Registration & Equip License • (Make checks payable to State Board of Agriculture) . i - KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - - WEED AND PESTICIDE DIVISION STATE OFFICE. BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS -66612 • APPLICATION FOR CALENDAR YEAR 191_3 Governmental Agency Registration - . and Equipment License 1. City of Salina • (Print name of agency) 2. P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 (Address) 3. N. D. Olson , City Manager, P. 0. Box 746 , Salina , Kansas 67401 (Name and address of authorized agent) Example: Mayor, City Mgr. , Ch. of County Comm. , Twp. , Trustees, etc. 4. Equipment - Model, Make, Hp. , Size. 1) Heckendorn Sprayer for 36" mower Oberdorfer 5 gpm pump, 55 gal . 2) Sun Industries Roller Sprayer Hypro 5 .75 gpm 30 gal . 100 psi . (See additional sheet) - 5. Names of employees who may he applying for a "Public Equipment Operators -Permit". John Estes Goo ge ah41'l ps. Wilbur E. Thompson Milton Bender S:4-4-ire A- oungcrrsst -Robes-t D ekerson Claude Henry James Hill 6. Number of units of power equipment 7 at $10 each $70 . 00 ' 7. Registration fee $25.00 Total Registration Fee & Equipment License . . $ 95 ,00 8. I understand that records must be kept of all applications of pesticides and the record is to be made available to the Secretary of the State Board of-Agriculture upon request. . Date: December 5, 1972 • . . - - - Signature of Applicant — City Manager Title • . 4 . 3) Continental Boom Sprayer 6HP 1 . 4 gpm @ 35 psi 200 gallon tank ser. # 125788 . 4) Super Lark 10 Thuron 5 HP 5 gpm @ 400 psi 16 ' boom or hand gun 100 gal . tank • . . • 5) Tifa 40E Fogger 9 HP 55 gal ser. #2096 . 6) Tifa 40E Fogger 9 HP 55 gal . ser . #1830 7) Myers Sewer Cleaner- 60 HP 60 gpm/1000 'psi 1000 gal . tank • F i Application Fee and Examination Fee shall accompany this form. Checks should be made payable to State Board„of. Agriculture. KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Governmental Agency WEED AND PESTICIDE DIVISION Calendar Year 1973 STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 ( ) Aerial ) Ground APPLICATION FOR: (1 ) Public Equipment Operators Permit (2) Public Equipment Operators Exam 1 . Wilbur E. Thompson (print name of applicant) . 2. City of Salina 913 827-0221 Tprint name of governmental agency; emp1oyeT Area Code Telephone 3. P. 0. Box 746 Salina Ks . 67401 Governmental agency address City State Zip Code 4. Permit Fee $10.00 Examination Fee $10.00 TOTAL. . . . .$20.00 5. TYPE EXAM REQUESTED (X) General , Safety, & Equipment (required) (x) Herbicides , Desiccants , Defoliants , ( )) Insecticides & Plant Growth Regulators ( x) Fungicides & Nematocides ( ) Rodenticides & Predators ( Horticulture (x) ' Aquatic A Public Equipment Operator is required to take and to pass the General , Safety, and Equipment examination. An examination covering each type of pesticide to be used is likewise required. There is no penalty for requesting and taking examinations for more types than is actually used. , Applications shall be submitted at least 28 days before examination date. See your county weed control director or county extension director for details as to exam- ination dates and locations. EXAM LOCATIONS: 1st choice Salina Vo-Tech 2nd choice (applicant shall plan to attend first choice of exam location unless otherwise notified) Date: //--y'7"-” 72. 4 (signature of applicant) • Park Supb. (owner - employee - official title) Application Fee and E::anination Fee shall accompany this form: Checks should be made • payable to State Board of Agriculture.. . KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Governmental Agency . WEED AND PESTICIDE DIVISION Calendar Year 19.73 STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 ( ) Aerial . • (x) Ground . APPLICATION FOR: (1 ) Public Equipment Operators Permit • (2) Public Equipment Operators Exam • 1 : John Estes =Tint name of applicant •- • 2. City of Salina 913 823-6621 (print name of governmental agency; employees— — Area Code _-- Telephone 3. P. 0. Box 746 Salina • Kansas 67401 Governmental agencyadd;ress City State Zip Code 4. Permit Fee • $10.00 Examination Fee $10.00 TOTAL $20.00 5. • TYPE EXAM REQUESTED • (X) General , Safety, & Equipment (required) ( ) Herbicides , Desiccants , Defoliants , (x) Insectiiciides •& Plant Growth Regulators ( ) Fungicides & Nematocides ( ) Rodenticides & Predators ( ) Horticulture • ( ) Aquatic A Public Equipment Operator is required to take and to pass the General , Safety, and Equipment examination. An examination covering each type of pesticide to he used is likewise required. • There is no penalty for, requesting and taking examinations for more types than is actually used. Applications shall be submitted at least 28 days before examination date. See your . county weed control direbtor or county extension director for details as to exam- ination dates and locations. • EXAM LOCATIONS: 1st choice Salina Vo-Tech 2nd choice • • (applicant shall plan to attend first choice of exam location unless otherwise notified) • Date: /-/-/7.-1.72 - n ./ • �siynicure of` applicant) DiYctor of Services (owner - employee official title) Application Fee and Examination Fee shall accompany this form. Checks should he ir.adie• payable to State Board of Agriculture. _ . KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Governmental Agency WEED AND PESTICIDE DIVISION. . Calendar Year 1973 • STATE OFFICE BUILDING • . • TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 ( ) Aerial . . (x) Ground . APPLICATION FOR: (1 ) Public Equi pment Operators Permit - . (2) Public Equipment Operators Exam 1 . James Hill (print name of applicant) . 2. City of Salina (1-Wint name of governmental agency; employer) Area Code . Telephone 3. P . 0. Box 746 Salina Ks 67401 Governmental agency address City State lip Code 4. Permit Fee $10.00 Examination Fee $10.00 - TOTAL $20.00 5. TYPE EXAM REQUESTED (X) General , Safety, & Equipment (required) ( ) Herbicides , Desiccants , Defoliants , ( x) Insecticides & Plant Growth Regul ators ( ) Fungicides & Nematocides ( ) Rodenticides & Predators (, ) Horticulture ( ) Aquatic . A Public Equipment Operator is requi red to take and to pass the General , Safety, and Equi pment examination. An examination covering each type of pesticide to be used is likewise required. . There is no penalty for requesting and taking exami nations for more types than is actually used. / . . Applications shall be submitted at least 28 days before examination date. See your county weed control director Or. county extension director for details as to exam- ination dates and locations. EXAM LOCATIONS: 1st choice Salina Vo-Tech 2nd choice (appl i cant shall plan to attend first choice of exam location unless otherwise notified) . . Date: ,z/---7 / - 1L . I/.747cB.z. /1,..�.1 / (signature of 'aoplleant) /. .. /lrr -• Y /mil•. iJ^7� • (owrer.- employee - official title) • Application Fee and Examination Fee shall accompany this form. Checks should be made payable to State Board of Agriculture. . KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Governmental Agency WEED AND PESTICIDE DIVISION Calendar Year 19 73 . STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 , ( ) Aerial . . (X) Ground APPLICATION FOR: (1 ) Public Equipment Operators Permit . (2) Public Equipment Operators Exam 1 . Milton Bender print name of applicant . . 2. City of Salina (print name of governmental agency; employer) rea Coe Te ephone • 3. P. 0. Box 746 Salina , Ks . 67401 Governmental agency address City - State Zip Code 4. Permit Fee $10.00 Examination Fee $10.00 TOTAL $20.00 •5. TYPE EXAM REQUESTED (X) General , Safety, & Equipment (required) (X) Herbicides , Desiccants , Defoliants , (x) Insecticides & Plant Growth Regulators ( ) Fungicides & Nematocides ( ) Rodenticides & Predators • ( ) Horticulture ( ) Aquatic A Public Equipment Operator is required to take and to pass the General , Safety, and Equipment examination. An examination covering each type of pesticide to be used is likewise required. . There is no penalty for requesting and taking examinations for more types than is • actually used. Applications shall be submitted at least 28 days before examination date. See your county weed control director or county extension director for details as to exam- ination dates and locations. EXAM LOCATIONS: 1st choice Salina Vo-Tech 2nd choice ' (applicant shall plan to attend first choice of exam location unless otherwise notified) . • . Date: ;;/•_ Y 7.- .)72: ' /1/'") /2. (signature of .applicant) ' (owner - eMployee j official title) Application Fee and Examination Fee shall accompany this form. Checks should be made. payable to State Board of Agriculture. . . KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Governmental Agency WEED AND PESTICIDE DIVISION Calendar Year 19_73_ STATE OFFICE BUILDING . TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 ( ) Aerial (x) Ground . APPLICATION FOR: (1 ) Public Equipment Operators Permit (2) Public Equipment Operators Exam • • 1 . Claude Henry print name of applicant] — — 2. City of Salina sprint name of governmental agency; employer) Area Coae, Telephone 3, P. O . Box 746 Salina Ks . 67401 . Governmental agency address City . State Zip Code 4. Permit Fee $10.00 Examination Fee . $10.00 TOTAL $2.0.00 5. TYPE EXAM REQUESTED (X) General , Safety, & Equipment (required) (x) Herbicides , Desiccants , Defoliants , (x) Insecticides .& Plant Growth Regulators ( ) Fungicides & Nematocides ( ) Rodehticides & Predators (a) Horticulture . . . ( ) Aquatic . A Public Equipment Operator is required to take and to pass the General ,. Safety, and Equipment examination. An examination covering each type of pesticide to be used is likewise required. . . . There is no penalty for, requesting and taking examinations for more types than is actually used. . Applications shall be submitted at least 28 days before examination date. See your county weed control direttor or county extension director for details as to exam- ination dates and locations . EXAM LOCATIONS: 1st choice Salina Vo—Tech 2nd choice (applicant shall plan to attend first choice of exam location unless otherwise . notified) . . . .. . . Date: //— % 7 -- 7J. j -(signature of applicant) . j (owner employee 7 of9c al title) .