Setoff Addendums 2015 Addendum This addendum shall become effective January 1, 2015,1and replaces the FEES section of the Setoff "AGREEMENT—MUNICIPAL (Rev1-2012)". Setoff will no longer charge the CACOLLECT fee. Agencies will have the option to select Addition, Reduction, or Bankruptcy when changing the account balance. As a result, we are increasing the'collection fee from 18.4% to 19% for all future debts collected. An additional 5%will still be charged when research is required. Please sign the agreement below and scan back to maria.inskeep @da.ks.gov. Please contact Maria Swinger-lnskeep with questions regarding this change, rnaria.inskeep@da.ks.gov, 785-296- 8162. The new agreement is as follows: FEES The State shall be entitled to a 19%collection fee for all monies collected on Municipality debts submitted by computer tape or other electronic medium acceptable to the State, with accompanying social security numbers (SSNs) or employer identification numbers (EINs). The State shall be entitled to a 24% collection fee for all monies collected on Municipality debts submitted on paper, or without accompanying SSNs or EINs, or both. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum as written above. By: J7 1 Doug Cra' ,�Setoff T m Lead Municipality` sditiit6 gia,1 By: (yt�4148--■ Creditor Agency Number: