1964 8580th Air Force reserve Recovery Group Agreement HEADQUARTERS 8580TH AIR FORCE RESERVE RECOVERY GROUP UNTIED STATES AIR FORCE 82G West Second Street Wichita, Kansas 67203 REPLY TO ATTN OF: murcE 22 June 1964 SUBJECT: Letter Permit TO: Salina Memorial Hall Board Salina, Kansas 1. Attached is the original and eight (8) copies of a letter permit between the Salina Kansas Memorial Hall Board and the 9728th Air Reserve Squadron for your consideration and approval. 2. The attached format is basicly the same as the present letter permit in affect with the 9534th Air Force Reserve Squadron dated 14 September 1961 (copy attached) . 3. The present Air Force Reserve Unit will be changed from a Recovery Squadron to an Air Reserve Squadron as of 1 July 1964, and we would like to void the above letter permit as of that date. 4. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact this headquarters. 5. If the attached Letter Permit is acceptable, please sign all copies and return the original and seven (7) copies to this headquarters in the enclosed envelope. FOR THE COMMANDER MORRIS R. PERKINS 3 Atchs Major, AFRes 1. Letter Permit (9 copies) Civil Engineer 2. Copy Existing Letter Permit Officer 3. Self Addressed Envelope r • HEADQUARTERS 8580TH AIR FORCE'REbJRVE RECOVERY GROUP UNITED STATES AIR FORCE 820 West Second Street Wichita, Kansas 67203 Letter Permit 1 July 1964 LLColcnol. Rapt lick NAME: 972Rth Air RegArvn &Tindrnn (Name of Commanding Officer and Unit) Salina XAnnns (City) Permission is hereby granted to the 9728th Air Reserve Sgnadrm1 offides Cu 2nd & 3rd flaws, east aide, plus to use other public areas in Mctorial Hall for training (Insert brief description of space and location) activities relating to the Air Force Reserve mission. The use of the afore- mentioned premises is s.�aJ t% 1/ ( ` 6j Insert specific days, if Iai wn) or between (Insert hours) • The Salina Kansas an:Er el H& NEMIt- .c. , .i -/ 410:b (Signature of 'ermit er)