2014-2015 Accounting Servicescertified
�l public
CHARTERED accountant
January 14, 2014
Rod Franz
City of Salina
300 W. Ash, P.O. Box 736
Salina, KS 67402-0736
Dear Rod:
This letter is to propose the arrangements for professional accounting services to be provided to
City of Salina during and for the years ending December 31, 2014 and 2015.
Based on information provided by you, we will perform the following:
Monthly Services
• Reconcile bank statements, certificate of deposit statements, Treasury note statements, and
investment statements.
The aforementioned services are those we perceive to be regular accounting services that
occur in a routine manner. Our fees for these aforementioned services will be our standard
hourly rates plus the web -hosting fee of S65.00 per month.
City of Salina's Responsibilities
City of Salina agrees to perform the following functions in connection with Woods & Durham,
Chtd.'s provision of the bookkeeping and tax services:
• Make all management decisions and perform all management functions, including
determining account codings and approving all proposed journal entries;
• Assign Rod Franz to oversee the bookkeeping and tax services and evaluate the adequacy
and results of the services;
• Accept responsibility for the results of the bookkeeping and tax services, including the
journal entries, general ledger, and tax returns; and
• Establish and maintain internal controls over the bookkeeping and tax return preparation
Woods & Durham, Chtd.'s Responsibilities and Limitations of the Engagement
Woods & Durham, Chtd. will perform the services in accordance with the applicable professional
standards, including the Statements on Standards for Tax Services issued by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants. '
This engagement is limited to the bookkeeping and tax services outlined above. Woods &
Durham, Chtd. in its sole professional judgment, reserves the right to refuse to do any
procedure or take any action that could be construed as making management decisions or
performing management functions, including determining account codings and approving
journal entries. Woods & Durham, Chtd. will advise City of Salina with regard to_tax positions
taken in the preparation of the tax return, but City of Salina must make all decisions with regard
to those matters.
1619 E. Iron Avenue • P.O. Box 1516 • Salina, Kansas 67402-1516 • Phone 785-825-5494
Fax 785-825-4450 • www.woodsanddurhatn.cotn
We appreciate the opportunity -to work with you and your staff, and look forward to continuing
this business relationship for many years. If this letter correctly reflects your understanding,
please sign where indicated and return to us at your earliest convenience. Should you have any
questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact us:
Sincerely yours,
James A. Trower
Date .