10-15-2003 MinutesSALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION October 15, 2003 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission was held at the Smoky Hill Museum Community Room at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 15, 2003. In attendance were Mike Cloutier, David Cooper, Trent Davis, Peggy DeBey, James Hall, Luci Larson, Bill Medina, Linda Moore, Nicholas Pool, Linda Smith, Sydney Soderberg, Paul Webb, and Paula Wright. Staff Present: Barbara Koostra, Karla Prickett, Sharon Benson, Brigid Hall, Carrie Carpenter, Dee Harris, Glenda Johnson, and Kathy Burlew. Others in attendance: Carmen Wilson, League of Women Voters. Wright called the meeting to order. Koostra: Introduced new staff members Kathy Burlew, Office Manager, and Glenda Johnson, Accounts Clerk. FOCUS TIME --Cultural Directors Meeting Updates Koostra: The Cultural Directors are comprised of Brad Anderson, KWU; Saralyn Hardy, Salina Art Center; Gayle Martin, Salina Downtown Inc.; Joe McKcnzie, Salina Public Library; Dee Harris, Smoky Hill Museum; Bob Brown, Rolling Hills Zoo; Brandi Rook, Salina Symphony; Keith Rawlings, Bicentennial Center; Michael Spicer, Salina Community Theatre; Michelle Douglas, Stiefel Theatre; and Barbara Koostra, SAHC. In September 2002, the informal group was convened to share mutual issues about Salina's cultural resources. Calendar issues, capital campaigns, cross marketing, turf issues, and expanding audiences in tougher economics have been discussed. Cross marketing is a recent topic of interest. Koostra distributed a brochure from the Manhattan Area Arts and Humanities Coalition (MAAHC). It is used as a cross marketing tool distributed by member organizations, the CVB, the Chamber, etc. Harris mentioned MAAHC was formed by volunteers and grew to a marketing organization, basically the same way the Cultural Directors meetings are evolving. Koostra solicited comments/questions .... J. Hall shared a Salina brochure he found in a Topeka hotel and asked if brochures created by the Cultural Roundtable would be targeted to motels and if the brochure placement would be paid by the Chamber to advertise in such slots. He voiced concern that the Festival wasn't mentioned in the Salina brochure. Wright suggested a relationship with the Chamber needs nurturing. Koostra insured that the Chamber helps underwrite the cost of our separate Festival brochure annually. Medina, who serves on the Chamber board, will take the concerns to the Chamber board meeting. Medina suggested placing Festival brochures out year round. Sylvia Rice is invited to attend next Cultural Directors' meeting. Burlew visited the Chamber at Koostra's request to sample displayed brochures. The Chamber takes every effort to include the Festival there and in packets mailed to visitors and new potential residents. MINUTES Motion was made by Medina and seconded by Larson to approve the September minutes. Minutes approved. STAFF REPORTS Wright: Called for questions from Commission. J. Hall asked whether there would be a chance to discuss the HOG rally situation. They will be headquartered out of the Red Coach Inn and staying Friday through Sunday - June 10-13 (Festival '04 weekend). Several area excursions are planned as well as a parade. It is a diverse group, bringing Harley Davidson owners from all over tile state. Currently, the parade is scheduled for 4 p.m. on Saturday. Prickett has provided them information about the art available at the festival. B. Hall added her concern about the rally participants ranging from 800 - 1200 participants displacing Festival guests from local hotels. She is also concerned about main arteries being blocked by the parade. Several questions were asked about the Chamber's role in the scheduling of the. rally. Benson indicated that Sylvia Rice tried to talk the rally organizers into choosing a different weekend and Festival staff has tried to persuade them to change weekends. The greatest concern regards housing guests. Medina suggested it could be a wonderful opportunity for locals to host festival participants in our homes. Soderberg asked if we should encourage early motel reservations on the website. Benson will be updating our graphics, new e-card and will use new photographs for the website. J. Hall asked for information on Sante Fe Day. Harris reported the event was very successful both in terms of number of participants and profits. Over 4,000 people attended the event. The museum increased the in-house traffic from 700 last year to over 1,700 this year. Evaluation meetings were held and input from a variety of sources was very helpful. The museum plans to organize Sante Fe Day next year. Soderberg praised Harris for the hard work that went into the planning and execution of the event. Harris thanked her on behalf of the staff who put many hours of hard work into the event. Finance Committee Report Bill shared information regarding the role of the Finance committee. The comtnittee consists of Bill Medina, Mike Cloutier, and Randy Graham. They meet three or four times a year to evaluate the investment portfolio and reallocate funds from diffi~rent areas for long or short term instruments. They look at what financial institutions help SAHC and SHRF with donations or in-kind services and try to patronize their businesses. Wright asked if we receive reports from time to time. Medina explained that tlnte reports are the assets reflected in our financials. Arts in Education Update Benson: Arts Infusion was designed for USD 305 to create artist/classroom opportunities. This year, 20 local artists as well as residency artists are conducting school visits and providing classroom materials. We have a contractual arrangement with USD 305 where they provide $15,750 toward these services. KAC grants and the sa]lary covered by the City of Salina for Benson's services make this an $80,000 program. One addition this year has been Sherry Krehbiel, who is writing central objectives covered by the artist presentations. This is a huge benefit for the teachers. Two individual residencies have just been completed: Eugene Friesen (from the Paul Winter Consort) and the Bowery Dancers. Under the coordination of Loft Brack, the Gumball Poetry project is underway. This involves high school students composing short poems, forming an editorial board, and choosing what poems will be included in special gumball machines purchased for Festival 2004. Each poem will be encapsulated with a gumball for a quarter. Cloutier inquired if the Arts in Education project is an annual arrangement. His concern is with budget cuts. Benson replied it hasn't been cut. The program has great support both from administration and the teachers. It addresses a real need in the school system. Cooper asked how artist participants are acquired? Benson replied we find them or some find us. She sees what topics the district is emphasizing ancl facilitates programs that match their needs. Wright asked if it has been a long-standing program. Benson replied, it has been around 20 years. Every elementary school receives some kind of visit, and every teacher in the district gets the Arts Infusion book that also lists other cultural entities and how to contact them. Community Art & Design Koostra informed the commission that the CA&D team meeting is Monday, October 27 at noon. Prickett has been working with Paul Stewart, USD 305, regarding the schools with art projects. Paul's goal is to have an art project in every elementary and secondary school. Open House at both South Middle and South High schools were featured in the news this weekend. Sandy Wedel designed the tile floor patterns at South Middle and Nicki Mitchell designed the floor pattern and exterior entrance mural for the new art annex at South High. Prickett is working with a gym teacher at Sunset Elementary who would like to have a mural incorporating a climbing wall in the gym area. Sha2:on and Karla are contacting Tony Ortega, Denver, as a potential artist for this project. Research continues. The Oakdale Elementary project consists of creating an attractive outdoor seating/classroom/waiting area. Paul Stewart will be making a presentation to 'the school board the last week of this month. The Municipal Court project, with artist Cc,nrad Snyder, is progressing. Final installation and dedication is forecasted for the spring. The transformer protectors are designed and scheduled for installation next week for the Water Department project, with artist Kent Williams. A meeting to review the tank proposal is set for December. Koostra addressed the North Ohio project, which is 50% completed in its design. It is in the land acquisition phase. Artistic Design eletnents are going to be included in the railing, landscaping, fencing, and the concrete surfa,cing. The Federal Highway Administration is creating a public art policy. North Ninth Street is at 90% design completion. Webb asked if we are contributing input on the Lakewood Middle School pedestrian bridge project. Prickett added it would be a perfect c,pportunity and hopes to pursue it. Webb agreed. Wright commented that CA&D has really come a long way since its beginnings in 1996. Horizons Koostra informed the Commission that there are three grant proposals to be contsidered at the November meeting; information will be included in the next packet. Horizons showcase event plans are underway. Smith has agreed to serve on a steering committee. Cooper also volunteered. Other Horizons donors will be approached. Other: Harris discussed the Motorcoach Tour marketing plan and distributed information. Pam Harris will help design the brochure. Dee has been working close with Sylvia Rice. Wright stated this was a great project. Motorcoach Tours often book hotel rooms. J. Hall inquired if the Festival is marketed to these tours. Harris said not at this time. The Museum is targeting a separate market built on their changing exhibits and special programming for groups all year long. Prickett mentioned in previous years the tours have been marketed for the Festival. The staff is creating a brochure to describe what will be available at the Museum. The memo will be translated into a brochure advertising a package deal between local organizations and the Museum. Larson explained how Motorcoach Tours are developed. Motion to adjourned Wright called for motion to adjourn. passed. J. Hall moved, Soderberg seconded. Motion