Salina Water Supply Report 1970 /JcovVI S REPORT OF SALINA'S WATER SUPPLY • (As graded by the Kansas Inspection Bureau and clarified by Chief Engineer, Carl Clanton, 16 December 1970. ) The grading is based on "Appendix A, Standard Schedule for Grading Cities and Towns of the United States with Reference to Their Fire Defenses and Physical Conditions" , Edition of 1956 with 1964 Amendments , Municipal Fire Administration. Under many items, the deficiency to be assigned is determined as a percentage , and this value is translated to a corresponding number of deficiency points. In general , where an item is graded on quantity or numbers, the total required quantity or number is the basis for the percentage. Under some items, definite points of deficiencies are assigned to certain con- ' ditions, and is reduced to judgement decisions. Where a check mark occurs after an item, this item is as good as is needed, or does not apply such as in Item 10 under Water Supply. Some explanation of deficiency points given certain items under Water Supply will follow: Line Item 3: Plans and Records 1 . No record of size , type, manufacturer and rotation of any buried valves. 2. No available plan for the Western Star Dam and the river intake pump at the Water Plant. 3. No plans of our wells and high service pump stations. 4. Fire hydrant records were good, but should have total number of each make of fire hydrant with total number of nozzles and openings with all different sizes. It was learned that by a judgement decision, we had 55 percent of what was deemed needed. This left us with a 45 percent deficiency. Referring to Table 2, "Appendix A" , page 345, and Item 3 "Plans and Records" , page 348, Municipal Fire Administration , we see we use only one-fourth (25%) of the deficiency scale. The 45% represents 79 deficiency points, and using only 25% equals 19.75 points, or rounded off, 20 deficiency points. Of course, this could be worked in reverse if we didn 't know the percentage amount that was used to determine how much we wera effective. Under Item 3 we were given 20 deficiency points. If under Item 3, we only use one-fourth of the scale, then, 20 X 4 = 80 points, and rounding off, we see this matches with approximately 45% deficiency. I would like to, at this point, bring out some other basis or thinking used as a guideline for their grading. Referring to Table 3, "Appendix A" , page 345, you can see that a deficiency rating of from 0-10% is good or slight. In fact, you could go up to 30% and still be rated as fairly good. Apparently, the K. I .B. does not get too concerned over a 10% deficiency rating. However, I would hasten to point out, do not'confuse the 10% deficiency rating with a 10 point mark deficiency. As an example, refer to Item 3 under "Water Supply" . Three deficiency points were marked against "Qualifications of Executives" . However, for this item, we use the 1/10 deficiency scale, so 10 X 3 = 30 points which represents approximately 22% to 23% deficient, or 77% effective. I would like to add, that no one in this category or any other line item of the grading report that refers to individuals or personnel , ever receive a check mark or zero deficiency points. The K. I.B. believes if zero deficiency points are given, then you are as good as you will ever get in your profession , will get no better, and already meet their desired objectives-- impossible in their thinking. In pursuing my point, refer please to Line Item 4 under "Fire Department Chief' s Tenure in Office". Ten deficiency points were assessed , which on the surface does not seem too bad. But referring to page 356, under Item 4, use the 1/20 deficiency scale. Then 10 X 20 = 200 points on Table 2, page 345, and this means 100% deficient. If you read the qualifications under Line 4, this is due mainly to a long tenure in office. I talked with Chief Lacy on this compar- ison, and explained to him what my purpose was, and he concurred with me that this point should be brought forward. What I am trying to say is, understand the qualification of the line item, as well as what scale you are dealing with, when assessing the deficiency points. Line Item 5: Receipt of and Response to Alarms 1/10 deficiency scale 10 X 9 = approximately 50% effective. This was due primarily to the fact the Fire Station has to call the Water . Plant by phone (even though we moniter their radio at the Plant) for a fire. Their thinking is that at night, with only one man on duty the radio may not be heard, so it takes one more operation for receipt of a fire alarm. Response - 3 points. 10 X 3 = 30 or approximately 23%. Under B on page 349, we are to add the 1/10 scale which makes us approximately 75% effective in the combined area. Although we have a man on call to go out on fire alarms , he has to be contacted I by phone, as he is not the man on duty at the plant at night. Line Item 9: Reliability of Electric Power supply 37 points X 2 = 74. Approximately 43% deficient. 100 minus 43 =. 57% effective. This is primarily due to having only a single overhead electrical supply line serving our high service pump house. We could improve this condition by running an underground conduit in lieu of the overhead line , and possibly having some stand-by power. Also, 15 of our 30 pumps and motors are remote controlled, 2 indicating the plant operator does not know for sure when he puches the control button if the motor is working. . Line Item 11 : Condition, Arrangement, Operation , and Reliability.of Plant Equipment 57 deficiency points = 35% deficient; 65% effective. 1 . We have some electrical motors located where they could be subject to water coverage. - 2. The remote controlled valves in our million gallon reservoir and Key Acres tower add to the deficiency. We could improve this if automatic or pressure controlled valves were used. 3. All our telemeters are the non-recording type. 4. large number of remote controlled pumps. 5. All of our overhead tanks are not on the same level of elevation. 6. Due to the cold weather during the winter, we cannot use the river as a source of water supply. 7. Our low head supply pump is exposed to vandalism. Line Item 16: Reliability of Supply Mains as Effecting Adequacy 88 points X 2 = 176 which reflects 89% deficiency or 11% effectiveness. A break could occur in our 12" , 16" , or 20" collection system line from our wells and we would have only Well #3 as a source of supply. This can be corrected almost 100% by installing two 20" valves in the supply lines; one for the north system and one for the south. Line Item 17: Reliability of Installation of Supply Mains Approximately 71% effective. .. Part of this comes from Line Item 16, as well as not having a check valve in our 1 .6 million gallon reservoir. Also included in this is the frequency 1 and nature of leaks, breaks, and repairs; general condition of the system; general arrangement of valves, valve repair; and the possibility of a break in any part of our system that could result in a serious deficiency for fire flow. Line Item 18: Arterial System 67 deficiency points = 40% deficient; 60% effective. This refers to arteries and secondary feeders throughout the system. They should be spaced properly (approximately 3000' ) , looped and sufficient size to deliver fire flow and consumption demands. Also, a large section of the City served by a single main constitutes a deficiency. . 3 Line Item 20: Local Distribution in High Valve District Considered 16 deficiency points = 62% deficient or 38% effective. This is a result of flowing the hydrants at the northeast and southwest corner of 7th and Elm, and measuring the fire flow at the hydrant just east and in the middle of the block of the City-County Building. The existing flow was a little over 2300 GPM and the required flow 6000 GPM. This hydrant is on a 4" line, and a large part of this deficiency could be corrected by hooking the plug to some larger line. (I wonder what would have happened if the plug hadn ' t been there to begin with. ) This item also could be arrived at by the percentage bases. 2300 = 38% deficient, which is close to the deficiency scale reading. 6000 Line Item 25: Supply in Areas Other than High Valve Districts Considered 35 points deficient = 25% deficient or 75% effective. This is based on a rather weak supply of available water in outlying built-up areas such as Sunset Shopping Center, Marymount College, and other schools. Of course, the answer here is larger mains to these areas, if we can afford it. Line Item 27: Inspection and Condition of Valves 29 deficiency points - 1/5 scale; 145 points = 75% deficient or only 25% effective. This is based on not having all of our valves in the system inspected once a year over the last five years, suitable records of inspections kept, and all repairs maintained. At the present time, we keep only a list or record of the valves that we know to be found deficient from our valve turning program, and we are attempting to work all valves at least once a year. . Line Item 29: Hydrant Distribution in Residential and Other Districts 1 . This item is determined by the inspector choosing some random area in the City, defining the boundries , then counting all the hydrants with- in the area., with boundry hydrants counting as one-half each. The square footage per hydrant is calculated and compared to the maximum square foot allowed per hydrant table. In our case we were 94,380' per hydrant over the standard, and assigning 3 points per 10,000 in excess gives us the 28 deficiency points. 2. This is a deficiency in number of hydrants in industrial , business , institutional , apartment and other special districts. This is added to "1 " above, but not to exceed 50 points . We were assessed 25 points. If we use the full scale , it shows us to be approximately 34% deficient. During our conversation , it was pointed out that we were downgraded due to the fact we were in essence only a "one man Water Plant" (having only one man - 4 - on duty at night and. something could happen to him) resulting in the loss of water in our overhead tanks. Also, only having this one man on duty, he has to be talented enough to know what buttons to push, valves to open , etc. if a large fire . should occur. . • - I -. 5 1 II Survey No. KANSAS INSPECTION BUREAU TOPEKA, KANSAS ' PUBLIC FIRE PROTECTION SURVEY KANS. (City) (County) Inspected by Date Form of Government: Council, Commission, City Manager Officials: City Manager, Mayor, Commissioners or Councilmen, City Clerk, Water Supt. , Fire Chief, City Engineer, Regular meeting of governing body, Time: • Population: , 19 State Census 19 II II 19 ' n Streets: Blks. Paved, ; Blks Sanded or Graveled, Blks. Unimproved, . Are streets paved in mercantile district? Yes, No. 5C 3-70 -1- • FIELD PAPERS SUPPLEMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT Organized by ordinance? Yes, No. Number of companies Training conducted each month? Yes, No. Average number of members of City Company responding to city alarms. Do any members of,City Company respond to rural alarms? Yes, No. If Yes, show average number. Average number of members of Rural Company responding to rural alarms: Fire station satisfactory for minimum requirements. Yes, No. Fire alarm satisfactory for minimum requirements. Yes, No. Apparatus: Booster, hose, hose-booster, pumper equipment satisfactory. Yes, No. If not satisfactory, show details. ORDINANCES AND ENFORCEMENT Satisfactory for minimum requirements. Yes, No. WATER SYSTEM Number of lifts. Number and capacity of pumps in each lift. Minimum available fire flow in business district. GPM Outside of business district. GPM Fire flow duration: 500 GPM for one hour or more? Yes, No. Or 250 GPM for two hours or more? Yes, No. Pipe size serving hydrants in business district. " Outside of business district. Hydrant spacing: In business district - One within ' of all buildings. Another within of all buildings. Remainder of built on area (disregard small, scattered, low value buildings): One within of all buildings. Values: Maximum percent of total number of fire hydrants that must be shut off in case of a break. °Jo Valved for partial pumping in each stage? Yes, No. -1A- 5C 3-70 WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System owned by Original Installation: General Outline of System: (Source and type of system; gravity, direct pumping, intermittent pumping, filters, surface reservoir, Elev. Tank, etc. ) Appointment of Employees: Are employees under civil service? Yes, No. Number regularly employed in department, disregarding office employees and Superintendent or Chief Engineer, . How appointed? Average number of years service of above employees, Superintendent or Chief Engineer: How appointed? Date appointed to present position . Under civil service? Yes, No. Member of water works association? Yes, No. Subscribe to waterworks magazine? Yes, No, Previous water works experience, Special education or training for water works operation, Other Duties Records and Maps: Where are they kept? Are they up to date? Is a daily log of all operations of the entire system maintained? Yes, No. Is a monthly summary of operations compiled? Yes, No. Is a detailed annual report prepared? Yes, No. Are there records of daily consumption of power or fuel? Yes, No. Is there a record of total amount of water pumped into system each day? Yes, No. Is there a master meter? High lift: Yes, No; Low lift: Yes, No; recording type?Yes, No. Do records indicate amount of water pumped by each pump? Yes,No, per month, per day. Is each pump metered? Yes, No. Is the amount of water pumped estimated? Yes, No. How is estimate made? Is there a recording pressure gage? Yes, No. Average minimum pressures on system PMD Residential area _ Other area Are there any records of water shortage? (If so give details)_ 5C 2-60 -2- II • • No. of service connections . No of connections metered • Is there a map of the distribution system? Yes, No. Do the map and plans show the following? Location and size of all underground mains - Yes, No. Hydrant:.branches- Yes, , No. Valves - Yes, No. Hydrants - Yes, No. All sources of supply - Yes, No. All pumps- Yes, No, All reservoirs and.storage tanks Yes, No. Is there a record of pipe ruptures? Yes, No. Are records kept of inspection and maintenance of all valves? Yes, No; ; hydrants? Yes, No. Which records if any are kept in duplicate? i, Give details of any records not mentioned above. Emergency Provisions & Alarm to Water Dept. : Does water department have a truck? Yes No. Radio equipped? Yes, No. Necessary tools? Yes, No. Amount and size of extra pipe, fittings and hydrants How many water works employees are normally available on emergency call? Is the water dept. notified of all fire alarms? Yes, No; if yes, give details Is it necessary to start pumps or operate valves in case of fire?. Yes, No. Does a member of water dept. respond to all fire alarms with the water department truck? Yes, No. _ Records quickly available? Yes, No, on truck, where Consumption: Average in last 12 months m. g.d. Maximum in last 36 months m.g.d. (Date Required Fire Flow: Duration Hours GPM; MGD Source of Supply: If wells or springs, state number, location, size, depth, normal test capacity, capacity in dry seasons, trouble from clogging, salinity and need of periodic cleaning. Also give absolute minimum capacity of wells under most unfavorable conditions and length of time wells below maximum consumption demand. Also whether condition applies every year or i at infrequent intervals. If lake or river, state name, distance from distribution system, kind of dam, trouble from ice, mud, floods, dry weather, shifting of channel, etc. 5C 2-60 -3- I. Impounded Supply: Approx. capacity m. g. If capacity varies, what is approx. minimum capacity? m. g. N Intake: Single or duplicate; sizes , ; depth below low water line type of strainers. Raw Water Basin: Construction Length Width Diam. Depth Capacity when full m. g. Average minimum daily available to filters, to pumps m. g. Clear Water Basin: Construction Length Width Diam, Depth Capacity when full m, g. Average minimum daily available to high lift pumps m. g. Elevated Storage: Elevated Tank: Tank manufacturer Construction Diam, Height from balcony to overflow Hemi-spherical, hemi-ellipsoidal, flat, bottom. Height of balcony above bottom of bowl. . Height of balcony above ground Size of riser . If small riser, describe boxing Cap'y, m. g. Average minimum amount of water daily m. g. Ground level at base of riser is ft. above, below PMD. Standpipe: Construction Diam. Height to overflow Cap'y. m. g. Average minimum amount of water daily m,g. Ground level at bottom of standpipe is ft, above, below PLAID. Reservoir on Hill: Construction Length Width Diam. .Depth open, covered. Cap'y, m. g. Average minimum amount of water daily.. m.g. Bottom of reservoir is ft. above, below PMD. 5C 2-60 -4- For All Types of Elevated Storage: Is elevated storage shut off when fire pump is operated? Yes, No. Manual, automatic valve. How far below overflow is water normally allowed to fall before pumps are started? Is water level gauge provided? Yes, No. If so, describe Is altitude valve provided? Yes, No. If so, describe Fire Flow Tests Flow Coef. Diam. Avail. Na Location S R Location of Hyd. of Opg. Pitot g.p.m. at 20# District Req. it Flow tests made between AM, PM and AM, PM. Date: Water in elevated storage ft. below overflow at start of tests and ft. below overflow at end of tests. Which H. L. pumps were operating during tests? Estimated domestic consumption during tests m.g. d. 5C 2-60 -5- Water Works Buildings and Equipment: (Use separate sheet for each building), Pump Station - Low Lift, High Lift. Power Plant - Street and Number or location Construction: Height story. Walls Floors Roof Finish it Decks & Partitions �I Heat Describe any defects it • Wiring Describe any defects II 1 Storage of Oils Inside fire protection Distance from fire station , from hydrant • Accessible? Exposure Attendance Telephone PUMPS Rated As Installed Cap'y @ Head Cap'y @ Head No. & Service Make m. g. d. m. g.d. Type Power Voltage H. P. All pumps in service? If not, which ones are in reserve? How often tested? Can all pumps in same service be operated at once? L. L. - Yes, No., H. L. - Yes, No. If not, give details Maximum cap'y as installed - Low Lift pumps Cap'y with largest Low Lift pump out of service Cap'y with 2 largest Lew Lift pumps out of service Maximum cap'y as installed -2 High Lift`pumps Cap'y with largest High Lift pump out of service Cap'y with 2 largest High Lift pumps out of service (See Over) 1M = 5-61 -6- Filters: No. of units No. in use Area of each unit (sq.ft. ) Cap'y. of each unit g. p. m. m.g.d. ;, Total normal cap'y, of units in service g. p. m. m,g.d. _ If filters are not of the rapid-sand type, give details. Can control valves be adjusted to increase normal cap'y? Yes, No. Maximum cap'y. of units g. p. m. m.g.d. If water supply is not polluted, can filters or iron removal plant be by-passed? Yes, No. Electric Power: Name of Power Company Length of dead-end transmission line from generating station or looped transmission system to local sub-station mi. Transmission line voltage Distance from sub-station to pump station mi. Lines - single, looped, overhead, underground. Any services supplied by same lines or transformers? Can all load except water works be shut off? If so, where are switches located? Transformers: (Give information for all transformers on which pumps depend) Locations: No Cap'y, of Each .Voltages How Connected If a bank of three, are two in open delta able to serve the town in event one burns out? Is there reserve transformer equipment in town? If not, at what town are spare transformers located? Where is emergency line crew located? What is the peak load on the system? Average KW; Maximum KW Fuel: (For boilers, engine-driven pumps or generators), Number and cap'y. of liquid fuel tanks above ground, buried. How low are tanks allowed to get before filling? gals. How many gallons used in a normal day? Can coal be used in oil or gas fuel boilers? Describe any arrangements for substitute fuel (Show all calculations and relative elevation data on back of this page). Supply Main from elevated storage to PMD. Size and length Supply end of pipe is ft. above, below discharge end. Capacity m. g.d. Supply Main from High Lift station to PMD. Size and length Supply end of pipe is ft. above, below discharge end. Capacity m. g.d. Supply Main from Low Lift station to High Lift station. Size and Length Supply end of pipe is ft. above, below-. discharge end. Capacity m. g.d. 5C 2-60 -7- Distribution Mains: Enamel lined, cast iron class centrifugal, pre-caulked, transite, cement-lined, joint material: Lead, "Leadite", "Hydrotite", ; bolted, metal seat;sleeve and rubber ring; Condition of Pipe: Depth of bury ft. Enclosed in larger pipe under R.H. ? Size Length Percent 4 inch 6 inch 8 inch 10 inch 12 inch Total Dead ends serving hydrants ft. _ Gate Valves: Number of valves in 4" or larger pipe How many open by turning to right? left? (Mark the ones constituting smaller number on map. ) Operating Nut same size and shape? Yes, No. Are valves equipped with boxes to street level? Yes, No. If buried, how are they located? (If possible, mark buried gate valves on map. ) How often are valves inspected? What is general condition of valves? Hydrants: No.with one No. with two Two 2y" and Make Size 2+" outlet.- 21" outlets . large outlet Total number of hydrants Size of connections to mains: No. Hyds. Size Connection (Try to find size of connection for each hydrant and mark on map. Also, if more than one main, try to find out which is connected to hydrant and mark on map. ) How many hydrants have individual gate valves? (If possible indicate these on map). How many open by turning to right? left? (Mark the ones constituting smaller number on map). Do all hydrants have National Standard threads? Yes, No. If not, give details. Are all operating nuts of same size and shape? Yes, No. If net, give details How often inspected? General condition 5C 2-60 -8- • Worst break in mains would be in A total of ft. of main, leaving in service to PMD. Supply.Mains: Valve spacing - Max. Avg. Condition of pipe Special protection where needed - Hi-way, R.R. , Stream Crossing - Yes, No. If yes, describe Gridiron: Average length of 6" or smaller mains on long side of block ft. Average cross-connections inch. Gate Valves: Average spacing in PMD ft. Spacing in residential districts - Avg. ft. Max. ft. Area: PMD sq. ft. Hydrants + boundary hydrants Average area per hydrant sq. ft. Required sq.ft. Area: Residential Districts sq. ft. Hydrants + boundary hydrants = . Average area per hydrant sq.ft. Required sq. ft. Schematic diagram of pumps, piping, valves, compressors, air lines, steam lines, boiler feed lines, etc. in and around waterworks buildings. (Attach additional sheets 9A, etc. , if needed) • 5C 2-60 -9- FIRE DEPARTMENT ORGANIZATION Organized under provisions of Ordinance No. . Copy in file. Sub-Std, , over Chief (Name) served since , 19 as chief, and since , 19 as member of Dept. ; full-time, call, volunteer. Assistant Chief (Name) served since , 19 as Asst. Chief, and since , 19 as member of Dept. ; full-time, call, volunteer. Total Number of Men: Chief , Asst. Chief Company Officers: Full-time ; call ; volunteer Firemen: Full-time ; call ; volunteer ; sleepers ; Dept. Total . Number of Companies Full-Time Firemen: Normally work hours on and hours off-shift. Minimum number assigned on duty, day , night • Average number of off-shift full-time men responding on call: 1st alarm; 2nd alarm. Number over 55 years of age Annual Vacation for full-time men days; substitutes employed when full time men off account vacation or sickness - Yes, No. Call Men paid for going to fires, $ , drills $ , meetings $ Average response of call men and/or volunteers to fires: City alarms; Day , Night . Number of these who are members of I rural company or who will respond rural? Day , Night . Rural alarms I • (See Over) -10- Chief: How many years attended Kansas State Fire Service School? What other drill school training or experience? Member Kansas State Firemen's Assn. ? I.A. F. C. ? Subscribe to fire fighting magazine? How is Chiei appointed? Is he removable without public trial? Yes, No. How are officers appointed and promoted? How are other members of Department enlisted? Operators: No. at fire station; days, full-time nights, full-time sleepers qualified to operate apparatus . How many call men or volunteers can operate apparatus? Are regular drivers competent? Full-time Men: (including company officers and operators) Minimum No. Men on Duty: Days Nights Pumper Co. Pumper Co. Hose Co. Hose Co. - Ladder Co. Quad.Co. Rural Co. I RETIREMENT PROVISIONS: II I I II II 5C 2-60 -11- Kansas 19 FIRE TRUCK NO. Inspector: Manufacturer Type Acceptance Test Chassis New GVW Rating Front Axle Rating Rear Axle Rating Tire Size Load Rating Per Tire No. Front Tires No. Rear Tires Gross Vehicle Weightless crew) Front Axle Weight Rear Axle Weight Pump Capacity Water Tank Capacity Portable Pump Hard Suction Hose Soft Supply Hose Suction Adaptors "A"Extinguishers "B"Extinguishers "C"Extinguishers "ABC"Extinguishers Ext.Ladders Roof Ladders Other Ladders Aerial Ladder 3"1-lose 2z"Hose 11"Hose Booster Hose Reels Ladder Pipe Turrets Large Nozzle Tips Large Spray Nozzles Adaptors Hand Saws Power Saw Wire Cutters Axes Helmets Ram' Wyes Bayonet Nozzle Hose Clamps Reducing Wye Boots Hose Jackets Roof Cutter Brooms Hose Rollers Ropes Crow Bars Hydt.Wrenches Salvage Covers Door Openers Ladder Straps Saw Dust Double Female Lanterns Shovels Double Male Life Net Siamese Elec.Gens. Nozzles 2z" Sledge Elec. Cord Nozzle Tips Smoke Fans . FirstAidKit Nozzles 11" Smoke Masks Fire Coats Nozzles,Booster Spanners Flood Lights Pike Poles Squee-Gees PUMP TEST Pump Ratings Last Local Service Test Suction Flose Discharge hose Nozzle Lift Hydt.Pressure Net Pump Pressure Nozzle Pressure GPM Suction Hose Discharge Hose Nozzle Lift Hydt. Pressure Net Pump Pressure Nozzle Pressure GPM Pressure Regulator Primer General Condition Road Test Performance -12- • Which apparatus responds to first alarms? H. V.D. Residential Factories Schools Is the remainder manned to answer second alarms or is it in reserve? Do hose and pumper outlets all have National Standard threads? If not, give details: Does suction hose have adapters for both 21" and large outlets? Outside Aid: (Probable response) Town Miles Road Apparatus No.Full-Paid Men Powerful Stream Appliances: (Indicate truck on which located). Monitor or turret on apparatus Portable deluge set Ladder pipe Cellar pipe Distribution nozzle Siamese (2 - 21" to 1 - 21") Foam equipment and foam Equipment in Fire Station not on Apparatus: Hose (22") Total feet. On apparatus feet. Year Bought Feet Left How often does fire department test hose? How? Records: Yes, NQ When did they test it last? Pressure lbs. Condition and care How often changed on hose carrier? Hose drying tower, rack, or cabinet? Hose (11") Total feet On apparatus feet. Condition and care it -13- 5C 2-60 Special (Emergency) Equipment: (No. of each and indicate truck on which carried). First-Aid kit Acetylene Torches Masks Flood Light Generators (Type ) Details of foregoing or any other special Devices: Radio Communication: Repair Facilities: Departmental? Commercial repair shops? Spare parts? (Extra batteries, battery charger, spark plugs, tires, hose couplings, etc. )_ Tools: Preventive maintenance program: Salvage Equipment: (No. or amount of each and indicate truck on which it is carried). Brooms Sprinkler Heads Covers Sprinkler Stops (Size ) Squeegees Mops Tar Paper Sawdust Fire Station: Street No. No. Stories Walls Floors Roof Describe exposure Adequate in size? _ Sleeping quarters for men. What is building occupied by, in addition to Fire Dept. ? No. of telephones One for fire only? Siren switch? Does driver's family live at fire station? Some one there at all times to answer phone? Doors quick-opening? Locked? Sliding pole? Hose tower? Hose rack inside? Condition of electric wiring How is bldg. heated? Describe any defects in clearance, chimney, etc. Special deficiency (on narrow street, entrance lower than street, etc. Fuel: Type Storage & Dispensing Facilities I' How are trucks normally filled? Arrangements for extra fuel at fires: Regulations and Discipline: Date Adequate? Yes, No. Distribution Adequate? Yes, No. Enforced? Yes, No. (See Over) 5C 2-60 -14- Fire Methods: Use of small streams Back-up lines layed? Yes, No. Use of spray nozzles Pumper connected to hydrants? Yes, No. How? Connection to A. S. & S. P. systems Use of heavy and special appliances Ladder work Ventilation Salvage work Use of breathing equipment Use of Elec. Gen. & Other Appliances Conditions Affecting Fire Department Operations: Condition of Streets: ; dips, etc. Mercantile Section: Level, rolling, steep grades. Residential Section: Level, rolling, steep grades. Factory Section: Level, rolling, steep grades. Delays caused by R. R. crossings, narrow streets, steep grades, congested traffic, angle parking, center parking, poor pavement? Are regulations enforced regarding double parking, parking in front of hydrants, and giving fire trucks right-of-way? Overhead wires on front street or alleys? Do wires seriously obstruct fire department? _ Amount and condition of high-potential (over 600-V) wiring in H. V. D. How much extra high potential (over 4, 000 V) in corporation (Mark on Map, also showing sub-station serving the town) Building Inspections: How Often? Made by Chief or by other members? Is good record of inspections kept? Yes, No. Are inspections followed up until correction is made? Yes, No. Are sketches made and used in training program? Yes, No. Fire Records: Are proper records kept of apparatus, hose, drills, time of fires, location, occupancy, cause, method of extinguishment, loss, number of firemen responding? Runs Runs Average Year Inside Outside Men (See Over) 5C 5-70 -15- FIRE ALARM Name of Telephone Co: Operation: Manual, dial, band-crank. Number of Operators, Days Nights : If no local operator, at what town is operator located? Telephone Exchange: Street No. No. Stories Walls Floors Roof Interior Finish Describe Exposure What is Bldg. occupied by, in addition to exchange? Heat Describe any defects Wiring Describe any defects Inside fire protection No. of other towns served . Fire number listing in directory, front page, under "Fire Dept. ", under "City Offices", other Na lines reserved for fire calls Is instruction of Telephone. Co. operator adequate? Yes, No. Telephones:_ Percent of city without phones in at least 75% of buildings number of subscribers number or percent on multi-party lines Street phones available in P. M. D. Yes, No. Adequate: Yes, No. In rest of city: Yes, No. Adequate: Yes, No. Show on structural map. Phone in Fire Station? Yes, No. Alarm: Is general alarm immediately sounded? Yes, No. H. P. Electric siren; steam whistle, air whistle, bell. Location Outline of Operations: (See Over) -16- 5C 2-60 . • FIRE PREVENTION (Secure Copy of All Ordinances For File) FIRE PREVENTION CODE: N.B.F.U. , Abbr. Edition, 19_Adopted by Ordinance No. Date Official in charge of fire prevention: Qualifications Requirement for inspection Frequency and adequacy of inspections Records Hazards regulated by ordinances Nos. Date Regulations enforced? Yes, No. Degree of enforcement If approved code has not been adopted or if approved code has been amended on any item, complete the information as follows: Supplemental Fire Prevention Activities: Inspection of places of severe life hazard Provision for and maintenance of private fire protection equipment and appliances Maintenance of exits Educational Program Inspection of Dwellings Investigation of fires Flammable or Compressed Gases: Manufacture, Storage and Transportation: Regulation Enforcement Conditions Use, including appliances: Regulation Enforcement Conditions Flammable Liquids: Regulation Enforcement Conditions Bulk Storage Dry Cleaning Flammable finishes Oil Burning Equipment Others, including Service Stations Transportation 5C 3-70 -17- Control of Special Hazards; Regulation Enforcement Conditions Garages and Repair Shops Combustible fibres Explosives and Pyrotechnics Hazardous Chemicals Hazardous Dust Plastics, Including Nitrocellulose Lumber Yards and Woodworking Metalworking Processes Radioactive Materials Control,of Miscellaneous Hazards: Regulation Enforcement Conditions Bonfires. Flammable Decorations and Fabrics Packing Material Junk Storage 1. Matches and Smoking Rubbish and Trash Solid Fuels and Ashes Welding and Cutting Other hazards, including grease ducts NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE Enacted? Yes, No. Ordinance No. Date Endorsed? Yes, No. Permits for new work required? Yes, No. For alterations? Yes, 'No. Is electrical work inspected after completion? Yes, No. By whom inspected? Any inspection agreement with power company? (Give details) Condition of new wiring: Good, fair, poor, dangerous. Condition of old wiring: Good, fair, poor, dangerous. Remarks: 5C 3-70 -18- 1 4 BUILDING LAWS (Secure Copy of All Ordinances For File) Enforcement Official: (name and title) Qualifications: Code: NBFU, abbreviated edition, 19 . Adopted by ordinance No. Date Construction regulated by ordinance Nos. Dates Regulations enforced? Yes, No. Degree of enforcement Are fire limits adequate? Yes, No. If not, where should they be extended? Permits: Required for new buildings? Yes, No. Alterations? Yes, No. Inspection: Is construction inspected to see that it complies with laws? Yes, No. By whom? If approved code has not been adopted, are the following items covered by other ordinances? Height Areas Protection to exterior wall openings Protection to vertical openings Protection to communications through fire walls Frame, ironclad, unprotected metal and brick-veneered buildings in fire limits prohibited? Yes, No. Thickness and fire resistance of exterior and fire walls Chimneys and heating apparatus Air conditioning Fire resistive construction Private fire protection Fire stops Exits Parapets Quality of materials and workmanship Wood Shingle Roofs: Prohibited within fire limits? Yes, No. In what other areas are they prohibited? When was ordinance passed? Enforced? Yes, No. What percent of repair can be made in any one year? Does ordinance provide that all shingle roofs must be replaced by approved roofs in certain number of years ? Yes, No. If so, what is effective date? Chimney Ordinance: Must new chimneys within corporate limits be built from ground or in masonry wall? Tile lining required? Thickness required? Are metal, tile, edge, concrete block (under 4 inch) flues prohibited? Enforced? Records: Give details of all records kept 5C 5-70 -19-