Magnolia Road US 81 Intersection I REVISED SPEED ZONE S.S.. 2-1071-18 SPEED ZONE - US-81 ALTERNATE - SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS On motion of Mr.. ke,n )- ', , seconded by Mr. ,SA/,/,,i//ey , the Ccrnassion adopted:the following-resolutions WHEREAS, the traffic conditions existing on a section of US-81 Alternate in Saline County,. Kansas; beginning :0.25 mile north of. the. centerline .of US-81 Alternate and.the southwest corner of Section 1, T-15-S, R-3-W, and Continuing thence in a northerly direction for 1:75 miles,. nore or less, to the south city limit of Salina; Kansas, area deemed hazardous at.•certain speeds, and WHEREAS, a competent engineering-and traffic investigation has been made at the.direction of the Commission, pursuant to the pro- visions of K.S.A. 1967 Supp. 8-532, Nast, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that in the interest of public safety and for the preservation of life and property and having full regard for the traffic conditions on said highway, the Commission hereby declares that the reasonable speed limit upon said highway, under the conditions found.to exist as' the result of the traffic investigation shall not exceed 40 miles per hour, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there be erected suitable traffic signs as approved in the Manual.on Uniform Traffic Control Devices prepared by the National Joint Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, approved by the American Association of State Highway Officials :and adopted , by the State Highway Commission on March 28, 1962, which shall give notice to the traveling public .of the speed limitation as above set forth, said signs to be erected and maintained as directed by the State Highway Engineer. Section 1 of a previous resolution (S.S. 2-166-3) establishing a 50 MPH speed limit for 1.88 miles at this location, and which was passed.January 12, 1966, is hereby rescinded. CERTIFICATION I, Pauline L. Blair, Secretary to the State Highway Commission of Kansas , hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a reso- lution which was adopted by ,the State Highway Commission at its meeting Oc- tober 27, 1971. PAULINE L. BLA R Secretary • it IN 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3i ID: OTTAWA cc rc rc ,` rc a rc cc COUNTY -cc � m _Ii ,�.+ter � '_I AB iv NrArt OE65I Glendale 11 flair 9 I 'v1E, �i - _ -�y��i m ± tl $�ON J � aniti■emu■'. _ _ ■� Film_, iila�] _ 7�a Wit L pp�/ T 13 5 r� ` ��I I� ,.�� I�s L�I� Cam ria �� 9 T 13 5 T 145 w�+ u. !®`' �.� TY = T145 a t-,IL�iiir. ,J lei nMPA� _ _ a is:! aS I As e Jim, I■ 1J .* _ 't�r Y a +oII rte i1Ir&4rir.iat1� �LT���iI __. _-T I4S 31 , , ■■L.. , i '® I pU . TI4S A. T IS 5 s roove . f T 15 5 sta Lear-- thlinnilla.111 INIIIIII: Anil Illin,_ : ■ ■■ ■ 1r� +ivy r■ ■ ■ ' Lw�■ r ' I lit 36L 4 4�► r I ' T155 in i M�IMM� 4. J�11'_. _ .■ GYPSUi I I �' 0 s� T IS 5 T 165 lb ° �) T165 le 5 OKY HILL RANGE --I r/J - :,■■n 'kyiy']�1- I In g Y as w fli j i■µ■;�fic�■__ . rpm _ mu fl' o yy a, w_I' ,, ,col '- TI65 __. y --. _ I- .. _. ,,.Si ' 1 TICS JY ?� 1• •-_}_ rte fr MCPHERSON 63 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 COUNTY 31 I cc m mm cc cc re rc1 US-8l Alternate REVISED SPEED ZONE 5.5 . - 2-107] =18] GENERAL HIGHWAY MAP SALINE COUNTY :" a. 1 .75 miles at 40 MPH KANSAS ' STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF KANSAS • PLANNING AND RESEARCH DEPARTMENT IU S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SURE •Err:. * BE pones IGN 1968 85 • • S.S. 2-1071-19 • TEMPROARY FLASHING"BEACON INSTALLATION; JUNCTION_OF."NINTHS(US-81 " ALTERNATE) STREET AND MAGNOLIA: (K-272) ROAD; SALINA, KANSAS. On motion.of Mr. /{o n ; seconded by Mr. .SCE/74. gr7/er the,Carmission.adopted' the following.,•resolution:` a , WHEREAS, -the City of Salina,-Kansas, has requested.penm ssion fran the State Highway Camussion.of_Kansas, to",install, operate and • maintain a span wire suspended flashing beacon system at the junction-of : Magnolia (K-272) Road and Ninth Street, winch carries US-81 Alternate, in.the City of Salina; Kansas, as" an interim method of..traffic control to"the installation of a fully vehicle actuated:traffic signal system -. . approved by. the Cacmission on November 11, 1971, under S.S. 2=11-71-20 • and; • WHEREAS, the Urban Highways Department of the State Highway Camnssion having made a traffic study'and investigation of the above location; reccimenls this temporary installation in the interest'of public safety,.. �:,.., rn THEREFORE, ,BELIT HEREBY RESOLVED, that permission be granted . to the City of Salina; Kansas; to. install, operate and maintain a temporary span wire suspended flashing.beacon system at the junction. of: Magnolia (K-272) Road and:Ninth Street, which carries US-81 Alternate in Salina, Kansas, said flashing beacon to be suspended a minimum of 16 feet above .the craan.and grade of the pavement over the center of said junction, with red lenses facing and controlling eastbound and westbound traffic on Magnolia (K-272) Road and yellow lenses facing and controlling northbound and southbound traffic on Ninth (US-81 Alternate) Street, as an interim method of traffic control, and the temporary - 2 - flashing beacon authority shall tenidnate upon the. construction of the fully vehicle actuated traffic signal by the City of Salina, and BE IT FURTHER..RESOLVED, this flashing beacon system conform in all respects to the requirements in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices prepared by the National Joint Camnittee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, approved by the American Association of State Highway Officials and adopted by the State Highway Commission of Kansas on March_28, 1962. CERTIFICATION I, Pauline L. Blair, Secretary to the State Highway Commission of Kansan, hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a reso lution which was adopted by the State Highway Commission at its meeting Oc- tober 27, 1971. / / PAULINE L. : AIR Secretary ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ROBERT P.HAGEN p1 ely4 BOB KENT Kansas Commission State Highway Commission Of Kansas a HENNRY SMALLER Han.Kamm JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways KARL A.BRUECR Paola,Kansas R. L. PEYTON, Assistant State Highway Director GALE MOSS El Dorado.ICanna JOHN D. McNEAL, State Highway Engineer LOUIS ICAMPSCHROEDER Garden City.Man n, STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 October. 29, .1971' US-81 • City •of Salina . S.S. 2-1071''-18 Saline County. 2-1071-19 Mr. N.. D. Olson City.Manager .. City-County:.Building P. 0. Box 746. Salina, Kansas • . .67401 • Dear Mr. Olson: The. State.Highway Camlission.at.its meting on October:-27., 1971'. adopted. a resolution granting permission for the: use Of a temporary-flashing beacon installation at .the: intersection'of US-81.and-Magnolia-(K-272) Road to.be. installed, operated. and maintained.by: the: City.•of•Salina. . A certified. copy of this resolution is.enclosed:.for the. city's.records.- This.authority-will-.automatically'.terintinate.with. the. installation of a city aaned: full traffic_actuated. signal system. at this intersection. A resolution has been prepared. for action of the: Commission and plans are .. developing for the traffic signal system:.at US-81'.and Magnolia Road. We are. also attaching' a .o rtified: copy of the: speed..zoine- resolution adopted.by. the. State.Highway Commission on October .27,': 1971 which revised: the. existing 50 MPH speed limit and established a 40. MPH speed. limit for the: length of US-81, south. Of Magnolia Road. . This same action also concurs'in the. city's ordinance. for a 40:MPH for the..length.of US-81, north Of Magnolia Road, previously posted at'50 MPH.. very truly yours, . W. H.. OGAN, P.E. ENGINEER.OF URBAN HIGHWAYS WHO:ab Attachments. . .cc: Mr. Robert A. Kent,. State.Highway Camtissioner. Mr. John: D. McNeal, State Highway Engineer. Mr. D. W. Bassett,.City Traffic Engineer. Mr. LaRue Delp, Engineer. of•Maintenance Mr. R. W. Wall,- Division Engineer. t ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ROBERT P.HAGEN Lamrense,Kama. 04*+fp BOB KENT •`State Highway Commission of Kansas S� HE R"YS"HNALLER j • Hays,Kansas JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways ' � RA.Ka ssassECK R. L. PEYTON, Assistant State Highway Director GALE MOSS Dorado,Kansas JOHN D. McNEAL, State Highway Engineer • LOUIS IAMPSCHROEDER I1/(, Garden City,Kansas n __A STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 4November1 2, 1971 a1j US-81 Alternate City of Salina Saline County S.S. 2-1171-20. . Mr. N. D. Olson City Manager . City Hall 5th & Ash Salina, Kansas • 6740.1. Dear Mr. Olson: In accordance with the request of the City.of Salina, The. State . Highway Commission at its .meeting• on November 11 , 1971, adopted a resolution granting permission to. the. city to install , operate.and- maintain a full ' traffic.actuated signal system at the. intersection of Ninth. (US'-81-.Alternate) :Street and Magnolia . (K-272) . Road. A certified copy of this resolution is . included for the city's records . Transmitted herewith are. prints .of a traffic signal plan .and a signal detail .sheet for your. use in completing--this signal project. We certainly will appreciate it very.much if you will inform this department when this traffic .signal has been constructed and .placed into operation. Should you 'have any question concerning this -plan, please do not -hesitate. to. contact this department. When we can be of further assistance with traffic engineering requirements on the. highways in the City of Salina, please let us know. - Very truly yours, ' W. H. OGAN, P.E. ENGINEER OF URBAN WAYS A. .• :', e, P.E. a AJB :ab Urban Traffic Engineer Attachment - . cc: Mr: Robert A. Kent, State .Highway Commissioner Mr. John. D. McNeal , State.Highway Engineer Mr. . D. W. Bassett, Traffic Engineer '. Mr. LaRue Delp, Engineer of Maintenance Mr. R. W. Wall , Division Engineer • S.S. 2-1171-20 FULL TRAFFIC-ACTUATED TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL, NINTH (US-81 ALTERNATE) STREET AND •4AGNOLIA (K-272) ROAD, SALINA, KANSAS. On motion of Mr. Kent , seconded by Mr. Schwaller , the Commission adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, the City of Salina, Kansas, has requested permission from the State Highway Commission of Kansas to install , operate and maintain. a full traffic-actuated traffic control signal at the inter- section of Ninth Street, which carries US-81 Alternate, and Magnolia Road, which carries K-272, in Salina, Kansas, and WHEREAS, the Urban Highways Department of the State Highway Commission having made a traffic study and investigation of the above location in Salina, • Kansas, recommends this installation in the interest of public safety, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that permission be granted to the City of Salina, Kansas, for the installation, operation and maintenance of a full traffic-actuated traffic control signal at the intersection of Ninth Street, which carries US-81 Alternate, and Magnolia Road, which carries K-272, in Salina, Kansas, this installation to conform in all respects to the requirements in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices prepared by the National Joint Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, approved by the American Association of State Highway Officials and adopted by the State Highway Commission on March 28, 1962, and the length of cycle and cycle splits, hours of operation, and the location and number of signals, the number of faces and sections of such signals, to be directed by the Urban Highways Department of the State Highway Commission. Submitted by Urban Highways Department CERTIFICATION I, Pauline L. Blair, Secretary • to the State Highway Commission of Kansas, hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a reso- lution which was adopted by the State Highway Commission at its meeting No- vember 11, 1971. • _ r tom. Ar PAULINE L. B..' �R Secretary • RESOLUTION NO. 3109 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A SPEED LIMIT OF 40 M.P.H . ON U .S . HIGI9AY 81 NORTH FROM MAGNOLIA ROAD TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH 9th STREET AND PROVIDING FOR TILE INSTALLATION OF FLASHING WARNING DEVICES AT THE INTERSECTION OF MAGNOLIA ROAD AND U. S. HIGHWAY '81. BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS : Section 1. That the speed limit on U. S . Highway 81 north from Magnolia Road to its intersection with 9th Street shall be not more than 40 m.p.h. and the City Manager is hereby instructed to install appropriate signs giving notice thereof. Section 2 . That the City Manager be instructed and directed to install such temporary warning devices as may be necessary at the intersection of Magnolia Road and U. S . Highway 81 so as to warn motorists of the congested intersection until such time as per- manent traffic control devices can be installed. Adopted by the Governing Body of the City of Salina , Kansas , vQVd)fpggv?d by the Mayor this 28th day of October , 1971 . .. : a Robert C. Caldwell •,:';(1-„ e 1® ' e, • a: Mayor * •2 cs;i «_ .- • D. L. Harrison City Clerk • • • • • •