04-30-1963 Agreement to conduct planning study doe mwreopolitan area with transportation planningWILSON
Salina, Kansas
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 90(/! day of Aalel (,
1963, by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, Party of the First Part,
hereinafter called the City; and Wilson & Company, Engineers & Architects
of Salina, Kansas, Party of the Second Part, hereinafter called the
WITNESSETH: That the City desires to conduct planning studies in order
to develop a master plan report for the metropolitan area that will include
a continuing transportation planning program with the objective of expediting
economic and cultural development of the Salina urban complex by facilitating
the movement of traffic, providing for orderly development and avoiding the
costly rebuilding or replacement of ill -planned or poorly constructed
That the Federal Government, under the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1934
and subsequent legislation, has made certain funds for highway planning,
research traffic studies, and the preparation of planning reports. These
funds, known as one and one-half percent Highway Planning Survey Funds, are
to be expended under the supervision and administration of The State Highway
Commission of Kansas, hereinafter called the Commission.
WHEREAS, The Commission has an interest in the development and ultimate
construction of an integrated motor transportation system to serve the
Salina Metropolitan Area, and
WHEREAS, The City has requested that surveys and investigations for
the development of a Transportation Master Plan of the Salina Metropolitan
Complex be conducted and intends to enter into an agreement with the
Commission to jointly accomplish surveys and studies for the Master Plan
to include: Origin -Destination Survey, Street Needs Study, Land Use Study
and Projection of Travel Data, and
WHEREAS, The City desires to retain the services of the Consultant to
perform those study elements designated to be accomplished by the City, and
WHEREAS, The Consultant is qualified and competent and does desire to
furnish these services as hereinafter provided;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises and the mutual
covenants herein contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows:
The City Agrees:
1. That upon approval by the Commission for the planning studies
hereinafter referred to, the City shall notify the Consultant that planning
surveys and studies may proceed.
2. To furnish a comprehensive travel study which will be conducted by
the Commission and will include: Internal Traffic Study, External Cordon
Survey, Truck Survey, with these data to be coded and processed as necessary
to accomplish the work specified under Article II.
3. Screen Lines will be established by State and City planning groups
to obtain interview control and adjustment factors.
4. Survey Zones will be established jointly by the several agencies
sponsoring the survey.
5. To furnish any basic information which may be on hand or is
easily available. This would include current street classifications and
inventory, traffic regulations, accident records, and the Land Use Studies,
along with all pertinent data which is currently being collected and will
be available for this study. The City, through its contract with the
Commission will provide any additional tabulations and the data processing
necessary to complete the traffic analysis and assignments.
The Consultant Agrees:
1. To conduct a Street Needs Study and develop a master street system
based on long range planning to provide for an integrated system of express-
ways, arterial, collector and local streets. The street needs program will
include suggested priorities, estimates of cost as well as methods of
financing, and will include the following:
a. Traffic Counts. A traffic count and.flow map will be prepared
for the urban area from information supplied by the Commission.
b. Street Capacity and Sufficiency. All principal streets and
highways will be evaluated for capacity under present oper-
ating conditions. Future street capacities will be developed
which will be used in developing street needs and priorities.
Street sufficiency will be related to the general criteria
for capacities set forth in the Highway Research Board manual
on traffic capacity.
c. Signal System. The adequacy of the present signal system will
be evaluated in terms of regulating present and future traffic
volumes. Recommendations will be made for the needs for
future signal installations as well as the revision of the
present system, if any.
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d. Speed and Delay. Conventional speed and delay tests will be
conducted to determine travel times and the causes and amounts
of delays. These studies will be prepared on the major
arterial routes.
e. Accidents and Fatalities. A careful check will be made on the
cause, number and intensity of accidents in the urban area.
Recommendations will be made as to corrective measures to be
used in reducing these accidents through education, engineering
and enforcement.
f. Parking. A study will be made of present on- and off-street
parking practices and these will be related to future demands
for all available right-of-way for traffic capacity. Recom-
mendations will be made as to curb regulations and future
parking needs. A parking inventory will be prepared for the
business districts of the Metropolitan Area. Parking meter
revenues and trends will be analyzed as they relate to present
and future parking needs.
g. Transit System Analysis. The extent and use of mass transport-
ation facilities in the urban area will be determined and probable
trends in transit use will be related to the over-all transport-
ation problem.
h. Street Inventory. The existing street inventory data will be
brought up-to-date and completed,. These facts include street
width, right-of-way width, type of pavement, conditions,
parking regulations, etc.
i. Street Standards. A recommended set of standards for arterial,
collector and local street construction will be prepared as
part of the street needs study.
j. .Need Analysis and Cost Estimate. Principal routes and structures
will be studied to determine their adequacy to handle present and
future traffic loads and volumes. The selected standards will
be applied to the inadequate situations, following which the
costs to bring same to proper standards will be determined.
Costs will be estimated for right-of-way, clearing and grubbing,
excavation, structures, pavements, drainage, traffic control_
devices, signals, maintenance, engineering, administration and
any other necessary expenses.
The program will be prepared to cover several periods of time
(0 - 5 years, 5 - 10 years, 10 - 15 years, etc.).
Alternate programs will be prepared for the development of
the recommended system. The program will include suggested
priority of improvements, the cost of new facilities, and
.the cost of reconstructing existing facilities considered
inadequate. 'It will also include an estimate of the annual
costs of maintenance and administration.
2. To conduct studies -and investigations for the Analysis and
Projection of Travel Data in order to determine and analyze present and
future traffic demands in the urban area and to formulate and evaluate
plans to accommodate anticipated travel volumes. Analysis will include
study of:
a. Characteristics of travel developed by the origin -destination
survey will be applied to population and land use estimates
for 1983 and future travel patterns will be developed. Zone -
to -zone, station -to -zone, and station -to -station movements
will be developed for estimated 1983 travel. Methods used in
determining projections, trip distribution and traffic assign-
ment volumes will be approved by the Commission.
b. 1963 and 1983 travel will be assigned to an approved system
of arterial streets to determine theiradequac_y to serve these
traffic demands. In case it is obviously impractical to
design an expressway or arterial for the indicated future
traffic, a definite recommendation for a solution tothe
problem shall be made, giving an estimate of construction
costs involved and a reassignment of the traffic affected.
c. Tabulations will be prepared indicating travel patterns
within the Metropolitan Area and to the principal traffic
generators. Internal and external dispersion of trips with
one or both ends outside the survey area will be shown by
charts and tables.
d. The origin -destination data will be analyzed in accordance
with Bureau and State procedures. All basic tabulations .
recommended by the Bureau's procedure manual, "Conducting
Home Interview Origin -Destination Surveys" will be presented
and analyzed.
3. To prepare 250 copies of the Final Comprehensive Illustrated Report.
All phases of the work heretofore discussed will be analyzed and presented
in narrative, graphic, and tabular form. The report will include a study of
present travel desires, description and analysis of present traffic conditions
and the projection of these patterns to future years. All information re-
quired for the development of a master street plan of expressways, arterial,
collector and local streets will be determined and discussed. All of the
basic Bureau of Public Roads tabulations will be included as an appendix
to the report.
The City and the Consultant mutually agree:
1. That the Consultant will present a tentative draft of the complete
report for review by the City and the Commission within nine (9) months
after receipt of all origin -destination data.
2, That representatives of the City, the Consultant, the Commission
and the Bureau of Public Roads may arrange for such conferences and visits
to the site as may be deemed necessary or desirable and shall have access to
all data as the work progresses in order to inspect the work and the workmen,
3. That the City agrees to pay the Consultant for the services performed
hereunder the lump sum amount of Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00).
(It is specifically understood that'this amount shall be payable from the
following funds:. $4,500._00 by the City and $20,500.00 from and when funds
are received by the City from the State Highway Commission of Kansas for
this specific purpose.) During the progress of the work, partial payments
will be made to the Consultant after receipt of proper billing, but at
intervals of not less than one calendar month. Progress billings shall be
supported by a progress schedule acceptable to the City and the Commission.
The final payment shall be made after acceptance and approval of the Report
by the City, the Commission and the Bureau of Public Roads,
4. The basic components of the contract will be as follows:
a. Internal Traffic Study (by others) $ ---
b, Street Needs Study 10,000,00
c. Land Use Studies (Furnished by City) ---
d. Analysis and Projection of Travel Data 10,000.00
e. Master Plan Report 5,000.00
5, In the event major changes in the work should become necessary or
desirable during the progress of the contemplated work, such changes shall
be made only after consultations by the parties to this agreement and with
the approval of the Commission. At the time of such changes in the work,
equitable adjustments in the compensation for the work will be made by the
parties to this agreement, subject to approval by the Commission.
6. In the event of unavoidable delays in the progress of the work
contemplated in this agreement, reasonable extensions in the time allotted
for the work will be granted by the City.
7. Solicitation. The Consultant warrants that he has not employed or
retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely
for the Consultant, to solicit or secure this contract, and that he has not
paid or agreed to pay any company or persons, other than a bona fide employee
working solely for the Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage
fee, gifts, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from
the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this
warranty, the City shall have the right to annul this contract without
8. Termination. The right is reserved to the City to terminate this
agreement at any time, upon written notice, in the event the study is to
be abandoned or indefinitely postponed, or because of the Consultant's
disability or death, or because the services of the Consultant are unsatis-
factory, or failure to prosecute the work with due diligence or to complete
the work within the time limits specified by this agreement; provided,
however, that in any such case the Consultant shall be paid the reasonable
value of the services rendered up to the time of termination on the basis
of the payment provisions of this agreement. '
9. Access to Procedures. Representatives of the City, the Commission
and the Bureau of Public Roads shall have access to all records and books
pertaining to the work as it progresses. All phases of the study shall be
discussed, and mutual concurrence shall be obtained before proceeding with
any part of the survey.
10. Compliance with Laws. The Consultant is assumed to be familiar
with and at all times shall observe and comply with all Federal, State and
local laws, ordinances and regulations in any manner affecting the conduct
of the work and all instructions and prohibitive orders issued by the State
and Federal governments regarding fortification, military and naval estab-
lishments and other areas.
11. Ownership of Data. All survey notes, sketches, tracings, plans,
specifications, reports and other data prepared under this contract shall
become the property of the City and be delivered to the City upon completion
of this contract. There shall be no restriction or limitation on their
further use.
12. Subletting or Transfer. The services to be performed by the
Consultant under the terms of this agreement are personal and cannot be
assigned, sublet or transferred without consent of the City, the Commission
and the Bureau of Public Roads.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to
be signed by their duly authorized officers on the day and the year first
written above.
Harold Peterson, City Clerk
Nathan B. Butcher, Farther