F-3 Advis Key Acres SidewalksTO: FROM: SUBJECT: January 8, 1974 Norris Olson, City Manager Dean Boyer, City Engineer Petition No. 3384 - Filed by Coronado School P.T.A. requesting certain sidewalks to be constructed in Key Acres Addition The above petition is an attempt by the Coronado School P.T.A. to have sidewalk routes constructed to the school from the Key Acres area so the children do not have to walk in the street. This petition should be considered under Kansas Statute 12-1802; PETITION. When a petition signed by not less than ten citizens owning real estate in a precinct or ward in a city of the second or third class or by not less than twenty-five citizens owning real estate in a precinct or ward of a city of the first class, praying for the construction of a sidewalk or sidewalks in such precinct or ward is filed with the city clerk, the governing body may, in its discretion, ~y resolution, order such sidewalk or sidewalks constructed. Petition No. 3384 has 46 signature's, owning 28 individual properties. This petition is valid and this department recommends that a resolution be passed authorizing the construction. RespectfUl ly submitted, DB:MKP over /