00-9986 Affidavit of Publication
ORD. NO. 00-9986
Following is a true and correct copy of -
amount of any notes or bands _ad valorem taxes of the City,
of the City which are currently are levied and- collected, and
together with proof of publication of the same. outstanding and available to the proceeds derived from the
pay the Authorized Cost, and taxes and/or ' assessments
(2) any Authorized Cost which shall be deposited in the Bond
have been previously paid by and Interest Fund.
AFFIDAVIT the City or by any eligible If at any time the taxes
source of funds unless such and/or assessments are not
amounts are entitled to be re- collected in time to pay the
imbursed under State and fed- principal of or interest on the --
eral law. Bonds when due, the Treasur-
Bryant Pierpont "Bond and Interest Fund' re hereby 2uthenxpri and tlir er
I, n' P , being duly means the Bond and Interest
Fund of the City for its general
reeled to pay the principal or
interest out of the general
obligation bonds. funds of the City and to reim-
sworn, declare that I am the Advertising Manager of THE 'Bonds' means the General , curse the general funds for
Obligation Internal Improve- money so expended when the
ment Bonds, Series 2000-A taxes and/or assessments are
SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper ublished at Salina, in the by gat Ordinance principal collectd.
Y published in me $ r50,00 nrinciat- Section 5. ovx Covenants.
amount 15, $4,050,000 and dat- The City till no take any
ed July 15,2000. agrees that it will not lake any
Saline County, Kansas, and of general circulation in said 'city" means the City of Sali- action, or fail to take any ac-
na,Kansas. lion, if any such action or fail-
'Ciry Clerk' means the ap- ure to take action would ad-
county, which newspaper has been continuously and unin- pointed and acting alp Clerk versely affect me exclusion of
or, in the City clerk's absence, the interest on the Bonds from
the appointed and/or elected gross income for federal in-
Deputy or Acting City Clerk of come tax purposes. The City
terruptedly published for five consecutive years prior to first the City. covenants and agrees that it
'Code' means the Internal will use the proceeds of the
Revenue Code of 1986, as Bonds as soon as practicable
publication of attached notice, and that the attached amended, and the applicable and with all reasonable dis-
regulations proposed or pro- patch for the purpose for
mulgated thereunder of the which the Bonds are issued as
ORD. NO. 00-9986 United States Department of previously set forth, and that it
. the Treasury. will not directly or indirectly
"Improvements' means the use or permit the use of any
1 improvements referred to in proceeds of the Bonds or any
has been correctly published in said newspaper the preamble to this Ordi- other funds of the City, or take
nance. or omit to take any action that
"Mayor means the elected would cause the Bonds to be
times, the first publication being given and acting Mayor of the City 'arbitrage bonds" within the
or, in the Mayor's absence, the meaning of Section 148(5) of
appointed and/or elected Vice the Cade. To that end, the City
in the issue of JU - 0_ r. 2000 Acting Mayor of the City.
will comply with all require-
'Ordinance' means this Or- ments of Section 148 of the
dinance authorizing the issu-
ance of the Bonds. Code to the extent applicable
AL 'Slate' means the state of to the Bonds.
Kansas The City covenants and
'Treasuref' means the ap- agrees that it will not use any
Subscribed a d , pointed and acting Treasurer portion of the proceeds of the
to bef. e, this of the City or, in the Treasur- Bonds, including any ihvest-
1 er� absence. the appointed
Act' ment is, directly earned on such
/yy� an Tr elected Deputy or Act-
in manner a would lddicectse
day of {1 I�.��u L/ ing Treasurer of the Ciry. n a manner that woultl cause
/ n (,.('1,1/J// any Bond to be a 'private ac-
/A( °� O Section 2. Authorization of tivity bond" within the meaning
01/1/- .`- LLL/// 77/ and Security for the Bonds. of Section 141(a)of the Code.
p , LORI L. I% . • bli. These Bonds shall be issued Section 6. Further Authority.
E for the purpose of providing The Mayor, City Clerk and oth-
Notary Public-State of Kansas funds to pay the Authorized er City offioials are amhodzed
Costs of Bonds rshall bts, and directed to execute such
My Appl.Expires The Bonds shall be general documents and take such ac-
_ f obligations of the City payable 4 lions as they may deem nec-
(Published In The Salina 7. Sidewalk Improvements as to both principal and inter- essary or advisable in'order,to
Joumal June 30,2000) on the South Side of Pa- est in part from special as- carry out the purposes of this
ORDINANCE NUMBER cif ice Ave., Second to sessments levied upon the Ordinance.
00-9986 Ninth properly benefited by the con- Section 7. Governing Law.
AN ORDINANCE AUTHOR- 10. Sidewalk Improve- shuction of certain portions of The Ordinance and the Bonds
(ZING THE ISSUANCE. AND ments on the North Side the Improvements and, if not shall be governed by and con-
DELIVERY OF 53,890,000 of Crawford, Marymount to .so paid, from ad valorem taxes trued in accordance with the
PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF Fairdale which may be levied without applicable laws of the State.
GENERAL OBLIGATION IN- 11. Sidewalk Improve- limitation as to rate or amount . Section 8. Effective Date.
TERNAL IMPROVEMENT ments on the West Side of upon all the taxable tangible This Ordinance shall take ef-
BONDS, SERIES 2000-A, OF Ohio,Prescott to Edison property, real and personal, fact and be in full force from
THE CITY OF SALINA, KAN- 12. Sidewalk Improve- within the territorial limits of and after its passage by the
SAS, FOR THE PURPOSE ments on the East Side of the City. The balance of the goveming body of the City and
OF PAYING THE COST OR A Ninth,Otto to Saturn principal and interest on the publication in the official City
PORTION OF THE COST OF 13. Frank Industrial Area Bonds shall be payable from newspaper.
CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS; Addition ad valorem taxes which may
PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY 4 WHEREAS, all legal require- be levied without limitation as Introduced:June 19,2000
AND COLLECTION OF AN ments pertaining to the Ira- to rate or amount upon all the Passed:June 26,2000
ANNUAL TAX AND SPECIAL provements have been cam- taxable tangible property, real /s/Alan E.Jilka,Mayor
ASSESSMENTS FOR THE plied with, and the goveming and personal, within the tern- (SEAL)
PURPOSE OF PAYING THE body of the City now finds and tonal limits of the City. The full
PRINCIPAL OF AND INTER- determines that the total cost faith, credit and resources of ATTEST:
EST ON THE BONDS AS of the Improvements is at least the City are hereby irrevocably /s/Penny Day,
THEY BECOME DUE; AND $3,890,000, to be paid by the pledged for the prompt pay- . Acting Deputy City Clerk '(It)
MAKING CERTAIN COVE-! issuance of general obligation mans of the principal of and in-
NANTS WITH RESPECT I bonds;and terest on the Bonds as the
THERETO. WHEREAS, the governing same become due.
WHEREAS, the City of Sali-' body of the City is authorized Section 3. Term, Details
na, Kansas (the "City") is a I by law to issue general oblige- and Conditions of the Bonds.
City of the first class, created, bon bonds of the City to pay The Bonds shall be dated and
organized and existing under the costs of the Improvements; bear interest. shall mature and
the laws of the State;and
WHEREAS, pursuant to
and be payable at such times, shall
WHEREAS, the governing be in such forms, shall be sub-
K.S:A. 10-101 at seq., K.S.A. body of the City hereby finds tact to redemption and pay-
12.6a01 et seq. and K.S.A. and determines it is necessary ment prior to the matubt
12-685 et seq., all as amend- for the City to authorize the is- thereof, and shall be issued
ed and supplemented, and all suance and delivery of its gen- and delivered in the manner/
other applicable provisions of eral obligation bonds in the prescribed and subject to the
the laws of the state of Kan- principal amount of provisions, covenants and)
sas, the goveming body of the $4,050,000 to pay the costs of agreements set forth in a reso-
City has caused the following the Improvements; SO NOW m lution hereinafter adopted by
improvements to be untlenak THEREFORE . the goveming body of the City.en in the City (such improve- BE IT ORDAINED by the , 4. Lew and Collet •
meets to be referred to as the Governing Body of the City' of lion of Annual Tax and Special
'Improvements'): Salina,Kansas: ''' Assessments. The goveming
1.Centennial Road Section 1. Definitions of I body of the City shall annually
Words and Terms. . make provision for the pay-
2.Presbyterian "Act' means the Constitution ment of principal of, premium,
I provements Manor and all applicable statutes of ' if any, and interest on the
3.River Trails the State S.A. i10-101 0 but not lim- t Bonds as the same become
4.Golden Eagle K.S ., K.S.A. e et seq., due by srying and and/or Schilling a Road, Marcella K.S.A.. 12-6501 et seq. and the necessary taxes anther ax-
Si n and Virginia- Die K.S.A. 12-685 nds pt mente. all as able tangible n upon all of the tax-
. in
ments Improve- amended'Authorized Cost' met. able i pm manner within
. merits 'AUthorizetl'Cost' means1 the the City in the manner provid-
'6.Eastview Estates ' amount of expenditure for an ed by law.
J.Riffel,Phase ll. Improvement which has been The taxes and/or assess-
B. Sidewalk Improvements
authonzed to be paid by the ments referred to 'above shall
on the East Side of Ohio, City by a resolution or ordi- be spread upon the lax rolls
Cloud to Albert nance_of. the City, less (1) the and shall be levied and collect-
ed at the same time and in the
same_manner_as the general