Schedule of Funds Chamber of Commerce 1 1 1 SALINA AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC . Salina, Kansas 1 1 I ' SCHEDULES OF BOARD DESIGNATED FUNDS FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CONVENTION AND TOURISM AND ' INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ' REPORT December 31 , 1991 and 1990 CLUBINE AND RETTELE, CHARTERED CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SALINA, KANSAS 1 • 1 SALINA AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC . Salina, Kansas 1 I N D E X ' INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ' REPORT Page ' SCHEDULES OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVENUE, RELATED EXPENSES, AND BOARD DESIGNATED FUND BALANCES - Schedule 1 2 SCHEDULES OF CONVENTION AND TOURISM REVENUE, RELATED EXPENSES , AND BOARD DESIGNATED FUND BALANCES - Schedule 2 3 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4 i 1 1 1 1 t CLUBINE AND RETTELE, CHARTERED CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SALINA, KANSAS INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ' REPORT ' To: The Board of Directors Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. ' We have audited the accompanying schedules of Economic Development and Convention and Tourism revenue, related expenses, and board designated ' fund balances of the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce , Inc . , Salina, Kansas, for the years ended December 31 , 1991 and 1990 . These financial statement are the responsibility of the Chamber ' s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits . We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing ' standards . Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit also includes assessing ' the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. These funds are designated by the Board of Directors of the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc . to clarify the accounting for specific ' programs administered by the organization and partially funded by contracts with public entities. ' In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the results of operations and the changes in fund balances for the year ended December 31 , 1991 and 1990 of the Economic Development and Convention and Tourism Funds of the ' Salina Area Chamber of Commerce , Inc . , in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles . ' Respectfully submitted, Salina, Kansas February 14 , 1992 1 ' ( 1 ) I I SALINA AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , INC . ' Salina, Kansas Schedule 1 I SCHEDULES OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REVENUE, RELATED EXPENSES, AND BOARD DESIGNATED FUND BALANCES For the Year Ended ' December 31 , 1991 1990 Revenue I Program activities $ 8, 478 $ 10, 617 Allocations for economic development 125 ,000 125,000 Other revenue 558 236 ITotal Revenue 134,036 135, 853 Expenses Salaries 76 , 778 76 , 487 I Payroll taxes 6 ,044 5, 725 Employees ' insurance 6 , 905 6 , 567 Employees ' retirement 5, 265 4, 749 I Automobile expenses 5 , 144 3,004 Postage 1 , 493 823 Printing 83 642 I Supplies 3,090 2 , 418 Professional services 1 , 134 2, 365 Telephone 1 , 414 1, 453 Dues and subscriptions 1 , 852 2 , 466 I Insurance 1 , 311 1 ,097 Facilities maintenance 15 , 550 15 , 550 Professional development 4, 265 4 , 921 I Equipment 133 100 Contract labor 834 55 Miscellaneous 1 , 378 142 Program expenses I Prospect development 25 , 946 15, 726 Economic development activities 3, 859 12 , 274 Special functions and activities 10, 301 10, 513 ITotal Expenses 172 , 779 167 ,077 Deficit of Revenue Over Expenses Before I Transfers ( 38, 743 ) ( 31 , 224 ) , Transfer from Administrative 40,000 35,000 IExcess of Revenue Over Expenses 1 , 257 3, 776 Board Designated Fund Balances, beginning Iof period 16 , 853 13,077 Board Designated Fund Balances, end of period $ 18, 110 $ 16, 853 ' • See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements. I ( 2 ) I I SALINA AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC. ISalina, Kansas Schedule 2 SCHEDULES OF CONVENTION AND TOURISM REVENUE, RELATED EXPENSES, ' AND BOARD DESIGNATED FUND BALANCES For the Year Ended I December 31 , 1991 1990 Revenue I Program activities $ 80, 118 $ 83, 175 Allocations for convention and tourism 261 , 228 257 , 797 Other revenue 299 159 Total Revenue 341 , 645 341, 131 I Expenses Salaries 94, 955 74 , 660 I Payroll taxes 8, 438 6, 492 Employees ' insurance 16 , 194 13, 243 Employees ' retirement 4, 885 4 , 381 I Automobile expenses 11 , 344 5,001 Postage 2, 986 2 , 560 Printing 377 345 Supplies 3,897 3, 289 I Professional services 1 , 323 2, 759 Telephone 2 , 530 2 , 415 Dues and subscriptions 4, 771 3, 513 I Insurance 1, 813 1 , 311 Facilities maintenance 19 , 600 19, 600 Professional development 2 , 297 2, 364 Equipment 500 500 I Contract labor 834 15 Miscellaneous 1, 971 70 Program expenses I Advertising and promotion 35, 791 33, 781 1 Special functions and activities 112 , 655 105 , 895 Convention marketing 9, 946 5, 361 I Convention services 19, 342 20, 554 Tourism marketing 13, 147 5, 189 . Total Expenses 369 , 596 313, 298 I Excess (Deficit) of Revenue Over Expenses ( 27 , 951 ) 27, 833 • Board Designated Fund Balances, beginning Iof period 124, 245 96 , 412 Board Designated Fund Balances, end of period $ 96 , 294 $ 124, 245 I I See accompanying notes which are an integral part of the financial statements. ( 3) I 1 SALINA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE , INC . Salina, Kansas NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31 , 1991 and 1990 1 . The financial statements of the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, ' Inc . , a Kansas corporation with exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c ) ( 6 ) , were audited, and the financial statements were submitted under separate cover. The Board of ' Directors have designated certain funds to establish appropriate accounting. The Economic Development Fund and the Convention and Tourism Fund are two such funds. Both funds are programs administered by the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce , Inc . with ' partial funding from public entities . The significant accounting policies are described below to enhance the usefulness of the financial statements to the reader: ' A. Purchases of supplies that might be considered as inventory are expensed when purchased. Actual amounts on hand are ' considered immaterial as an asset. B . The basis for allocation of expenses to specific programs is determined by management. Expenses that can be directly ' identified with specific programs are charged to that program. Other expenses are allocated using predetermined percentages . ' 2 . Allocations for Economic Development - Payments received for the economic development program under agreements with the City of Salina, Saline County, and the Salina Airport Authority for 1991 ' and 1990 are summarized as follows: 1991 1990 City of Salina $ 85 ,000 $ 85,000 ' Saline County 20 ,000 20,000 Salina Airport Authority 20,000 20,000 $ 125 ,000 $ 125 ,000 3. Allocations for Convention and Tourism - The Chamber has entered into an agreement with the City of Salina to operate a program ' whose purpose is to encourage , promote and solicit tourism and conventions for the City of Salina. The agreement provides that funds will be allocated to the Chamber for budgeted expenditures- incurred in operation of the program from the proceeds of a tax levied by the City upon hotel and motel transient guests within the City. Allocations include $ 261 , 228 and $ 257 , 797 under this ' agreement with the City for 1991 and 1990, respectively. 4 . In 1991 , the Chamber was presented with a $ 30,000 bill for a BiCentennial Center study that it did not commission. The Chamber ' paid for this study to avoid controversy. The study was not in the 1991 budget and the payment of the study fee accounts for the loss shown on Schedule 2 . ( 4 )