Cloud Street Interchange r
pia ee,,* GEORGE W. cncEL
Si,^1111,0t. Clay Center
State Highway Commission of Kansas REX DUR'C
'n+� Port Scott
WALTER JOHNSON, State Highway Engineer W. W. FRIZELL
June 10, 1964 (47/4: f
I-35W, Salina f
Cloud Street Interchange
G. E. Spangler
City Hall Building
Salina, Kansas
Dear Mayor Spangler:
With reference to your letter of August 23, 1963, advising that
the Salina City Commission had passed a resolution approving the Cloud
Street interchange, we are transmitting to you herewith a copy of letter
of May 27, 1964, from Rex M. Whitton, Federal Highway Administrator, to
the Honorable Frank Carlson, United States Senate, on this subject.
You will note the position taken by the Bureau of Public Roads.
We are inclined at this time to accept their position with the expectation
that as soon as the traffic pattern has stabilized_upon_completion_of the
current construction, we again review the whole matter and make a further
attempt at Our previous communications to the Bureau of Public Roads conveyed
all pertinent data available and usually considered in a request of this
kind. We had the advantage of information from local sources, the possible
use of the facility by Schilling Air Force Base, and the forecast of total
traffic which could be expected to use the interchange. It would therefore
be difficult to add to this information at present.
Should you have further comment on this matter, we of course shall
appreciate hearing from you.
Very truly yo�_ ,
err, / ,
Walter Johnson
State Highway E neer
cc: Harold H. Chase, Lieutenant Governor
James N. Preston, Manager, Salina Chamber of Commerce •
John Erickson, State Highway Commissioner
W. D. Wollam, Division Engineer
Honorable Frank Carlson
'United States Senate . .
• Washington, D.C.. . .
Dear Senator Carlson:
• Me have reviewed the request'of the Manses State Highway Commission for„
interchange of Interstate Route 351J 'with Cloud Street in Salina,' the' • '
. subject of your letter of September 27, 1963, on behalf of 'Mayor G. E. •
Spangler. We do not find in the data submitted by the State in support .
of its request,, hovever,. warrant for.inclusion of. this interchange in �. ,
current planning: .
[9e are appreciative of the interest of the Mayor and.others and have, .
therefore, 'suggested to the State that 'consideration of the interchange' ',
be deferred until.after completion of the 'lnterstate highway. and
' , • • observation of the operational Characteristics under traffic. If it•
is eatabl+_shed upon study of actual traffic operations that there is '
need for, additional interchange, at Cloud Strnet.or at .any other location, .
we shall be glad:to' consider the•merits of any further request from the State.
We the glad to inform of our determinations in this respect, and if We
• can be of further assistance please let us know. .
Sincerely yours,
Tlt'P,'.: •'f TTTTOlh •
• --1 Rex M. Whitton . • •
— oc.Fl.t x. ii tla F,3 Federal Highway Administrator•ft{ Ltl LJ- ■F,LCFt`VA i L.J.`.:. 1 r '
}}gg1V .rtffiVk s J" ,j e '.i.F1>
GC G - t- /
le c "
To : Board of Salina Chamber of Commerce
From: Transportation Committee
Subject : Sign and route designations
The- transportation .committee is composed of four (4) subcommittees:
Signs - Mr. Claude Wilson , Chairman
Interior. Street; Designation - .Mr . Lyle Morgan , Chairman
U .S . 81 Promotion - Mr . John Riddel , Chairman
Airport - Mr. Chas.. Waeckerle , Chairman
'•The sign and interior street designation committee have been sharply
pressed to give answers as to desired signs and access route designation
on- and to the interstate routes. The findings below are a result of the
following meetings :
Transportation Meetings - 3
Sign and Interior Street Meetings - .4
Sign and Kansas Highway Commission Division Engineering Meeting 1
Sign - Motel and Service Station Operators - 1 ( 20 Attended)
The attached map and suggested sign locations and messages re-
sulted from the above actions. The following is a summary of information
1 . Kansas Highway Commission has marked Broadway as 81
Business and I-35W as 81 . The Kansas Highway Commission
desires to keep this marking as it is the practice of the Bureau
of Public Roads to move route designation to new facility. The
travel time -from No. 81 -. 1-70 to So. 81 - I-35W connection is
four (4) minutes less on 1-35 W route than on Broadway.
2 . Kansas Highway Commission has suggested, but not assured,
that Kansas Highway Commission would furnish the following
direction signs:
A - Overhead sign - Face No. on 81 at 1-70
B - Billboard sign , face No. on 9th at Pacific
C - Billboard sign , face west on State at Broadway
D - Billboard sign face west on Crawford at Broadway
E - Billboard sign face so. on .So . 81 at Broadway
F . - Billboard sign face So. one 9th at Broadway
Adequate exit marking on 1-35- E> 1-70 at Crawford, State, 1-35
and 1-70 , 81 -1-70 and North Street,
These would presumably be furnished without cost to the City
providing 81 is marked on 1-35W and 81 Business marked on
Broadway with the likelihood that A through F would not be
provided if Salina insists on marking Broadway as. 81 and I-35W
as 81 Bypass.
3 . I-35W section is to be let this spring from Mentor to Bridgeport.
4. I-35W south of Mentor will , without question , be marked 81 .
5 . 81 Mentor to Assaria will be marked Route 4 and section of 81
from Assaria south to south county line will be turned over to
the County .
6 . Regardless of 81 or 81 business designation , 81 from Mentor to
81 and 1-70 will be retained on State Highway System and main-
tained by KHC.
7. There is substantial desire of many , including motel and other
business persons, to have Broadway marked 81 and I-35W mark-
ed 81 Bypass.
8 . There is a desire to provide a paved street to the KHC District
Offices, to serve a substantial industry in our City.
9 . There is a desire to confine the signed and designated to the
minimum number to avoid confusion .
10 . The present signing on .1-70 , I-35W, and at entrance street to
City is incomplet and not adequate .
11 . KHC desires to have a written recommendation from the City
Commission as to the agreed desires of the City as to route des-
ignation and sign . The need for this information is urgent as
sign contracts have now been or will shortly be awarded,
12 . It is reported that a meeting of the following with Chief Engineer
KHC in Topeka in January 1965 ( Ben. Vidricksen, Glen Burch,
George Curtis) resulted in statement by KHC that 81 could be
designated on . Broadway if desired by City.
13. Business on Pacific Street desire at their own cost t0 put up
'101d Route 40" signs on Pacific from Ohio to .9th Street and de-
sire approval of City.
14. It is reported that signs are available from State Penitentiary at
low cost .
15. It is reported that the minutes of the public hearing on 1-35W show
that it was the intent of KHC to • leave 81 designation on Broad-
way route.
16 . It is the opinion that 81 Business designation is not attractive to
traveling public as such routes usually lead through a very . con-
gested and slow route . It was the opinion of the Commission
that Broadway route does not represent these conditions .
Recommendations of the Transportation Committee
A. Broadway Route should be -marked 91 and I-35W be marked
81 Bypass.
Strangers rigidly following 81 Route markers desiring to stop
or stay in Salina are -led 4 miles out of their way and prob-
ably lost. Informational signs cannot adequately prevent this
occurance . Broadway Route is a recently improved highway
and up to current highway standards if adequately signed.
Broadway Route is about 1 mile shorter than 1-35W route .
Majority of vehicles are terminating or originating in Salina
and would be better served by the recommended marking on
Broadway .
B. Signs should be -placed as suggested on the -attached sketch and
tabulation .
It would appear feasible to request Kansas Highway Com-
mission to furnish and place signs noted in No. ' 2 above.
The substantial revision of traffic flow and revised entrances
t0 City -due to I-35W and 1-70 do give just cause for these
needed signs .
C. Consideration be given to marking State Street from I-35W to
Broadway as US 40 and revision of island at present State-
US 40 intersection.
It would appear that this would increase safety and reduce
-confusion .
D . That maximum encouragement by signs and advertisement be
given to use of 81 -1-70 for Central Business District bound
This corresponds to the criteria that the minimum number of
signed houtes yield minimum confusion.
E . That a new connection street from State to Ash be constructed
from Broadway to railroad tracks at Ash and to give Ash Si,
to 9th 'through signing.
It is desirable to route entering and leaving vehicle to Ash
St. as this enters the Central Business District loop of Ash-
5th, Walnut, and -7th on the north border , Iron Street en-
courages traffic through Central Business District- with in-
creased pedistrian-vehicle conflict . This route would agree
with the proposed Civic Center and Community Inn.
F . That the 9th and Ash intersection be signed, signaled and channel-
ed to permit maximum convenience to .enter Central Business Dis-
Following the 'above criteria of minimum major street, it
is considered desirable to attract all Central Business Dis-
trict bound traffic from south and west to use State-Ash con-
nection to Central Business District rather than 9th due to
the schools and residential nature of South 9th .
G. That adequate signs be placed on I-70 at Ohio and New Cambria
to advise tourists of route to Indian Burial .
H . That trail blazer signs denoting downtown Salina be furnished
and placed, by joint effort of City Commission and Chamber of
Commerce, on 9th from Pacific to Ash ; on State-Ash from
I-35W to ,5th ; on. the Central Business District Loop ; on Craw-
ford from I-35W to Broadway ; and on northbound Broadway
from Crawford to State.
That trail blazer signs to parks, airport and colleges be -con-
Suggested Action
a. The Board of the Chamber of Commerce review the -recommend-
ation_s of the Transportation Commission and if in agreement so
formally approve. If not in agreement pass back to Transport-
ation Commission the specific disagreements. If possible this
action should be .taken prior to February -22 .
b . The Board present this data as a petition to the City Commission
on February 22 for securing approval of the City Commission
and a request that the City Commission so advise the Kansas
Highway Commission that these are the desires and requests of
the City. It is suggested that this be by;action of. the -City -Com-
mission on March 1 .
c. That the- Board invite the following persons to an informational
meeting on February -23rd or 25th on these subjects :
City, Commission of Salina
Board of Chamber of Commerce
-John -Erickson , Kansas .Highway Commission
Waldo- Wollam, Kansas Highway Commission
County Engineer
City - Manager
City Engineer
City Planner.
Ben .Vidricksen , Convention Committee Chairman
Representative of Central Business .District retailers
Note : Mr. Erickson has requested such a meeting and we -urge
that same be held to rebuild good relations with KHC,
Sign A - Overhead , Lighted - 1-70 @ U . S . 81 ( Face North)
To Salina , Kansas To 1-70 West
To 1-70 East Motels-Food-Shopping To I-35W South
follow U . S . 81 81 Bypass, ,
US #81
Sign B - Billboard , Lighted
SW Cor . 9th & Pac f
(Face North )
Motels Downtown Salina Motels
Service Shopping Service
Airport Hotels Food
6701b O
®)b 40 Services Thru Rte
Follow i • , _ to US#81
CBD South
Sign C Billboard , lighted
SE Cor . State & Broadway
(Face West(
Motels Downtown Salina Motels
Service Shopping . Service
Food Hotels Food
to Services To
81 North Follow t• • 'I. . . . _ -81 South
-1-70 East 1 CBDJ - Airport
Same (Face South )
To 1-70 West Motels Downtown
No Food Salina
Service US81 North - Shopping
1-70 East & - Hotels
West - Service
I ,
Sign D Billboard, Lighted
SE Cor . Crawford E> Broadway
( Face West )
Motel Downtown Airport
Service Salina
Food Shopping
to Hotels
US81 North Service To
1-70 Follow 81 South
Same (Face South ) r
Downtown Airport
81 North
Sign E Billboard, Lighted
(Face South) I
81 at Temp . So. End 1-35 To 1-35 Motels
. Service
No. Service Food
To 81 North
Sign F @ Bypass - 9th St . - Y
(Face South )
Motels Airport
Services Colleges
1 NE 'Cor . - 9th Ey Ash
(Face East )
To I-35W To I-70East
1-70 West 81 North
• US 81 South
2 NW Cor 9th Ey Ash
( Face North )
3 SW Cor 9th S, Ash
(Face West) 1
To 81 North Downtown
4 SE Cor . Broadway Ey State
( Face South ) t
To Motels Downtown
1-35 SW Service Salina
1-70 West Food Shopping
US81 North Motels
5 NE Car Broadway Ey State
( Face East) `
Motels To 11 Motels
• Service 1-35 W Service
Food 1-70 West US81 North
US81 South 1-70 East
6 NW Con . Broadway E> State
(Face North )
Downtown Motels To
Salina Service 1-35 W
Shopping Food
}6B13 U.S. 81 South
7 NW Cor . Broadway Ea Crawford
( Face North ) I r
Airport US81 South 1-35W
No Servic-
8 1-35 W @ Crawford
( Face South )
1-35W Motels
1-70 Service
U581 •.11 Food
Bypass Airport
No Service College
9 1-35 W @ Crawford
(Face North) 7 1
1-35 W
Motels US 81
Food By-pass
College • •
10 1-35 W @ Slate
( Face South )
1-35 W Downtown
US81 Bypass Salina
No Service Services
• Food
Last Exit to Salina
1 1 I-35 -W @ State 1
(Face North )
Downtown I-35W
Salina US81
Motel Bypass
12 I-70 @ 1-35 W SW Cor .
(Face West ) t r
1-70 East 1-35 W
_Salina • US81 So.
Exit . DYXRlaoVin
t 3/4 mi . Salina
• Food
13 1-70 @ US 81 SW Cor ,
( Face West )
1-70 E US81 No . Downtown
Food Salina
Motel Food
Service Motel
14 1-70 @ US 91 NE Cor .
(Fate East) t
1-70 W Downtown US81 No
1-35 W Salina
`81 US81 So,
Bypass Motels
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Sketch Plan For Signs 8iint. Streets
3 -
White to Maga Deft -'1 '4i;i"i- ' - i q �.^ ul ,. i p t # 11tLiliyrr.4 44 17 YI 1101
Yellow to Petitioner. 'STATE HIGHWAY COICIMISSION,.<#OF*KANSAS t' i :n a,.l DZ,,Ctr Et i?,...4 SHEET
Pink to Division. - " MAINTENANCE. DEPARTMENT. f , 'c • - • '
-- , ii(ue,mn o-mL•i.:.•r f ..".Fill pT trfe t*.njJ8o4.atl. tr 3 -
. - '_ - :c' rr- i-idg(N ehra:eta iu toi AI
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„f:. HIGHWAY PER1dIIT, • -
.. r .n' ., " ?i V 7H 7 . .,,{:,I c 1
i } �t t 2 1 - )ritr, rl, r_. T. d e r i).rt rir' x- it hI1.e.:.fv r n Iiae 1'Jn >
• '•'r- `. , Ili.. :`I' J a. l R 1 g.1.......,,,,,' t1tilr .±n 3 1 44. Mil ";3114,31"3;i,.Dwisior 'SERIAL-NOt I I2.33 ;`'I• .
t ,ir, 1 nr�' ii kt ,4;
.,.7; ( + _ I ;.tJ tcu.a;,�, 7:� :c d ,r.,., irt)V t p9'`>T^t'+ gl(r u `ul:hvr n'sh teak•i'r 3ga bai3'¢ri
• n •WHEREAS; :f::'�city=rof rSialinaD 170 '(d ha'10;')': ,i6f?,35•sl43LS Salir19y1 KaA9a8,cr.o 0(A:6;1, '1. c •r+ •
hereinafter termed the Petitioner, re assts -s r.-ema a t+ndE.ier'µhJ 1e' r I .147-0; wnnv{ in. •
q permission and authority to do certain work described as follows
• a },.., i . .p'4 i'• • _045..;4P-4,3,1.1V-cis' rr ir•ii ' vrtP4t rn 'CI t.'1 ;r'11;.z
▪ W,, ' ., n _t ,__ a tail ,# t"1tkt ri ct„r r. ;,ti hilt dear .rJ r <o; ,rT+.i t rcr44'EUal .
-Remove, all snags, '.timber,and-brush on-State right of way for a Width
of 'approximay 50 tel feet,an each side of•the banks of Mulberry and
' . Dry Creeks.• mPais=work :ia in.conjunction with Section IVY(northwest
tr A.
• -.portion) Salina, Kansas; Ploo4 Protection 155-86. .•
!. , - i. .;1. y: r,ripry .m;e it . .
• _
. -. •. l C i
- _ _ri r Sealy ^ ml I . •
. _
r"1A:, '3.`4)) o,di '..:) t`•)lt•S $44:21(442'
- -
in upon or along a State Highway known as Route _i 2 miles north from Salina•
' • iEr - i e . ' •t -curcn (Direction) (Piac-e or.Town) - •
more specifically. followsSta 70 te .Sta 7' (8 16..NRHWiASE1 Saline .. County, .
` -
(Station to Station or Location n Sec T p and Aanjte) •
N. - ':: - .-, n ,1 • • :Aare UT`s- 2 i +'1..^ y#� +Al•.., Ua i.1 rn tiit4 S rp, 1.
subject to the following conditions and restrictions:' - - ]
... - • .1ry , 7,..aes 3=.oif,¢ilr ,R.5_.J(i:n etrg ova_11 1nx(rrt. -
. - First: The Petitioner shall furnish all material;do all work„pay all cost's and-shall in a reasonable,length of time restore
;.- - c ,i T .n{..•i. xr• NI i• _ o i.
said Highway to.a riondition isimilar or e qual to that existing before commenceinent'of the described wink It is, also, under-
. .:)'• - r•Air.4 0ft ...&-.,°:,-...-N i744 3 k t i? S^-. '03 0t v i., 1 ay}...,
stood that the work▪shall bereomplcted within { 1 v 07t--- sfteerT,tthe�date;this permit isr approved,�otherwise, ,
the permit'becomes nvull and,void.,, rat-pr; <aisynr.4'xu)+. i) c 'i ,o?ac•-cf''Rr rpi?j:R in fr ariv: ir,i ' . '
• Second:, The Petitioner shall furnish-folk-copies.of plan or sketch,of the,proposed'woik, whichrshallUbe+locate'd•and -
constructed to the satisfaction of the State.Highway,Engineer,or.rhis ,duly„authorizedurepresentative5 QTlte material d con-
. struction methods used on all of the work,Withm1 the Right-of-Way li its,shallconform„to the.cuident1Standard'Specifications , C.
of the State Highway Commission of Kansas,'the attached Supplemental iSpecifications_and 1theyattacher. Plans.+ (Standard'. - -
plans for entrances,are available on application,) ' r ' NO:DEPOSIT REQ '' al i ✓ `
.r '�1 1 ' SJ4U }i, > 'P .I tt.C• t YC10 1R. -1 '
Third: A cheek, or other,suitable bond, in the amount of - • dollars.($ ' ' );amide payable to •
. the State Highway Commission.of Kansas is hereby deposited with this permit to•guarantee and insure satisfactory perform-
, :nce•of,the conditions of this permit The4Petrtioner,agrees that in case of flilure�or refusal to performdthe+work satisfactorily -
i. ....< i .,i riJAO,u,ti •t i
the State Highway Commissionsmay assts!! or ally part of the.deposit to repair or'restore said Highway.,zt.e,
- When work 'covered,by'this completed, notify the District•Supervisor, whose name is:shown on the.reverse
i rt =i n mr ra i l VI 9 i t n' e J )., r •.
- ' side of'this form,(for inspection `IE the work is satisfactorily'completed when inspection,is made'by the District Supervisor,
{ - tin „ n . o .3e b t1 e•-ionr. 40 ,
he will-notify'the I)IVision Engmeer,'aiid any unused`poition of the dejiosit will be-rehimedto.the Petitioner. -
i,• • v:The amount of the;ahoye mentioned'check.shall be determined by the schedule of•deposits:printetd`on'the reverse side..
of this form. • r , •a y!1 • T Nf,'flu i'``lxjii`o lot 1.: l,y14rt ca.i qJ(j i J.,,'b•-l[m..'Lci abnr1b'ate:'•. - ,
. - . . . :.ruv.•1)riG sr of _.
. 1 P: ; raw, r.iLt t'u•.0/u i ti .11Rt.J:i. it. a It;;t i. '.,.-.r' 3o ,,Av ) A.
{nvtdyiJ '11110 aa.) •t_xario rid' n i ac .
t. )379ti r yn«. .7-M ssrs r. _
2 •i.>.1su,.R)is Ali alt i , _,> 1 i.33t"e9 91 j .11^43 J.
1•1' )c r',q.•E:A -
Fourth: In the granting of thu;permit,the Petitioner agrees.noteto mterrfere or,obstruct traffic on said Highway, unless
. • specifically provided for on the reverse side of this permit. . ) -. .. s .:.n '
,1•1if•.. c K'11 . 1-t': . "iP t ,r4.'"71.1r-'!1 �• - .;'. .
- Fifth: The Petitioner shall not, at anytime hereafter, serve any patron while the vehicle.of said patron•is'parked on
any portion of the:State Bight-of-Way. -- - ' - •
. - Sixth:- The Petitioner; his successors or assigns, shall assume''all risk and liability for"accidents and damages,.that may
• accrue to persons or property on.account:of:this work yw- •c i- • t C-� , " --'. - _
i y r i4 -' , r v l y It/` \; .I I It _'
Seventh: That in the event the State Hikhway Commissson deems itnecessary or proper to make any alteration or im-
provement along or upon-the Highway or.Right-of-Way the Petitioner agrees to save the State Highway Commission harm-
. .-lesstfor.any damage to said Petitioner's construction along or upon the said Highway or Right-of-Way and the Petitioner
further agrees that upon notice being served upon him; he�,will; within a reasonable time, alter, change the location or move
- . : his'construction or work off.the Highway or Right-of-Way as requested by Said Commissron'_or-its duly authorized representa-
. 'five without-expenseto theCotnniission aforesaid - - . • •
Eighth Notify the District Supervisor whose name appears below before •/arring work. .
This permit is hereby.accepted and its provisions agreed to this --4-- ( 7 day of ✓ 19 t�' - -
Company a "'/ ``"`-^^- , -
1S '� r r � i t 7 :! 'r i r -•t.1 ',�. )
' - '7'.->L 4,4 '�.'1-C -+ - I < f .,.. �`\rier' iisee,ContreMbr �.
y ti� Address
Recommended: ' • • Recommended(. • /
• (District Supervisor) ` (Division Engineer)' '�-
. Address - Phone
Permit granted'this 21 day of March 1959 •
. . .
BrMaurice Martin •
. - (Director)
S f c i,, PTO?' ,q r: t' _!;. rn 1 e r r_ 9• •. .a;.•,_ 't.
_t ri• + to'', ,.,1 Irtts Y ' l '_ 40 4 -i >1;-. y..o';
.,.I] .+ Deposits.for work not set out in the�followmg.sehedule will be determined by the Division .
- . ' . Engineer Cities, townships,or counties are not required to make,,,,deposit. Contractors doing ••
work for these governmental units,must make deposits.. -
' :•rn.i... '.:.,',n '.o Excavatron.eti;n• tt a lb': b,i4' •1 4%3101'. (4'1)1'
)�,:I ,a,.yi .;, •• lc i ti:- 1', '2 .f:..'- r i i S'' .
• ,, in ,A $25 deposit is required forteach,small excavation made outside the,pavement or surfacing.)- ]- +,,: : • .
• or for boring under the pavement with an!augermot to exceed four inches in diameter. •r r.;.rip ill,w n'A-.$50 deposit is required for tunneling'under therpavement'ofisurfacing to a depth not to ' '` ' • ' 1
exceed seven feet or a width not to-exced-two feet, or'for tunneling under threntire4wiath of'�'.• "' ; . ' '
i n_C)14:-.).. -amnnsurfaced highway.,.. ,or^'', •It, vJ•t io g r-i..-u.3t se n-ii ft` ,:1.1.'1 :. ••:a•-
- -+., t- ••,,,,'A•$100 deposit is:required:for,.•trenching across-the,roadway"t.+j,matt w -;s.c. ,• • r '.�;...
r - ^'t. n. ` Ark$100 deposit is'required%for'cuttinginot to ezceedreighten4`'square-feet''oflpavement.And r "'. .
3 ••,?1 (xc lvating to a"depth nottto exceed seventfeet ar 1.S:do iii't i yo •x ss•,'4/.1 t
t For more extensive work a•larger 'deposit shall be made as determined by the Division '-
a. 3+1.). - --Engineer.— ' _::1•nna;5-. _ iffy---,ror all if(. . ar d••l'i0 . •'. _• i.^'..•Or; ,r. f f i,etp.. ;Ili Yir'']s <jrii Ur. .) Ir. `tL -f, ? r'.7 1�. a t..:•C. ) -.
Entrtinces -, r;. r .+tier•
' '" •i ' A'$`10 deposit is required for farm or house entrances not to'exceed a twenty four foot road` 1
wa %m g.- t i s 't r 1 .J i:a ty r i •c l a:4 x � 1 •_1 mt .• r• r . /i ``va i' .'
e, .h- r' e=• r if .ij •+ ia' 'i t 'r Rirr 1i S,'Li r f '(E' ti tJc t.) I.U'3 RI ' .'rb `'3. t �
A.$2o deposit is required for entrances having a roadway wider than twenty-four (24) feet r . -
or for entrances to filling stations refreshment stands or any other commercial establishment) _ AV - •
■ t r- n. y -Sidewalks r t +-;1r.c I c nil; Iv !• vd i s *,1:, 9b n f; r ..t,'n,ro : ,.,•t.,_, r •r;r,:(. 1 r t i : :•r^ ..
- No deposit is required for sidewalks-con strutted at,an •ingle of"90 degrees to.the centerline L ',it••hi • r .r•" of the roadway. , - - - •' �
. A deposit of$1 per each ten )renal feet of sidewalk is required for all sidewalks not al tight; c
• ' angles to the center line of the highway. e
. -Tree Trimming: '
A deposit of $1.for each tree to be trimmed With a minimum'deposit of•$25.