1963 Agreement to use funds for highway planning, reserarch, traffic studies and the preparation of planning reports JOHN ANDERSON, Ja., Governor GEORGE W. GAGEL
owl toy Lenexa� JOHN A. ERICKSON
1� • Clay Center
State Highway Commission of Kansas s33°
Highway J. REX DUwE
ADDISON H. MESCHRE, Director of Highways kraVil RAY SHEPHERD
Scott tt
Fort Scott
WALTER JOHNSON, State Highway Engineer • w. W. FRRELL
June 26, 1963
Mr. G. E. Spangler, Mayor
City of Salina
Salina, Kansas
Dear Mayor Spangler:
We are returning to you herewith, one copy of the agreement
between the City of Salina and the State Highway Commission
which has been signed by Mr. Addison Meschke, Director. This
agreement was authorized by the Highway Commission at its
meeting June 12, 1963.
We are also enclosing one copy of the agreement for professional
services between the City of_Salina and Wilson & Company, Engineers
and Architects, Salina.
May I express my appreciation and thanks for the courtesy and
quick action of the Commission last Monday while I was in Salina.
Very truly yours,
G. A. Sutton
Asst. Engr. of Highway Planning
This Agreement, made and entered into this 24th day of June ,
1963 by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter called "City"
and the State Highway Commission of Kansas, hereinafter called "Corn- .
mission. "
That the Federal Government under the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1934,
and subsequent legislation, has made available certain funds for Highway
Planning, research, traffic studies, and the preparation of planning reports. -
These funds known as one and one-half percent Highway Planning Survey
funds, are to be expended under the supervision and administration of the
Commission as required by such legislation.
That the Commission is authorized by law to participate in certain high-
way planning surveys to perform certain engineering studies and to take such
steps as may be necessary to fully participate in the benefits to be secured
from available Federal Highway Planning funds for studies and surveys near
and within cities.
WHEREAS, the Commission has an interest in the development and ulti-
. mate construction of an integrated motor transportation system to serve the
Salina Metropolitan Area and,
WHEREAS, the City has requested that surveys and investigations for the
development of a Transportation Plan of the Salina Metropolitan complex be
conducted in accordance with accepted and approved standards of the Bureau
of Public Roads and the Commission.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of theppremises and the mutual cov-
enants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:
The Commission agrees:
1. Upon approval by the Bureau of Public Roads for the planning
• studies referred to and for the expenditures of Federal funds
for such studies, the Commission shall notify the City in writing
that planning surveys and studies may proceed.
. 2. The Commission will conduct an origin and destination survey of
traffic within the Salina Metropolitan Area, the various phases of •
this study to include:
a) A modified Home Interview Origin-Destination Survey - A
small sample of dwelling unit interviews will be made for de-
veloping trip data to be used in an approved mathematical
model for internal automobile movements.
b) External' Cordon Survey - Movements into and through the .
survey area will be determined by roadside interview on the
streets and highways intersecting the perimeter of the sur-
vey area. Roadside interview stations will be operated for
sixteen or twenty-four hour periods. Traffic will be inter
viewed in both directions of travel. Interviews will be obtained
from no less than 50% of peak hour volumes (in the peak direc-
tion) on the heavy volume roads and up to 100% of the passing
traffic during the off-peak hours on all routes for a typical week
day. Two rounds of machine counts will be required at each
external interview station and one route of manual traffic
classification counts will be prepared during the interview
period. One copy of each of these counts will be supplied to
the City for their use. .
c) Truck and Taxi Survey - A special truck and taxi survey will
be made to include 40% sample of the trucks and 50% sample of
taxis registered within the cordon area. One day's record of
trips performed by all vehicles in the samples will be reported.
d) Screen Lines - Screen lines will be established to obtain inter-
view control and adjustment factors. Machine counts and manual
classification counts will be made at each screenline. crossing and
the expanded trip data will be compared to the ground counts to
determine survey accuracy.
e) Survey Zones - The area within the limits of the project will
be subdivided into survey zones and the zone system will be
developed jointly by the several agencies sponsoring the survey.
. j
f) Coding and Processing - All data will be collected in accor-
dance with the procedures and methods outlined in the Bureau
of Public Roads Manual or as modified and approved by the
Bureau and the Commission. All data collected in the origin-
destination portion of the survey will be coded and punched in-
to business machine cards. Trip data will be coded to either
sub-zone or to county and state as well as the-Commission's
coordinate system. '
3. The Commission will furnish the City with copies of all coding •
manuals and one copy of all tables necessary to complete the study. .
The Commission will also provide any additional tabulations or data
. processing necessary to complete the traffic analysis and assign-
The City agrees:
. 1. Planning studies, provided by the City will be conducted and de-
veloped by a competent city planning staff or by a planning consul-
tant to be approved by the Commission and the U. S. Bureau of Pub-
lic Roads who will develop a transportation planning program with
the objective of expediting economic and cultural development of the
Salina urban complex by facilitating the movement of traffic, pro-
viding for orderly development and avoiding the costly rebuilding or
replacement of ill-planned or poorly constructed facilities.
2. The City will conduct an existing street inventory and street needs.:.:
study, to include the following: -
• a) Street Inventory - The existing street inventory will be brought
up to date and completed. This information will include street
widths, right-of-way, types of pavements, parking regulations,
b) Traffic Counts - A traffic flow map will be prepared for the urban •
area from data supplied by the Commission.
c) Street Capacity and.Sufficiency - All principal streets and high-
ways will be evaluated for capacity under present operating con-
. ditions. '
d) Signal System - The adequacy of the present signal system will
be evaluated in terms of regulating present traffic volumes.
e) Speed and Delay - Conventional speed and delay tests will be
conducted to determine travel time and the causes and amounts
of delays. These studies will be made on the major arterial
f) Accidents and Fatalities - A careful check will be made on
the cause, number, and intensity of accidents in the urban area.
Recommendations will be made as to corrective measures to be
used in reducing these accidents through education, engineering
and enforcement.
g) Parking - A study will be made of present on and off-street
parking practices and these will be related to future demands .
for all available right-of-way for traffic capacity. Recommend-
ations will be made as to curb regulations and future parking
needs. A parking inventory will be prepared for the business
districts of the metropolitan.area. Parking meter revenues
and trends will be analyzed as they relate to present and future •
h) Transit System Analysis - The extent and use of mass trans-
- portation facilities in the urban area will be determined and
probable trends in transit use will be related to the over-all
transportation problem.
• 3. The City will conduct studies and investigations for the analysis and
projection of travel data in order to determine and analyze present
and future traffic demands in the urban area and to formulate and
evaluate plans to accommodate anticipated travel volumes. Analysis
will include study of:
a) Population and land use estimates, together with other necessary
data will be used in forecasting future travel patterns. Zone to
zone, station to zone, and station to station movements will be
developed for estimated 1983 travel.
b) 1963 and 1983 travel assignments, to be made by the use of a
mathematical model under the direction of the Commission's
Engineers to an approved system of major streets, will be studied
to determine their adequacy to serve the traffic demands. In case
it is obviously impractical to design an expressway or arterial for
the indicated future traffic a definite recommendation for a solution
to the problem shall be made, giving an estimate of construction
costs involved.
c) Tabulations will be prepared indicating travel patterns within the
metropolitan area and to the principal traffic generators. Internal
and external disperson of trips with one or both ends outside the
survey area will be shown by charts and tables.
d) The origin-destination data will be analyzed in accordance with
Bureau and State procedures. All basic tabulations recom-
mended;by the Bureau's procedure manual, "Conducting Home
Interview Origin-Destination Surveys" that are available from
this survey, together with other tables necessary to complete
the study will be presented and analyzed.
4. A master street system will be developed based on long range plan-
ning to provide for an integrated system of expressways, arterials,
• collectors, and local streets. The street needs program will in-,
clude suggested priorities, estimates of costs and methods of fi-
nancing, and will include the following: .
a) Future street capacities will be calculated and will be used in
developing street needs and priorities. Street sufficiency will
be related to the general criteria for capacities set forth in
Highway Research Board Manual on Traffic Capacity.
b) Recommendations will be made for the needs for future signal
installations as well as the revision of present system.
• c) ' Street Standards - A recommended set of standards for ex-
pressways, arterials, collectors, and local street construction
will be prepared as part of the street needs study.
d) Need Analysis and Cost Estimate - Principal routes and strut-
tures will be studied to determine the adequacy to handle present
and future traffic volumes and loads. The appropriate standards
will be applied to the inadequate situations; Estimated costs of
recommended improvements will be determined. Costs will be
estimated for right-of-way, clearing and grubbing, excavation,
structures, pavements, drainage, traffic control devices, signals,
maintenance, engineering, administration, and any other nec-
essary expenses.
5. The City will prepare 250 copies of the final comprehensive illustrated
report. All phases of the work heretofore discussed will be analyzed
and presented in narrative, graphic and tabular form. The report will
include a study of present travel desires, description and analysis of
present traffic conditions and the projection of these patterns to future
years. All information required for the development of a master street
plan of expressways, arterials, and collectors, and Local streets will
be determined and discussed. The tables required under Article II,
3d, will be incuded.
The City and Commission mutually agree:
1. The Commission will begin work on the traffic survey immediately,
and will proceed with coding and punching onto business machine
cards the data collected. Six months after notifying the City that
work on the project may proceed, the Commission will provide the
City the information for the traffic analysis. Six months after
receipt of the tabulated data derived from the survey, the City will
present a tentative draft of the completed report for review by the
Commission and the Bureau of Public Roads. Immediately after
approval the City will complete and print the report. •
2. Representatives of the City, Commission and the Bureau of Public
Roads may arrange for such conferences and visits to the site as
may be deemed necessary or desirable, and shall have access to all
data as the work progresses. All phases of the work shall be dis-
cussed, and mutual concurrence shall be obtained before proceeding
with other phases of the study.
3. Upon completion of the studies, each party to the agreement will -
furnish the other party on request the original or photo copies of
work sheets or original entries of survey data that may be needed
for future reference.
4. Responsibility for the conduct of the various phases of the Salina Met-
ropolitan Area Transportation Study and the estimated costs are as
• follows:
By Commission: Commission • City
Traffic Survey $18, 000. 00
Coding and Processing 7, 000. 00 ---
By City:
Street Needs Study and Estimate 5, 500. 00 $4, 500. 00
Analysis and Projection of Travel Data 10, 000. 00 ---
Transportation Plan Report 5, 000. 00 ---
-6- -
5. The Commission will reimburse the City for its share of the work
• at the agreed price of twenty thousand five hundred ($20, 500) dollars.
It is also agreed that partial payment to the City up to ninety percent
of the total price shall be made within thirty (30) days following proper
billing. Progress billings shall be based on a progress schedule accept-
able to the Commission. The final payment shall be made after accept-
ance and approval of the report by the Commission and the Bureau of
Public Roads.
. 6. The cost of the work under this agreement is itemized below and is in
accordance with the agreed responsibilities of the signatories hereto. .
City Commission Wt.%
a) Street Needs Study
1. Traffic Counts $ $ 500. 00 2
2. Street Capacity & Sufficiency • 2, 250. 00 9
3. Signal System 500. 00 2
4. Speed and Delay 1, 000. 00 4 •
5. Accidents and Fatalities 1, 000. 00 4
6. Parking Study 1, 600. 00 400. 00 8
7. Transit System Analysis 250. 0a ' 1
8. Street Inventory 250. 00 1
9. Street Standards 250. 00 1
10. Need Analysis and Cost 1 , 600. 00 400. 00 8
Subtotal $3, 200. 00 .$ 6, 800. 00 40 Ii
b) . Analysis and Projection of Travel Data
1. Determination and Analysis •
of Travel Characteristics 2, 000. 00 8
2. Determination, Assignment
and Analysis of 1963 and •
1983 Systems 4, 000. 00 16
3. Data Tabulation 1 , 500. 00 6
4. Data Analysis 800. 00 1, 700. 00 10
Subtotal $ 800. 00 $ 9, 200. 00 40
c) Master Plan Report 500. 00 4, 500. 00 20
TOTALS $4, 500. 00 $ 20, 500. 00 100%
7. If any major changes in the work shall become necessary or desirable
during the progress of the contemplated work, such changes shall be
made only after consultations by the parties to this agreement and with
the approval of the Bureau of Public Roads. At the time of such changes
in the work, equitable adjustments in compensation' for the work will be '
made by the parties to the agreement, subject to approval by the Bureau
of Public Roads.
8.' In the event of unavoidable delays in the progress of the work
contemplated in this agreement, reasonable extensions in the
time allotted for the work will be granted by the Commission.
9. In the event of the termination of this contract prior to the com-
pletion of the work contemplated herein, whether caused by the
action of the Commission or of the City, all completed and par-
tially completed work shall become the property of the Com-
mission and compensation therefore shall be determined by the
ratio of the work accomplished to the total work contemplated
in this agreement.
10. Any dispute concerning a question of fact in connection with the
work contemplated in this agreement, but not specifically dis-
posed of by this agreement, shall be referred for determination
to the State Highway Engineer whose decisions shall be final and
binding on the parties to this agreement.
, 11. It is further agreed that this agreement and all contracts entered
into under the provisions of this agreement shall be binding upon
the parties hereto and their successors and assigns.
12. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused this agree-
ment to be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day
and year first written above.
Attest: The City of Salina, Kansas
City Clerk Mayo
• Attest: The State Highway Commission
of Kansas
et EL,
retary Director