SCT Annual Report 1987-88 i 0. saline community theatre 1 CC I i Cr El 0 X : , . I N �!1 0 • 01 ;1 m • m II 7 : III W 'iI . 11 X1 M 3/� rI W • ) I IL 1 Y. 1 V AmiuI 0 O N 1 N IA 198788 0 8 7 N ,. tit ' a W 28th Season N N V I • to i. N Q1 2 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE ASSOCIATION, INC. 1987-88 • BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers: President Doug Exline Vice President Janice Allen Treasurer Dick Schneiders • Members of the Board: • Doug Alt Kim Grimaldi Wendy Moshier Kim Apt J. Martin Hall Janice Nitz Shirley. Drawbaugh Ken Klostermeyer Stan Sexton Tex Fury Dorothy Lynch Harry Watts • Leonard Gillespie Patti Wood Lori Scuitte SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE GUILD Officers: President Wendy Moshier Vice President . Kate Taylor Griffin Recording Secretary Helen Heath • Corresponding Secretary Janice Nitz Treasurer Lois Hackler Total Membership: 82 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE PLAYERS COMPANY Officers: President Lori Scuitte Vice President Patti Wood Secretary Elaine Austin Treasurer Sandy Beverly Y Total Membership: 18 * * * * * * * * * * * • SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE STAFF Full time: Managing Director Charles Kephart • Secretary June Meador Technical Director/ Designer Tom Ward Contract: House Manager Bill Pierson Volunteer: Wardrobe Mistress Wanda Clark • 3 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ' Box. Office June Meador Children's Theatre Jan Wilson • Finance Stan Sexton Membership Shirley Drawbaugh Nominating Doug Exline Playreading Kim Grimaldi Promotion Harry Watts Ushers Eileen Lorenz ' AD HOC' COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Architect's Jamie Hall Alternate Funding Kim Grimaldi Fundraising Doug Exline City Planning/Budget • Stan Sexton * * * * * * * * * * * * * MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman 87-88 Campaign: Shirley Drawbaugh Number of Accounts 1986-87 1987-88 Advocates 9 10 Benefactors 32 36 Sustaining Members 42 43 Business Patrons . 45 - Individual Patron 155 152 • Regular Members 664 710 Associate Members 223 245 1179 1256 Total season tickets sold 2621 . 2649 Total 'Receipts for season tickets $53,480.00 $54,646.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * I BOX OFFICE COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman June Meador. Members Door Other* Total Cash Attended Sales Attended Receipts BEDROOM FARCE 1 Oct. 9-11 & 14-18 2064 379 144 2587 $ 2,134.50- ' A. . .MY NAME IS ALICE I Dec. 3-6 & 9-13 1937 405 272 2614 $ 2,351.00 THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER p - Feb. 5-7 & 10-14 2002 417 258 2677 $ 2,259.50 WAIT UNTIL DARK: Apr. 22-24, 27-30 & May 1 1838 289 133 2260 $ 1,487.50 THE SOUND OF MUSIC I July 1-3, 6-10 & 13-17 2107 1799 351 4257 $10,205.00 • TOTALS 9948 3289 1158 14,395 $18,437. 50 I * NOTE: "Other" includes gift & comp tickets , underwriters' & preview performances. I 4 PRODUCTION PARTICIPATION REPORT • Number of People Participating (5 Major Productions) Active New Total Total Auditioning 47 120 167 Total People Who Acted 39 36 75 Worked Backstage 73 30 103 Total roles available during season: 98 COSTUME RENTAL REPORT 198 persons or organizations rented or borrowed 1,229 items. Rentals from SCT helped to costume 20 theatre productions besides our own, 12 parades, openings and promotions , and 4 centennial celebrations, one of them in Colorado. Wanda A. Clark Wardrobe Mistress * * * * * * * * * * * * GUEST DIRECTORS IN THE SPOTLIGHT Susan Pritchard - Director, BEDROOM FARCE • Bill Weaver - Director, A. . .MY NAME IS ALICE David Greiser - Director, WAIT UNTIL DARK CHILDREN'S THEATRE ACTIVITIES SCT continues its tradition of bringing fine children's theatre productions to area school children by sponsoring with the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission, the performances of ANDROCLES AND THE LION by the Wichita Children's Theatre last October. Then with funding assistance from the - Horizons Program of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission, the Janet Pugh Jones Children's Theatre Trust, the Kansas Arts Commission and SCT's Children's Theatre Fund, the Theatre Guild, with Jan Wilson as Chairman, sponsored THE THREE LITTLE PIGS by Theatre for Young America of Kansas City in March. Approximately 1500 children attended each of these plays. * * * * * * * * * * * * CREATIVE DRAMATICS CLASSES HELD Creative Dramatics classes continued under the leadership of Twila Schneiders, with ACTING OUT THE PAST, a one-week session based on displays at the Smoky Hill Museum as inspiration for stories and scenes of turn-of-the-century Saline County, and EAST MEETS WEST, two one-week sessions using the oriental display at the Salina Art Center as inspiration for various dramatic activities. The program this summer was funded by a Horizons Grant from the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission, the Janet Pugh Jones Children's Theatre Trust, and the SCT Children' s Theatre Fund. 5 THEATRE EVENTS AND BUILDING USE • Oct. 9-11 & 15-18 SCT - BEDROOM FARCE Oct. 22-23 Children' s Theatre - ANDROCLES AND p THE LION 1 Oct. 25 Land Institute Nov. 1 , 2 & 8 First Covenant Church Dec. 3-6 ,& 9-13 SCT - A MY NAME IS ALICE Jan. 5-7 & 10-14 ; SCT - MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER 11 Feb. 21 Kansas Dance Network Mar. 1 & 3 Woodard Temple Choir Mar. 3-5 Free;Spirit Singers Mar. 14 St. John' s Baptist Church - Human �l Relations Committee Mar. 15-17 Woodard Temple Choir Mar. 18 Martin: Luther King Day Care Center Mar. 19-20 Woodard Temple Choir Mar. 23-24 Children's Theatre - THREE LITTLE PIGS I Apr. 22-24 & 27-30 SCT - WAIT UNTIL DARK May 1 SCT - WAIT UNTIL DARK [;1 • - May 1-1 Salina Recreation Commission May '. 16 City Commission Ili July 1-3, 6-10, 13-17 SCT - SOUND OF MUSIC July 27 Salina' Recreation Commission it 11 ii * * * * * * * * * SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR UNDERWRITERS SCT wishes to thank the following businesses for their much-needed assistance in underwriting the production costs for this season's shows: Exline, Inc. A. . .MY NAME IS ALICE Southwestern Bell Telephone THE SOUND OF MUSIC • 6 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE GUILD The goal for the Guild this year was to concentrate on our basic theatre . • responsibilities. These include running the box office and ushering for the five regular productions as well as sponsoring the spring Children' s Theatre production. The Theatre For Young America not only presented five shows to appoximately 1500 youth, but also conducted a creative dramatics class for approximately 35 local and area children, and participated in a "talk" session with theatre and other interested persons concerning °the development and funding of a year-round children's theatre program. Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the Horizons Program of the II Salina Arts and Humanities Commission, the Janet Pugh Jones Children' s Theatre Trust, the Kansas Arts Commission, and SCT' s Children's Theatre Fund. Under the leadership of Maggie Russell and Jean Stewart, the second annual . "watch Us Grow" geranium sale was a huge success. Cookie sales during THE I, SOUND OF MUSIC were great, thanks to Lois Hackler and Margaret Scanlan, chairpersons of "cookie making and sales. " A fundraiser is currently in process in which volunteers from both the Guild and the Salina Art Center are cooperating for the benefit of both organizations. "Events, Occasions - -- and Celebrations" , an event patterned after the very successful Wichita Art Association's "Holiday Tables" , will occur early this fall in the Salina I , Art Center. The 1988-89 Guild officers are: Kate Griffin, President Patti D'Albini Jones, Vice President Debbie Korbelik, Secretary • Roberta Stover, Corresponding Secretary Barbara Hauptli , Treasurer Because of its many wonderful volunteers, the Guild is still a vital part . of the theatre.' With the help and guidance of the .Board and Staff, and . _ the cooperation of Players, we look forward to helping the theatre grow and develop and become an even greater organization which all Salina looks to with respect and pride. Wendy Moshier Guild President, 1987-88 . • Ii • 7 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE GUILD, Financial Report Beginning Balance July 1, 1987 $ 9,886.06 • Income - Interest $ 520.54 Dues 1987-88 260.00 Silent Auction 222.35 Watch Us Grow Geranium Sale 5,041.80 Cookie Sale - Sound of Music 734.00 Dues 1988-89 200.00 TOTAL INCOME 6,978.69 Expenses Yearbooks 94.81 AKT yearly dues 50.00 Courtesy Committee 26.38 AKT. Convention Registration & 71.00 Mileage Watch Us Grow Advertising 54.53 Watch Us Grow Miscellaneous 370.00 Watch Us Grow Grigsby Greenhouse 2,773.94 Checks 8.92 Abilene luncheon no-shows 18.00 Cookie Sale change money 30.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 3,497.58 Balance July 31, 1988 $13,367. 17 Checking Account o hec i g $ 3 107.49> Passbook Savings Account 1,636.49 Money Market Account 8,623.01 • TOTAL $13,367. 17 • • 8 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE PLAYERS COMPANY I • The Players Company was visible during another year of service to SCT and the community. As always, Players Company actively particiapted Fj in all phases of the regular season' s shows and assisted with SCI's overall membership campaign with fall and summer calling sessions. Players participated in a variety of fund-raising activities. Besides ° our regular concession sales, we decorated faces at the annual Asbury staff picnic. Musical. entertainment was provided by the cast of A. . . Ny Name is Alice' for the Asbury Nursing Banquet at the Salina Country Club. Thanks to ;Video-Cam Productions of Salina, Players made money doing voiceovers 'for documentaries for USD 305. Players members also staffed the official T-shirt and Visor booth for the Smoky Hill River Festival . This fundraiser has always provided Players with much needed money and this year,; sun was no problem thanks to Bank IV and their wonderful booth! ! Players Company made no major purchases for the theatre this past year. Therefore, the organization is financially able to help with some of its future needs. F Several Players ' members assisted in the building expansion project by " • folding, stuffing, addressing, sealing, and stamping some 3,000 packets that went out to Salina patrons. Players social calendar included the annual Halloween, Christmas, and 4th of July parties. In addition, a going-away party was held for' long- time members of the theatre. This past year, meetings were held on the fourth Monday of each month. Plans for the 1988-89 season will be forth coming from the new executive committee of Players. FI • Officers serving the Players! Company next year are Twila Schneiders, President; Karen Redden, Vice President; Elaine Austin, Secretary; Chuck Leahy, Treasurer, and Patti Wood, Hospitality Chairman. � Respectfully submitted Lori Scuitte Players Company President 1987-88 • 9 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE PLAYERS COMPANY' FINANCIAL REPORT Beginning Balance - August, 1987 $ 876.55 Income Dues $ 72.00 I Concessions . 893.60 Interest 44.60 Asbury Hospital Picnic 50.00 Voices - Fish II Video Cam. Productions 30.00 Asbury Hosp. "A. . .My Name is Alice" 100.00 Smokey Hill River Fest. T-Shirt Booth 300.00 TOTAL INCOME $ 2;366.75 Expenses Concessions supplies & cash $ 49.00 AKT 88.00 Norcostco 32.21 Flowers 100.21 Pepsi 369.25 j Posterboard & Markes for S.H. River Festival 4.40 • Shirts by Francis printing of 2 T-shirts 11 .55 Service charge on checking account - assessed $5.00 because the account below $100.00 balance 5.00 • • TOTAL EXPENSES $ 696.57 II Ending Balance - August 1988 $ 1 ,670.18 Balance on hand - August 1988 Checking Account $ 971 .11 Investment Account 699.07 • TOTAL ON HAND $ 1 ,670.18 10 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE • BALANCE SHEET August 31, 1988 F ASSETS Cash - General Fund $23,929.42 Cash - Memorial and Children's Theatre Funds 3,991.74 • Prepaid Expenses 4,581. 12 • TOTAL ASSETS $32,502.28 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Liabilities Payroll taxes payable $ 228.00 I Deferred Income 31,727.00 • • Surplus Memorial Fund 243.61 I Children' s Theatre Fund 3,748.13 l Operating Fund, beginning $(3,079.23) Net Income to date ( 365.23) (3,444.46) • TOTAL LIABILITIES .& SURPLUS $32,502.28 • • • • • • • jl I I • 1 11 SALINA COMMUNITY THEATRE "' "' "' INCOME STATEMENT ' ° - III September 1, 1987, to August 31, 1988 ACTUAL BUDGET Income Season ticket sales $54,646.00 $55,500.00 Box Office-BEDROOM FARCE :2,134.50 ; 2,100.00 A. . .ALICE 2,351.00 3,200.00 MAN. . .DINNER 2,259.50 2,200.00 ; WAIT. . .DARK 1,487.40 2,100.00 SOUND. . .MUSIC 10,205.00 6,400.00 Playbill Advertising 4,700.00 4,700.00 Underwriting 3,000.00 3,000.00 Interest 4,435.79 4,000.00 - Other 383.00 500.00 TOTAL INCOME $85,602.29 $83,700.00 Expenses Salaries $42,240.00 $42,240.00 ' Payroll taxes • 3,121.60 3,000.00 Archives 249.63 350.00 Benefits . 1,027.40 1,050.00 Box Office 638.22 620.00 j Contractual Services 2,700.00 2,250.00 • Custodial 784.27 800.00 Equipment Maintenance 752.90 900.00 Insurance 4,997.76 5,550.00 Membership 2,314.55 2,650.00. .... .., Newsletter/Callboard 1,156.87 900.00 • Office 501. 11 650.00 Playbill . ' 4,910.72 5,000.00 Postage - 2,643.27 2,600.00 Production-BEDROOM FARCE 635.55 600.00 Pj • • A. . .ALICE . 722.65 500.00 - l MAN. . .DINNER 764.85 700.00 WAIT. . .DARK 933.08 1,000.00 SOUND. . .MUSIC 4,831.20 2,700.00 Promotion 665.39 1,100.00 Royalties 5,515.00 5,500.00 ji Scripts - --- ,•' : : . ! 389.70 350.00, - Shop 1,265.23 1,765.00 Telephone 1,172.52 1,250.00 11 Utilities 217.02 180.00 • Miscellaneous • 817.03 1,000.00 - " TOTAL EXPENSES . ` ' $85,967.52 $85,205:00^ ° - - NET INCOME(LOSS) $( 365.23) $(1,505.00) il • 1 12 PLAY EXPENSES BY CATEGORY • ITEM BEDROOM A. .MY NAME THE MAN WHO WAIT UNTIL THE SOUND SHOP FARCE IS ALICE CAME TO DARK OF MUSIC DINNER Royalty $ 330.00 $1,800.00 $ 280.00 $ ':295.00 $2,810.00 Scripts 44.29 122.23 99.37 42.58 0.00 Set Construction 385.80 275.74 496.26 579.66 1,467.86 $ 676. 16 Lighting 76.07 14.35 5.32 200.20 0.00 303.97 Makeup 8. 12 0.00 17.28 0.00 20.87 214.62 Costumes 72.07 292.25 216.56 137.40 3,165.39 6.04 • Sound 24. 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 327.69 0.00 Properties 68.65 17.32 26.54 15.82 11.81 0.00 Playbill 937.52 975.95 932.98 903.33 1,234.07 Tickets 65.44 124.85 65.44 65.44 106.18 II Newsletter 166.93 147.49 162.91 162.91 162.91 Publicity 20.55 20.55 20.55 20.55 163.65 Contractual 400.00 1,200.00 100.00 . 400.00 600.00 Services Miscelleaneous 0.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 93.03 64.44 TOTALS $2,599.56 $5,025.73 $2,423.21 $2,822.89 $10,163.46 $1,265.23 • . NEW ADDITION :NEARS REALIZATION - . During the past season, the plan to build an addition to the theatre was finally implemented. The addition concept was adopted by the Board of Directors in 1980. The Board's goal was to build the addition by the end of the decade. Numerous fundraising efforts by the Board, Guild and Players, and a generous bequest from the Fred Kelly estate, raised about $50,000 over the last. eight years. In 1988 the City of Salina voted $120,000 toward the project, the Theatre Guild pledged $20,000, and the Board of Directors pledged $46,000, for a total of $230,000. In June of this year the Board of Directors launched a Capital Funds Campaign to raise the additional funds needed for the $475,000 • project. If all goes well , the campaign will be successfully concluded this fall .