6.1 Minutes 06-23-2014CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 23, 2014 4:00 p.m. The City Commission convened at 3:00 p.m. fo r Budget: Outside Agency-Public Transportation and at 3:45 p.m. for Citizens Forum. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room 107, City-County Building. Roll call was taken followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Those present and comprising a quorum: Mayo r Aaron Householter (presiding), Commissioners Jon R. Blanchard, Kaye J. Crawford, Rand all R. Hardy, and Barbara V. Shirley. Also present: Jason A. Gage, City Manager; Mi chael D. Schrage, Deputy City Manager; Greg Bengtson, City Attorney; and Shandi Wicks, City Clerk. A P WARDS AND ROCLAMATIONS None. C F ITIZEN ORUM Norman Mannel, 7532 W. Pleasant Hill Road, asked if anyone has a have bypassed Salina and Saline County why they did not locate i Householter responded. P H I S C T UBLIC EARINGS AND TEMS CHEDULED FOR A ERTAIN IME None. C A ONSENT GENDA (6.1)Approve minutes of June 16, 2014. (6.2)Authorize the purchase of three (3) police pack age vehicles from Long McArthur Ford in the amount of $80,877 and the purchase/installa tion of equipment from KA-Comm Inc. in the amount of $26,700. (6.3)Authorize the purchase of twenty-five (25) a dditional AXON Flex and Body Cameras, four docking stations, and the five (5) year vi deo evidence storage commitment from Taser International in the amount of $98,941.31. (6.4)Resolution No. 14-7117 authorizing an agreem ent with USD #305 assigning three uniform law enforcement officers to serve in the School Resource Officer program. 14-0180 Moved by Commissioner Hardy, seconded by Commissioner Crawford, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. A DMINISTRATION (7.1)Award of contract for the Salina Levee Project, Project No. 13-2 Dan Stack, City Engineer, explained the proj ect, bids received, flood plain remapping timeline and recommended action. Page 1 Commissioner Hardy asked if in the future the river flow within the city would increase would the requirement of updating the fl ood plain mapping be needed. Mr. Stack responded. 14-0181 Moved by Commissioner Crawford, seconded by Commissioner Shirley, to award the Salina Levee Project, Project No. 13-2998 to T & R Dirt Constr uction, in an amount not to exceed $208,584.75 which includes a contingency of $10,000. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). (7.2) Resolution No. 14-7116 authorizing the Mayor to execute an OwnerÔs Representative Agreement with FREW Development, LLC (ÑFREWÒ), setting forth the conditions relating to FREWÔs proposed ow nerÔs representative services for the Salina Bicentennial Center and Fire Station No. 1 Renovations. Dion Louthan, Director of Parks & Recreation, explained the request for qualifications received, selection process, Fire Department project, the propos recommended action. Commissioner Blanchard thanked staff for all th e hard work on the project and asked if both renovations will be completed within the same twelve month time period. Jason Gage, City Manager, responded. Commissioner Blanchard asked if the ownerÔs re presentative would be available for the pre-construction needs and if the ownerÔs repr esentative would take the pressure off the Fire Chief for the remainder of the proj ect. Mr. Gage & Mr. Louthan responded. 14-0182 Moved by Commissioner Blanchard, seconded by Commissioner Hardy, to adopt Resolution No. 14-7116, authorizing the Mayor to execute the Ag reement with FREW Development, LLC. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.3) Approval of grant fund allocations for the 2014 Kansas Emergency Solutions Grant from the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation. Gary Hobbie, Director of Development Services, explained the grant and allocations to the Ashby House ($37,600), DVACK ($31,500), and the City of Salina ( Commissioner Crawford asked if there were addi tional agencies that applied. Mr. Hobbie responded. Commissioner Blanchard asked why the Emerge ncy Aid Food Bank did not meet the scoring threshold. Mr. Hobbie responded. A conversation ensued between Commissi oner Blanchard, Commi ssioner Crawford, Commissioner Hardy, Mr. Hobbie and Mr. Schr age regarding the assistance available for completing the grant application, the lack of agencies applying, changes in the fund requirements, allocation of funds and if staff has reviewed the program with other cities in Kansas. 14-0183 Moved by Commissioner Blanchard, seconded by Commissioner Shirley, to authorize the grant fund allocations for the 2014/2015 Kansas Emergenc y Solutions Grant as presented . Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.4) Second reading Ordinance No. 14-10739 amending Chapters 5 and 35 amending Sections 5-25, 35-36, 35-40.2 and esta blishing Chapter 35, Article XII, to address Page 2 placement of certain items on the public side walk in the C-4 Central Business District and to govern sidewalk dining in the Lee District. (7.4a) Resolution No. 14-7111 providing fo r the related administrative regulations. Jason Gage, City Manager, explained the ordi nance and resolution changes between first and second readings. Commissioner Blanchard asked if the changes to the administrative regulations are significant to address. Greg Bengtson, City Attorney, explained the ordinance changes, administrative regulation changes, and the placement of certain items, sp ecifically outdoor furniture, within the Lee District. Dean Andrew, Director of Planning, provided additional information regarding placement of certain items within the Lee Dist rict, including outdoor furniture. Commissioner Blanchard wo uld like the businesses that do not currently serve alcohol to continue to place items, including outdoor fu rniture, outside of their business within the Lee District. Commissioner Crawford agreed. Commissioner Hardy asked about the outdoor fu rniture and signs as part of a sidewalk café license agreement. Mr. Andrew responded. Mr. Bengtson asked if there are additional it ems, besides the outdoor furniture that can only be outside during business hours. Th e City Commission unanimously voted to include signs along with outdoor furniture. Mr. Bengtson noted the discussi on during first reading regarding the complete enclosing of the outside dining area. Jake Peterson, Clark, Mize & Linville, provid ed additional information received from the State of Kansas Alcohol Beverage Control re garding the enclosing of the outside dining areas and the amendment within the ordinanc e to reflect the information obtained. 14-0184 Moved by Commissioner Hardy, seconded by Commissioner Blanchard, to adopt Ordinance No. 14-10739 on second reading as amended. A roll call vote was tak Hardy, Shirley, Householter. Nay: (0). Motion carried. 14-0185 Moved by Commissioner Hardy, seconded by Commissioner Shirley, to adopt Resolution No. 14- 7111 as amended. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. D B EVELOPMENT USINESS None. O B THER USINESS Commissioner Hardy noted the recent bicycle a ccidents in the community and would like to dedicate more money from the street maintenance fund for the nex develop the hike and bike trails within the ci ty. Commissioner Hardy also noted the need for additional signage within the community raisin g awareness to hiking and biking. Mr. Gage responded. Page 3 Mayor Householter asked if we still have a bicycle helmet progra society of youth riding bicycles now compared to in the past and the need to develop outreach for youth bicycling in the city and the health as pect of bicycling. Mr. Gage responded. Commissioner Blanchard felt that th e City Commission has been work ing on the addition to bike routes within the projects coming up in the fu ture. Commissioner Blanchard noted the work by the Planning Commission on the street bike route plan. Mr. Andrew responded. Commissioner Hardy noted that bike lanes us ed to be on Marymount Road and have now disappeared. Mr. Andrew responded. Melissa Hodges with Salina Downtown, Inc. note d a bicycle advocacy group that discusses accessory bike routes, that meets periodically within the City a route to school program. Commissioner Crawford recently vi sited Access TV and would like to thank Access TV for all their hard work. Mr. Gage did not think the City would be able to get dedicated bicycle routes done in a quick time frame but did provide options for funding of th e continued development of the hike and bike trails. A conversation ensued between the City Commission and Mr. Gage regarding the statistics of the number of bicycle accidents within the community and public health and safety. Commissioner Shirley noted a conflict in her schedule to be the liaison on the Building Authority Board and would like to trade boards with another commissioner. Co mmissioner Blanchard is willing to take the Building Authority Board liais on appointment role. Mr. Gage responded. Mayor Householter noted the steering committee that is held at Philips Lighting and that it seems weird that the past Mayor and current Mayor ar e on the steering committee and not the current Mayor and vice-mayor. Mr. Gage responded. (9.1)Request for executive session. 14-0186 Moved by Commissioner Crawford, seconded by Commissioner Shirley, to recess into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss wi th legal counsel matters subject to the attorney-client privilege for the reason that public discussion of thos e matters would waive the privilege and adversely affect the CityÔs interest in the matters and reconvene at 5:25 The City Commission recessed into executive se ssion at 5:10 p.m. and reconvened at 5:25 p.m. No action was taken. A DJOURNMENT 14-0187 Moved by Commissioner Hardy, seconded by Commissioner Blanchard, that the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners be adjourned. Aye: (5). Nay meeting adjourned at 5:25p.m. [SEAL] Aaron K. Householter, Mayor ATTEST: Shandi Wicks, CMC, City Clerk Page 4