CLAP Memorandum STATE OF KANSAS ,r 's$� �, lea emed 9m 69€4001144109t Air Box 1028 PRATT, KANSAS 67124 (3161 672.6473 Febuary 4, 1977 Norris D. Olson City Manager P.O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed you will find a copy of the CLAP Memorandum of Understanding for Lakewood Lake of Salina. This copy is for your files. My files on Lakewood Lake indicate that we have not made an assessment of the lake since 1967. We have however stocked fish in several years since 1967. I feel that we need to make an assessment of the lake's sport fishery and develop a management plan. Perhaps measures_other than stocking sould be taken to improve the fishery. I plan to make the necessary fish population evaluations sometime this spring or summer. After this assessment is made, I will meet with you to discuss possible management actions. • I plan to be in Salina sometime in February or March and would like to stop in your office to discuss the lake. If I can be of any assistance to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, sZageleAZ Troy Schroeder Fisheries Biologist 622-H j f MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Fisheries Division (City, County, etc. Kansas Forestry, Fish Board or Council) and Game Commission This Memorandum of Understanding, entered into by and between the Fisheries Division of the Kansas Forestry, Fish and Game Commission, hereinafter called the Commission, and The City of Salina, Kansas hereinafter called the City , and (City, County, etc.) Whereas it is the responsibility of the Commission to manage fisheries; and Whereas it is the responsibility of the City, County, etc. to provide recreational use including fishing on Lakewood lake(s) ; and Whereas it is the mutual desire of the Commission and the City, County, etc. to work in harmony for the common purpose of developing, maintaining and managing the fishery in the lake(s) for the best interests of the public use; Whereas, it is the understanding of both parties that: A. The basic interest of this document is to strengthen the cooperative approach to the management of the fishery of the lake(s) . B. A basic need of both parties is to be kept informed on matters of mutual interest. This means that the Commission should be kept informed in a timely manner and their recommendations solicited on fishery management programs and progress in such programs, and the City, County, etc. should be informed in a timely manner of information and guidance in ther operation and evaluation of such fisheries management programs. The Commission agrees to the extent permitted by law: 1. To cooperate with the City in the evaluation of the fishery (City, County, etc.) potential in water bodies under their jurisdiction. -2- 2. To formulate management plans for improvement of the fisheries of water bodies under the jurisdiction of the City, County, etc. 3. To cooperate in evaluation of such fishery management programs to provide guidance in modifying the plan or its means of implementation to further enhance the fishery present. 4. To provide further technical assistance and guidance as required to accomplish the goal of improving the fishery. The City agrees to the extent permitted by law: (City, County, etc.) 1. To cooperate with the Commission in the evaluation of the fishery potential of water bodies under their jurisdiction. . 2. To implement the management plans for improvement of the fishery as formulated by the Commission. 3. To furnish the Commission with up-to-date progress of plan implementation to facilitate evaluation of the success of the plan action and to provide information which may influence management changes to further enhance the fishery. 4. To recognize the Commission as the agency primarily responsible for Fishery management decisions and to rely on them for advice and guidance before embarking on other management activities on the water body which may influence the fishery. 5. To comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be other- wise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement. 6. That these waters will be open to public fishing. 7. To require that all fishermen, as required by Kansas Law, will possess a valid fishing license. The Commission and the City, County, etc. mutually agree: 1. To cooperate in the enhancement of the fishery of Lakewood lake(s) . 2. To promote a united and organized approach by all interested parties to the problems related to the management of the fishery of the lake(s) . 3. To cooperate in the formulation of practical planning to guide the management of the fishery of lake(s) . 4. That there will be a joint meeting of the Commission representatives and City, County, etc. representatives on a scheduled basis for the purpose of discussing the fisheries management activities on the lake(s) . 5. To exchange and maintain an active file of all documents related to the activities of both parties involved in the management of the fishery of the lake(s) . 6. That nothing in this Memorandum shall be construed as obligating the Commission in the expenditure of funds or future payment of money for implementing the management plan. - 7. That this Memorandum shall become effective as soon as it is signed by both parties and shall continue in force until terminated by either party upon ninety days notice in writing to the other of his intentions to terminate upon a date indicated. 8. That amendments to this basic Memorandum may be proposed by either party and shall become effective upon approval of both parties. wf _4— In witness thereof, the parties have executed this Memorandum of Understanding as of the date when last signed below. Fisheries Division Kansas Forestry, Fish and Game Commission Date: 1-31-77 By: /Alf -a _ 4 kcting (Director ( estigating Biologist) City of Salina, Kansas (Name of governing unit) Date: December 9. 1976 BY: Norris D. Olson (Q$ >' 411 City Manager