658Weather 6
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Your Business Is On Our Radar
City of Salina- A+n Weather Services Co
This is to confirm that the City of Salina retains Weather or Not, Inc. ®("Weather
November 1, 2013 through April 30, 2014 to provide weather forecasting service
sent daily by 7:30 AM and 3:00 PM with all appropriate updates being made, as
available. The City of Salina may call for updates whenever they choose 24 hou
week. Weather or Not may record telephone calls between weather forecasters
Salina. The City of Salina understands that these recordings may occur for the 1
Not customer service training (without further notices) and consents to these re(,
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it Not") from
>. Forecasts shall be
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arpose of Weather or
The City of Salina will take advantage of the Premiere Plus consulting packagel'at a rate of
$600.00/month, or $3,600.00 for the entire season. This includes our InfoRado messaging, which
allows for up to 10 mobile devices. The City of Salina may extend services all year round anytime
during this agreement at the monthly rate previously stated.
The City of Salina agrees that the information provided by Weather or Not as al part of the services
shall not be rebroadcast, redistributed, republished or otherwise reproduced, irj whole or in part,
without the express written consent of Weather or Not. ll
The City of Salina acknowledges that forecasting the weather is not an exact science and that
Weather or Not has no control over the City of Salina's actions in response to forecasts and
information delivered by Weather or Not. Weather or Not shall not be responsible for the acts or
omissions of the City of Salina taken in reliance upon the advice provided by llVeather or Not,
hereunder. The City of Salina hereby releases Weather or Not its representati es, officers, directors,
and shareholders from all loss, cost, damage, liability and expense including actual, consequential,
and incidental damages suffered by the City of Salina or any of its agents, contractors or employees
or other third parties as a result of weather conditions, whether or not forecasted by Weather or Not
or as a result of any other services provided by Weather or Not. I1
The City of Salina hereby agrees that this agreement shall not be assigned of otherwise transferred in
whole or in part without the express written consent of Weather or Not. Il
This agreement shall foe binding when
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Weather or Not
signed by both parties.
Michael rase -
City of