H-1 Taxi Fee IncreasePhone 825-4646 III E. 'Walnu'l' SALIN/\, KANSAS 6740 Jmte 5,1974 Salina City Cow~d. ssioners City-County Building Salina, Kansas, To: City Commissioners The Radio Cab Company is requesting a ~5¢ increase in taxi fare for each trip. Our last increase was in December of 1972~ Sincethat time- our taxi drivers have seen their cost of gasoline rise from 27¢ a gallon to over 51¢ a gallon. The cost of maintens~nce for taxicabs has increase 25% in the last two years° Please place this item on a future city commission agenda. I would like an opportunity to discuss any information you might request prior to the commission meeting. Sincerely, ~l Lo French