01-10060 Alf uc avR of Pubflcatlon
• Ord. No. 01-10060
Following is a true and correct copy of
together with proof of publication of the same.
AFFIDAVITsecond the Project purchased ant according to the proles One' Section 11. ;Effective Date.
or .constructed with 'the pre-,/ of the Lease. This ordinance shall take ef-
ceeds of the Bonds is eligible Section 8. Approval Jot'the tact; after its• final passage by
for exemption from-et valorem- Guaranty 'Agreement.•:• -The- the governing body of the Is-
Kim Norwood p opeM taxes ;fo n1up btoSi°1 form of lee Gus only Agree suer signature by he' Mayor
I, , being duly years commencing.In,llthemcal-, merit dated asn'ol October 1, and publication,once In the Is-
ender year fotwing the eaten. 2001 betweenthe 1Tenanl•and stars official newspaper.
dar year in which the tBceds''JI the Bankcfor the4beneff of the PASSED71 by'the 1 governing
sworn, declare that I am the Advertising Manager of THE are issues tl proper,tepplica-Y earners of the, Bonds _is. ap body of {a;5 t aof Salina,
g g tan is made.': The Issuer's} proved, . nt7 -. i Kensase this 15th-day of Otto-
found at the berojed;-;should Bonds 'ant) Bond- Docu oeSIGNED by the Mayor of the
SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper published at Salina, be exempt faroec,ad•lvalorem, mints) 'The leaydi,of,the Is.• City.'of Salina, -Kansas this
properly taxi ,1pr a' paned,of suer is-alModied'and directed 15th day of October,2001.u'•
10 years, subjeaito•a payment te1 execute1 the,Bonds,and,dd- I ' •.I IT
Saline County, Kansas, and of general circulation in said in lieu of taxes,'or each„year,ct, live? lhenPto'the Bank for-au, [SEAL)- x•=
the exemption;'.as more parts' thanticalan onrobehalt of the-Is-
Marl, described In,the.Agree, suer in the-mannerrcprovided.Mayor aR- 's., • y
njenf-lfgriFaymenR Vine!Lieu!off by the Act and in.the Bond - . _ VII . -,i ,sgi
County, which newspaper has been continuously and actin- Taxes. Pdr ItQeNmaMrig�ihis AgTaemem.,q-iThe •Mayer or•Anent' t0>TU 28,c ilen..2
determination. •fie governing member''of^the Issrers gov- City Clerk- 1. ''PA 'CI, !)
body of the Issu,a has..con! taming •body authorized by law
terruptedly published for five consecutive years prior to first duded'pthe public'hawing'and,te?exercise;the-powers and du-
rewewedethe(analysilof.:costsities of the Mayor in I the May-.
end benefits•-'61, sit jxernp--oho' absence is further, author-
publication of attached notice, and that the attached
Han-aegmrefiey'KBA sopp. laid varH'dreeied m-execute
121749d AERIR MjfrB-,I ' dor!b the Bow Doce-
NOW a THEREFORE BE•rR minis an behalf of tHe' Issuer
Ord. No. 01-10060 ORDAINED 1'BYm .11E”Gov-. in substantially the fprme;pre-
ERNING BODYr'OP THEwCITY4 sented fdf ievlelle prior to final
OF SAUNA,KANSAS r`t(-='L1 p passage''"-,"'1,Tettt OT ordinance, -
1 • 6Secede -1.-DegnitloW9a off which.. trite:.gym-.approved,•
has been correctly published in said newspaper Terms. 'AII'itermsrand`phrases wth sucfj 'fialrecaons'; or
not otherwise ,defined tin)this aniendmentsasr�the°Mayor or
ordinance will shave:3the mean- other p'erson lawfully,acting„in
times, the first publication being given 'qgs setblfwthBxm•Gthe--eonw the";zbserie�of`Ihe,Ma"yor'may
` _ Agreement entl the Authori,A•J.approve, as evidenced'by•his'• _Section „2.A-to--Be- to ize her SignatuM The_author-
October 17 2��1 chased and Project-to=Be cted.••izede deliver such In of , 19 chafed and---Constructed. me deliver such other -tlacu-
'1 ca The Issuer is- authorized to merits, or certificates las may
$ : , cause the Prjec:-to be ac-zbe necessary or desirable-Jo
N es '/� A.A A4 / Weed, constructed,andrequip...cany,out,the purposes,and-in-
ped-in. the mender described Pen, of,this ordinance;and the
a s /� 14 in the Bond Agreement Land Bonds Documents. I The„Ciry•
ribed and sworn to before me, this the Lease , ;i re•, - �cler or the' Deputy,city clerk
(Secaen 3. Autharixetlonc at- the suer is,hereby aun,fio.
- endcSecudty-for the Bonds. Ized and directed to attest the
I SSS ` The Issuer le •aIt Bonds,-4 d and+execubon`T'oh the Bonds the
ay Of j a m A.Drf9 z�/' directed ter Ise the to--Bond Docomans and such
be designated "City oft Salina, other ,documents j certificates
fl�i V V�/ Kansas ' Taxable •Industrial land instruments' as--mamba
Revenue Bonds, Series',2001 necessary-or-desirable to,carry
etali-) 4! Notary Public (ElDorado National (Kansas); out the intent of this ordinance
Y Inc.)' in en'aggregate/principal under the..Issuers 'corporate
•(_' amount ' not exceeding seal. �•_
I�l $9,500,000. The Bonds will Section'. 8: Tax Exem__.,t-
,____.L__.; tion;
be e such aggregate principal Payment in Ueu 'of Taxes;
—B The Isuer's governing amount, will- bear interest, will The Project will be exempt
• •shed In The Seen body has determined that it is mature, and will have such from ad valorem property lax-
Journal October 17,2001) desirable_in .order to 'promote, other provisions, ell be in es for •10 years, commencing
ORDINANCE NO.01-10060 stimulate and-develop the gen- such forms, and will be issued in the calendar year 2002.
AN ORDINANCE, AUTHOR- oral 1 economic welfare and according to the provisions, subject to the conditions set
IZING THE CITY OF SALINA. ,prosperity of the.4puer and covenants, agreements • and forth in the Agreement for Pay-
KANSAS--TO ISSUE ITS TAX- the State of Kensae' that the other terms as are set forth in- mint in Lieu of Taxes. The
ABLE INDUSTRIAL_ REVE- Issuer issue its Taxable Indus- the Bond Agreement. The LTenanf smust prepare/the atoll- c
NUE BONDS. SERIES 2001 {trial ,-Revenue Bonds, Series Bonds are being t fasued:for•this ration-..far(exemption,and.sub-
(ELDORADO NATIONAL - t 2001 (ElDorado National (Kan- purpose)ofCprowdi ng/funds 'to (mil it to the-Issuer is its re-
(KANSAS),_INC.) IN AN AG- teas), -Inc.) dated •October. 1, pay L the coals' of /acquiring, view. Merl'its review; the•Is-
GREGATE PRINCIPAL X2001 It an aggregate principal constructing and equipping the suer well submit the application
AMOUNT • NOT EXCEEDING kamount not exceeding FOR THE!SPUR- g I Project r-The' obIia o nsr'at County exemption, to the-,Bales
'the- purpose(lee - ), •for apectIs Ir pa obligations at County App2iser for Ti•review'
POSES • OF ACOUtlLNG, kthe'• purpose of a the the •Issuer!payable solely' from and -transminal to the;State
CONSTRUCTING ,AND i:coyts' of acquiring p.op ol- revenues generated from the ,Board of Tax Appeals. The
EQUIPPING A • •MANUFAC- -ing and equipping ain • Project and the Lease of the Agreement for,- Payment in
TURING FACILITY; AUTHOR- manufacturing faddy(}•;(the 'Proect>Th (vitt.notibesk Lieu of Taxes, ins substantially
(ZING' EXECUTION OF%'Ai "Projects), as more fullyrdesui- general obfigatio of the,Issu-ithe form dated,end signed De-
BOND AGREEMENT' G bed in the Bond- Agreement er, nor cdnsfinite of of cemtier-6,_1999`is Thereby rati-
THE CITY, TMOR KuNDUS- and in the Lease authorized in the faith and credit of the Issu- tied and confirmed.
TRIES,' INC.:aaaDORADO\NA- this ordinance for tease to er, and will not be payable in ,Section 9. Pledge• al- the
TIONAL (KANSAS);!!NC]AND ElDorado National (Kansas),• / ,any manner by taxayyn%)\ Project-end Net LaaieARent-
UMB NATIONAL BANK OF Inc.(the'Tenant) and r ;1.L. 1\Secant.\ Auunpnm a of ale. 11 The Issuer' hereby
AMERICA. SALINAn I'KANSAS; C. The Issuer's governing Bond;Agreements e'k sger[.pledges-4Ihe .eto pt ' _the
AUTHORIZING THE CITY_TO body finds that it is.necessary is authorized'to ter Into the net rentals generated under
LEASE SUCH FACILITY TO and desirable in -connection Lease with the Txn t (the'the Lease,foSNep payment of
ELDORADO -' .t NATIONAL -with the issuance of the:'Bonds form approved ml is anti-', )Bonds kimtaccordance with
(KANSAS), INC..--ANC AU- to execute and deliver the fol. nance, The Issue? mssue'K.S AI-J2-J744;„'The Tien cre-
THORIZING 'EXECUTION '%OF lowing documents (collective- I and sell the Bonds and pro ated by the pledge will be die
A I LEASE 'BETWEEN-'SAID ly,the'Bond Documents"I:, I vide for payment-of the_Bonds chargedrwhen all of)he Bonds
CITY AND ELDORADO NA- (i) a Bond Agreement dated) endf detest thereon from je'havebeen yak.l p)h4s ,.
' TIONAL._ (KANSAS), INC.. as of October 1. 2001 (the `revenues tlenved;dyx the-Issuer Section Jo. Further Author-.
AND'' APPROVING 'THE I"Bond Agreement), among underrthe Lease otherClly 'J(IThe officials officers,'
FORM '.OF A'JLGUARIVIT' •the Issuer, the Tenant, Thor moneys as described in the agents and employees of the
AGREEMENT BY ' AND" BE- Industries, Inc.. Jackson Can-! Bond Agreemem•,oallon•The -Issuer are authonzed and di-
1' THE, TENANrt AND .ter, Ohio (the 'Purchaser') and• temts; anal Conditions. in the-motet to take zehatever action
UMB. NATIONAL BANk OF UMB 'National Bank of Amen Bond Agreement. and execute whatever other
AMERICA. re ca, • Salina, Kansas (the Sector 5. Authorization of(documents -er,r.certificates as
THE. GOVERNING.LBODY 'Bank') prescribing' the' terms( Leese jot the. Project.; The is- may,be•,necessary-tor,desiribMM
OF THE CRY OF, SAUNA,. and conditions of issuing ,and suer-is auticidied-to eater,into,to 'cany.l oul._the.-proisions of
KANSAS HAS FOUND AND securing the Bonds; . ': ' the Lease with the Tenant in this ordinance and to carry out
DETERMINED: • - (ii) a Lease dated as al Oc- the tom% approved in this ordi- and perform the duties or the
'- A.'6The City of Salina. Kan- sober 1, 2001 (the "Lease, nano. ;• The Issuer will 'ac- Issuer with respect to the
sae (the Issuer') is-euthodzed with the Tenant, under which -? grilre construct and equip the Bonds .and the Bond Docu-
by!-the Kansas Economic De- the'Issuer will acquire; con-, Project ianq lease it to the Ten-. mans. t
velopmem Revenue Bored Act, struct and equip the Project• --
as amended, as codified. in and lease it to are Tenant in 1 -
K.aA. 12-1740 at seq. (the f consideration- of Basic Rent ,
'Act,. to acquire, construct, and other payments;and
improve and equip 'certain fa- :gill an Agreement for Pay-
cirnies (as defined in-the Act) merit in Lieu of Taxes (the .-
for commercial, industrial and 'Agreement for Payment in
manufacturing, purposes, to Lieu of Taxes') with the Ten-
enter Inter;teases end lease ant, under which. the Tenant
purchase-^`ageements with will make certain payments in
any person,_firm or corporation i lieu of taxes for each year al. ,
for such facilities, and to Issue ter issuance of the Bonds that. -
revenue bonds for the purpose the Project is exempt from ad .
of paying the costs of such fa.IIt valorem laxa � - ' .
citifies;and j �� -3Y5pers governing
fdun6 that=under the •
yrovi of H.S./I,. 79-201a