Sewer Study AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS AND TALIAFERRO AND BROWNE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P. A. THIS AGREEMENT, made as of this .6- day of 1979, by and between the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, hereinafter called the CITY, and TALIA- FERRO AND BROWNE, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P. A. , hereinafter called the CONSULT- ANT, WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the CITY desires to have certain studies undertaken to deter- mine the extent of Alteration, Repairs, and Reconstruction necessary to sepa- rate portions of the combined sanitary and storm sewers along that portion of Ash Street lying between 10th Street and Dry Creek, known as the Ash Street Storm Sewers; and WHEREAS, the CITY desires to have designs and construction accomplished on said portions of sewer and; WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT is experienced in performing such designs, prep- aration of plans, specifications , bidding documents, and is capable of provid- ing such services as required by the CITY. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY and the CONSULTANT in consideration of their mutual covenants herein agreed to the performance of professional services by the CONSULTANT and payment for those services by the CITY as set forth in this AGREEMENT, containing six pages. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY and the CONSULTANT have executed this AGREEMENT as of the date first above written. THE CITY OF SALINNAA, KANSAS KAREN M:% GRAVES, MAYOR - ATTESTED BY CITY CLERK TALIAFERRO AND BROWNE CONSULTING ANGINEERS, P. A. BY: r. %ice WILL C. TALIAF ' '0,- PRESIDENT • A. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. GENERAL Upon authorization by the CITY, the CONSULTANT shall conduct an Engineering Study of the project area, make recommendations in the form of a report, develop detailed design drawings, specifications, bidding documents, and perform post design construction related services. 2. ENGINEERING STUDY The CONSULTANT shall conduct an Engineering Study of the pro- ject area to facilitate determination of the final alignment and extent of the required alterations , repairs, and/or reconstruction necessary to separate the existing combined storm/sanitary sewer system. The Scope of the work shall include: a. A review of the available records for the existing sewer system, utility records, and a field review of existing development features. b. Develop recommendations relating to specific alignment and necessary alterations, repairs, and reconstruction. c. Prepare preliminary designs and construction cost esti- mates. d. Prepare a written report which shall contain the discus- sions, analyses, findings, summaries, and recommendations for sewer cor- rections required. Five copies of the report shall be delivered to the CITY for review. 3. SITE SURVEYS AND INVESTIGATIONS After review of the Engineering Study by the CITY, and selection of the final alignment, and upon authorization by the CITY, the CON- SULTANT shall perform a detailed site survey to obtain such elevations and physical features as are necessary for selection of a drainage system and the preparation of construction drawings. The CITY shall assist in acquisition of the rights-of-entry for all properties upon which surveys must be performed. The CONSULTANT shall review information contained in previous plans, reports, and other information furnished by the CITY for subsurface information in the areas where construction is to occur. Should this review not provide con- clusive information regarding subsurface conditions, the CONSULTANT shall re- quest the CITY to obtain the services of a qualified firm to perform sub- surface investigations in the areas where construction is to occur. The in- vestigations shall include borings, test holes, and other data concerning the character and condition of subsurface material as relates to the capability to support structures and pipelines to be constructed therein and other factors for which special considerations may be required in the designs of the pro- posed work. The results of the subsurface investigations shall be included in the contract bidding documents. 2 4. EASEMENT DESCRIPTIONS The CONSULTANT shall prepare, for the facilities designed under this AGREEMENT, easement and right-of-way descriptions for all struc- tures and pipline construction and for permanent access . Easement descrip- tions shall be coordinated with the existing property ownership descriptions. The CONSULTANT shall file all easement descriptions and requirements with the CITY upon completion of the plans and specifications and sufficiently prior to the need of such easements and rights-of-way as possible. The CITY shall furnish to the CONSULTANT all land ownerships, descriptions and encumbrance certificates for the CONSULTANT'S use in this part of the project. 5. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND BIDDING DOCUMENTS The CONSULTANT shall prepare detailed plans, specifications and bidding documents suitable for the purposes of competitive bidding by con- struction contractors. Plans and technical specifications shall conform to general CITY requirements. Bidding documents shall include those CITY stand- ards in effect as of the date of signing this AGREEMENT or such modifications as agreed upon by the CITY and the CONSULTANT. 6. DETAILED ESTIMATES OF COST The CONSULTANT shall prepare under oath an estimate of prob- able cost for the work to correspond with the request for bids to enable the CITY to compare directly the bids received and the CONSULTANT'S estimate. Since the CONSULTANT has no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the contractor's methods of determining prices, or competitive bidding or market conditions , his opinions of probable constuction cost for the PROJECT provided for herein, are to be made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry, but the CON- SULTANT cannot and does not guarantee that proposals , bids, or the construc- tion cost of the PROJECT, will not vary from opinions of cost prepared by him. 7. PROJECT BIDDING The CONSULTANT shall assit the CITY in receipt of bids for the construction work. The following shall be provided by the CONSULTANT: a. The CONSULTANT shall furnish to the CITY original repro- ducible copies of the plans, specifications, and bidding documents for the CITY'S use in reproducing the required number of bid document sets. b. The CONSULTANT shall prepare such addenda as may be re- quired to modify the bidding documents after they have been issued to the bid- ° ders. The addenda shall be delivered to the CITY in original form for the CITY'S use in reproducing the number of copies required to be furnished to all plan holders. c. The CONSULTANT shall attend a pre-bid conference, if scheduled. 3 8. POST DESIGN SERVICES If requested by the CITY, the CONSULTANT shall a. Assist the CITY in evaluating the bids received for the construction work. b. Conduct a pre-construction conference. c. Prepare all change orders relating to the project for execution by the CITY. d. Review all contractor submitted shop drawings , material samples, equipment drawings, and other submittals to assure compliance with the intent of the plans and specifications . e. Upon completion of the construction work and the final inspection, revise the original contract drawings to reflect changes made dur- ing construction. The revisions shall be in accordance with information pro- vided by the on-site project observer on marked-up field prints. The CONSULT- ANT shall provide the CITY one set of reproducible record drawings and two sets of prints. 9. CONSULTATION DURING CONSTRUCTION The CONSULTANT shall be available for consultation services relative to interpretation of the plans and specifications and shall be avail- able for on-site inspection, if requested by the CITY. 10. CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING The construction contract documents for this project shall provide that the CITY shall perform all surveying for layout and construction of the work, such as alignment between control points, grades, elevations, and all other surveying incidental to completing the construction work. The CON- SULTANT shall provide such control points and bench marks as required for the CITY to perform the construction surveying; B. MISCELLANEOUS CONSULTING SERVICES In the event additional services are required due to changes in the scope of the PROJECT, or other unusual or unforeseen circumstances are en- countered, or for other consulting services, the CONSULTANT shall upon written authorization by the CITY, perform the additional services as mutually agreed by both parties. The CONSULTANT shall not perform such additional services without written authorization from the CITY. Payment for such additional ser- vices shall be as provided in the attached hourly rate schedule or as agreed upon between the CITY and the CONSULTANT. 4 C. INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CITY The following information is to be furnished by the CITY: 1 . Copies of existing CITY maps for the project area. 2. Copies of information regarding the existing sewer system. 3. Ownership information as previously described. 4. Other information regarding the existing sewer system which would be useful in developing alternate solutions. D. BASIS OF PAYMENT 1. For all services described in Paragraphs A.1 . through A.7. in- clusive, payment by the CITY to the CONSULTANT shall be the lump sum amount of $23,000.00. Partial payment of the lump sum amount shall be made monthly, based on the CONSULTANT'S estimate of the percentage completion of the project. • 2. For all services described in Paragraphs A.8 through A.10. in- clusive and Paragraph B, payment by the CITY to the CONSULTANT shall he on a manhours and expenses basis, in accordance with the attached hourly rate sche- dule. These rates shall remain in effect until January 1, 1980, after which date the rates shall be subject to revision semi-annually by the CONSULTANT. The CITY shall receive written notification of the revised rates and the ef- fective date of the revisions. E. THE CONSULTANT AGREES That the CONSULTANT will comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local Laws and Ordinances. That the right is reserved by the CITY to terminate this AGREEMENT for cause at any time upon written notice with the understanding that should the AGREEMENT be terminated for cause by the CITY, the CONSULTANT shall be paid for all services completed to the date of termination. 5 ■ r TALIAFERRO AND BROWNE e.., &.., ens,,,,,,, PA. 749 MINNESOTA KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66101 (913) 342-7009 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE HOURLY RATE CLASSIFICATION REGULAR- TIME OVERTIME* DRAFTSMAN I $15.00 $18.00 DRAFTSMAN II 18.00 22.00 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I 21.00 26.00 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 26.00 32.00 ENGINEER I 24.00 24.00 ENGINEER II 30.00 30.00 ENGINEER III 38.00 38.00 LAND SURVEYOR 30.00 30.00 TWO MAN SURVEY CREW 40.00 48.00 THREE MAN SURVEY CREW 55.00 66.00 FOUR MAN SURVEY CREW 66.00 80.00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR I 18.50 22.50 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR II 24.00 29.00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR III 30.00 36.00 WORD PROCESSING OPERATOR 24.00 29.00 SECRETARIAL 18.00 22.00 PRINCIPAL 50.00 50.00 *OVERTIME RATES ARE APPLICABLE TO TIME IN EXCESS OF EIGHT HOURS PER DAY, INCLUDING TRAVEL TO AND. FROM THE OFFICE. $35.00 PER DAY PER MAN FOR FOOD AND OVERNIGHT LODGING WILL BE CHARGED IN LIEU OF TRAVEL TIME AT OVERTIME RATES WHERE THIS OPTION RESULTS IN A NET SAVING TO THE CLIENT. THESE RATES EFFECTIVE 7-1-79 THROUGH 12-31-79 6