1. CIMCity Commission Information Memorandum March 3, 2014 ADMINISTRATIVE BRIEF FROM Michael Fraser Department of Public Works – Downtown Snow Removal The removal of snow in the Salina central business district is somewhat problematic. The challenge is to keep open parking spaces for citizens to use along the sides of the street and in the parking lots during and after a snow storm. To address the situation, Public Works crews use motor graders, front-end loaders, and backhoes to clean the 20 City parking lots and push a large portion of the snow into the center of the street where it is windrowed. This opens up parking stalls for public use and prepares the snow for removal at a later time after the storm. The snow removal process typically begins after a storm has ended and the streets have been plowed. Snow removal usually takes place at night when there are fewer vehicles on the streets. Public Works crews use equipment to clean all the snow from the curb line and push it to the center of the road where it is added to the already windrowed snow that was piled up during a storm. However, there are some situations when removal of the snow can take place during the day. When removing the snow, a front-end loader with a large snow blower is used to pick up the windrows of snow and load it into waiting 6-yard dump trucks. These dump trucks are the same trucks used to plow and salt our streets. However, in order to haul snow, their salt spreaders must be removed to perform this new task. These loaded trucks then transport the snow about one mile to Riverside Park where the snow is unloaded and pushed up into large piles by a front-end loader. When the snow melts, it flows down into the old Smoky Hill River channel where it makes its way into the Smoky Hill River near the north pump station south of North Street & Marymount Road. The downtown snow removal process takes approximately 8-12 hours to complete under typical conditions. However, this can vary depending on the amount of snow, temperatures, wind conditions, and availability of staff. th During the February 4 storm, which dropped 11.5” of snow on Salina, the Public Works Department 16 man crew expended 150 man hours over a 12 hour timeframe to complete the job of removing snow from the downtown. They ended up hauling 527 loads of snow to Riverside Park.