1971-1988 Corresspondances From Western AutoWESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 1107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64106 April 23, 1971 The Honorable Robert Caldwell N,ayor of Salina, Kansas City -County Building Salina, Kansas Re: Western Auto Distribution Center Northeast Corner Waterwell Road and U. S. Highway 81 Salina, Kansas Sir: In connection with the construction of our Distribution Center in your City at the above location, Dir. Webster, the Director of Public Utilities, has submitted to our company a Water Connection Agreement. This Agreement has been reviewed by our Vice President and General Counsel and we feel that Paragraph 11 of the Agreement is an unreasonable provision since we would be waiving all of our rights at this time and the future in connection with this provision. In selecting your City for our Distribution Center we did not ask or request any concessions from the city which normally are requested by firms constructing facilities of the size and type that we are constructing. In view of the above, we feel that this provision is unfair and would appreciate the opportunity of discussing this matter at the earliest possible date with your City Commissioners. We would appreciate hearing from you by return mail on this matter. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY Ji I. L. Fuller, Manager Real Estate Department ILF:jd cc: Clarence E. Chase WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64105 April 23, 1971 The Honorable Robert Caldwell Mayor of Salina, Kansas City -County Building_ Salina, Kansas Re: Western Auto Distribution Center Northeast Corner Waterwell Road and U. S. Highway 81 Salina, Kansas Sir: y In connection with the construction of our Distribution Center in your City at the above location, DLr. Webster, the Director of Public Utilities, has submitted to our company a I -later Connection Agreement. This Agreement has been reviewed by our Vice President and General Counsel and we feel that Paragraph 11 of the Agreement is an unreasonable provision since we would be waiving all of our rights at this time and the future in connection with this provision. In selecting your City for our Distribution Center ere did not ask or request any concessions from the city which normally are requested by firms constructing facilities of the size and type that we are constructing. In view of the above, we feel that this provision is unfair and would appreciate the opportunity of discussing this matter at the earliest possible date with your City Con,.*nissioners. We would appreciate hearing from you by return mail on this matter. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY i` C/ �J ,A (ler, 12. i. I. L.. F zller, Manager Real Estate Department ILF:jd cc: Clarence E. Chase WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108 May 5, 1971 Mr. Ron Webster Director of Utilities City of Salina City -County Building P. 0. Box 1307 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: dater Connection Agreement Western Auto Distribution Center Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Webster: As you requested in your letter of April 13 to Mr. John Hardie, Manager of our Engineering Department, we are enclosing two copies of the F7ater Connection Agreement properly signed by our company. This agreement is for water and sewer service to serve our Distribution Center located at Water Well Road and U.S. Highway 81 in your community. You will note that we have deleted Paragraph 11 from this agreement as it is against our company's policy to waive rights of this nature. With reference to the payment that we are.'o make for this connection of $100 an acre, we will make this payment based on the acreage that was necessary to accommodate this Distribution Center and its expansion. This involved 26.64 acres. As you know, the remaining acreage consisted of portions of the public road and other property necessary to reach the Distribution Center by rail. We do not believe it is fair and reasonable to expect our company to pay the sum of $100 an acre for this portion of the property which is not needed in connection with this facility. It is our understanding that with this signed agreement you will immediately issue the necessary permit to the Law Construction Company for the construction of the water tap and the final hookup of the water main. We are sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Carrol Littlejohn of the Lair Construction Company and he will be in touch with you shortly to obtain the permit so that they may proceed with the construction of this building. We would appreciate receiving one copy of the enclosed agreement as soon as it has been signed by your office. Very truly yours, '•TERjN AUTO SUPPLY CC -iRuIY IN- ILF: jd I L. `Fuller, Manager cc: Carrol Littlejohn Real Estate Department .Totten HarAia_ Claranno Cnn,o J0�A'-/ o�r� 0'- o E N AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 2107 GRAND AVENUE _ KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108 June 8, 1971 Dir. Ron Webster Director of Utilities City of Salina P. 0. Box 1307 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: N.E. Corner U.S. Highway 81 and i•iaterwell Road Saline County, Kansas Dear Mr. Webster: This letter will serve to confirm my phone ca -11 today concerning your letter of May 14, 1971 and the Fater Connection Agreement dated May 5, 1971 between the City of Salina, Kansas and Beneficial Centers, Inc. on the property referenced above. As you have indicated, Beneficial Centers, Inc. is required to pay $100 per acre to connect to the city Tater ;system. Of the 38.62 acres owned by our company, 36.63 acres remains after the deletion of that portion of the County Road right-of-way adjoining our property. We are therefore enclosing Beneficial Centers, Inc. Check No. 1355 1 in the amount of $3,663.00 in payment of this charge. j 1 We trust this will conclude the matter to your satisfaction. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY K. L. Macrorie P `E Real Estate Department K12-1: jd 1 a Enc. ` i; '✓ -I l U 1 f ` ELECTRIC PROTECT/ON SERVICES A M E R I C A N DISTRICT.T E L E G .R A P H COMPANY 431 North Washington Street, Wichita, KS 67202 Phone ANIherst 7-3335 Juty 12, 1971 MA. H.J. McCabe NAectoA o6 Sa6ety City o6 Satina 300 West Ash Sa.Cina, Kansas 67401 Dean Uk. McCabe: The Wes.tenn Auto Supply Company. w.i shes .to eon.tAaet bon BuAg2un AYnhm, Fi., e A2ahm, and SpAinkteA Supenv.i my Sehvdee 6oA .the new waAehouse .in Satina. Because .they ane pAeseniCy outh.ide .the city tijuts and have no contAaet a1 yet 6oA 6dAe p) otecti-on, we wish to obtain spec i,aC peAmi ss.ion .to connect .the BuAg2aA and Fine Ataan SeAv.iee .into .the City Di6patcheL's 066ice. A2ho, peAmission 16 Requested .to connect .the Sphinkteh Supehv.isoay Senv.ice into .the same Location, a,5 no peace exi,5t6 that w.it2 accept .these connection..,. The noAmat bee is $5.00 peA month peA connection. This seAvi,ee woutd mean $25.00 peA month .income .to .the city 06 Satina should pvvn.iss.ion be gAan.ted and Wutuuui Auto contAact 6oA .th,i6.6e2v.ice. Weztean Auto AequlAed .that written appnovat 6nom .the city be submitted along with the contAucth. YoUU to ty, AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH COMPANY WaCteA L. Bennett Sates Rephesentative WLB/sw Avl oma tic and Manual Fire Alarms • Automatic Sprinkler Supervision • Watchman and Guard Supervision Heating and Industrial process Supervision • Burglar Alarm, • Security Alarm Systems • Holdup Atorms WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 7107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 64108 August 27, 1971 Mr. Norris Olson, City Manager City of Salina Post Office Box 1307 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Western Auto Distribution Center Water Wells Road Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Olson: We wish to advise that the construction of our distribution center facility on the northeast corner of Water Wells Road and U. S. Highway 81 in Saline County, Kansas is progressing satisfactorily and a completion date of Octo- ber 1, 1971 has been established. In connection with our occupancy of this facility, we are desirous of entering into an agreement with the City of Salina for fire protection as the city is authorized to extend outside its city limits. We have used your standard form of agreement and have enclosed three copies of same which have been been properly signed by our company. You will note the commencement date of the first annual term is October 1, 1971 and ending September 30, 1972, continuing year to year thereafter. We trust that you will find this document satisfactory and in a form identical to your standard agreement. We would appreciate your executing this agreement and look forward to receiving at your earliest convenience one copy for our file. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY K. L. Macrorie KLM:wm Real Estate Department enclosure WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 7107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108 October 19, 1971 City Clerk City of Salina Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement Dated September 27, 1971 Dear Sir: Find attached our check in the amount of $6,183.00 in payment of the initial statement for outside fire protection service at our Distribution Center located on Water Wells Road, Salina, Kansas, for the year ending Sep- tember 30, 1972. This payment is made pursuant to your statement and Mr. Norris D. Olson's letter of September 27, 1971. Yours very truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY BY: UlJ}r�l/ W. J. Kelly, Jr. Insurance Department WJK/js Enc. estern uto ...We fm8y sw" WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. 64108 June 7, 1972 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0, Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement Dated September 27, 1971 Dear Sir: Find attached our check in the amount of $1,657.56 in payment of additional outside fire protection fees for the year ending September 30, 1972, in accordance with your statement dated May 25, 1972. WJK/ewh Art. PT 52 Yours very truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY MPANY BY / W. J. elly, Jr. Insurance Department %es Bm uto ...the fumy store WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. 64108 September 1, 1972 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement Dated September 27, 1971 Dear Sir: Please forward your statement for the outside fire protection fee due in connection with the above contract for the year ending September 30, 1973 for our Distribution Center/located at R. R. #3 Water Wells Road, Salina, Kansas. WJK/ewh PT 5200 Yours very truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPL COMPANY BY )-V 1 �. W. J.t'Kelly, Insurance Department C✓�-a�._�-i,� Uo-1...,e-l.-,�---nt-mac �.Xa..l�l a17 9vSw v3v,vv5.ru 7( 11•L1 = X653.06 eI uto ..the (wily score WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. 64108 September 12, 1972 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement Dated September 27, 1971 Dear Sir: Find attached our check in the amount of $7,683.06, in payment of the Outside Fire Protection Fee for the year ending September 30, 1973, in accordance with your statement dated September 6, 1972, Please forward a receipt covering this payment to my attention at 2107 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. WJK/ewh Att. PT SS. Yours very truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPI, .COMPANY W. J. Kelly, Jr. Insurance Department N tern uto ..0e femdy stare City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas Dear Sir: WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY. MO. 64108 67401 September 6, 1973 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement Dated September 27, 1971 Please forward your statement for the outside fire protection fee due in connection with the above contract for the year ending Septem- ber 30, 1974 for our Distribution Center located at R. R. #3 Water Wells Road, Salina, Kansas. Yours very truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY C ANY BY: �L W. J. Kelly, Jr. Insurance Department WJK/ewh 9rutmo ' ...0e family St . PT 52o WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY. MO. 64108 November 1, 1974 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement Dated September 27, 1971 Dear Sir: We would greatly appreciate your sending to us at your earliest convenience a bill covering Outside Fire Protection for the period from October 1, 1974 to September 30, 1975. If this bill has already been paid, we ask that you kindly advise the undersigned of this fact, showing the assessed valuations, the rate, and the amount paid. RSF/ewh Thank you very much for your help and cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY BY: R. S. Frohock Insurance Department %uto _0e family score City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas Dear Sir: WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY. MO. 64108 67401 November 14, 1974 Re: Rural Fire Protection Agreement Dated September 27, 1971 Enclosed herewith is our check in the amount of $11,203.88 in payment of the fee for rural fire protection for the period from October 1, 1974 to September 30, 1975 per your statement dated November 4, 1974. Please send a receipt for this payment to the attention of the undersigned at 2107 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Yours truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY BY: //(�" �- ? Y'Ie"I' R. S. Frohock Insurance Department RSF/ct Enc. City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas Dear Sir: WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY. MO. 64108 67401 September 19, 1975 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement dated September 27, 1971 We would greatly appreciate your sending to us at your earliest conven- ience a bill covering outside fire protection for the period from October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976. Thank you very much for your help and cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY / BY: O S.r�ccr�L— ///1 R. S. Frohock Insurance Department RSF/ewh %Ultmo ...the r.moy :mrc WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY. MO. 64108 September 26, 1975 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is our check in the amount of $13,639.12 in payment of the fee for Rural Fire Protection for the period from October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976, per your statement dated September 24, 1975. Please send a receipt for this payment to the attention of the undersigned at 2107 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Yours very truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY By: /(' • e'-, 4 '/c__ R. S. Frohock Insurance Department RSF:bm Encl. gritron .-the f flyswrc WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. 64108 December 16, 1975 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0, Bos 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: On September 26, 1975, we forwarded to your our check in the amount of $13,639.12 in payment of rural fire protection for our distri- bution center on Water Wells Road, Salina, for the period from October 11 1975 to September 30, 1976. This amount was based on assessed values as shown on your bill dated September 24, 1975, as follows: Assessed value - Real Estate $698,160.00 Assessed value - Personal Property 451,850.00 $1,150,010.00 Rate per $1,000 11.86 Fee Originally -Charged $ 13,639.12 Our personal.property assessment has been reduced from $451,850.00 to $243,475.00, a reduction of $208,375.00. It therefore appears that we are entitled to a refund of $2,471.33 which is $208,375.00 times the rate of $11.86 per $1,000.00. We will be pleased to receive your refund check at an early date. RSF:bm 1T 'S. 59 Yours very truly, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY By: ' R. S. Frohock Insurance Department �estern uto WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. 64108 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: October 19, 1976 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement dated 9-27-71 On September 23, 1976, we wrote to you as follows: "We would greatly appreciate your sending to us at your earliest convenience a bill covering Outside Fire Protection for our Distribution Center on Water Well Road for the period from October 1, 1976 to September 30, 1977. "In this connection, we wish respectfully to remind you that we have a carry-over credit from last year in the amount of $2,471.33. This credit was the subject of your letter dated December 22, 1975, a copy of which is enclosed herewith. RSF/ewh "Thank you for your help and cooperation in this matter." At the present time, we have not received the requested bill. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY /J By: .F� /' R. S. Frohock Insurance Department % 3, 1" 9&�tmo _.We fuu17 SWM WESTERN AUTO THE FAMILY STORE AND CATALOG ORDER CENTER GENERAL OFFICES: 2107 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. 64108 November 3, 1976 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is our check in the amount of $9,067.40 in payment of the fee for rural fire protection for the period from October 1, 1976 to September 30, 1977 per your statement dated October 21, 1976. Very truly yours, FIESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY By: ,f AU - R. S. Frohock Insurance Department RSF/ewh Enc. 1; •GENERAL OFFICES* wr*-UrJKn aviv � w 2107 GRANO AVENUE. KANSAS CITY, MO. 64106 September 21, 1978 City Clerk City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement dated September 27, 1971 Dear Sir: We would greatly appreciate your sending to us at.your earliest con- venience a bill covering outside fire protection for our Distribution Center on Water Wells Road for the period from October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY By: RSF/ewh R. S. Frohock Insurance Department PT 5200 (REV. 8/75) *GENERAL OFFICES• WESTERN AUTO w 2107 GRAND AVENUE. KANSAS CITY, MO. 64108 September 29, 1978 City Clerk City of Salina P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Outside Fire Protection Agreement dated September 27, 1971 Dear Sir: Enclosed herewith is our check in the amount of $14,836.83 - in—payment—of-the--fee—for—rural--£-ire-•protection-for—the_period_£rom__ October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979 per your statement dated September 26, 1978. Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY By: ,C. '5- R. R. S. Frohock Insurance Department RSF/ct_ Enc: PT 5200 (REV. 8/75) k^- WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 2107 GRAND AVENUE, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64108 r -1 City of Salina City Clerk's Office Date Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 L J Gentlemen: Sept. "'®, 1988 Enclosed herein is (are) the following: Type of tax Contract for Fire Prevention Outside the City Limits of Salina, Ks. Amount of check, if any $25,000.00 For period October 1, 1988 through September 30, 1989 Location of branch(es) Outside City Limits of Salina, Ks. Salina Dist. Ctr. Number of forms enclosed One Send receipt to The Undersigned If- a check -is enclosed, please send a receipt therefor to the attention of the undersigned at 2107 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, 64108. All correspondence regarding the enclosure(s) should be directed to the attention of the undersigned. Encl. FORM 67-2231 Very truly yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY CTJ-DPf went