6.1 2-14-2014 Minutes (draft)CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS February 24, 2014 4:02 p.m. The City Commission convened at 2:30 p.m. for East Iron Road Reconstruction Concept and at 3:45 p.m. for Citizens Forum. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called to order at 4:02 p.m. in Room 107, City-County Building. Roll call was taken followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Those present and comprising a quorum: Mayor Barbara V. Shirley (presiding), Commissioners Jon R. Blanchard, Kaye J. Crawford, Randall R. Hardy and Aaron Householter. Also present: Jason A. Gage, City Manager; Michael D. Schrage, Greg Bengtson, City Attorney; and Shandi Wicks, Interim City Clerk. AP WARDS AND ROCLAMATIONS (3.1) Presentation of plaques of appreciation to outgoing Employee Council members. CF ITIZEN ORUM None. PHISCT UBLICEARINGS AND TEMSCHEDULED FOR A ERTAIN IME None. CA ONSENT GENDA Approve minutes of February 10, 2014. (6.1) Resolution No. 14-7082 appointing members to the Business Improvement District (6.2) No. 1 Design Review Board, Convention and Tourism Committee, Salina Airport Authority Board, Human Relations Commission, Arts & Humanities Commission and Building Advisory Board. Award of contract for the 2014 Microsurfacing (Project No. 14-3018) to Vance (6.3) Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $676,433.75, with a 10% construc $67,643.38. Acknowledge receipt of special law enforcement trust fund report (6.4) Authorize the City Manager to approve the purchase of used vehic (6.5) Development Services, Utilities and Parks and Recreation. Commissioner Hardy would like Item 6.3 removed from the consent agenda. 14-0054 Moved by Commissioner Householter, seconded by Commissioner Crawford, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion c Page 1 (6.3) Award of contract for the 2014 Microsurfacing (Project No. 14-3018) to Vance Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $676,433.75, with a 10% construction contingency of $67,643.38. Dan Stack, City Engineer, responded to Commissioner HardyÔs questions pertaining to the differences between micosurfacing and double microsurfacing and the cost difference between the engineers estimate and the bids received. Mr. Stack also responded to Commissioner CrawfordÔs question per last time North Santa Fe was micro surfaced. Jason Gage, City Manager, also responded. Mr. Stack also responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to resurfacing of Santa Fe and Pacific. Mr. Stack responded to Commissioner HardyÔs questions pertaining to the reasons for the construction contingency and the cost savings for the pr other projects. Mr. Gage also responded. 14-0055 Moved by Commissioner Hardy, seconded by Commissioner Householter, to award the contract for 2014 Microsurfacing (Project No. 14-3018) to Vance amount of $676,433.75, with a 10% construction contingency of $67,643.38 . Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. A DMINISTRATION (7.1) Second reading Ordinance No. 14-10731 authorizing the execution of a Loan Agreement with the State of Kansas for the purpose of financing improvements to the CityÔs water distribution system. 14-0056 Moved by Commissioner Householter, seconded by Commissioner Blanchard, to adopt Ordinance No. 14-10731 on second reading. A roll call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Blanchard, Crawford, Hardy, Householter, Shirley. Nay: (0). Motion carrie (7.2) Resolution No. 14-7080 authorizing the City Manager to amend the City of Salina Pay Plan to include employee classifications as proposed. Natalie Fischer, Director of Human Resources, explained the amendments, the budget and recommended action. Mr. Gage responded to Commissioner HardyÔs question pertaining to the Deputy Finance Director being a long term position. Commissioner Blanchard would like staff to provide a brief overview of the changes. Brad Nelson, Chief of Police, responded by providing the detailed information on the department changes. Mr. Nelson also responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to the ability to be visible in the community with the changes. Commissioner Blanchard thanked Mr. Nelson for his efforts to see changes and to work towards the change. Mr. Gage responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to the role of Page 2 the Community Engagement Coordinator and where the position will fit within the departments. Commissioner Crawford expressed her support for the Community Engagement Coordinator position and would like to see a neighborhood concep community. Commissioner Blanchard also sees it as a way for the neighborhood citizens to know who to contact within the city. Mr. Gage responded to Commissioner HardyÔs question pertaining to updating the website for added usefulness for the citizens and use of other social media. Commissioner Hardy sees the need for additional software and services for the Community Engagement Coordinator to utilize in order for their j functional. A conversation ensued between the Commission and Mr. Gage. Commissioner Blanchard noted the benefits of restructuring the street sergeants may help encourage the public to apply for a position within the department. Commissioner Crawford hopes it will help make neighborhood involvement easier. 14-0057 Moved by Commissioner Householter, seconded by Commissioner Crawford, to adopt Resolution No. 14-7080. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. DB EVELOPMENT USINESS (8.1) Resolution No. 14-7081 expressing support for the construction of additional multi- family apartment units at the Heritage at Hawthorne Village, loc th Street. Dean Andrew, Director of Planning, provided background on Phase I of the project, the development limitations, the nature of the current request and commission action. Mr. Andrew noted that Overland Property Group contacted city staff after the staff report and resolution were drafted and sent to the Commission, the group is seeking the development of 24 additional affordable rental housing units instead of the 16 noted in the report and resolution originally distributed. Mr. Andrew responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to the parking in the northwest corner of the property that currently is a storm water detention area and what the plan for the storm water detention area will be so the parking area can be placed there. Jason Gage, City Manager, also responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to any density or height requirements. Greg Bengtson, City Attorney, and Mr. Andrew responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to the necessity of listing the actual number of apartments on the resolution. Mr. Gage also responded. Jeff Gillam, Jones Gillam Renz, provided detailed information on apartments, the need for housing in the north end of town and the State of Kansas expressing support. Page 3 Commissioner Blanchard and Commissioner Crawford both stated support for the project and liked the use of vertical space. Mr. Andrew responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to the resolution form and need for the resolution as indicated by the State of Kansas. Mr. Andrew also responded to Commissioner BlanchardÔs question pertaining to a playground being built within the apartment complex. Mr. Gage asked Mr. Andrew if the fence that currently splits the city park is city owned. Mr. Andrew responded. Commissioner Blanchard would like staff to include the word quality into ÑWhereas, the project would provide affordable housing in Census Tract No.2 which is in need of additional quality rental housing.Ò Ray Hruska, 235 N. Santa Fe, thinks this is a good development for the north end of Salina and asked if the tax credits are through the State of Kansas or the City of Salina. Gary Hobbie, Director of Development Services, responde also responded if there are other tax credits utilized within the City of Salina. Mr. Hruska asked why the commission is willing to accept the support for this tax credit and not for the Lee Building within downtown Salina area. Commissioner Householter, Commissioner Blanchard and Mr. Gage responded. Commissioner Crawford feels that this should have been brought up under CitizenÔs Forum not under the current item. Mike Forristal, owner of the Lee Building, stated that there was application submitted; several meetings occurred and the city would not entertain the development unless it was a 60-40 split. Mr. Forristal also stated where the tax credits come from and the need for the affordable housing. Mr. Andrew stated the amendments to the resolution. 14-0058 Moved by Commissioner Blanchard, seconded by Commissioner Householter, to adopt Resolution No. 14-7081 with the amendment to paragraph one to include the words Ó16 to 24 apartmentsÔ, paragraph two to include the words Ó16 to 24 apartmentsÔ and paragraph three to add the word ÓqualityÔ between additional and rental. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. OB THER USINESS Commissioner Householter would like to see a resolution brought before the Commission on the MDA fundraising efforts. Jason Gage, City Manager, responded. Commissioner Householter noted the new property maintenance code put into place a year or so ago and has noticed a lot of vehicles parked in the yard. Commissioner Householter would like a full time dedicated code enforcement officer that would drive around and start to take care of the lo Commissioner Householter would like to see this addressed and sees it as a need Page 4 much more than the installation of wayfinding signs. Jason Gage, City Manager, and Gary Hobbie, Director of Community & Development Services, responded. A conversation ensued between Mr. Gage, Mr. Hobbie and the Commission pertaining to the hiring of additional code enforcement officers. Commissioner Blanchard noted a recent trip to Topeka for City Ha meeting with the state representatives. Mr. Blanchard provided information on a Senate Bill 211 and House Bill 2227 pertaining to elections. Jason Gage, City Manager provided additional information on the bill. Commissioner Hardy would like other Commissioners to provide thoughts on attending various boards and commission meetings. Commissioner Hardy would like staff to put together a list of roles for each board and commission. Mr. Gage responded. A DJOURNMENT 14-0059 Moved by Commissioner Householter, seconded by Commissioner Blanchard, that the regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners be adjourned. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:32 p.m. [SEAL] Barbara V. Shirley, Mayor ATTEST: Shandi Wicks, CMC, Interim City Clerk Page 5