Advertising Billboards r RESOLUTION NUMBER.1875 LEASE AGREEMENT This lease agreement made and entered into this day of ui sl , 1957, by and between THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a m unicipal corporation , hereinafter referred to as the Lessor, an' of Salina , Kansas , hereinafter referred to as the Lessee , WITNESSETH: The Lessor does by this agreement hereby lease and demise unto the Lessee the north two feet of the following described property , to-wit : South Forty feet (540.1. ) of Lot Ninety Seven (97 ) and the North Half (Ni) of Lot Ninety Nine (99 ) on Seventh Street in the original town of Salina, Kansas for a term of one year beginning on the 1st day of August , 1957, a d terminating on the 31st day of July, 1958 , for the uses and purpos :s hereinafter specified , at a yearly rental of $100. 00 per annum payable in advance. It is mutually agreed between the parties hereto as follo s : 1 . The Lessee shall have the option to extend this lease from year to year upon the same terms and conditions as herein set forth, however after five years from the date hereof the yearly rental shall be subject to adjustment by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. 2. She Lessee shall have the right to install advertising bill boards on said leased premises and to affix thereto and main- tain and/or illuminate painted and/or electrical advertising signs of all kinds and that the signs , structures and equipment placed upon the said premises by the Lessee shall remain the property of and may be removed by the Lessee at any time prior to the expira- tion of this lease or any extention thereof. 3. In no event _shall said signs or bill boards extend beyond the parking meters now located on the northside of the abov, described premises. r 4. Lessee covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harm- less the Lessor against all loss , costs or damages from any and all claims and suits or other actions on account of injury 'to persons or property which might arise out of the Lessee 's erecting, painti .g, operating and maintaining of said signs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE parties have hereunto set their hands the day and year first above written. CITY OF, SALINA, KANSAS BY J ///. �j City Manager BY -eto — 4 741) c, Ql zoo t frrt r (. 0 • A ° r - f r . 'RESOLUTIQ 2111MBER 1875'` •, ,. . . . t 't ;LEASE 'AGRBEEfBNT::'.- a This lease agreementJmade and, entered into this . - day --of , 1957, by `and _between'TES CITY 0B SALINA,'`KANSAS, r a municip 1' corporation,..hereinafter referred 'to- as the ' Lessor, an • ; 0 • of , Salina,.,-Kansas, hereinafter referred';to ae ,'the Lessee , :l9ITNESSETH . f :r;•- The Lessor does by this _agreement .•hereby lease and demise " ' unto-the . Lessee' t'he . north twos" feet .of the following described - property ,- to wit ' ` r , t .tt South; Forty feet ($_40�: ) of Lot Ninety,Seven (97) , - '`' • and the :North .Half {N} ). of :Lett Ni'nety% Nine '(99 ) =on` Seventh 'Street in .tbo. original town 'of Salina, :Kansas.- - for'EC term of one .year beginning on .the let; day of lAugest , 1957, a, d • terminating- on ,the'31st 1966:, for'the ueesaad purpos =s . ` hereinafter specified; •,et a .yearly rental'of $100.00 per, annum, ,i. payable in- advance �' . 1 Y x` ,t.ns.t ,.ir F �-. r . .. , S\�� ti 1•. It •is mutually 'agreeh.between the parties hereto as 'follo• - :- rl The •Lessee,shall have /the option to extend this •lease ! - r 4 -T..4,.. . . ' If. r 41.z): .! . fromy'year 'to year upon the same terms -,and conditions as- herein -set - forth ,• however after five years from;tbe date hereof the yearly t: -.�.'' ... ._ .y-• .. +•3,.�.. ,S �, .,, t r ./ P�`lei .i�.S a< a .r,,^,. .,' � rental' shall be. subject. to- .ad uetments-by•mutuallagreement 'of the parties hereto. ;,,'y• ' - 2. - 1-he Lessee shall have the right`ao install'advertising t . . bill,' boards 'on said leased premises .and to affix thereto and- main - .' tain and/or illuminate painted and/ot electrical advertising, signs . ' of all kinds and that the sighs ,. tructures- and'Equipment, placed . upon .the .said premises by the Lessee„shall :remain the property: of-~-' - nd maybe�.removed by the Lessee at any . timerprior- to . the expire-, - . tion •of this;•lease'or any extention- thereof. .. _ w.. 3. "In no •.event !shallsaid 'signs or bill hoards:extend . i eyond the:-.parking n eters nowjocated'on the'northside of :th'e =above ' i escribed premises. 5� r y . .vJ`• r. . v _ _ .. 4 t j X C r ..4. Lessee covenants and agrees to indemnify and save -harm lesa, the Lessor against 2 all lose , -costs or damages fromany and al claims- and suits or other-'actions oh 'account of injury-to persons or ' property which‘�,might-arise:.out ofFthe Lessee's '.erect`ing, paint' 'g•,• - operating and maintain ing of said signs ,._ 1 - S =: IN- WITNESS ':WHEREOF THE parties" have hereunto set 'their 'hands the +day and year first- above written. . . . CITY 0 SALINA, KANSAS + BY el JAI f , City'Manager' f"•4e r J. tom. _ � I r f • 'ter `. '•S t _ s — r f 0...w.. ' J;J r -rt. : l _# 4 n5 -i'.F 2j. Y�} e t? S• —J S(4.4.., ' J ♦ii.c.. a_ 42-7'2 ;2‘,. .C.1-: .:-,-.,:;- "r r * f , ''-f f< J ..fir t 1. ,+• 7