-design standards sufficient funds 'to: per 'prior to issuance,of any °once shall be in full force and City of Salina,Kansas: and specifications. form needed future 4-building permits' The effect from and after its adop Section 1. That Section-36 '1 Table I If - street maintenance.i 1" pmate•' 'street ' name tion3 raI!d,?publication once in 74.1 of Chapter 313, Article' Ill Public Street ., (4) Private•streets, shall signs`shall be- construct- the official city newspaper.,- of the Salina Code is hereby r ' Design Standards=c�• be. designed',so as to' ' ed, .located,and.installed ra , amended to read as follows: _ • Street Classification;.,Min. RAN • provide.a minimum of fit- ,:*:in, accordance with. de- introduced: 'August 18,2003'` • "Sec. 36-74.1. -,Street ,de- Width..(feet)• Min.-Pvmt. • ty• (50) feet of right-of- ' sign-. •standards ., estab-, .fj.'sed'r, August 25,2003, sign standards. - (feet);, Min. •Curve. Radius way,.' and - twenty-nine I .' fished;by-,the-city' engi-. + r + - •(a) Public streets In order (feet) Min Tangent Length (29) feet of paved driv-; r neer -i i Alan E Jlts,Mayor to provide for streets_.of eetweenCurves(feet);` , ,t%ing surface. Private cut r.;(8) All ,tots and tracts suitable .location: width Arterial r t ^de-sacs' shall be 'de- which- have frontage on ISEAL]t and •improvement ,to ac- 5-lane;100;65,500.;‘200 I . signed to•provide a,,mini ' and :take their- primary ATTEST: commodate` , -prospective• 4-lane;80;53,500,200:; I •t)mum, of..twenty-five 3,(25) access from a named - '- - traffic and afford satisfac- Collector.•:..•- ,.;-` ' ' '•%-feet .of-.'-circular •paved. • private street shall have Lieu Ann Nicola,CityClerk'.(tt) tory access to police, fire- 3-lane;70,41,3b0,150 _ 'driving surface with:;the an address'assigned off fighting, snow removal; -f outer edge of the;;pave- of that private street.! J 2-lane;60,33.300 150. - elation 'and"-road•main- f merit, having a minimum (9) 'For .the'purpose .of Local street;50 291150,100 r tenants equipment,,'and •to radius of forty (40)"'feet tv114. section, a _"private - coordinate streets so as to 100 ge_'roe , ,5O, 25, 150, li within a right-of-way ' street', shall' mean tarty compose a convenient , ;having.:a, minimum''radii- open•way,used for ve? system and"'avoid undue, � c 29;150;•r�� . 'us'fifty.(50) feet NI,prix hicular traffic, .not,dedi! hardships to adjoining 1 j vale streets shall con Baled_to the public ,and ', Tumaround;t100 80 form to the design :Pot* a shared driveway properties the. following u J, R Back of c irti to back of curb standards for part'•of•a, arkin Jot design: standards pare rr'; public or P 9 hereby required _(see Ta, "Allows for an" optional island -,-streets established , by ;#designed and used to '.ble I). 'Street classification with a fifteen-foot radius m res the city' engineer •which provide vehicular '`ac- idential areas. •may be- indicated on the are herein' adopted'.by "cess to two (2) or more official- street classification (b)Private streets L y, reference as 'if set out'at lots or tracts. - and/or major street plan; (1) _Private sheets may' length in this' section. l (c) Railroads and limited '1 •' otherwise, it shall be de- - be,approved within plan- • i Design plans for pro- ,_access highways. Railroad \ternined by the planning ned .,development•. dis- - t- - 'commission. These .staid tricts in-accordance .with section' ' 42-403(a)(11) aids may;be,.modified on a when: „showing• that• special con- ; . • I