Annual Report EN
Joan Finney Laura E. Nicholl
Governor Secretary
1990 Kansas PRIDE Program Annual Report
It is a pleasure to forward to you the enclosed copy of
the 1990 Annual Report of the Kansas PRIDE Program. The
Kansas PRIDE Program is one of the most cost-effective
community improvement programs in the State of Kansas .
The PRIDE Program is a primary community improvement
tool for small and rural communities. PRIDE lays the
cornerstone for economic development by building
cohesiveness, accomplishments, civic spirit, and unity to
achieve common goals.
Over 400 communities have joined PRIDE since it was
formed in 1970 . As the Annual Report illustrates, last year
PRIDE assisted almost 100 communities in initiating programs.
and organization of their resources with concrete results.
What makes PRIDE so successful is its public-private
partnership. The Department of Commerce and the Cooperative
Extension Service provide technical assistance. Thirty-one
corporate and association sponsors provided over $20,000 in
1990 for activities . Hundreds of local volunteers donated
thousands of hours for local PRIDE groups .
For more information, contact Beverly Wilhelm, the
State PRIDE Coordinator, at (913) 296-3485.
400 S.W. 8th Street, 5th Floor/Topeka, Kansas 66603-3957 /(913) 296-3481
FAX (913) 296-5055 /TELEX #4931494KS
1990 Annual Report•
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Governor's Proclamation Message from the Chairman
�� WHEREAS,the Kansas PRIDE Program, now in its 20th year, has E Midwest Group—Kansas
been effective as a viable process to provide over 400 communi- M 123 Eisenhower•Junction City,Kansas 66441 January 14, 1991
ties with assistance to meet the needs of local citizens; and
Dear PRIDE Friends:
WHEREAS, the Kansas Department of Commerce and Coopera-
tive Extension Service have administered the Kansas PRIDE Pro- ei The Kansas PRIDE Program has successfully completed its second
gram for the past two decades to provide educational and technical . decade of responding to the needs of Kansas communities by
El resources to local communities; and 0 providing technical assistance and recognition for community
improvement efforts. This past year, 1990, has been very productive
0 WHEREAS,the Kansas PRIDE Program is intended to encourage for the PRIDE Program with almost 100 communities enrolled,
all communities, regardless of size, to initiate and carry out a pro- including 14 either new or re-enrolled after an absence of several
gram of total community development; and years. Fifty-two communities completed the PRIDE Year in the
M M Community Achievement Awards Competition. During 1990, 475,244
M WHEREAS, private business and industry in Kansas support the M hours of volunteer labor were provided by at least 72,548 persons to
a PRIDE Program by setting policy and providing direction and fund- a accomplish'2,188 projects conservatively valued at $2,376,220. In
N ing for the Community Achievement recognition and cash awards E most communities, these projects would not have occurred without
E and; 0 the PRIDE Program.
E WHEREAS, government, education and private business and in- E In addition, 191 PRIDE Blue Ribbon facility and service applications
m dustry have become partners in PRIDE with communities and; M for certification were received and processed. One Kansas
community — the City of Alden, achieved the coveted PACEMAKER
WHEREAS,the PRIDE Program has received national recognition M designation and joins a select group of 12 certified PACEMAKER
for exemplary programming and is a credit to the state: E cities in Kansas.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, MIKE HAYDEN, GOVERNOR OF THE 0, The budget goal of $20,000, an all-time high, was exceeded with
STATE OF KANSAS, do hereby proclaim October 21 through Oc- �� contributions by 33 corporate and association sponsors. This private
Itober 27, 1990, as M sector funding provided for recognition and cash awards for
E KANSAS PRIDE WEEK a outstanding community improvement activities at the 20th
Anniversary PRIDE Day celebration.
in Kansas and I urge every citizen who takes pride in their commu- ��
�� PRIDE offers an efficient and effective vehicle for assessing the
nity to volunteer their time and talents to enhance the quality of life
�� � needs of a community by setting goals and working cooperatively to
in their community. E accomplish these aims. The award-winning PRIDE communities
M DONE At The Capitol in Topeka 0 represent an excellent quality of life in Kansas. We welcome and
"` °* rf Under the Great Seal of the State M '' encourage new sponsors, communities and volunteers to join us. The
�q;; ,,,, this 15th day of October, A.D., 1990 M PRIDE Program will continue to help make Kansas a better place to
live, work and raise our families.
a� �.,, ;' BY THE GOVERNOR a ` �� Since�re?ly,
E / Ross Marsh
�� Secretary of State 1990 Board Chairman
E� �� aaana
raaaaN altala a raMEMaa Kansas PRIDE, Inc.
1990 Treasurer's Report • - PRIDE Accomplishments
Kansas PRIDE, Inc., Treasurer's Report December 31, 1990. The outstanding achievements of the PRIDE projects undertaken. Diverse
Bank Balance (January 1, 1990) $13,189.48 1990 first-place award communities activities demonstrated a
( Y ) are indicative of the high quality of comprehensive approach to
Credits: Debits: the local PRIDE programs throughout community betterment. Major
PRIDE Sponsors $20,020.00 Annual Report $ 1,473.05 the state this year. projects included fund raisers,
PRIDE Project Books 525.00 Corporate Filing Fee 5.00 k window awnings and the Lyndon Fall
PRIDE Signs 959.00 Community Judging 2,921.42 y Court land. What impressed the Festival.
PRIDE Flags 425.00 Community Cash Awards 8,750.00 judges about the city of Courtland •
PRIDE Memorabilia PRIDE Day Expenses • 11,594.64 was the community support for Kingman. The professional manner
(Flags, Pins & Balloons) 293,90 PRIDE Flags 2,604.95 • PRIDE. The depth of volunteerism in which PRIDE approached its
PRIDE Day Receipts 4,600.00 PRIDE Signs 591.00 was impressive as was the way tasks, taking care to involve a wide
Interest 1,151.43 Board Expenses PRIDE gave back to the community section of the community and clearly
(Dinner, etc.) 304.43 through donations and support. A assuming leadership, was
• sense of strong leadership was noteworthy. The priority given to
TOTAL RECEIPTS $27,974.33 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $28,244.49 apparent. There is great cooperation community preservation was
• Ending Balance 12/31/91 $12,919.32 between PRIDE and other impressive. The balance of high-
organizations with a good division of impact projects and program
• •
responsibilities. A good mix of enhancements succeeded in laying
1990 PRIDE Cash Awards • projects added to community the foundation for significant
improvement efforts. progress in community betterment.
At Wakefield. The PRIDE judges were Fort Scott. The PRIDE program
the the PRIDE Day Banquet communities:m untoesr 15, 1990, awards were presented to extremely impressed with the strong focuses on the needs of the
the following outstanding communities: commitment by the PRIDE community and plays an important
Population 0-500 Population 501-900 Population 901-1,500 committee. After 20 years in PRIDE role in helping the community grow
($500) 1st - Courtland 1st - Wakefield 1st - Lyndon it's incredible to see such a vibrant from within and unite for the good of
($400) 2nd - Formoso 2nd - Westmoreland 2nd - Sharon Springs and growing organization. PRIDE the total community. Projects such
($300) 3rd - Alden 3rd - Lucas 3rd - Quinter truly serves as the umbrella network as the Latch Key Program, soup
($200) 4th - Gaylord ' 4th - Spearville 4th - Valley Falls of the community. The depth of the lines for the financially distressed,
($100) 5th - Ransom 5th - Potwin 5th - Highland organization is remarkable and it has Meals on Wheels for the elderly, and
Population 1,501 - 5,000 • - Population 5,001 - Up contributed greatly to leadership the planting of over 3,000 trees, had
p P P a very positive effect on the quality
($500) 1st - Kingman 1st - Fort Scott development. of life in Fort Scott.'Participation and
($400) 2nd - WaKeeney 2nd - Dodge City Lyndon. The PRIDE program in organization of the youth at all levels
($300) 3rd - Oberlin 3rd - Junction City Lyndon created a great abundance is exceptional. Enthusiastic and
($200) 4th - Ness City 4th - Colby of community spirit once again this highly committed PRIDE leadership
($100) 5th - Greensburg 5th - Russell past year. This sense of "community" and volunteers make the Fort Scott
LEADERSHIP is evident in nearly all of the 19 PRIDE program a great success.
Excellence — Elkhart and Fort Scott .
Merit — Wakefield, Kingman and Coffeyville
Excellence — Grinnell, Potwin, Quinter, Hoisington, and Russell Cash Awards, continued
Merit — Jennings, Spearville, La Cygne, Elkhart, and Goodland DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER AWARD ,
OUTREACH AWARDS Population 0-500 Population 501-900 Population 901-1;500
Excellence — Valley Falls and Goodland 1st - Formoso 1st - Lucas 1st - Sharon Springs
Merit —,Kingman and Coffeyville -. 2nd - Alden 2nd - Bird City 2nd - Quinter
MEDIA AWARDS 3rd - Grinnell 3rd - Potwin
Excellence—Courtland Cable TV(Courtland),"This is Potwin"newsletter(Potwin), Population 1,501-5,000 Population 5,001-Up
The Highland Vidette (Highland), and ST Broadcasting (Dodge City). 1st - WaKeeney 1st - Russell
Merit—Gove County Advocate (Quinter), Phillips County Review(Phillipsburg), 2nd - Elkhart 2nd - Fort Scott
and Goodland Daily News (Goodland)., 3rd - Kinsley 3rd - Goodland
Board of Directors PRIDE Sponsors
1990 Members of the Kansas PRIDE, Inc. Board of Directors include The following organizations have contributed support to the Kansas PRIDE
representatives of sponsoring corporations and organizations; the five first-
program for the 1990-91 program year:
place Community Achievement winning communities of the previous year; American Walnut Co. Kansas Bankers Association Midwest Energy, Inc.
and the directors of the two administering organizations of PRIDE — the 18th and Argentine Blvd. Merchants Towers ,P.O. Box 898
Cooperative Extension Service and the Kansas Department of Commerce. Kansas City, KS 66105 8th &Jackson Street Hays, KS 67601
. Contact: Ed Grasso Topeka, KS 66612 Contact:Charles Reese
Ross Marsh, Chairman Harland Priddle, Secretary ARCO Pipe Line co.
Contact:Charles Stones Northern Natural Gas Co.
United Telephone Company Kansas Department of Commerce P.O. Box 460 Kansas City Power and Light State Government Affairs
Independence, KS 67301 Company Galleria Bldg., Suite A-3
of Kansas 400 SW 8th, 5th Floor
Contact:Galen Palmer P.O. Box 299 4090 Westown Parkway
123 North Eisenhower Topeka, Kansas 66603-3957 Paola, KS 66071 West Des Moines, IA 50265
Junction City, Kansas 66441 913-296-3480 Beech Aircraft Foundation Contact:George Woods Contact: Pam Neely
913-762-8106 9709 East Central
Anita Switzer Wichita, KS 67206 Kansas Electric Power Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line
Charles Reese, Treasurer P.O. Box 14 Contact: L.E. Lawrence P.O. Box 4877 Inc. 7015 o College Boulevard
Midwest Energy, Inc. Formoso, Kansas 66942 Berberich, Trahan and Co. Topeka, KS 66604-0877 Overland Park, KS 66211
P.O. Box 898 913-794-2441 1300 Merchants National Bank Contact: Loren W. Medley Contact: Ron Day
Hays, Kansas 67601 Contact: Stanley 1
y Wiechert,Jr. Kansas Farm Bureau Peoples Natural Gas Co.
913-625-3437 Kathleen Richards 2627 KFB Plaza 116 West 6th Street
1001 Russell Avenue Boeing Wichita Manhattan, KS 66502-8155 P.O. Box 848
Darrell D. Davidson WaKeeney, Kansas 67672 P.O. Box 7730 Contact: Don Wilson -Hugoton, KS 67951
Y. Wichita, KS 67277 Contact: Ed Cole
Centel Electric, Kansas 913-743-6653 Contact:Christine G.Jones Kansas Industrial Developers
P.O. Box 170 913-743-5558 Association Pioneer Telephone Assn.,
Casey's General Stores, Inc. 500 First National Tower Inc.
Great Bend, Kansas 67530 P.O. Box 3288
Linda Bishard One Townsite Plaza 120 North Baughman Street
316-793-7841 Des Moines, IA 50316 Topeka, KS 66603 P.O. Box 707
Lyndon.Chamber of Commerce Contact: Don Lambeth Contact:Jim Edwards Ulysses, KS 67880
Don Wilson Lyndon, Kansas 66451 Centel Electric-Kansas ' Contact: Richard Veach
Kansas Farm Bureau 913-828-3206 2300 Broadway K Medical Society
1300 00 Topeka Avenue Southwestern Bell
2627 KFB Plaza P.O. Box 170
Manhattan, Kansas 66502-8155 Mary Asher Great Bend, KS 67530 Topeka, KS 66612-1887 Telephone Company
Contact:Jerry Slaughter 615 1st National Center
913-587-6000 726 Osbun Contact: Darrell D. Davidson
Fort Scott, Kansas 66701 Dillon Stores Kansas Press Association• Contact: Richard ar 6Sha
2700 East Fourth Street 5423 SW 7th Street-Box 1773
Contact: Richard Shank
David Furnas 316-223-6088 Topeka, KS 66606 The Coleman Company
Kansas Press Association 316-223-4275 P.O. Box 1608 Contact: David L. Furnas 250 North Francis Street
P.O. Box 1773 Hutchinson, KS 67504-1608 Wichita, KS 67202
Topeka, Kansas 66606 Melvina Jones Contact: Kenneth A. Keefer Kansas Railroad Association Contact: Dick Dilsaver
P.O. Box 73 EXCEL Industries, Inc. 920 SE Quincy Street
913-271-5304 Topeka, KS 66628 The Empire District Electric
Potwin, Kansas 67123 P.O. Box 7000 Contact: P. R. Hubbell Company
Chuck Stones 316-752-3577 200 South Ridge Road 602 Joplin Street
Hesston, KS 67062 • Kansas Rural Water Joplin, MO 67801
Kansas Bankers Association Contact: Vernon Nikkei Association Contact:Joe Jennings
1500 Merchants National Bldg. Denis Miller P.O. Box 226
Farmland Industries, Inc.
Topeka, Kansas 66612 P.O. Box 266 _ Seneca, KS 66538 The League of Kansas
913-232-3444 Phillipsburg, Kansas 67661 P.O. Box 7305 Contact: Elmer Ronnebaum Municipalities
Kansas City, MO 64116 112 West 7th Street
913-543-6561 Contact: Fran Quinn KNEnergy, Inc. Topeka, KS 66603
Richard Shank, Past Chairman . P.O. Box 608
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Dr. Walter Woods Fourth Financial Corporation
100 North Broadway Street Hastings, NE 68901 Contact: E.A. Mosher
615 First National Center _ Director of Cooperative Extension P.O. Box 4 Contact: Rodney D. Hansen United Telephone Company of Kansas
Hutchinson, Kansas 67501 Dean of the College of Agriculture • Wichita, KS 67201-0004 KPL Gas Service P.O. Box 1269
316-665-1647 Waters Hall, KSU Contact:Gary Sherrer . P.O. Box 889 Junction City, KS 66441
Manhattan, Kansas 66506 Hallmark Cards, Inc. Topeka,KS 66601 Contact: Ross Marsh
913-532-7137 25th&McGee Street Contact: Hal Hudson
Kansas City, MO 64141
Contact:Jeanne M. Bates
_ _ _ _ __ __ _. _.�- 1
1990 PRIDE Communities ' -.
1 (Population given in parentheses) .
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