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Budget - 2014
2014 ANNUAL BUDGET of the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CITY COMMISSION City Mayor Barbara V. Shirley Commissioner John Blanchard Commissioner Kaye J. Crawford Commissioner Randall Hardy !Ei Commissioner Aaron Householter ' City Manager Jason A. Gage safirw City of Salina 2014 Budget Table of Contents Page City Manager's Transmittal Letter.......................................................1 Financial and Budgetary Policies .................................................................13 Accounting, Auditing, Financial Reporting........... 13 Capital Improvements Program........................... 13 Cash Management............................................... 15 Debt Management ............................................... 15 Fund Balance....................................................... 16 Investments.......................................................... 17 Operating Budget.................................................21 Revenue Policy....................................................22 OrganizationalCharts...................................................................................23 SummaryTables ..........................................................................................39 Computation of Tax Levy.....................................39 Mill Levy History by Taxing District......................40 Budget Analysis by Class of Revenue.................41 Key Revenues......................................................42 Budget Analysis by Category of Expenditure......44 Comparison of Actual and Estimated Fund Balances .45 2011 Payroll summary.........................................46 Summary Schedule of Transfers.........................47 General Fund Revenues ..............................................................................49 General Fund Expenditures..........................................................................59 City Commission...................................................59 CityManager.........................................................60 Legal .....................................................................61 Finance .................................................................62 Human Resources................................................63 Buildings Maintenance..........................................64 Human Relations ..................................................65 Police ....................................................................66 Municipal Court.....................................................69 Fire and Emergency Medical................................70 Engineering...........................................................78 Street.....................................................................80 (Also see page 138) FloodWorks..........................................................82 Traffic Control .......................................................84 Park.......................................................................85 Recreation.............................................................94 Arts & Humanities................................................ 103 Smoky Hill Museum.............................................. 104 Development Services........................................... 106 Cemetery ............................................................... 108 City-County Health................................................. 109 Reserves, Transfers, Miscellaneous...................... 110 Capital Outlays....................................................... 111 Special Revenue Funds ...............................................................................115 Sales Tax Capital................................................. 115 Sales Tax Economic Development...................... 121 Arts and Humanities............................................. 123 Business Improvement District............................ 128 Tourism and Convention (Guest Tax).................. 130 Neighborhood Park Development........................ 132 Special Parks and Recreation ............................. 134 Special Alcohol .................................................... 136 Special Gas Tax................................................... 138 Bicentennial Center.............................................. 140 FairHousing......................................................... 144 Bond and Interest................................................. 146 Internal Service Funds..................................................................................149 Risk Management...........................................150 Workmans Compensation Reserve.....................152 Health Insurance........................................... 154 Central Garage..............................................157 Computer Technology.....................................161 EnterpriseFunds ..........................................................................................165 Sanitation.......................................................165 Solid Waste....................................................169 Golf Course....................................................175 Water and Sewer.............................................178 5-Year CIP....................................................................................................195 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE TELEPHONE (785) 309-5700 Jason A. Gage FAX (785) 820-8532 City Manager TDD (785) 309-5747 300 West Ash - P.O. Box 736 . E-MAIL • jason.ga ecpsalina.org Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Sal ina WEBSITE - www_saiina-ks.gov July 8, 2013 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of Salina, Kansas Mayor Shirley and Commissioners: As Chief Executive Officer, a primary duty of the City Manager is to annually prepare and propose to the City Commission a financial business plan for the municipal government. Kansas State Law (K-S.A- 12-1014) and the budget submittal requirements contained in the City of Salina Financial Policies provide both guidance and the framework for this duty. As a result, it is my privilege to place before the City Commission the proposed 2094 City Budget. City staff has been working on the budget in various capacities since April. Department directors began with the operational areas of the budget, analyzing the service plans, needs, costs and effectiveness related to their departmental operations. Various follow-up reviews and revisions at the Finance Department and City Manager's Office levels addressed the more "strategic" factors of budget allocations, financial planning and decision-making- The complete budget document is very lengthy and contains a "line item" approach to budgeting for all the functions of city government. The detail portion is focused on the basic spending units, and is in many ways an accounting document- However, the annual budget has also been viewed by staff and the governing body as a planning document. To assist the City Commission in your review of the service goal, policy and planning aspects of the budgetary process, I have provided with this budget message a budget overview and summary pages, which include: tax levy information, budgeted revenues and expenditures, fund balance projections, debt service plans and much more. Fiscal years 2011 hinted at the beginnings of recovery from the recession and re-establishing financial stability. However, fiscal 2012 and 2013 failed to deliver on that promise, with flat revenues and continued pressure on expenditures. Despite these pressures, we have managed to stabilize our position with a number of techniques, including utilization of one time opportunities, continuing the General Fund subsidy from the Special Sales tax, and intense review of line item requests. We are continuing to implement our "lean management' philosophy to target reductions in those areas where it is possible to become more efficient while maintaining the quality of services provided. BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS The primary focus in the preparation of the 2014 budget is to maintain services levels, restore fund balances to targeted levels, recognize our employees through limited allowances for merit recognition, and target reductions through lean management. Since mid-2008, a total of 35 full full-time equivalent positions have been eliminated or frozen through attrition. The 2014Budget currently provides for an average 2% cost allowance for merit adjustments. This is the same as the City Commission provided for 2013. Anticipates City cash expenditures of $70,087,778 (operating, capital and debt service) as compared to a 2013 Budget of $71,917,329 as adopted in August 2012. This change represents a complex mix of factors, including a 2% salary allowance for merit adjustments, increases in retirement and health benefit costs, fuel cost allowances_ Changing the Bicentennial Center to a contracted operation has also influenced total expenditures_ Cash capital allowances are slightly higher in the General Fund ($867,208 for 2014 compared to $844,583 for 2013). Operating costs net of capital and debt service commitments remained stable. Operating expenses in the General Fund will increase from $35,580,744 in 2013 to $37,037,850 (4.1%) due primarily to personnel related costs. City-wide operating costs will increase from $55,174,348 to $55,533,891 (.7%). By way of comparison, the inflationary change as measured by the annualized consumer Price Index for the period ending 12/31/2012 was 1 .7%_ General Fund Revenues for 2014 (including internal transactions) total $37,385,749. General Fund expenditures will be $37,305,058, showing a projected gain of $80,691 , which is needed to make progress towards targeted fund balances. Y Total City property tax to be levied increases by $331,100 over last year to $10,908,146, based on a slight increase in valuations, and an increase in the mill levy from 26.190 to 26.940. We are also recommending an internal tax shift from the Bond and Interest fund to the General Fund for 2014, which reverses the shift made for 2013. The City of Salina portion of total property taxes paid by our residents and businesses will continue to be less than 20% of total 2 property taxes paid and we will continue to have one of the lowest property tax rates of any first-class city in Kansas. The 2014 Budget proposes a capital improvement plan of $11 M. Major projects include a new landfill cell, phase II of the Fire Department Headquarters remodel, waterline improvements and reconstruction of a portion of Iron Avenue. Our recent focus on major street maintenance and rehabilitation continues in 2014, with about $1 .1 million in gas tax and $1 .65 million in Special Sales Tax dedicated to this component of our infrastructure. In 2013, the comparable amounts were $1 .0 million from the gas tax, and $1 .38 million from the sales tax. Likewise, we will continue the water main replacement project, with another $4 million in projects scheduled. BUDGET OVERVIEW Preparation of the 2014 City Budget, and particularly the General Fund, continues to be a challenging task. In recent years, fund balances have declined resulting the effects of the recession. Sales taxes provide about 40% of the resources for the General Fund. This revenue source shrank through the recession. However, this trend reversed in 2011 , with a growth rate of 5.7%. Despite early promise, the growth rate for 2012 fell to 3.2%, and so far in 2013 has been less than 1%. Unfortunately, property values have grown very little (..26%) for the 2014 budget. The values assigned to existing property declined significantly ($5.4 million) and was just marginally offset by the value attributed to new improvements. The 2014 Budget does stabilize the General FYnd year-end balance at current levels, still well short of targeted balances that level. Some progress has been made in reducing reliance on the special sales tax for property tax stabilization. For 2014, this supplement has been eliminated in the Bond and Interest Fund ($400,000) and the supplement to the General fund has been reduced from $400,000 to $360,000. Our original plan for 2014 was to reduce this by $200,000 from $800,000 to $600,000. Those goals have been exceeded (by $240,000), with the difference invested in the amount of sales tax committed to Street improvements_ As provided for in past years, the proposed 2014 City Budget is designed to contain some flexibility for the City Commission to address needs which may arise over the coming year. The City Commission and city management have the ability to address additional goal-related programs and/or unexpected needs through budget amendments or changing allocations, as needed. For most budgeted funds, this proposed budget also maintains reasonable and 3 appropriate contingency funds and unobligated reserves which are at or exceed established financial targets. KEY FINANCIAL POINTS 1 . Property Taxes: (See Schedule A) The budget document includes an increase in the property tax mill levy from 26.190 mills to 26.940 mills. . This results in property tax that are $331 ,100 (3%) higher than in the 2013 budget. The additional proceeds are combined with other budget savings (Health Department changes) and used to help stabilize the financial position of the General Fund as well as provide additional investment in Street infrastructure. The total proposed mill levy of 26.940 is allocated among two separate funds. The largest allocation (20.549 mills) goes to the General Fund, as established under State law. The General Fund portion of the mill levy is increased from 20.242 mills for 2013. The levy for the Bond and Interest Fund will increase from 5.948 mills to 6.391 mills_ This change is due to elimination of the sales tax stabilization supplement of $400,000 for the Bond and Interest fund. 2. General Sales Tax: The proposed budget provides revised projections for 2013 and estimates for 2014. Sales seem to be in a stagnant once again, with year to date revenues declining by about .6% over 2012 for the same period. We have projected the remainder of 2012 at a continued rate of .6%, and used a modest 2% growth rate for 2013. It is important to note that modest inflationary growth in the sales tax is not sufficient to support natural or inflationary growth in the General Fund as a whole. There must also be growth in the property tax base (or rate) as well as growth in other taxes and user charges. One item of difficulty which impacts the City's general sales tax revenue projections is the State's distribution formula for county-wide sales taxes. As previously reported to the City Commission, this formula "rewards" a local government which raises its property taxes at a rate higher than other local entities within the county. Conversely, the formula "penalizes" a local government which maintains its mill levy stable or lowers it when others within the county do not. In recent years, we have been adversely affected by the formula. In 2013, contrary to 2012, it appears as though the formula is working to our detriment with the growth rate in our share of the county-wide sales tax trailing the growth rate of the City tax. Due to changes in the respective tax levy's for 2014, the City will once again be penalized. We have tried to accommodate that change in our estimates. 3. Special Sales Tax: The Special Sales Tax, now at a rate of .4%, is dedicated to Economic Development and Capital Improvements and Tax StabilizatioA. The bulk of the tax, a little over 92% goes to Capital Improvements. A significant portion of that is the $1 ,350,000 to be allocated towards the debt on Kenwood Cove. A similar amount ($1,625,000) is allocated for street improvements. For 2014, $360,000 is allocated to tax stabilization, with the balance being used for various smaller capital items. 4. Total Expenditures: (See Schedule E) The 2014 City Budget anticipates cash expenditures of approximately $70,087,778, as shown on Summary Schedule "E". These budget estimates are reasonably conservative and based on a conservative approach to expenditure projections. Not included in the above estimates are capital costs of projects to be financed by general obligation bonds or special assessments, or the State grant share of capital improvement projects. Annual bond payments on major capital projects are reflected as budgeted expenditures in the years these payments are due and over the life of the bond issue. 5. Fund Balances: (See Schedule F) In the City's strategic financial planning and management system, achieving "target balances" established for 17 of our 22 budgeted funds remains a critical component. Fund balances are held for multiple purposes, including rainy day or emergency funds to cover revenue shortfalls, or large unanticipated expenditures, to provide for cash flow needs, and to provide some coverage for variance in budget estimates. Those funds that do not have designated target fund balances are used for pass-through purposes. The 2013 budget increased the target fund balance for the General fund to $5,000,000 (expressed in budgetary basis). The adopted City Budgetary and Financial Policies require that the fund balance target be maintained at 15% to 20% of total annual revenues. The Government Finance Officers Associating recommends that balances be no less than 2 months of operating revenues. That would place the target at a minimum of $5 million, and that is the recommended target for 2014 and beyond_ Enterprise funds are generally set with a somewhat higher target, since they do not have the stability of the property tax to rely on. For 2014, the General Fund will be short of the target_ Reaching the newly targeted level will likely be a multi-year process. The Solid Waste Fund may be short of target, depending on precisely when McPherson County opens their landfill and on what operating changes are made in our facility to accommodate that. The Bicentennial Center Fund will also be short of targeted balance. 6_ Bond Issues: (See Schedule K) (a) General Obligation Bonds — For the year 2014, we expect a normal schedule of G.O. bond issuances. In July, we will hold our regularly scheduled bond issue to finance several special assessment projects. As has been our practice in recent years, we will also review any potential savings that might be realized by refinancing any eligible currently outstanding debt. (b) Temporary Notes — Temporary note financing in 2014 will likely be special assessment projects. Temporary notes are used as an affordable, short-term financing tool until capital projects are completed and can be bundled together for G.O. bond financing. 7_ Significant User Charge Issues: (a) Sanitation — We have generally increased Sanitation Fund rates on an annual basis. A twenty- five cent per month adjustment is proposed for 2014. Fund balance is projected to remain essentially stable at these rates. Therefore, this budget proposes that the fee be increased from $13.40 to $13.65 (2%) per month for basic services. (b) Solid Waste System — No landfill tipping fee increase is proposed for 2014 at this point. The current tipping fee is $30.50 per ton. We have, however projected a substantial reduction in volume as a result of the McPherson County Solid Waste Authority opening their own Subtitle D solid waste facility in the final quarter of 2013. A full year revenue reduction would be on the order of $450,000. There will be limited cost savings in costs such as tonnage fees and extended cell life. There are a number of potential operational and licensure changes that may reduce costs at the facility. These include an application to KDHE for approval of an amended operational plan and license that will extend cell life and defer closure costs on the three open cells and the elimination of the Saline County Road impact fee, which is a $200,000 annual savings. A more detailed analysis of operating the Solid Waste facility at reduced volumes is underway. (c) Golf Course — No specific fee increases have been proposed at this time, though a revision of the fee structure may be considered later in the year. While the Golf fund has performed relatively well year to date compared to recent years predicting Golf Course financial performance is difficult this early in the playing season, the budget recommendation is to defer the decision on rates until we know more about the 2013 financial status of the fund. Fund balance variances relating to the golf course are due to a combination of factors, including seasonal impacts, regional competition and capital needs. (d) Emergency Medical Services — Staff is proposing that EMS fees be adjusted at the time we receive notice of Medicare and Blue Cross/Blue Shteld rate schedule changes. We can then structure our rates to insure that we receive maximum reimbursement without unnecessarily penalizing those whom have other coverage's or whom are without coverage_ This will insure that we are able to continue to qualify for maximum reimbursement from third party payers and minimize the tax subsidy that is provided by Saline County. (e) Water and Wastewater Utilities The decision regarding water service rates will be deferred until later in the year when better information is available regarding current year performance, and an updated Capital Improvements plan. At that point, rate changes for 2014 will be recommended, and projected advisory rates developed for the subsequent four years. The current rate study projects a 3% rate adjustment. Other fees and charges will also be adjusted slightly, based on our policy to review and adjust charges in small annual increments. Fee changes are recommended based anticipated inflationary changes as well as on cost of service considerations. Effective dates for rate changes will typically be January 1 , 2014. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 2014 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) — Major Projects In addition to annual sub-CIP programs for vehicles, water and sewer lines, equipment, parks, buildings, computers, etc., the proposed 2009 CIP includes: o Street Maintenance Program: The Gas Tax program includes $1 .15 million for contracted street repairs, sidewalks and curb ramps. This is somewhat less than the $1 .36 million budgeted in 2013. Traffic controls, and curbs and ramps are also scheduled out of these funds o Street Enhancement Program: Continuation of the transportation enhancement initiative that is funded through the '/ Cent Special Sales Tax which is to be focused on major street maintenance and rehabilitation, unpaved streets and entryway/corridor enhancements, traffic controls, sidewalks, etc. The amount scheduled for 2014 is budgeted at $1 , 650,000_ This is well above the initially targeted level of $1 ,000,000 per year, and is the result of City Commission direction to focus more resources on these infrastructure facilities- * Waterline Improvements- $4,000,000 is scheduled to be financed with revenue bonds. This project is scheduled to replace the oldest and most occluded lines within the City_ Construction will probably continue into 2015- 7 • Iron Avenue reconstruction: This project will reconstruct Iron Avenue from Front Street to Ohio Street. The project will include removal and replacement of pavement in the outside lanes, mill and inlay in the center lane, and any required curb and gutter replacement. Cost is estimated at $994,000, to be financed through General Obligation bonds. • Fire Headquarters remodel, phase ll. This project will provide an additional apparatus bay at the west end of the station. Current cost is estimated at $800,000. • Open Landfill Cell 19. This project will open an additional landfill cell, to be ready for use in 2015. Estimated cost will be $2,455,000. • Lime Drying Lagoon. This project will clean and rehabilitate the Forth Lime Drying Lagoon at an estimated cost of $1 ,600.000 to be financed by revenue bonds.. • Health Department Facilities: There is an unknown capital cost associated with the Health Department facility. We anticipate that a response from Salina/Saline County will be formulated in 2013, and expenses could be incurred in 2013 or 2014. Specific cost and financing mechanisms are as yet unknown. The full five-year Capital Improvements program is included in another section to this document. The next formal update to the CIP will be completed in late 2013_ Operating Capital The City normally budgets for routine replacement or new vehicles, equipment, and building maintenance and repair. Our process has typically been to budget an "allowance" for these activities, and then prepare and have the City Commission approve a specific list just before the beginning of the budget year_ Allowances provided in the 2014 budget include the following. • General Fund: For 2014 the General fund includes $600,000 budgeted for equipment replacements and building maintenance. Of this amount, $200,000 is scheduled for Ambulance replacement, to be reimbursed by Saline County under the terms of our agreement with them. • Special Sales Tax: The 2013 recommended budget allocates $480,000 for major equipment and building and facilities items that cannot be funded by the General Fund. • Special Parks- $152,000 has been allocated for Park and Recreation Facility Enhancements, consistent with anticipated revenues from Spegcial Alcohol Tax allocations. o Water and Wastewater: The Water and Wastewater fund includes a budgetary allowance of $793,000 for building repairs and Vehicles and Equipment replacement. In addition, $2,000,000 has been set aside for "System enhancements", which cover the costs of routine repairs and minor improvements to utility infrastructure. Reserve Funds: Several capital improvement reserve funds have been established over the years to assist with various types of capital improvements. In general, these funds are allocated resources by budgeted transfers from operating funds. They may accumulate funds over a number of years. In accordance with Kansas budget law, projects financed by these funds must be authorized, but need not be "budgeted" in the same sense as the rest of the operating budget. o Flood and Drainage: This fund was established in response to community flooding in 1996. The purpose is to construct flood and drainage control systems to minimize the future effects of localized flooding on the community_ The City is authorized to levy up to 1 mill in property taxes to finance these projects, but has not done so for several years due to financial constraints. The resources in the fund were depleted in 2011 . There are no remaining resources available for future projects at this time. Providing additional dedicated resources for this purpose could be done by reinstating the mill levy for this purpose, or by transfer of resources from the General Fund. o EPA Equipment Reserve: This fund was established in regards to EPA requirements to provide resources for replacement of equipment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The fund is financed through an annual transfer of $60,302 from the Water and Wastewater operating fund. The balance in the fund is currently $116,000. o Water and Wastewater Improvements Fund: This fund was recently established. It is intended to provide funds each year toward utilities infrastructure to support significant economic development opportunities and provide for an accumulation of funds for future major projects. The current balance in the fund is $5,966,000. Budgeted transfers from operations are $3,385,544 in 2013 and a like amount in 2014. o Solid Waste Capital Reserve Fund: This fund was established in 2013 with a balance of $2,315,000. Transfers to the fund are currently scheduled at $835,000 per year. 9 GENERAL PERSONNEL ISSUES 1 . Pay Plan — The 2014 budget proposes no cost of living increase for employees. However, the 2013 budget does incorporate an amount equivalent to 2% of annual salaries to be used for merit pay consideration. We recommend further review of salaries, pending economic conditions and budget performance at mid-year. We will also be looking closely at salaries over the next few weeks. 2. Health Insurance — Staff recommends that health premiums for the plan be increased by 5%_ The plan is currently financially stable with premium revenues equaling expenditures. The budget also assumes a 5% increase in claims for 2014. Provided that experience continues to follow recent trends, this will result in a fund balance of about $1 ,900,000, slightly above the targeted level. 3. Staffincl Issues — Current authorized City of Salina full-time employment is 465 employees, with 10 classified part-time, 4 regular part-time and approximately 350 temporary/seasonal employees utilized throughout the year. This has been reduced from a 2008 staffing of 511 full-time, 10 classified part-time and 5 regular part-time positions. The budget as proposed includes continuing to freeze the hiring of vacant positions on a case by case basis. Future position openings will be assessed based on service impact. Since mid-2008, a total of 43.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) positions have been eliminated or frozen. 4. Other Benefits The City participates in both KPERS (State retirement system for non-public safety personnel) and KP&F (State retirement system for public safety personnel) retirement systems. Rate changes for 2014 are significant. KPERS will increase from a composite rate of 9.4% of salary in 2013 to 10.17% of salary in 2014. This is an increase of 8%. KPF will be increasing from 21 .03% of salary to 24.75% of salary. This is an increase of 17.7% AGENCY CONTRACTS AND GRANTS The City has ongoing General Fund operating grant relationships with various local agencies. These include, but are not limited to: the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, Salina Downtown, Inc_, Salina Municipal Band, the Fourth of July Skyfire, and OCCK for transportation funding. This budget has been prepared assuming no increases in the base funding amounts for these agencies_ 10 CONCLUSION Salina is a wonderful community that offers a great quality of life for our residents. We believe that our City government contributes to our community through the provision of quality city services and infrastructure improvements. Salina's citizens have high aspirations for the community and high expectations for local government performance. We strive continually to meet and exceed those expectations. While we have consistently worked to improve our overall financial position, 2014 will once again be a challenging budget year. It is for this reason that Staff is making budget recommendations that will realign our organization and establish a roadmap to future financial stability. However, we continue to struggle to meet all of our community's service delivery and infrastructure needs and public expectations due to limited funding. Our priorities are governed by the City's Strategic Plan and related guidance from the City Commission. Staff continues to remain focused on providing the best value to our citizens with the resources available. The City's efforts do not start and end with approval of the annual budget. The work of effective budgeting and financial management is a year-round activity. The City Commission provides continuing policy direction and the policy framework to the staff at study sessions, regular meetings and workshops. That guidance is used in future budget formulation. In addition, current year budgets must remain fluid and adaptable to changing goals, needs and circumstances. Efficient management of budgeted programs and projects is essential throughout the year. This proposed budget represents the best efforts of staff_ It is consistent with your adopted financial policies and designed to meet your major and minor goals. It is now placed before the governing body for its consideration, modification and eventual adoption. Once adopted, we will give our best professional efforts to implement this budget in an efficient manner and achieve continued success through it. The community of Salina and its municipal government are moving confidently forward. Your staff believes that the proposed 2013 City Budget is a major part of what will allow us to continue to progress and prosper as a community_ Respectfully submitted, le!, Jason A. Gage City Manager 11 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Formulating the annual budget document is a team effort, and the culmination of countless hours of work by numerous City staff members. At the Department level, senior managers and staff evaluate their people, program and project needs and goals. They do a thorough and thoughtful job, resulting in reasonable and responsible requests. Finance Director Rod Franz serves a dual role. He is a budget technician, but also a strategic planner as he works with the City Manager on in-depth fiscal analysis and long-range impacts of decisions. In addition, the clerical staff in the Finance Department brings this information all together as a formal document. All team members deserve shared credit for an outstanding end product. 12 General Financial and Budgetary Policies Accounting, Auditing, Financial Reporting Policy A. The City will establish and maintain accounting records in such a manner that reports may be issued on a basis consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and statutory requirements. B. The City will maintain a record of fixed assets which identifies all material City assets, except for general infrastructure assets. General Infrastructure assets are assets such as streets and drainage facilities which, if properly maintained, have an indeterminate life. C. The City will contract for an annual audit of City accounting records. The audit shall be conducted in accordance with the Federal Single Audit Act, if required, and shall provide an opinion on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report which shall be prepared on a GAAP basis. D. The City will annually submit documentation to qualify for the Government Finance Officers Association "Certificate of Achievement in Financial Reporting". E. The City will comply with all financial reporting requirements set forth in Kansas law. F. The City will identify and implement less formal methods than the annual budget document and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report to provide important financial data to the citizens of the community. Efforts will be made to provide these "popular reports" via print and electronic media. G. The City Manager will provide the City Commission with a year end summary (unaudited) financial report within 90 days of the end of the fiscal year. Interim updates on financial condition shall also be provided to the City Commission throughout the fiscal year. Capital Improvement Program A. The City shall establish a five-year Capital Improvement Program (C.I.P.) to guide decision-making on public improvements and expenditures The C.I.P. provides a mechanism for scheduling public physical improvements over a number of years. It establishes the City's priorities for public projects based on available financial resources and project criteria. B. The C.I.P. shall be updated annually following analysis of year-end financial reports, and prior to the adoption of the City's annual operating budget. Generally, the updated C.I.P. shall be approved by the City Commission by April 10 of each year. C. The City shall use a portion of its annual budgeted revenues for cash capital investments. Mill levy proceeds, sales taxes, user fees or other local revenues may be dedicated for capital improvements. D. The City will maintain its physical assets at a level adequate to protect its capital investment and to minimize future maintenance and replacement costs. The C.I.P. and budget will provide for the major renovation and orderly replacement of buildings, facilities and equipment from current revenues where possible. E. The Capital Improvement Plan shall include an appropriate reserve for contingencies for approved projects. F. City staff, in making C.I.P. recommendations to the City Commission, shall use the following criteria in evaluating projects. 13 Priority consideration will be given to: 1. Capital investment projects which preserve existing infrastructure and maintain basic public services. 2. Capital projects which implement a component of an approved City plan. 3. Projects which specifically replace or renovate an essential, but obsolete, facility. 4, Projects which reduce the cost of operations, maintenance or energy consumption. 5. Projects identified as addressing important public health and safety issues. 6. Projects mandated by the federal or state government. 7. Projects which are funded, in whole or in part, by leveraged or partnership funding, including grants, private funds, etc. G. Certain capital improvement projects lend themselves specifically to public-private partnership, wherein project funding would be derived partially from the City and partially from private donations, dedicated user fees and other non-city sources. Community proponents wishing to initiate such projects should first present a concept plan to the City Commission, including a financial cost-sharing plan for both the initial capital costs, as well as the ongoing cost for operations and maintenance. Generally, the City Commission will consider proposed partnership projects at its regular C.I.P. planning period during the first quarter or each year. If approved by the City Commission, proponents would be encouraged to complete project plans and initiate fund-raising efforts. H. Certain non-infrastructure capital projects may be of such type and scope as to be beyond the financial capacity of the City without additional revenues, and thus may be appropriate for public referendum. Public Referendum projects should fall within the following criteria: 1. Projects not involving public health and safety or basic infrastructure; and. with a capital cost estimate of$750,000 or greater, or, 2. Potentially requiring a significant ongoing City appropriation for operations and maintenance. Proponents of such projects may circulate a petition in accordance with state law, calling for a public referendum on the project and specified funding source. The City Commission shall determine whether the City takes an official position on the issue. If approved by the voters, the project would be completed. t. The C.I.P. as approved annually, shall contain the following sections: 1. A listing of preliminarily approved capital projects, including estimated cost and funding source by years, which have undergone review for costs and benefits and have identified funding expected to be available for the project. 2. A separate listing of potential capital projects which require significant additional information, e.g. concept design, feasibility report, cost estimates, funding source analysis, etc. before they can be formally considered for approval and placement in a specific year in the C.I.P_ This section shall be titled "Projects For Further Review." 3. A separate listing of projects for which adequate information exists as to planning, estimated costs, benefits, etc. and which the City Commission agrees would be desirable projects for the community in the future, but for which an adequate and appropriate funding mechanism has not yet been determined as available. This section shall be tilled "Projects Identified But Unfunded." 4. An identification within any of the "Five-Year," "Further Review," or"Identified But Unfunded" categories of any projects specified as "Partnership Projects" or"Public Referendum Projects." 14 Cash Management Policy A. The City will maintain one primary checking account. Other checking accounts may be used when required by: bond covenants, grant programs; or specialized activities such as the recreation activity account, the Bicentennial Center Event account and the Water and Wastewater Petty Cash account. All checking accounts must be approved by the Director of Finance B. Petty cash funds may be established with the approval of the City Commission. C. All checking and petty cash funds shall be balanced monthly. Reconciliations shall be maintained for review by the independent auditors on an annual or surprise basis. D. The City will establish and maintain an investment policy. This policy shall set guidelines on safety, liquidity, maturities, allowed investments, diversification, safekeeping, and other such issues. Debt Management Policy A. The City will confine long-term borrowing to capital improvements which have an extended service life to the community. B. The City will use short-term debt (up to four years maturity) for bond anticipation purposes, or for the purposes of financing Capital Improvements for which it is not practicable to rely on cash financing, and for which long term bonds are not deemed to be appropriate. C. The City will follow a policy of full disclosure on every financial report and Preliminary or Official Statement used to evaluate the City's financial condition for bond rating or investment purposes. D. General Obligation debt may be used for enterprise activities, providing the specific enterprise fund makes the debt service payments on the bonds. E. General Obligation Bonds (City at-large portion) will normally be issued with a maturity not to exceed 10 years. The City Commission may designate specific projects in the Capital Improvements Program for extended financing periods, not to exceed 15 years, due to the size, scope, life, or developmental impact of the project. The District portion for Special Assessment Bonds may not exceed 15 years. Revenue Bonds, or GO bonds for which enterprise revenue has been pledged, will be issued with a maturity not to exceed 20 years. F. General Obligation Bonds shall be issued with approximately level principal payments. Revenue Bonds shall be issued with approximately level debt service payments. G. The City will apply for a bond rating from Moody's Investors Service for every bond issue, and make all reasonable efforts necessary to maintain the City's bond ratings and seek upgrades when financial conditions merit. 15 Fund Balance A. The City recognizes the need to maintain appropriate fund balances to: secure and maintain investment-grade credit ratings, meet seasonal requirements in cash flow, and, reduce susceptibility to negative impacts from emergency or unanticipated expenditures or to revenue shortfalls. B. To meet these requirements, the City will adopt budgets which provide for an undesignated fund balance reserve in each of the City's budgeted funds, in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. General Fund —A fund balance reserve of not less than 15% nor more than 20% of anticipated current year revenues for the fund. 2. Employee Benefits Fund —A fund balance reserve of not less than 10% nor more than 20% of anticipated current year revenues for the fund. 3. Bond and Interest Fund—A fund balance of not less than 10% nor more than 15% of the anticipated General Obligation debt bond and interest payments for the upcoming budget year, including any special assessment-paid debt, but excluding debt planned for repayment by enterprise funding or other City funds. 4. Other Budgeted Funds— Fund balance reserves shall be planned for and maintained as needed, based on the volatility and reliability of the revenue mix for the fund, as well as the predictability and degree to which expenditures in the fund are controllable. C. In June of each year, prior to the presentation of the proposed budget, the City Manager shall recommend to the City Commission specific fund balance targets for each budgeted fund, based on guidelines established above. Upon acceptance by the City Commission, those targets shall be used in the upcoming budget planning, as well as financial reporting for the next year. D. Fund balance reserves shall generally be shown as appropriations in the City budget, but shall be designated separately in the budget and staff financial reports. E. The City Manager shall provide the City Commission with a year-end fund balance reserve report within 60 days following the end of the fiscal year. This preliminary report shall provide results for each budgeted fund compared to its established fund balance target, as well as staff analysis of revenue or expenditure occurrences accounting for any variance. If a fund balance at year-end has failed to meet its established target, the City Manager shall prepare and recommend a plan designed to address the shortfall. If a fund balance at year-end exceeds the established target, as well as the current budget estimate, the City Commission may consider use of the unanticipated available funds in accordance with the following guidelines: 1. General Fund — Uses One-time expenditures which do not substantially increase recurring operating costs. Newly identified or previously unfunded capital improvement projects, considered in light of the full capital improvement program. Shifting of capital projects from bond financing to cash financing, to reduce future debt service costs. Start-up expenditures for new programs undertaken at mid-year, provided that such action is considered in the context of revenue expectations and expenditure obligations in future budget years. 2. Bond and Interest Fund If the year-end Bond and Interest Fund balances exceed the target as well as current budget estimates, the allocation of mill levy/property tax to that fund shall be adjusted for the next budget year to bring the fund balance reserves in line with the established targets. 16 3. Other Budgeted Funds If the year-end fund balances in any fund exceed the target fund balance and current budget estimate, the City Manager shall provide analysis and impact evaluation of that situation. The City Commission will take into account any unanticipated available funds when considering capital purchases, one-time program needs, or setting of user fees. Investment Policy A. Scope This investment policy applies to the investment activities of the City of Salina for all of the funds entrusted to its care, including bond proceeds and building funds. B. Objectives 1. Safety of principal. The first objective for each investment transaction is to insure that capital losses are avoided. 2. The City of Salina's cash management portfolio shall be designed with the objective of regularly exceeding the State Investment Rate for 0 —89 days, or for 3 months, whichever is higher. These indices reflect the fed funds rate, and the 3 month treasury securities yield, and are considered benchmarks for risk free investment transactions, and therefore comprise a minimum standard for the portfolio's return. The investment program shall seek to achieve returns above this threshold, consistent with risk limitations identified herein and prudent investment principles. 3. All investments shall me made in accordance with State Law. 4. The investment portfolio is subject to public review and evaluation. The overall program shall be designed and managed with a degree of professionalism worthy of the public trust. The governing body, however, recognizes that in a diversified portfolio occasional accounting losses from the sale of a security are possible, and must be considered within the context of the overall portfolio's investment safety and return. C. Delegation of Authority Management responsibility for the investment program is hereby delegated to the Director of Finance and Administration, who shall establish written procedures for the operation of the investment program, consistent with this investment policy, and subject to the approval of the City Manager. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority, where appropriate, to persons responsible for the investment transactions. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the Director of Finance and Administration. The Director of Finance and Administration shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials. D. Prudence The standard of prudence to be used by investment officials shall be the "prudent person" and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Investment officers acting in accordance with written procedures and exercising due diligence shall be relieve of personal responsibility for an individual securities credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to avoid adverse developments. E. Internal Controls The Director of Finance and Administration shall establish a system of internal controls with respect to investment activities. Such internal controls shall be documented in writing. The internal controls shall be reviewed with the Independent auditor. The controls shall be designed to provide reasonable assurances against losses of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, misrepresentation by third parties, unanticipated changes in financial markets, or imprudent actions by employees and officers of the 17 City of Salina. Internal controls shall be so designed as to achieve the above listed objectives without being unduly burdensome on the organization. F. Allowed Investments The Director of Finance and Administration may invest in any investment allowed under Kansas Law applicable to the City of Salina at the time the investment is made. These include, as of the effective date of the policy, the following: 1. N.O.W. accounts, Pass book savings accounts, money market accounts in designated Depository Banks. 2. Temporary Notes or no-fund warrants issued by the City of Salina, 3. Certificates of Deposit in banks, savings banks, and savings and loans organized under the laws of the United States or incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas, having a main office within the State of Kansas, and which have main or branch offices located within the City of Salina. 4. In United States Treasury bills or notes 5. In the Municipal Investment Pool 6. Repurchase agreements 7. Expanded Powers: In the event that the City of Salina applies for and receives authority to invest under KSA 12- 1677b (the "expanded powers" statute), investments may also include direct obligations of, or obligations that are insured as to principal and interest by the United States of America or any agency thereof; and obligations and securities of United states sponsored enterprises which may be accepted as security for public funds; excluding mortgage backed securities. The Director of Finance and Administration shall maintain a list of securities authorized under this section G. Maturities Assets of the City of Salina may be invested in instruments whose maturities do not exceed two years, provided that in the event authority to invest under KSA 12-1677b is granted, the maximum maturity shall be 4 years. Investment maturities shall be scheduled on a laddered basis in a manner as to coincide with projected cash flow needs. H. Risk and Diversification The goal of diversification is to reduce the extent of losses due to having an unbalanced portfolio in terms of maturities, instrument type, and issuers. Therefore, portfolio maturities shall be staggered to avoid undue concentration of assets in a specific maturity sector. Liquidity, free of market risk, shall be assured through practices insuring that the next disbursement date and payroll date are covered through maturing investments, marketable U.S. Treasury Bills, the Daily Municipal Investment Pool, or money market accounts. Default risk shall be minimized by requiring that all security purchases occur on a delivery vs. payment basis, and that all securities are adequately collateralized. Risk of market price volatility shall be controlled through the adoption of a "buy and hold" strategy whereby the City holds each investment to maturity, coupled with maintenance of an adequate liquidity position to insure the ability to meet normal anticipated cash flow needs. When advantageous, it is allowable to sell investments to realize a gain due to price fluctuations, however, such transactions shall not be a part of the normal course of business. The City of Salina recognizes that investment risks can result from issuer defaults, market price changes or various technical complications leading to temporary illiquidity. Portfolio diversification is employed as a way to control risk due to issuer default. In the event of a default by a specific issuer, the 18 Director of Finance and Administration shall review, and, if appropriate, proceed to liquidate securities having comparable credit risks. I. Collateralization, Safekeeping, and Custody 1. Deposits and Re-purchase Agreements Collateralization shall be required on all deposits and repurchase agreements. Collateral pledged must meet state statute requirements, and must be held by the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Home Loan Bank in Topeka, or by a third party custodian pursuant to an adopted tripartite custody agreement. The City of Salina shall enter into a Security Agreement for Deposits with the depository bank for all deposits. The city will receive a deposit advice for the pledged securities from the Federal Reserve Bank, or a joint custody receipt from the third party custodian. The maximum Federal Insurance provided for account customers can be considered a part of the institutions pledged collateral. Collateralization shall be maintained at 100% of the market value of principal and accrued interest at all times, including peak periods. At the end of each month, the depository bank will provide the market value of each pledged security to the City. In the event a third party custodian is used, such custodian shall not have an ownership relationship or affiliation with the depository bank. Pledged collateral shall not be released until an acceptable repledging of collateral is made by the depository bank and confirmed to the Director of Finance and Administration or their designee in the event of a transfer of collateral. 2. Investments (Treasury Securities, Agency Securities) Collateralization of investments shall be by the actual investment instrument. All securities owned by the City of Salina must be perfected in the name of the City of Salina, and held by the City or its authorized safekeeping agent. All investments of the City of Salina shall be confirmed and safekeeping receipts identifying the investment security shall be issued as required by this policy. The City will enter into a safekeeping agreement with a safekeeping agent whereby all investments are held in the City's account in the City's name by the safekeeping agent. By state statute, all Municipal Investment Pool accounts shall be exempt from providing safekeeping receipts or written confirmation. The Director of finance or designee may receive verbal confirmation by phone following Municipal Investment Pool guidelines. J. Interest Earnings The Director of Finance and Administration will designate which funds are to receive interest earnings. Interest earnings will be credited to those funds based on the average of the balance on the first day of the month and the cash balance on the last day of the month. This distribution may be manually adjusted if, in the Director's judgment, there are obvious interfund inequities_ K. Authorized Depositories, institutions, and Broker/Dealers Kansas State Law provides that City funds may be deposited (in checking, money market accounts, certificates of deposit and other similar "deposits") in those institutions designated by resolution as an authorized depository. This is further limited by the requirement that funds may not be deposited in institutions that do not have a "main" office within the State of Kansas unless satisfactory arrangements cannot be negotiated with an institution with a main office within the State of Kansas. This limitation does not apply to the purchase of investments such as treasury and agency securities. Investment services, consisting of the purchase of treasury securities, agency securities, or other investments as may be permitted shall be limited to the following: 1. Any State or Nationally Chartered Bank authorized as a depository, whether or not said institution has a "main" office within the State of Kansas, and, 2. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Missouri 19 3. Primary Government securities Dealers which report to the market report division of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York 4. Broker-Dealers who are registered in compliance with the requirements of section 15C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and registered pursuant to K. S. A. 17-1254. The Director of Administration and Finance may establish additional information requirements as deemed necessary to assure the safety of the City's investments, and shall maintain a list of financial institutions and broker dealers who have been qualified to provide services to the City of Salina. L. Bank Services Periodically, as deemed necessary, The City of Salina may invite proposals from financial institutions located within the City, for the purpose of providing comprehensive bank services, including checking and money market accounts, safekeeping as well as other services as may be deemed necessary. The participating institutions will be evaluated with procedures established by the Director of Administration and Finance in conjunction with other City administrative staff. M. Reporting and Evaluation At the end of each calendar quarter, the Director of Finance and Administration shall prepare and submit to the City Manager a report outlining the quarter's investment activity. Such report shall contain sufficient information to evaluate the performance of the investment program and verify that investment officials have acted in accordance with the investment policy and written investment procedures. 20 Operating Budget A. In accordance with State Law, the City Manager shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual City budget. A proposed budget for the following fiscal year (beginning January 1) shall be submitted for City Commission review and discussion on or before July 10 each year, along with a calendar for timely consideration and approval of the budget by August 15, as required by State Law. B. The budget must be balanced for all budgeted funds_ Total anticipated revenues plus the portion of anticipated reserves in excess of the established fund balance target(or in accordance with a fund balance target plan), must equal total estimated expenditures. C. Budgeted funds include the following: General Fund Special Revenue Funds: Special Sales Tax Capital Special Sales Tax Economic Development Employee Benefit Flood and Drainage Arts and Humanities Fair Housing Business Improvement District No. 1 Tourism and Convention Neighborhood Park Service Special Parks and Recreation Special Alcohol Special Gas Tax Bicentennial Center Bond and Interest Fund Internal Service Funds: Risk Management Worker's Compensation Reserve Health Insurance Central Garage Information Services Enterprise Funds: Sanitation Solid Waste Golf Course Water and Wastewater D. Funds may be added to or removed from the budget as requirements change_ In general, any continuing operations of the City shall be accounted for through budgeted funds. Non-budgeted funds are used for construction projects authorized through the issuance of debt, for trust and agency activities, for activities funded by State and Federal Grants that are not of a continuing nature, and for special purpose reserve funds. Unless otherwise provided in authorizing legislation, expenditures from special purpose reserve funds shall not be made unless there are no other resources available to accomplish the 21 desired task. Should resources from special purpose reserve funds be required, any such expenditure shall be processed through a budgeted fund. E. All budgets will be adopted on a cash basis as modified to include as expenditures for the fiscal year: expenditures incurred but not paid; and purchase commitments. Revenues will be recognized at the time payment is received, whether or not it was billed or due in another period. F. All appropriations lapse at year-end except for encumbered appropriations, which are carried forward into the next fiscal year as reservations of fund balance. G. The budget shall be adopted at the fund level. Expenditures may not exceed the fund's budget without approval from the City Commission. When appropriate, the budget for a fund may be republished to reflect changes deemed necessary and appropriate by the City Commission. H. Department budgets will also be specified during the annual budget. The City Manager may authorize transfers of authorizations between departments within the same fund and transfers of authorizations between line items within a department. I. The City will include an amount in the general fund budget (i.e., a line item for contingencies) for unforeseen operating expenditures. The amount of the contingency will be no more than 2% of the operating budget. J. The budget will provide for adequate maintenance of capital equipment and facilities and for their orderly replacement, in conjunction with the adopted multi-year Capital Improvements Program. K. The City will maintain a budgetary control system to monitor compliance with the budget. L. Enterprise funds shall be self-supporting. Internal Service funds shall be self-supporting to the greatest extent practicable. However, the City Commission may authorize transfers from other funds as they deem necessary for Internal Service operations. M. It shall be a goal of the City of Salina to reduce reliance on ad-valorem property taxes in the funding of city services. Revenue Policv A. The City will follow an aggressive policy of collecting all revenues properly owed to the city government. B. The City wilt review user fees/charges annually, and the City Manager shall make recommendations for any adjustments on the basis of that review. C. The City will try to maintain a diversified and stable revenue system to shelter it from short-run fluctuations in any one revenue source. The revenue mix should combine elastic and inelastic revenue sources to minimize the effect of an economic downturn. D. The City will set fees and user charges for each Enterprise Fund, at a level which fully supports the total direct and indirect cost of the activity. The City Enterprise operations include: Water and Wastewater, Solid Waste (Landfill), Sanitation (trash collection); and Golf Course. E. Recognizing that the public good may be better served by setting some fees at less than 100% of an activity's cost, fees and user charges for certain non-enterprise city services and programs may be set a level which only provide partial user fee funding of activity costs. 22 City of Salina IL c/r/zrws CITY COMMISSION Barbara.Shirley,Mayor Aaron Hoaseholler Jai Blanchard Kaye J.Crawford Randall Hardy City Mana,er Jason Gage Municipal Court Leal Services Clark Mize&Linville Chartered Greg Ben.SIso Risk Manaectncnt n Dcputy City Manager Michael Schrcrgc Devclopment Services Gail'MIA(, Continual Process lmprovemcnt EIII & Br-cn Johnson rhood So Vlcc?/Comm. Dcv. F 7 Human RCSOUrc c PublIC Works Ulihlics Fimmcc/Adminisu<tlion Firc Policc Nrrlulie Fischer Mike l raser Mruiho Ja.sker Rod Ftrut, l Carr ti9nllikin Jim Hill Management Internal Alhui S ,�cialEnlorcemew Engineering Water Plant Division City Clerk Firc Suppression pl>rations Design/lnspcmon/ Wastewater Plant Accornuing EMS Patrol fnllic Division Utility Accounting Codes/Inspection Invesugations General Services Utility Division Treasurer Public Fducaaion Tratfic Streets Water Distribution - _. K-9 FloodConuol WaslewawrCollectio, Administrative Records Traffic Control coinn,nnications Central Garage Raining/Comnnimry Samtation/HI 1W Relations Landfill Scnvice Desk Property&Evidence Cnu CF f)il�te1ers Bicentennial Center ComputerTechnology Human Relations Arts& Humanities Parks&Recreation *Global SpecUum Jack Rolla Gina McDonald Brad Anderson Dion BOd/(han Museum Water Park/Aquatics Arts Education Golf Course Arts Services Neighborhood Centcrs River Festival Parks Horizons Grants Program Recreation Community Art&Design Forestry Cemetery �`6vgtr.cl P�siliOn � / � /_ / 9 � ) \ � � / / \ A-) o 'o cl (1) 73— LLI CJ o E (D / F-E Uj ywm a_ (D a- 0-m -0 E (D — m LLJ ± LL 1D —Fz 0 U) CY (DI 0 coo ......................... 1 0 .0 -7t 0 E cz se -0 u = ID a ou Of, .............------------ 24 CA r S > U .1 4 u y o 0r, . 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O) N h II O O O O O O CU CO O (V 0 C) ID (D V (D � (N II U) O U] O O O d m U7 O m O U) O M T M II a c h (: h O O O CO N Ol O O V O m O U) O U] C II C O U) O U) O O O Cl) n 't U) m co U) U) OD U) m co II O �- O (0 (O O n U) N M W W (D V M M W (D m O II .� U M U) m U) '- V d V m h r U) W to `R M Cl (D V 11 m M �-- , ,a EA fA t•A U, M M r r E/1 69 N M , CO I II lA EA V) EA 69 V) fA M N V) �-- c c cA 69 f-- O N 1D m (D O O O O O O O O d O CO N O v m (f) 0 0 O Cl O O II o II -p V) m `- r n N n 0 0 0 0 0 M (/) O (D U) C) N OO CO "t 00 If) m M (A M U Q) M M U) w N LO O O O O O O r N W 7 h 00 U) U) O O II (,DD m • m h O N C (15 O O V V O O') (D t d N C- O M O O it II CL c V O O n m N N O (D m (O N m N N co O II O U) 10 h N V to V bA M UA 6A O (fl r- U) m 00 U) Ln U) II II N U > V V . [O M (A M .-- (fl N (A N .- m M M II II 0) M EA M kA 69 lA (A 6N IA n n n 0 n O O O O O O O O V N h 0 C) U) O O r II a II O O O (N O O O O O (O N U) O r V (D V 6A V II m II M OD _ O O m (O O O O O 00 (n (O M O O O O II n II L m U) U) O V� V V (D (O V N M Cl) m 00 LO CO CO II II (D C) O li) (A r EA (O N V (A V n m II II O M U) m (A 6A cA 69 (A 69 69 V M M 11 II c II 11 CD Q A A N N O O) N O N 0 0 O m m V m 0 0 N O N 11 a II m N a U) (D U) U) O O O U) CO n O 00 C N m W c, r M (D O N 00 (14 U) U) U) 00 In M U) O O (, V m n N U) (O n T V U O (D m 'V V II O II N m U) (14 n 'V oo CD (O II II V) m W U) V q cn 111) O CA U) co n O C' M II II p 1] CD U) r h to N N M m V V II II .h U , IA kA (A CA U4 EA M M Q) a M (A (14 Q LL (6 U) In o O M m b(-) co II h 11 OZ) II a) a) n n o o n d v n (") If O) E V V (D (D n V V 11 II -O O C r' M m 11 II m C E r , r EA kA r N N II 11 N (A fA EA bA d9 > , O , N O , C) O 0 0 0 II o II 0) O O O O fA O 11 M II x o o O o O !: r- m (D m (D (O CO it W II F' m m m m V II I I m O V V If � a O (D O h N O tH 0 II h It - O (D U) co O O II N II N II it c C) (n (D (D h M W Cl, 11 N II O C) N O O m m (O CD 11 N 11 X V 10 N M M II II U m fn I N M O m 11 II m A N , 69 cA 69 d9 c m F- O N C4 N O N 11 o II a N N cA N II 00 11 c to N (fl 00 00 M 11 O II (D � m 00 Co 00 CC) N x 0 C) N N N N � a to 1n EA m >, v N m O N N C > E n N d O ci a) rn O) m N N N 7 c a C) E s `m m ° a a c c > d o d m in LL ca0 .(Ea 0 cam m °c) a � d � a 2 U d m a Z a) x m ci a o a i p H V T U w 3 E U o p N m c rn p H ° ° a3i 3 a ° d °) ° m LL C X X = aj) t m m e -N m U N m C N N (n (j (n 9 -p i6 L (n m m a N O a Q C 7 m N C .O-. O m m 3 m O m cif F- }- c aNi w s m �a d p L m@ o MS to aS m d a m N U1 m C 't U U U C = Y N d N 0) Y m C E .0 .- .- t m N i C N U N O �. m m r 7 o d Q 11 Q U � ul O O N O m 0 0 0 is m is O o) O 0) m (n (7m (ncnQalV- zU) (nU) ca LL'tX a: uC) ) US U) -i a Key Revenues SCHEDULE D For the 2014 Budget Item 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Revised 2014 Budget Property Taxes General Fund $ 7,526,906 $ 8,055,673 $ 8,054,194 $ 8,195,367 Bond and Interest $ 2,711,873 $ 2,355,627 $ 2,366,613 $ 2,548,887 Total Property Taxes $ 10,238,779 $ 10,411,300 $ 10,420,807 $10,744,254 Delinquent Taxes General Fund $ 212,244 $ 167,378 $ 166,000 $ 177,337 Bond and Interest $ 55,583 $ 77,709 $ 55,000 $ 55,000 Total Del. Property Tax $ 267,827 $ 245,087 $ 221,000 $ 232,337 Vehicle Taxes General Fund $ 723,857 $ 862,318 $ 863,115 $ 876,743 Bond and Interest $ 205,866 S. 292,127 $ 303,993 $ 257,626 Total Vehicle Tax $ 929,723 $ 1,154,445 $ 1,167,108 $ 1,134,369 Sales Taxes County Sales Tax $ 6,690,649 $ 6,924,075 $ 6,895,850 $ 6,957,243 City Sales Tax $ 5,076,751 $ 5,241,205 $ 5,342,567 $ 5,449,418 Capital Improvement $ 3,763,045 $ 3,882,314 $ 3,688,254 $ 3,697,576 Economic development $ 317,297 $ 327,575 $ 300,208 $ 300,966 Total Sales Taxes $ 15,530,445 $ 16,047,594 $ 15,926,671 $16,104,237 Franchise Fees Gas $ 1,119,274 $ 914,356 $ 1,050,000 $ 996,000 Electric $ 2,642,139 $ 2,745,686 $ 3,115,000 $ 3,520,000 Telephone $ 188,590 $ 136,312 $ 145,000 $ 140,000 Cable $ 271,300 $ 320,491 $ 340,000 $ 340,000 Solid waste Host Fee $ 117,500 $ 117,500 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 water/wastewater $ 862,617 $ 940,255 $ 950,000 $ 950,000 Total Franchise $ 5,201,420 $ 5,1742600 $ 5,720,000 $ 6,066,000 EMS Fees EMS BOBS $ 225,729 $ 230,982 $ 270,000 $ 279,000 EMS Medicare $ 567,018 $ 583,794 $ 675,000 $ 694,000 EMS Medicaid $ 59,637 $ 55,655 $ 90,000 $ 90,000 EMS OTher $ 308,590 $ 341,666 $ 330,000 $ 338,250 EMS Individual $ 128,340 $ 127,919 $ 120,000 $ 120,000 EMS Collection Agency $ 56,051 $ 84,025 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 Total EMS Chqs $ 1,345,365 $ 1,424,041 $ 1,565,000 $ 1,601,250 Other Public Safety Revenues County EMS $ 631,417 $ 894,492 $ 1,251,026 $ 894,759 Fire Protection Fees $ 235,131 $ 186,733 $ 220,959 $ 220,959 Court $ 1,424,130 $ 1,656,481 $ 1,800,000 $ 1,800,000 Building Permits and Inspection $ 239,275 $ 362,319 $ 325,000 $ 335,000 Total Other Public Safety $ 2,529,953 $ 3,100,025 $ 3,596,985 $ 3,250,718 42 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Budget 9/13/2013 Key Revenues SCHEDULE D For the 2014 Budget Item 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Revised 2014 Budget Intergovernmental(State) Liquor Tax All Funds $ 460,698 $ 462,003 $ 480,000 $ 480,000 Gas Tax $ 11366,522 $ 11374:319 $ 1,369,370 $ 1,377,030 Total Intergovernmental $ 1,827,220 $ 1,836,322 $ 1,849,370 $ 1,857,030 Recreation and Cultural Revenues Recreation Fees, Exc.Activity Fund $ 447,501 $ 709,341 $ 562,364 $ 622,364 Aquatic Center Fees $ 482,699 $ 515,052 $ 480,000 $ 500,000 Recreation Activity Fund $ 417,046 $ 97,971 $ 280,000 $ 200,000 Bi-Center Fees $ 772,480 $ 241,383 $ 116,237 $ - Transient Guest Tax $ 1,332,826 $ 1,376,312 $ 1,399,958 $ 1,420,000 Arts and Humanities fees, Including River Festival $ 368,957 $ 361,762 $ 369,900 $ 370,850 Total Recreation and Cultural Revenue $ 3,821,509 $ 3,301,821 $ 3,208,459 $ 3,113,214 Other Revenues: County EDP Charges $ 106,305 $ 100,623 $ 66,000 $ 40,000 Street Cuts $ 204,792 $ 305,965 $ 300,000 $ 300,000 Interest $ 79,457 $ 98,390 $ 116,208 $ 96,208 Special Assessments $ 1,354,266 $ 1,595,986 $ 1,630,000 $ 1,500,000 Total Other Revenues: $ 1,744,820 $ 2,100,964 $ 2,112,208 $ 1,936,208 Enterprise Fees: Sanitation Fees $ 2,342,291 $ 2,455,085 $ 2,478,000 $ 2,527,284 Solid Waste $ 2,941,413 $ 3,098,806 2663808 $ 2,413,989 Golf Course $ 611,541 $ 756,938 $ 685,200 $ 745,500 Water Sales $ 9,578,791 $ 10,415,088 $ 10,356,000 $10,666,680 Sewer Fees $ 7,673,565 $ 8,127,311 $ 8,159,000 $ 8,404,000 TotalEnterprise Fees $ 23,147,601 $ 24,853,228 $ 24,342,008 $24,757,453 Total,All Key Revenues $ 66,584,662 $ 69,649,427 $ 70,12.9,616 $70,797,070 43 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Budget 9/13/2013 co W (D N m LO O O O In o N to O r to in r m r- (D O LO co � r- In W r- d r- N N N r 0 0 0 d (D 1- m O Wn O M r- 10 M N O M r- W In M M M W N O M d W 47 In C O O d M O M cl r- M M r-- N O M vi ti d N W (h W m r- M Co m O O d (D O CO CO CO N d M M M O (D OD N r- F- O (D Q J r 00 M N (D M M N N W (D N (D CD N In In M r- N (D N 00 r- Ul M co d m N In W M N N r U3 d U3 N d H3 In 00 M N M ''- W r- N r- O (D r- It 64 U3 U3 N 60 U3 W r M M M 69 (D M N . d M In ~ d U) d U) to U) U) U3 U3 U) Uj U) U3 U) N U3 O W U3 (,q U) U3 U3 M = U3 (A C) O O O N O N to O In Co In r- O O m (D M M N r- O r-- M (n M O M N O O co O M O r- CO O O N 00 r- CO r- W (n O r W m T O _ d O 00 N O M O N (n O O d (O M (n d M d ` O M O 00 M O N O M 00 O O w (D N W LO d r- d d M m O d In O O O z-- In (o 0 0 (D (D 00 O Cl) m (n M n N N d r U r n Uj Uj r m r- M (O d co r O m m C U3 U) U) U3 kn U3 U3 U) U) 69 nl U3(n U3 N • O (D M 69 U3 U3 U3 N d d O (D O (D It O M d In d to O M -d C W W O (D M O d C3 (D d N Cl) (/) Cl) C O O O O M wU M M In O O r- m m d (D (D M m m x O O M In Cl) O In 00 It 00 W (D (D m N O (D r- U3 (D U3 to U3 d m (1) M O O C (n 1(-) r- EA �-- M • � W N N - U3 � (n d W N O T r O O O M O N O O r- O W r- M M (D N O O M co o -O m d 0 , (D (D 0 r- O M (n Cl) O N (n CO N N M W O U) M N t_ O m M O O O co f- (n W O M O d 0 m O N m m d r- C) W C'! 0 00 r- O O M (n W M O W d N O W 0 N (n -7 (O W r .-- (D W M lO r- `• O co W d - r- m W N CO (D In In O O M d W (D co M co O d r- co co Q"O "- (O M M N M W r- U9 r <' (D d N It N ti 0 0 11] (D an d O m 0 U C r (D W N d9 U3 w (A (1-? U3 U3 U3 M � N O 1 U3 U3 r • M N U W r- C Q (Y) 40 Q x W , W W O O O m N O 0 0 (D 0 0 O m O m o O • O Cl O O O O (n Cl to CO O O 0 0 C) ], N N O In O m d O N O M O O W O W r t` In O d N m r (D d "I (D W w N .Q.� O (D (D M N N d M M O N O M d O d C D W co (fl ba r U3 Cl) N - W m W U O Uj U3 N U3 (H V) U3 N • r- to r- U) W Ui N .1 m co co O O m W o O m N r O C O O O co) O M M O N O 1- W O M U- co co M M d M N r x _ co (O U) d d N W t` W 9 O O U3 N C, N O 0 (D m • U3 • to U3 U) co 6114 7 ` 0] (n M M O O O O O o N • (V N O C In U) to O O o ° ° r- W (D (o N m N N N W M M U 10 O N � O ' T� CD C Q M (D O m N Cl 0 O O r- O d 0 0 CD to O (D m O m o QI C M M O N (1) O O O O M N �-- O M N W r- U9 r- O N N r- r O W M In W O O O O M M m r- In O O N m O C C W d O W O O - r- (D W d N M r- c- N In 7 N N N W W m 00 (D In 0 0 r- N CO r Cr) r- CO m m CO m m O N d U3 r- r d (1-) d 0 U) M U) It U3 N N N U to In W U3 d) U3 U3 U3 bo U) N W V) N i d d U-T U (p U) m ' U) M M O O O (N (D In O O O O O O o (n W W o W (n moor- Inn mU3Mm In o m N v r- W r- d —_ M Cl) to M U3 M co d M (D CO d d (O CL . W co (D O N N (14 r- m In (D O Q m m to (n d U3 U) N N m U3 U) U3 N • (D (D U) O (D (D M d (1") M r 0 N m In O to o N m (n to «-) r W f- Cl) (D r- O co M (H In M m r- r O W (D m (D r- m r- O O r- - T O Q C M r M r ro C6 C6 W 1- W O O U 0 W co m E m d d V U) H m m C W m U) U) to V3 to F- (D (fl r O O M <- m r- r- O 1- o C N O O O N N U3 r- O d d M (D M W W d (n N N M C U m m O O m O m N W co 05 m 0) O m -U :D N ` 1- r M N M (D d M r M M C ll7 m m m m U3 U3 U)Efj tO N d d d N f- (f9 N N d U3 69 U3 U) m O N cD C T d v S V) C (A N N V to (15 2' U @ m . '� y m al m _ LL Y > � m m (`a c � d a V v I @ ❑ in LL ❑ m c a °tl O m m m Q (a m z m x a Q O M q) C) E E U rn D m F- U W 7 E U 0 U N N c O L H m .m. N m 3 m F- O 23 (n LL x x a °6 aQ (7 l0 m m m � no U) 9C -0 U o 0 0 (9 R 'O N O 06 o C _ O-m m IY N N R C t .0 'V 'U C S y _ -O _O .`m-. m Y cn C C m m N (/1 7 m m m m '- y C E C in ` m 0 m m t D o m a- Q d.2 .� -{{ m o m o o 0 (a ra O m o d rn C9ao (n> cnQmF- Z (nln (nmtLw wUU (n (nU) CD �: �: 3: --IH a U- M W o J N W rn U U) O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 0 0 0 1- O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F (D Q O O O 0 CD 0 En � O O O O O O O O O 0 C) O O O O i O O C7 O O O Z O O Z Z O O O C C O O Cl O p)O O Z O O 0) c O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C) O O O O O O O O LO O t0 O O Lf) LO O O O o O O C O O C) @ O N N N U7 r (R (O 6) V-) r-- t0 r- c- i0 to tf) r to (D N O Lf7 c- EA CH (V I EA U) Ef3 M V � CO ; (fl EA Efl O O O N O N 0 0 0 CO O O - -1 ((±" 4 u) f� O O N O (D 6) O N LO N O O (o (fl En co (n O O (n U) O f� M O O CO N 00 ^ CO , M CO O) O _ d O CO N O co CO O N (f) O O co r V (p M N (") N ,'T O O CO C O M O) O M CO O O (O (6 Go O CO N l) CCD) .- d LO O O O r (\I U) LO r O O N O (D r- r O (O (9 N N O N N �3' r (f=) r r t0 U) (n f- O) r r- 0) f- M (p r d O N LQ EFJ M II (� 1 Ef) K) (1) EA En En CV U) EF) EA Lc O V) Ef3 61) ee (H V) N Q i O (O IT O) O O) o O O LO O N (O M fl O l� O O r (O M f� p O co 00 C9 M 0) (D (D M O M Ef) E!) EA Y C.9 V O O d O N V CD O tf) (O p 6) d � M LO y O) f-- f`• CO O N r d M (T 6) O f� L') r p O 00 N O N r- O O O M N (O CO O V � d r f- CO O OJ ((j LO co O (O CO N O r M r r t� O 6) CO O O <- CO CO f-- O co I- W d Y) (O U3 (A M I 60 M r U) CO (fl CO (+) EA (D CO O (n Efl Efl En U) EA (f) 9 C N Q1 C CD O CO CO O M O C) C) (4) O O O o I (C) O (O M N O C) V M p M h1 N d'I (O @ �� N O N V O N U) Ef) En (") E� C7 CO Ef) CO O f� CO CD O O N CO � V (9 � (9 � � O r CO CD C- N O � l('.1 O N N V O Cr3 O O M CO d <t m 7 i d 0 It (D O d M C� N f-- O M r co CD CO M 0) r � V CC1 Cp O] 6) O G) N (O f� O C) (f) O (O LO (O N O CO CO O � O N co I+- C M i d N CC) CO (f) U) r i.0 r 'd_ Efl CO r r (S) l0 (I) (J) N CO h: N EF) (f) (f3 U) LL O co ( (� En (fl CF U3 U3 a N @@ - N V CD (O O f� O O (O O co M CO (`� r r M CO (O (DO d co O V CO C M @ M O) N M M O E) E9 In V En � u L() (f) O) r r O O M O O �- O V Lo N - - � CD f� d CO M r V r M r N M O) d r N O M CO O 6) N 'I- Z_ Ch f� (0 U) CD U r N O N O V O CO co N r <- (O N (-D 'd CO r M N f,- f- N O (n W -0 Q CO f` CD � (D C) M (D (A M d CD f- C) O r (D O (D O) CO - 0.7 -O C N N Lo co CO N N CA OO Ef) C;J co Ln (D) CO e9 ti N CQ N O C N N U7 N O En V) N OJ N U C) U - CO N CO d CD 0 d V d (O O d (O (� f` O C) O) M f� O d r (O 1i CD Q m d V CO M r CO U) O M CO U) (D r r C1. �Y co O O O OD N f� U7 (O O (O:� N CD O CD r O N r d d 6) f� O O N f` O O CO M to V 6) r d (D U ', TI- 6) (D O i` (O N 66 f` O i` M C) f` 6) (O O O N V V CO C)) r f` C Q CO O) CO O (O U3 N V N CO En fl- CD d r O CD CD r N CO d' 0" O O f-- CO (D 6) r- N En CO (n CO EP) CD O) OO (D CO O O V f ) r (; EF) (") (n U) Eft 09 EA CV ce N (�9 N O) N Lr) III O u ER 69 Ef) U) U) Ef-) Ee, N J n N 69 (J) Q E O c- t0 CD r N CO O co d (O d CO O M CO V N 6) (b O r (O r 0 n (T O) r M (") En (O (O CO �Y O C`) r t`- � �- N CO M .- M CD O) O) f'- f� o C) f� Cl) LO O N r r O CD O co oO CD f0 M f� M t0 '� CO (f) co (O ' co � C.IO 00 'Y f` N N (D l() r N (") O O � O) � ("] r O co O) LO Q N N M f- ',T d (n N (D M En d Cl) d LO O co CS) CQ co O V 0) �- f-- O r t0 CO t1) O c- N 09 f� U) CO U) r- O U'3 UF) V U) V (n (O CO O) co co _- Cf3 Et) EA cY'7 r N N 6) hA N O E1) E� Efl En (f) N i En UT w (n w > w � ll� w O w cn U) > w U w Q Cf) w o Q w = O W .. Q W W J Z CY W Z W W Q ' LU O W O Z O W J O W J (� S Q Q � U (n (ll Of w z D (n (n < U) T- U Q � QQU Z U w � a D LLJ LL z w W W W OffOUwQz U W OU = Q W (n W> j co LL .. + - X > Q Q = Q J Q Z - W W O W Z O > z (n ' W Q LU (n (n = � W QC7Z (n W (nQ (nW U � z (n0QQ � Z W Z w d �Z � Q � QQ m (nmQQQ � O QQwO � � -' a-< Y w Q CD � W 0 Q QUU (n = UUUZ = Q Z � Y J � l Q � t- � W W W W Q J En'5i cn i XW O w � a- � 0OW � aW aUQ wcYnO � wO � QOOOQ Q Q QU m � (n (nQmI- Z (n (nCnCOLL Z � Z W UU zwU) S 00 Y LU c 0 _T U 45 City of Salina SCHEDULE G 2014 Payroll Summary Total Total Prior Year Dept. Fulltime Overtime Longevity Fulltime Parttime Payroll Payroll ------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- City Commission $0 $18,000 $18,000 $ 18,000 City Manager $489,888 $500 $2,419 $492,807 $500 $493,307 $ 453,919 Finance $407,000 $1,500 $5,367 $413,867 $0 $413,867 $ 377,620 Human Resources $200,361 $500 $1,533 $202,394 $500 $202,894 $ 199,886 Buildings $310,962 $12,100 $3,300 $326,362 $3,500 $329,862 $ 359,385 Human Relations $214,803 $1,505 $216,308 $216,308 $ 243,377 Police $5,487,000 $400,000 $59,920 $5,946,920 $5,946,920 $ 5,935,082 Municipal Court $561,000 $2,000 $5,485 $568,485 $568,485 $ 567,300 Fire $5,410,119 $243,000 $45,754 $5,698,873 $57,575 $5,756,448 $ 5,328,597 Engineering $765,000 $1,000 $4,560 $770,560 $770,560 $ 766,930 Street $1,068,795 $8,000 $16,335 $1,093,130 $1,093,130 $ 1,060,400 Flood works $119,383 $2,000 $1,680 $123,063 $2,000 $125,063 $ 113,940 Traffic Control $150,000 $6,000 $1,640 $157,640 $3,000 $160,640 $ 158,520 Parks $832,370 $3,500 $18,543 $854,413 $209,560 $1,063,973 $ 1,018,102 Swimming Pools $14,000 $500 $14,500 $311,000 $325,500 $ 330,000 Neighborhood Centers $0 $15,328 $15,328 $ 15,328 Recreation $443,396 $1,500 $3,020 $447,916 $302,900 $750,816 $ 759,789 Smoky Hill Museum $268,958 $1,000 $1,089 $271,047 $21,000 $292,047 $ 269,089 Development Services $752,366 $1,500 $6,643 $760,509 $760,509 $ 758,988 Cemetery $90,603 $500 $2,293 $93,396 $7,000 $100,396 $ 93,885 -------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- ---------------- Total General $17,586,004 $685,100 $181,086 $18,452,190 $951,863 $19,404,053 $ 19,282,412 Arts& Humanities $298,378 $3,500 $2,128 $304,006 $33,165 $337,171 $ 320,785 Bicentennial Center $0 $0 $ - Subtotal $17,884,382 $688,600 $183,214 $18,756,196 $985,028 $19,741,224 $ 19,897,292 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- Central Garage $215,000 $1,500 $2,800 $219,300 $219,300 $ 219,775 Computer Technology $389,270 $2,000 $4,510 $395,780 $395,780 $ 384,460 Sanitation $613,423 $2,000 $7,380 $622,803 $622,803 $ 640,295 Solid Waste $396,371 $3,000 $8,240 $407,611 $30,220 $437,831 $ 402,170 Golf Course $213,929 $6,000 $3,200 $223,129 $103,000 $326,129 $ 319,000 Water& Sewer $2,605,769 $125,000 $36,317 $2,767,086 $13,000 $2,780,086 $ 2,860,263 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------- ---------------- Total,All Budgeted Fund, $22,318,144 $828,100 $245,661 $23,391,905 $1,131,248 $24,523,153 $ 24,916,435 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- City Of Salina, Kansas 2013 Budget 46 9/13/2013 City ofSaIIna Schedule H Schedule olTransfers Expenditure Receipt Actual Current Proposed Fund Transferred fund Transferred Amount for Amount for Amount for From:. To: 201.2 20B 3 2014 Adtustmcnt for urchases fromcmemalioe C,nr-.tl C:13racp (476,193) (465,158) (473,096) Ails and Humanities-- ii 38,490 42,825 44,966 Arts and tfumanntcs W-r k,:x> Corm.. I ;a T i o_ ;,000 3,30,0, 3,300 Ails and Ilunrannfes 1,995 1,950 1;950 Bicentennial Censer ^'a . g m I 1,000 Bicentennial_Center 4r >t:.,i 1,6 (1 .3 - Bicentennial Cente-r I th :nsu: Im 0,410 Bicentennial Center _ r f 44? _ CentralGarace k1 ._4: w7r,•- 8,1°'14 - -8,844 8,1;44 Central Garaacrl 1 t li :r 4'_)04 55,11(7(1 lS,[ri?(1 Central Garage ( �s�:rn.:... ,�: 4,000 4,400 4,400 Computer fechnolny'y -ia wv) 10,000 _ 10,000 Computer7ccbnology " r 1jr 03,136 678"'6 '(,000 Conl[juler-1 cchnolovy ' 1.1.1','it .t�.�-+4? O'U(JO 6,D00 6,6tt:! Computer iechnoloer :_ (,a ;(to 500 Computer Icchnoloey c, 1 r. oaQ -3_00 300 GOm)nlcl Tcchnolog _ _- r_�_ __ '10-316 - EPA Ca ital Fund(off Bucket) Fair HOUSne Fund - -59, 4('1 98,759 oo'(Joo f-rom(-")scd Construction hands(Of l Hud L 1100,000 - Geeernl(n>el rating supplemcnQ - - r :. r I r ;_0,000 General Fund r 48a, )00.000 S( '060 GcneialIund_ I_l 110(1 XO000 (iem rat Fu 173464 _ 200,000 ?(1(1.000 General Fund ? .I ',7 10 8.5,736 ;_04_4,338 Geneinl Fund _ 57,600 314,395 6-.>3 0 General I and I>wwo 42o ow) ,;911 wo t, nerd Gas and k)i (cncr�l ManNC-na.nce 571'4 '4 205 3 79S COIL C our�c - _ " 35 960 _ �4 5 r` -- 36,()is Goll(oursc >U0 6.000 ` 0.000 CiollZ'our<c 'I(1 4>,OOO - - ;0000 olI(outs:: .t x�,' 6,000 ',700 River festival r, r ego- -- �0 >0 Sales la.e 400,'rUU iOtIJ U'-' ;60.0(10 .`ialC -[ax I.iS0'100 1,7tf)000 1.3`00()0 tianimlion > I' .� )a; -,r. 10,400 ?S.Onir ?5000 Sanrraeion r �_ 1 10,049 1 1°-41 9 1 144 311 Sanitation I?,OOn _ 3.-'U(i �I -{it) Sanianon 1X,'49 it',140 54A000 Sanrtanon t rr I�;: ,�ry o, OOf >.0no 77000 Sanitation 9 t:' r S(8,80? -- 15 O0o 4 410 Sanilau0n f c>.cr 30,081 Sanitation(Orehead) - 171,0(10 17i.0tio I b 00t) Sanitation Franchise. n 'x 100'000 1(1If f)O() 10=t.0On Sanitation PIL01' n-- 10000 to_OOO - 10,000 Sohd Waste 00,000 25,060 30,000 Solid Waste I'^ i' P c .... 86,644 88,695 96,)44 Solid W s(c 1 o_ 6,s'•0 7,200 !00 Solid Waste 174,(1'? 3!1.300 5)4400 Solid Waste 61,000 61,000 Solid Wasrc lc„r••r ::, 1,645 1,600 1,650 Solid Waste Posl-(fO-;c fZr (oll bu 70,o(i(i 43,)00 SohdWastc Czlpoalf.TUIP11wnl;lnpnovcn ,'.;17.000 - - - .i7,000_ Sohd WashIand Sr., L ;' �iliv - ,;,)ii(1(d X0,000 170000 Solid Waste Ilost 1 ce I 1 17,100 1 '(1000 114_'50 Solid Waste Owrhtad Ge nf'rs 1 160,000 180,000 I);_0,000 Solid Waste Pilot _ � r�r.,! )0'OQ0 DO,UtaJ T -)().000 Tourism rf>r use r. '01.110 1 UUU _ )H..000 Tourism 417,25? 4?1,190 Water and sewer P. s}:_ Mnanrm�nt 150,000 180,000 180,000 Water and Sewer HeaiLh IrL,xv_r_0nce 447,976 491,'_78 529,636 Water and Sewer worker;, Comr7r'm; rio tA,700 _71,400 73,400 Water and Sewer C• ntr_7 I ,i ag, 150,486 176,200 170,100 Water and Sewer Compu t P r ! - h n.�'ng v 700,000 770,000_ 770,000 Waterand Sewer Debt Servicr Account(ofYbu 2,448,000 2,473,01)_0 -1,4 18,00o Water and Sewn Capital Improvements]rand( 5,385,000 i,33S,Si4� +,385,544 Water and Sewer EPA Reserve Fund(olTbud+% 60,302.-,,- 6)),302 bO,30) Water and Se:werJn Lieu offranchise General 940,255 �-51 000 950,000 Water and Sewer Overhead ;Gee 830,000 850,000 850,000 Water and Sewer Pilot taenera1 450,000 4)0,0(10 4315,(7x0 Totals 24,779,626 ?0,7S1,8o0 Li 056,4118 Adjustments 100,000 (13,138) Adjusted Totals j 24,779,626 20,481,860 21,069,636 City of Salina 2014 Budget Summary by Classification Class Name 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Revised 2014 Budget Expense Personal Services $24,427,560 $24,081,352 $24,327,083 $24,402,597 $24,848,684 Employee Benefits $4,099,837 $4,424,362 $4,619,873 $4,717,640 $5,298,769 Benefits Transfer $4,620,826 $4,326,743 $4,774,093 $4,596,009 $4,867,188 Supplies $6,909,697 $7,537,247 $7,749,506 $7,736,666 $7,890,756 Services and Charge $20,889,905 $20,739,150 $22,345,136 $22,316,350 $21,427,702 Capital Outlay $9,279,089 $5,334,974 $7,730,783 $7,574,666 $7,830,409 Debt Services $6,911,481 $7,113,959 $6,942,058 $6,832,380 $6,681,078 Interfund Transfers $8,114,596 $16,192,465 $8,525,844 $8,666,384 $8,952,284 Reserves $1,445,746 $60,302 $19,213,149 $21,269,876 $17,300,027 Total Expense $86,698,737 $89,810,554 $106,227,525 $108,112,568 $105,096,897 Revenue Properly Taxes $10,287,769 $10,466,047 $10,259,735 $10,515,807 $10,824,254 Delinquent Taxes $267,827 $245,087 $372,488 $221,000 $232,337 Motor Vehicle Taxes $929,723 $1,154,445 $1,167,108 $1,167,108 $1,134,369 General Sales And U $11,792,062 $12,191,512 $12,975,500 $12,265,917 $12,433,661 Restricted Sales and $4,080,342 $4,209,889 $4,270,302 $3,988,462 $3,998,542 Other Taxes $7,381,349 $7,329,479 $7,559,370 $7,899,328 $8,273,030 Intergovernmental $31,203 $100,668 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 Operating Grants $963,170 $1,035,034 $1,059,359 $1,415,626 $1,075,004 Charges for Services $37,880,824 $38,060,000 $36,416,788 $38,474,506 $38,899,967 Special Assessments $1,535,488 $1,650,053 $1,515,364 $1,685,374 $1,555,000 Interest Income $79,457 $98,745 $116,2.08 $116,208 $96,208 Reimbursements $445,226 $326,431 $348,908 $323,908 $304,920 Miscellaneous $260,492 $411,539 $358,699 $413,699 $387,644 Other Financing Sour $230,131 $204,047 $200,000 $205,000 $210,000 Interfund Transfers $10,075,108 $9,710,601 $8,815,299 $9,333,557 $8,449,224 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $20,727,397 $20,022,068 $17,157,737 Total Revenue $86,240,171 $87,193,577 $106,227,525 $108,112,568 $105,096,897 48 This Page Intentionally Blank 49 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_000 Dept. General Revenues General Revenues are those income sources that are not tied to any particular program. These would include property and motor vehicle taxes,sales taxes, earnings on investments, franchise fees,and other similar revenue items. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 401.000 Real Estate& Pers Prop $7,526,906 $8,055,673 $7,929,702 $8,054,194 $8,195,367 401.100 Revitalization Rebate $0 $0 $0 $80,000 $65,000 403.000 Payment in Lieu of Tax $37,601 $49,296 $0 $0 $0 Totals for. Property Taxes $7 564.507 $8,104,969 $7,929,702 X8,134,194 $8:260.367 402.000 Delinquent Property Tax $212,244 $167,378 $292,488 $166.000 $177,337 Totals for._ Delinquent Taxes $212,244 $167 378 $292,488 $166,00 0 X1.77,337 405.000 Vehicle Tax $714,240 $856,622 $843,453 $843,453 $853,383 407.000 Recreational Vehicle Tax $9,617 $5,696 $12,117 $12.117 $10,822 408.000 16/20M Tax $0 $0 $7,545 $7,545 $12,538 Totals for: Motor Vehicle Taxes $723,857 $862,318 $863_1 15 $863,115 $876,743 410.000 Sales Tax-Countywide $6,690,649 $6,924,075 $7,384,000 $6,895,850 $6,957,243 410210 Sales Tax--City $5,076,751 $5.241,205 $5,564.000 $5,342,567 $5,449,418 Totals for: General Sales And Use T $11,767,400 ,$12 165 2£30 $12,948,000 $12,238,417 $112 406,6F1 414.351 Franchise Tax-Gas $1,119,274 $914,356 $1,250,000 $1,050,000 $996,000 414.352 Franchise Tax-Electric $2,642,139 $2,745,686 $2,675,000 $3,115,000 $3,520,000 414.353 Franchise Tax-Telephone $188.590 $136,312 $140,000 $145,000 $140,000 414.354 Franchise Tax-Cable $271,300 $320,491 $300,000 $340.000 $340,000 426.000 Liquor Tax $153,566 $154,001 $155,000 $160,000 $160,000 Totals for: Other Taxes $A,374,869 54,270,846 $4,520,000 $4,810 000 5_1561000 428.000 Federal Grants $0 $0 $30,000 $30.000 $30,000 Totals for: Operating Grants 5 V $30,000 $3( 000 $30,000 465.326 Oil Well Lease $3,906 $5.450 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 488.000 Tax Exemption Fees $300 $450 $0 $0 $0 502.000 Surety Deposits $143,456 $30,643 $0 $0 $0 520.148 Food $0 ($1) $0 $0 $0 Totals for; Charges for Services $147,662 $36,542 $5,000 5 000 $5,000 560.000 Investment Income $15,749 $11,381 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Totals for: Interest Income x,749 $1:1_381 $20,000 $20,00 0 20 000 582.000 Returned Check Charqes $340 $240 $0 $0 $0 590.000 Other Reimbursements $34 $0 $50,000 $25,000 $5,130 590.310 Other Reimburse-Enqineer $800 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Reimbursements $1_174 240 $50,00Q 25 000 J5 130 594.190 Donations-Human Relations $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 606.000 Sale Of Commodities $20,775 $23,092 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 607.000 Sale Of Books $120 $0 $0 $0 $0 609.000 Sale Of Salvage $44.883 $44,006 $40,000 $45,000 $40,000 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $90 $170 $0 $0 $0 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $46,311 $43,185 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 620.140 Petty Cash-Long $0 $2 $0 $0 $0 620.450 Petty Cash-Cash Lonq $2,082 $69 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Miscellaneous 116,761 $110,524 $1()5,000 $110,000 $105,000 414.355 Franchise-Waler/Waslewa $862,617 $940,255 $900,000 $950,000 $950,000 414.356 Host Fee-Solid Waste $117,500 $117,500 $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 660.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $412,044 $0 $0 $0 $0 660.000 Interfund Serv.Prov. $2,532,316 $2,232,316 $1,715,000 $2,215,000 $2,175,000 661.000 Transfers Interfund $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 662.000 Transfers Operatinq $168,838 $44,955 $0 $300,000 $0 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $4,093 315 $3,335,026 $3,235,000 $3,585,000 $3,245.000 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $3,303,167 $2,287,632 $3,130,499 50 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for Carryover Surplus U0 LO $3,303,167 7632 130,49 Totals for: General Revenues 29,017,538 $29,064,504 $33301,472 $32,274,358 $33,417,737 51 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_020_ Dept. Public Safety Revenue Public safety revenues are those that are generated for the City by Police, Fire, EMS,and Building Inspection and enforcement activity. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 428.000 Federal Grants $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 437.000 Ems-County $631,417 $894,492 $894,759 $1,251,026 $894,759 438.000 Dispatch Fees $7,667 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Operating Grants $639,084 $894,492 $919,75 9 $1,276,026 $919,75 9 448.000 Other Rental $7,357 $9.285 $0 $0 $0 467.000 Registration Fees $4,100 $8,620 $0 $0 $0 467.890 Ems-Bc/Bs $225,729 $230,982 $236,250 $270,000 $279,000 467.891 Ems-Medicare $567,018 $583,794 $630,000 $675,000 $694,000 467.892 Ems-Medicaid/Welfare' $59,637 $55,655 $60,514 $90,000 $90,000 467.893 Ems-Other Insurance $308,590 $341,666 $367,500 $330,000 $338,250 467.894 Ems-Individual $128,340 $127,919 $135,000 $120,000 $120,000 467.895 Ems-Collection Aqencv $56,051 $84,025 $75,000 $80,000 $80,000 468.000 Fire Prot. Outside City $235,131 $186.733 $220,959 $220,959 $220,959 468.010 Rescue Services $1,218 $3,455 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 468.020 Hazmat Fees $0 $12,201 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 472.000 Weed Cuttinq $38,153 $42.291 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 475.000 Alarm Monitoring $53,364 $52.503 $65,000 $60,000 $60,000 490.000 Municipal Court $1,424,130 $1,656,481 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 $1,800,000 501.000 Permits&Licenses-Code $908 ($1,859) $0 $0 $0 501111 Concrete Construction $52 $161 $0 $0 $0 501.112 Electrian Licenses $4,356 $9,998 $7,524 $7,524 $7,524 501.113 Mobile Home Craftsman ($1,255) $0 $0 $0 $0 501114 Mechanical Contractor $4,356 $3,267 $3,179 $3,179 $3,179 501.116 Plumbers $3,606 $2,305 $2,667 $2,667 $2,667 501.117 Concrete Const. Permit $1,629 $1,464 $600 $600 $600 501.118 Housemovinq Permits $0 $0 $300 $300 $300 501.119 Buildinq& Inspection $239,2.75 $362,319 $302,260 $325,000 $335,000 501.120 Registered Tradesman $3,350 $5,175 $3,057 $3.057 $3,057 501.121 Licensed Contractor $17,540 $13,406 $7,133 $13,000 $13,500 501.122 Solid Fuel App Contractor $42 $0 $0 $0 $0 501.123 SWPPP-LD Commercial $775 $791 $0 $0 $0 501.124 ROW Excavation Permit $108 $258 $0 $0 $0 501.125 Land Distb Reinsnection $24 $0 $0 $0 $0 501.126 Land Disturb Permit-Resid $192 $540 $0 $0 $0 501.127 Levee Permit $300 $1,600 $0 $0 $0 501.128 ROW Dumpster Permit $48 $74 $0 $0 $0 520.000 Other Licenses&Permits $22,375 $34,989 $500 $35,000 $35,000 520.125 Private Club $16,375 $11,750 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 520.126 Cereal Malt Beverage $4,475 $4,025 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 520.127 Cereal Malt Bev.Stamps $0 $50 $600 $600 $600 520.128 Retail Liquor $6,000 $4,200 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 520.131 Circus,Carnival $0 $308 $525 $525 $525 520.137 Liquidation Sale $200 $0 $102 $102 $102 520.138 Tree Trimminq $1,501 $409 $525 $525 $525 520.139 Junk Dealers $2,530 $1,300 $1,529 $1,529 $1,529 520.140 Pawnbrokers $176 $275 $102 $102 $102 520.141 Taxicabs $566 $800 $420 $420 $420 520.142 Taxicab Drivers $798 $400 $420 $420 $420 520.143 Street Advertisinq $265 $382 $51 $51 $51 520.145 Mobile Home Court $0 $20 $5,258 $0 $0 520.146 Vendor, Peddler $2,813 $1,336 $510 $510 $510 520.147 Refuse Haulers $0 $8,765 $3,149 $0 $0 520.149 Bail Bondsman $708 $501 $734 $734 $734 520.150 Merchant Police $13,829 $14,465 $10,496 $10,496 $10,496 520.151 Animal $439 $459 $0 $0 $198,000 520.153 Street Parade Permit $265 $250 $357 $357 $357 520.154 Scrap Metal Reqister Fee $0 $400 $0 $0 $0 520.156 S.E.ALCOHOL RETAILERS $0 $50 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Charges for Services $3,457,439 $3,880,243 $4,033?21 $4,144,157 $4,388,907 52 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 590.210 Other Reimburse-PD $173,842 $162,911 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 590.250 Other Reimburse-Fire $9,860 $18,385 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 Totals for: Reimbursements $183,702 Ej8l 296 198 000 198 000 19$ 8.009 594.2.50 Donations Fire Dept $0 $2,350 $0 $0 $0 605.000 Sale of Assets $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $1,352 $548 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Miscellaneous $1,552 L2.898 $1,000 11 m $1,000 Totals for: Public Safety Revenue $4,281,777 $4,958,929 $5,152,480 $5,619,183 $5,507,666 53 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_030_ Dept. Public Works Revenue These represent revenues generated by Engineering,Traffic,Streets and other Public Works activities in the General Fund. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 477.000 Enqineerinq $56,915 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 478.000 Street Cut $204,792 $305,965 $160,000 $300,000 $300,000 Totals for: Charges for Services $261.707 $305,965 $161,000 1301 000 $301,00n 595.000 Tree Donations $250 $305 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $4,134 $3,422 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Totals for: Miscellaneous $4,384 „3,727 X13 000 $43,00 000 13 000 Totals for: Public Works Revenue 266 091 $309,692 $174,000 314 000 314 000 54 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100040 Dept. Health & Sanitation Rev Revenues generated by health and sanitation activities within the General Fund. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 457.000 Burial And Removal $31,860 $30,104 $32,000 $32,000 $32,000 458.000 Grave Marker $1,696 $1,527 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 459.000 Title Transfer $63 $203 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Charges for Services $33,619 X31,834 $33,000 $33,000 33 000 601.000 Sale Of Lots $18,220 $28,833 $21,000 $21,000 $21,000 Totals for: Miscellaneous $18220 28 833 21 000 $21,00 0 $211000 Totals for: Health&Sanitation Rev $51,839 $60,667 154,000 $554,000 $54,000 55 City of Salina, Kansas _ 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_050_ Dept. Rec. & Culture Revenue These are revenues generated by the Recreation and Cultural Activities provided by the General Fund. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 431.000 State Grants $0 $1,342 $0 $0 $0 436.000 Museum-Rental $202 $245 $600 $600 $245 Totals for: Operating Grants $202 11,587 600 600 245 441.000 Rent Neiqhborhood Centers $28,392 $34,197 $30,000 $20.000 $20,000 443.000 Rent Park Shelters $0 $6,597 $5,000 $12,000 $12,000 464.000 Recreation Fees $141,352 $113,329 $150,000 $115,000 $115,000 464.050 Natural Resource Fees $9,695 $12,296 $12,000 $12,000 $12,300 464.100 Sale of Bike Helmets $1,345 $1,150 $1,500 $1,500 $1,200 464.300 Baseball Tournaments $11,032 $8,818 $10,000 $10,000 $9,000 464.305 Baseball-Youth Leaques $27,640 $26,061 $20,000 $30,000 $25,000 464.400 Softball Tournaments $10,797 $9.985 $12,000 $12,000 $10,000 464.407 Softball-Youth Leaques $14,746 $19,429 $15,000 $15.000 $19,000 464.500 Soccer Proqram Fees $9,880 $15,552 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 464.600 Special Populations Fees $22,167 $22,914 $17,000 $22,000 $23,000 464.700 Senior Program Fees $19,772 $16,458 $20,000 $20,000 $15,000 464.882 Basketball Fees $16,790 $16,283 $17,000 $17,000 $16.000 464.883 Volleyball Fees $8,805 $12,200 $7,000 $12,000 $12,000 464.884 Baseball Fee Adult-School $3,840 $13,626 $5,000 $5,000 $12,000 464.885 Softball Fee Adult-School $55,215 $46,154 $52,000 $52,000 $45,000 464.889 Other Use Fees $21,500 $17,420 $50,000 $50,000 $17,000 466.000 Activity Seniors $417.046 $40,933 $170,000 $180,000 $100,000 466.001 Activity Ticket Money $0 $2,802 $0 $0 $0 466.003 Activity Lakewood $0 $43,622 $15,000 $90,000 $90.000 466.006 Activity Special Pops $0 $10,614 $5,000 $10,000 $10,000 480.000 Swimminq Pool $482,699 $515,052 $480,000 $480.000 $500,000 484.000 Food/Beverage $19,651 $18,127 $15,000 $15.000 $15,000 Totals for: Charges for Services X1,322,364 $1,023,619 $1,118 500 $1 190 500 $1,093,500 590.000 Other Reimbursements $16,051 $14,027 $16,500 $16,500 $15.000 Totals for: Reimbursements 1 f-05 $14,027 16 500 $16,500 $15,00 0 594.000 Donations $8,241 $51,095 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $388 $2,685 $1,500 $1,500 $2,600 Totals for: Miscellaneous $8.629 $53,78 0 11 500 11,500 $7,600 Totals for: Rec.&Culture Revenue $1,347,246 $1,093,013 $1,147,100 $1,219,100 $1,116,345 56 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_060_ Dept. Com. & Ec. Dev Revenue Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 428.000 Federal Grants $28,202 $30,455 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Totals for: Operating Grants $28,202 30 455 L30,000 $30,000 $30,00 0 471.000 Plats And Rezoninq $9,253 $9,801 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 473.000 Vacation Fees $1,115 $984 $500 $500 $500 Tatais for. Charges for Services 10 368 10 785 10 500 10 500 X10,500 570.000 Fair Housing $59,840 $59,840 $50,501 $98,759 $66,000 660.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interfund Transfers 163 340 $59,840 $50,501 $9 $66,000 Totals for: Corn. &Ec. Dev Revenue 101 910 $101,080 $91,001 $139,259 $106,500 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $35,066,401 $35,587,885 $39,920,053 $39,619,900 $40,516,248 57 This Page Intentionally Blank 58 City of Salina, Kansas 4r0'*_ 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_101_ Dept. City Commission As the elected representatives of the community, the City Commission exercises the legislative power of the City government. The City Commission meets regularly to consider ordinances,resolutions and other actions as may be required by law or circumstance. The various concerns brought before the Commission for consideration may be initiated by Commission members, advisory commissions,administrative staff,other political entities or the general public. The City Commission exercises budgetary control through the adoption of an annual budget. The Commission makes appointments to various boards,authorities and commissions. The Commission appoints and evaluates the City Manager. The five-member Commission is elected at large on a nonpartisan basis. Three Commissioners are elected every two years. The two candidates receiving the most votes are elected to four-year terms. The third highest vote-getter is elected to a two-year term. Annually, the Commission elects one member to serve as Mayor. The City Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. the first, second, third and fourth Monday of each month in Room 107 of the City-County Building. Usually the Commission also meets in a less formal Study Session at 2:30 p.m. prior to the regular meetings. Items for the agenda of the City Commission meeting are to be submitted in writing to the City Manager by noon of the Wednesday preceding the Monday City Commission meeting. All City Commission meetings are public, except at those times when the Commission recesses from a regular meeting into an executive session for a specified purpose,(legal, personnel or real estate matters)as authorized under Kansas law. Information regarding the regular City Commission meeting is prepared by administrative staff and is available to citizens and news media representatives. _Budget Qet�il Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.160 FT-Reqular $18,900 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 Totals for: Personal Services 18 900 IMOLO ."1-18 000 $18.00 0 18 000 710.000 Unemployment $40 $56 $35 $35 $35 711.000 Social Security $1,172 $1,116 $1,133 $1,133 $1,133 711.001 Medicare $274 $261 $265 $265 $265 Totals for: Employee Benefits $1,486 $1,433 $1,433 $1,433 $1 433 731.000 Office Supplies $27 $0 $250 $250 $250 732.000 Books& Periodicals $378 $337 $200 $2.00 $200 781.000 Public Education $4,618 $9,345 $16,000 $10,000 $10,000 795.000 Other Ooer.Supplies $955 $1,755 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for: Supplies L, 5 978 JL1,437 $17,950 $11,950 $11,95() 850.000 Employee Development $2,132 $884 $3,000 $6,000 $6,000 851.000 Dues $39,126 $22,183 $20,000 $22,500 $23,000 856.000 Leqal Notices $32,849 $34.373 $30,000 $15,000 $15,000 895.000 Other Contractual $2,410 $1,720 $9,000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Services and Charges X76 517 $59,160 62 QOQ $49,500 $50,000 Totals for: Commission $102,881 $90,030 $99,383 $80,883 $81,383 59 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_110_ Dept. City Manager The Office of the City Manager is the office of the chief executive of Salina City Government. The City Manager is appointed by the City Commission for an indefinite term and serves as the City's chief executive and administrative officer. As provided by State statute and City ordinance, the City Manager supervises and directs the administration of all City departments to ensure that the laws,ordinances and resolutions of the City are enforced. Activities include acting as liaison between the City Commission and the administrative staff,preparing and distributing informational documents for the Commission agenda, processing citizen inquiries and service requests, maintaining effective public relations with the news media,working with other governmental, school district and State and County governments, the business community and representing the City at official business meetings and conferences. The City Manager is responsible for the appointment and removal of all City employees and all other personnel matters. As chief executive officer of the City, the City Manager is responsible for recommending measures for adoption by the City Commission which are deemed necessary for the welfare of the citizens and the efficient administration of the municipal government. Recommendations to the Commission relate to specific legislative issues, financial programs,capital expenditures and improvements, as well as other administrative matters. The City Manager prepares a proposed budget for the City Commission. Once the Commission adopts the budget,it becomes the responsibility of the City Manager to see that it is properly administered. This Office is also responsible for several other functions including public information and risk management. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 5 2012: 6 2011 6 2014: 6 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $356,823 $459,275 $450,000 $480,282 $489,888 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $0 $1,000 $500 $500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $1.242 $1,586 $2A19 $2,419 $2,419 Totals for: Personal Services 358 065 x,4601861 %A53 919 $483,701 $493 307 710.000 Unemplovment $713 $1,413 $950 $950 $950 711.000 Social Security $19,051 $25,661 $27,731 $30,471 $27,731 711.001 Medicare $5,439 $7,008 $5,650 $7,126 $5,650 712.000 Life Insurance $755 $980 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 714.000 Kpers $28,308 $40,816 $46,653 $46,653 $54,000 718.000 Other Benefits $13,277 $13,277 $17,000 $15,000 $17,000 726.000 Transp.Allowance $11,232 $14,774 $12,000 $14,000 $14,000 Totals for: Employee Benefits 17 8 775 103 929 110 984 Ell 5 200 _$_120,331 715.000 Health Insurance $49,905 $57,715 $49,000 $62,000 $64,500 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $4,052 $7,000 $8,000 $8.000 $8,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $53;957 $64,71 5 57 000 $70:000 $72,500 731.000 Office Supplies $850 $1,317 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 732.000 Books& Periodicals $265 $495 $1,000 $500 $500 Totals for: Supplies $11115 $1,812 $3.00 0 $2,000 $2 000 841.000 Telephone $482 $542 $1,000 $2,000 $600 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $1,200 $1,488 $500 $500 $1,500 848.000 Postaqe $103 $107 $750 $750 $750 850.000 Emplovee Development $6,447 $7,209 $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 851.000 Dues $4,438 $3,424 $4,250 $4,250 $4,250 895.000 Other Contractual $1,380 $5,062 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $14,05 0 17 832 _$17 500 $16,500 $16,100 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $74 $0 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 74 $0 $1,00 0 11 000 Totals for: Manager $505,962 $649,223 $642,403 $688,401 $705,238 60 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_130 Dept. Legal General legal services are provided by contracted legal counsel to the City Commission, City Manager,administrative staff and advisory commissions on a variety of municipal matters. These services include legal opinions, preparation of ordinances, resolutions,contracts and agreements. The City's legal counsel represents the City in most litigation. Legal services are provided under contract with a local law firm for normal legal work connected with City business. Other specific legal services are rendered at an hourly rate under contract. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 731.000 Office Supplies $2,736 $2,736 $250 $3,000 $3,000 732.000 Books&Periodicals $83 $308 $3,800 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for Supplies �2 819 $3,044 $4,050 $4,000 $4,000 803.000 Leqal $378.155 $546,893 $300,000 $400,000 $400,000 850.000 Employee Development $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 851.000 Dues $730 $695 $750 $750 $750 Totals for: Services and Charges 1378z885 6547.588 301 250 $401,250 $401,250 Totals for Legal $381,704 $550,632 $305,300 $405,250_ $405,250 61 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100140 Dept. Finance Under the supervision of the Finance Director,this department provides the proper planning,accounting and control of all fiscal matters in the City. Accounts payable,accounts receivable,investments,contracts,purchasing,temporary and long-term financing are processed by the Finance Department. This Department includes the Office of the City Clerk,which is responsible for public records management, trades licensing,general receipts,and preparation of the official records of the City Commission activities. The Director of Finance is also responsible for Water Customer Accounting and Meter Service Division,which are budgeted separately in the Water and Sewer Fund. Financial statements are prepared periodically. Fiscal reports are also disseminated to other governmental agencies. The documentation for all fiscal records and transactions is conducted in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures. The Finance Department is also responsible for the license and permit application and approval process and numerous other administrative tasks. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 6 2012: 6 2011 8 2014: 8 Two part time positions(.75 FTE each)were consolodated into one full time position,a nd a full time position was moved from Human Relations in 2013. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $310,598 $321,462 $322,596 $370,000 $407,000 702.000 PT-Salaries $47,975 $48,702 $50,660 $13,000 $0 701000 OT-Reqular $492 $494 $500 $3,000 $1,500 704.000 Longevity Pay $3,588 $4,193 $3,864 $5,010 $5,367 Totals for Personal Services $362,653 $374,851 $377 620 $391,01.0 $413 867 710.000 Unemplovment $659 $1,059 $575 $575 $575 711.000 Social Securitv $20.989 $21,938 $21,630 $23,003 $23,463 711.001 Medicare $4,909 $5,131 $5,068 $5,068 $5,068 712.000 Life Insurance $801 $814 $850 $850 $850 714.000 Kpers $27,786 $31,488 $35,709 $37,292 $42.421 726.000 Transp.Allowance $3,144 $3,144 $3.144 $3,144 $3.144 Totals for: Employee Benefits $58,288 63,574 X66 976 $69,932 $75,521 715.000 Health Insurance $47,621 $43,322 $51,000 $53,000 $55.800 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3,052 $5,000 $5,500 $7,000 $5,500 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $50,673 $48322 56 500 60 000 $61,300 731.000 Office Supplies $4,885 $5,023 $6,000 $5,000 $5,000 732.000 Books& Periodicals $914 $789 $1,400 $900 $900 Totals for Supplies $5,799 $5,812 $7,40 Q $5,900 $5,90 730.000 Pettv Cash-Short $765 $0 $0 $0 $0 804.000 Auditinq $36,900 $18,635 $31,000 $31,000 $31,000 841.000 Telephone $344 ($12,613) $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 848.000 Postage $8,368 $8,324 $8,000 $7,000 $7,000 850.000 Employee Development $3,810 $3,960 $6,000 $4,000 $4,000 851-000 Dues $879 $690 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 857.000 Printinq $1,565 $1,958 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 879.000 Credit Card FeeslExpense $1,047 $1,138 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 892.000 Refunds $496 $1,222 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $85,421 $39,555 $74,295 $74,295 $54,295 895.250 EMS Contractual $567 $5,826 $3,000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Services and charges $140,162 $68,69 5 $12T495 127 495 $,107,495 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $6,440 $7,500 $4,000 $4,000 901.591 Off.Equip-Furniture $0 $0 $1,500 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $_0 $6,440 $9,000 4 000 $4,000 Totals for: Finance $617,575 $567,694 $644,991 $658,337 $668,083 62 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_160_ Dept. Human Resources The Hurnan Resources Department coordinates the City of Salina's centralized human resources functions. The department administers employee benefit programs,workers compensation, personnel policies and procedures, recruitment and selection, grievance procedures,employee performance evaluations, training programs,and maintains all current and past employee personnel files, records and reports. Maintains complete payroll system and processes bi-monthly payroll. The City has approximately 463 full time employees plus another 300 part time and temporary employees throughout the year. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 4 2012:4 2011 4 2014: 4 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $188,484 $191,033 $197,217 $194,000 $200.361 702.000 PT-Salaries $44 $52 $500 $500 $500 703.000 OT-Reqular $542 $125 $1,000 $500 $500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $711 $1,043 $1,169 $1,169 $1,533 Totals for: Personal Services 189 781 $_19 2253 X199,886 $196 169 X02 894 710.000 Unemplovment $327 $511 $562 $562 $562 711.000 Social Security $10,386 $10,553 $12,555 $10,000 $10,500 711.001 Medicare $2,429 $2,468 $2.912 $2,912 $2,912 712.000 Life Insurance $427 $430 $435 $435 $435 714.000 Kpers $14,219 $16,031 $18,883 $17,000 $20,050 726.000 Transp.Allowance $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 Totals for Employee Benefits $2-77-8-8 $29„993 $35,847 31409 $34,95 715.000 Health Insurance $34.462 $33,415 $37,000 $35,000 $36,850 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $1,852 $3,000 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 Totals for Benefits Transfer 9;36.314 36 415 $40,500 138,50 0 $40,350 731.000 Office Supplies $3.644 $2,461 $4,800 $4,000 $4,000 732.000 Books& Periodicals $1,512 $617 $2,500 $1,400 $1,400 Totals for: Supplies $5 156 3 078 9;7,300 5 400 y 5,4no 716.000 Wellness Proqrams $34,988 $24,070 $200,000 $0 $0 806.000 Emplovee Recognition $6,026 $7,977 $7,600 $7,600 $7,600 841.000 Telephone $366 $406 $400 $400 $400 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 848.000 Postage $1,884 $1,760 $2,590 $2,590 $2,600 850.000 Employee Development $3,546 $2,632 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 851.000 Dues $790 $860 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 852.000 Employee Recruitment $40.081 $33.224 $45,000 $35,000 $35.000 857.000 Printing $1,411 $2,592 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 895.000 Other Contractual $25,955 $16,729 $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 Totals for. Services and Charges $_115,347 _$90,550 1287,890 $_77 89Q $77900 901.000 Office Equipment $90 $0 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $_90 9_0 $3,00 0 3 000 X31000 Totals for: Human Resources $374,476 $352,289 $574,423 $352,368 $364,503 63 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_180_ Dept. Buildings/Generallmpr- The Buildings Division is responsible for maintenance of all Parks& Recreation buildings including the Golf Course clubhouse and maintenance shop,Cemetery,Neighborhood Centers, Park maintenance shop buildings,as well as the Police Department, Municipal Court, Museum, Salina Community Theater,Salina Art Center, Health Department,and General Service's buildings. For 2012, BiCentennial Maintenance and Custodial duties were integrated into the Department. Buildings staff also provides input and recommendations to the Bicentennial Center,and Fire Department. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 9 2012: 9 2011 9 2014: 9 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $305,421 $294,864 $322,000 $304,268 $310,962 702.000 PT-Salaries $7,206 $10,276 $30,000 $12,000 $12.100 703.000 OT-Regular $3,067 $3,616 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 704.000 Longevity Pav $2,730 $2,940 $3,885 $3,885 $3,300 Totals for: Personal Services $318 424 $311,696 $359,385 L13-ZI I- $329,862 710.000 Unemptovmenl $582 $883 $500 $500 $500 711.000 Social Security $18,548 $18,273 $22,465 $22,465 $22,465 711.001 Medicare $4,338 $4,274 $5,070 $5,070 $5,070 712.000 Life Insurance $719 $707 $1,105 $1,105 $1,105 714.000 Kpers $23,000 $25,213 $29,025 $27,000 $31,347 Totals for: Employee Benefits 14T.187 $4.9,360 $58,165 J26 140 R9_4 8 7 715.000 Health Insurance $75,936 $62,649 $73,500 $70,000 $77,175 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3,152 $5,500 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $79,088 W3,149 $79,5 00 76 000 83.175 737.000 Plumbinq Supplies $1,566 $880 $1,386 $1,386 $1,386 743.000 Paints $454 $128 $540 $540 $570 744.000 Lumber $822 $405 $855 $855 $855 745.000 Electrical&Lightinq $3,967 $31,006 $3,325 $3,325 $3,500 746.000 Janitorial $8.139 $9,301 $8,910 $8,910 $9,200 746.177 Jntrl-Paper Prod. $1,535 $2,611 $1,656 $1,656 $2,000 750.000 Gas&Oil $5,190 $5,217 $5,190 $5,190 $5,190 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $5,198 $4,688 $5,198 $5,198 $5,198 760.000 Wearing Apparel $1,628 $1,614 $1,680 $1,680 $1,680 767.000 Tools $3,469 $3,541 $3,600 $3,000 $3,000 795.000 Other Oner.Supplies $4,498 $4,182 $3,610 $3,610 $4,000 Totals for: Supplies $36,466 $63,13_73 35 950 $35,350 $36579 839.000 Other Professional $2,620 $4,026 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 839.100 Other Prof.-Elevator $13,669 $16,455 $13,000 $13.000 $16,800 841.000 Telephone $850 $819 $850 $850 $850 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $900 $750 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 842.000 Gas Service $80,277 $61,332 $88,600 $78,000 $80,000 846.000 Light&Power $333,896 $361,063 $333,896 $387,000 $400,000 846.100 L&P-Recreation $79,447 $80,002 $79,447 $79,447 $80,000 850.000 Employee Development $1,377 $1,502 $1,2.00 $1,200 $1,200 860.560 Rpr-Heatinq&Cool $2,665 $9,284 $3,780 $3,780 $3,780 860.562 Rpr-Buildinqs $3,648 $3,977 $4,320 $4,320 $4,000 860.568 Rpr-Equipment $2,114 $1,217 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 860.569 Rpr-Other $2,063 ($261) $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $695 $11,694 $13,000 $10,000 $10,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $524,221 $551,860 IL411 3a3 $583,897 J6.02,430 915.000 Capital Improvement Proi. $10,063 $17,250 $35,225 $35,225 $25,800 Totals for Capital Outlay $10,063 $17,250 $3_5,225 3$ 5..225 i2_54_0_0 Totals for: Buildings/General Impr. $1,015,449 $1,061,878 $1,112,618 $1,110,265 $1,138,333 64 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_190_ Dept. Human Relations The Human Relations Department enforces Chapter 13 of the City Code, the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Ordinance. Chapter 13 prohibits discrimination based on race,color, sex, religion,national origin,ancestry,age,familial status(housing only), and physical or mental disability, in employment, housing,public accommodations, public contracts and internal and external affirmative action programs. Chapter 13 established the Human Relations Commission and the Human Relations Department,defines their respective roles and responsibilities. It sets out the administrative procedures for filing and processing complaints of discrimination. The Salina Human Relations Department contracts with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)through a Memorandum of Understanding to process housing complaints based on race, color,religion,sex,familial status,national origin, disability,and to conduct Fair Housing Education. The Salina Human Relations Department will receive about$90,000 from HUD for basic services in Fiscal Year 2007. These amounts are reflected as a special revenue fund in the budget. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 5 2012: 5 2011 4 2014: 4 One position moved to Finance in 2013. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $232,648 $236,349 $242,243 $229,934 $214,803 704.000 Lonqevity Pay $735 $819 $1,134 $1,134 $1,505 Totals for: Personal Services _233383 $237,168 243,377 $231,068 $216,308 710.000 Unemployment $434 $682 $400 $400 $400 711.000 Social Security $13,801 $14,101 $13,400 $13,400 $12,802 711.001 Medicare $3,228 $3,298 $2.800 $2,800 $2,884 712.000 Life Insurance $528 $541 $640 $640 $640 714.000 Kpers $17,/43 $20,036 $23.130 $23,130 $25,661 726.000 Transp.Allowance $3.144 $3,144 $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 Totals for: Employee Benefits $38,878 $41,802 $43.470 X43 470 $45 487 715.000 Health Insurance $44,782 $43,322 $40,000 $45.000 $47,250 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $2,400 $4,000 $4,500 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $47_182 $47,322 $44,500 $50.00 0 52 250 731.000 Office Supplies $1,300 $985 $2,000 $1,300 $1,300 732.000 Books& Periodicals $100 $31 $100 $100 $100 781.000 Public Education $1,358 $307 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for: Supplies $2,758 $1,323 $4,100 $2,900 $2,900 839.000 Other Professional $973 $733 $3,620 $1,000 $4,000 841.000 Telephone $289 $311 $300 $300 $350 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 848.000 Postage $813 $575 $1,900 $1,900 $800 850.000 Employee Development $512 $1,933 $2,000 $2,000 $7,000 851.000 Dues $150 $0 $300 $300 $300 857.000 Printinq $487 $531 $1,600 $1,600 $1,500 895.000 Other Contractual $4,370 $828 $4,000 $2,500 $850 895.524 Exhibits $0 $0 $2,600 $2.600 $1,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $7,894 $5;211 $161620 $12,500 $161100 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $419 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay NO 419 $1,000 $1,000 El 000 Totals for: Human Relations $330,095 $333,245 $353,067 $340,938 $334,045 65 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_210_ Dept. Police The Salina Police Department exists for the purpose of protecting and serving the people of Salina. The protection of life and property and the prevention of crime are the department's highest operational priorities. Investigation of crimes,apprehension of offenders, enforcement of federal,stale,and local laws, traffic and crowd control:maintenance of records,and the operation of a consolidated, multi-agency communications center are primary responsibilities. The department,recognizing that there is always more to do,continually searches for ways to improve the quality and expand the scope of police service in response to citizen needs and expectations. Consistent with the department's strong community service orientation,police personnel perform diverse duties and engage in a wide range of community activities in the interest of protecting and serving the public. Initially accredited in March of 1996, the Salina Police Department was re-accredited in 2001,2004,and 2007 by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. By seeking accreditation and voluntarily complying with hundreds of nationally recognized professional police standards, the department strives lo: 1)increase its capability to prevent and control crime, 2)enhance agency effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of law enforcement services, 3)improve cooperation and coordination with other law enforcement agencies and with other components of the criminal justice system,and 4)increase citizen and staff confidence in the goals,objectives,policies and practices of the department In our endeavor to keep Salina a safe community,police personnel maintain high visibility and frequent contact with the general public. The success of the department is dependent upon the degree of support,cooperation and assistance it receives from the community. The tremendous support the department receives is indicative of an effective police-community partnership_ It is this partnership which has helped make Salina one of the safest and most enjoyable cities of its size in the nation in which to live,work and play. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 113 2012: 111 2013: 111 2014: 111 (Staff count includes two positions assigned to Municipal Court) BudgeL Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $5,2.41,131 $5,308,573 $5.501,471 $5,381,226 $5,487,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $391,400 $383,130 $375,000 $400,000 $400,000 704.000 Lonqevity Pay $51,113 $54,183 $58,611 $58,611 $59,920 TWals for: Personal Services $5,683 644 $5,745,886 $5,935,082 $5,839,837 $5,946,920 710.000 Unemployment $10,513 $16,394 $10,032 $10,032 $10,032 711.000 Social Security $63,624 $66,490 $65.000 $65.000 $69,680 711.001 Medicare $70,629 $73,452 $70,000 $70,000 $70,000 712.000 Life Insurance $11,636 $11,863 $12,000 $12,000 $12.000 713.000 Kp&F $821.400 $921,815 $939,548 $981,943 $1,200,000 714.000 Kpers $85,119 $100,392 $113,321 $113,321 $125,135 726.000 Transo.Allowance $9,528 $9,528 $11,892 $11,892 $9,528 Totals for Employee Benefits $1,072,449 $1,199,934 $1,221,793 $1„264,188 $1,496,375 715.000 Health Insurance $912,794 $849,144 $897,750 $906,216 $942,637 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $53,500 $90,000 $100,000 $100,000 $110,000 Totals for; Benefits Transfer $966,294 939 144 5_99_7750 _�1 QQ6 216 $1,057.,637 731.000 Office Supplies $12,116 $14,541 $15,000 $14,000 $14,000 732.000 Books& Periodicals $7,320 $6,157 $8,000 $7,000 $7,000 743.000 Paints $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $0 745.000 Electrical&Lightinq $657 $721 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 746.000 Janitorial $2,793 $4,548 $3,500 $3,500 $4,400 750.000 Gas&Oil $200,929 $212,151 $200,929 $200,929 $200,929 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $126,774 $114,848 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $45,803 $61,022 $68,180 $68,180 $68,180 762.000 Officers Service Equip. $12,761 $24,011 $20,000 $20,000 $24,616 767.000 Tools $10 $1,790 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 780.000 Traininq $44,085 $65,911 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 781.000 Public Education $890 $1,327 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 782.000 Photography $4,776 $1,575 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $8,570 $8,902 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 795.199 Oth.Oper.-K9 $5,634 $4,109 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Supplies §A 33 118 $521,613 528 609 $525,609 1530 125 805.000 Medical $253 $430 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 839.000 Other Professional $5,131 $967 $20,000 $5,000 $5.000 66 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 841.000 Telephone $16,489 $15,991 $19,000 $16,000 $16,000 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $3,213 $3,000 $3.900 $3,900 $3,900 842.000 Gas Service $721 $146 $1,000 $800 $800 848.000 Postaqe $12,508 $12,072 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 850.000 Employee Development $3,279 $2,331 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 851.000 Dues $4,467 $4,272 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 852.000 Employee Recruitment $3,609 $2,866 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 857.000 Printinq $9,566 $3,297 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 860.561 Rpr-Radio $45,900 $35,354 $50.000 $45,000 $45,000 860.562 Rpr-Buildinqs $29,969 $25,437 $15,000 $15,000 $20,000 860.563 Rpr-Off. Equip. $15,167 $14,028 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 895.000 Other Contractual $59.679 $61,210 $53,195 $53,195 $54,669 896.000 Dept Accreditation $4,065 $5,192 $7,930 $7,930 $5,065 Totals for. Services and Charges 1-214,016 i8-6 533 211 825 L188,625 $192,234 901.591 Off.Equip-Furniture $696 $620 $2,500 $2,500 $4,000 901.593 Off.Equip-Other $0 $1,110 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000 902.000 Radios $0 $15,983 $18,688 $18,688 $19,250 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $3,011 $18,120 $18,120 $19,568 Totals for Capital Outlay �-G-% $20_724 $4p,308 $40,3083 45 818 Totals for: Police 8 410,217 U-613,894 18_ 5367 $8,864,783 $9,264,109 67 This Page Intentionally Blank 68 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund= General Budget Unit: 100_220_ Dept. Municipal Court The Municipal Court,presided over by the Municipal Judge serving on a full-time basis, hears misdemeanor criminal and traffic cases. Types of cases include, but are not limited to,domestic violence, petty theft,disorderly conduct, DUI,parking and animal control. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 11 2012: 11 2013: 11 2014: 11 Court is also staffed by two uniformed officers from the Police Department. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $568,024 $544,601 $561,000 $557,900 $561,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $64 $3,346 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 704.000 Longevity Pav $5,058 $4,431 $4,300 $5,107 $5,485 Totals for: Personal Services 1z 573 146 $552,378 $567 300 $565,007 $568,485 710.000 Unemplovment $1,071 $1,568 $1,325 $1,325 $1,325 711.000 Social Securitv $33,355 $32,549 $33,500 $33,500 $31,500 711.001 Medicare $7,801 $7,612 $7,560 $7,560 $8,000 712.000 Life Insurance $1,339 $1,282 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 714.000 Kpers $42,619 $45,426 $52,474 $52,474 $55,059 726.000 Transp.Al Iowan ce $3,144 $2,358 $2,880 $2,880 $2,880 Totals for: Employee Benefits $ 9,329 $90,79.5 98 939 939 99.964 715.000 Health Insurance $97,403 $72,841 $86,000 $76,224 $80,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $5,600 $8,500 $9,300 $9,300 $9,300 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $103_003 $81,341 $95 300 85 52Q $89300 731.000 Office Supplies $9,552 $7,807 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 732.000 Books& Periodicals $655 $1,601 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 750.000 Gas&Oil $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 765.000 Laboratory $0 $0 $900 $900 $900 772.0.00 Maintenance $2,615 $1,778 $5,000 $5,000 $5.000 775.000 Crime victims fund $675 $4,878 $0 $0 $0 781.000 Public Education $0 $0 $500 $100 $100 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $0 $0 $300 $300 $300 Totals for: Supplies $13,497 $16,064 $16,300 $1,5 400 $15 400 805.000 Medical $4,637 $8,568 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 812.000 Housing Prisoners $362,456 $432,275 $432,000 $432,000 $432,000 812.100 Prisoner Transport $19,016 $16,401 $14,400 $14,400 $14,400 839.000 Other Professional $72,072 $70,140 $70,600 $80,000 $80,000 841.000 Telephone $2,047 $3,038 $2,000 $2,000 $2.000 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $313 $0 $0 $0 850.000 Employee Development $582 $1,042 $3,000 $1,200 $1,200 851.000 Dues $1,655 $1,255 $1,750 $1,750 $1,750 857.000 Printinq $968 $1,171 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $835 $2,834 $210 $210 $210 879.000 Credit Card Fees/Expense $5,040 $6,927 $6,000 $7,500 $7,500 884.000 Druq&Alcohol Evaluation $16,570 $1,350 $38.800 $1,000 $1,000 885.000 State Fees $152,125 $173,041 $165,000 $165,000 $165,000 892.000 Refunds $7,064 $3,367 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 892.002 Refunds-Restitution $1,641 ($1,098) $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $4,695 $3,961 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $651 703 $724,585 $756 760 $728,060 $728,060 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $6,200 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 $6,200 $2,000 $_2.000 $4,000 Totals for: Municipal Court $1,430,678 $1,471,363 $1,536,599 $1,494,930 $1,505,209 69 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100250010 Dept. Fire Administration Once known only for fire response, the Salina Fire Department has evolved into an"All Hazards"type emergency service delivery organization. The department is highly involved in incident prevention and highly effective in response to life and properly threatening incidents that do occur. Advanced Life Support Ambulance Services, Fire Suppression,Fire Prevention,Public Safety Education for Fire and Medical Emergencies,Technical Rescue,and Hazardous Materials Responses are all services provided by the Salina Fire Department. Our Strategic Planning process has become the foundation of the budget process and guides the department in its response philosophy and training. With adequate funding and coordinated planning the Salina Fire Department is on a path to become a recognized leader in the field of fire and EMS services statewide. The Fire Chief is responsible for the overall administration,direction,and operation of the department under the City Manager. Other Administrative Division staff positions include the Training and Safety Chief,a Data and budget Manager,a Fire Department Mechanic,Public Safety Secretary,and a part time Administrative Assistant. The Management team for the Department includes these Administrative Division staff,plus leadership positions from other Divisions,including the Battalion Chiefs(Fire Suppression Division), Division Chief of Emergency Medical Services(EMS),and the Fire Marshall(Fire Prevention and Inspection). Full time authorized staff: 2011: 5 2012: 5 2011 5 2014: 5 In addition,the Department also has 2 part time clerical personnel. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $317,808 $325,538 $332,000 $329,953 $335,000 702.000 PT-Salaries $20,794 $18,298 $24,425 $24,425 $25,575 703.000 OT-Reqular $1,486 $913 $1,900 $1,500 $1,500 703.165 OT-Flsa $0 ($2,575) $0 $10,768 $0 704.000 Lonqevity Pay $2,238 $2,931 $3,269 $2,235 $2,424 Totals for: Personal Services $14_22326 $345,105 $361,594 $368,881 $364,49 710.000 Unemployment $650 $1,043 $0 $0 $0 711.000 Social Security $9,090 $10,109 $8,796 $8,796 $9,000 711.001 Medicare $3,724 $3,908 $3,100 $3,100 $3,500 712.000 Life Insurance $761 $768 $800 $800 $800 713.000 Kp&F $34,812 $39,131 $41,899 $41,899 $45,000 714.000 Kpers $11,322 $14,414 $14,244 $14,244 $15,500 726.000 Transp.Allowance $4,800 $4,800 $12,250 $12,250 $12,250 Totals for: Employee Benefits $65,159 $74,173 $811089 $81,089 $86.050 715.000 Health Insurance $50,268 $46,539 $56,000 $54,000 $58,500 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3,400 $6.000 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $53 6-88 $5 5539 $-62 Q00 $60,60 0 65 100 731.000 Office Supplies $1,480 $1,429 $1,960 $1,500 $1,500 732.000 Books&Periodicals $1,109 $1,316 $3,000 $1,500 $1,500 738.000 Shop Mechanic Supplies $0 $0 $5,000 $2,000 $3,000 741000 Paints $32 $125 $1,176 $1,176 $1,176 745.000 Electrical& Lighfinq_ $817 $162 $1,470 $1,470 $1,470 746.000 Janitorial $9,071 $6,122 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 750.000 Gas&Oil $55,197 $60,549 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $61,710 $59,523 $57,000 $57,000 $57,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $27,261 $32,308 $39,507 $34.000 $36,000 760.100 Uniform Cleaninq $268 $468 $1,764 $1,764 $1,764 764.590 SCBA's $7,185 $13,860 $12,000 $12,000 $14,000 764.595 Hazardous Materials Equip $4,058 $16,395 $6,500 $6,500 $7,500 764.599 Fire Station Equipment $1,051 $1,868 $4,000 $2,000 $2,000 767.000 Tools $712 $3,859 $10,500 $5,000 $5,000 768-000 Mach. &Equip. (<$250) $0 $57 $0 $0 $0 780.000 Traininq $7,850 $15,905 $16,000 $16,000 $16,000 780.001 Traininq Facility Supply $6,891 $5,320 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 781.000 Public Education $4,325 $0 $0 $0 $0 790.000 Seeds,Plants,Trees $218 $252 $980 $300 $300 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $1,027 $1,838 $2,450 $2,450 $2,450 Totals for: Supplies 1190,262 X2211 356 $223,8O 7 205 160 $211,160 805.000 Medical $11,455 $13,374 $9,000 $9,000 $15,000 839.000 Other Professional $12,003 $9,428 $5,880 $10.000 $10.000 841.000 Telephone $36,638 $41,848 $36,500 $36,500 $36,500 70 City of Salina, Kansas _ :��; 2014 Annual Budget Salina 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $900 $900 $600 $600 $600 848.000 Postaqe $463 $570 $500 $500 $500 850.000 Employee Development $10,386 $15,334 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 851.000 Dues $861 $1,156 $980 $980 $980 857.000 Printing $203 $110 $490 $490 $490 860.000 Repairs $615 $229 $2,450 $2,450 $2,450 860.561 Rpr-Radio $2,188 $2,775 $4,500 $3,000 $4,500 860.562 Rpr-Buildinqs $35,881 $39,759 $25,000 $25,000 $39,000 861.000 Laundry&Towel Service $1,957 $2,046 $1,470 $1,470 $1,470 886.000 Collection Fees $3,150 $1,841 $0 $3,000 $3,000 894.000 Fire Conference $162 $0 $3,920 $0 $3,920 895.000 Other Contractual $3,537 $2,113 $2,450 $2,450 $2,450 895.040 Other Software Maint $0 $0 $2,724 $2,724 $2,724 Totals for. Services and Charges _120 399 $131,AU $111,464 $113,164 $138,584 901.591 Off.Equip-Furniture $887 $1,960 $1,960 $1,500 $1,500 902.000 Radios $11,495 $7,688 $9,500 $9,500 $9,500 903.000 Firefiqhtinq Equipment $13,893 $14,083 $11,500 $11,500 $17,500 905.000 Other Equipment $2,001 $12,255 $12,740 $12,740 $12,740 907.000 Personnel Protective Eq. $25,649 $27,341 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 908.000 Fire Station Equipment $12,914 $9,723 $19,000 $12,000 $12,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $66,839 $73,050 $81,700 74 240 80 240 Totals for: Fire Administration $838,653 $897,706 JqZL254 $903,134 196 33 71 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100250020 Dept. Fire EMS The Salina Fire Department provides county-wide advanced life support EMS and ambulance services. All medical personnel are supervised by an on-duty EMS Supervisor on a 24 hour basis. The Fire Department is responsible for transporting patients from the Salina area to regional hospitals in Wichita and Kansas City for advanced medical treatment at a moments notice. Today, 7 out of 10 emergency calls to the Fire Department are for medical services. In the past year,the department responded to 4663 EMS calls and transported 4361 patients;an average of nearly 13 incidents per 24 hour period. Both the Fire and EMS Divisions of the department are responsible for providing advanced emergency medical care- Medical services and protocols are approved and supervised by a Medical Doctor who operates as the Medical Director for the department. The department's medical operations are assigned to the Division Chief of EMS. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 19 2012: 19 2013: 19 2014: 19 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $1.180.266 $1,155,912 $1,110,000 $1,108,376 $1,139,973 702.000 PT-Salaries $5,910 $5,795 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 703.000 OT-Regular $0 $40 $0 $0 $0 703.165 OT-Flsa $36,831 $36,186 $35,387 $51,000 $48,000 704.000 Lonqevitv Pav $8,285 $9,474 $10,133 $8,484 $9,240 Totals for: Personal Services _$_I 231,292 $1,207,407 $1,172,520 L1,184 860 $12141 213 710.000 Unemployment $2.238 $3.421 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 711.000 Social Securitv $389 $360 $600 $600 $600 711.001 Medicare $15,959 $15,801 $14,920 $14,920 $14,920 712.000 Life Insurance $2.479 $2,386 $3,200 $3,200 $3,200 713.000 Kp&F $218.140 $242,036 $246,827 $246,827 $304,845 726.000 Transp.Allowance $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for_ Employee Benefits $2T9 $264,004 $270 047 $270,047 $328,065 715.000 Health Insurance $191,017 $168.103 $191,000 $168,000 $176,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $11,200 $19,000 $21,000 $21,000 $25,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $,202,217 $187,103 $212 000 $189 000 $201,000 731.000 Office Supplies $1,634 $422 $1,176 $1,176 $1,176 732.000 Books& Periodicals $744 $145 $750 $750 $750 750.000 Gas&Oil $41,755 $49,954 $35,000 $35,000 $40,000 751.000 Mainl-Vehicles&Equip $13,772 $44,315 $28,000 $2.8.000 $30,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $7,737 $8,179 $8,795 $8,795 $10,695 760.100 Uniform Cleaninq $550 $0 $750 $750 $750 780.000 Traininq $12,940 $14,954 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 781.000 Public Education $2,159 $1,100 $2.500 $2,000 $2,000 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $61,187 $46,383 $42,350 $42,350 $42,350 795.001 Prescrip Drugs and Meds $16,401 $17,251 $16.500 $16,500 $16,500 795.100 Disposable Supplies $15,653 $19.155 $17,500 $17,500 $21,500 Totals for Supplies $174,532 $201,858 $168,321 $1671821 $180,721 805.000 Medical $2,909 $7,824 $6,500 $6,500 $10,000 839.000 Other Professional $30,960 $30,755 $33,000 $31,500 $31,500 841.000 Telephone $14,002 $15,500 $11,500 $11,500 $18,500 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $288 $600 $600 $600 848.000 Postage $3,389 $3,591 $2,940 $2,940 $2,940 850.000 Emplovee Development $22,378 $25,354 $34,700 $28,000 $28,000 851.000 Dues $190 $190 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 857.000 Printinq $598 $467 $980 $980 $980 860.000 Repairs $488 $1,502 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 860.561 Rpr-Radio $1,138 $2,086 $2,000 $4,000 $4,000 892.000 Refunds $15,916 $18,580 $13,720 $13,720 $13,720 895.000 Other Contractual $6,376 $8,409 $7,840 $7,840 $7,840 Totals for: Services and Charges $98,644 114.546 $116,530 $10,330 $120,83 0 904.000 Ems Equipment $23,427 $46,047 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 907.000 Personnel Protective Eq. $15,406 $15,697 $15,500 $15,500 $15,500 Totals for: Capital Outlay $38,833 $61,744 $35,50 0 35 500 $35,500 72 City of Salina, Kansas 20 14 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Fire Ems $1,984,723 $2,036,662 $1,974,918 $1,957,558 $2,080,329 73 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100250030 Dept. Fire Fire Supression The Fire Suppression Division provides the equipment and personnel to respond to fire,emergency medical, hazardous materials, and technical rescue situations throughout the City and Saline County.This division also responds to other districts and communities as situations dictate when requested.This division ensures a fire-safe environment for citizens and employees by minimizing the loss of life and property and trauma impact through effective and innovative emergency response programs.This includes compliance with state and federal regulations pertaining to the storage,use and handling of hazardous materials.The suppression division participates in the delivery of a wide range of public fire education programs throughout the community. The Fire Suppression Division maintains a Technician Level Hazmat Team county wide which is capable of setting hot zones, making entry into those areas that require mitigation in order to bring the incident under control. The division provides technical rescue services that include High angle/Low angle rope rescue,vehicle and machinery extrication, building collapse, trench rescue,and water rescue efforts throughout the county. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 64 2012: 65 2013: 64 2014: 64 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Buclgel $3,571,428 $3,620,495 $3,410,889 $3,663,616 $3.725,026 703.165 OT-Flsa $140,759 $138,002 $125,548 $186,000 $190,000 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $29,916 $31,221 $34,090 $34,090 $34,090 Totals for. Personal Services 13,742,103 $ 89 718 K3)70;27 $3,383,706 $3,949 116 710.000 Unemployment $6,897 $10,741 $6,444 $6,444 $6,444 711.001 Medicare $45,776 $48,515 $42,000 $42,000 $42,000 712.000 Life Insurance $7,337 $7,379 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 713.000 Kp&F $675,161 $761,972 $764,070 $845,079 $992,279 Totals for: Employee Benefits 1735,171 _828,607 1819 514 $900523 $1,047,723 715.000 Health Insurance $612,212 $541,758 $609,000 $578,679 $609,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $34,100 $52,000 $57,000 $57,000 $57,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $616,312 X593,758 X666 000 $635,679 166 6 000 841100 Cell Phone Allowance $913 $900 $0 $0 $0 852.000 Employee Recruitment $0 $0 $1,470 $1,470 $1,470 Totals for: Services and Charges 913 900 L1,470 $1,470 $1,470 Totals for: Fire Fire Supression $5,124,499 $5,212,983 $5,057,511 $5,421,378 $5,664,309 74 This Page Intentionally Blank 75 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100250050 Dept. Fire Prevention & Inspection The Fire Prevention Division is committed to reducing fire loss, injury and death caused by fires and to making your living experience within the City Salina a safe one.The Fire Prevention Division employs many strategies to accomplish the Division's safety goals. The Fire Prevention Division works year round conducting routine fire safety inspections for all business occupancies within the city. Enforcing codes established by the State of Kansas and the City of Salina the division makes recommendations and assists occupants with fire safety and emergency action planning. It is the objective of the Fire Prevention Division to educate those we come in contact with before there is a problem.The intent of the fire code is to protect those that live,work,play or visit our city. The code enforcement team is committed to providing proactive enforcement of these codes by developing courteous and professional business relationships with the public,contractors, business owners and residents of the city. A vital part of the code enforcement process is building plan review.The Fire Prevention Division works very closely with the Building Services Division and Development Review Team on all commercial building construction projects.Salina is proud to be a trendsetter in the State of Kansas for"one-stop-shop and coordinated inspections." The division conducts annual evaluations of all business occupancies within the city putting together a pre-fire action plan to be used by the fire department Operations Division during emergency responses.This identification process promotes rapid identification of special hazards within a structure and allows the Operations Division to more rapidly deploy firefighting and emergency medical resources ultimately improving life,safety,and property conservation The Fire Prevention Division considers Public Education to be one of its top priorities. On average, each year the division reaches thousands of customers ranging in age from preschoolers to senior citizens. The Division provides numerous safety education programs,including: Meet the Firefighter Smoke Detector Education Fire Safety House/911 Education Fire Extinguisher Safety Stop,Drop and Roll Business,School and Residential Fire Drills Learn Not to Burn Open Burn PermWinspeclions Toys and Tools The Fire Investigations Section,commonly referred to as Arson Investigations, conducts investigations into the cause of fires, burn injuries,and chemical releases within the City including those of a suspicious,incendiary,or undetermined nature. The Investigators also provide follow-up to investigations initiated by Company Officers as situations warrant. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 4 2012: 3 2013: 3 2014: 3 Budqet Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Bud_gel $207,121 $209,484 $204,000 $210,000 $210,120 702.000 PT-Salaries $14,520 $13,973 $15,000 $14,000 $15,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $6,407 $4,975 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $1,936 $2,062 $2,296 $2,296 $2,296 Totals for: Personal Services $229,984 230 49 _224 796 $229 796 230 916 710.000 Unemployment $423 $645 $319 $319 $319 711.000 Social Security $900 $881 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 711.001 Medicare $3,218 $3,183 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 712.000 Life Insurance $455 $459 $750 $750 $750 713.000 Kp&F $38,288 $42,954 $44,600 $41,000 $52,668 Totals for: Employee Benefits $43,284 118 122 X50,169 $46,569 5_8Z3 7 715.000 Health Insurance $32,701 $29,721 $30,500 $30,500 $32,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $2,400 $4,000 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $35,101 33 721 $35,000 K5 $36,500 732.000 Books&Periodicals $1,820 $1,671 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $614 $1,370 $1,968 $1,400 $1,500 781.000 Public Education $5,044 $5,500 $5,000 $5.000 $5,000 783.000 Fire Investigation $3,169 $3,237 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Totals for: Supplies $10,647 $11,778 111 468 10.900 1 11 000 805.000 Medical $50 $0 $600 $600 $600 850.000 Employee Development $3,314 $1,633 $4,500 $4,000 $4,000 76 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 851.000 Dues $1,687 $833 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $5,051 $2,466 $6,10 4 5 600 $5,60 0 905.000 Other Equipment $2,913 $3,788 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 905.501 Fire Inspection Equip $2,085 $3,039 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 Totals for: Capital Outlay $4,998 $6,827 $6.10 0 6 10 $6,10 Q Totals for: Fire $329,065 $333,408 $333,633 $333,965 $348,353 Prevention& Inspection 77 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_310_ Dept. Engineering The Engineering Division serves the public interest by assuring that all municipal public works improvements and facilities are designed and constructed in accordance with established standards. The Engineering Division coordinates all engineering services related to private development projects during both planning and construction stages. Direct supervision and review of work performed by consulting engineers is also performed by the department staff. In essence, the Engineering Division manages,designs and constructs the majority of the projects included in the City's annual Capital Improvement Program. Proper engineering data is formulated to meet the requirements of project feasibility reports, design considerations,final plans, specifications and other planning and engineering procedures. Engineering supervision is given to municipal public works improvement projects in surveying,analyzing bids,supervising construction,certifying progress of construction and recommending acceptance of work done by contractors. Depending upon the size and scope of an improvement project,the engineering services may be performed in-house or rendered by engineering consultants or by a combination of the two. The Engineering Division also performs all traffic safety and school safety services for the city. All mapping services,including computerized geographical information systems(G.I.S.),are provided by the Engineering Division. Finally, the division also performs the utility locating and coordination services for the water,wastewater,storm water,and traffic signal systems in the City. The City Engineer is responsible for management of the Engineering Division including eleven (11)full-time staff and three(3) temporary seasonal interns. The City Engineer is, in turn,responsible to the Director of Public Works. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 14 2012: 13 2011 13 2014: 13 Budget Det 1il Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $718.457 $735.932 $756,030 $750,000 $765,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $542 $118 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 704.000 Longevity Pav $2,268 $2,702 $3,900 $3,900 $4,560 Totals for,_ Personal Services 721.267 X738 752 $760.930 754 900 )7706a 710.000 Unemplovrnent $1,377 $2,167 $2,150 $2,150 $2,150 711.000 Social Securitv $43,543 $44,498 $44,008 $46,000 $48,500 711.001 Medicare $10.211 $10,477 $11,000 $11,000 $11,500 712.000 Life Insurance $1,573 $1,603 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 714.000 Kpers $54,694 $62,444 $71,192 $78.000 $79,000 726.000 Transp.Allowance $6,840 $6,840 $6,840 $6,840 $6,840 Totals_for Employee Benefits X1 88,238 $128 0029 $136 790 145 590 $149,590 715.000 Health Insurance $93,826 $91,174 $99.645 $95.514 $106,865 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $7,160 $13.000 $14,500 $16,000 $16.000 Totals for Benefits Transfer 100 986 L04 174 $114 145 $111,514 122,865 731.000 Office Supplies $3,120 $2,134 $5,000 $3,000 $5,000 732.000 Books& Periodicals $256 $439 $1,900 $500 $500 735.000 Drafting Supplies $544 $1,197 $2,400 $1,250 $1,700 750.000 Gas& Oil $9,463 $8,478 $9,460 $9,460 $8,500 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $6.670 $6.668 $8,500 $7,000 $8,500 795.000 Other Oner. Supplies $1,395 $673 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for: Supplies $21,448 t1.9,589 i29 2G0 $22710 $25,700 841.000 Telephone $2,092 $2,072 $2,820 $2,200 $2,520 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $1,763 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $2,400 848.000 Postaqe $1,141 $1,297 $1,440 $1,440 $1,440 850.000 Emplovee Development $6,740 $9,747 $13,135 $10.500 $14,395 851.000 Dues $2,453 $2,538 $2,840 $2,840 $2,950 860.563 Rpr-Off. Equip. $510 $0 $1,500 $500 $1,300 860.569 Rpr-Other $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $500 895.000 Other Contractual $20,922 $9,445 $22,690 $16,085 $25,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $35,621 26 899 147225 135,365 $50,50 5 901.000 Office Equipment $140 $0 $300 $300 $700 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $0 $400 $400 $400 Totals for: Capital Outlay 140 $0 700 X700 $1,10 0 78 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Engineering $997,700 $1,017,443 $1,089,050 $1,070,779 $1,120,320 79 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_320 Dept. Street The Street Workgroup is the largest of the several work groups within the Department of Public Works and frequently assists or supplements other City Departments and divisions with personnel and equipment. Responsibilities include all aspects of street cleaning and maintenance,including repair of utility cuts. Streets, bridges and storm sewers are costly to repair. The cost of maintaining and repairing these facilities continue to grow,however,neglect results in far greater costs when replacement or major repair becomes necessary. There are currently over 280 centerline miles of streets in the City and 21 bridges. During winter months,snow removal and ice control are the primary concerns of the work group. Snow removal is handled on a systematic basis. Arterial and main traffic ways are cleared first, followed by the collector streets,which connect residential streets with the arterial and main traffic ways. Finally,as time permits and conditions require, residential streets are cleared of snow. Intersections,hills and bridges are watched closely for the formation of ice. Salt and sand are applied as conditions dictate in an effort to help motorists start and stop as safely as possible. The first concern of the Street work group in coping with snow and ice is to clear the arterial and collector streets for ambulances,police and fire vehicles so they can reach various areas of the community. The Street work group has an inventory in excess of 35 pieces of rolling equipment, including maintainers,street sweepers, trucks, tractors and numerous other items such as power mowers, power saws,snowplows and miscellaneous small equipment. As a work group of the Public Works Department, it is supervised by the Street Superintendent,who in turn is responsible to the Operations Manager. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 30 2012: 30 2013 28 2014: 28 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $1,007,215 $1,002,714 $1,037,000 $1,035,000 $1,068,795 703.000 OT-Reqular $7,841 $807 $8,000 $17,000 $8,000 704.000 Longevity Pay $12,611 $13,794 $15,400 $15,400 $16,335 Totals for: Personal Services $1..027 667 $1 017 315 $1,060,400 $1.067,400 $1 093.130 710.000 Unemplovment $1,922 $2,942 $2,900 $2,900 $2,900 711.000 Social Security $61,058 $60,882 $66,856 $65,000 $65.803 711.001 Medicare $14,280 $14,239 $15,636 $15,636 $15,636 712.000 Life Insurance $2,491 $2,476 $3.200 $3,200 $3,200 714.000 Kpers $77,382 $85,278 $96,589 $103,093 $110,000 726.000 Transp.Allowance $3,696 $3,696 $3,700 $3,700 $3,700 Totals for: Employee Benefits . 1$ fi0,82.9 $169,51 3 $188 881 $193,52 9 201,239 715.000 Health Insurance $206.986 $190,120 $212,000 $201,366 $215,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $11,000 $18,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Totals for. Benefits Transfer 217 986 $208 120 1232,000 $221,366 $235,000 731.000 Office Supplies $270 $705 $1,000 $1.000 $1,000 742.000 Metal Products $758 $645 $1,200 $2,130 $1,200 744.000 Lumber $1,619 $2,279 $2,360 $2,360 $2,360 747.000 Weldinq Supplies $406 $109 $500 $500 $500 750.000 Gas&Oil $119,138 $108,426 $119,140 $119,140 $108,430 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $155,516 $181,188 $173,700 $173,700 $171,700 752.000 Parts-Machinery& Equip $8.199 $6.901 $9,000 $8,500 $9,000 759.000 Chemicals $565 $1,811 $2,020 $2,020 $2,200 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $5,126 $7,243 $7,165 $7,165 $7,230 767.000 Tools $2,216 $2,456 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $3,748 $6,696 $4,350 $4,350 $4,350 796.000 Buildings&Grounds $138 $169 $650 $650 $650 Totals for: Supplies $297599 L3IS 628 $3 3 585 X324 015 1311,120 841.000 Telephone $575 $664 $1,920 $750 $1,920 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $1,200 $1,200 $900 $900 $1,200 848.000 Postaqe $524 $53 $100 $100 $100 850.000 Employee Development $456 $954 $1,825 $1,000 $1,855 851.000 Dues $238 $246 $220 $220 $285 860.561 Rpr-Radio $60 $0 $150 $150 $150 860.562 Rpr-Buildinqs $1,794 $1,865 $3,050 $2,000 $3,050 895.000 Other Contractual $50.650 $51,763 $72,605 $72,605 $76,060 897.000 Solid Waste Fees $20 $414 $1,000 $2,000 $4,000 80 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Services and Charges $55,517 57 159 81 770 $79,725 $88,620 901.000 Office Equipment $100 $100 $3,100 $3,100 $550 902.000 Radios $25,223 $0 $0 $0 $0 905.000 Other Equipment $3,162 $20,654 $4,800 $8,800 $4,900 Totals for: Capital Outlay $28,48 $20 754 $7.90 0 11 90 $5,450 Totals for: Street $1,788,183 $1,791,489 $1,894,536 $1,897,935 $1,934,559 81 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_330_ Dept. Flood Works The flood of 1951 affected about 50% of the residential area of Salina. More than 3,000 residences, 122 commercial firms, 2 schools and 3 churches were inundated. Approximately 13,500 persons were evacuated. In the previous 50 years, Salina had been subject to some 40 to 50 periods of high water, including 6 major floods. The flood of 1951 provided the impetus for the construction of the City's present flood protection system. The flood protection works, many years in the planning and completed in 1961,are designed to protect the City from twice the volume of flood water which occurred during 1951. It was built by the Corps of Engineers at a cost in excess of$6,000,000, approximately $2.3 million in local funds and the balance Federal. The project included 17.1 miles of levee, 12.2 miles of channel change, replacement of 12 bridges,and thousands of acres of land involved in right-of-way easements. The function of the Flood Control Work Group is to maintain, patrol and keep in good repair at all times the flood levee, including the slopes and the driving surfaces,gates,pumps and related equipment that comprise the flood protection system for the City of Salina. The Work Group has been repeatedly commended by the Corps of Engineers for the excellent condition of the system. Flood Works also maintains storm water detention ponds owned by the City in various residential areas. As a division of the Public Works Department, it is supervised by the Flood Control Supervisor,who in turn is responsible to the General Services Operations Manager. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 3 2012: 3 2013: 3 2014: 3 Budd Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Buccel $110,156 $103,287 $108,990 $113,660 $119,383 702.000 PT-Salaries $1,716 $1,863 $2,000 $3,000 $2,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $619 $142 $2,000 $3,000 $2,000 704.000 Lonqevitv Pav $2,370 $1,813 $950 ($1,130) $1,680 Totals for Personal Services 1114,861 $107,105 $113y940 $118530 $125,063 710.000 Unemployment $207 $395 $300 $300 $300 711.000 Social Securitv $6,594 $8,105 $7,232 $7,232 $7,271 711.001 Medicare $1,542 $1,895 $1,800 $1,800 $1,700 712.000 Life Insurance $293 $263 $550 $550 $550 714.000 Kpers $8,405 $11,336 $13,970 $12,000 $15,367 Totals for Employee Benefits $17,041 $21,994 $23,852 $21,882 $25,188 715.000 Health Insurance $30,870 $27,267 $23.500 $31,540 $32,550 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $1,192 $1,800 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for Benefits Transfer 32_06L2 $21067 $2,..500 $33,540 $3 4,550 731.000 Office Supplies $71 $188 $350 $350 $350 741.000 Sand, Rock,Gravel& Salt $0 $3,538 $10,500 $8,000 $10,500 750.000 Gas&Oil $9,252 $13,163 $9,250 $9,250 $9,250 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $17,960 $16,398 $18,100 $18,100 $18,100 759.000 Chemicals $0 $3,539 $3,580 $3,580 $5,220 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $438 $422 $1,150 $500 $1,150 767.000 Tools $102 $182 $200 $200 $200 795.000 Other Ooer. Supplies $610 $1,190 $3,810 $1,300 $3,810 796.000 Buildinqs&Grounds $144 $82 $140 $140 $140 Totals for Supplies 77 $38,70 47 080 41 420 $48,720 841.000 Telephone $66 $82 $100 $100 $100 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $250 $300 $300 $300 850.000 Employee Development $84 $317 $420 $420 $425 860.561 Rpr-Radio $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 860.562 Rpr-Buildinqs $24 $0 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $10,111 $14,994 $11,200 $11,200 $12,640 Totals for Services and Charges $10,585 $15.C,4 3 $12J20 J12_1 20 $13.56 5 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $100 $100 $100 $150 902.000 Radios $3,616 $0 $0 $0 $0 905.000 Other Equipment $389 $389 $3,500 $3,500 $975 Totals for: Capital Outlay $4_0r)5 L4489 $3 600 $3,600 11 12.5 82 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Flood Works $207,131 $213,000 $226,092 $231,092 $248,211 83 City of Salina, Kansas qFm*- 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_360_ Dept. Traffic Control The Traffic work group is responsible for installation and maintenance of traffic control devices,street painting and paint stripping, signs and signals. These controls and guides are essential for maximum utilization of traffic ways and for the safety of pedestrians and motorists. Presently,there are 63 electronically controlled intersections, 43 electronically controlled school zones and 13 mid- block electronically controlled crossings in the City. This Division maintains the 365 downtown decorative lights,and 38 high bay lights. There are over 7,500 street signs in the City and nearly 80 miles of streets that require painted centerline markings. As a division of the Public Works Department, it is supervised by the Street Superintendent,who in turn is responsible to the General Services Operations Manager.. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 4 2012: 4 2011 4 2014: 4 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $113,793 $145,655 $150,200 $120,000 $150,000 702.000 PT-Salaries $2,970 $3,071 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $1,445 $831 $3,000 $7,000 $6,000 704.000 Longevity Pav $1,981 $2,149 $2,320 $1,470 $1,640 Totals for: Personal Services $20,189 $151 706 158 520 131 470 160 640 710.000 Unemployment $226 $495 $380 $380 $380 711.000 Social Security $7,170 $10,170 $8.612 $6,500 $8,612 711.001 Medicare $1,677 $2,378 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 712.000 Life Insurance $283 $374 $575 $575 $575 714.000 Kpers $8,815 $13,973 $14,047 $10,920 $14,047 Totals for: Employee Benefits $18,171 127 390 25464 $20,22 5 25 464 715.000 Health Insurance $23,893 $28,242 $41,500 $25,000 $41,500 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $1,452 $2,400 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 Totals for: Benefits Transfer J-2.5,345 $30,642 $44,100 $27,6 00, 144 100 731.000 Office Supplies $119 $213 $200 $200 $200 747.000 Weldinq Supplies $190 $151 $200 $200 $200 750.000 Gas& Oil $11,984 $15,849 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $8,958 $7,322 $10,600 $10,600 $10,600 753.081 Traffic Lights Parts $5,168 $5,185 $7,300 $7,300 $22,310 753.083 Street Liqhts $5.563 $4,421 $5,625 $12,145 $4,650 760.000 Wearing Apparel $688 $82.3 $1,365 $1,000 $1,180 767.000 Tools $478 $469 $550 $550 $650 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $69 $237 $400 $400 $400 796.000 Buildings&Grounds $0 $0 $4,150 $4,150 $150 Totals for: Supplies 133,217 $34,670 142-3-90 $48,545 $52,340 839.086 KP& L Hookup $0 $0 $750 $750 $750 841.000 Telephone $65 $81 $100 $100 $100 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $288 $300 $300 $1,200 844.000 Street Liqhtinq $502,583 $521,334 $527,800 $540,000 $527,800 847.000 Traffic Control Siqnals $40,785 $39,758 $42,800 $42,800 $42,800 850.000 Employee Development $400 $319 $1,035 $1,035 $1,540 851.000 Dues $73 $280 $400 $400 $400 860.561 Rpr-Radio $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 860.564 Rpr-Traffic Liqhts $1,146 $5,689 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 895.000 Other Contractual $892 $342 $1,150 $950 $1,150 Totals for: Services and Charges J546 244 $568,091576,435 588 435 $577,840 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $190 $250 $250 $250 902.000 Radios $5,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $6,913 $3,000 $3,000 $10,125 Totals for: Capital Outlay $5,840 7j() $3,250 $3,250 $10,375 Totals for: Traffic Control $749,006 $819,602 $850,159 $819,525 $870,759 84 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_410_310 Dept. Parks Downtown The Parks& Recreation Department has responsibility for maintaining the 16-block downtown area and is charged with providing and caring for all turf, trees,and shrubs, in addition to cleaning and maintaining all arcades, fountains,and restrooms. This division was established in 1990 to more accurately determine the costs of downtown maintenance. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 1 2012: 1 2013: 1 2014: 1 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $27,394 $27,900 $27,394 $28,345 $29,064 702.000 PT-Salaries $5,165 $2,465 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $0 $100 $0 $0 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $315 $357 $322 $322 $400 Totals for: Personal Services $32,874 $30,722 $32,31.6 $33,167 $33,964 710.000 Unemplovment $58 $86 $100 $100 $100 711.000 Social Security $1,818 $1,767 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 711.001 Medicare $425 $413 $430 $430 $430 712.000 Life Insurance $83 $84 $110 $110 $110 714.000 Kpers $2,074 $2,354 $2,353 $2,353 $2,588 Totals for Employee Benefits $4,458 14 704 $4,793 $4,793 $5,028 715.000 Health Insurance $10,890 $9,907 $10,200 $10,200 $10,200 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $500 $550 $550 $550 Totals for: Benefits Transfer 101890 $10,407 $_ 7 S Q 10050 y1 7750 746.000 Janitorial $766 $524 $800 $800 $800 750.000 Gas& Oil $2,033 $2,019 $2,033 $2,033 $2,033 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $414 $2,309 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $74 $176 $260 $260 $260 767.000 Tools $30 $18 $200 $200 $100 790.000 Seeds,Plants,Trees $1,186 $1,168 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $665 $335 $600 $600 $600 Totals for: Supplies 5 168 $6,54 9 J6.393 $6,393 $6,293 860.000 Repairs $261 $5,001 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 895.000 Other Contractual $6,375 $6,520 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 Totals for: Services and Charges $6,635 X11 521 $11.700 11 700. $11,700 905.000 Other Equipment $1,500 $2,295 $0 $0 $1,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay EL500 $2,295 $00 $0 11 000 Totals for: Parks Downtown $61,52 66 198 6$ 5,95 $66,803 16 8 735 85 r City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_410_320 Dept. Parks Forestry The Forestry Division is responsible for planting,pruning,and replacement of trees in the parks and public areas,including Downtown. This Division also is responsible for the care of street trees including trimming and removal of dead or dangerous trees. A nursery in Thomas Park provides replacement and additional planting stock for public areas. Review of all landscape plans for commercial building permits is also a division responsibility. The Tree Advisory Board is responsible for studying and proposing tree ordinances,programs,and policies for establishing an urban forest program. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 3 2012: 3 2013: 3 2014: 3 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $105,343 $106,706 $104,099 $104,099 $111,129 702.000 PT-Salaries $2,799 $2,726 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $105 $0 $500 $400 $0 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $1,376 $1,460 $1,376 $1,376 $1,500 Total,for. Personal Services 1109 623623 110.892 109 975 $109,875 $ 6 629 710.000 Unemployment $197 $313 $300 $300 $300 711.000 Social Securitv $6,297 $6,463 $6250 $6,250 $6,250 711.001 Medicare $1,473 $1,511 $1,660 $1,660 $1,660 712.000 Life Insurance $286 $288 $500 $500 $500 714.000 Koers $8,222 $9,300 $9,185 $9,185 $10,103 Totals for: Employee Benefits $16,47 17 875. $1.7,895 X17,895 $18,813 715.000 Health Insurance $32,670 $29,721 $31,000 $31,000 $31,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $1,192 $2,000 $2,200 $2,200 $2.200 Totats for Benefits Transfer $33,862 $31,721 $33,200 133 200 731.000 Office Supplies $109 $248 $300 $300 $300 744.000 Lumber $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 750.000 Gas&Oil $6,161 $5,519 $6,161 $6,161 $6,161 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $6,066 $4,573 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 755.000 Tree Plaques $0 $65 $150 $150 $150 759.000 Chemicals $182 $23 $100 $100 $100 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $626 $563 $600 $600 $600 766.000 Safety Equip&Supplies $0 $61 $250 $250 $100 767.000 Tools $141 $32 $300 $300 $200 790.000 Seeds,Plants,Trees $423 $1,167 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $89 $141 $500 $500 $500 Totals far: Supplies 13 797 Ll 2,392 $16_4 6 1 16 461 16 211 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $38 $300 $300 $300 $300 850.000 Employee Development $897 $760 $900 $900 $900 851.000 Dues $176 $114 $200 $200 $200 858.000 Advertisinq&Promotions $35 $0 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $13,913 $10,138 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 Totals for. Services and Charges $15,05 9 111_312 21 400 $16,400 $16,400 905.000 Other Equipment $1,000 $1,293 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay 1000 $1,293 1000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Parks $189,816 $185,485 $199,931 $194,831 $202,253 Forestry 86 This Page Intentionally Blank 87 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100 410 330 Dept. Parks Parks The Park Division is responsible for the maintenance of all park grounds and landscaping,including ball diamonds,parkways and landscaped median strips. In addition to caring for the grounds,the Division operates and maintains all facilities related to the parks. They include the Keva in Thomas Park,maintenance buildings in Oakdale, Sunset, Ivey,and Thomas Parks,the former Stimmel School,and numerous facilities such as tennis courts, picnic shelters,spray parks and playground equipment. The City presently owns 25 parks totaling 640 acres. The Division also has the responsibility for maintaining the swimming pool and the grounds of the Salina Bicentennial Center,Salina Community Theater, and the Smoky Hill Museum. The Department has budgeted approximately 20,000 hours of summer/seasonal staffing for 2008 to help address all park responsibilities. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 14 2012: 13 2013: 13 2014: 13 Department staffing also includes 1 part-time clerical position. Budget,Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $537,029 $560,373 $585,651 $590,000 $605,000 702.000 PT-Salaries $170,077 $160,022 $138,560 $138,560 $151,060 703.000 OT-Reqular $54 $492 $1,000 $500 $1,000 704.000 Lonqevity Pay $12,863 $14,167 $13,220 $13,220 $15,343 Totals for: Personal Services $720_023 $735,054 $738_431 $742,280 $172.403 710.000 Unemployment $1,330 $2,230 $1,550 $1,550 $1,550 711.000 Social Security $42,291 $45,554 $49,200 $49,200 $49,200 711.001 Medicare $9,891 $10,654 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 712.000 Life Insurance $1,392 $1,390 $2,850 $2,850 $2,850 714.000 Kpers $44,235 $53,126 $64,178 $57,116 $62,882 Totals for Employee Benefits $99 139 $1 12 954 $12$_778 $121,716 1127.482 715.000 Health Insurance $12.8,187 $117,741 $123,000 $123,000 $129,150 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $5,900 $10,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 Totals for Benefits Transfer $134,087 $127,741 $134,000 $134,00 0 $140,150 731.000 Office Supplies $585 $723 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 732.000 Books& Periodicals $72 $54 $300 $100 $100 737.000 Plumbinq Supplies $6,915 $10,505 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 738.000 Shop Mechanic Supplies $7,762 $7,896 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 740.000 Cement Products $483 $388 $1,000 $1,000 $500 741.000 Sand, Rock, Gravel&Salt $52 $1,019 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 742.000 Metal Products $0 $468 $500 $500 $500 743.000 Paints $1,366 $1,242 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 744.000 Lumber $971 $926 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 745.000 Electrical& Lightinq $1,282 $1,737 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 746.000 Janitorial $3,875 $3,916 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 750.000 Gas&Oil $47,976 $45,735 $47,976 $47,976 $47,976 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $57,970 $51,629 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 759.000 Chemicals $9,906 $14,428 $15,000 $15,000 $17,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $3,051 $2,799 $3,500 $3,500 $3,000 766.000 Safety Equip&Supplies $1,164 $355 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 767.000 Tools $1,796 $1,831 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 788.000 Recreation Supplies $5,381 $14,880 $12,000 $12,000 $14,000 790.000 Seeds,Plants,Trees $17,510 $17,725 $21,000 $18,000 $18,000 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $7,716 $8,116 $6,000 $6,000 $7,500 Totals for: Supplies X175 833 18$ 6 372 197 276 $194,076 $199,576 841.000 Telephone $4,772 $4,859 $5,200 $5,000 $5,000 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 843.000 Solid Waste Disposal $9,353 $9,787 $9,500 $9,500 $10,000 850.000 Employee Development $1,915 $1,574 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 851.000 Dues $443 $224 $400 $400 $400 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $9,651 $5,880 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 895.000 Other Contractual $5,476 $4,597 $7,300 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $31,91 0 27 221 $31,200 $29,700 110,200 902.000 Radios $0 $562 $0 $0 $0 88 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 905.000 Other Equipment $1,275 $1,550 $3,400 $3,400 $11,500 Totals for Capital Outlay $1,275 $2,112 $3,40 0 3 40 $11,50 0 Totals for: Parks Parks $1,162,267 $1,191,454 $1,233,085 $1,225,172 $1,281,311 89 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_410_340 Dept. Parks Fields Maintenance The Fields Maintenance Division takes care of all of the Baseball and Soccer fields within the City. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $0 $84,408 $83,600 $83,685 $87,177 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $39,694 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $3,775 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $0 $1,194 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 Totals for: Personal Services NO 129 071 $137,40 0 137_18 5 $140,977 710.000 Unemployment $0 $363 $265 $265 $265 711.000 Social Security $0 $7,340 $8,128 $8,128 $8,128 711.001 Medicare $0 $1,717 $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 712.000 Life Insurance $0 $214 $200 $200 $200 714.000 Kpers $0 $7,254 $8,164 $8,164 $8,980 Totals for Employee Benefits 1-0- $16 888 X8,657 $18,657 119_473 715.000 Health Insurance $0 $19,814 $23,000 $23,000 $21,709 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for: Benefits Transfer N U9814 $24,500 $24,50 4 X23 209 741.000 Sand, Rock. Gravel& Salt $0 $6,010 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 743.000 Paints $0 $3,020 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 744.000 Lumber $0 $136 $1,350 $1,350 $1,350 745.000 Electrical& Lightinq $0 $4,486 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 746.000 Janitorial $0 $1,760 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 750.000 Gas& Oil $0 $5,976 $5,000 $5.000 $5,976 751.000 Mainl-Vehicles& Equip $0 $9,965 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $0 $411 $400 $400 $400 766.000 Safetv Equip& Supplies $0 $0 $150 $150 $150 767.000 Tools $0 $478 $500 $500 $500 768.000 Mach. & Equip. (<$250) $0 $288 $0 $0 $0 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $2,210 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 795.000 Other Oper_ Supplies $0 $3,458 $5,500 $5,500 $4,500 Totals For: Supplies $38 198 35 900 $-35.900 35 87G 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $0 $300 $300 $300 $300 850.000 Employee Development $0 $50 $350 $350 $350 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $77 $800 $800 $800 Totals for: Services and Charges 50 .1427 $1,450 x1 450 $450 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $9,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 $0 $1 500 $1,500 $91000 Totals for: Parks $204,398 219 407 X219,492 229 985 Parks Fields Maintenance 90 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_420_ Dept, Swimming Pools This appropriation includes expenditures necessary to maintain and operate the Municipal Swimming Pool in Kenwood Park. 2009 was the final year of operation for the Municipal Pool. 2010 saw the opening of Kenwood cove,a contemporary water park with modern features. Kenwood Cove is open from approximately Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, based on school ending and starting dates. Kenwood Cove is staffed entirely by temporary/seasonal personell. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,000 702.000 PT-Salaries $307,680 $287,593 $325,000 $304,000 $311,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $654 $60 $5,000 $500 $500 Totals for: Personal Services 308,334 287,653 $330,000 304 500 $325,500 710.000 Unemployment $597 $880 $638 $638 $638 711.000 Social Securitv $19.117 $17,835 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 711.001 Medicare $4,471 $4,171 $7,280 $7,280 $7,280 Totals for_ Employee Benefits $2!J,185 L2 E386 $22_91 8 $32,91 II j_32,918 731.000 Office Supplies $1,837 $1,097 $2,000 $1,400 $1,400 737.000 Plumbinq Supplies $99 $710 $250 $250 $750 743.000 Paints $170 $345 $500 $500 $500 744.000 Lumber $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 745.000 Electrical& Lightinq $590 $758 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 746.000 Janitorial $1,258 $2,812 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 746177 Jntrl-Paper Prod- $1,524 $1,577 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 752.000 Parts-Machinery& Equip $1,005 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 759.000 Chemicals $46,466 $32,083 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $4,314 $4,865 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 788.000 Recreation Supplies $5.624 $3,026 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $1,810 $6,612 $2,000 $2,000 $4,500 Totals for: Supplies X64 697 $53;88: 56.250 55 650 58 650 825.000 Sales Tax $380 $320 $400 $400 $400 839.000 Other Professional $5,707 $3,743 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 841.000 Telephone $848 $1,545 $1,000 $1,000 $2,000 843.000 Solid Waste Disposal $1,315 $1,372 $1,300 $1,300 $1,300 858.000 Advertisinq& Promotions $12,924 $7,326 $15,000 $12.000 $12,000 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $5,163 $4,728 $3,000 $3,000 $4,000 860.568 Rpr-Equipment $2,058 $2,812 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 892.000 Refunds $2,750 $5,444 $3,000 $3.000 $4,000 895.000 Other Contractual $1,962 $5,230 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for. Services and Charges $33,107 122.520 $_36_L00 700 700 $36.700 Totals for: Swimming Pools $430,323 $396,944 $455,868 $426,768 $453,768 91 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_430_ Dept. Neighborhood Centers Three of the four Neighborhood Centers provide meeting and recreational facilities for clubs,organizations,and groups of Salina citizens. The largest Neighborhood Center is Memorial Hall,which was constructed in 1921 and provides meeting rooms and recreational facilities. It also houses the USD#305 Adult Education Center,and Community Access TV. Both Carver Center and Friendship Center were built in the late 1970's and provide meeting places for organizations as well as individuals. Lakewood Lodge is a former residence located in Lakewood Park and previously used as a center but was converted to a nature center in 1995 to house nature and environmental programs. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 1 2012: 0 2011 0 2014. 0 The full time staff position was replaced with a part-time position in 2012. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $134 $0 $0 $0 $0 702.000 PT-Salaries $14,128 $12,871 $15,328 $15,328 $15,328 703.000 OT-Reqular $14 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals far: Personal Services $14.276 $12,871 $15,328 11_532q El 5 328 710.000 Unemplovment $27 $35 $55 $55 $55 711.000 Social Security $877 $739 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 711.001 Medicare $205 $173 $560 $560 $560 712.000 Life Insurance $37 $36 $180 $180 $180 714.000 Kpers $1,001 $1,057 $1,374 $1,374 $1,511 Totals for: Employee Benefits $2147 11L210412 4 169 4 169 X43396 715.000 Health Insurance $216 $0 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $216 $1,80 0 $1,800 �1 800 737.000 Plumbinq Supplies $83 $672 $500 $500 $500 743.000 Paints $281 $16 $500 $500 $400 746.177 Jntrl-Paper Prod. $1,457 $2,460 $2,400 $2,400 $2,600 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $3,874 $457 $2,000 $2.000 $2,000 Totals for: Supplies $-5 695 3.605 $5,400 $5,400 $5,500 839.000 Other Professional $3,532 $2,793 $3.960 $3.200 $3.200 841.000 Telephone $2,068 $2,068 $2,100 $2.100 $2,100 843.000 Solid Waste Disposal $2,107 $1,890 $2,420 $2,420 $2,420 860.560 Rpr-Heating&Cool $6,104 $11,2.11 $5,150 $5,150 $5,150 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $5,407 $2,725 $5,150 $5,150 $5.150 892.000 Refunds $220 $522 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Services and Charges 19�438 2-1?09 $18,780 18 020 ;718,020 905.000 Other Equipment $997 $730 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for Capital Outlay $997 $730 $1,000 $1,000 L].000 Totals for: Neighborhood Centers �42 769 $40,455 $46,47 7 45 717 $45,954 92 This Page Intentionally Blank 93 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_450 Dept, Recreation The Recreation Division is responsible for providing a year-round diversified schedule of recreation activities for all citizens of Salina, including participant programs,community services,and special events. Over 100 programs are offered each year for adults and youth in areas such as Athletics, Instructional Classes, Performing and Visual Arts,Special Populations, Environmental Education, Senior Citizens Activities,Day Camps,and Trips and Tours. In 2006 there was participation of approximately 210,000 in recreation programs and activities sponsored by this division. A seven member Parks& Recreation Advisory Board studies issues and makes recommendations to the City Commission regarding policy and programs. User fees are charged for many recreation programs,with some programs self-supporting,and others partially provided through general tax funding. Income is credited to the General Fund. Full time authorized staffing: 2011: 12 2012: 11 2013: 11 2014: 11 The deparment is also authorized 2 part time positions. In addition,this department employ's about 250 seasonal employees. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $488,890 $240,498 $217,000 $252,418 $257,466 702.000 PT-Salaries $339,121 $34,949 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 703.000 OT-Reqular $4,248 $1,220 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 704.000 Longevity Pay $4,601 $242 $210 $210 $250 Totals for: Personal Services 836,860 276,909 221 210 25f 628 $261 716 710.000 Unemployment $1,577 $780 $434 $434 $780 711.000 Social Security $49,823 $16,222 $13,500 $16,295 $16,621 711.001 Medicare $11,652 $3,794 $3.150 $3,810 $3,881 712.000 Life Insurance $1,302 $595 $560 $560 $595 714.000 Kpers $40,966 $21,484 $30,225 $25,923 $28,515 726.000 Transp.Allowance $2,464 $6.060 $4.000 $4,000 $6,060 Totals for: Employee Benefits 107 784 148 935 51 869 K1_0 2 2 56 452 715.000 Health Insurance $104,317 $47,007 $41,000 $50,925 $59,215 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $7,000 $12,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $111 317 $59,007 $42000 X1,925 $60,215 731.000 Office Supplies $2,887 $2,352 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 731.001 Off.Supplies-Paper $3,538 $2,002 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 732.000 Books&Periodicals $600 $0 $600 $150 $0 740.000 Cement Products $10,671 $0 $0 $0 $0 741.000 Sand,Rock,Gravel&Salt $7,494 $0 $0 $0 $0 743.000 Paints $3,175 $0 $0 $0 $0 744.000 Lumber $943 $0 $0 $0 $0 745.000 Electrical& Lightinq $3,030 $394 $0 $0 $0 750.000 Gas&Oil $12,481 $7,902 $0 $0 $7,900 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $16,749 $7,927 $0 $0 $7,900 760.000 Wearing Apparel $847 $258 $1,000 $0 $0 766.000 Safety Equip&Supplies $47 $5 $0 $0 $0 767.000 Tools $925 $0 $0 $0 $0 768.000 Mach.&Eauip.(<$250) $385 $0 $0 $0 $0 788.000 Recreation Supplies $60,881 $610 $1,000 $1,000 $11,000 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $12,025 $5,982 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Totals for. Supplies EL36 678 $27,432 $11,60 0 10 150 35 300 811.000 Rent/Lease $14,259 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 825.000 Sales Tax $149 $221 $150 $150 $225 839.000 Other Professional $47,136 $4,743 $12,950 $12,950 $1,000 841.000 Telephone $3,167 $3,609 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $1,688 $675 $600 $600 $675 848.000 Postage $21,257 $16,391 $21,000 $21,000 $20,000 850.000 Employee Development $5.475 $5,553 $4,500 $4,500 $6,500 851.000 Dues $2,139 $994 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 858.000 Advertisinq& Promotions $35,703 $34,838 $40,000 $35,000 $35,000 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $2,858 $0 $0 $0 $0 94 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 860.568 Rpr-Equipment $2,716 $132 $350 $350 $150 869.000 Bike Helmets $523 $360 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 879.000 Credit Card Fees/Expense $30,093 $19,204 $10,000 $20,000 $20,000 886.000 Collection Fees $106 $0 $0 $0 $0 892.000 Refunds $20,430 $851 $8,000 $8,000 $0 893.000 Activity Fund $399,213 $0 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $31,363 $3,170 $4,500 $4,500 $3,200 Totals for: Services and Charges $618_275 191 741 110 050 $115,050 92 750 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $9,808 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 $9,808 20 Mo $0 Totals for: Recreation $1,810,914 $513,832 $436J29 $484,775 $506,433 95 City of Salina, Kansas - . 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Recreation Budget Unit: 100450100 Dept. Athletics The Athletics division allocates the resources required for administration of all adult and youth athletic programs. Staff expenses are charged out(from Recreation)based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $0 $42,946 $48,248 $48,248 $49,495 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $97,162 $118,200 $114,700 $118,200 704.000 Longevity Pav $0 $270 $270 $270 $270 Totals for: Personal Services K0 14$ 0,378 X66 7181 $163,218 $167965 710.000 unemplovment $0 $429 $340 $340 $429 711.000 Social Securitv $0 $8,514 $10,320 $10,320 $8,514 711.001 Medicare $0 $1,991 $2,150 $2,150 $1,991 712.000 Life Insurance $0 $106 $114 $114 $106 714.000 Kpers $0 $3,958 $4,220 $4,750 $5,225 Totals for: Employee Benefits $0 $14,998 $17,144 $17,674 $16,265 715.000 Health Insurance $0 $8,998 $10,500 $10,500 $10,845 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $8,998 121000 $-1 2-0 Q, $A 34:5 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $12,074 $13,050 $13,050 $14,050 795.000 Other Oper. Suoplles $0 $1,045 $500 $500 $500 Totals for Supplies $-0 $13,119 $13,550 JL,3 550 $14,55 0 811.000 RenULease $0 $13,100 $11,750 $11,750 $14,000 839.000 Other Professional $0 $5,191 $9,350 $12,850 $11,500 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $0 $275 $300 $300 $300 892.000 Refunds $0 $695 $2,800 $2,800 $1.200 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $484 $1,300 $600 $600 Totals for_ Services and Charges $0 119,746 X25,500 $28 300 $27,600 Totals for: Recreation X4.0_ $197,238 $234,912 $234,742 $238,725 Athletics 96 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Recreation Budget Unit: 100450300 Dept. Natural Resources Natural resource programming through Lakewood Discovery Center as well as othernature programs,activities and events. Staff expenses are charged out(from Recreation)based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $0 $75,028 $84,900 $83,395 $85,063 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $22,374 $29,000 $29,000 $26,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $49 $0 $0 $0 704.000 Longevity Pay $0 $1,106 $1,075 $1,075 $1,200 Totals for: Personal Services NO $98,557 114 ;113.470 $112,263 710.000 Unemplovment $0 $291 $175 $175 $300 711.000 Social Security $0 $5,901 $6,510 $6,510 $6,000 711.001 Medicare $0 $1,380 $1,525 $1,525 $1,400 712.000 Life Insurance $0 $193 $210 $210 $200 714.000 Kpers $0 $6,526 $7,398 $7,840 $8.624 Totals for: Employee Benefits $0 $14,291 $15.818 $16,260 $16,524 715.000 Health Insurance $0 $17,996 $20,500 $20,500 $21,709 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $0- $17,996 21 500_ $21,500 $22,709 732.000 Books& Periodicals $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 741.000 Sand,Rock, Gravel& Salt $0 $0 $800 $800 $1,000 743.000 Paints $0 $42 $0 $0 $0 744.000 Lumber $0 $309 $900 $900 $900 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $0 $136 $0 $0 $0 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $0 $386 $300 $300 $400 766.000 Safety Equip& Supplies $0 $0 $90 $90 $0 767.000 Tools $0 $189 $150 $150 $200 768.000 Mach.&Equip.(<$250) $0 $304 $200 $200 $300 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $5,275 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $0 $1,685 $1,500 $1,500 $1,700 Totals for: Supplies Lo- 8 326 $1Q040 $10,040 $10,600 839.000 Other Professional $0 $175 $0 $0 $0 892.000 Refunds $0 $16 $500 $500 $0 893.000 Activity Fund $0 $28,241 $18,000 $30,000 $80,000 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $7,368 $11,100 $11,100 $11,500 Totals for: Services and Charges V0 $35,80 0 29 600 $11_600 $91.50 0 Totals for: Recreation Natural Resources §_0 174 970 $191,933 $202,870 $253,596 97 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Recreation Budget Unit: 100_450_400 Dept. Recreation Programs This provides the resources for the administration of all youth and adult instructional programs. Staff expenses are charged out(from Recreation)based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $0 $44,998 $50,936 $50,936 $51,372 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $54,108 $88,000 $88,000 $88,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $65 $0 $0 $0 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $0 $1,257 $1,250 $1,250 $1,300 Totals for: Personal Services P- $_100,428 1 k0,1&Fi $_L40,186 $140672 710.000 Unemployment $0 $280 $268 $268 $280 711.000 Social Securitv $0 $6,091 $8,350 $8,350 $8,350 711.001 Medicare $0 $1,424 $1,950 $1,950 $1,950 712.000 Life Insurance $0 $113 $119 $119 $119 714.000 Kpers $0 $4,164 $4,723 $4,723 $5,236 Totals for: Employee Benefits Yo 12 072 $151410 $15,41 0 $15935 715.000 Health Insurance $0 $9,394 $13,500 $10,398 $10,917 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for. Benefits Transfer 0 $9,394 15 0 11 898 12x417 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $0 $199 $250 $250 $250 768.000 Mach.& Equip. (<$250) $0 $0 $300 $300 $300 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $31,818 $3,600 $3,600 $5,600 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $0 $431 $400 $400 $400 Totals for. Supplies V) 32 448 $4 550 $4,55 0 6 550 811.000 RenULease $0 $1,000 $1,700 $1,700 $1;700 839.000 Other Professional $0 $26,653 $0 $0 $0 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $0 $275 $0 $0 $0 858.000 Advertisinq& Promotions $0 $360 $0 $0 $0 892.000 Refunds $0 $465 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $2,261 $0 $0 $0 Totals for Services and Charges $0 $31014 $1.70 Q 1 700 $1.70 0 Totals for: Recreation 20- $185,356 $176,846 $173,744 $177,274 Recreation Programs 98 City of Salina, Kansas - 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Recreation Budget Unit: 100450600 Dept. Special Populations The Special Populations budget provides for the administration of all therapeutic recreational programs for adults and youth. Staff expenses are charged out(from Recreation)based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $0 $167 $0 $0 $0 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $29,674 $28,000 $28,000 $33,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $458 $0 $0 $0 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $0 $382 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Personal Services $-0 $30,681 $28000 $28,000 $33,00 0 710.000 Unemployment $0 $91 $42 $42 $100 711.000 Social Security $0 $1,838 $1,302 $1,302 $1,800 711.001 Medicare $0 $430 $304 $304 $400 712.000 Life Insurance $0 $44 $35 $35 $45 714.000 Kpers $0 $1,643 $450 $450 $1,700 Totals for: Employee Benefits Lo- $4,046 $2,133 $2,133 $4,04 5 715.000 Health Insurance $0 $2,102 $2,500 $2,500 $2,100 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $200 $200 $200 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $0 $2,102 $2J700 $2;7.00 $2300 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $0 $51 $0 $0 $0 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $2,835 $2,500 $2,500 $2,900 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 Totals for Supplies V0 $2,8II6 .2.700 $2,700 $2,900 892.000 Refunds $0 $322 $0 $0 $300 893.000 Activity Fund $0 $11,933 $0 $0 $20,000 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $3,441 $0 $3,000 $3,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $0 $15,696 $0 $3,000 $23,300 Totals for: Recreation 55 411 $35,533 3$ 8,533 $65,545 Special Populations -- 99 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Recreation Budget Unit: 100_450_700 Dept. Senior Programs This supports programs geared towards the senior portion of the population. Staff expenses are charged out(from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $0 $11,999 $51,200 $0 $0 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $6,164 $13,500 $7,000 $7,000 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $0 $344 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Personal Services U0 $18,507 $64,700 $7,000 $7,000 710.000 Unemployment $0 $85 $113 $113 $113 711.000 Social Security $0 $1,714 $4,185 $4,185 $1,714 711.001 Medicare $0 $401 $978 $978 $401 712.000 Life Insurance $0 $21 $120 $120 $21 714.000 Kpers $0 $2,006 $4,792 $0 $0 Totals for: Employee Benefits $0 $4,227 $10,188 J, 5_396 J?__2,11) 715.000 Health Insurance $0 $2,530 $10,200 $0 $0 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $650 $650 $0 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $U $2,530 X10 85Q $650 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $844 $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 Totals for: Supplies Lo $844 $4,000 $4,000 2 000 811.000 RenULease $0 $360 $1,440 $1,440 $1,500 839.000 Other Professional $0 $25 $1,500 $0 $0 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $0 $50 $300 $0 $0 858.000 Advertising&Promotions $0 $3,000 $3.000 $3,000 $3,000 892.000 Refunds $0 $896 $300 $300 $300 893.000 Activity Fund $0 $31,211 $175,000 $175,000 $75,000 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $1,335 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 Totals for: Services and Charges P $36,877 ?;19540 $181,24 0 %81,3(10 Totals for: Recreation LO $62,985 $273,278 $198,286 $92,549 Senior Programs 100 City of Salina, Kansas CIO"- 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Recreation Budget Unit: 100450800 Dept. Camp Salina This supports a licensed day camp during the summer for school age chhildren. Staff expenses are charged out(from Recreation) based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $25,917 $23,000 $23,000 $27,000 Totals for Personal Services $0 $25,917 23 000 $23,000 $27,00 0 710.000 Unemployment $0 $83 $50 $50 $50 711.000 Social Security $0 $1,607 $1,550 $1,550 $1.550 711.001 Medicare $0 $376 $362 $362 $362 Totals for: Employee Benefits �0 $z 0_66 $1, 962 11 962 $1.,96 2 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $230 $230 $230 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $0 $0 •230 230 230 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $2,958 $3,000 $3,000 $3,500 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $0 $1,440 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 Totals for Supplies TO _4 398 $5,500 $1-502 $5 500 811.000 Rent/Lease $0 $1.131 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 839.000 Other Professional $0 $70 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $40 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Services and Charges �—o $1,241 1 500 1 500 $2,000 Totals for: Recreation Vo $33,622 $32,19 2 32 192 $36,69 2 Camp Salina 101 Budget City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Bud 9 Salina Fund: Recreation Budget Unit: 100450900 Dept. Special Events This covers the costs and services required to support several annual special events throughout the year. Staff expenses are charged out(from Recreation)based on time committed to this program. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $1,275 $1,000 $1,000 $1,200 Totals for: Personal Services $0 $1275 $1,000 $1,000 $1.200 710.000 Unemployment $0 $4 $40 $40 $40 711.000 Social Security $0 $79 $124 $124 $124 711.001 Medicare $0 $18 $29 $29 $29 Totals for: Employee Benefits $0 $-101 $193 193 $193 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $0 $0 $18 $18 $0 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $0 $0 � EL8 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $15,421 $22,100 $22,100 $19,100 795.000 Other Oner. Supplies $0 $75 $500 $500 $500 Totals for. Supplies Ko $15,496 $22600 .22.600 1:9 600 811.000 Rent/Lease $0 $1,804 $1.000 $1,000 $4,000 839.000 Other Professional $0 $12,275 $0 $0 $12,000 858.000 Advertising&Promotions $0 $878 $0 $0 $0 892.000 Refunds $0 $37 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $3,925 $0 $0 $2,375 Totals for. Services and Charges X8,919 1 000 $1 000 _I_83 75 Totals for: Recreation $35,791 24 2 811 $ 4 811 $39,368 Special Events 102 r City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_519_ Dept. Arts & Humanities The Salina Arts and Humanities Commission and Department was established by City ordinance in 1966. The Director of Arts and Humanities is the administrative officer for the Depaartment. The Department Director, four full-time employees and two part-time persons are City staff members. In 2009, the funding and administrative organization of the Arts and Humanities and the Smoky Hill River festival were changed,with the City assuming the lead in all administrative and organizational activities. Funding for the organization is now provided through a separate fund within the City budget. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 702.000 PT-Salaries $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for. Personal Services 1 000 $0 $00 710.000 Unernplovment $2 $0 $0 $0 $0 711.000 Social Security $62 $0 $0 $0 $0 711.001 Medicare $15 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Employee Benefits 79 $0 $0 Totals for: Arts&Humanities 1079 $0 $00 L $00 103 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_524_ Dept. Smoky Hill Museum In 1983, the City of Salina and Saline County authorized the purchase of the Post Office at 211 West Iron for the purpose of establishing a historical museum. The City and County acquired the building for a museum on June 17, 1985,and opened on October 5, 1986, In 1991,the City of Salina took full responsibility for the museum. The Smoky Hill Museum inspires a broader understanding of the region's rich history by engaging residents and visitors of all ages through diverse learning experiences. The City of Salina provides the basic administration and operating costs for the Museum. The Division Director,five full-time employees,and two part-time employees are City staff members. Other funds come from grants, sponsorships,and revenues through the Friends of the Smoky Hill Museum. Three additional part-lime employees are also funded by the Friends organization. The Smoky Hill Museum earned fully accredited status from the American Association of Museums in 1997. The gallery was fully renovated in 2005-2006. Full lime authorized staff: 2011. 6 2012: 6 2011 6 2014. 6 In addition,two part time positions are authorized. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actuaf 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $248,373 $254,304 $246,000 $263,684 $268,958 702.000 PT-Salaries $21,104 $20,638 $21,000 $21,000 $21,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $1,718 $1,335 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 704.000 Lonqevity Pay $1,215 $1,834 $1,089 $1,089 $1,089 Totals for: Personal Services $272,410 $278,111 ..x269,089 286 773 $292,047 710.000 Unemployment $490 $783 $700 $700 $700 711.000 Social Security $15,452 $16,049 $14,000 $16,551 $16,882 711.001 Medicare $3.614 $3,753 $4,000 $3,810 $4,000 712.000 Life Insurance $567 $573 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 714.000 Kpers $18,889 $21,444 $24,657 $24,657 $27,295 Totals for'. Employee Benefits p9,Q12 jj _602 $44,457 $46,818 jj9,977 715.000 Health Insurance $44,853 $40.803 $42,000 $42,000 $44,717 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $2,700 $4,500 $5.000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals tor. Benefits Transfer $47,55 3 45.303 147_000 $47,000 $49,717 731.000 Office Supplies $2,238 $1,667 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 732.000 Books&Periodicals $465 $572 $500 $500 $500 743.000 Paints $429 $76 $400 $400 $400 745.000 Electrical& Lightinq $1,077 $1,975 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 746.000 Janitorial $956 $834 $825 $825 $825 749.000 Collections $3,506 $1,990 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 750.000 Gas& Oil $246 $373 $500 $500 $500 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $1,646 $124 $800 $800 $800 767.000 Tools $392 $100 $200 $200 $200 781.000 Public Education $7,880 $7,613 $7,500 $7,500 $8,500 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $5,838 $6,720 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 Totals for: Supplies $24.673 $2211]44 24 725 $24,22 5 24 725 811.000 Rent/Lease $1,456 $1,531 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 839.000 Other Professional $3,050 $4,980 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 841.000 Telephone $1,934 $2,062 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 848.000 Postaqe $1,992 $1,996 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 850.000 Employee Development $1,033 $1,432 $800 $800 $800 851.000 Dues $1,939 $2,077 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 857.000 Prinlinq $2,363 $6.251 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 858.000 Advertising& Promotions $19,588 $21,383 $21,500 $21,500 $21,500 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $10,534 $24,918 $20,000 $40,000 $40,000 895.000 Other Contractual $6,205 $5,787 $7,500 $6,500 $6,500 895.524 Exhibits $14,722 $13,155 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $64,816 $85 57 2 76 50 $25,500 $95,50 0 901.000 Office Equipment $1,412 $0 $800 $800 $800 Totals for: Capital Outlay $1,412 $0 $800 800 800 104 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Smoky Hill Museum $449,87 473 632 $462,571 $501,116 $512,766 105 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100560 Dept. Development Services The Development Services Department consists of the divisions of Planning, Neighborhood Services,and Building Services. The City Manager is currently responsible for overseeing this department. The Planning Division of Development Services provides planning and enforcement services related to various aspects of community development. The planning function provides staff support to the Salina Planning Commission,Heritage Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals and Downtown Design Review Board. The goal is to help these bodies and the City Commission to guide the growth and development of the City in order to assure a more orderly and attractive community. The Planning Division assists other departments as a link between the planning function and the administrative structure,advises engineers,developers and citizens on various planning matters such as zoning and subdivision regulations, flood plain regulations,minimum requirements for subdivisions and traffic, plus a wide range of other services for the well-being of the community. This division also has the responsibility of administering economic development grants, tax abatement requests, transportation grants and assisting with capital improvement programming. The Neighborhood Services Division of Development Services administers services related to housing rehabilitation, neighborhood service areas, revitalization tax rebates, emergency shelter grants,and code enforcement. Community development grant programs such as CDBG, HOME, ESG,etc.are administered in this division. This division works with other city departments,community agencies and neighborhood groups to develop goals,strategies and action plans for neighborhood clean up and revitalization. The Building Services Division of Development Services is responsible for co-ordination of the building permit plan review process including fire and zoning review, building permit issuance, coordination of all building permit code inspections, including all interim inspections as well as final inspections and issuance of Certificates of Occupancy.The Building Services staff works closely with other city departments in the development process and provides information and assistance to facilitate development.The Building Services division has the responsibility of enforcing the Minimum Housing Code,Chapter 18 of the Salina Code and is also responsible for evaluating dangerous structures within the City of Salina. Building Services provides support to the Building Advisory Board,and works closely with local plumbing,mechanical and electrical contractors as well as architects and design professionals by offering open meetings to discuss pertinent issues. This division has also assumed the responsibilities of Housing Rehab Coordinator,which entails preparing detailed work write ups,coordination with the contractors performing the rehab work and all on site inspections related to that housing rehabilitation project. This is a shared position between Building Services and Neighborhood Services. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 18 2012: 15 2011 15 2014: 14 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $733,978 $727,746 $749,345 $737,614 $752,366 703.000 OT-Reqular $1,263 $1,004 $3,000 $1,500 $1,500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $5,220 $5,019 $6,643 $6,643 $6,643 Totals for: Personal Services 74(1461 1733 769 758 988 $765 757 760 509 710.000 Unemployment $1,402 $2,129 $1.640 $1,640 $1,640 711.000 Social Security $44,684 $44,130 $45,332 $44,152 $45,332 711.001 Medicare $10,450 $10,321 $12,000 $10,325 $10,532 712.000 Life Insurance $1,709 $1,659 $2,900 $2,900 $2,900 714.000 Kpers $56,540 $62,227 $71,296 $71,296 $72,721 726.000 Transp.At Iowa nce $8,543 $9,984 $8,880 $9,960 $9,880 Totals for: Employee Benefits 123 328 U130 450 $142 04£3 140 273 $143,005 715.000 Health Insurance $117,209 $108,100 $105,000 $108,474 $110,643 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $9,000 $16,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $126,20 9 X124,100 $123,000 126 474 $128,643 731.000 Office Supplies $3,319 $2,917 $7,500 $5,000 $5,000 731.950 Off.Supply-Stock $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 732.000 Books&Periodicals $362 $2,204 $4,000 $4,000 $8,000 750.000 Gas& Oil $7,878 $8,194 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $8,092 $3,296 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $30 $281 $1,500 $1,500 $2,500 768.000 Mach.&Equip.(<$250) $212 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 782.000 Photography $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $1,552 $2,809 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 fak3ls for: Supplies X2_144.5 - 19 701 36 MOP $33,50 0 3$OQO 813.000 Demolition $11,625 $1,050 $48,000 $12,000 $12,000 106 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 830.000 Housing Grants $13,241 $10,784 $0 $10,000 $10,000 830.100 Emergency Shelter Grants $25,935 $29,481 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 835.000 Revitalization"fax Rebate $103,675 $79,069 $35,000 $80,000 $80,000 835.100 Enterprise Zone Rebate $2,504 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 839.000 Other Professional $3,982 $1,502 $8,500 $5,000 $8,500 841.000 Telephone $3,505 $3,444 $4,500 $3,600 $3,600 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $1,150 $1,200 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 848.000 Postage $10,662 $15,670 $16,500 $16,500 $16,500 850.000 Emplovee Development $4,646 $5,707 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 851.000 Dues $1,650 $1,691 $1000 $3,000 $3,000 852.000 Employee Recruitment $411 $0 $0 $0 $0 856.000 Legal Notices $1,434 $0 $7,500 $2,000 $2,000 857.000 Printing $663 $1,757 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 860.000 Reows $0 $0 $250 $250 $250 860.563 Rpr-Off. Equip. $0 $0 $250 $250 $250 879.000 Credit Card Fees/Expense $1,235 $1,941 $2,000 $3,000 $2,000 895.000 Other Contractual $4,739 $63,556 $12,500 $11,000 $8,000 895.003 Minumum Housing Costs $3,439 $2,640 $20,000 $20,000 $48,000 895.100 Nuisance Abate: Mowinq $20,664 $26,613 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $215 1GQ 1246 105 $246,500 $255 100 $287 600 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 901.591 Off.Equip-Furniture $0 $718 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 901.592 Off.Equip-Corn nuters $2,204 $2,161 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $20 $500 $500 $500 Totals for. Capital Outlay $2,204 $2,899 6 500 $,6 000 $6,000 Totals for: Development Services $1,228,807 $1,257,024 $1,313,036 $1,307,104 $1,363,757 107 City of Salina, Kansas _ 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_650_ Dept. Cemetery This Division provides for the care,maintenance,and operation of Gypsum Hill Cemetery,located at Marymount Road and Glen Avenue. The cemetery contains 47 acres and more than 15,000 graves at the present time. Based on present use,approximately 100-125 burials per year, space is expected to be available for at least another 15 years. Fees collected from interment are$21,000 and from the sale of lots$8,000,the remaining is financed from general revenues. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 2 2012: 2 2013: 2 2014: 2 Budqet Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $86,420 $87,786 $84,344 $88,827 $90,603 702.000 PT-Salaries $4,216 $3,460 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $313 $184 $500 $500 $500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $2,041 $2.125 $2,041 $2,041 $2,293 Totals for: Personal Services $92,5190 $93,555 193,885 $98,368 $100,396 710.000 Unemplovment $170 $267 $165 $165 $165 711.000 Social Security $5,401 $5,503 $5,350 $5,249 $5,350 711.001 Medicare $1,263 $1,287 $1,350 $1,230 $1,250 712.000 Life Insurance $216 $219 $300 $300 $300 714.000 Kpers $6,678 $7,529 $8,485 $8,485 $9,333 Totals for: Employee Benefits X3,728 $14,805 $15,65 0 115,429 $16,398 715.000 Health Insurance $21380 $18,275 $20,500 $14,200 $16,506 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $844 $1,400 $1,550 $1,550 $1,550 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $22,624 $19,675 122_05O L 1750 L8 056 741.000 Sand, Rock, Gravel & Salt $2,307 $2,228 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 746.177 Jnlri-Paper Prod. $182 $158 $200 $200 $200 750.000 Gas&Oil $4,381 $5,253 $4,381 $4,381 $5,253 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $14,945 $9,287 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $308 $359 $400 $400 $400 767.000 Tools $138 $269 $250 $250 $250 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $1,632 $2,182 $3,000 $3,000 $4,000 Totals for Supplies $23,893 $19,736 $20,731 $20,731 $22,603 841.000 Telephone $1,194 $1,477 $1,200 $1,200 $2,000 850.000 Emplovee Development $0 $60 $150 $150 $150 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $1.705 $2,029 $1,500 $1,500 $3,700 892.000 Refunds $1,845 $6,615 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $4,744 $10,181 $4.850 $4,85 0 7 850 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $910 $3,700 $3,700 $0 Totals for_ Capital Outlay EO $910 $3,700 $3,700 $0 Totals for: Cemetery $157,979 $158,862 $160,866 $158,828 $165,303 108 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_660_ Dept. Health This account provides the City of Salina's share of the City-County Health Department. Under State law the City of Salina and Saline County provide a joint health department operated semi-independently by a Board of Health. In addition to general tax funding the City-County Health Department has grant support and some service fees. The Cities contribution is approximately 25%of the total Health Department operating budget,including the animal shelter. The City of Salina and Saline County contract with the Health Department to provide full animal control and animal shelter services throughout the county. In 2014, the City and County disolved their long-standing cooperative relationship. The City of Salina will retain the responsibility for operation of the Animal Shelter, while Saline County will assume responsibility for the balance of the Health Department functions. The costs shown here for 2014 include only the estimated Animal Shelter portion. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 810.000 Agencv Contracts Operatin $719,415 $731,290 $719,415 $719,415 $0 810.100 Agency Cont.Animal Shltr $298,686 $298,686 $298,686 $298,686 $658,423 Totals for. Services and Charges 1 018 101 $1 029,976 $1 018 101 L1 018 101 J658, 223 Totals for: Health $1,018,101 1$ ,029,976 $1,018,101 $1,018,101 $658,423 109 City of Salina, Kansas foh,_ 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_780 Dept. Reserves And Transfers This portion of the General Fund is used to account for the following: Agency contracts-City Commission authorized grants and contract support for various community efforts determined to be in the public interest. For 2012, the amount budgeted for General Agency Support is$17,575 for the Municipal Band. The Skyfire supplement has been re-programed into the Special Events Component of the Recreation Department. Economic Development: The amount designated for the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce to support Industrial and Commercial Develoment activity is $175,100,the same as in 2013. Public Transportation: The City has allocated$560,815 for public transportation. This will provide for both the CilyGo fixed route system as well as for para-transit. The City's share of costs($448,000)for the City-County Building operations(300 W.Ash), operated by the City-County Building Authority. Of this amount,$350,000 is charged to the General Fund,with the balance allocated to the Water Fund. General Fund Department share of costs for data processing services in the Computer Technology DepartmenUFund is estimated to be$390,000 in 2014 Operating transfers to support the Bicentennial Center($80,000)and Arts and Humanities($500,000)as well as transfers to the Risk Management Fund for General Fund Department insurance costs($200,000). Reserves-Amounts set aside by the City Commission for unexpected expenses($50,000), compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act($15,000), and the Cash Reserve account reflecting the unallocated fund balances of the General Fund. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 705.000 Earned Leave $271,655 $373,272 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Totals for: Personal Services $271,65 5 373 272 300 000 $300_20 0 $_300 000 810.000 Agency Contracts Operatin $19,950 $95,050 $20,075 $20,075 $17,575 810.200 Agency Contract Ec. Dev. $195,700 $85,000 $175,100 $175,100 $175,100 810.300 AgencV Cont.Transportati $556,320 $528,485 $556,320 $556,320 $556,320 811.422 RenULease-Buildings $232,303 $272,333 $325,000 $325,000 $350,000 814.000 Data Processinq Charges $409,900 $120,000 $420,000 $420,000 $390,000 834.000 Refund Surety Deposits $131,148 $14,197 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $0 $5.444 $0 $0 $0 991.000 Continqencv $20,884 $53,616 $100,000 $50,000 $50,000 991.111 Ada Compliance Reserve $6,440 $15,426 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $1,572,645 $1,189,551 $1,611 495 $11561,495 $1,553,995 960.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $153,464 $153,464 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 962.000 Transfers-Operatinq $994,358 $979,358 $580,000 $650,000 $580,000 Totals for Interfund Transfers IL147 822 $1,132,,.822 $780,000 $850,000 12i000 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $3,494,726 $3,122,999 $3,211,190 Totals for: Reserves 10 _$_0 $3,49,11,726 2 x.12 99 $3.211,190 Totals for: Reserves And Transfers $2,992,122 $2,695,645 $6,186,221 $5,834,494 $5,845,185 110 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_810_430 Dept. Capital Outlay Vehicles & Equipment These accounts provide for all General Fund Vehicles and Equipment. Capital Outlay accounts reflect cash capital outlays, generally greater than$10,000 each,from the General Fund. Smaller individual amounts are considered to be operational purchases made from individual departmental budgets. General vehicles and equipment is supplemented by Sales tax in an additional amount of$300,000. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 905.000 Other Equipment $246,709 $362,565 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 909.000 Vehicles $359,336 $454,433 $350,000 $350,000 $350,000 Totals For: Capital Outlay $606,045 $816,998 $550 000 $550,000 $550,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $606,045 $816,998 550 000 $550,000 $550,000 Vehicles& Equipment 111 r City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_810_553 Dept. Capital Outlay Buildings and Facilities This account provides for all General Fund improvements and repairs to Public Buildings operated by the City. This is supplemented by Special Sales tax in the amount of $180,000. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 918.000 Construction Contracts $75,929 $88,717 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $75,92 9 j8j 717 K-0000 $50,00 0 50 000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $75,929 $88,717 $50,000 $50,00 0 5$ 0,000 Public Building Repairs 112 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: General Budget Unit: 100_810_557 Dept. Capital Outlay Capital Improvement Planning This set of accounts provides for all General Fund cash financed Capital Improvement projects(as opposed to equipment). Due to fiscal stress,these accounts have been largely inactive for several years. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 839.000 Other Professional $16,100 $2,010 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Services and Charges $16,100 $2,010 $00 $00 $0 961.000 Transfers-Interfund $2,684 $0 $0 $0 $0 962.000 Transfers-Ooeratinq $907 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for Interfund Transfers $3,591 $0 $0 $00 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay 19691 $2,010 LO LO L01 Capital Improvement Plan Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget . 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $35,435,241 $35,879,544 $39,920,053 $39,619,900 $40,516,248 113 This Page Intentionally Blank 114 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sales Tax Capital Budget Unit: 201 099 Dept. General Revenues These limited purpose funds were established to account for the.4 cent sales tax. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 410.222 Sales Tax-Special Purpose $3,763,045 $3,882,314 $3,948,880 $3,688,254 $3,697,576 Totals for: Restricted Sales and Use 3 763,045 $I8F32,314 $3,948,880 $3,688,254 -3 697 576 560.000 Investment Income $5,683 $5,790 $20,000 $20,000 $5,000 Totals for Interest Income . 5,68 5 790 L20 00 $20,000 $5,00 661.000 Transfers Interfund $8,558 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $8.558 $00 $00 $00 $0 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $637,966 $1,772,385 $526,846 Totals for: Carryover Surplus NO $00 $637,966 $1,772,385 $526,846 Totals for: General Revenues $3777 286 $3,888,104 $4,606,846 $5,480,639 $4,229,422 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $3,777,286 $3,888,104 $4,606,846 $5,480,639 $4,229,422 115 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sales Tax Capital Budget Unit: 201_410_ Dept. Parks Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 961.000 Transfers-Interfund $67,590 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Inter-fund Transfers $67,590 $00 $0 $00 $0 Totals for: Parks $67,590 $0 $0 $0 $0 116 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Special Sales Tax Budget Unit: 201_810_ Dept. Inter-fund Support This account is used to record support from the sales tax to other operations within the City. 2011: General Fund: $ 700,000 Bond and Interest $ 250,000 Aquatic Center Bonds $ 1,350,000 2012: General Fund: $ 400,000 Aquatic Center: $ 1,350,000 2013: General Fund: $ 400,000 Bond and Interest $ 400,000 Aquatic Cntr. $ 1,350,000 2014: General Fund: $ 360,000 Aquatic Cntr. $ 1,350,000 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 962.000 Transfers-Operating $2,300.000 $1,750,000 $2,150,000 $2,150,000 $1,710,000 Totals far. Interfund Transfers $2300,000 $1,750,000 $2 1 50 000 $2,150,000 $1,710,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $2,300,000 $1,750,000 $2,150,000 $2,150,000 $1,710,000 117 City of Salina, Kansas _ 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sales Tax Capital Budget Unit: 201_810_430 Dept_ Capital Outlay Vehicles & Equipment Supplement to the General Fund Vehicles and Equipment Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 909.000 Vehicles $578,499 $158,183 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Totals for_ Capital Outlay 578 499 -158,183 30$ 0,000 3Q0 000 L304,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $578,499 $158,183 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Vehicles&Equipment 118 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sales Tax Capital Budget Unit: 201_810_553 Dept. Capital Outlay Public Building Repairs Supplement to General Fund Public Building Repairs Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 839.000 Other Professional $57,640 $157,476 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 Totals for: Services and Charges j57,640 $157,476 IM0 000 $180,000 $180,000 918.000 Construction Contracts $0 $27,517 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 $27,517 $0 $0 NO 962.000 Transfers-Operalinq $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $0 $-0 $25,000 $25,000 $25 000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $57,640 $184,993 $205,000 $205,000 $205,000 Public Building Repairs 119 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sales Tax Capital Budget Unit: 201_810_557 Dept. Capital Outlay Capital Improvement Plan Projects: 2013 2014 Wayfinding/Gateway Signage: $ 275,000 $ 75,000 Levee Trail Match $ 25,000 $ 50,000 Street Initiative $ 1,360,000 $ 1,640,000 Sidewalk Repairs $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Community Theatre Parking $ 15,000 $ 15,000 Flood Control/Levee Imp. $ 375,000 Downtown Lighting Add. Design $ 60,000 Oakdale Parking Lot Surface $ 107,000 Management Software(1 of 6) $ 130,000 Fire Engine/Pumper $ 500,000 Total: $ 2,140,000 $ 2,547,000 Tentative Projects: Health Department Share $ 500,000 Greeley Bridge $ 200,000 Excluding Oie tentative projects, the fund will have enough resources to cover the scheduled projects,although budget amendments may be necessary to accommodate the liming of the projects. However, if both of the tentatively identified projects proceed with the assumed timing,alternative resources will need to be found(most likely debt issuance),or some projects re-prioritized. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 918.000 Construction Contracts $1,735,639 $635,022 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,865.000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $1,735,639 $635,022 $1 425,000 $1,425,000 $1,865,000 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $526,846 $1,400,639 $149,422 Totals for Reserves -$-0- IQ 526 846 $1,400,639 $14`x,422 Totals for: Capital Outlay $1,735,639 $635,022 $1,951,846 $2,825,63 9 2 014 422 Capital Improvement Plan Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $4,739,368 $2,728,198 $4,606,846 $5,480,639 $4,229,422 120 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sales Tax Economic Dev Budget Unit: 202_099_ Dept. General Revenues These limited purpose funds were established to account for the.4 cent sales tax. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 410.222 Sales Tax-Special Purpose $317,297 $327,575 $321,422 $300,208 $300,966 Totals for; Restricted Sales and Use $317.297 X3271575 $321,422 $300,208 1300,966 560.000 Investment Income $2,485 $2,693 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 Totals for- Interest Income $2,485 $2,693 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $926,303 $860,380 ($37,137) Totals for: Carryover Surplus L0 _$_O_ $926,303 _$_860.380 LUTJ 37 Totals for: General Revenues $319,782 $330,268 $1,257,725 $1,170,588 $268,829 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $319,782 $330,268 $1,257,725 $1,170,588 $268,829 121 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sales Tax Economic Dev Budget Unit: 202_570_ Dept. Economic Development This fund provides resources from the Special Sales Tax for Economic Development projects approved by the SEDIC(Salina Economic Development Incentives Council). Applications for funding are considered as they are submited. However, the fund also provides for a continuing supplement for the Lee District: Operating Supplement: $38,000 Development Incentive Program: $50,000 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 839.000 Other Professional $456,074 $397,000 $1,207,725 $1,207,725 $218,829 Totals for: Services and Charges 456 074 $397,000 11,207,725 $1,207,725 $218,82 9 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $50,000 ($37,137) $50,000 Totals for: Reserves Vo P $50,000 (%33L1371 50 000 Totals for: Economic Development $456,074 $397,000 $1,257,725 $1,170,588 $268,829 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $456,074 $397,000 $1,257,725 $1,170,588 $268,829 122 Budget City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Bud g Salina Fund: Arts and Humanities Budget Unit: 225050 Dept. Recreation and Cultural Revenues The Arts and Humanities Fund provides for General Arts Programs in the Community, including Horizons,Arts in Education, Poetry Series,Art-ala-Carte,etc. The bulk of the Smoky Hill River Festival is also financed from this fund. Revenues include various user fees, State and Federal Grants, a supplement from the General Fund and funding from the Salina Arts and Humanities Foundation,a private 501-c-3 organization. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 431.000 Stale Grants $23,482 $0 $0 $0 $0 580.000 A&H Foundation Support $70,500 $108.500 $79,000 $79,000 $95,000 Totals for: Operating Grants $93,982 $108.500 $79,00 0 79 000 $95-00 460.382 Miscellaneous Income $350 $25 $500 $500 $500 580.001 A&H Proqram Services $29,510 $6,979 $22,700 $22,700 $23,650 580.002 A&H Event Tickets $0 $610 $0 $0 $0 580.003 Button Sales-Pre Festival $132,885 $140,150 3134,000 $134,000 $134,000 580.004 Button Sales-Emplovee $23,350 $27,610 $23.000 $23,000 $23,000 580.005 Button Sales-Gale $61,901 $52,921 $61,000 $61,000 $61,000 580.006 Four Rivers Market Fees $20,255 $17,825 $17,225 $17,225 $17,225 580.007 Jury Fees $10,978 $12,712 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 580.008 Artist Fees-Fine Arts $19,675 $26,500 $25,575 $25,575 $25,575 580.009 1st Treasures Tent Fees $2,207 $2,014 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 580.010 Game Fees $887 $779 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 580.011 Food Fees $45,736 $52,396 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 580.012 Craft Demonstration Fees $1,078 $1,310 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 580.013 Electrical Fees $6,725 $5,970 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 580.014 T-Shirts Sales $8,538 $8,722 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 580.016 Soft Drink Sales $1,282 $1,579 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 580.017 Gift Certificates $3,600 $3,660 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Totals for: Charges for Services $36£3.957 361 762. 369 900 $369,900 $370,850 560.000 Investment Income $1,089 $1,182 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for: Interest Income 11,08 9 7 182. $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 662.000 Transfers Operatinq $489,358 $489,358 $500,000 $500,000 $508,426 Totals for; Interfund Transfers $489.358 $489,358 $500,000 $500sQQ0 $508426 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $104,111 $204,197 $163,239 Tol Is for Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $104 111 $204,197 $163,239 Totals for: Rec.&Culture Revenue $953,386 $960,802 $1,055,011 $1,155,097 $1,139,515 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $953,386 $960,802 $1,055,011 $1,155,097 $1,139,515 123 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Arts and Humanities Budget Unit: 225_519_ Dept. Arts and Humanities The Salina Arts and Humanities Commission and Department was established by City ordinance in 1966. The Director of Arts and Humanities is the administrative officer for the Commission. The Department Director,four full-time employees and two part-time persons are City staff members. In 2009, the City assumed full responsibility for operations and implementation,including the Smoky Hill River Festival The Arts and Humanities Commission,an appointed advisory board, promotes and encourages public programs to further the public awareness of and interest in the artistic and cultural development of the City. It serves in an advisory capacity to the City Commission,City Manager and Director of Arts and Humanities in matters of public cultural policy. The Smoky Hill Museum is also division of the Department, but funded directly from the General Fund Full time authorized staffing: 2011: 6 2012: 5 2011 5 2014: 5 The Division also has on part-lime position Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $244,255 $277,834 $282,000 $292,528 $298,378 702.000 PT-Salares $37,041 $29,920 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $5,680 $7,443 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $1,572 $2,069 $2,128 $2,128 $2,128 Totals for: Personal Services $288 548 $317 266 X307,628 $318,156 $324 006 710.000 Unemployment $524 $891 $600 $600 $600 711.000 Social Securitv $16,657 $18,564 $17,000 $18,870 $19,247 711.001 Medicare $3,896 $4,342 $4,300 $4,300 $4,386 712.000 Life Insurance $634 $666 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 714.000 Kpers $20,756 $26,133 $21,456 $30,803 $31,511 726.000 Transp.Allowance $1.965 $3,144 $2,880 $2,880 $2,880 Totals for:_ Employee Benefits $44,432 $53,740 147 336 K8_55 3 $59,724 715.000 Health Insurance $43,228 $38,490 $53,000 $42,825 $44,966 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $2,700 $3,000 $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $45,928 $41,490 $56.300 $46,125 $48 266 731.000 Office Supplies $2,620 $2,590 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 732.000 Books&Periodicals $406 $321 $500 $500 $500 750.000 Gas&Oil $1,292 $1,122 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $461 $876 $750 $750 $750 795.000 OtherOper. Supplies $601 $1,564 $6,800 $6,800 $1,800 Totals for: Supplies $5,380 $6,473 $11,950 K$11 950 _C2 950 839.000 Other Professional $7,587 $12,044 $23,600 $23,600 $20,600 839.002 Other Profession-Artist $93,209 $93,470 $136,920 $136,920 $145,867 841.000 Telephone $1,823 $2,083 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $238 $600 $300 $300 $300 848.000 Postaqe $5,231 $2,518 $6,579 $6,579 $6,000 850.000 Emplovee Development $2,095 $1,860 $2,000 $2,000 $3,000 850.001 Mileage/Travel $588 $2,180 $2,300 $2,300 $2,800 851.000 Dues $703 $1,120 $500 $500 $1,200 857.000 Printinq $6,831 $11,932 $9,500 $9,500 $9,500 858.000 Advertisinq& Promotions $4,634 $4,655 $8,850 $8,850 $7,350 880.000 Food/Beverage Supplies $1,304 $1,677 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 895.000 Other Contractual $4,475 $6,096 $6,000 $6,000 $10,000 895.004 Other Cont tech services $1,700 $3,700 $3,600 $3,600 $2,600 Totals for: Services and Charges $130,418 $143,93 5 203 74 $203,749 $212,817 901.000 Office Equipment $1,450 $50 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 911.500 Communitv AN $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $1.450 50 $2,50 0 2 500 17 500 960.000 Interfund Serv.Prov. $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals For: Interfund Transfers t9 000 $0 $0 $-0 $00 124 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $74,723 $163,239 $108,802 Totals for: Reserves $-0- $-0 $74,72 3 163 239 $108802 Totals for: Arts 8,Humanities $576,156 $562,954 $704,186 $804,272 $778,065 125 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Arts and Humanities Budget Unit: 225_521 Dept. Smoky Hill River Festival This shows the direct expenses of the annual Smoky Hill River Festival Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 702.000 PT-Salaries $14,122 $11,925 $13,165 $13,165 $13,165 703.000 OT-Reqular $623 $637 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Personal Services 14 745 $12,56 $13,165 $13,16 5 11 165 710.000 Unemployment $24 $31 $30 $30 $30 711.000 Social Securitv $747 $617 $650 $650 $650 711.001 Medicare $175 $144 $155 $155 $155 Totals for: Employee Benefits $946 792 835 $835 835 731.000 Office Supplies $4,263 $5,061 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $360 $228 $750 $750 $750 758.000 Siqns $3,545 $2,486 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $5,251 $5.620 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 788.000 Recreation Supplies $0 $0 $1,900 $1,900 $1,900 788.001 Recreation Sup. Children $9,060 $7,249 $11,400 $11,400 $11,400 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $8,422 $7,981 $7,250 $7,250 $7,250 Totals for: Supplies $30,901 $28;625 $34&00 $34,800 $34:f30Q 806.000 Employee Recoqnition $11,200 $11,675 $11,500 $11,500 $11,500 810.000 Aqencv Contracts Operatin $62,000 $60,000 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 825.000 Sales Tax $711 $778 $725 $725 $725 839.000 Other Professional $11,547 $11,390 $10,000 $10,000 $8,625 839.002 Other Profession-Artist $44,205 $44,037 $44,000 $44,000 $44,000 839.003 Other Professional-Slaoes $49.416 $30,343 $32,250 $32,250 $32,250 841.000 Telephone $179 $91 $200 $200 $200 848.000 Postaqe $6,727 $6,773 $8,500 $8,500 $8,500 850.001 Mileage/Travel $17,966 $11,578 $14,000 $14,000 $12,000 857.000 Prinlinq $19,165 $19,750 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 858.000 Advertisinq& Promotions $42,448 $38,082 $45,000 $45,000 $44,000 880.000 Food/Beverage Supplies $13,149 $12,795 $10.550 $10,550 $10,550 895.000 Other Contractual $1,150 $1,150 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 895.004 Other Cont tech services $37,617 $40,009 $41,100 $41,100 $43,100 Totals for: Services and Charges 1317,48 0 288 451 $302,025 302 025 299 650 905.000 Other Equipment $4,736 $19,181 $0 $0 $13,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay 14 736 $19,181 $00 $0 11.3,000 Totals for: Smoky Hill River Festival $3%808 $349,611 350 825 350 825 $361,450 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $944,964 $912,565 $1,055,011 $1,155,097 $1,139,515 126 This Page Intentionally Blank 127 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Business Impr. District Budget Unit: 242_060_ Dept. Corn. & Ec. Dev Revenue Ordinance Number 83-8971,adopted August 25, 1983,established Business Improvement District 91 (BID),which encompasses substantially all of the City downtown central business district. The BID initiated a major physical rehabilitation project in the area. With the project complete, the BID has concentrated on maintaining the physical improvements and promoting the area. Employees are engaged by Salina Downtown Inc., a private organization, although the City does provide an annual subsidy. The BID assessment level reflects the collection of all BID and Salina Downtown, Inc.operating funds through a mandatory fee structure. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 550.000 Business Impr. District $84,511 $83,453 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 Totals for: Charges for Services $84.511 $83,453 KO-0-0 0 $90,000 90 00Q 560.000 Investment Income $20 $24 $500 $500 $500 Totals for: Interest Income 20 $24 500 500 $500 Totals for: Com.&Ec. Dev Revenue $84,531 $83,47 9$ 0,500 $90,500 $90,500 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $84,531 $83.477 $90,500 $90,500 $90,500 128 City Of Salina, Kansas Vol, 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Business Impr. District Budget Unit: 242_790_ Dept. Other Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 810.000 Aqencv Contracts Opera tin $83,593 $81,927 $90,500 $90,500 $90,500 886.000 Collection Fees $938 $1,548 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Services and Charges $84,53 1 8 475 $90,50 0 90 500 94 50G Totals for: Other $84,531 $83,47 5 90 500 $90,500 $90,500 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $84,531 $83,475 $90,500 $90,500 $90,500 129 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Tourism & Convention Budget Unit: 245_060_ Dept. Com. & Ec, Dev Revenue A 6.4% transient guest tax is levied upon the gross receipts derived from hotel/motel sleeping accommodations. The revenue is for the promotion of conventions and tourism in Salina. By written contract with the City of Salina,the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce operates the Convention and Tourism Bureau. A ten-member Convention and Tourism Committee appointed by the City Commission advises the Chamber on the use of the funds. The chamber receives revenues generated by 3 cents of the tax. .4 cent of the tax is dedicated to marketing for cultural organizations and for the Kenwood/Oakdale facilities(Bicentennial Center) The Salina Bicentennial Center receives 2 cents of the hotel/motel tax proceeds for operations of the Bicentennial Center- 1 cent of the tax is dedicated to Capital Improvements to the Bicentennial Center. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 419.000 Transient Guest Tax $1,332,826 $1,376,312 $1,350,000 $1,399,958 $1,420,000 Totals for. Other Taxes $1,132;826 $1,376 312 $1 350 000 $1,399,958 $1,420 OOn 560.000 Investment Income $143 $272 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interest Income 143 L- 2 72_ $0 $00 $0 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $0 $28,784 $0 Totals for: Carryover Surplus $00 $0 $00 28 784 $0 Totals for: Com. &Ec.Dev Revenue $1,332,969 $1,376 584 $1,350,000 $1,4282742 $1,420,000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $1,332,969 $1,376,584 $1,350,000 $1,428,742 $1,420,000 130 City of Salina, Kansas CIO- 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Tourism & Convention Budget Unit: 245_790_ Dept. Other This provides support to Visit Salina. The amount budgeted for this in 2014 is$788,810. The Tourism and Convention fund also provides support for Bicentennial Center operations in the amount of up to$420,793,as well as providing assistance in retiring some of the bonds outstanding on the facility($210,397. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 810.000 Aqency Contracts Operatin $736,386 $745.875 $750,000 $806,460 $788.810 Totals for:, Services and Charges 736 3E36 7 45 875 750 000 $806,460 $788,810 962.000 Transfers-Ooeratinq $596,440 $604,125 $600,000 $622,282 $631,190 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $596 440 $604,12 $600,000 X622,282 L631,190 Totals for: Other $1,332,826 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,428,742 $1,420,000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $1,332,826 $1,350,000 $1,350,000 $1,428,742 $1,420,000 131 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Neiqhborhood Park Development Budget Unit: 246_030_ Dept. Public Works Revenue This fund was created in 1999 to account for the fees collected from new residential building projects in Salina. By City Ordinance, these funds are further segregated by separate park service area.As a larger amount of revenues are aggregated to this fund, they will be made available for acquisition and/or development of neighborhood parks in the growing areas of the community. Fees collected($200.00 each)from new home building construction will be spent in the area of town from which it was collected. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 551.000 Neiqhborhood Park Fees $6,250 $7,700 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Totals for: Charges for Services $6,250 $7700 K0 000 20 000 2©000 560.000 Investment Income $629 $719 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Totals for Interest Income $629 719 $4,000 $4,00 0 $4,000 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $253,134 $219,457 $0 Totals for: Carryover Surplus Lo- Lo $253 131 $219,45 7 Totals for: Public Works Revenue $6,879 $8,419 $277,134 $243,457 $24,000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $6,879 $8,419 $277,134 $243,457 $24,000 132 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Neiqhborhood Park Development Budget Unit: 246_410_ Dept. Parks Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 915.000 Capital Improvement Proi $0 $18,096 $277,134 $243,457 $24,000 Totals;or: Capital Outlay $18,096 X277 134 j2L3 457 $24,00 0 Totals for: Parks �0 $18,096 $277,134 $243,457 $24,000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $0 $18,096 $277,134 $243,457 $24,000 133 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Special Parks/Recreation Budget Unit: 247 050 Dept. Rec. & Culture Revenue Under state law,cities and counties receive a share of the state 10%tax on the gross receipts from the sale of liquor and cereal malt beverages by the drink. The 10%tax applies to the gross receipts from the sale of drinks containing alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages,sold by private clubs,and by caterers and drinking establishments in"wet'counties. The local share depends on the amount of tax collected within the city. The revenue is distributed on March 15,June 15, September 15 and December 15. As of January 1, 1993,cities over 6,000 population receive 70%of the amount collected within their jurisdiction,and must allocate the revenue as follows: one-third to the general fund, one-third to a special alcohol and drugs programs fund,and one-third to a special parks and recreational fund. Each third raises about$130,000 per year for these programs. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 426.000 Liquor Tax $153,566 $154,001 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 Totals for: Other Taxes J153,566 $154,001 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 560.000 Investment Income $220 $224 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Totals for: Interest Income 220 224 4 000 $4_000 $4,000 594.000 Donations $0 $1,932 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Miscellaneous 10- $1x932 $0 0 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $69,236 $88,145 $122,145 Totals for, Carryover Surplus Ko M J6L9 236 10 145 $1122,145 145 Totals for: Rec. &Culture Revenue $153,78 15$ 6,157 $233,236 $252,145 $286,145 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $153,786 $156,157 $233,236 $252,145 $286,145 134 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Special Parks/Recreation Budget Unit: 247_410_ Dept. Parks In the City of Salina, the one-third of the revenue allocated to parks and recreation is used primarily for Capital Improvements to the City's park system. Annually, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board submits a plan for use of those funds in park facility improvements. $30,000 per year,for a period of 10 years,is designated to assist with the bond and interest payments on bonds issued for the construction of the Bill Burke Soccer Fields. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 918.000 Construction Contracts $93,481 $85,643 $100,000 $100,000 $152,909 Totals for: Capital Outlay 123481 $85 643 100 000 100 000 15 2 209 930.860 Principal-City Share $25,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 935.860 Interest-City Share $4,399 $2,606 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Debt Services 29 399 $_2_76O 6 0 0 961.000 Transfers-Inlerfund $47,228 $0 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers 47,228 $0 IN 000 $30.0 00 $30,000 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $103,236 $122,145 $103,236 Totals for: Reserves Vo V 1103.236 $122.145 $103.236 Totals for: Parks $170,108 $113,249 $233,236 $252,145 128 6 145 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $170,108 $113,249 $233,236 $252,145 $286,145 135 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Special Alcohol Budget Unit: 248_040_ Dept. Health & Sanitation Rev Under state law,cities and counties receive a share of the state 10% tax on the gross receipts from the sale of liquor and cereal malt beverages by the drink. The 10% tax applies to the gross receipts from the sale of drinks containing alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverages,sold by private clubs,and by caterers and drinking establishments in"wet"counties. The local share depends on the amount of tax collected within the city. The revenue is distributed on March 15,June 15, September 15 and December 15. As of January 1, 1993,cities over 6,000 population receive 70% of the amount collected within their jurisdiction,and must allocate the revenue as follows: one-third to the general fund,one-third to a special alcohol and drugs programs fund,and one-third to a special parks and recreational fund. Each third raises about$130,000 per year for these programs. Budqet Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 426.000 Liquor Tax $151566 $154.001 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 Totals for: Other Taxes X53.566 154 001 160 000 $160.000 %160 D00 560.000 Investment Income $24 $28 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interest Income $24 P-8 N0 $0 $0 Totals for: Health&Sanitation Rev 153 590 $154,029 $160,000 $160,000 160 000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $153,590 $154,029 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 136 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Special Alcohol Budget Unit: 248_640_ Dept. Special Alcohol The City of Salina enters into contracts with local social agencies to finance programs and services related to activities allowable under this program. The current program provides funding for substance abuse, education,and prevention programs at Central Kansas Foundation, St. Francis of Salina,and Catholic Charities. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 810.000 Aqency Contracts Operatin $153,730 $154,012 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 Totals for Services and Charges 153,730 $154012 $160,000 $160 OOp $160 000 Totals for: Special Alcohol $153,730 $154,012 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $153,730 $154,012 $160,000 $160,000 $160,000 137 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Special Gas Tax Budget Unit: 260030 Dept. Public Works Revenue In 1983, the State Legislature provided for a 2¢per gallon increase in the gas tax starting July 1. 1983, followed by an additional 1¢ increase on January 1, 1984. The first 2¢is dedicated to the special city and county highway fund. Any other increase in the gas tax after July 1, 1986 is divided,with 65%going to the State and 35% going to the city-county fund. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 425.000 Gas Tax $1,366,522 $1.374,319 $1,369,370 $1,369.370 $1,377,030 Totals for: Other Taxes $1,366,522 11.2 74 319 JL369,370 $1,369:370 11-3 77 030 560.000 Investment Income $3.718 $3;552 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for Interest Income $3,71 8 $3,552 6 000 6O O $6,00 0 661.000 Transferslnterfund $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 Totals for Interfund Transfers k180 000 X18(1 Q-(0 IM0 000 $1180,00 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $767,931 $863.373 &595,442 Totals for: Carryover Surplus LO $0 767 931 $863,37 3 X595 442 Totals for: Public Works Revenue $1,550,240 $1,557,871 $2,323301 $2,418,743 $2,158,472 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $1,550,240 $1,557,871 $2,323,301 $2,418,743 $2,158,472 138 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Special Gas Tax Budget Unit: 260_320_ Dept. Street This fund is used in street maintenance, such as asphalt overlay and slurry sealing,concrete and asphalt contract repair work and for the purchase of equipment. The vast majority of these improvements are contracted,although a small amount of funding is set aside for purchase of materials to be used by in-house staff. No staff expense is paid by the Special Gas Tax Fund. This activity is performed under the general supervision of the Director of Public Works. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 739.000 Asphalt $109,359 $118,796 $122,500 $122,500 $155,655 740.000 Cement Products $2.27,924 $242,680 $235,955 $235,955 $235,955 741.000 Sand,Rock,Gravel&Salt $60,374 $71,213 $67,200 $67,200 $83,900 743.000 Paints $8,960 $7,250 $11,150 $11,150 $12,450 758.000 Signs $19,468 $21,997 $19,100 $19,100 $21,100 Totals fora Supplies 426 085 $461,936 $455,905 $455,905 h_0_1060 915.000 CapitallmprovemenlProi. $1,401,756 $1,081,934 $1,367,396 $1,367,396 $1,149,412 Totals for: Capital Outlay $1 401 756 $1,081,934 J1,367,396 $1,367 396 $1,149,412 961.000 Transfers-Interfund $1,836 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for. Interfund Transfers $1,93 6 Ko 1-0 $0 $00 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $500,000 $595,442 $500,000 Totals for: Reserves $0 $_0 $500,000 $595 4_42 L5.00-000 Totals for: Street $1,829,677 $1,543,870 $2,323,301 $2,418,743 $2158,472 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $1,829,677 $1,543,870 $2,323,301 $2,418,743 $2,158,472 139 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Bicentennial Center Budget Unit: 270050 Dept. Rec. & Culture Revenue Responsibility for the Operation of the Bicentennial Center was transferred to Global Spectrum as of March 1,2012- As a result, revenues generated by the Center no longer flow to the City of Salina Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 444.000 Bicentennial Center Rent $219,524 $53,471 $0 $93,970 $0 484.000 Food/Beverage $8,729 $2,807 $0 $0 $0 484.301 Caterinq Commission $5,153 $1,081 $0 $0 $0 484.302 Caterinq In-House $312,365 $106,050 $0 $11,811 $0 484.303 Concessions $218,162 $76,783 $0 $0 $0 484.304 Novelties $8,547 $1,191 $0 $10,456 $0 Totals for Charges for Services $772,480 $241 383 $0 $116,237 Lo 560.000 Investment Income $193 $618 $0 $0 $0 Totals for, Interest Income 193 618 0 0 590.000 Other Reimbursements $692 $650 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Reimbursements $692 X650 LO $0 $0 662.000 Transfers Operatinq $872,849 $1,002,975 $450,000 $520,000 $450,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $872 849 1 002 975 $450,000 520 000 $450,000 699.000 Carrvover Surplus $0 $0 $252,780 $2,158 $18,395 Totals for: Carryover Surplus $252,78 Q X2,158 $-18,395 Totals for: Rec. &Culture Revenue X1,646,214 $1,245,626 $702,780 $638,395 $468,395 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $1,646,214 $1,245,626 $702,780 $638,395 $468,395 140 City of Salina, Kansas fob,*_ 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Bicentennial Center Budget Unit: 270460610 Dept. Bicentennial Center Adm. And Box Office Responsibility for the Operation of the Bicentennial Center was transferred to Global Spectrurn as of March 1,2012. The City recorded some residual operating expenditures in 2012. Subsequent expenditures reflect an operating supplement paid to Global Spectrum,as well as some expenses for capital items at the Bicentennial Center,and perhaps emergency repairs or similar items that are not Global's responsibility under the contract. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $171,534 $9,015 $0 $0 $0 702.000 PT-Salaries $26,385 $9,212 $0 $0 $0 703.000 OT-Reqular $3,347 $0 $0 $0 $0 704.000 Longevity Pay $1,491 $63 $0 $0 $0 705.000 Earned Leave $40,402 $10,524 $0 $0 $0 Totals for; Personal Services $243,1159 $M,814 $0 $0 U0 710.000 Unemdloyrnent $421 $61 $0 $0 $0 711.000 Social Security $12,897 $1,194 $0 $0 $0 711.001 Medicare $3,016 $279 $0 $0 $0 712.000 Life Insurance $273 $4 $0 $0 $0 714.000 Kpers $10,897 $332 $0 $0 $0 726.000 Transo.Allowance $917 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Employee Benefits $28,421 $1,870 1_0 U 715.000 Health Insurance $18,334 $0 $0 $0 $0 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $1,652 $1,650 $0 $0 $0 Totals for Benefits Transfer 19,986 $1,650 $00 $00 50 731.000 Office Supplies $3,641 ($77) $0 $0 $0 732.000 Books&Periodicals $726 $0 $0 $0 $0 746.000 Janitorial $6,442 $2,885 $0 $0 $0 750.000 Gas& Oil $1,331 $221 $0 $0 $0 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& t_quip $1,076 $221 $0 $0 $0 772.004 Maint-Miscellaneous $17,516 $2,360 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Supplies 30 732 5 610 $0 $0 10 811.421 Rent/Lease-Machinery $22 $0 $0 $0 $0 841.000 Telephone $6,682 $1,909 $0 $0 $0 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $225 $50 $0 $0 $0 843.000 Solid Waste Disposal $3,792 $767 $0 $0 $0 848.000 Postaqe $1,515 $145 $0 $0 $0 850.000 Employee Development $1.592 $0 $0 $0 $0 851.000 Dues $823 $125 $0 $0 $0 857.000 Prinlinq $105 $0 $0 $0 $0 858.000 Advertisinq&Promotions $24,406 $2,428 $0 $0 $0 880.000 Food/Beverage Supplies $284,605 $84,487 $0 $0 $0 881.000 Conc. Contribution $41,593 $12,046 $0 $0 $0 886.000 Collection Fees $135 $0 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $65,086 $955,565 $550,000 $620,000 $450,000 Totals for Services and Charges 430 581 $1,057522 $550,00 0 $620,000 $450000 901.592 Off.Eauio-Computers $8,805 $0 $0 $0 $0 905.504 Equip-Operations $2,223 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $11,028 $00 $00 NO $_0 960.000 Interfund Serv. Prov- $12,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 961.000 Transfers-Interfund $0 $80,000 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $12,0 00 $92,000 $00 $00 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $152,780 $18,395 $18,395 Totals for: Reserves NO $0 $152,780 $18,395 $18,395 Totals for: Bicentennial Center $775,907 $1,187,466 $702,780 $638,395 $468,395 Adm.And Box Office 141 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Bicentennial Center Budget Unit: 270 460 620 Dept. Bicentennial Center Operations Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $217,140 $32,795 $0 $0 $0 702.000 PT-Salaries $25,893 $9.838 $0 $0 $0 703.000 OT-Reqular $2,245 $806 $0 $0 $0 704.000 Longevity Pav $2,515 $476 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Personal Services $247.793 $43,915 $0 $00 $0 710.000 Unemployment $524 $164 $0 $0 $0 711.000 Social Security $16,693 $3,271 $0 $0 $0 711.001 Medicare $3,904 $765 $0 $0 $0 712.000 Life Insurance $479 $31 $0 $0 $0 714.000 Kpers $18,531 $3,057 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: _ Employee Benefits $40,131 57,288 R L0 LO 715.000 Health Insurance $46,668 $5.312 $0 $0 $0 Totals for= Benefits Transfer 46 668 �5 312 $_0 Lo $0 842.000 Gas Service $51,065 $19,537 $0 $0 $0 845.000 Water Service $3,359 $914 $0 $0 $0 846.000 Light&Power $160,278 $23,708 $0 $0 $0 Totals for Services and Charges 1214 702 $44;159 $_0_ $0 Totals for: Bicentennial Center $549,294 $100,674 $0 $0 $0 Operations 142 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Bicentennial Center Budget Unit: 270_460_630 Dept. Bicentennial Center Food & Beverage Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $113,904 $20,865 $0 $0 $0 702.000 PT-Salaries $65,671 $13,289 $0 $0 $0 703.000 OT-Reqular $1,927 $462 $0 $0 $0 704.000 Longevity Pay $427 $93 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Personal Services 181 x29 34 709 $0 $00 710.000 Unemployment $339 $106 $0 $0 $0 711.000 Social Security $10,659 $2,102 $0 $0 $0 711.001 Medicare $2,493 $492 $0 $0 $0 712.000 Life Insurance $304 $24 $0 $0 $0 714.000 Kpers $10,519 $1,718 $0 $0 $0 Totals tor: Employee Benefits K4_31 4 4 442 $0 UO -$-0 715.000 Health Insurance $28,488 $4,098 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Benefits Transfer X28,488 $4,098 $0 0 Totals for: Bicentennial Center $234,731 $43,24 9 �—O �0 1-0 Food&Beverage Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $1,559,932 $1,331,389 $702,780 $638,395 $468,395 143 City of Salina, Kansas _ 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Fair Housinq Budget Unit: 285_060_ Dept. Com. & Ec_ Dev Revenue Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 570.000 Fair Housinq $31,203 $100,668 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 Totals for: Intergovernmental 'U1 2031 1100,668 $65,000 §65,000 $65J10 560.000 Investment Income $59 $47 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for. Interest income $59 47 $1,000 X000 $1,000 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $260 $31,258 $0 Totals for: Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $260 $31,258 Totals for: Com. &Ec_ Dev Revenue $31,262 $100,715 $66,260 $97,258 $66,000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $31,262 $100,715 $66,260 $97,258 $66,000 144 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Fair Housinq Budget Unit: 285_190_ Dept. Human Relations This fund provides for a variety of special project expenditures relating to the fair housing function,as well a a transfer to the General Fund to support the Fair Housing activities undertaken by the Human Relations Department. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 731.000 Office Supplies $200 $84 $0 $0 $0 781.000 Public Education $1,098 $1,280 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Supplies $1,298 1 364 NO L0 $00 839.000 Other Professional $1,994 $10,956 $0 $0 $0 848.000 Postage $30 $32 $0 $0 $0 850.000 Employee Development $5,365 $50 $0 $0 $0 857.000 Printinq $1,043 $925 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Services and Charges. $8,432 $11963 $00 $00 Vo 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $0 $17,260 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 $0 $17,260 NO $0 960.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $59,840 $59,840 $49,000 $97,258 $66,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $59 840 5,9_84 0 $49,000 97 25 $66,000 Totals for: Human Relations $69,570 $73,167 $66,260 $97,25 8 66 000 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $69,570 $73,167 $66,260 $97,258 $66,000 145 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Bond And Interest Budget Unit: 342_000_ Dept. General Revenues The Bond and Interest Fund provides for the payment of principal and interest on the various bonds financed out of the General Fund or under the City's general obligation bonding authority. The principal and interest payments come from a variety of sources, including the properly tax levy,special assessment payments by property owners and transfers from other funds. The City of Salina provides its long-term financing of non-utility capital improvements. e.g. Major Street Projects, through the use of General Obligation Bonds. The City's current bond rating by Moody's Investor Service is Aa3.These are considered high-grade bonds,and provide excellent interest rates for financing these investments in the community's infrastructure. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 401.000 Real Estate&Pers Prop $2,711,873 $2,355,627 $2,330,033 $2,366,613 $2,548,887 401.100 Revitalization Rebate $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 403.000 Payment in Lieu of Tax $11,389 $5.451 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Property Taxes $2,723.262 X361,078 _2 X30 033 $2,381,613 �2 63,887 402.000 Delinquent Property Tax $55,583 $77,709 $80,000 $55.000 $55,000 Totals for: Delinquent Taxes 551583 17 7 709 $80,000 1 55 009 $55,000 405.000 Vehicle Tax $203,118 $290,118 $297,549 $297,549 $250,762 407.000 Recreational Vehicle Tax $2,748 $2,009 $4,275 $4,275 $3,180 408.000 16/20M Tax $0 $0 $2,169 $2,169 $3,684 Totals for: Motor Vehicle Taxes 1205 86§ 292,127. $303 993 $303,993 X27 626 555.000 Special Assessments $1,354,266 $1,595,986 $1,459,990 $1,630,000 $1,500,000 556.000 Deliquent Sp.Assessments $40,171 $54,067 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 557.000 Prepaid Sp.Assessments $141,051 $0 $20,374 $20,374 $20,000 Totals for: Special Assessments $1 535,488 $11650,053 X515,364 $1 685,374 L,,555,000 560.000 Investment Income $5,131 $7,844 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Interest Income $5,,131 $7.844 $5,000 $5.()0 $�LJQ00 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $12,983 $5 $100,000 $150,000 $126,800 Tolals for: Miscellaneous $12,983 $5 100,000 $150:000_ 1126,800 621.000 Bonds $230,131 $203,593 $200,000 $205.000 $210,000 622.000 Temporary Notes $0 $454 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Other Financing Sources $230,131 204 047 200 004 X205,000 $210,000 661.000 Transfers Interfund $238,094 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 662.000 Transfers Operalinq $1,788,879 $1,350,000 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 $1.350,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers . 2.026.973 $1,350,000 $1,750,000 $1 800 000 $1,350,000 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $426,297 $572,794 $757,765 Totals for: Carryover Surplus 200 �_o $42f 297 572 794 LT5TJ65 Totals for: General Revenues $6,795,417 $5,942,863 O687 $7,158,774 $6,881,078 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $6,795,417 $5,942,863 $6,710,687 $7,158,774 $6,881,078 146 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Bond And Interest Budget Unit: 342_680_ Dept. Debt Service Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 930.850 Principal-Owner Share $1,205,757 $1,337,000 $1,380,030 $1,422,270 $1,379,655 930.860 Principal -City Share $3,070,439 $3,441,426 $3,401,214 $3,383,454 $3,624,764 935.850 Interest-Owner Share $414,378 $467,092 $451,713 $429,075 $349,438 935.860 Interest-CityShare $1,357,203 $1,360,576 $1,277,730 $1,166,210 $1,327,221 Totals for: Debt Services 6 047 777 $6 606,094 $6,510,687 $6,401,009 $6,681,078 961.000 Transfers-Interfund $83,488 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interfund Transfers 83 488 $0 $00 $0 $0 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $200.000 $757,765 $200,000 Totals for: Reserves $0 NO $200,000 $757,765 $20�0 000 Totals for: Debt Service 6 131 265 $6,60_6 094 $6,710,687 $7,158,774 $6,881,078 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $6,131,265 $6,606,094 $6,710,687 $7,158,774 $6,881,078 147 This Page Intentionally Blank 148 This Page Intentionally Blank 149 City of Salina, Kansas - 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Risk Manaqement Budget Unit: 440_099_ Dept. General Revenues Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 590.000 Other Reimbursements $176,298 $89,561 $48,008 $48,008 $48,008 Totats for: Reimbursements 176 298 $89,561 $48,008 $48.00 8 $48,008 008 660.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $374,708 $374,708 $430,000 $430,000 $430,000 Totals for: Inlerfund Transfers $374,708 708 $374,708 $430,000 $430,000 $430,000 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $41,042 $65,991 $74,949 Totals for: Carryover Surplus $0 $41,042 $65,991 $74,949 Totals for: General Revenues $551,006 $464,269 $519,050 $543,999 $552,957 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $551,006 $464,269 $519,050 $543,999 $552,957 150 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Risk Management Budget Unit: 440120 Dept. Risk Management The Risk Management division provides for the payment of insurance premiums, retention, recovery of danmages from third parties, and for management of the City's risk controls programs. Staffing for the Risk management program is provided through the City Manager's budget in the General Fund. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 731.000 Office Supplies $0 $206 $500 $500 $500 732.000 Books& Periodicals $0 $0 $250 $250 $250 Totals for Supplies $0 206 750 E50 $750 820.000 Insurance $376,544 $416,623 $410,000 $410,000 $443,907 821.000 Claims Paid $153.738 $180,298 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 839.000 Other Professional $2,295 $500 $5,000 $5.000 $5,000 841.000 Telephone $151 $140 $600 $600 $600 848.000 Postaqe $18 $19 $200 $200 $200 850.000 Emplovee Development $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 851.000 Dues $25 $420 $500 $500 $500 Totals for: Services and Charges $532 771 $598,000 $467300 $467,300 $501,207 901.000 Office Equipment $138 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $1,38 $0 El 000 $1,000 $1,000 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $50,000 $74,949 $50,000 Totals for: Reserves $0 $00 L50,900 $74.949 $50,00(1 Totals for: Risk Management $532,909 $598,206 $519,050 $543,999 $552,957 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $532,909 $598,206 $519,050 $543,999 $552,957 151 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Workers Comp Reserve Budget Unit: 442_099_ Dept. General Revenues Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 560.000 Investment Income $1,937 $2,174 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 Totals for: Interest Income $1.937 174 $2, $2,50 0 2 500 590.000 Other Reimbursements $1,444 $1,558 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Reimbursements $1,444 X558 $0 10- $0 660.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $229,452 $388,600 $434,798 $434,798 $434,798 Totals for. Interfund Transfers JZZ9,452 38.8,600 434 798 $434,798 1434,798 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $613,739 $577,471 $717,007 Totals for Carryover Surplus $-0 $0 613,739 $577,471 $717,007 Totals for: General Revenues 232 833 39$ 2,332 $1,05037 X1,0144769 $1,154,305 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $232,833 $392,332 $1,051,037 $1,014,769 $1,154,305 152 'ra City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Workmen's Comp Reserve Budget Unit: 442120 Dept. Risk Management The Worker's Comp Reserve fund provides of payment of Worker's Compensation Claims fled as a result of employee on-the job injuries,as well as the costs of workplace safety assessments and programs. These activities are financed through the Human Resources Department in the general fund. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 805.000 Medical $11,697 $10,896 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 820.486 Insurance-Workmens Comp $64,444 $58,077 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 821.000 Claims Paid $234,147 $242,390 $237,762 $237,762 $341,030 839.000 Other Professional $23,922 $23,740 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Totals for: Services and Charges $334,210 $335 103 $297,762 1297,762 $401,030 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $753,275 $717,007 $753,275 Totals for Reserves $0 ED $753 275 $717_0 $753275 Totals for: Risk Management $334,210 $335,103 $1,051,037 $1,014,769 $1,154,305 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $334,210 $335,103 $1,051,037 $1,014,769 $1,154,305 153 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Health Insurance Budget Unit: 445_099 Dept. General Revenues The Health Insurance Fund accumulates resources to pay claims, premiums,and other costs associated with the City's partially self insured health insurance benefit for our employees. Agencies currently participating in the program include the Salina Public Library, the Joint Health Department, the Salina Housing Authority,and the Salina Airport Authority. Revenues to the fund consist of transfers from the Employee Benefits fund and other City operating funds,withholdings from Employee paychecks,and payments from the other agencies involved in the program. This program was initiated in 1997. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 469.000 Ins. Premiums-Health $4,665,196 $4,110,051 $4,475,822 $4,621,563 $4,475,822 469.001 Ins.Premiums-Dental $567,360 $499,871 $540,350 $476,480 $540,350 469.003 Ins. Premiums-PCS $1,071,588 $944,201 $1,021,894 $913,824 $1,021,894 Totals for: Charges for Services $6,304,144 $5,554,123 E 038 066 $6,011,867 16A38m066 560.000 Investment Income $4,904 $6,103 $5.000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Interest Income 14,904 $6 103 5 000 $5,000 $5,000 590.000 Other Reimbursements $42,625 $30,970 $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 Totals for: Reimbursements $42,V 30,970 $26,00 0 R_6000 $26 000 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $9,660 $9,264 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Totals for: Miscellaneous $9 660 $9,264 Q10 Do0 $10,000 $10,00 0 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $1,865,2.69 $1,902,713 $2,074,729 Totals for- Carryover Surplus $0 L 1 865 269 $1,902,713 $2,074,729 Totals for: General Revenues $6,361,333 $5,600,460 $7,944,335 $7,955,580 $8,1153,795 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $6,361,333 $5,600,460 $7,944,335 $7,955,580 $8,153,795 154 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Health Insurance Budget Unit: 445_710_ Dept. Employee Benefits Budqet Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 715.000 Health Insurance $384,801 $386,254 $420,000 $412,000 $441,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $384,801 $386,254 $420,000, $412,000 $441,000 715.001 Adm Fee-Dental Ins. $24,159 $22,303 $25,000 $25,000 $26,250 715.002 Adm Fee-PCS Prescription $9,464 $6,264 $11,500 $11,500 $11,500 821.000 Claims Paid $4,644,296 $4,406,388 $4,632,351 $4,632,351 $4,863,958 821.002 Claims Paid-PCS $882,029 $790,770 $994,221 $800,000 $892,500 839.000 Other Professional $2,400 $1,475 $0 $200,000 $0 Totals for: Services and Charges 15,562,348 L5,227,200 $5,663,072 $668 851 $5,794,20 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $1,861,263 $1,874,729 $1,918,587 Totals for Reserves ED Lo L,861,263 `_1874,729 $1,918.587 Totals for: Employee Benefits $5,947,149 5 613 454 $7,944,335 $7,955,580 $8,153,795 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $5,947,149 $5,613,454 $7,944,335 $7,955,580 $8,153,795 155 This Page Intentionally Blank 156 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Central Garaqe Budget Unit: 450_099_ Dept. General Revenues The Central Garage account is a"housekeeping"or internal service fund. The various departments are charged through this fund for the services performed at the Central Garage or specialized service done by contract. Each individual budgetary unit has a line item for parts, labor and fuel. The full cost of operating the Central Garage,including fuel,parts, labor and overhead, is recovered from the various departments and is included here for accounting purposes. The current shop rate is$65.00/hour and the mark-up on fuel is $0.15 per gallon. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 560.000 Investment Income $423 $541 $40 $40 $40 Totals for: Interest income 423 541 40 40 40 590.000 Other Reimbursements $21,678 $7,451 $10,400 $10,400 $12,782 Totals for Reimbursements $21,678 $7,451 $10,400 $10,400 112.782 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $621 $1,278 $0 $0 $0 Totals For: Miscellaneous $621 $1.278 0 10 $0 650.000 Central Garaqe $316,516 $288.110 $325,000 $325,000 $325,000 650.010 Garaqe:Sale of Parts $306,366 $377,673 $425,000 $425,000 $425,000 650.020 Garaqe: Labor Charges $296,341 $294.069 $230,000 $260,000 $230,000 650.030 Garaqe: Sale of Fuel $710,104 $724,557 $775,000 $775,000 $775,000 662.000 Transfers Operatinq $60,000 $0 $30,000 $0 $30,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $1.689.327 $1,684,409 L1,785 000 1 785 000 $1 785,000 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $119,179 $106,208 $101,549 Totals for: Carryover Surplus NO 10 119 179 $106,208 $ 549 Totals for: General Revenues $1,712,049 $1,693,679 $1 914 619 $1,901,648 $1,899,371 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $1,712,049 $1,693,679 $1,914,619 $1,901,648 $1,899,371 157 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Central Garaqe Budget Unit: 450_790 Dept. Other All of the City's motorized and vehicular equipment,except that of the Fire Department,and some equipment in the Parks and Recreation Department,is maintained by the Central Garage. Presently, there are 274 vehicles in the Fleet and 441 smaller pieces of equipment(mowers,compressors,golf carts,etc.). The Central Garage Division also operates the city-wide fueling facility located at Elm Street and Third Street. As a work group of the Public Works Department,it is supervised by the Fleet Superintendent,who in turn is responsible to the General Services Operations Manager. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 6 2012: 5 2011 5 2014: 5 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $206,778 $204,772 $215,260 $205,000 $215,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 704.000 Longevity Pay $2,594 $2,461 $3,015 $3,015 $2,800 705.000 Earned Leave $3,014 $2,124 $1,000 $2,000 $1,000 Totals for: Personal Services 212 386 $20%357 JZZQ 775 $211_ 152.2J 300 710.000 Unemployment $390 $598 $590 $590 $590 711.000 Social Security $12,403 $12,336 $14,445 $9,600 $10,593 711.001 Medicare $2,901 $2,885 $3,425 $2,400 $2,477 712.000 Life Insurance $496 $487 $880 $880 $880 714.000 Kpers $15,632 $17,260 $20,253 $16,425 $19,135 Totals for: Employee Benefits 31 822 `f33,566 39 593 129 295 $33,67 5 715.000 Health Insurance $47,621 $42,504 $48,000 $35,000 $35,600 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $2,300 $4,000 $4,400 $4,400 $4,400 Totals for: Benefits Transfer x;921 46 504 x;921 $52,40 $39,400 $40,000 731.450 Off.Supply-Garaqe $430 $412 $650 $650 $650 732.000 Books& Periodicals $266 $1,816 $3,360 $3,360 $3,360 742.000 Metal Products $536 $101 $500 $500 $500 746.000 Janitorial $535 $826 $800 $800 $800 747.000 Weldinq Supplies $811 $229 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 750.450 G&O-Garaqe Vehicle $1,924 $1,631 $1,925 $1,925 $1,630 750.790 G&O-Gasoline Silk $591,601 $601,745 $591,600 $632,500 $663,812 750.792 G&O-Diesel Stock $300,782 $297,075 $300,800 $300,800 $297,080 750.793 G&O-Oil Stock $30,774 $41,007 $39,800 $39,800 $41,010 750.794 G&O-Anti-Freeze $1,903 $2,347 $3,350 $3,350 $3,350 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $5,983 $3,660 $8,600 $8,600 $8,600 752.790 Vehicle Parts $117,678 $88,537 $136,600 $136,600 $91,200 752.791 Parts-Vehicle Stock $28,543 $32,610 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 752.792 Expendable Parts Stock $5,759 $3,796 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 752.793 Heavy Equipment Parts $221,144 $263,182 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 752.794 Heavy Eq. Parts-Stock $14,985 $18,938 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 760.000 Wearing Apparel $501 $512 $1,150 $1,150 $1,150 767.721 Tools-Shop $2.283 $3,440 $5,600 $5,600 $5,600 767.722 Tools-Hand Tools $779 $787 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 767.723 Tools-Power $767 $289 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 767.724 Tool Repair $587 $168 $500 $500 $500 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $297 $515 $650 $650 $650 Totals for: Supplies 1 328 868 $1,363,623 $1,407,885 $1,448,785 $1,431,892 841.000 Telephone $1,183 $1,216 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $138 $300 $300 $300 $300 842.000 Gas Service $2,284 $1,560 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 846.000 Liqht&Power $9,233 $8,915 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 850.000 Employee Development $1,746 $933 $3,700 $3,700 $3,700 851.000 Dues $594 $598 $660 $660 $660 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $3,113 $1,744 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 860.791 Rpr-Fuel Station $395 $2,107 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 861.000 Laundry&Towel Service $0 $96 $300 $300 $300 895.000 Other Contractual $953 $1,504 $1,750 $1,750 $1,750 158 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Services and Charges $19,639 $18,973 $28,410 x,28 410 $28,410 901.000 Office Equipment $100 $0 $250 $250 $250 905.000 Other Equipment $4,395 $6,607 $17,000 $17,000 $16,000 909.000 Vehicles $0 $0 $16,000 $16,000 $20,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $4,495 $6,607 $33,25 0 33 250 36.250 960.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $54,739 $8,844 $8,844 $8,844 $8,844 Totals for: Interfund Transfers 5$ 4 739 $8,844 $8,844 $8,844 $8,844 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $123,462 $101,549 $100,000 Totals for: Reserves $0 123,462 $101,549 $100 000 Totals for: Other $1,701,870 $1,687,474 $1,914,619 $1,901,648 $1,899,371 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $1,701,870 $1,687,474 $1,914,619 $1,901,648 $1,899,371 159 This Page Intentionally Blank 160 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Computer Technology Budget Unit: 460_099_ Dept. General Revenues This is an internal service fund providing services primarily to other departments within the City,and limited services to Saline County. Costs attributable to the City are recovered through transfers from other City operating funds,while services to Saline County are billed out on a contractual basis. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 452.000 Interfund Fees $1,237,220 $947,500 $1,267,437 $1,247,437 $1,229,841 486.000 Administative Services $106,305 $100,623 $106,000 $66,000 $40,000 Tolals for Charges for Services $L,343.525 $1,048,123 �J 373,437 $1,313,437 $1,269,841 560.000 Investment Income $1,182 $1,304 $668 $668 $668 Totals for: Interest Income $1,182 $1 304 668 $668 668 606.000 Sale Of Commodities $0 $0 $2,889 $2,889 $2,889 Totals for: Miscellaneous $9 $0 $2,889 2 889 $2,889 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $159,491 $114,005 $97,961 Totals for: Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $159,491 $114,005 $97,961 Totals for: General Revenues 11_344,707 $1,049,427 $1,536,485 $1,430,999 $1,371,359 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $1,344,707 $1,049,427 $1,536,485 $1,430,999 $1,371,359 161 G i�f City of Salina, Kansas 17 � 2014 Annual Budget g Salina Fund: Computer Technology Budget Unit: 460_150_ Dept. Computer Technology The Computer Technology Department is an internal service department that provides technical services for the City of Salina and i5 support for both the City of Salina,and Saline County. Support provided includes system management,user support, programming, PC installation and repair, training services,management of the City network and infrastructure,protecting City data from outside threats,disaster recovery,backup and storage of City data,developing and maintaining the City's intranet and internet web sites,and planning for future technology needs. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 7 2012: 7 2011 7 2014 7 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $368,612 $373,872 $382,050 $378,717 $389,270 703.000 OT-Reqular $29 $59 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 704.000 Longevity Pay $4,253 $4.505 $4,510 $4,510 $4,510 705.000 Earned Leave $703 $338 $0 $0 $0 Totals for Personal Services $373,597 X378,774 $388,560 X3851227 $395,780 710.000 Unemployment $686 $1,072 $800 $800 $1,100 711.000 Social Security $21,809 $22,213 $22,000 $22,000 $22,500 711.001 Medicare $5,101 $5,195 $5,200 $5,200 $5,200 712.000 Life Insurance $877 $888 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 714.000 Kpers $28,176 $31,836 $31,185 $31,185 $38,739 726.000 Transp.Allowance $2,040 $2,040 $2,040 $2,040 $2,040 Totals for: Employee Benefits $58,689 $63,244 $62.62 $62,62 5 $70.979 715.000 Health Insurance $68,730 $63,136 $72,000 $65,886 $72,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3,800 $6,000 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $72,53 0 169 136 $78,60 0 72 4II6 $78&0 731.000 Office Supplies $1,286 $841 $1,500 $1,500 $1.500 731.002 Printer Supplies $33,975 $23,389 $28,000 $24,000 $20,000 731.003 Computer Tapes $1,382 $1,502 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 732.000 Books& Periodicals $0 ($2) $1,500 $1,500 $1.500 750.000 Gas&Oil $307 $220 $300 $300 $300 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $535 $132 $500 $500 $500 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $2,332 $2,145 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Tolnls for Supplies 39-317 $28,227 $36,300. 1.3 300 ? 300 841.000 Telephone $2,272 $1,960 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $1,338 $1,500 $1,200 $1,200 $1,500 848.000 Postage $435 $20 $900 $900 $900 850.000 Employee Development $2,382 $3,242 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 851.000 Dues $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 895.000 Other Contractual $190,626 $190,497 $274,000 $274,000 $298,000 895.010 AS/400 Hrdwre Maintenance $8,400 $8,060 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 895.020 AS/400 Software Costs $7,787 $3,260 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 895.030 NWS Software Cost $31,000 $32,550 $62,000 $62,000 $65,500 Totals for Services and Charges 1244 440 $241,289 $359,400 1359,400 $386,700 901.000 Office Equipment $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 905.000 Other Equipment $113,789 $237,436 $350,000 $300,000 $300,000 913.000 Computers/Technology $0 $0 $150,000 $110,000 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $113,789 $237,436 $501,000 141-L000 $301,000 960.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $373,681 $77,316 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Tot;iis tor: Interfund Transfers $373,681 $77.:5116 10 000 10 000 $10,000 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $100,000 $97,961 $100,000 Totals for Reserves $-0- N X10 000 $97,961 $100,000 Totals for: Information Services $1,276,543 $1,095,422 $1,536,485 $1,430,999 $1,371,359 162 r City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $1,276,543 $1,095,422 $1,536,485 $1,430,999 $1,371,359 163 This Page Intentionally Blank 164 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sanitation Budget Unit: 620_040_ Dept. Health & Sanitation Rev This Fund is self-supporting from fees paid by users of the service. No property tax monies are devoted to this activity. Participants in the curbside recycling program or those who use special pickup services pay additional fees. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 462.000 Sanitation $2,342,291 $2,455,085 $2,478,000 $2,478,000 $2,527,284 Totals for: Charges for Services $_2342 291 $2 455 085 $2,478,000 �2 478,000 $2527 284 560.000 Investment Income $1,839 $2,293 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 Totals for Interest Income $1_$39 $?<293 $3,50 0 $35 $3,500 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $424 $69 $0 $0 $0 Totals for, Miscellaneous $424 69 $0 $0 $00 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $621,522 $671,898 $690,953 Totals for: Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $621,522 167 1 898 , 690 953 Totals for: Health&Sanitation Rev $2,344,554 $2,457,447 $3,103,022 $3,153,398 $3,221,737 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $2,344,554 $2,457,447 $3,103,022 $3,153,398 $3,221,737 165 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Sanitation Budget Unit: 620_340_ Dept. Sanitation This work group in the Public Works Department is responsible for the efficient, systematic collection and disposal of garbage, rubbish,trash and similar waste materials originating within the residential areas of the City of Salina, for persons choosing to contract with the City. Commercial collections, including apartment houses,are handled by licensed,private haulers or by the individual business. The work group is supervised by(lie Sanitation Superintendent,who is responsible to the Operations Manager. The weekly refuse collection service is available to all single,duplex and triplex residential units on an optional basis. The work group operates four 25 yard trucks, each with an assigned route to be served each day, Monday through Friday. The work group also runs three 20 yard grass packer trucks which pick up yard waste and transport it to a private composting company. There are approximately 14,000 residential refuse customers. There are presently 5,190 yard waste carts receiving weekly service. A limited curbside recycling program was initialed in 2005. The Sanitation Fund is charged .15¢by the Water and Sewerage Department for each monthly bill that is sent out, and a certain amount is paid to the General Fund for general administrative services. The division also offers a special pickup service for customers and non-customers. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 22 2012: 21 2011 22 2014: 22 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $590,670 $598,105 $625,400 $601,395 $613,423 703.000 OT-Reqular $2,126 $6,442 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 704.000 Longevity Pay $8,386 $5,995 $9,895 $9,895 $7,380 705.000 Earned Leave $81,077 $20,367 $7,400 $7,400 $7,400 Totals for: Personal Services $_682,259 $630,909 $647,695 $620,690 $630 203 710.000 Unemployment $1,263 $1,808 $1,144 $1,144 $1,144 711.000 Social Security $40,102 $37,391 $41,730 $33,000 $36,500 711.001 Medicare $9.379 $8,745 $9.450 $7,800 $9,450 712.000 Life Insurance $1,347 $1,158 $2.200 $1,200 $2,200 714.000 Kpers $51,157 $52,354 $53,384 $56,697 $62,367 Totals for: Employee Benefits $103,248 $101,456 $107,90 99 841 o11,fi61 715.000 Health Insurance $138.229 $110,049 $140.000 $118,419 $124,339 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $6,500 $12,000 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $144,729 LIZ2,049 $153,20 $131,619 $13753 731.000 Office Supplies $582 $387 $900 $900 $500 750.000 Gas& Oil $132,334 $136,634 $132,340 $132,340 $137,000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $134,293 $191,615 $185,000 $185,000 $211,000 752.000 Parts-Machinery& Equip $11,965 $12,548 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $3,658 $6,082 $6,250 $6,250 $6,250 767.000 Tools $354 $496 $750 $750 $750 795.000 Other Ooer. Supplies $2,086 $2,211 $3,075 $3,075 $3,075 796.000 Buildinqs&Grounds $30 $0 $100 $100 $100 Totals for; Supplies $285,302 $34949.73 $342 415 $342,415 $372 675 808.000 Administration&Billinq $28,061 $28,195 $31,220 $31,220 $31,220 814.000 Data Processinq Charges $64,820 $65,000 $72,000 $72,000 $72,000 841.000 Telephone $620 $489 $440 $440 $500 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $500 $600 $600 $600 843.000 Solid Waste Disposal $529,949 $538,802 $575,000 $575,000 $548,410 845.000 Water Service $2,553 $1,886 $2,600 $2,600 $2,000 848.000 Postaqe $29 $26 $30 $30 $40 850.000 Employee Development $82 $215 $720 $720 $740 851.000 Dues $0 $0 $360 $360 $380 860.561 Rpr-Radio $445 $93 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 860.562 Rpr-Buildinqs $398 $446 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 895.000 Other Contractual $41,236 $53,585 $61,950 $61,950 $71,490 Totals for: Services and Charges $668,493 $689,237 X46.920 $746,920 $729,380 902.000 Radios $0 $15,636 $0 $0 $0 905.000 Other Equipment $22,658 $46,936 $54,960 $54,960 $64,150 909.000 Vehicles $109,452 $148,774 $156,000 $156,000 $160,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $132,110 $211,346 $210,960 $210,960 $224,15 0 166 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 960.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $295,400 $295,400 $310,000 $310,000 $310,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $295,400 $295,40 0 310 000 $310,000 $310,000 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $583,924 $690,953 $706,129 Totals for: Reserves U0 $-0 $.583,924 $690,953 $706,129 Totals for: Sanitation $2,311,541 $2,400,370 $3,103,022 $3,153,398 $3,221,737 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $2,311,541 $2,400,370 $3,103,022 $3,153,398 $3,221,737 167 This Page Intentionally Blank 168 r. City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Shcina Fund: Solid Waste Budget Unit: 630040 Dept. Health & Sanitation Rev The Solid Waste Fund is solely financed from tipping fees collected from users of the landfill and income realized from leasing farm land not needed for landfill operations. No tax monies are devoted to this activity. Of the tonnage fee,$1.00 is allocated for Waste Management activity under the oversight of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Board, $.0.50 is allocated for postclosure care, and$2.00 is paid to Saline County to offset rural road impact of vehicles using the facility. Other fees include a$1.00 per ton fee assessed by the Stale of Kansas,and$2.00 per ton to support City street maintenance. Available cropland is farmed under contract, with the Solid Waste Fund receiving a percentage of the proceeds. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 463.000 Solid Waste $2,487,741 $2,617,862 $1,900,000 $2,200,000 $1,950,000 463.100 Solid Waste-Internal $453,672 $480,944 $463,808 $463,808 $463,989 Totals for: Charges for Services $2 941 413 $3,098180$ $2,363,808. 2_6 6 3:8 0 8- 12 413 989 560.000 Investment Income $7,000 $10,141 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 Totals for Interest Income $7,000 $10,141 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 610.000 Recycled Material $6,970 $13,207 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $24,491 $28,303 $42,310 $42,310 $42,310 Totals for- Miscellaneous $31,461 L 1,510 $49,310 $49,310 $49.310 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $3,113,298 $793,004 $898,957 Totals for. Carryover Surplus $0 $3 113 298 793 004 $898.957 Totals for: Health&Sanitation Rev $2,979,874 $3150,457 $5,533,416 $3,513,122 $3,369,256 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $2,979,874 $3,150,457 $5,533,416 $3,513,122 $3,369,256 169 City of Salina, Kansas CIO'- 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Solid Waste Budget Unit: 630_350_ Dept. Solid Waste The City-owned and City-operated Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facility,located southwest of Salina on Burma Road,provides solid waste disposal facilities for Saline County, Ellsworth County, Lincoln County,McPherson County and Ottawa County. The facility accepts about 90,000 tons of waste per year,and is a licensed subtitle D facility subject to Federal Environmental Protection Agency landfill regulations administered by the Stale of Kansas. As a work group of the Public Works Department, the operation is supervised by the Landfill Superintendent,who is responsible to the Public Works Operations Manager Full time authorized staff'. 2011: 9.5 2012: 9 2011 9 2014: 9 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $345,168 $347,154 $348,460 $352,481 $359,531 702.000 PT-Salaries $35,387 $40,281 $44,700 $44,700 $30,220 703.000 OT-Reqular $1,625 $1,898 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $5,423 $5,801 $6,510 $3,080 $6,930 705.000 Earned Leave $1,789 $3,353 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Totals for:. Personal Services $389.392 $398,487 $404,170 $404,761 $401,181 710.000 Unemployment $713 $1,116 $825 $825 $825 711.000 Social Security $22,469 $22,976 $24,000 $23,059 $23,520 711.001 Medicare $5,255 $5,374 $5,350 $5.350 $5,500 712.000 Life Insurance $916 $918 $1,500 $930 $1,500 714.000 Kpers $28.989 $33,020 $29,000 $37,401 $40,638 Totals for: Employee Benefits Ja 342 $63,404 60, 75 $67,565 $71,983 715.000 Health Insurance $81,513 $76,737 $86.000 $78,495 $86.344 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3,500 $6,000 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $85,013 82.737 $99600 $85,09 5 92 944 731.000 Office Supplies $1,669 $1,627 $2,250 $2,250 $2,250 741.000 Sand, Rock, Gravel& Salt $9,739 $14,693 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 750.000 Gas&Oil $204,497 $198,621 $204,500 $204,500 $199,000 751.000 Mainl-Vehicles& Equip $64,500 $75,401 $116,800 $116,800 $125,400 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $1,311 $1,792 $2,250 $2,250 $2,250 761.000 Protective Clothinq-EMS $41 $239 $950 $950 $950 767.000 Tools $193 $201 $500 $500 $500 781.000 Public Education $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $8,890 $8,434 $15,350 $15,350 $15,350 Totals for: Supplies $290,840 $301,008 J36 8 600 $368,600 $371,700 801.000 Enqineerinq $184,550 $61,498 $100,165 $100,165 $210,500 805.000 Medical $0 $0 $75 $75 $75 814.000 Data Processinq Charqes $56,500 $56,500 $61,000 $61,000 $61,000 818.000 Tire Disposal $5,086 $4,663 $5,250 $5,250 $5,000 819.000 Recycled Paper $108 $92 $0 $0 $0 819.222 Waste Management $2,554 $93.155 $155,000 $155,000 $93,200 841.000 Telephone $5,148 $5,083 $6,140 $6,140 $6,140 841100 Cell Phone Allowance $0 $50 $0 $0 $0 842.000 Gas Service $5,228 $3,515 $7,250 $5,306 $7,250 845.000 Water Service $1,595 $1,645 $1,600 $1,600 $1,650 846.000 Light&Power $9,221 $8.839 $9,225 $9,225 $8,850 850.000 Employee Development $1,162 $1,283 $4,110 $4,110 $4,120 851.000 Dues $666 $501 $675 $675 $675 860.561 Rpr-Radio $411 $82 $500 $500 $500 860.562 Rpr-Buildinqs $3,425 $8,893 $6,000 $6,000 $5,000 879.000 Credit Card Fees/Expense $1,720 $2,201 $1,720 $1,720 $2,200 895.000 Other Contractual $21,166 $20,585 $35,515 $35,515 $35,765 897.000 Solid Waste Fees $96,494 $105,099 $86,500 $86,500 $85,000 Totals for: Services and Charges 395 034 $373,684 $480,725 $478,781 $526,925 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $0 $0 ($3,220) $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 $00 _$0 $3,220 LO 170 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 930.860 Principal-City Share $697,396 $395,962 $324,396 $324,396 $0 935.860 Interest-City Share $136,909 $84,297 $106,975 $106,975 $0 Totals for: Debt Services 1834 305 $480,259 jL31 371 14311_371 �0 960.000 Interfund Serv. Prov. $527,500 $2,842,500 $605,000 $605,000 $588.250 961.000 Transfers-Interfund $48,089 $0 $0 $0 $835,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $575,58 9 $2 842 500 605 000 L605,000 $1,423.250 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $2,914,063 $898,957 $366,486 Totals for: Reserves NO MO $2 914 063 898 957 5366 486 Totals for: Solid Waste $2,628,515 $4,542,079 $5,357,204 $3,336,910 $3,254,469 171 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Solid Waste Budget Unit: 630350190 Dept. Solid Waste Capital Outlay Capital outlay for the Solid Waste Operation has been moved to the Solid Waste multi-year capital replacement fund. Transfers are made from operations each year to support major equipment replacement and cell construction and closure. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 902.000 Radios $0 $11,800 $0 $0 $0 905.000 Other Equipment $336,070 $69,595 $28,000 $28,000 $0 909.000 Vehicles $0 $21,834 $35,000 $35,000 $0 912.000 System Enhancements $23,445 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $359,515 103 222 63 000 63 000 N 962.000 Trans fers-Operatinq $0 $36,618 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interfund Transfers $0 $36,618 50 _0 $00 Totals for: .Solid Waste Capital Outlay $359,515 13$ 9,847 $63,000 $63,000 �() 172 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Solid Waste Budget Unit: 630_355_ Dept. Household Hazardous Waste The Solid Waste Division supports the City's Household Hazardous Waste(HHW)Program. At the HHW Facility,all household hazardous waste material received is segregated and stored for pickup and disposal by a contractor. The Household Hazardous Waste Coordinator reports to the Sanitation Superintendant. Authorized full time staff: 2011: 1 2012: 1 2013: 1 2014: 1 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $33,987 $34,895 $36,060 $36,060 $36.840 703.000 OT-Reqular $0 $25 $500 $500 $500 704.000 Longevity Pay $1,183 $1,225 $1,270 $1,270 $1,310 Totals for: Personal Services $35,17 $36,145 $37 830 $37,830 $38,650 710.000 Unemployment $63 $102 $90 $90 $90 711.000 Social Security $2,010 $2,093 $2,300 $2,300 $2,300 711.001 Medicare $470 $489 $481 $481 $481 712.000 Life Insurance $93 $96 $220 $220 $220 714.000 Kpers $2,734 $3,122 $3,011 $3,011 $3,696 Totals for Employee Benefits $5,37 0 5 902 $6102 $6,102 16 787 715.000 Health Insurance $10,890 $9,907 $10,200 $10,200 $10,200 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $352 $350 $600 $600 $600 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $11,24 2 10 257 $10,800 $19,800 $_1()800 731.000 Office Supplies $55 $53 $125 $125 $120 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $320 $412 $800 $800 $710 767.000 Tools $15 $15 $225 $225 $130 781.000 Public Education $11,759 $10,975 $14,225 $14,225 $16,920 795.000 Other Ooer. Supplies $6,144 $6,760 $9,580 $9,580 $8,430 796.000 Buildings& Grounds $102 $2 $200 $200 $200 Totals for: Supplies $181395 $18 217 K5_1 5 5 25155 $26,510 841.000 Telephone $169 $179 $175 $175 $180 850.000 Employee Development $639 $5 $825 $825 $830 851.000 Dues $175 $175 $200 $200 $200 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $582 $2,055 $1,050 $1,050 $750 895.000 Other Contractual $8,774 $12,004 $31,075 $31,075 $29.700 Totals for. Services and Charges $10,33 9 _14 418 33 325 $33,325 $31,660 902.000 Radios $0 $700 $0 $0 $0 905.000 Other Equipment $0 $354 $0 $0 $380 Totals for: Capital Outlay $00 $1;054 $0 19 1380 Totals for: Household Hazardous Wa $80,516 $85,993 $113,212 $113,212 $114,787 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $3,068,546 $4,767,919 $5,533,416 $3,513,122 $3,369,256 173 This Page Intentionally Blank 174 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Golf Course Budget Unit: 650_050_ Dept. Rec. & Culture Revenue The Golf Course is an Enterprise Fund, supported by various user fees and charges. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 410.000 Sales Tax--Countywide $24,662 $26,232 $27,500 $27,500 $27,000 Totals for General Sales And Use T 24 662 2$ 6,232 $27,500 $27,500 $27,000 445.000 Electric Carts $136,497 $139,120 $140,000 $140,000 $145,000 446.000 Pull Carts $197 $387 $200 $200 $300 447.000 Cart Storage $9,153 $8,127 $8,000 $8,000 $9,200 448.000 Other Rental $0 $750 $0 $0 $1,000 465.321 Membership Fees $30,670 $132,232 $115,000 $115,000 $135,000 465.322 Green Fees $281,582 $296,572 $275,000 $260,000 $280,000 465.323 Trail Fees $18,969 $11,593 $18,000 $18,000 $11,000 465.324 Drivinq Ranqe $29,096 $24,855 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 465.327 Ten Play Cards $4,965 $0 $0 $0 $0 484.000 Food/Beverage $34,818 $40,290 $37,000 $37,000 $41,000 484.203 Food/Beverage--Beer Sales $9,097 $17,157 $12,000 $12,000 $18,000 484.205 Pro Shop $56,497 $85,855 $70,000 $70,000 $80,000 Totals for: Charges for Services $611,541 17L6 938 L700 200 L685 200 $745,500 560.000 Investment Income $36 $96 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Interest Income 36 96 590.000 Other Reimbursements $1,562 $678 $0 $0 $0 Totals for, Reimbursements $1-56 2 678 $00 $00 $00 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $48,344 $48.709 $45,000 $45,000 $51,045 620.650 Petty Cash lonq $275 $222 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Miscellaneous 48,619 $48.931 4$ 5,000 X95 000 $51,04 5 661.000 Transfers Interfund $47,228 $0 $0 $0 $0 Tot for: Interfund Transfers 14 7 228 20 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $59,250 $62.916 $63,390 Tol.al.s for Carryover Surplus L0 $59,250 62,916 $,3,390 Totals for: Rec.&Culture Revenue $733,648 $832,875 $831,950 $820,616 $886,935 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $733,648 $832,875 $831,950 $820,616 $886,935 175 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Golf Course Budget Unit: 650_440_ Dept. Golf Course The Salina Municipal Golf Course,opened in 1970,is located on 137 acres of land. This well-maintained 18-hole golf course is supplemented by a 6-hole par-3 course opened in the spring of 2001. The Golf Course manager oversees the entire operation of the facility including maintenance. Approximately 42,000 rounds of golf are played each year. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 6 2012: 5 2011 5 2014: 5 In addition to the full time staffing,the Golf Course makes extensive use of seasonal employees during peak play seasons. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $244,140 $210.838 $211,000 $211,000 $213,929 702.000 PT-Salaries $934 $4,915 $0 $0 $0 702.171 PT-Clubhouse $31,122 $32,434 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 702.172 PT-Maintenance $51,199 $66,942 $63,500 $67,500 $68,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $5,622 $4,715 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 704.000 Lonqevitv Pav $4,516 $2,818 $3,500 $3,500 $3,200 705.000 Earned Leave $4,561 $7,274 $5,000 $5,000 $6,000 Totals for: Personal Services 1.342 094 $329,936 $324,000 $328.000 $332,129 710.000 Unemplovment $636 $969 $630 $630 $630 711.000 Social Securitv $20,075 $19,591 $19,517 $19,517 $19,517 711.001 Medicare $4,695 $4,582 $4,564 $3,250 $4,564 712.000 Life Insurance $577 $505 $600 $600 $600 714.000 Kpers $18,780 $18,585 $21,546 $20,607 $22,591 Totals for Employee Benefits $44,763 $44,232 $46,85 7 L_4604 $47.90 2 715.000 Health Insurance $45,460 $35,960 $36,000 $34,872 $36,615 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3,000 $5,500 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $a8 460 $41,460 $42,000 $40,872 $42,61 5 731.000 Office Supplies $571 $413 $250 $250 $250 736.000 Irrigation Supplies $11,134 $8.435 $9,000 $9,000 $10,000 750.000 Gas&Oil $23,362 $19,610 $23,000 $23,000 $20.000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $18,043 $18,100 $19,000 $19,000 $20.000 752.000 Parts-Machinerv& Equip $1,806 $1,941 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 759.000 Chemicals $50,613 $51,797 $56,000 $56,000 $56,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $909 $493 $600 $600 $500 766.000 Safetv Equip& Supplies $2 $45 $250 $250 $250 767.000 Tools $139 $603 $500 $500 $1,000 768.000 Mach. & Equip.(<$250) $0 $0 $500 $500 $1,000 788.000 Recreation Supplies $8,742 $14,463 $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 790.000 Seeds,Plants,Trees $5,717 $7,541 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $1,779 $2,089 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 Totals For: Supplies 122 817 125 530 128 600 128,600 $133 000 811.000 Rent/Lease $1,050 $940 $0 $0 $0 811.001 Rental Cart Repair $3,463 $2,458 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 814.000 Data Processinq Charqes $6.000 $6.000 $0 $0 $0 825.000 Sales Tax $21,007 $24,285 $27,500 $27,500 $27,000 841.000 Telephone $6,120 $7,161 $6,000 $6.000 $7,000 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 842.000 Gas Service $6,242 $4,282 $7,000 $7,000 $6,000 843.000 Solid Waste Disposal $1,499 $1,272 $1,500 $1,500 $1,400 845.000 Water Service $2,722 $2,721 $2,500 $2,500 $2,700 846.000 Liqht&Power $38,785 $42,407 $38,000 $38,000 $41,000 848.000 Postaqe $168 $130 $300 $300 $250 850.000 Employee Development $4,036 $2,146 $2,500 $2,500 $2,000 851.000 Dues $1,797 $1,302 $1,800 $1,800 $1,500 857.000 Printinq $0 $1,840 $250 $250 $250 858.000 Advertisinq&Promotions $3,428 $3,965 $3,500 $3,500 $3.000 860.562 Rpr-Buildings $7,368 $1,978 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 870.000 Pro Shop $2,785 $1,189 $3,000 $3,000 $2,000 870.650 Pro Shop Merchandise $60,708 $71,353 $60,000 $60,000 $65,000 871.000 Snack Bar $26,332 $40,676 $32,000 $32,000 $35,000 872.000 Drivinq Ranqe $184 $1,468 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 879.000 Credit Card Fees/Expense $7,179 $10,478 $9,000 $9,000 $12,000 176 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina 892.000 Refunds $0 $675 $0 $0 $0 895.000 Other Contractual $1,077 $775 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 Totals for: Services and Charges 202 250 $229,801 $201,150 $201,150 J2U2.900 905.000 Other Equipment $15,724 $0 $18,000 $14,000 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $15,724 E0 $18,000 $14,000 LO 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $71,343 $63,390 $118,389 Totals for: Reserves 0 0 $71,3-_ L63 30 $118,389 43 Totals for: Golf Course $776,108 $770,959 $831,950 $820,616 $886,935 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $776,108 $770,959 $831,950 $820,616 $886,935 177 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Sewer Budget Unit: 690080 Dept. Water/Wastewater Revenue Water and wastewater fees are set annually by the City Commission, based on the future needs of the utility for operations and for capital improvements and enhancements. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 428.000 Federal Grants $201,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Operating Grants $201.700 $00 $00 $00 452.100 Sanitation Bill Charge $28,061 $28,989 $30,900 $30,900 $35,950 460.001 Internal Water Charqes $47,549 $37,567 $0 $0 $0 460.002 Internal Sewer Charqes $47,549 $37,567 $0 $0 $0 460.381 Water Charqes $9,578,791 $10,415,088 $9,200,000 $10,356,000 $10,666,680 460.382 Miscellaneous Income $187,776 $187,758 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 460.383 Sales Tax Collected $162,200 $178,578 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 460.384 Front Footaqe&Tappinq $0 $0 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 460.385 Meter Deposits $132,562 $134,856 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 460.389 Meter Pit Installation $13,200 $14,425 $20,000 $20,000 $9,900 461.391 Pretreatment Permit $1,300 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 461.392 Sewer Charqes $7,673,565 $8,127,311 $7,894,756 $8,159,000 $8,404,000 Totals for: Charges for Services $17,872,553 $19.163,639 $17,621,656 19,941 900 $19,592,530 560.000 Investment Income $26,993 $41,719 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Totals for: Interest Income $26,993 $41 710 $25,000 125 _000 $25,000 606.000 Sale Of Commodities $6,943 $108,584 $0 $0 $0 619.000 Other Miscellaneous $147 $0 $0 $0 $0 620.690 Pettv Cash-Cash Lonq $88 $204 $0 $0 $0 folals for: Miscellaneous 7 778 $108,788 $0 $00 $0 660.000 Inlerfund Serv. Prov. $0 $845,685 $0 $0 $0 Totals for, Inter-fund Transfers $0 .$845,68 $00 $_0 $00 699.000 Carryover Surplus $0 $0 $7,393,422 $8,797,299 $7,161,048 Totals for: Carryover Surplus NO Lo $7,393,422 $8.79_7Z99 $7,161,048 Totals for: Water[Wastewater Revenu 18,108,424 $20,159,831 $25,040,078 $27,864,199 $26,778,578 Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Revenue $18,108,424 $20,159,831 $25,040,078 $27,864,199 $26,778,578 178 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690380110 Dept. Water Administration The Administration Division provides for the supervision of the Water Plant,Wastewater Plant,and Utility Divisions,excluding Water Customer Accounting,which operates under the supervision of the Director of Finance. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 8 2012: 8 2011 6 2014: 6 Budget detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $429,224 $443,550 $484,400 $484,400 $494,276 702.000 PT-Salaries $4,268 $4,055 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 703.000 OT-Regular $1,394 $488 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 704.000 Longevity Pay $2,230 $2,615 $2,950 $2,950 $3,200 705.000 Earned Leave $21,614 $15,199 $0 $0 $6,835 Totals for Personal Services $458.730 1465,907 $493,850 493 850 $510,811 710.000 Unemployment $837 $1,315 $400 $400 $400 711.000 Social Security $27,118 $27,777 $16.000 $29,691 $30,284 711.001 Medicare $6342 $6,496 $3,725 $6,943 $7,082 712.000 Life Insurance $925 $938 $700 $700 $700 714.000 Kpers $32,741 $37,852 $42,865 $46,029 $50,632 726.000 Transp.Allowance $3,696 $3,696 $3,696 $3,696 $3,696 Totals for Employee Benefits J71 659 78 074 $67 306 87 459 $92,794 715.000 Health Insurance $44,216 $38,802 $47,500 $47,500 $49,875 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $9,000 $16,000 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $53,216 $54,80 2 $65,50€i 65 500 $67,87 5 731.000 Office Supplies $1,170 $883 $1,200 $1,200 $1.200 732.000 Books& Periodicals $0 $0 $400 $400 $400 750.000 Gas&Oil $794 $1,259 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $378 $475 $800 $800 $800 772.000 Maintenance $0 $121 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Supplies $2,,,342 $2.738 $3,900 $3.900 X90 715.002 Adm Fee-PCS Prescription $0 $0 $4,400 $4.400 $4,400 801.000 Engineering $0 $24,800 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 804.000 Auditing $36,900 $18,635 $37,000 $37,000 $37,000 811.422 RenULease-Buildings $46,453 $54,467 $75,000 $75,000 $100,000 841.000 Telephone $1,080 $1.462 $1,100 $1,100 $1,500 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $1,425 $1,388 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 848.000 Postage $757 $883 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 850.000 Emplovee Development $2,918 $3,073 $3,500 $1500 $3,500 851.000 Dues $675 $706 $620 $620 $750 856.000 Legal Notices $0 $0 $200 $200 $200 857.000 Printinq $1,429 $504 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 887.000 Franchise Fees $862,617 $940,255 $875,000 $875,000 $950,000 895.000 Other Contractual $4,054 $25,564 $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 Totals for Services and Charges $958,308 $1 071 737 1 035 22Q $1 035,820 $1,136 350 960.000 inter-fund Serv. Prov. $1,430,000 $6,815,000 $1,480,000 $1,480,000 $1,480,000 962.000 Transfers-Operatinq $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 Totals for: Interfund Transfers 01,460.000 $6,845,000 $1,510,000 $1E510 000 $1.1117 000 Totals for: Water Administration $3,004,255 $8,518,258 $3,176,456 $3,196,529 $3,321,730 179 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690_380_120 Dept. Water Customer Accounting The Customer Service and Accounting Division,reporting to the Finance Department, reads meters each month,computes account charges,provides service assistance to individual customers and collects all water and wastewater use fees. The Division also bills and collects for the Sanitation Division residential refuse collection service. The utility has approximately 19,750 customers and issues about 240,000 bills annually. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 11 2012: 10 2011 10 2014. 7 Meter service personnel are being reduced due to the advanced technology of the meter reading system. One staff member is transfering to Water Distribution to continue to provide meter service work. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $359,161 $342,534 $335,000 $338,425 $265,000 702.000 PT-Salaries $9,629 $0 $11,342 $1,000 $1,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $7,296 $8,605 $5,000 $5,000 $3,000 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $5,247 $4,940 $5,819 $6,503 $5,367 Totals tor. Personal Services $381,33 3 $356 Q79 $357 161 350 928 274,367 710.000 unemployment $704 $1,016 $660 $660 $660 711.000 Social Security $22,317 $20,972 $24,286 $20,342 $24,286 711.001 Medicare $5,219 $4,905 $5,625 $4,758 $5,625 712.000 Life Insurance $963 $920 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 714.000 Koers $27,817 $29,659 $32,000 $32,000 $26,950 Totals for: Employee Benefits $57,020 57 472 t 3 971 $59,16 0 $58,921 715.000 Health Insurance $73,365 $66,499 $79.000 $63,000 $79,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3.800 $6,500 $7,200 $7,200 $7,200 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $77,165 $72,999 $86,200 $70,200 $86,200 731.000 Office Supplies $3,840 $1,328 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 750.000 Gas&Oil $8,878 $8,346 $8,000 $8,000 $0 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $1,292 $3.051 $3.000 $3,000 $0 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $504 $83 $500 $500 $0 767.000 Tools $90 $0 $500 $500 $500 772.000 Maintenance $2,234 $2,604 $0 $0 $0 781.000 Public Education $1,700 $640 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Totals for: Supplies 1$, 8,538 $16,052 $20.M $20,000 $8,50 0 730.000 Petty Cash-Short $245 $230 $0 $0 $0 803.000 Leqal $117,482 $36,767 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 814.000 Data Processinq Charqes $700,000 $700,000 $770,000 $770,000 $770,000 824.000 Ks Water Protection Fee $51,255 $68,796 $60,000 $60,000 $70,000 824.500 Clean Water Fees $48,051 $64,495 $60,000 $60,000 $65,000 825.000 Sales Tax $189,637 $200,293 $190,000 $190,000 $210,000 826.000 Int.On Meter Deposits $799 $742 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 827.000 Refunded Meter Deposits $117,809 $137,507 $120,000 $120,000 $140,000 841.000 Telephone $2,561 $2,573 $2,500 $2,500 $2,600 848.000 Postaqe $105,984 $104,923 $110,000 $110,000 $112,000 850.000 Employee Development $113 $1,206 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 851.000 Dues $1,139 $999 $1,195 $1,195 $2,000 857.000 Printinq $21,797 $18,474 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 860.563 Rpr-Off. Equip. $2,725 $1,347 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 879.000 Credit Card Fees/Expense $51,881 $55,267 $65,000 $65,000 $72,000 895.000 Other Contractual $45,760 $59,821 $50,000 $50,000 $70,000 895.001 Low Income Assistance $6,912 $2,544 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Totals for: Services and charges $1,464,150 $1,455,984 $1,512 695 $1 512 695 1 597 600 901.000 Office Equipment $2,118 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 901.591 Off.Equio-Furniture $980 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $20,000 913.000 Computers/Technology $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Totals for: Capital Outlay $3,09 8 $12,000 $12,000 iN 000 993.000 Cash Reserve $0 $0 $4,207,662 $7,161,048 $5,400,270 993.690 Epa Wastewater Plant Res. $60,302 $60,302 $60,302 $60,302 $60,302 993.901 Capital Reserve Transfer $1,385,444 $0 $3,385,544 $3,385,544 $3,385,544 180 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Reserves 1_44_5L46 $60,302 7 653 508 $10,606,894 $8,846,116 Totals for: Water Customer Accounting $3,447,050 $2,018,888 $9,705,535 $12,631,877 $10,901,704 181 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690380130 Dept. Water Distribution The Utility Division/Water Distribution maintains 8 elevated storage tanks on 5 separate pressure systems,2,300 fire hydrants, 320 miles of water mains,4,100 valves,and 19,750 water services and meters. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 16 2012: 13 2013: 14 2014: 15 Staff count includes a transfer position from Water Customer Accounting. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $408,436 $439,178 $464,500 $445,000 $476,700 702.000 PT-Salaries $0 $0 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 703.000 OT-Reqular $44,964 $47,362 $40,000 $40,000 $45,000 704.000 Lonqevity Pay $5,282 $4,774 $6,500 $6.500 $6,050 Totals for: Personal Services 458 682 $491,314 ILI 8 500 $499,000 535,150 710.000 Unemployment $850 $1,327 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 711.000 Social Security $26,874 $27,451 $32,400 $29.000 $32,400 711.001 Medicare $6,285 $6,420 $7,500 $6,500 $7,500 712.000 Life Insurance $1,022 $1,073 $2,000 $1,000 $1,200 714.000 Koers $34,261 $39,412 $39,200 $44,701 $52,000 Totals for: Employee Benefits X69.292 175_683 $82,100 8$ 2,201 $94,100 715.000 Health Insurance $99,326 $106,036 $111,300 $118,806 $124,706 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $5,000 $9,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $104,326 $115.036 LE2 1 300 128,806 $134,706 731.000 Office Supplies $414 $894 $500 $500 $750 741.000 Sand, Rock.Gravel&Salt $1,110 $5,294 $3,100 $3,100 $4,300 750.000 Gas&Oil $37,223 $39.738 $37,200 $37,200 $37,200 751.000 Maint-Vehicles&Equip $34,268 $23,483 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 758.000 Signs $1,541 $878 $2,000 $2,000 $2,500 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $2,423 $3,660 $3,000 $3,000 $3,250 761.000 Protective Clolhinq-EMS $2,491 $4,195 $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 767.000 Tools $4,035 $7,017 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 770.000 Meter Maintenance $1,097 $1,237 $12,400 $12,400 $12,400 772.181 Maint-Mains $75,297 $98,946 $65,000 $65,000 $75,000 772.183 Maint-Service Lines $138,311 $244,042 $136,000 $136,000 $182,750 772184 Maint-Hydrants $4,460 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 772.186 Main t-Equioment $3,794 $4,437 $4,000 $4,000 $4,500 772.200 Maint-Street Cut Repair $182,387 $229,738 $175,000 $175,000 $185,000 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $9,219 $5,326 $8,650 $8,650 $8,000 796.000 Buildings&Grounds $4,964 $886 $6,300 $6.300 $6,300 Totals for: Supplies $503,034 $669,771 $49� 650 499 650 1568_950 841.000 Telephone $4,529 $4,575 $4,750 $4,750 $4,750 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $600 $625 $600 $600 $3,000 842.000 Gas Service $5,372 $3,561 $8,100 $8,100 $8,100 845.000 Water Service $30,823 $34,742 $37,000 $37,000 $37,000 846.000 Liqht& Power $3,785 $4,026 $4,400 $4.400 $4,400 850.000 Employee Development $740 $3,811 $3,050 $3,050 $3,500 895.000 Other Contractual $21,473 $67,742 $25,000 $25,000 $40,000 Totals for: Services and Charges 67 322 119 082 $82,900 82 900 $100,750 905.000 Other Equipment $14,252 $892 $28,000 $28,000 $20,800 Totals for: Capital Outlay $14,252 892 Q211 00 $28,000 $20,80 0 Totals for: Water Distribution $1,216,908 $1,471,778 $1,332,450 $1,320,557 $1,454,556 182 This Page Intentionally Blank 183 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690_380_150 Dept_ Water Plant Division The Water Plant Division consists of a filtration&softening plant,which has the capacity to treat 20 million gallons per day from the Smoky Hill River and 15 wells. The water is chemically treated to meet or exceed standards of the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment and the U.S. EPA- Compliance with those standards is assured by continual testing in the plant proper,as well as throughout the complete system. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 17 2012: 15 2013: 16 2014: 16 Budqet Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $485,935 $483,018 $570,300 $525,000 $535,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $33,652 $34,811 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 704.000 Lonqevitv Pay $7,411 $7,361 $9,000 $9,000 $8,750 Totals for Personal Services X526 998 $525,190 $614,300 $569,000 $578 750 710.000 Unemployment $980 $1,492 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 711.000 Social Security $31,139 $30,796 $50,000 $31,980 $32,619 711.001 Medicare $7,283 $7,202 $12,000 $8,000 $8,160 712.000 Life Insurance $1,158 $1,188 $2,750 $2,750 $2,750 714.000 Kners $39.609 $43,985 $43,395 $51,601 $56,800 Totals for: Employee Benefits 180-L69 $84.663 $109,945 $96,131 $102,129 715.000 Health Insurance $110.521 $94,137 $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $6,000 $11,000 $12,000 $12,000 $14,000 Totals for Benefits Transfer $116,521 X105,l 37 $132,000 $132,000 $134,00 0 731.000 Office Supplies $1,840 $2,348 $2,200 $2.200 $2,700 750.000 Gas& Oil $2,689 $2,253 $2.700 $2,700 $2,700 750-100 Gas&Oil DIESEL $0 $958 $0 $0 $5,000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $1,161 $3,901 $3.500 $3,500 $4,000 759.050 Chem.-Lime $273,741 $256,939 $365,000 $365,000 $320,000 759.051 Chem--Soda Ash $402,057 $437.323 $484,000 $484,000 $468,000 759.052 Chem.-Alum $91,295 $110,713 $110,000 $110,000 $111,000 759.053 Chem.-Co2 $26,221 $25.183 $41,000 $41,000 $36,000 759.054 Chem.-Miscellaneous $10,646 $5,935 $10,600 $10.600 $10,600 759.055 Chem.-Ammonia $17,366 $16,622 $23.000 $23,000 $25,000 759.056 Chem.-Chlorine $41,910 $44,358 $44,500 $44,500 $43,000 759-057 Chem-Blended Polv $19,359 $36,386 $34,000 $34,000 $34,000 759.058 Chem-Soda Hex $14,544 $22,680 $33,300 $33,300 $26,000 759.059 Chem-Fluoride $15,672 $14,453 $15,000 $15.000 $15,500 759.060 Chem-Polymer $5,688 $7,762 $15,000 $15,000 $12,000 759.061 Chem-Caustic Soda $0 $605 $3,000 $3.000 $3,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $2,827 $618 $3,250 $1250 $2,750 761.000 Protective Clothinq-EMS $920 $735 $1,200 $1,200 $1,000 765.000 Laboratory $74,556 $60,089 $75,000 $75,000 $70.800 767.000 Tools $616 $2,715 $1000 $3.000 $2,500 772-182 Maint-Storage Tanks $18,074 $7,710 $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 772.187 Maint-Pumpinq Stations $51,817 $39,359 $40,000 $40,000 $45,000 772-189 Maint-Sludqe Lines $7,528 $3,520 $15,000 $15.000 $15,000 772.190 Maint-Wells $81,456 $110,342 $110,000 $110,000 $140,000 772.191 Maint-Process Equip. $104,832 $75,574 $112,000 $112,000 $112,000 772.192 Maint-Monitors&Tele. $13,923 $23,087 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 772.193 Maint-River Pumps $3,022 $16,084 $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $13,374 $13,884 $18,000 $18.000 $16,000 796.000 Buildings&Grounds $21,630 $28,869 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Totals for: Supplies $1,318,764 $1 371,205 U_6_34 250 $1,634,250 $1,593,550 841.000 Telephone $5,445 $7,034 $5,600 $5,600 $7,800 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $475 $350 $600 $600 $600 842-000 Gas Service $16,171 $12,199 $20,000 $20,000 $18,000 845.000 Water Service $5.739 $3,822 $3,000 $3,000 $4,000 846-491 L&P-Wells $75,540 $64,658 $80,000 $80,000 $70,000 846.492 L&P-Rvr Intke $20,764 $27,631 $21,000 $21,000 $30,000 846.494 L&P-Filter Bldq $38,368 $37,905 $40,000 $40,000 $41,500 846-495 L&P-Twrs&Vats $5,155 $5,063 $5,500 $5,500 $6,500 846.496 L&P-Hs&Bps $203.946 $f Y 61 $210.000 $210,000 $245,000 City of Salina, Kansas COO,- 2014 Annual Budget Salina 846.497 L&P-Chemical $91,755 $93,097 $94,500 $94,500 $101,000 846.498 L&P Fire Pump Station $0 $9,501 $0 $0 $15,000 850.000 Employee Development $3,261 $4,326 $4,150 $4,150 $4,150 895.000 Other Contractual $25,703 $24,473 $25,670 $25,670 $18,695 Totals for: Services and Charges 14K 322 $507 120 8510.020 $510,02 0 L62 245 905.000 Other Equipment $3,789 $10,335 $5,000 $5,000 $19,000 Total;for: Capital Outlay $3J89 $10,335 $5,000 $5,00 0 19 000 Totals for: Water Softening&Treatment $2,538,563 $2,603,450 $3,005,515 $2,946,401 $2,989,674 185 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690380180 Dept. Water Debt Service This set of accounts provides the budgetary authority to make annual payments on bonds and loans outstanding that have financed major capital improvements to the utility. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 962.000 Transfers-Operatinq $975,352 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 Totals tor: Interfund Transfers 975 5 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 Totals for: Water Debt Service $975,35 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 $2,448,000 186 City of City of Salina Kansas rye? 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690380190 Dept. Water Capital Outlay This Division provides for all cash financed capital outlay for water and wastewater facilities. Detail support is found in the Capital Improvements sub-CIP documentation,summarized as follows Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 905.000 Other Equipment $56,121 $76,458 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 909.000 Vehicles $155,123 $249,993 $558,000 $558,000 $558,000 911.000 Buildings $53,340 $6,224 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 912.000 System Enhancements $1,668,946 $1,195,420 $1,700,000 $1,700,000 $2,000,000 913.000 Computers(Technologv $6,502 $9,424 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 918.089 Dist. System Reconstruct $2,005,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay 3_945,032 1 537 519 X7,493 000 L2,493,000 $2,793,000 Totals for: Water Capital Outlay $3,945,032 $1,537,519 $2,493,000 $2,493,000 $i3 000 187 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690_390_190 Dept. Sewer Capital Outlay This Division provides for all cash financed capital outlay for the Wastewater System. This was consolidated with the Water Division capital in 2006. Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 912.000 System Enhancements $0 $36,261 $0 $0 $0 Totals for: Capital Outlay $0 136 261 $0 $00 L0 Totals for: Sewer Capital Outlay $0 $36,261 Lo- UP 188 This Page Intentionally Blank 189 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water And Wastewater Budget Unit: 690_390_210 Dept. Sewer Plant The Wastewater Plant Division maintains the wastewater treatment plant. It is responsible for the treatment of all sanitary sewer wastes generated by the City to standards specified by the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. This Division also monitors industrial users for hazardous waste contamination, etc. There are currently 17 industrial users that are permitted and it is the Division's responsibility to monitor these industries to insure permit compliance. Full Time Authorized Staff: 2011: 18 2012: 15 2011 15 2014: 15 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budqet $591,221 $519,180 $501,500 $501,500 $510,000 703.000 OT-Reqular $31,093 $18,996 $30,500 $30,500 $25,000 704.000 Lonqevity Pay $7,340 $7,189 $7,900 $7,900 $8,300 Totals for: Personal Services &K9__6 5 4 $545.365 $539,90 0 539 900 543 300 710.000 Unemployment $1,154 $1,554 $1,340 $1,340 $1,340 711.000 Social Security $36,859 $32,491 $47,042 $31,192 $32,100 711.001 Medicare $8,620 $7,599 $11,300 $8,000 $8,160 712.000 Life Insurance $1,448 $1,244 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 714.000 Kpers $47,139 $45,670 $55,112 $49,408 $55,112 Totals for: Employee Benefits $95,220 $88,558 $117294 $92,440 $99,212 715.000 Health Insurance $127,405 $97,090 $116,000 $91,500 $96,075 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $6,500 $12.000 $13,200 $13,200 $13,200 Totals for: Benefits Transfer 133 905 $109,09 0 129 200 $104,700 1109,27 5 731.000 Office Supplies $818 $732 $1,650 $1,650 $1,350 732.000 Books& Periodicals $0 $206 $300 $300 $300 741.000 Sand,Rock, Gravel & Salt $312 $0 $500 $500 $500 750.000 Gas&Oil $7,426 $6,227 $7,500 $7,500 $7,000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Equip $7,487 $5,801 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 759.000 Chemicals $45,770 $32.360 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $2,615 $900 $3,000 $3,000 $2,250 761.100 Protective Clothinq-Plant $1,041 $998 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 761.300 Protect Clothinq-Lab $0 $0 $150 $150 $150 765.000 Laboratory $27,601 $28,919 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 765.200 Pre-Treatment Lab $3,114 $3,879 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 766.100 Safety Equip-Plant $658 $1,631 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 766.200 Safety Equip-PreTreatment $19 $0 $75 $75 $75 766.300 Safety equip-Lab $37 $12 $50 $50 $50 767.000 Tools $0 $10 $0 $0 $0 767.100 Plant Tools $2,171 $2,121 $3.000 $3,000 $2,750 767.200 Pre-Treatment Tools $80 $0 $50 $50 $50 767.300 Tools-Laboratory $0 $58 $100 $100 $100 770.000 Meter Maintenance $11,953 $23.101 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 772.186 Maint-Equipment $121,093 $162,151 $130,000 $130,000 $130,000 795.000 Other Oper. Supplies $1,922 $4,794 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 796.000 Buildinqs&Grounds $16,853 $19,748 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 Tntals for Supplies $250,970 $293,64 8 _29p,?j $290.27 5 288 475 841.000 Telephone $884 $1,716 $1,000 $1,000 $1,750 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 842.000 Gas Service $59,400 $14,890 $48,000 $48,000 $40,000 842.100 Gas Service Plant $4,073 $9,880 $0 $0 $0 845.000 Water Service $47,915 $29,404 $50,000 $50,000 $_40,000 846.000 Licht& Power $206,177 $212,449 $0 $0 $0 846.400 Liqht&Power Plant $0 $0 $212,000 $212,000 $230,000 850.000 Employee Development $215 $288 $500 $500 $500 850.100 Emp Dev-Plant $1,776 $2,408 $3,150 $3,150 $3,150 850.200 Emp]Devi-Pretreatment $0 $195 $200 $200 $200 850.300 Empl Devl-Lab $155 $366 $375 $375 $500 851.100 Dues-Plant $285 $273 $400 $400 $350 851.300 _Dues-Lab $243 $223 $250 $250 $175 860.561 Rpr-Radio $289 $232 $300 $300 $300 895.000 Other Contractual $251,943 $241,448 $261,900 $261,900 $260,810 190 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals for: Services and Charges $573,655 $5,14,072 L578375 578 375 $578,035 905.000 Other Equipment $423 $5,940 $13,200 $13,200 $15,700 Totals for Capital Outlay $423 X940 $13200 $1 3 200 $.1.5700 Totals for: Sewer Treatment $1,683,827 $1,556,673 $1,668,244 $1,618,890 $1,633,997 191 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Fund: Water and Wastewater Budget Unit: 690_390_220 Dept. Sewer Collection The Utility Division/Wastewater Collection maintains all wastewater collection mains and wastewater pumping stations. The wastewater collection system consists of 215 miles of lines and 59 sewer lift stations. Full time authorized staff: 2011: 9 2012: 9 2011 9 2014: 9 Budget Detail Item Number and Description 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Proposed Budget Budget 701.000 FT-Salaries Budget $282,195 $296,491 $319,530 $319,530 $324,793 703.000 OT-Reqular $7,908 $18,528 $13,000 $13,000 $15,000 704.000 Longevity Pay $2,797 $3,287 $4,022 $4,022 $4,650 Totals for: Personal Services $292 900 $318,306 $336,552 $336,552 $344,443 710.000 Unemployment $539 $914 $710 $710 $710 711.000 Social Security $17,041 $18,816 $19,260 $19,260 $19,645 711.001 Medicare $3,985 $4,401 $4,300 $4,300 $4,300 712.000 Life Insurance $751 $737 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 714.000 Kpers $22,070 $26,526 $24,381 $31,976 $35,174 Totals for: Employee Benefits $44,386 $51,391 $49751 $57345 $60,929 715.000 Health Insurance $57,781 $45,412 $60,000 $50,472 $60,000 717.000 Workmen's Compensation $3,200 $10,000 $11,000 $11,000 $11,000 Totals for: Benefits Transfer $60,981 $55,412 $71.000 $61,472 $71,000 731.000 Office Supplies $952 $1,160 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 732.000 Books& Periodicals $0 $0 $400 $400 $400 741.000 Sand, Rock,Gravel&Sall $1,807 $4,391 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 750.000 Gas& Oil $27,040 $26,027 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 751.000 Maint-Vehicles& Eciuw $27,999 $28,877 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 759.000 Chemicals $117.722 $119,054 $143,600 $143,600 $146,800 760.000 Wearinq Apparel $1,901 $2,193 $1,750 $1,750 $2,000 761.000 Protective Clothinq-EMS $1,408 $2,736 $2,400 $2,400 $2,970 766.000 Safetv Equip&Supplies $3,426 $2,069 $2,175 $2,175 $2,125 767.000 Tools $3,871 $3,627 $3,900 $3,900 $3,900 770.000 Meter Maintenance $2,326 $1,564 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 772.187 Maint-Pumpinq Stations $211,358 $298,566 $222,000 $222,000 $235,000 772.188 Maint-Seaver Lines $34,845 $40,643 $65,000 $65,000 $56,000 773.000 Tv Unit Expense $10,350 $15,630 $18,000 $18,000 $18,000 795.000 Other Oper.Supplies $5,936 $3,116 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 796.000 Buildinqs&Grounds $9,706 $1,820 $4,100 $4,100 $4,100 Totals for Supplies $460,647 $551,473 544 825 $544,82 5 552 295 841.000 Telephone $735 $337 $750 $750 $500 841.100 Cell Phone Allowance $600 $600 $600 $600 $2,520 842.000 Gas Service $2,119 $1,684 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 845.000 Water Service $391 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 846.000 Liqht& Power $145,730 $147,383 $161,600 $161,600 $161,600 850.000 Employee Development $1,037 $2,552 $3,000 $3,000 $6,850 851.000 Dues $228 $231 $500 $500 $500 857.000 Printinq $0 $0 $400 $400 $400 860.561 Rpr-Radio $828 $1,082 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 895.000 Other Contractual $11,222 $17,814 $18,000 $18,000 $15,380 Totals for: Services and Charges 162,890 X171.683 192,85 192.850 194 750 905.000 Other Equipment $9,784 $11,893 $15,900 $15,900 $12,500 Totals for: Capital Outlay $9,784 $11,893 $15,90 0 15 900 _$_1 2,500 Totals for: Sewer Collection $1,031,588 $1,160,161 $1,210,878 $1,208,945 $1,235,917 192 City of Salina, Kansas 2014 Annual Budget Salina Totals For Fund 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2013 Amended 2014 Budget Proposed Expense $17,842,575 $21,350,988 $25,040,078 $27,864,199 $26,778,578 193 This Page Intentionally Blank 194 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TELEPHONE (785) 309-5735 AND ADMINISTRATION FAX (785) 309-5738 Rodney Franz, Director TDD (785) 309-5747 300 West Ash, P.O. Box 736 �' E-MAIL rod.franz @salina.org Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Salina Website: www.salina-ks.gov To: Salina City Commission Transmitted herewith is the preliminary 2013 through 2017 Major Capital Improvements Program. Major capital projects and purchases are scheduled by the year in which construction is anticipated to begin. Projects for which funding is not available within the project period, or for which the project scope has not been sufficiently defined are shown in the "Identified but Unfunded" and "Projects for Future Review" sections. Information for each project includes the project title and brief description or need, the contemplated funding source and timing, and the estimated cost of the project. The"sub-CIP" (annual cash financed acquisitions and projects) for 2013 is included at the back of the document. The sub-CIP for 2013 includes the following items: Class Budget (all funds) Request Total Buildings and Facilities $ 290;000 $ 255,000 Park Improvements $ 13 $ 130,000 Streets, Traffic, and Sidewalks $ 2,747,396 $ 2,747,000 Vehicles and Equipment _ $ 1,539,960 $ 1,476,260 System Enhancements $ 1,700,000 $ 1,700,000 Major projects scheduled by year are as follows: Year Amount 2013 �^ $ 27,990,981 _2014 _ $ 10,616.000 2015 _ $ 27,281;000 2016-- $ _7,531,000 2017 $ 5,630,000 195 Attachment"C" shows the fiscal impact of the Capital Improvements Program on the Bond and Interest Fund. The projected mill levy required to financed program are as follows: Year _ Levy Rate 201 urre 2 Cnt Year_ 5.95 2013 5.96 2014 _ 5.95 2015 5.95 2016 5.95 2017 5.95 2018 5.35 As can be seen from the table, the projected mill levy is relatively stable. As a matter of reference, one (1) mill supports about a $4.5 million improvement over a 15 year term. The other major funding source for projects in the Capital Improvements Program is the Water and Wastewater Fund. Water and Wastewater rates are set at levels that will support the proposed program through the project period, including debt service, set-asides for cash capital and capital reserve accounts. 196 2013 Projects Waterline Improvements The Water Distribution System engineering analysis identified a significant portion of the system in which proper functioning with regard to fire flow and consistently high water quality is in peril do to the aging condition and occlusion of water lines. Approximately 228 miles of line is of cast iron construction and more than 40 years old. This line is subject to occlusion from mineral deposits which reduces flow. While the product is disinfected and safe to consume, the water quality is undesirable water quality due to discoloration, and taste and odor issues. This project will replace approximately 40,000 feet (8 miles) of waterline per year. At this rate of replacement, it will take 28 years to replace the cast iron stock with PVC line Project Cost: $4,000,000 annually. This project will be financed with State Revolving Loan funds. Annual payments are estimated at $268,883 over 20 years. Wastewater Plant Preliminary Design The Salina Wastewater Plant is due for an upgrade to meet EPA and KDHE permitting requirements. The project will convert anaerobic digestion to an aerobic treatment process utilizing biological nutrient removal. The existing primary and secondary treatment systems will be removed, and new facilities substituted. This provides for the preliminary design of the facility in preparation for construction in 2015. Project Cost: $810,000. The source of funding will be revenue bonds payable over 20 years. The annual payment will be about$52,000 per year. First payment will be in 2014. Wayfinding Continuation and completion of the Wayfinding project began in 2009. Project Cost $200,000. This is to be provided by the Special Sales Tax proceeds. Flood Control Levee Improvements for Certification One of the results of the Hurricane Katrina disaster was a requirement by FEMA that all flood control levy's in the United States undergo a "recertification" procedure. That procedure is a two step process: First, an engineering study to identify potential deficiencies in levy design, construction, or maintenance, and, second, remediation of those deficiencies. The preliminary engineering study by AMEC has determined that the flood control levee elevation needs to be raised in two locations—south of State Street and East of Ninth Street. In addition, we will need to perform some riprap and erosion/scour repairs. Project Cost: $375,000, including $25,000 for Engineering. Source: Sales Tax Hike Bike Trail (2013 - 2017) Complete annual segments of the trail improvement. Project Cost: $25,000. Sales Tax. 197 BiCentennial Center Improvements: This is a multi-faceted project incorporating improvements to both the interior and exterior of the building. This project includes concession stand improvements, Arena Improvements, HVAC improvements/replacement, restrooms, floor coverings, and kitchen/catering improvements. Much of this facility is original construction, from the late 1970's. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Project Cost: Estimate from Global Spectrum is $8.7 million. Source will be General Obligation Bonds, with a 20 year term. Annual payment is $550,000. Payments from 2015 through 2019 scheduled out of Sales Tax fund and thereafter from the Bond and Interest Fund. Gateway Signage_ Install monument gateway sign Southwest quadrant of the 1-70 and North Ninth Street Interchange Project Cost: $75,000 Sales Tax. Cloud and Ninth Street Intersection Improvements Realign travel lanes at intersection to improve traffic flows. Project Cost: $650,000 Source: General Obligation Bonds/KDOT Grant $350,000 Annual Payment: $51,346 Downtown Lighting Replace the decorative lights throughout the downtown district. Remove High Bay street lights, expand coverage area. New poles, LED lighting, removal of separate overhead lighting system. Project Cost: $3,118,981. Net after projected project savings: $1,651,047 General Obligation Bonds; 15 year term. T-note issued 2013, bonds 2014, first bond payment 2015. Annual payment projected at$239,424. 198 Replace Management Software Systems. City Management depends on a variety of business computing systems to help them accomplish administrative tasks such as Personnel Management, Financial Management, and Financial Reporting. The software currently used for these tasks was installed in 1992, is based on very old technology, and is inadequate for many of the tasks desired. The current vendor(New World Systems) has released software designed to run as a networked system (dot.net), and has stopped marketing the old style software. In the two years since the dot.net package was made available, more than 125 out of 225 customers have switched or otherwise upgraded their systems. While New World still expresses a commitment to support the old style packages, as the number of users declines, that will become more and more expensive. Based on the experience of the last two years, we anticipate that support will become prohibitively expensive, if available at all in the next 3-5 years. Project Cost: $600,000 Financed by lease purchase from operational funds. 5 year term. Annual payment of$130,000. Sales Tax Downtown Well Field Improvements This project will increase the supply capacity of the Downtown Well Field from 10 MGD to 13 MGD. The project includes the re-drilling of four wells, replacement of approximately 4,900 feet of undersized piping, and increases the capacity of the air stripping facilities at the Water Treatment Plant. The project estimate is $4,300,000 tobe.financed through the State Revolving Loan Fund. Annual payments will be about $290,000, with the first payment due in 2015. KWO Water Security District This project will protect surface water supplies available from the Smoky Hill River. The cost is estimated at $2,500,000, to be financed with Revenue bonds over 20 years. Annual costs are estimated at $168,000, beginning in 2014 Wastewater Force Main Projects: These were construction of a number of smaller facilities, largely rebuilding and rehabilitation of pump stations and associated force mains and other facilities. Remaining portions of the project to be completed in 2013 are the replacement of the force main for Pump Station #44, abandon Pump Station #9 and install gravity line to Pump Station #49. Project Cost (remaining): $500,000. Financed with GO Bonds with pledged revenue. Bonds issued in 2013, with first payments due in 2014. Annual Cost is about $40,000 per year Southeast Salina Wastewater Extension: Construction of a collector system for South East Salina to serve the Magnolia and Markley Road Vicinity. Project Cost: $1,650,000. Financed with GO Bonds with pledged revenue. Bonds issued in 2013, with first payments due in 2014. Annual Cost is about$110,000 per year 199 2014 Projects Waterline Improvements The Water Distribution System engineering analysis identified a significant portion of the system in which proper functioning with regard to fire flow and consistently high water quality is in peril do to the aging condition and occlusion of water lines. Approximately 228 miles of line is of cast iron construction and more than 40 years old. This line is subject to occlusion from mineral deposits which reduces flow. While the product is disinfected and safe to consume, the water quality is undesirable water quality due to discoloration, and taste and odor issues. This project will replace approximately 40,000 feet (8 miles) of waterline per year. At this rate of replacement, it will take 28 years to replace the cast iron stock with PVC line Project Cost: $4,000,000 annually. This project will be financed through the issuance of 20 year revenue bonds each year. Fire Engine Replacement Replace fire pumper(a 1991 Pierce) that will be nearing the end of it's service life. Project Cost: $500,000. Source: Sales Tax. Hike Bike Trail (2013 -2017) Complete annual segments of the trail improvement. Project Cost: $50,000. Sales Tax Oakdale Park Parking Lot Pavement Repair and Resurface Parking Lot Project Cost: $107,000 Sales Tax. Iron Avenue Reconstruction. This project will provide for improvements and major maintenance to Iron Avenue from Front Street to Ohio Street. Pavement cores indicate thin asphalt over brick in the outside lanes with thick asphalt over concrete in the center lane. Project will include removal and replacement of pavement on the outside lanes, milling and inlaying on the center lane, and minimal curb and gutter replacement Project Cost is $994,000. Source: General Obligation Bonds. 10 year term. Annual Payment is $78,520 Gateway Signage: Install monument gateway sign Southwest quadrant of the Crawford/Centennial/1-135 Interchange Project Cost: $75,000 Sales Tax. Police Department Boiler Replacement The existing boiler was installed in 1967 and has a 60% efficiency rating. The unit has exceeded its projected life expectancy. The old unit will be replaced with a 90% energy efficient unit. Project Cost: $90,000 Sales Tax Fire Headquarters Remodel, Phase II The second phase of this project is estimated at $1,400,000. This project will improve the living conditions of fire personnel, the efficiency of the administration, the movement of fire apparatus in and out of the station, and the safety of fire personnel in providing adequate facilities to decontaminate ambulances and medical equipment. Project Cost: $1,400,000 Source: General Obligation Bonds Annual Payment: $110,592 200 Landfill Cell #6 Construction of Cell 6. This project includes construction of a leachate collection pond to serve future cells. Scheduled for opening in 2015, construction in 2014_ Estimated Cost $1,800,000. Source of Funds will be General Obligation Bonds, to be paid from Landfill Revenues. Clean and rehabilitate North Lime Drying Lagoon This project includes removal and disposal of approximately 180,000 cubic yards of material and repairing 300 feet of damaged dike. This lagoon has been in operation for 33 years, and is approaching capacity. This will be the first cleanout. Project Cost: $1,600,000 Source: Revenue Bonds Annual Payment: $168,000 201 2015 Projects: Waterline Improvements The Water Distribution System engineering analysis identified a significant portion of the system in which proper functioning with regard to fire flow and consistently high water quality is in peril do to the aging condition and occlusion of water lines. Approximately 228 miles of line is of cast iron construction and more than 40 years old. This line is subject to occlusion from mineral deposits which reduces flow. While the product is disinfected and safe to consume, the water quality is undesirable water quality due to discoloration, and taste and odor issues. This project will replace approximately 40,000 feet (8 miles)of waterline per year. At this rate of replacement, it will take 28 years to replace the cast iron stock with PVC line Project Cost: $4,000,000 annually. This project will be financed through the issuance of 20 year revenue bonds each year. Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Improvements are needed to our Wastewater Treatment processes in order to comply with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment Surface Water Nutrient Reduction Plan by 2020. The project will convert anaerobic digestion to an aerobic treatment process utilizing biological nutrient removal. The existing primary and secondary treatment systems will be removed, and new facilities substituted. Preliminary Design is scheduled for 2013. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2015 or 2016, and will take several years to complete. Project Cost: The preliminary cost estimate for this project is on the order of$20,000,000. . Of this amount, $8,000,000 is scheduled to come from the Capital Reserve Fund, and $12,000,000 financed by revenues bonds. Annual payment will be on the order of$900,000 per year for 20 years. First payment is scheduled for 2016. South Well field Design The Raw Water Supply Study identified a number of improvements to the South Wellfield and plant that will be necessary to insure a high quality reliable water supply through 2060. This project will incorporate a number of improvements to existing facilities, as well as new facilities that may be required. The design phase provides for a detailed engineering design of facilities necessary, and sound cost estimates. The construction phase of this project is currently located in the"Further Review" section of the Capital Improvements Program. Project cost: The design of the project is anticipated to cost $1,350,000. Financed with Revenue Bonds in 2015. Annual payments are projected to be approximately$108,000 per year for 20 years. The first payment will be due in 2016- Country Club Road Reconstruction This project includes major pavement maintenance on Country Club Road from Marymount Road to Eastborough Road and on Marymount Road from Iron Street to Country Club Road. The project will include removal and replacement of the existing pavement, repair and/or addition of curb and gutter, underground storm sewers and a 5' pedestrian/bicycle path. Project Cost: $1,516,000 General Obligation Bonds. Ten year term, annual payment of$119,756 for 20 years. Hike Bike Trail (2013 - 2017) Complete annual segments of the trail improvement. $50,000. Sales Tax. Gateway Signage: Install monument gateway sign at the Southwest quadrant of the Crawford/Centennial/1-135 Interchange Project Cost. $75,000 Sales Tax. 202 Replace Lighting for East Crawford Recreation Area, Fields 1 through 4 The current lighting at the East Crawford recreation area is more than 28 years old and does not meet the minimum industry standards for illumination. The recommended illumination for these fields is 30 horizontal foot candles in the infield and 20 horizontal foot candles in the outfield. Current illumination levels are 17 horizontal foot candles in the infield and less than 10 in the outfield. The age of the fixtures is also resulting in increasing maintenance costs. In the last year, this has been more than $15,000. The new light fixtures require less than half of the energy as the current fixtures. In addition, the product cost for a new fixture includes a 25 year warranty on maintenance, labor and materials. Project Cost: $365,000 Source: Sales Tax Centennial Road from Jumper to South City Limits. This project will provide for the completion of Centennial Road Improvements through the length of the Airport Industrial Park. This segment is listed as an impact street in the comprehensive plan. Project includes at least removal and replacement of existing pavement, addition of curb and gutter, addition of underground storm sewers, extension of reinforced box culverts, and 5' sidewalks on each side of Centennial road. This segment of roadway has deteriorated beyond where additional maintenance is cost efficient Project Cost is $887,000. Financed by General Obligation Bonds, 15 years. Annual payment is $70,068 203 2016 Projects Waterline Improvements The Water Distribution System engineering analysis identified a significant portion of the system in which proper functioning with regard to fire flow and consistently high water quality is in peril do to the aging condition and occlusion of water lines. Approximately 228 miles of line is of cast iron construction and more than 40 years old. This line is subject to occlusion from mineral deposits which reduces flow. While the product is disinfected and safe to consume, the water quality is undesirable water quality due to discoloration, and taste and odor issues. This project will replace approximately 40,000 feet(8 miles) of waterline per year. At this rate of replacement, it will take 28 years to replace the cast iron stock with PVC line Project Cost: $4,000,000 annually. This project will be financed through the issuance of 20 year revenue bonds each year. Hike Bike Trail (2013 - 2017) Complete annual segments of the trail improvement. Anticipate a cost of$50,000 per year. Sales Tax. Widen North Ohio Street from North Street to Elm Street This project will make the construction of this short stretch of Ohio Street consistent with those section to the North and the South. This street is an impact street in the Comprehensive Plan. The project will include removal, replacement and widening of the existing pavement, addition of curb and gutter, underground storm sewers, and 5' sidewalks on each side. Project Cost: $1,170,000 Source: Bonds 15 year term. Annual Payment $92,421 Police Department HVAC Chiller The current chiller was installed in 1989. Over the last two years, it has required $20,000 in repairs. Replacement wilt minimize ongoing repair costs, and improve energy efficiency by 10% Project Cost: $90,000 Source: Sales Tax Iowa and Gypsum River Bank Stabilization The Corps of Engineers is performing a feasibility study. Construction cost will be split with the Corps. The City will be responsible for 35% of the cost. Project Cost (City): $335,000 Source: Sales Tax Clean and rehabilitate South Lime Drying Lagoon This project includes removal and disposal of approximately 180,000 cubic yards of material and repairing 300 feet of damaged dike. This lagoon has been in operation for 33 years, and is approaching capacity. This will be the second cleanout. Project Cost: $1,600,000 Source: Revenue Bonds Annual Payment: $168,000 204 2017 Projects Waterline Improvements The Water Distribution System engineering analysis identified a significant portion of the system in which proper functioning with regard to fire flow and consistently high water quality is in peril do to the aging condition and occlusion of water lines. Approximately 228 miles of line is of cast iron construction and more than 40 years old. This line is subject to occlusion from mineral deposits which reduces flow. While the product is disinfected and safe to consume, the water quality is undesirable water quality due to discoloration, and taste and odor issues. This project will replace approximately 40,000 feet (8 miles)of waterline per year. At this rate of replacement, it will take 28 years to replace the cast iron stock with PVC fine Project Cost: $4,000,000 annually. This project will be financed through the issuance of 20 year revenue bonds each year. Hike Bike Trail (2013 -2017) Complete annual segments of the trail improvement. Project Cost: $50,000 per year. Source: Sales Tax. Police Department Electrical Service Upgrade Electrical Service in the building is at capacity. All additional service upgrades needed by the Police Department require additional power. Project Cost: $110,000 Source: Sales Tax Replace Lighting for East Crawford Recreation Area, Matson Field and Dean Evans The current lighting at the East Crawford recreation area is more than 28 years old and does not meet the minimum industry standards for illumination. The recommended illumination for these fields is 30 horizontal foot candles in the infield and 20 horizontal foot candles in the outfield. Current illumination levels are 17 horizontal foot candles in the infield and less than 10 in the outfield. The age of the fixtures is also resulting in increasing maintenance costs. In the last year, this has been more than $15,000. The new light fixtures require less than half of the energy as the current fixtures. In addition, the product cost for a new fixture includes a 25 year warranty on maintenance, labor and materials. Project Cost: $300,000 Source: Sales Tax 205 Identified but Unfunded Projects Identified but unfunded projects are those for which a need and project scope has been identified, but which have no funding mechanism or time frame assigned. Flood Control Levee Culvert Repairs: Video investigations have determined that seven culvert pipes are cracked or deteriorated to a level where repairs are necessary. Cost will be $50,000. Scheduling is dependant of funding. North Flood Control Pump Station Study the practicality/need of upgrading the two pumps at the North pump station to a larger size. Cost of the study is estimated at$30,000. Study Laurie Pond Expansion Study the need to expand Laurie Pond. The pond design incorporated the concept of using "street flooding" as temporary storage. Study Cost: $30,000. Friendship Center Parking: Mill and inlay the parking lot with 2" of new asphalt. $41,100. Unknown Funding Source. Sunset Park Restrooms Replace the existing depression era restrooms in Sunset Park with modern, heated, handicapped accessible facilities. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Project Cost: $242,000 Oakdale Park Restrooms Replace the existing depression era restrooms in Oakdale Park with one modern, heated, handicapped accessible facility. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Project Cost: $172,000. Closure, Landfill Cells 3 and 4 Final closure on Landfill Cells 3 and 4, pursuant to Subtitle D regulations. Project Cost: $1,600,000, to be financed over an 8 year period. Annual payments will be approximately$240,000 per year, payable from Solid Waste fees. 206 Projects for Future Review Projects for further review are those projects that have been identified as potential needs, but which do not yet have a well defined scope or financing sources identified. Replace irrigation system at Municipal Golf Course The original irrigation system was installed in 1969 and is now 43 years old. Many of the main lines are made with asbestos, making repairs dangerous and difficult to manage. The configuration of the system does not allow for efficient watering. The configuration and types of the sprinkler heads used on the greens makes hand watering necessary during the summer months. A modern system would allow isolation of parts of the system during repairs. That is currently not possible, meaning the system must be drained, which consumes time and resources, and puts turf at risk. Project Cost: $775,000 Unknown Source of funding. Indian Rock Lodge Replacement The existing Indian Rock Lodge was at one time an open air shelter that has been enclosed to permit year around use. It is the second most used facility in the City, and due in part to it not having been designed as an enclosed structure, it is in deteriorating condition. IT does not include a kitchen or restroom facilities, The replacement building would be a multi-use building with kitchen, restrooms, and a large meeting area. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Project Cost $506,000 Bonds, Sales Tax Levee Trail Northwest Add an Ag-Lirne surface to the levee from Thomas Park to North Street, a distance of 2.9 miles. This would connect Thomas Park to the levee trail system and would add 2.9 miles. This would make it possible to walk or ride a bike from the north side of town to the south side town, a distance of 7.25 miles. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Project Cost: $150,000 Unknown Source Levee Trail Northwest Add ag-lime surface on levee from Thomas Park to West Crawford, a distance of 3.4 miles. This project would complete the levee trail system. The system would encircle most of the City, and would connect West Cloud Street to South Ohio at Schilling Road. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose_ Project Cost: $180,000 Unknown Source Magnolia Multi-use Trail This is a ten foot (10')wide concrete multi-use trail constructed on the south side of Magnolia from South 9th Street to South Ohio Street. This mile long trail would connect Jerry Ivey Park, South High School and the businesses along South 91h Street Project Cost: $ 325,000 Unknown Source 207 East Salina Master Plan Improvements This project would provide public facilities to serve the area North of Crawford Street to Country Club Road and east of the City Limits to Holmes Road. The estimated cost of the improvements is $5,500,000. These would be funded in part by Special Assessments to benefiting property, but there would also be significant agricultural deferrals, cost recoveries, and other at-large components to the project. Smoky Hill River Renewal: Renewal of the old Smoky Hill River channel, clearing and sloping the channel, hike/bike paths, and ancillary improvements. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Projected Cost $27,700,000 Holmes Road, Magnolia to Country Club This consists of improvements to Holmes Road from Magnolia to Country Club Road, complimenting the East Salina Master Plan improvements. Cost is estimated at approximately$2,500,000, to be funded through Special Assessments and General Obligations. Markley Road from Old Airport to Magnolia Improve this segment of road to an urban standard. $2,000,000. Funding source will likely be General Obligation Bonds Complete Cedar Ridge Drive to Markley Road This length of roadway(about 1,050 feet) would be upgraded to match the urban section of Cedar Ridge Drive to the west. This segment of roadway is actually the extension of Cloud Street. Project Cost: $613,000 To be financed from Special Assessments, contingent on district formation. Relocation of Fire Station #4. Relocate Fire Station #4 to Crawford and Markley Road in order to provide service as the community develops eastward. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Cost estimate is $1,500,000. Requested for 2013. Downtown Drainage Improvements Drainage improvements to facilitate drainage at several downtown locations. Cost estimate for identified areas is perhaps $300,000, but need a better assessment of need. Downtown Gateways Install four gateways into the Downtown as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. Cost projection is on the order of$200,000 South Ninth Street, Riff el to Water Well Reconstruct South Ninth Street from a point just south of Riffel Drive to Waterwell Road, including reconstruction of the intersections and traffic control at Lowes Drive. Reconstruction of this segment is necessary due to the age and deteriorating condition of this major arterial providing service to a primary shopping and employment district. The project cost is estimated at$5,500,000 in 2009 dollars. 208 Magnolia Improvements from the Smoky Hill River Bridge to Markley Road. Reconstruct Magnolia to a 3 Lane urban section from the Smoky Hill River Bridge to Markley Road. Estimated cost of$1,500,000. Smoky Hill Bridge on East Magnolia. Reconstruct Bridge to match road segments. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Estimated Cost: $1,500,000 Magnolia Road from Centennial to 1-135 Interchange This road improvement complements other infrastructure improvements in the area, and contemplates the improvement of this stretch of roadway to a three lane urban section. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Estimated cost is approximately$3,000,000, and would be payable largely from General Obligation Bonds. Water Well Road from Centennial Road to Ohio Street. This project would improve Water Well Road to a three lane urban segment all along the Southern boundary of our Community, providing service to several critical Commercial and Industrial locations, as well as to potential future residential areas. The estimated cost is $4,000,000 Greeley Avenue Bridge Replacement of the Greeley Avenue over the old Smoky Hill River Channel. This project is estimated at a cost of$500,000 from General Obligation Bonds over a 10 year period. The estimated annual payment will be $62,000. This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. The Community Art and Design Budget for this project has been set at $15,000. Note: Pending review of traffic patterns. Outcome could range from replacement to elimination of the structure. Improvements to East Cloud Street from Ohio to the Levee Reconstruction of this segment to an urban section, with curb, gutter, underground drainage, and turning lanes onto Ohio Street. Estimated Cost: $2,000,000 to be financed with Special Assessment bonds South Wellfield Improvements The Raw Water Supply Study identified a number of improvements to the South Wellfield and plant that will be necessary to insure a high quality reliable water supply through 2060. This project will incorporate a number of improvements to existing facilities, as well as new facilities that may be required. The"survey" cost estimate for the improvements is $21,650,000 in 2009 dollars. Funding source would be Water Revenue Bonds Prescott Drainage: Potential drainage improvements to East Prescott Avenue from Santa Fe to the Rail Road tracks. Cost estimate is $350,000. Downtown Parking, Trash Corrals This project would provide ancillary improvements-3 new and 11 expanded trash corrals. 209 This project has been identified as appropriate for aesthetic enhancements under the City's Community Art and Design policy, which provides for up to 5% of the project cost to be allocated for that purpose. Project Cost is estimated at $290,000. Unknown Funding Source. Salt Storage Building Construct a salt storage building to protect road treatment material from inclement weather, and to protect the environment from potential contamination from runoff from the storage location. 210 Debt Service Projections Schedule J For Current and Future Projects 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Summary Uses of Funds: Total Existing Debt At-Large $4,747,698 $4,744,062 $4,488,904 $5,120,973 $5,110,605 $5,089,272 $ 5,124,266 Property Owner Share $ 1,734,681 $ 1,725,441 $ 1,742,722 $ 1,578,388 $ 1,417,713 $ 1,262,580 $ 1,224,840 Enterprise Share $ 1,589,711 $ 1,611,625 $ 1,404,507 $ 961,403 $ 901,368 $ 887,162 $ 887,396 Total All Existing Issues $8,072,091 $8,081,128 $ 7,520,563 $6,576,096 $6,206,499 $ 5,825,759 $5,730,823 Total CIP Al-Large $ $ $ 115,570 $ 1,084,667 $ 1,223,187 $ 1,413,255 $ 1,505,678 Property Owner Share $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Enterprise Share $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Future Projects $ $ $ 115,570 $ 1,084,667 $ 1.223,187 $ 1,413,255 $ 1,505,678 Total,all At-Large $ 4,747,698 $4,744,062 $4,604,474 $6,205,640 $6,333,792 $6,502,527 $6,629,944 Property Owner Share $ 1,734,681 $ 1,725,441 $ 1,742,722 $ 1,578,388 $ 1,417,713 $ 1,262,580 $ 1,224,840 Enterprise Share $ 1,589,711 $ 1,611,625 $ 1,404,507 $ 961,403 $ 901,368 $ 887,162 $ 887,396 Total Issue/Project $8,072,091 $ 8,081,128 $ 7,636,133 $ 7,660,763 $ 7,429,686 $ 7,239,014 $ 7,236,501 Annual Change in At-Large Obligation $ (237,303) $ (3,636) $ (139,58$) $ 1,601,165 $ 128,152 $ 168,735 $ 127,417 Sources of Funding Motor Vehicle Tax $ 300,000 $ 309,000 $ 318,270 $ 327,818 $ 337,653 $ 347,782 $ 358,216 Enterprise Funds $ 1,224,711 $ 1,311,625 $ 1,404,507 $ 961,403 $ 901,368 $ 887,162 $ 887,396 Special assessments $ 1,647,947 $1,604,660 $ 1,620,732 $ 1,467,901 $ 1,318,473 $ 1,174,199 $ 1,139,101 Prepaid Assessments(Escrow) $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 Delinquent Assessments Collected $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Property Owner Share(CIP) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Transient Guest Tax $ 205,419 $ 209,527 $ 213,718 $ 217,992 $ 222,352 $ 226,799 $ 231,335 Delinquent Taxes $ 65,000 $ 58,016 $ 58,187 $ 59,252 $ 61,029 $ 63,470 $ 66,009 4iscellaneous Income $ 400,000 $ 100,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 i ransfer from Solid Waste $ - $ - $ - Transfer from Special Recreation $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 30,000 Sales Tax for Aquatic Center $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350,000 $ 1,350.000 Tax Stabilization Transfer" $ 250,000 $ 300,000 $ 200,000 $ 550,000 $ 550,000 $ 400,000 $ 250,000 Investment Income $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Subtotal,Non-Property Taxes $ 5,558,077 $5,357,828 $ 5,355,414 $5,124,365 $4,930,875 $4,609,413 $4,442,056 Property Taxes Required $2,514,013 $2,723,300 $2,280,719 $2,536,398 $2,498,811 $2,629,601 $2,794,445 Total Required: $8,072,091 $8,081,128 $ 7,636,133 $ 7,660,763 $ 7,429,686 $7,239,014 $7,236,501 "Stabilization Transfer 2015-2019 is for BiCentenniat Project Produced $ 2,320,628 $2,327,498 $ 2,370,064 $2,441,166 $ 2,538,813 $2,640,366 $2,745,980 Projected Valuation 402,354,576 402,597,689 410,649.643 422,969.132 439,887,897 457,433,413 475,782,750 Required Levy rate 5.95 5.96 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 Current Year surplus(Deficit) $ (193,385) $ (395,802) $ 89,345 $ (95,231) $ 40,002 $ 10,765 $ (48,465) December 31 Fund balance(est.) $ 597,557 $ 201,755 $ 291,100 $ 195,869 $ 235,871 $ 246,635 $ 198,171 211 City of Salina, Kansas 2012 -2017 CIP 12/27/2012 0 0 O O O O - O U) r` O N O N O O O O O O O (D V Co O N O O O 0 (D C) O ()') 0 0 0 0 O C) C:) O OOO O r- C) (D co O 00 O O 0 0 O U) N Cl) Co (D = O r` O rl- N M N O co r� CD M O O M N N O .r .- Cl) N � M M Cl) N N N (p U) O O O O O N O O N M ' N U') O U) C) 0 O O O V O O V U) U) V" (D O (O O O O O 0 c c) O O M (D O'DA O O O O O O O (D O O M V O M r- O r- (b O O Cl) O U) O Cl) LO N r- N (D O (D Cl) N O M N Cl) t0 (') M N C) M (-j N N U) 61) U) U) (n U) U) co 69 (n 69 Y) 69 U) U) O O O O (D 0 O N O O O N M N CO O M " 0 0 O O O O O tf) O O O U) Cl) t0 t0 O U) c O O O O O ' O (3) c O C O N O CT M O M O O O O O O O O O O O C) V , O V O '7 P- O O M U) O if) M M O O co t` M C) t` O r- Cl) r- O Cl) Cl) V N to V OD N Q) O Cl) V M N (f) U) U) (fl U) U) U) (f) U) Ufl (A U3 07� k/3 EA EA U) O O O O O 0 0 (D Cl, 0 O 0 0 (D - O O O O O O tf) O O O LO r U) C) (� O O O O O O C) (D O O Cl) 'V cl N O N O O O O O O co O O t0 M Cl) V- M V C) 7 M 0 0 Cl) U) O to (D Cl) tf) Cl) V 'IT r- O r M N O Cl) tf) co O N C' O U) N M O It N U) U1 M U) co U) U) 69 69 69 U) V) (1) M U) U) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O c- O O O O O O O O O O to O O O tf) U) r tf) n O r� O O O (D 0 0 C) C) 0 r- O O O r N O t` O V (Q O C; O to O C7 O O O(D CD to CD (D CO (D CO C ) C`) tf) C) O (T r- M tf) O O U) O Cl) (0 tr) V M U) V V O V Q M O r- c co t(� N N N N N N @ O V V w N C Q m Co U�U) (f) (f) U) (n 69 (fl to U) 61) 69 U) 6n 69 69 (f) M 69 69 X 6 E �- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 (� O M N 0 0 0 O U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO O co (D O tf) O tf) U m 0 0 (D C a 0 C C (D C 0 C 0 0 (D O r-- V O N O N (D 0 0 CD to O CD 0 0 r- o O O C U) G r- CV to r r- O U V O O CT r` co O tf) O O O tf) tf) co (') CD U) r� tT co O Cl) m M c- .- N O �- N M to N N N N (D It N � U m d (/) U) U3 69 U) 69 69 U) 69 U) M (fl U) 69 69 M U) U-) co (A M co U) O O O O O O O O O O O O O CO O O M O 00 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O co O C C C O O C) (D C 0 0 O O Uo O r- O r- O O try O U) O c C U) O tf) LO t1) `Q C7 tf) N O N M O M r- O N 09 O tf) N M — r� tf) O if) t0 O U) Cl) 2 co co Cl) co Cl) M U) O co N N O V V d N 69 U) U) 69 Ef3 U) U) U) EA U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U9 co U) U-) U) m a ol (O O O Z� C > m m f6 E m a m m U U a U U m C (n N (O d Cl. N c N Q> p t (U N c m -� J _ m m m O) N U (n O U > O > m (v c U m o Y o n � c m �m o U J 0 ` CI- m 0) w6) U) N @ m E U) F c Q_ c c c m (a a .co m c c o m r m ami a`) (° ro E om a �° m � m J) E w w (o (o m a m m Y m m Q c a r U (o n 0) o s m (a o ° (z o_ o.C� c p c c m ~ 6 a o - N o c @ c m m m 0-6 m O m m m m �= m e m a Q o > o m U U m c w U U Y c �O - o m o L m m U m 0 Q �c 0 0 p 70 a ;—"o o � � m c U m - d U � � � o w j m b O O O @ m@ C@ j m m Y @ p"� ) O (S 07-° O U — U U N O ((na - R m E > (f) QQ (nUwrLrimm F- UaaUU Q City of Salina 2013 Sub-CIP 12/27/2012 BUILDINGS & FACILITIES I Estimated Fund Dept/Div. Pr0j.# Description Cost General Police Department jChilled Water upgrades(HVAC) $20,000 50,000 TOTAL GENERAL: $20,000 Sales Tax Fire Pump Test Pit $50,000 Sales Tax Parks Resurface and Restripe Bill Burke Parking Lot $70,000 Golf Course Upgrade Restroom on back 9 $30,000 Safes Tax Building Maintenance Replace the supporting base for the boiler in Memorial H $30,000 BUDGET: $ 180,000 TOTAL Sales Tax $180,000 Utilities WWTP Repair Asphalt Driveway $17,000 WWC. Install Doors on loafing shed $13,000 WWC Contrete Driveway and Sidewalk Section replacement at $25,000 Pump Stations B, 12, 16,.C, A, 8,11,24,29 :ET: $ 60,000 TOTAL Utilities $56,000 TOTAL BUDGET: $ 290,000 ESTIMATED COST TOTAL: $255,000 YTD/BID COST TOTAL: $0 REMAINING BUDGET: $35,000 REMAINING FUNDS: $ 290,000 City of Salina, Kansas 2013 Capital Budget 213 12/27/2012 City of Salina 2013 Sub-CIP 12/27/2012 PARK IMPROVEMENTS Estimated Fund Dept/Div. Proj.# Description Special Parks PR-Rec. Payment on Bill Burke Soccer fields $30,000 Special Parks PR-Parks Replace Concrete Floor and Tables in Kenwood $16,000 Shelter Special Parks PR-Parks Park Amenities, tables, benches and grills in various $10,000 parks Special Parks PR-Parks Third Year of Park Sign Replacement Program $8,000 Special Parks PR-Parks Harmony Park Playground Equipment for Oakdale $10,000 Park Special Parks PR-Parks Athletic Field Turf Conversion $7,500 Special Parks PR-Golf Fleet Maintenance—Cart Batteries $11,500 Special Parks PR-Golf Annual Improvements to cart paths $7,000 Special Parks PR-Buildings Replace Concrete Entrances and Sidewalk at Carver $15,000 Center Special Parks PR-Rec. Ball Field Improvements at ECRA and Bill Burke $5,000 Special Parks PR-Rec. Improvements at Lakewood Discovery Center $10,000 Deferred Items (Pending project savings or budget amendment): Construct 1.4 mile trail connecting levee trail to South $18,000 Ohio Trail at Schilling Road ommunica ion transition for imga ion and we $4,200 necation 130,000 • $130,000 TOTAL CITY BUDGET: $130,000 PRIVATE DONATIONS: ESTIMATED COST TOTAL: $130,000 YTD/BID COST TOTAL: $0 REMAINING BUDGET: REMAINING FUNDS: $130,OuO 214 City of Salina 2013 Sub-CIP 12/27/2012 STREET, TRAFFIC, and RAMPS Estimated Fund Dept/Div. Proj.# Description Cost Gas Tax Ramps ADA Ramp Construction $50,000 Gas Tax Street Arterial Sidewalk Construction $50,000 Gas Tax Traffic Traffic Cameras At three intersections $30,000 Gas Tax Traffic Battery Backups and LED Lights $50,000 Gas Tax Street Bridge Inspection and Maintenance $25,000 Gas Tax Street Annual Pavement Marking $20,000 Gas Tax Street Crack Sealing $350,000 Gas Tax Street Concrete Rehabilitation $594,000 Gas Tax Street Centennial Road Design $148,000 Gas Tax Railroad Crossing (1) $50,000 TOTAL BUDGET: $ 1,367,396 $1,367,000 Sales Tax Mill and Inlay $700,000 Sales Tax Microsurfacing $500,000 Sales Tax Railroad Crossing (1) $50,000 )les Tax Downtown Alley Drainage Improvements $90,000 Safes Tax Annual City Parking Lot Improvements $40,000 BUDGET: $ 1,380,000 TOTAL $1,380,000 TOTAL BUDGET: $ 2,747,396 ESTIMATED COST TOTAL: $ 2,747,000 YTD/BID COST TOTAL: $ - REMAINING BUDGET: $ 2,747,396 REMAINING FUNDS: $ 2,747,396 215 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 00 N N 0 0 0 0 (D (D (D (D 0 0 C) C) (D (D O Cl) (D to O 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 00 00 O (1 O (t O O (1; to () L O O O L L .1 N V V (D Lo to (D N O I-- O O O P- _ I- t� (19 (A EA 69 EA (A EA (fl 69 N N O (V (!? to 69 69 W Q Q W p O C) F- F- C) Z 0 0 0 Z) AIL m z _j U) U) (7 Z O O Z H z U — Z W m Q o M Q w � } Ec, o u O w LO ` W o c W @ E o co w � c a) L C Ul co O a) a _ O O -C m d (M N CO Q a rn F- c O C 0 O C M m m O Y o N u' U a) C C a pp C °- -° N c (n aci .o D ol m � v) m o (n c Q E o Q m o W c (fl U in ( N E d (D uuj N C c �+ .- U) O C (n C C CL .� 00 @ .0 -C o O_ (B N O) a m C a_ @ (6 �_ �, U m @ C 7 (D J o U m °� d cc� °� v Y M j a) Q) > O Q) o O Q) 'n C U = O io (n cc is .Q w u- o _ _ O O _ U U C 4t U U a3 U `- U U (d C _N (6 U ((U (0 (II (0 (c0 Q_ .� O_ 0_ L C O L O_ C o_ 0 U Lt cr a� U CE o� 0� cn U C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C N O N O O O O O O O O d E E U U U U U U U E E F- F- F- O O U O U O U E F- (6 03 a) O a) Q) a) O a) a) a) a) (6 a) a) a) ia) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) is is (u (ts m co (a m ca (u c6 ca (v (u 3 0 a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) m a) (D a) a) a) a)