Agr Joint FacilitiesAugust 2, 1974 To: Ail City Commissioners Attached is a copy'of the original "joint facilities" agreement drafted by'the County and our counter version of the same. You will note that the City draft goes into more detail; such as development of plans and specs, written approval by both parties on various items, adminis- trative responsibility, and a termination section. Hindman and Woody have concurred that the City version is in accord with the original proposal and that a matron will be available 24 hfs/day. This is an administrative matter and Sec. 3 of County draft does not actually assure the point. If you have any questions or comments concerning the draft (any items overlooked, omitted, that need changing, etc.), please advise us Monday. If not, my suggestion would be to forward'our draft to the County for them to consider. If they concur, each agency can then adopt at a subsequent meeting. If their views differ, a meeting of the 2 commisSion should be held. from Norris Olson . . . AGREEMENT ~ agreement made and entered /nto this day of · 1974, by and between the CITY OF SAI~NA, KANSAS, ~xeinafter referred to as .the "City"· ~d ~he COUNTY OF ~NSAS, hereinafter refer~ed to as-the "County", WITNESSETH: ~, preliminary plans have ~been prepared by Max Bishop· '~xc~itect, and approved by ~he City and County for' ~n..addition to -~e City-C_ounty law enforcement facilities located at-251-255 North ~'~enth S~eet in Salina, SalVe County, .Kansas, in order ~o provide :~ ~eparate juvenile detention quarters ~nd tan ~4~nproved booking area ~--~ereinafter referred to as'the "joint facil/ties"; and, =~HEREAS, it is the purpose-'of '~Lhis agreement to prov/de for "..---'-'-'-'-'-'-'~e joint and mutual cooperation between-the City .-and .County _in 'the -~=u~hru~on, use-and administration.~f-4Lhe joint facilities. ~NOW, ~EHEREFORE, it is mmutu~hlty~greed 'by~-~d between the C/ty -~ 4uhe County, as follows: · ~* ~onstruction of Joint Facilities: ~1). -~hat .Max Bishop, Architect, be instructed to .~orthwith -~=Dmplete the plans and specifications for the above mentioned joint ~;~2). ~'~hat upon the completion of'-~l plans~.and specifica- ~ns for ~said joint facilities the.same will be submitted to the '-~it3 and County for their .written ~pproval prior to submission for ~3). ~hat the parties hereto designate the ~s ~he agent of both parties to advertise for bids, award the contract -~o ~he lowest responsible bidder-aft-er .~ritten approval thereof by ~both parties and to supervise the construction of such joint 44). ~hat the cost of said joint facilities, including prep- -~ration of plans and specifications and all construction costs, ~ogether with any chan~e orders mutually agreed upon by ~oth parties ~hall be shared equally between the City and County. . of City. (2) o ~peration of Joint Facilities: .. Booking area will be administered by police department .City agrees to furnish three persons and County agrees to furnish two persons and one night matron for operation of the Joint facilities. (3)° Ail costs other than personnel necessary.and required for the operation of joint facilities such as maintenance, repairs, supplies, etc. will be divided equally between the City and County. (4). Ail above operations procedure and division of costs shall be ~n effect for a term of one year after the coImnencement Df the operation of joint facilities. After one year of actual operation of said joint facilities as above provided the parties h~reto agree that the same will be re-evaluated and the costs of _th~ continuing operation of said joint facilities will be renegotiated by the parties hereto on an equitable basis. ~l. Termination of Operation of Joint Facilities:: (1). In the event that the parties to this agreement mutually agree to terminate the operation of the joint facilities the City h~reby agrees to purchase from the County its share of the joint ~aci!ities based upon the County's actual cost of construction less % per ~ar as depreciated value. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused[ the above agre_ement to be approved by their respective governing bodies and · have affixed their signature hereto. Board of Commissioners of Saline-County, Kansas Attest: County Clerk Attest: City 6f Salina, Kansas Mayor City Clerk THIS AGREEMENTs made and entered this day of July. 1974s herein called by and between the City-of Sallnas Saline~Countys Kansass the "CITYs" and the County of Salines Kansass herein called the "COUNTY." P.~CITALS: Preliminary plans are now being drafted for an addition to the C~ty-County law enforcement facilities' at 251 and 255' North lO~h Street in Salinas to provide separate juvenile detention quarters and an improved entry and booking area. It is the purpose of this agreement to Provide for joint and mutual copperation between the CITY and the COUNTY in the .conStructions use and administration of the additional facility. AGREEMENT. - NOWs THEREFORE, the CITY and COUNTY agree as follows: 1. Ownership of the new facilities w-iii be vested equally in -the two .governmental units. 2. The initial cost of design and construction and the cost of maintenance and repair of the facilities for a period of one (1) year from the completion of their construction will be borne equally by said govern- ~ental units. 3. Both governmental units will provide and compensate one (1) full time woman employee for the juvenile facilities so as to assure the presence of a matron at all times. 4. The cost of operation and administration of the facilities and the cost of maintenance and r~pair of the structure for a period of one (1) year from completion will be examined by'the governmental units, and an agreement providing for those continuing costs negotiated by the two '-~. "units at that time. ~NWITNESSWHERBOF, we have hereunto~affixed our signatures. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SA~INE COUNTY, KANSAS James b. Mar~in, Chairman % R. b. Armstrong ~ounty Clerk Wayne B. Lockard, Member ~auren V. Gray, Member ~ITY. OF SALINA, KANSAS By William M. Usher, Mayor Donald L. Harrison City Clerk Jack Weisgerber~ Commissioner Rober~ Caldwe 11 Mike Losik~ Jr. Norma Cooper -2-