01-10064 Affidavit of Publication
Ord. No. 01-10064
Following is a true and correct copy of
master heating,ventilation and' pnndpal,—its agents, or em-
airconditionin - mechanic re-
together with proof of publication of the same. Main'in the employ c4 the li- ployees may cause by reason
wnsee In an active, lull-time of engaging in the business of
dipaciry_ One and the same contacting in the city, andltur-
ther'.conddioned for a IulVrom-
AFFIDAVIT ars000may hold the)_me'ani- pliance with-the provisions-of
cal contractor's license 'antl thiS,;aNde and the prosecution
1103 ir roaster heating, ventilation of such business, 4 r
and„oft conditioning mechanic (b) All bonds in:tome'at;the
license. For that purpose of time-of-completion,of"any work
meeting the requirements of shall continue in,force so far
!, Kim Norwood being duly ths section, a master heating, as work•is concerned, for a="pe-
g ventilation and air conditioning rind of:brie (1) year from,the
medienic may act as the mss- date of completion of the'work.
ter for only one mechanical A new bond or an extension
sworn, declare that am the Advertising Manager of THE contractor, The holder of a •
mechanical contractors li certificate of an old bond shall
cense shall keep the city clerk be filed upon the expiration of
SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper ublished at Salina,
informed -as master the . yen- any i bond."
Y published holding a master hecnd, non- Stiffen 3. That Sections
mechanic's and air conditioning tem- 35-157 the Salina Code Chapter
mechanic's license in their em- 35 of the Salina Cotle are
Saline County, Kansas, and of general circulation in said ploy. It shall be required of the hereby amended to read as
hold of the mechanical con- follows: •
tractor's'license to submit a list "Sec.35.157. Licensing.., I
county, which newspaper has been continuously and unin- of employees upon,demand,by No person shall'engage in,the
the city clerk. wank .of constructing,__recon-
structing or rebuilding .:side.
Sec. 8-383. Registration re- walks, drveways, curbing,i;gN-
terruptedlypublishedforfiveconsecutiveyearspriortofirst quired for sign business. tering,or other+concrete .work
No person shall engage in the in the,streets, alleys or-other
business of sign hanging or public grounds in me city un-
ublication of attached notice, and that the attached the erection of signs within'the less such person He been ,
P corporate Omits of the city validly registered .with the"city
without-i,complying I with'+.the as outline in•ANde %VII' of
Ord. No. 01-10064 provisions the';this!anicle unless Chapter 8.1 . . „42 such .person, has been validly Sec., 35-158. Security';re-
registeiAd-who the city to per- qulied. "' '' -
form such-work"as outlined-1m-
. Before a permit shall be is-
der Article anvil of Cha ter•8P. .4
has been correctly published in said newspaper ts¢cm" x.,, That p$ection^22- seestr tntt the-city t il engineer,
ith the the
52, 22-60 and 22-61 of Che registrant ice. file with the re-
p- dents'office-a fined in sure-
times, the first publication being given hereby of the"Salina read Sias' X b of Chapt r81Jmetl in Aurae
Y XVII ct Chapter 8"
follows: _ Section 4:,,That.the existing
in the issue of November 23 , 19_
2001 "Sec. 22-527 Application.for Sections -8-54"8-132, 8-140,
craftsman; <xanio,ian; 22-52, je2)4!_;2.61, , 8-383,
lees generally; expiration;of 22.52, 22.60, 22.61, 35-157,
licenses. 7�e:' and '35358 are hereby re-
I�/� /fa/ �.� (a) Applications-for "examine pealed.
lion for a master"mobile-home Section 5. That this ordi-
craftsman license; a .loumey- nance shall the in full force and•
Ay man mobile home craftsman li- effective January 1, 2002 from
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ,,?..6, cense,'tense; or an:,avvratia mobile and after its adoption and pub-
' home a 'to the license_offs- -
nn ��!� -,nn be made .to the building halt licalion once in the official city
day of / V�U.eh'1�Jn r Q.�. �-Q�v� cial. The'building official'shalt newspaper.
/� / ^ examine the applicthe shall
— consider, apDGtanYs.,4"expen Introduced: November
1 ` 1 ante;'training. and" other quali-
Us fications,-and it found'satisfac- Passed: November 19.
Notary Public tory; the building' official.shall 2001
authorize-the dry Berk to issue .
1 _ the license for: which applica- id Kristin M.Seaton,Mayor
(Published In The Saline 1 Mast'ers',- journeymen's and lion was made. The minimum (SEAL)
1 apprentices' license shall ex- ATTEST:
Journal November23,2001) �P qualifications shall be the
h ) I plre,`on the thirty-first day of --- -- -- la Lieu Mn Nicola
ORDINANCE NUMBER R December of the third year re- same as are hereinafter set Ciry'Clerk (1q
AN ORDINANCE • PROVID- gerdless of when the license out. Al least one-half of the ex-
ING FOR THE AMENDMENT was/secured. ' Any 'applicant amination shall be written. .
OF CERTAIN SECTIONS OF that"'does not renew by Jan- (b) Fees under this section
ary 31 upon-expirationra-new shall be as prescribed in sec-
AND 8, CHAPTER 22 application must be submitted lion 2-2. •
AND CHAPTER 35 OF THE and the applicant must'Nprove (c) Licenses shall_expire,-on.
TO SAUNA CODE PERTAINING p the`+thirty-first day ofJolsonber
henseff y qualified . f a li-
MENTSIT ORDAINED REQUIRE- censemay be issued. •• of n,, third"year was secured.of _ NOTARY PUBUC•State of Kansas
Sec.8-209. Reserved, when(the license was secured.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Sec:-8-214. Master lumber My,applicant that does not,re- —;--- DY CHROMIC
Governing Body of the City _ ? new by January 31 must sub- =Tilt'= er�t,�•,5'-ZZ-O`�
of Salina,Kansas: - -
in the employ of a plumbing mit a new application.an the
ll That Sections 8- contractor required. applicant. must prove• himself
8-132, 8-140, 8-209, 8- Each person holding a plumb- qualified before a license.may
�4 6-294, and 8-383 of ing, -contractors license 'ae be issued:
apter 'B. of the Salina Code elsewhere set forth in this ads- Sec` 22-60. Insurance re-
are hereby amended to read de•shat have in his employ at quired.
as follows: all rimer-at,least"one (1) per- Each'•licensee shall-r procure
Sec. 8-54. Expiration, re-, son 'holding--,a.,:valid master and-maintain in full force, for
newel of license. plumbers,license:, The plumb- the! duration of the' license,
Unless:renewed, each license ing :contactors license being puma Stability insurance, with
shall expire on the 31st day of valid only, as long as the limits of3not.less than the max-
December'of the third'year re- named {mast er, plumber re- imum•Iiabiety for claims which
gardless of when the license mains q in jthe_brrililoyl of.the'II- coold•°- +�sserted against the •
was secured. cense .in an f active; full-time aid for4 h_-y'4 number of claims
8-132.. Master electrician re- capacity: One and the same ansiogh out;of a single occur-
quired. person may hold the plumbing rends'for' accident under 'the
Each person holding an elec. contractory'i ricens_e;-and the Kenai: Ton Claims Act, as
trical contractor's license as master'plumbers license, For amended (currently five hun-
elsewhere set forth in this ark-
the p40s9401,meeting:the re- dyed, thousand dollars
de,shall have in his 'employ at quiremBnls„p.. His section, a ($500,000)):' Each registrant
all times, at least one 0) per-
son meste)T pfuinber.may'-act as shall also procure and main-
ho drug a valid master the master, plumber for only lain In hill force, for the dura-
tion license. The elec-
trical one�rll; plumbing 'contractor, tion of the registration, Work-
The license being The hoder of a.plumbing con- man's Compensation Insur-
valid only as or as the tractor's$license -aha0•keep the, ante as required by the State
plumbing inspector informed of Kansas.Proof of coverage
named master soy of re- 9
ast'Id=the - rson holding a
mains in the employ of the li- !r' 9 des as required bead insurance pole
tepee in an active,,full-time' master plumber's license in his des shall be on file with the
capacity. One and the same employ.;tr shall be regtped eor'
P ty city at all times. Each insur-
the hot' l n the con-
person. may license the-electrical f r P1t4!lb?r. once 'policy shall contain e
master Ikanan and the of eirpto'icens" po fy,emand. by clause to the effect that the a
master electrician's, license. the dtyde93s',,..1 demand by policy shall not at any time
thed de4.:111, t (1 during the registationryperiod
Fqui?e puryose of meeting,the N tarcn r
requirements of this secs a Sec.NB-294. McMSnk�F ton-
eq w, be Canceled or reunles;-C e;
tractor must have a master
masterrelearician may ad..as stndrsl_or_limited, unle e
heating�wentl'tronr lc)sin on
the made' elcdcaan ntrgtoly x A5 city office is given 4en
conditioning mechan(� in yxrr
gneL ho eleo. contactor. ., (10)1♦ vrtmtlennoece .7...
71,� holtler p an electrical full-time employment
'q /„ ____ Set g�Bond Required '{;
CMtacelec license shall"ke`ep Each 'person actors a license (a)? "icensee shall filiTbAfh
the electrical inspector in• as•elsl. contractors' license the''TS�I clerk's office ta he 7pipo;
formetl oh,to The person'told- as'elsewhere set forth in this rate-Veey bond in the+prMfi-
big-.a master electridads; 1° ' artide 'shall have'in his employ. pal 'dun t of ten thousand'tick cense in his empldllj4sliall tie at all. times, at least one (1) lars ($40,000) to be approved
required qt the ngrierx f the, person holding a valid master by'the ay attorney as to-term .
electrical 6cnlrap s+ license heating, ventilation and air- and 'surety, conditioned -that
to submit a list of employees conditioning ,mechanic's li- 1 the principal therein will save
upon demand by the city dens. • tense. The mechanical con' ' the,city free and harmless
8.140.,Expiratlon.renewal. tractors license shall be valid' from all liability for-any injury-to
o nly_as_long\as_thenaamedJ persons or propert_wNd,_the