Agenda 01-12-1998CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS The City Commission will convene at 2:30 p.m. in a Study Session, the agenda for which is attached. Members of the public are invited to attend this informal session and discuss matters of interest with the City Commissioners during an "open forum" period from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS JANUARY 12, 1998 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER ! ROLL CALL 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. CITIZEN FORUM 4. AWARDS - PROCLAMATIONS (4.1) The Day of January 18, 1998 as DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. COMMEMORATION DAY in the city of Salina. The proclamation will be read by Pastor Charles Aase, St. John's Lutheran Church. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME 6. CONSENT AGENDA (6.1) Approve the minutes of January 5, 1998. (6.2) Resolution Number 98-5232 authorizing the Mayor to execute a Special Warranty Deed to Ann Lee Jett and Harry J. Jett, trustees under the Ann Lee Jett Trust dated August 3, 1990. 7. DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS (7.1) Consideration on first reading of Ordinance Number 98-9851 establishing an impact fee for the Schilling Drainage Ditch and Detention Basin. (7.2) Consider approval of an agreement with Bob Smith Salvage for removal of a city-owned house at 437 S. Fifth St. 8. ADMINISTRATION (8.1) Approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 1 for engineering services for Wastewater Pump Station No. 58. (8.2) Resolution Number 98-5234 appointing a member to the BID Board of Advisors. 9. OTHER BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT