00-9992 Affidavit of Publication Ord. No. 00-9992 Following is a true and correct copy of together with proof of publication of the same. AFFIDAVIT —(Publiahid InThe Salina Journal August 19,2000)II Bryant Pierpont , being duly , I ORDINANCE NUMBER 00-9992 -AN ORDINANCE ATTEST- . ING TO THE POSSIBLE IN- sworn, declare that I am the Advertising Manager of THE CREASE IN TAXES LEVIED i FOR BUDGET YEAR 2001 I NECESSARY TO ' FINANCE SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper published at Salina, ePUeuc SERVICES FOR I THE CITY. OF SAUNA, KAN- I SAS. ' general circulation in said . Be IT ORDAINED by the Saline County, Kansas, and of 9 Governing Body of the City of ISalina,Kansas: Section 1. In accordance county, which newspaper has been continuously and unin- with state law;the City of Sali- na, Kansas, has conducted a public hearing and has pub- terruptedly published for five consecutive years prior to first fished the .proposed. budget necessary to fund city services from January- 1, 2001 until Re- publication of attached notice, and that the attached CeSectionrt-2. After careful pub- lic deliberations, it is hereby Ord. No. 00-9992 attested that in order to main- tain the public services, which are essential for the citizens of 1 this city;it will be necessary to. has been correctly published in said newspaper Wine ount which chx,rxcees e Y P revenues amount which exceeds the an revenues 2000. tl' in the budget year 3. ' times, the first publication being given nance shall 3. That this r omd, nonce shall be in full force and A f s -_11 2000 effect and pbblicatlon once in and after its adop-j In the issue of 19 the official city newspaper. Introduced:August 7,2000 Passed:August 14,2000 ' Q &r Is/Alan E.Jilka,Mayor . Subscribed and - orn to •efore e os (SEAL) ATTEST: (/�(�.,(".(�..p� Is)Judy D.Long day of Off-, A.D. t9�0� clTEST: Clerk pq J Notary Public : LORI L. KOCOL '. ,.:01 Notary Public-State of Kansas A ppt.Expires •