Survey/Evaluation Memorial Auditorium Building 1 SURVEY AND EVALUATION OF MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM BUILDING SALINA, KANSAS FOR THE I, 1 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS ' JULY 15 , 1970 Survey and Evaluation,, Including Structural Sheets Engineer's Report and Roofer' s Report A-1 through A-22 Mechanical & Electrical Engineer's Report Sheets ' B-1 through B-4 Possible Solutions Sheets C-1 through C-10 Basement Room Number Key Plan Drawing A 1 First Floor Room Number Key Plan Drawing B • Second Floor Room Number Key Plan Drawing C Third Floor Room Number Key Plan Drawing D Second Level Seating Plan Drawing E Gallery 'Level Seating Plan Drawing F Basketball Court Plan, Scheme #1 Drawing G ' Basketball Court Section,, Scheme #1 Drawing H Basketball Court Plan, Scheme #2 Drawing I Basketball Court Section, Scheme #2 Drawing J Theater Plan., Scheme #1 Drawing K Theater Section, Scheme #1 Drawing L Elevator Scheme Drawing M ' Theater Plan, Scheme #2 Drawing N Theater Section, Scheme #2 Drawing 0 Index of Contents ' SURVEY AND EVALUATION OF MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM BUILDING 1 BUILT IN 1922 SALINA, KANSAS A. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND DETAILS: ' 1. EXTERIOR : - I a. The walls are face brick with masonry back up. b. The walls , openings and portico are stone trim. c. Windows are wood and steel type. d. Doors, other than the main entrance or portico area, are 1 wood and wood covered with sheet metal. e. Doors at the main entrance or portico were originally ' wood with bronze grille work. They have been recently replaced with aluminum framed doors with aluminum transom and side glass. 1 f. Gutters, downspouts and headers are of copper material. g. Structural framework of the building is steel and rein- forced concrete. Refer to Structural Engineer 's Report. h. The roof framing consists of steel bent truss and steel beams with steel purlins spanned with precast concrete channels. Roofed with cap sheet and built-up roofing. i. Foundations and footings are reinforced concrete. j. Roof as per Roofer' s Report. 2. INTERIOR : a. All floor base, except for stage, is reinforced concrete, and many painted. b. Stage and Arena floor are wood. Stage framed from con- crete base. Arena floor on sleepers in concrete base and finished. c. The concrete floors are painted, ceramic tile and asphalt ' tile., but represents a small percentage of the finished floor areas. ' Sheet A-1 I I d. Decorative ornamental cast plaster trim at the proscenium and in lobby area. 1 e. Window stools consist of both concrete and wood. f. Interior doors are wood and wood covered with sheet metal. Ig. Stairs are concrete and steel pan with tread grips. II h. Guard and hand rails are galvanized pipe and wood rail with wrought iron. ' i. Bronze grille work screens some areas. Other areas, aluminum framed glass has replaced the bronze grille work. I3. EXTERIOR CONDITION & COST : a. Brick face has some minor cracks. Extensive pointing will 1 be required on north wall and minor pointing on other walls. Brick is dirty and cleaning will help its appear- ance. 1 COST : Sand Blasting $.05 per sq. ft. Pointing $.50 per sq. ft . 1 Seal Coat $.10 per sq. ft. b. Stone trim, copings and ballasters at front portico needs 1 pointing. The stone anchor rods should be checked for security at front portico. The stone work is also very dirty. ICOST: Pointing Stone $.30 per sq. ft. Sandblasting $.05 per sq. ft . c. Stucco at front portico has fallen and should be replaced. III ICOST: $1.50 per sq. yd. , including the sealer While replacing stucco, the wire mesh can be extended to 1 close the pigeon space above the columns and stucco. d. Exterior lights are missing from west and east fascade. ICOST: To replace $200.00 U e. Concrete walks and drives surrounding the building are cracked and have settled. An eight (8) square foot hole in sidewalk must be corrected. 1 COST : 4" concrete in place with mesh $.55 per sq. ft . 6" concrete in place with mesh $.70 per sq. ft . 11 Sheet A-2 f. Ramp and loading dock on the north is in poor condition. This is reinforced concrete and it has cracked and the reinforcement steel is exposed to the weather . 1 g. Windows : Before extensive remodeling is done on the in- terior , the poor window condition must be corrected. Ap- ' proximately 20% of the glass is broken and all of the windows need reglazing. Many windows are rotted and need replacing . In general , all of the wood windows need to be scraped, primed and painted two (2) coats of paint. This cost will amount to several thousand dollars. The windows corrected to an A-1 condition will still mean ' yearly maintenance. The cost of repairing windows plus the yearly maintenance for a few years will be more costly than replacing the windows. ' We suggest that all wood windows be replaced with alumi- num framed 1" colored insulating panel, including a vented ' sash. This solution will cut the yearly maintenance and heating cost. COST: This cost will amount to $35,000.00 to $40,000.00 h. Doors : All of the exterior wood doors and wood jambs, ' except for the aluminum lobby entrances , are in poor condition and should be replaced to avoid expensive re- pair and yearly maintenance cost . Replace three (3) wood ' doors and jambs with three (3) metal doors and jambs. COST: This cost would be $750.00 to $850.00. Replace the large wood bi-fold doors with double metal doors and frames, including hardware. Eight (8) pairs of doors with center rail and transoms. COST : This cost would be $3,000.00 to $3,500.00 4. INTERIOR CONDITION & COST: ' a. The following is an inspection made of the some 100 rooms or areas of the building. Please make reference to the Room Key Drawing A, B, C and D. The cost of restoring or ' remodeling will follow the report of the conditions of the existing rooms. I I Sheet A-3 1 1 COAL ROOM NO. B-1 : Floors, walls and ceilings are of concrete, which is cracked and in need of repair. Dampness in this area indicates leakage of water. ' MECHANICAL ROOM B-2 : Floors, walls and ceilings are of concrete , which are unfinished. Hatch in ceiling of Boiler Room leaks. Gap around 1 door allows surface water to enter . Doors and windows are of wood and are in poor condition. ' STAIR TO STAGE ROOM NO. B-3 : Floor material is of exposed concrete. East and North walls are exposed concrete, while West wall is stucco on metal lath, unfinished, and in good condition. ' FAN ROOM NO. B-4: Floor and walls are of exposed concrete and in good condition. Metal overhead door to coal room is in poor condition. 1 TOILET ROOM NO. B-5: Floor material is of concrete, which is painted. This floor is in good condition, but needs repainting. Walls are of 1 plaster and brick and are in good condition, but need repainting . Ceil- ing is of concrete and needs painting. This room has one ( 1 ) lavatory, two (2) stools and four (4) shower heads, which need to be cleaned up, and shower needs painting. Wood doors, windows and jambs are in need of repair or replaced. The lighting is poor. HALL ROOM NO. B-6: Walls and floors are of concrete and need painting . STAIR ROOM NO. B-8 : Walls and floor are exposed concrete and in good 1 condition. STORAGE ROOMS B-7 & B-9 : Walls , floor and ceiling are of exposed con- 1 crete and in good condition. Wood doors and windows need repairing or replacing. STAIR ROOM NO. B-10 : Walls and floors are of exposed concrete. KITCHEN ROOMS NO. B-11, B-12 & B-13: Floors are of painted concrete ' and in good condition, but needs painting. Walls are of sand plaster , which has indication of water damage around windows and loose plaster at floor level. These walls needs patching and painting. Ceiling is ' of sand plaster and indicates water damage at waste lines. The wood trim needs to be revarnished. The counters are formica and in good condition. Wood doors need to be glazed and repaired. Wood windows 1 need repairing or replacing. STAIR & LANDING ROOMS NO. 8-14 & B-15: Floors are of painted concrete 1 and in good condition. Walls and ceiling are sand plaster and in good condition. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. Woven wire screen on North wall is in good condition. 1 1 Sheet A-4 BANQUET HALL ROOM NO. 8- 16 : Floor is of painted concrete, recently ' refinished. Walls are of sand plaster and recently refinished. Wood trim needs revarnishing . STAIR AND LANDING ROOMS B-17 & 8-18 : Floors are painted concrete, recently refinished. Walls are sand plaster and recently refinished. Ceilings are also sand plaster, painted and in good condition. Woven wire screen on North wall. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. LOBBY ROOM NO. 1 : Floor material is of ceramic tile and in good condi- tion. Walls are of smooth plaster and in good condition. Ceilings I, are plaster and in good condition. The trim is concrete, painted. M Exterior doors with side glass and transoms are aluminum frames - all other interior doors are wood. Minor repairing is needed at wood doors. STAIR ROOM NO. 2: Floor is of concrete and in good condition. Walls and ceiling are sand plaster and in good condition. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. COUNTING ROOM NO. 3 : Floors are asphalt tile and are dented. Base ' material is wood. Patch minor defects and paint. Walls are painted sand plaster and are in good condition. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and in good condition. Doors are wood and minor defects need patching . STAIR ROOM NO. 4 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and are in good condition, except for crack at ceiling on North wall. Ceilings are painted sand plaster and in good condition. Trim is varnished wood and minor defects need patching and all trim needs revarnishing. Doors are wood glazed and some door glazing is broken. Wood windows need repairing or replacing . PASSAGE ROOM NO. 5 : Asphalt tile floors are scratched and cracked the full width of the room. Base material is in poor condition and needs repainting . Walls are painted sand plaster and in good condition, as ' is the ceiling. Wood trim needs refinishing. Doors are wood and minor defects need patching . OFFICE ROOM NO. 6 : Asphalt tile floors are in poor condition. Base material is wood and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plas- ter and in good condition. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and in ' good condition. Doors, windows and trim are all wood and in good con- dition. ' MEN'S TOILET ROOMS NO. 7 & 8 : Floors are painted concrete and needs repainting . Base material is painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted plaster , and are cracked and separated from concrete I on North and South walls and, therefore , needs repairing and repainted. Ceilings are painted plaster and are cracked and chipped at pipes and need repairing and repainting . Wood windows and doors need repairing and repainting. Sheet A-5 _ . . . . STAIR ROOM NO. 9 : Floors are of painted concrete, Walls and ceilings are of ainted sand plaster, all in p p , good condition. Doors are wood ' glazed and needs some repair, as door glazing is cracked. Windows are good. '. I STAIR ROOM NO. 10: Floors ate concrete ,and in good condition. Walls and ceilings are painted sand plaster and in good condition. Windows need repairing or replacing . I i UNASSIGNED ROOM NO. 11 : Floors are asphalt. tile and are dented. Base I i material is wood. Patch minor defects and paint . Walls are painted I sand plaster and are• in good condition: Ceiling is painted sand plas- ter and in good condition. Doors are wood and minor defects need patching . i IOFFICE ROOM NO. 12 : Floors are asphalt tile and are dented and worn 1 in areas. Walls and ceiling are of painted sand plaster, with walls I showing 'Some minor defects. Trim m and doors are of wood, which need repairing and refinishing . Wood windows need repairing or replacing. I LADIES TOILET ROOMS NO. 13, & 14: Base and floors are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted plater and need some repair- ing and painting. Ceilings are painted plaster and need some repair. I Trim and doors are wood and need repairing and refinishing . Wood win- dows need repairing or replacing. I MAIN FOYER ROOM NO. 15: Floors and base are of painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and need refinishing , as plaster is chipping . Ceiling is of painted sand plaster and needs Ipatching in some areas and refinished in those areas. PASSAGE ROOM NO. 16 : Floors are of painted concrete and in good condi- ' tion. Walls are of concrete and wood panel, painted, and holes need to be patched and refinished. Ceiling is of painted sand plaster , with exposed framing and conduit , and in good condition. Trim and doors are Iwood and need repairing. CHECK ROOM NO. 17 : Floors are of painted concrete and in good condi- I tion. Walls are woven wire partition between plaster columns and are in good condition. Ceiling is of sand plaster and in good condition, but holes need repairing at conduit . Wood shelves, rails and plat- ' form needs repairing. Doors and windows are of woven wire. VENDING ROOM NO. 18: Floors are concrete and in good condition, but I wood platform needs some repair. Walls are painted sand plaster at columns and in good condition, but wood partition needs repairing . Ceilings are painted sand plaster and in good condition. Wood counter , ' and pipe rails needs repairing. I Sheet A-6 ' CLOSET ROOM NO. 19 : Floors are of unfinished concrete. Walls are of sand plaster , unpainted. Plaster is loose at base of door and cracked and, therefore, needs repairing. Ceiling is sand plaster ' and needs repairing. Wood doors need refinishing. MENS TOILET ROOM NO. 20: Floors and base are of painted concrete and ' in good condition. Walls are painted smooth plaster and need repair- ing and refinishing . Wainscot is brick and is chipped. Ceiling is i smooth plaster with some cracking . Trim and doors are wood and need ' repairing and refinishing. FOYER ROOM NO. 21 : Floors are of concrete and in good condition, but finish is poor. Walls and ceiling are of painted sand plaster. Walls are cracked in places and need refinishing . Bi-fold doors need re- pairing or replacing, as do the windows. WOMENS TOILET ROOM NO. 22 : Floors and base are of painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are of painted smooth plaster, with a few minor defects. Wainscot is painted brick, which is chipped and needs repairing . Ceiling is painted smooth plaster and in good condition. Trim and doors are wood and need repairing and refinishing . Wood win- dows need repairing or replacing. MEETING ROOM NO. 23 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion. Walls and ceiling are painted sand plaster and need repainting. Trim, doors and windows are wood and windows need repairing or replac- ing. ORCHESTRA STORAGE ROOM NO. 24 : Floors are concrete and need refinish- ing. Walls and ceiling are painted sand plaster , and need repairing and refinishing. Trim and doors are wood and need repairing. PASSAGE ROOM NO. 25 : Floors are of painted concrete and in good con- dition. Walls are sand plaster and need repairing and refinishing. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and needs repainting. Wood trim is badly dented and scratched and needs refinishing. We noted that there ' were no hand rails at stair. Door to stage is in good condition, but door to storage is dented and needs repairing or replacing. ' STORAGE ROOM NO. 26 : Floor are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls and ceiling are sand plaster , which needs some repair. STAIR ROOM NO. 27 : Floors are concrete and in good condition. Walls are sand plaster and plaster needs patching around vent pipe. Ceilings are sand plaster and needs replacing around vent pipe. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. Sheet A-7 ' STAGE MANAGER ROOM NO. 28 : Floors are painted concrete and need re- painting. Walls are painted sand plaster and needs repainting. The ceilings are painted sand plaster and need repainting. Wood trim needs refinishing. Wood doors need refinishing. Wood windows need refinishing or replacing . ' LANDING ROOM NO. 29t Floor are exposed concrete. Walls are unfinished sand plaster and need repaiYing: Ceiling is expoec'I concrete. Trim is wood and needs repairing . EXterior door needs replacing: Interior door is in good condition, but needs refinishing . DRESSING ROOM NO. 30: Floors are painted concrete and needs repainting. Walls are sand plaster and brick, recently painted, but plaster shows numerous minor defects. Ceiling is painted exposed concrete and is in good condition. Wood trim needs refinishing . Counters need repair and refinishing. Wood windows need repairing or replacing . TOILET ROOM NO. 31 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and need repairing and repainting . Ceiling is concrete and in good condition. Wood trim needs refinish- ing . Wood windows need repairing . STAIR ROOM NO. 32 : Floors are concrete and need refinishing. Walls are brick. ' STAGE ROOM NO. 33: Floors are pine and need sanding and refinishing. Walls are brick and in good condition. Wood trim needs refinishing 1 and repairing. Stage curtains need repairing or replacing. Wood doors need repairing or replacing. Wood windows also need repairing or re- placing. 1 STAIR ROOM NO. 34 : Floors are exposed concrete. Walls are brick on east wall and stucco on west wall and are in good condition. STORAGE ROOM NO. 35 : Floors are exposed concrete and walls are brick, and are in good condition. Wood windows need repairing or replacing . 1 PROPERTY ROOM NO. 36 : Floors are exposed concrete. Walls are brick on the east and west and stucco on the north and south. Ceilings ' are exposed concrete. Wood doors are glazed and cracked panel in door needs repairing or replacing. Windows are wood. DRESSING ROOM NO. 37 : Floors are painted concrete and needs repainting . Base is painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and brick. Sand plaster on walls need repairing and repainted. Ceiling is painted concrete and in good condition. Wood trim needs patching and refinishing. Counter needs repair and refinishing. Doors need patching and refinishing . Windows needs to have broken panels replaced and refinished. Sheet A-8 • ' DRESSING ROOM NO. 38 : Floors are painted concrete and need repainting. Base is painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and brick and in good condition. Ceiling is painted concrete 1 and in good condition. Wood trim needs replacing. Plaster is cracked around metal door frame and needs repairing. Fire door is metal. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. ' STORAGE ROOM NO. 39 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good condition. Walls are sand plaster and needs some repair . Ceiling is sand plaster ' and in good condition. Wood doors need repairing and repainting. STAIR ROOM NO. 40: Floors are painted concrete and needs repainting . Walls are painted sand plaster , with minor dents at corners. Walls need repainting. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and need repairing and repainting. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. EXHIBITION ROOM NO. 41 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good con- dition. Walls are painted sand plaster and needs repairing around door dambs and columns and repainted. Ceilings are painted sand plaster and need repainting. Exterior bi-fold door needs replacing. Wood windows need refinishing . ' ARENA FLOOR ROOM NO. 42 : Wood floors are maple and show signs of some shrinkage of the wood. Floors need refinishing, as does the base. Walls are painted concrete and need refinishing. MEETING ROOM NO. 44: Floors are asphalt tile on concrete. Tile is i dented and shows wear. Wood base needs dents repaired and refinished. Walls are painted sand plaster and needs repairing at outlets in six (6 ) places and repainted. Ceilings are painted sand plaster and needs ' repainting. Wood trim needs minor defects and dents repaired and re- finished. Wood partition, 7'-O" high, is temporary and therefore, should be removed and area patched and refinished. Wood doors are glazed and one panel is cracked, which needs repairing or replacing , and revarnished. Windows are wood. ' STAIR ROOM NO. 45 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and loose plaster around one door open- ing needs repairing and all walls should be repainted. Ceilings are ' painted sand plaster and in good condition, but need repainting. Wood trim needs minor defects patched and revarnished. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. LANDING ROOM NO. 46 : Asphalt tile floors are dented and worn in traf- fic areas. Varnished wood base needs to have dents patched and re- varnished. Walls are painted sand plaster and need patching at door jambs and switch plate and repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and crack on west wall needs repairing and complete ceiling repainted. Wood trim needs to have minor defects patched and revarnished. Doors are wood glazed, with one panel cracked. Surface door needs revarnish- ing. Sheet A-9 ' OFFICE ROOM NO. 47 : Floors are asphalt tile on concrete. Tile shows wear in traffic areas and has many dents. Base is tarnished wood and needs to be repaired and re=varnished. Walls are painted sand plaster ' and need to be repaired and painted. Ceilings are also painted sand plaster and need to be repainted. Trim and doors are varnished wood and need to be repaired and refinished. Wood windows need to be re- paired or replaced. CLOSET ROOM NO. 48 : Floors are painted Concrete. 3'-0" crack needs ' to be repaired and complete floor needs to be painted. Base is paint- ed concrete and appears to be in good condition ; but needs to be painted. Walls are painted sand plaster and needs to be repainted. Ceilings are also painted sand plaster and need painting . Cabinet is varnished wood and needs to be revarnished. ' TOILET ROOM NO. 49: Floors are painted concrete with crack at door parallel south to wall. The crack needs to be repaired and complete floor needs repainted. Base is also painted concrete with a crack at door jamb, which needs to be repaired and base repainted. Walls are painted plaster and badly cracked on south and west walls. Repair these cracks and repaint . Wainscot is painted patterned plaster and I is badly cracked on south and west wall. These cracks need to be re- paired and wainscot repainted. Ceiling is smooth painted plaster and is in good condition, but needs to be painted. Painted wood partition has minor defects in wood, which need to be repaired, and partition repainted. Wood doors and windows need to be repaired or replaced. STAIR ROOM NO. 50 : Floors are painted concrete with steel nosing and is in good condition, but needs to be painted. Base is painted steel channel and needs to be repainted. Walls are painted sand plaster and ' are in poor condition, with cracks and water damage, which needs to be repaired and repainted. Ceilings are painted sand plaster and needs to be repainted. Trim is varnished wood with minor defects, which need to be repaired and revarnished. Wood windows needs to be repaired or replaced. SEATING ROOM NO. 51 : Floors are painted concrete and are in good con- dition, but need to be repainted. Walls are painted sand plaster and also need repainted. Trim is painted wood and appears to be in good condition. Seats are in good condition. Wood windows need repairing or need to be replaced. ' STAIR ROOMS NO 52 & 53 : Floors are concrete and in good condition. Walls are sand plaster and plaster needs patching around vent pipe. Ceilings are sand plaster and needs replacing around vent pipe. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. STAIR ROOM NO. 54: Floors are exposed concrete and in good condition. Walls are brick and in good condition. Sheet A-10 ' VESTIBULE ROOM NO. 55: Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion, as are the bases. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster and in good condition. Ceiling is painted concrete and also in good con- dition. Wood trim needs to have minor defects patched and revarnished. Wood doors need to be repaired and revarnished. ' DRESSING ROOM NO. 56 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion, as are the bases. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster. The plaster needs repairing and repainting . Ceiling is painted concrete ' and in good condition. Wood trim needs to be repaired and revarnished. Wood counter needs to be repaired or replaced. Wood doors need repair- ing and revarnished. DRESSING ROOM NO. 57: Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion, as are the bases. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster . ' Plaster needs to be repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted con- crete and in good condition. Wood trim needs repaired and revarnish- ed. Wood counter needs to be repaired or replaced. Wood doors need repaired and refinished. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. DRESSING ROOM NO. 58 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion, as are the bases. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster. Plaster needs to have minor defects repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted concrete and in good condition. Wood trim needs to have ' defects repaired and revarnished. Wood counter needs to be repaired or replaced. Wood doors also need to have minor defects repaired and refinished. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. DRESSING ROOM NO. 59 : Floors and base are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster. Plaster needs to be repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted concrete and in good condition. Wood trim needs repairing and revarnished. Wood counter needs to be repaired or replaced. Wood doors need to be repaired and ' refinished. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. VESTIBULE ROOM NO. 60: Floors are painted concrete, as are the bases , ' and are in good condition. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster. Plaster needs to have minor defects repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted concrete and two (2 ) holes need to be patched and ceiling ' repainted. Wood trim needs to be repaired and refinished. Wood doors need to have minor defects repaired and revarnished. ' TOILET ROOM NO. 61 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condition, as are the bases. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster , with minor defects in the plaster which should be repaired and repainted. Ceiling ' is painted concrete and in good condition. Minor defects in wood doors need to be repaired and doors revarnished. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. Sheet A-11 I BALCONY ROOM NO. 62: Floors are exposed concrete and in good condition. Walls are brick and in good condition. STAGE ROOM NO. 64 : Floors are pine, unfinished, and in very poor con- dition. Walls are brick. Curtains are in very poor condition. Exter- ior doors are damaged and need to be repaired. STAIR ROOMS NO. 63 & 65 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good con- dition. Walls are brick and in good condition. PROPERTY ROOM NO. 66 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good con- dition, as are the ceilings. Walls are brick and in good condition. STORAGE ROOM NO. 67 : Floors are exposed concrete, as is the ceiling, and are in good condition. Walls are brick. DRESSING ROOM NO. 68 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion, as are the bases. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster, ' recently refinished, but minor defects in plaster were painted over . Ceiling is painted concrete and in good condition. Minor defects in wood trim need to be repaired and trim revarnished. Counter needs to be repaired, as it is in poor condition. Wood doors need to have minor defects patched and revarnished. Wood windows need repairing or replacing . ' DRESSING ROOM NO. 69 : Floors and base are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and brick. Minor defects in sand plaster have been painted over. Ceiling is painted concrete and in good condition. Wood trim needs to be patched and revarnished. Counter is in poor condition and needs repaired. Wood doors need to have minor defects repaired and revarnished. Wood windows need replac- ing or repairing. ' VESTIBULE ROOM NO. 70 : Floors and base are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are brick and painted sand plaster. Plaster has minor defects, which have been painted over. Ceiling is painted ' concrete and in good condition. Wood trim needs to be patched and revarnished. Wood doors need to be repaired and revarnished. ' STAIR ROOM NO. 71 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good condition. Walls are brick and in good condition. STAIR ROOMS NO. 72 & 73 : Floors are painted concrete and need to be repainted. Walls are painted sand plaster with minor dents at corners. Walls need repainting . Ceilings are painted sand plaster and need re- pairing and repainting . Wood windows need repairing or replacing . Sheet A-12 1 ' SEATING ROOM NO. 74 : Floors are painted concrete and show wear in traffic areas and need repainting . Walls are painted sand plaster , and need to be repainted, as does the ceiling.. Wood trim is painted and ' is in good condition. Seats are in good condition.. Wood windows need repairing or replacing. ' STAIR ROOM NO. 75 : Floors are painted concrete with steel nosing and need to be repainted. Base is painted steel channel and in good con- dition. Walls are painted sand plaster, with some defects in plaster. ' Wood trim is painted and in good condition. Pipe rail appears to also be in good condition. Wood windows need repairing or replacing . ' TOILET ROOM NO. 76 : Floors are painted concrete , with some cracking in the floor. These cracks need to be repaired and floor repainted. Base is painted concrete and is also cracked. These cracks need to be repaired and base repainted. Walls are painted plaster , with cracks on west and south wall which need to be repaired and repainted. Wainscot is patterned painted plaster with crack on west wall, which needs to be repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted smooth plas- ter and needs to be patched in one area and repainted. Wood trim needs to have minor dents patched and revarnished. Wood doors are glazed and surface is cracked and is peeling. Wood windows need repairing or replacing . ' CLOSET ROOM NO. 77: Floors are painted concrete, with 3 '-O" long crack at door. Floors need to be repainted. Base is painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster with a crack on west wall , which should be repaired and walls repainted. SEATING ROOM NO. 78 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion , but need repainted. Walls are painted sand plaster , except for south wall which is acoustical tile, and all walls are in good condi- tion, but sand plaster needs to be painted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and in good condition, but does need painting. Wood trim is in good condition, as are the seats. Wood doors need to have minor defects patched and refinished. ' LANDING ROOM NO. 79 : Floors are asphalt tile over concrete. Tile shows wear in traffic areas and is scratched and dented. Wood base has minor defects which need to be repaired and then revarnished. Walls are painted sand plaster , with several cracks and loose plaster at door jambs, which need to be repaired and walls repainted. Ceiling ' is painted sand plaster , which has a hole at electrical box that needs to be repaired and ceiling repainted. Wood trim needs to be revar- nished. Remove wood coat hook rail and patch plaster. Hand rail ap- pears to be in good condition. Wood doors are glazed and in good con- dition, but need to be repaired in several areas and revarnished. Sheet A-13 1 STAIR ROOM NO. 80: Floors are painted concrete with steel nosing and need to be repainted. Base is painted steel channel with no defects in steel , but need to be repainted. Walls are painted sand plaster with crack at base on west wall and on east wall. These cracks need to be repaired and walls repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and also need to be repainted. Wood trim needs to have minor defects patched ' and revarnished. Hand rail is in good condition. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. ' OFFICE ROOM NO. 81 : Floors are asphalt tile and are dented. Wood base needs to have dents patched and revarnished. Walls are painted sand plaster with a 6" hole on the west walls which needs to be repaired and all walls repainted. Wood trim needs to have dents patched and re- varnished. Wood doors are glazed and needs to have dents patched and revarnished. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. ' BALCONY ROOM NO. 82: Floors are exposed concrete and in good condi- tion. Walls are brick and are also in good condition. ' HALL ROOM NO. 83 : Floors are asphalt tile and in poor condition. Wood base is in good condition, but needs to be refinished. Walls are ' sand plaster, painted, with water damage on west wall and crack in corner on north wall, which need repairing and repainting . Ceiling is painted sand plaster with extensive water damage on west wall. Ceilings need to be repainted. Coat hook rail is in poor condition. Wood trim needs to be revarnished. West wall door is in poor condi- tion, but the other doors appear to be in good condition, but do need revarnishing. ASSEMBLY ROOM NO. 84: Floors are birch, with some warpage at the east ' end. Floors need to be refinished. Wood base is in good condition, but need to be refinished. Walls are painted sand plaster with cracks on south wall and around doors , and water damage on north wall. Cracks ' need to be repaired and all walls repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and needs to be repainted. Wood trim is damaged slightly and needs to be repaired and refinished. Doors are in good condition, but ' need to be refinished. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. LANDING ROOM NO. 85 : Floors are asphalt tile and are dented and ' scratched. Wood base needs to be revarnished. Walls are sand plas- ter, with some loose plaster on west and east walls and a crack the full length of north wall. These walls need to be repaired and painted. ' Ceiling is painted sand plaster and holes need to be patched and ceil- ing repainted. Wood trim shows some dents and finish is bad. Doors are in good condition, but one (1) panel is cracked. 1 Sheet A-14 1 ' LOUNGE ROOM NO. 86 : Floors are asphalt tile and are in poor condition, with dents and worn areas. Wood base needs to be revarnished. Walls are painted sand plaster with loose plaster on east wall the full ' length and water damage. Walls need to be repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and has loose plaster and water dam- age. Ceiling needs to be repaired and painted. Trim is in good con- dition, but needs to be revarnished. Wood doors are glazed and in good condition, but do need to be revarnished. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. OFFICE ROOM NO. 87: Floors are asphalt tile over concrete and are dented and worn. Wood base needs some repair and also needs to be revarnished. Walls are painted sand plaster , with crack at ceiling on north wall and chipped. Walls need to be repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster with some loose plaster, which needs ' to be repaired and repainted. Wood trim needs some minor repair and revarnished. Wood doors need to be revarnished. Wood windows are in good condition, but do need to be refinished. ' PROPERTY ROOM NO. 88 : Floors are asphalt tile over concrete and are in poor condition. Wood base needs some minor repairs for dents and ' then revarnished. Walls are painted sand plaster and are chipped in areas and cracked on some walls. These areas need to be repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster and needs to be repainted. ' Wood trim needs some repair and revarnished. Wood shelves are un- finished and need some repair. Wood doors are in good condition, but need to be revarnished. TOILET ROOM NO. 89 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condition, but needs to be repainted. Base is painted concrete, cracked and chip- ' ped. These areas need to be repaired and all base repainted. Walls are painted smooth finish plaster , with cracks on north and south walls. These areas need to be repaired and all walls painted. Ceil- ing is painted smooth plaster and in good condition, but needs to be repainted. Wood trim is painted and has some minor defects which need to be repaired and all trim then repainted. Toilet accessories are ' not in working condition. Doors are wood and need to be repainted or revarnished. Wood windows need to be repaired or replaced. ' VESTIBULE ROOM NO. 90: Floors are painted concrete and in good con- dition, but need to be repainted. Base is painted concrete and in good condition, but need to also be painted. Walls are painted sand plaster ' with some chipping at door, which needs to be repaired and all walls repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster with chips which need to be repaired and entire ceiling repainted. Wood trim needs to have ' some dents patched and revarnished. Wood doors are in good condition, but need to be revarnished. Sheet A- 15 STORAGE ROOM NO. 91 : Locked: TOILET ROOM NO. 92 : Locked. BALCONY ROOM NO. 93 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condition. Walls are painted sand plaster and in good condition, but need to be repainted. Wainscot is wood chair rail 4'-O" high and in good condi- tion. Ceiling is painted canvas with water stains. Seating has some minor defects. Wood windows need repairing or replacing . BALCONY ROOM NO. 94 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion. Walls are painted sand plaster and in good condition, but do need to be repainted. Ceiling is painted canvas with some water stains at wall line. Wood trim is painted and in good condition. Seating has some minor defects. Pipe rail is in good condition. Windows need ' repairing or replacing. STAIR ROOM NO. 95 : Floors are painted concrete with steel nosing and in good condition, but do need repainted. Walls are painted sand plaster , with some loose plaster and cracks. Walls need to be repair- ed and repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster with loose and fallen plaster, which needs to be repaired and repainted. Wood win- dows need to be revarnished. ' STAIR ROOM NO. 96: Floors are painted concrete with steel nosing and in good condition , but do need to be repainted. Walls are painted sand plaster with some loose plaster and a few cracks. Walls need to ' be repaired and repainted. Ceiling is painted sand plaster with loose and fallen plaster in areas. Ceiling needs to be repaired and then repainted. Wood windows need to be revarnished. ' STORAGE ROOM NO. 97 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good condi- tion. Brick walls are in good condition also. Ceiling is unfinished sand plaster and is water stained. Wood trim needs some minor defects patched and then revarnished. Doors and windows are wood and need to be refinished or replaced. ' BALCONY ROOM NO. 98 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good condition. Pipe rail appears to be in good condition. ' DRESSING ROOM NO. 99 : Floors are painted concrete and in good condi- tion, as is the base. Walls are painted brick, with a crack in the south wall which needs to be repaired. Ceiling is painted sand plas- ter and in good condition. Wood trim needs to have some minor defects ' repaired and then revarnished. Wood glazed doors are in good condi- tion, but glass at door needs to be replaced and windows and door need to be refinished. Sheet A-16 BALCONY ROOM NO. 100 : Floors are exposed concrete and in good condi- tion. Walls are unfinished brick and in good condition. Pipe Rail appears to be in good condition also. BALCONY ROOM NO. 101 : Floors , are painted concrete and in good condi- tion. Walls are painted sand plaster and need only to be repainted. Ceiling is painted canvas with water stains at edges. Painted wood trim is in good condition. Seating has some minor defects. Pipe rail appears to be in good condition. Wood doors need to be patched for minor defects and refinished. PROJECTION ROOM NO. 102 : Locked. ' OFFICE ROOM NO. 103 : Locked. b. Unit Redecorating Cost Data : Most of these rooms will require complete redecorating before they can be put into use or rent- ed. The following is a list of unit prices to be used in de- termining redecorating cost of any area : 1. Ceilings : a. Clean, patch and paint existing ceiling. ' $.12 sq. ft. ± b. Install new acoustical tile suspended ' ceiling, except in the arena area. $.45 sq. ft . 2. Walls : a. Clean and paint existing walls. $.10 sq. ft . ± b. Cover existing walls with 15 oz. vinyl ' wall covering. $.29 sq. ft . ' c . To strip and wood panel existing walls. $.85 to $1.35 sq. ft. ±' 3. Floors : a. Clean and paint existing concrete floors ' with deck paint. + $.19 sq. ft . - I b. Installing vinyl asbestos floor tile over concrete. $.40 to $.50 sq. ft. ± 1 Sheet A-17 1 c. Installing ceramic tile, thin set. $1.60 sq. ft . ' d. Installing carpet and pad over existing floor. $7.00 to $12.00 sq. yd. e. Refinish existing wood floors, sanding and refinishing. ' $. 15 to $.22 sq. ft. 4. Light Fixtures : ta. Install new light fixtures. $.75 to $1.25 sq. ft . ' This is a rough rule of thumb and minimum cost. Refer to the Engineers Report which follows . 1 5. Mechanical & Electrical: Refer to the Engineers Report which follows. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sheet A-18 SALINA ROOFING COMPANY, INC: Founded 1913 - JOHN R. EGAN Phone 913 TA 7-3204 Box 734 248 North Chicago Ave. I SALINA, KANSAS 67401 • IJuly 1, 1979 .• Built-up Asphalt Roofs I Cayton, Jones, Ellglehardt & Gillam Architects 730 North Ninth St. ' , t, , Salina, Kansas Re: Memorial Hall Building ! Salina Kansas li Tar and Gravel s I Roofs Attn: Mr. Jack Gillam i Gentlemen: . I x Thank you for your call regarding the irvetigat:_o.: of the • ' existing roof conditions on this project. The undersigned I Slate Metal has made an extensive investigation today, July 1, 1970 of. Tile the roof surface, and would like to report our findings. • ' The existing roof surface is a 34 cap sheet. This a p x sheet was applied by,Salina Roofing, Inc. and billed out in January of 1968. It is covered by our regular form 5-year maintenance guarantee (this guarantee calls for a I re-coating by Salina Roofing Inc. at the Owner's expense Asphalt Shingles at the end of the 3rd year) and will be due for a re-coating under this guarantee during January of 1971. The existing Iroofing has experienced some blisters. Phis is not unusual x as a hail storm will invariably perforate the e<istfng roof surface and some moisture accumulates in these perforations '' then when the new roof is mopped solid to it, of course Sheet Metal blisters have a tendency to develop. The worst blisters Fabrication are in the east valley, however, the laps are sealed tight and we feel there is no opportunity for water penetration. The deck over the lobby has a spot on the west flashing wht:re no counter flashing exists that is suffering some deterioration, hoever, it showed no signs of water penetration at the present • time. The raised flat deck over the stage portion of the . I • building has• some counter flashing which is suffering fatigue • Aee Siding stos hingles from the wind, ,however we feel this will last out the remainder of the year before any repair would be necessary. This, cf course •' can be caught during the January. 1971 maintenance work, Generally speaking we feel the roof on the entire structure is f.n good 'r shape, and should be quite trouble free during the lifetime of ' I • the guarantee referred to above. • Waterproofing Once again thanking you for the opportunity to -be of :,er-i.. t we remain, . Very truly our;, ''i ldh pJrlG, INC. j, ( JRE:wt nn k. r an, Shoot A. 10 1 WHITE • AMELE k ASSOCIATES 913 825-0015 1373.S.SANTA FE AVE. SALINA, KANSAS 67401 ENGINEERS te PLANNERS KENNETH N. WHITE P.E. ALVIN F. HAMELE A.I.P. P.E. HARRY HUNSLEY P.E. June 23, 1970 Cayton, Jones , Englehardt and Gillam - Architects 730 North 9th Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Gentlemen: Presented, herewith, is the report requested on the structural condition of the Salina Memorial Hall located at 9th and Ash in Salina, Kansas. A comprehensive_visual structural inspection was made by a registered professional engineer from our staff on June 22, 1970. The following ' items were observed during this inspection. 1. A number of minor cracks were observed throughout the build- ' ing. None of these cracks appear to be serious in nature nor do they appear to be worsening. These cracks should be re- paired, however, to prevent further damage by moisture freez- ing in the cracks. 2. There is some minor deterioration of the brickwork particularly on the north side of the building. The damaged bricks should ' be repaired and morter joints pointed up. 3. The ceiling area over the entrance is spalling. The material ' spalling off appears to be the plaster facing and the only danger would be the possibility of a large piece falling. Repair would be removal of this plaster facing. ' 4. There are a number of broken or cracked windows throughout this structure. These windows do not affect the structural integrity of the building but should be replaced. 5. The most serious deficiency observed were the numerous roof leaks. Several serious leaks are causing deterioration of the interior ceiling and wall materials. The largest leaks appear to be over the stage area at the north end and over the office areas at the south end. It is recommended that the building roof be inspected and the necessary repairs made prior to any interior modifications. Sheet A-20 1 1 6. The heating and lighting systems of the building are out- dated and should be brought up to modern standards at the same time any remodeling is accomplished. 7. The ropes and cables supporting the curtains, backdrops and weights over the stage area were inspected for deterioration and even though the visual inspection did not uncover any • serious damage or rotted conditions we would recommend re- I/ placement of all the supporting systems for safety reasons considering the 40 year age of the material and liability involved. It should be further noted that the Memorial Hall was constructed in the early 1920's and considering the age of the structure, is in fairly IIgood condition. The basic layout and seating is , however, antiquated by present day standards . Further noted deficiencies include: steep and dangerous steps, narrow exits at the north end, poor access to the upper balcony and inadequate facilities in regard to dressing, bathroom and showers. Very truly.yours , IWHITE, HAMELE & ASSOCIATES tS Kenneth N. White, P.E. KNW:clv I • 1 . t Sheet A-20a. 41 �. I ,UITE ii AMELE 4 ASSOCIATES ° tO MADE BY Kai VY DATE L3 6 ! - 7O JDO NO. G ENGINEERS PLANNERS CHECKED BY DATE sEC. NO ICALCULATIONS FOR Ca -to �f C // SKEET ND. I tr_y_ h ,Ton �S E,, c/ %a. � ; ..,,- I ¶ffth ± j .— bt±Ih II I I — 1 1 i l 114%col j I I i• ! I 1 ttH : ! I I-1 I I I I i ' ' __._ 1 — —O r I iii 1 l 1 I ,(P' n .- --L -4 a d�1 1 I _1 k j I 1 1 , _._ To, _-G 20-- I I -L_ 1__-- I 1-- -4je-i-2 I—i. --� I--_i--i- - -- 'o- -Jr ' I } �— I 1 _ I ! _I__ - 1 . I I -f ( ! I I 1 • _ ! I •I I I ! I ! I I . ! I I • - __._ . 1.� j I I .-- - 13��.?... 1 ,.�1 , I I 1 1•! - 1 I j ! I I ' I 1• I 1 1 __I t Cf __ I 1 I ! C z'_r s C s . . I I I :— I 111 Il, , I 1 ! ` ;-1-/%;. I H. vl . .I 11 I. - 1 ` {•I _i ioplc I!��' ! Nrwi F/DO'I-t-S_. _■ __ N - \_II-- - 9 1 1 cl. 17%" 1 I 1 1 1-1 =1= . _ __�-s t*.,; _ _ -1 . ------- --- -I—a- I I 1 I 1-.0111-1 •Iv I I �1 j -1 j 1- 00• _ I I r 4H-L 1 i /�yri 1 I I T 1 I • 1 1 I f I ! 1 ■ I I I !. I I-I _ I I - I I I 1 I I I_. _ I. — t l 1 I I I I 1 1 I Sheet A=21 I ! j t •1 I -1 . i . .�. -i 1 1 1 I I 1 u1TE ^I ; AMELE i ASSOCIATES 6 70 Z SSOCIATES MADE BY K N DATE L-G 3-7 JOB N0. ENGINEERS PLANNERS EHEC NED BY DATE SEE, NO. SHEET NO. a .\ -- ` I FOR ' Ga v� to _Ton,- � F/o7T/h.. .��! G ._//s_r» . . CALCULATIONS i '; i _I_I . r 1 1 I__ 7 I 11 I I J-_ ! I ___r_ R 'Lb �_O>s+. * r- I I I _I 1 i�/T n, o.:_;/i /_t,, %/ � � � � I • 1 1 i I I I � 1 —Atom, 07-1 c 0), )-s t - /CrJ7 A v—� b 1 1 I _— I •T I �TynThche.i?1^ l + 2H . r J- I 1 --I � 1--- 2 , 3 , 2. 11 1 , L I —J -1—; _ _c� } } _ _ _ I - I A! s5.uh��.c. . _/O l /2r is t ,,; n ,_ — 1 - -- -__._J_._ . -.. __, ._._ - - - __.—__=I 13:x._3.7,_—.5 7_. 1.0 6/ '�-7__r'r_•_/._. — -_) — 1 I 1-- - — 1 --I-r -- -I I- I- - - -rte I ; I i I E 1 1 _ I 1 j !--- cif�1-3BO t?rr� oo'� 1 I I I ' I 1 ' I jILl 1 Ti_ I__II .1 I 1 " i = f _H. 1.csois1/,1 3 ao ?c !_3d u I . z I11 , 11 , — —..1_! I I I I 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1I_ �g 1_ a _ 1 1 1 i ' 14 ,j9- km-). c 14 [0 ./.9ne.,kailsiiird/- 16.17 11 _ _ r '• 1 1 ' ' ' I I 1 I -J I ` G� �ie'rc �fCr 2�vi / I �. I } 1 I 1 -1� L__.; I I— — �._ / I/may. -1 - - - I 1 Il --0I— L--- z-I iL �. v t • a s P —I - .I .-- I 1 I I. ,—.1 ■ I— I i _.. ._ —7 4 cS c I 7� 1 ° 0 ee� — 1 1 ! - -- - _ • 1 1E1 I ! I � II n e - I .� fi � 4,91/-1 -4.---k .i Go,..S lim-_� I • _! I 1 i 1 _ 1 1 j_ I I fi±21 00 a I e I , I 1 - I 1 —1— I — 1 L_ .1 ' ■•• III_ _- —�___ urn • I _ 1 � I I 1 —I i 1 I I i } 1 1 1 i •, Sheet-A-I2 1 1 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL REPORT MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM BUILDING SALINA, KANSAS 1 A. GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR-CONDITIONING : a. The existing piping , radiators, traps, etc. , seem to be in good condition. The old boiler cannot last many more heat- ing seasons. It is about 48 years old and very few last more than 45 years. Service records of local plumbers in- dicate an increasing frequency of service calls in the last few years. The Owner would undoubtedly save money by re- placing the boiler in the summer when time is available to get bids. When this boiler finally fails, it will fail during the winter when it is being used. Time and materials always bring a premium under emergency conditions. b. There seems to be a lack of combustion air in the boiler room. This is indicated by smudges around the fire doors. This should be corrected by installing a louver in an out- side wall or a penthouse above the ceiling over the ash 11 hatch. c. The original boiler feed pump has evidently failed and been hurriedly replaced with a domestic type pump that was pro- bably available from stock. This pump was not designed for feed water service and should be changed when the boiler is ' replaced. d. When the boiler is replaced, consideration should be given ' to the overall building use plans. The new boiler should be located in the room in such a manner that space will be available for another boiler in the future in case winter ventilation is desired. To replace the existing boiler with a new one that will handle the presently connected load, it will cost about $9,300.00 ' 2. PLUMBING: ' a. The plumbing system in the building is in need of some gen- eral maintenance. Although there are no obvious leaks and available records do not indicate any particular problems with piping , it is for the most part galvanized and, there- fore, somewhat unreliable. As long as the piping is not too troublesome, there would be no particular advantage in re- placing it, except in areas where extensive remodeling is to be done anyway. I Sheet B-1 b. Plumbing fixtures , in general, need cleaning. Faucets and valves should be replaced or repaired and adjusted as re- quired. 3. ELECTRICAL: ' a. The electrical system is badly in need of updating and maintenance. There are several open switches and recep- tacles in the stage area. One of the decorative light fixtures on the front of the building has come loose and is hanging by the wires. The entire building should be investigated with the help of the City Electrical Inspec- tor for compliance with codes. b. A new electrical service should be provided, both to meet ' local codes and to provide power for new equipment that may be added. The size of this service will be determined by the overall building use plans. This service would cost about $7,500.00. Consideration for additions or deductions will be included in following estimates B. AUDITORIUM - BASKETBALL & RECREATIONAL USE: 1. HEATING, VENTILATING & AIR-CONDITIONING : ' a. Although not absolutely necessary at the present time, ventilation should be considered. A minimum amount of ' ventilation air based on the number of people occupying the building should be supplied during the winter. This air should be tempered before being introduced into the building , and would be supplied by new or existing air handling equipment . ' b. If this is accomplished with existing equipment, the cost will run about $13,000.00. If new air handling equipment is used, the addition of future air-conditioning would be ' a simple matter . Minimum ventilation with new equipment would cost approximately $22 ,000.00. A larger amount of ventilation air based on the volume of the building should ' be available during the summer season. This air would normally be provided by exhaust fans, and introduced into the building through doors and windows. Openings and louvers for exhaust fans are existing ; however, the fans were never installed. These fans could be installed at an approximately cost of $12,000.00. 1 1 Sheet B-2 ' c. The required boiler capacity depends largely on the winter ventilation rate. If present or future plans call for ventilation, an additional boiler or space for an addition- al boiler must be provided. About $8,000.00 is included in the estimated costs of a. and b. above, for this addi- tional boiler capacity. 1 2. PLUMBING : a. New showers and other fixtures will be required for dressing rooms. The existing water heater will have to be replaced to handle the additional shower load. The existing water heater is an old converted coal fired unit and should be changed anyway. This change will cost about $12,000.00 3. ELECTRICAL: a. New lighting would be required over the court. This would ' be accomplished best with mercury vapor fixtures which could be installed with a minimum amount of new circuits. New lighting would also be required in the dressing rooms. $ New lighting will cost approximately $11 ,000.00. C. AUDITORIUM - THEATRICAL USE: 1. HEATING , VENTILATION & AIR-CONDITIONING : a. Paragraphs B-la, b, and c above, apply for theatrical use as well as sport type activities. Although noise levels of the equipment must be considerably lower for theatri- cal type entertainment , the costs indicated in Paragraphs B- la, b and c above should be fairly close. 1 b. It should be pointed out that ventilation is not air-condi- tioning . It is impossible for a ventilation system to lower the temperature inside the building any lower than the out- door temperature. A new air-conditioning system could be installed for the auditorium, stage and dressing rooms for about $130,000.00. If this system were installed, the new ' exhaust system in Paragraph B- lb above would not be requir- ed to maintain comfort. 2. PLUMBING : a. General maintenance as mentioned in Paragraphs A-2a and b ' above is all that would be required to provide a proper plumbing system for theatrical use. 1 Sheet B-3 1 3: ELECTRICAL: a. The existing dimmer should be replaced.' Stage lighting ' and receptacles should be updated and made to comply with codes. This would cost about $8,200.00. b. If a ceiling is installed in the auditorium, new light fixtures will be required at a cost of approximately $6,300.00. 1 D. FRONT OFFICE AREA, OFFICE & MEETING USE: 1 1. HEATING, VEf4TILATING & AIR-CONDITIONING: a. Heating and air-conditioning loads of the auditorium and ' office area differ considerably because of the different uses. There are undoubtedly many times when the office area requires heat when the auditorium needs cooling or ' ventilation. For this reason, the office area should be zoned separately from the auditorium. The original plans indicate that the office area is piped separate from the ' rest of the building, and some of this piping could pos- sibly be used for a new air-conditioning system. These offices and meeting rooms should be air-conditioned if they ' are to keep pace with modern building trends. Heating and air-conditioning for this area, with a system separated from the auditorium, would cost approximately $45,000.00. ' If the entire building is air-conditioned, a separate zone could be provided for this area. In this case, about $37,000.00 should be added to the $130,000.00 in Paragraph ' C-lb above, for front office area heating and air-condi- tioning. 1 2. PLUMBING : a. Besides general maintenance, a few of the existing plumbing ' fixtures are antiquated and should be replaced if any kind of modernization is undertaken. New fixtures will cost approximately $700.00. b. Evidently, hot water was never supplied to the office area toilets. This should be done at a cost of about $1,500.00. 3. ELECTRICAL: ' a. The existing electrical system should be completely replaced, including new light fixtures, switches and additional re- ceptacles. This will probably cost about $17,000.00. I Sheet B-4 POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS ' Remodel solution for the existing stage, dressing rooms and arena area, please refer to Drawings E, F, G, H, I and J. A. BASKETBALL COURT : 1. The existing arena floor is 49' wide x 90' long with 4'-0" vertical walls at boundaries. 2. Recommended size basketball courts by the National Federation of State Athletic Association are as follows: a. College - 50' wide x 94' long ' b. High School - 50' wide x 94' long c. Junior High School 42' wide x 74' long All courts are recommended with 3'-0" side court and 6' to 10' end court for run pass. ' 3. To provide a basketball court with side court and end court, as recommended, in the existing auditorium area, it will be necessary to raise the existing floor or court either 4'-4" or ' 6'-6", as described and as per reference drawings in following Schemes #1 and #2. ' 4. Also, shower dressing and toilet rooms will be necessary at the new court elevation. 5. Raising the court elevation as per Schemes #1 and #2 will af- fect the existing exits and existing stage. B. BASKETBALL SCHEME #1 : 1. 50' x 90' court with 11' run pass on north and 9 '-O" run pass on the south, and 2'-4" side court. 2. Folding gymstand seating 400 maximum. Folds to wall to a ' 2 '-8" extend position. 3. Remodeling existing dressing rooms at this level aside of stage ' to toilet, shower, and dressing room. 4. Provide additional fire door exits in the wall of this build- ing. Sheet C-1 I 5. Raise the basketball floor to 6'-6" above the -existing court floor. This elevation set by the existing stepped seating and in order to provide minimum of 9'-0" run pass on the south and ' a 3'-0" clearance of the proscenium legs on"the north end of court. I 6. This solution will mean closing of the south end exit from the court. I 7. An adjustment will ,be necessary on the east and west exits from the court floor. These exits will be necessary: in accordance with fire codes when the basketball floor will be used for I theater seating. This can be solved by a removable section of side court as per Scheme#1. I Basketball Seating Capacity Scheme #1 400 Gymstand 1 1,158 Main Floor 791 Second Floor ' 2,349 Seating Capacity I 8:. ':Cost for Remodeling Existing Court to Raised Basketball Court- Scheme #1: ' Gym floor.: With sub floor and extra sub floor 25/32 thick . . maple., including finish .. :. .$ 11,500.00 Framing floor joists 3,240.00 IExtend supports. 1,100.00 . Removing 162 seats 162.00 Floor support at south exit 160400 ITwo . (2) .wood stairs and removable side court with padded guard rails at east Iand west exits 450.00 Hardware for removable floor sections: . 100.00 ITwo (2) ramps and framing 204.00 IBleachers - telescoping type 4,800.00 Two (2) basketball backstops ' 2,000.00 I . I Sheet C-2 1 • Cut two (2) masonry openings in exist- ing north wall and install two (2) double fire exit doors. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 400.00 ' Furnish and install and trim out two (2) pairs of fire doors, 6' x 7' , and fire hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800.00 Plumbing, lighting and hot water ' (Refer to Engineers Report ) . . . . 12;500.00 Two (2) dressing rooms. . ,.. , . . - . . . . . . . 4,610.00 \ New lighting of Basketball Floor. . . . . 10,500.00 ' TOTAL SCHEME #1 $ 52 ,526.00 C. BASKETBALL SCHEME #2 : 1. 50' x 90' court with 8' run pass on north and 10' run pass on the south and 2'-4" side courts. ' 2. Folding gymstand seating 300 maximum. Folds to wall to a 2 '-8" extend position. 3. Remodel existing dressing rooms at each side of stage to shower, dressing and toilet area for the basketball players. 4. Provide additional fire door exits in the north wall of this building. 5. Raise the basketball court to 4'-4" above existing floor court floor. This elevation set by the stepped seating and the stage height. 6. This solution., we can save the south end exit from the court, ' with use of padded rails for basketball.. 7. Scheme #2, it will be necessary to cut the structural legs of ' the proscenium legs back 3'-5" each side of stage. This will permit the court with side clearance to be extended north on the stage. Refer to Structural Engineer 's Report, Sheets A-20 through A-22, inclusive.. 8. Scheme #2, with the court extended north, improves the visual angle of the 500 south balcony seats. In Scheme #1, the 500 south balcony seats are poor. 1 Sheet C-3 I 9. As in Scheme #1, an adjustment will be necessary on the east and west exits from the basketball court floor. The exits will be necessary in accordance with the fire code when the I basketball court is used for the theater seating. This can be solved by the use of removable padded guard rail sections of the side court. Refer to Drawing I. IBasketball Seating. Capacity 300 Gymstand , Scheme #2 1,212 Main Floor , II791 Second Floor 2,303 Seating Capacity I10.. Cost for Remodeling Existing Court to Raised Basketball Court Scheme #2: IGym floor: I With sub floor and extra sub floor 25/32 thick maple., including finish $ 11,600.00 ' Framing floor joists . . . . 3,240.00 Extend supports . . . . . . . . . . . . 732.00 IRemove 108 seats 108.00 I Adjustment of south court exit. Padded guard rail enclosing wood stair 200.00 I Construction of two (2 ) stairs with padded . rails and removable side court sections . 550.00 I Bleachers - telescopic type, manual operation 3,600.00 I. I Two (2) basketball backstops, suspended type 2,000.00 I Cut two (2) masonry openings in existing north walls and install two (2 ) double fire exit doors with frames 1,200.00 IRemodel of existing dressing rooms at each side of stage - General 4,610.00 IPlumbing, Lighting and Hot Water. . 12,500.00 I Sheet C-4 New lighting of Basketball Floor $ 10,500.00 Refer to Structural Engineer's Report, ' Sheets A-20 through A-22, inclusive relative to adjustment on proscenium. . . . 12,000.00 TOTAL SCHEME #2 $ 62,840.00 D. AUDITORIUM AND STAGE ADAPTATION TO BASKETBALL COURT SCHEMES #1 & #2: 1. Our studies and schematic drawings of the solutions for the basketball court will present problems in regard to a good ' theater solution for the auditorium, but with the use of an installed reflective shell and canopy at stage, and acoustical treatment of the ceiling in the auditorium, the problems can be corrected. Refer to Drawings K and L. 2. Gymstand: ' a. The telescopic gymstand will fold to 2'-8" at north of stage in Schemes #1 and #2. b. The gymstand set on a portion of the stage in both schemes, but Scheme #1 is a larger fixed portion of the stage than ' Scheme #2. 3. Bi-fold Stage: a. The bi-fold stage stored at each side will be the most practical and economical solution for the removable por-' ' tion of the stage. b. Note the Drawings K and L, the removable portion of the ' stage stores in upright position, with clearance of exit traffic and passage way to dressing rooms. c. The movable stage will be pulled to storing position or relieved to stage position by cable, weight and hoist system. d. The stage platform jacks will be stored under the fixed portion of the stage. ' 4. Sound Reflectors - Note Drawings K & L: ' a. Overhead Sound Reflectors: 1. Overhead sound reflectors will be suspended from the stage rigging, dropped in position for stage and pull- ed to top and folded into storing position when not in Sheet C-5 ' use. The lighting can be installed in the panels or suspended between the panels. b. Side and rear wall sound reflectors will be on wheels and can be folded and rolled away for storing when not in use. c. Reflector Canopy : 1. The canopy in front of proscenium can be suspended to reflector position or pulled up against the auditorium ceiling when not in use. 1 5. Stage Rigging: I, a. Stage rigging is in poor condition and must be replaced. 6. Auditorium Ceiling: a. Installing suspended 2' x 4' acoustical tile ceiling in the auditorium will improve the sound and appearance, both for the basketball and theater solution. b. The acoustical tile ceiling will absorb the undesirable sound reflection in both situations. 7. Lighting : ' a. Besides the lighting for the basketball court, additional lighting will be necessary for stage and auditorium. ' 8. Exits : a. As previously mentioned in the basketball schemes, raising ' the court elevation will change the exit condition. This can be solved with removable side court sections and padded guard rails. ' 9. Cost for Auditorium and Stage Remodel - Adaption to Basketball Court : ' Gymstand: ' Gymstand costs are as shown in Basketball Schemes #1 and #2 cost breakdown. ' Bi-fold stage with stage platform, stairs, jacks, cables and hoist. Scheme #1 $ 5,300.00 ' Scheme #2 $ 6,600.00 Sheet C-6 Sound Reflectors : Ceiling Stage $ 1,500.00 Walls Stage 1,650.00 Canopy Auditorium 2 ,000.00 ;I ' Total $ 5,150.00 Stage Rigging Replaced $5,000.00 to $7,000.00 Auditorium Ceiling : Installing acoustical tile in 2' x 4' grid suspension system $ 12,300.00 ' Auditorium & Stage Lighting: Refer to Electrical Engineer' s Report $ 14,500.00 TOTAL MINIMUM COST FOR AUDITORIUM ' ADAPTION AND REMODEL $ 42,250.00 TOTAL MINIMUM COST FOR BASKETBALL COURT AND AUDITORIUM ADAPTION AND REMODEL $ 42,250.00 ✓ ' BASKETBALL - SCHEME #1 52,526.00 ✓ ' TOTAL BASKETBALL & AUDITORIUM ADAPTION $ 94,776.00 Mechanical : ' If the auditorium is remodeled and im- proved to this state, the mechanical ' consisting of new boiler and air handling system should be corrected as per Mechanical Engineers Report. Boiler $ 9,300.00 ' Ventilation, using existing equipment 13,000.00 Exhaust fans 12,000.00 (The electrical and plumbing has been included) TOTAL MECHANICAL $ 34,300.00 Sheet C-7 TOTAL BASKETBALL & AUDITORIUM ADAPTION $ 94,776.00 TOTAL MECHANICAL 34.300.00 SUB-TOTAL $129,076.00 ✓ Include the windows and door re- placement in the cost $ 44,350.00 TOTAL $173,426.00 ' This figure does not include any of the cost to put the ' building in a good yearly maintenance condition, as the exterior pointing, stucco, masonry sealing, etc. , as itemized on Sheet A-2. Also, this total does not include cost to redecorate the auditorium area, such as painting or finishing the floors, walls and existing seats. ' If consideration is given to air-conditioning the auditorium area, the cost will increase (Refer to Mechanical Engineer's Report). $130,000.00 TOTAL $303,426.00 E. SECONDARY ROOMS OR AREAS OTHER THAN THOSE NEEDED OR USED IN THE ' THEATER OR ATHLETIC PROGRAMS: 1. Basement Floor : ' a. The north area under the side stage area is excavated pro- viding space for Coal Room, Boiler Room, Fan Room, Janitor ' Room, and small toilet-dressing-shower room. Condition is poor as per our room investigation. ' b. This area will be of little use in regard to other possi- bilities other than for a small amount of storage area. ' c. Basement area under the south lobby and office area : 1. This area represents some 4,300 sq. ft. with one (1) ' open space some 30' x 70' . 2. At present, this area is designated as the Civil De- 111 fense area. 3. The size of this room will accommodate approximately ' 200 people for a meeting space, or set up for 16 to 20 pool or ping pong tables for a recreational area, with adjacent spaces for lounge-snack bar or kitchen. Sheet C-8 ' 4. This area was originally set up with kitchen area. 5. This area will serve well as a dining-snack bar area ' for large crowds gathering in the building for acti- vities, as there are exits and access doors. two (2) directions to exterior and three (3) to floors above. 6. An arts and crafts program for a large class can be set up in this space. ' 2. The area under the Arena and Seating Area is unexcavated, ex- cept for mechanical air ducts. ' 3. First Floor : ' a. Besides the stage, dressing rooms and arena floor, there are large areas on the east and west directions under the stepped seating. These areas are on ground. level, with ' large access or exits in three (3) directions. b. On original plans, the two (2) areas are referred to as ' Exhibition Space. These areas will also serve as good recreation or art and craft areas. c. Snack and intermission for auditorium activities will work fine in both these spaces. ' d. Better facilities for the basketball team can also be deve- loped in these areas, such as dressing, showers, toilets and team meeting space, as the converted dressing areas ' aside the stage will be small. e. Fine civic organizations or business offices can be develop- ed in these areas with rent income, as good toilet facili- ties exist each side at this floor elevation. ' 4. Three (3) floors aside and above the Central Lobby area : a. Each floor represents 3,000 sq. ft. , including stair and ' hall space, and in addition, toilet facilities exist in both east and west areas. ' b. The first floor office space, aside of the central lobby area, has been recently redecorated and in full time use. c. Part of the second and third floor areas appear to be in parttime use or storage by civic groups. 1 Sheet C-9 1 ' d. These areas can be redecorated, as per room report, for recreation, civic or business offices for possible rent income. 1 e. An elevator can be installed with the four (4) floor stops. This will make the fourth floor more adaptable for business offices, rentals or more convenient for city use. The Elevator Cost, Drawing M $30,000.00 Other spaces at second and third floor elevator, aside from stage and auditorium, are dressing rooms aside the stage. This is the best use of these spaces. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sheet C-10 I 1 1 1 i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 ! I ' 1 1 �r B 1 1 . 1 j � 1 1 U U I U U D 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E I ' ' ' • , I : ' ' � F 1 1 . 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 G II 1 1 ' I I 1 I' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I N 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'I I I I jl l I 1 1 i1 il I I it/ 1 1 I ..„„,,, K ,,:_ . I I • 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 !11 MNO u