F-12 Vac Delaware AvenueOctober 12, 1976 TO: F ROM: SUBJECT: Norris Olson, City Manager Dean Boyer, City Engineer Petition Number 3589 - filed by Joe Mendicina, President of Park Limited, requesting the vacation of the east five feet (5') of Delaware Avenue from Iron Avenue to Stapler Aw~nue; the north five feet (5') of Stapler Avenue from Delaware Avenue to Indiana Avenue and the west five feet (5') of Indiana Avenue from Iron Avenue to Stapler Avenue. The above request for vacation of the east five feet (5') of right-of-way on Delaware Avenue from Iron Avenue to Stapler Avenue is for the purpose of eliminating a parking problem with the present development on the southeast quadrant of the Iron Avenue and Delaware Avenue intersection. We feel it is reasonable to vacate this part of the City's right-of-way and recommend that we do so. We do not recommend vacation of right-of-way on Stapler Avenue or Indiana Avenue as future development in the area may dictate a need for the existing right-of-way. Respectfully submitted, DB :YIKP Dean Boyer ENC: (2) PETITION NUMBER TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body~ to vacate ~he east £ive (5) £eet o£ Delaware Ave. £rom Iron Ave. to Stapler Ave., And the North £ive of Stapler Ave. From Delaware Ave. to Indiana Ave., And the West five (5) of Indiana Ave. from Iron Ave to Stapler. Respectfully submitted by: / J'O~ ~NDICINA, President Te]eph0ne Number: 827 96~ NAME PETITION NO. 5589 70' Requested Vacation 'tO' IRON Existing 70' R/W 5d 2 ~ ~ : 16 uJ '~ 18 I00' STAPLER 175' I0 12 2O 4 21 50' 5 9 II 13 22 50' 6 175' 15 17 19 50' ..,,--SI Existinq 70' R/W Z I00' :~ AVE. -'~ 70' [' I 70' r !