1970-1971 Misc. Correspondances115 Progress Parkway
a. Maryland Heighh, Missouri 63042
April 24, 1970
Mr. Ron Webster
Water Department
Building Commissioner's Office
300 West Ash Street
Salina, Kansas 67401
Dear Mr. Webster:
We are in the process of doing some preliminary design work
for a proposed 252,000 square foot warehouse, office and
service facility in the industrial development at Water
Wells Road, Salina, Kansas. We would appreciate your help
in obtaining any information available on flow test results
or the amount of flow available (in gpm) in the 24" water
main along Water Wells Road. We are trying to determine
if the flow at that point is sufficient to serve the sprinkler
system and satisfy the insuring agency for this project. The
site we are speaking of, as I understand it, is directly across
from the Westinghouse Plant.
I would also like clarification on a sanitation problem. We
will have a lunchroom facility in the building which will
include a hand sink, a double -bowl sink and a small domestic
type dishwasher for washing glassware. We understand we are
to design our plumbing system based on the Uniform Plumbing
Code which states that a grease trap should be installed in
a kitchen or lunchroom facility if the local authority judges
that it is required.
I do not feel that there will be a large amount of on-site
cooking or grease problems however I am asking for your local
interpretation as to whether or not a grease trap is necessary
on "his"double`bowl sink:
Your prompt attention to this inquiry would be most appreciated
as we are trying to complete design work on our drawings for
release for bidding on May 4, 1970. Upon completion of our
plumbing design we will forward to your office a set of the
mechanical plans for your information and review.
CC: Mr. Mel Disnev
Mr. Mark Viets
Very truly yours,
Jack R. Tennill, P.E.
from the desk of
In reply to the question concerning the warehoue-
on the !,.'ells Road across from the l5'estinghouse.
If this structure is being connected to the City
water supply i* will have to comply with all
of our plumbing ordaninces. Permite, inspections
ett,. As to the grease trap. it will not have
to havd one if there is not to be any amount
of cooking or dishwashing that will create a
great amount of grease. It has been our policy
in the past to look at each and all such
places on their own pians. If at the time of
review of the plans we can ascertain that the
amount of grease is insufficient to create a
problen to our satisfaction then the grease
trap can be deleted. We do like to do this an an
individual basis so thatway we feel that we
can control things better.
May 12, 1970
Mr. Norris Olson
City Manager
Salina, Kansas
Dear Mr. Olson:
As we discussed this morning, Western Auto Supply Company
is in the process of acquiring real estate adjacent north
of Water Well Road and building a warehouse distribution
center of approximately 240,000 square feet with office
and service facilities and desire to make sewer connections
at the presently existing 12 inch sanitary sewer and to
make a 12 inch water connection at the existing 24 inch
line at the nearest points to our facility.
We desire that you issue a written confirmation and ap-
proval of this request at your earliest convenience, and
include connection fees applicable thereto.
Very truly yours,
July 14, 1971
TO: Norris D. Olson, City Manager
1". E. Harris, Director of Administration
FROM: H.J. McCabe, Director of Safety
SUBJECT: Attached letters from Mr. Walter Bennett of the ADP Company
Letter dated July 12, 1971 -relative to Western Auto Supply Company
1. Tris new facility is outside -city.
2. ;;astern Auto requires written approval, from City of Salina, that we will allow
the automatic alarms (Burglar, Fire and Sprinkler) to be tied into our S.O.C.
However, I propose (if such approval is granted) that the ADP panels, for these
and other such alarm connections, be placed in the wall cabinet (located in the
Desk Sgt, area -1st: floor of Police Administration Bldg.).
Burglar Alarm, for Western Auto
Facility, being outside -city, our Police Dispatcher would receive the alarm and
merely pass the information to the Sheriff Dent. for necessary action.
Fire Alarm, for Western Auto
Should they contract, for such service, the Dispatcher would alert F.D.
Until such contract is forthcoming, the Dispatcher would contact Assaria Fire
Department (the Rural Fire District Fire Dept.).
Sprinkler Supervisory Service Alarm-iestern Auto
The same would 'hold true, as the fire alarm, except vie would also require the
telephone numbers of those servicemen (as would be indicated by Western Auto
and .ADT) who would take care of the system (check out trouble, re -set system,
3. For the above "alarm receiving service" (the Sprinkler Supervisory Service
Alarm), the City of Salina would receive $25.00 per month.
Letter dated July 12, 1971 -relative to ADT Burglar Alarm Panel
1. ADT will install a panel, which will accomodate future Burglar Alarm subscrib-
ers (plus, allowing the burglar alarms that are presently wired in to the con-
sole to be moved) in the wall cabinet, located in the Desk Sgt. area. This
panel will be strictly BURGLAR AL4RIM. Total cost to be ,$876.58
This will alloy; all burglar alarms, regardless of manufacturer, to be located
in one panel, rather than in the'console_and panel (console downstairs and
panel upstairs).
2. Balance of letter explains other matters, pertinent to present and f tore .
Mr. Bennett will come to Salina, date and time established by us, to more fully
explain these two letters. At your convenience, I will cortact him.
Attachments (2) H.J. '.icCabe Director o: Safety
August 26, 1971
TO: Wm. E. Harris, Director of Administration
FROM: H.J. McCabe, Director of Safety
SUBJECT: Western Auto Warehouse
A.D.T. proposal, relative to automatic devices (Fire Detection, Burglar
Alarm, Sprinkler Supervisory System)
After talking to you, relative to your receipt of the telephone call from K.C.,
I telephoned A.D.T.-Wichita, Kansas. I talked to Walter Bennett, the gentleman
we had the meeting with, and advised him of the "Contract" that had been signed
and in the possession of Western Auto legal department. This, relative to the
Rural Fire Protection Contract. I also advised Mr. Bennett that the proposal,
for sprinkler supervisory "Contract" would be presented to our City Commission
next Monday (8/30/71) and we could 'then contact him (Bennett) and advise him
of City of Salina decision as quickly as possible.
Mr. Walter L. Bennett
Wichita, Kansas
Area Code 316
Office Phone Number 267-3335
I have talked to Mr. Olson and requested vacation time, commencing next week.
He indicated O.K.
I will be back to work September 7th. -1971 (I plan to leave town Saturday, August
28, 1971).
cc: City Manager