Prepayments City of Salina
6/07/2011 P.O. Box 736 Receipt No. 000120866
; Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 SPARKST
Description ** RFPRTNT ** Amount
PREPAID SP TRACT #31088, JOB #2008-2729 GRAND PRAIRIE ADDN 31, 186 . 48
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
Received from:
LYLE SCOTT $31, 186 .48
CHECK 2191 $31, 186 .48
r -
Department of Finance &Administration C "0
Office of City Clerk TELEPHONE (785) 309-5735
Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk FAX (785) 309-5738
300 West Ash Street, Suite 206 TDD (785) 309 5747
;,,,,v ' e-mail: lieuann.elsey
P.O. Box 736 � " f =
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Salina Website:
May 10, 2011
Maryilyn K. Scott Rev. Inter Vivos Trust
1408 Rush Street
Salina, KS 67401
Dear Property Owner:
On May 9, 2011, the Salina City Commission held a public hearing regarding special assessments for
improvements to property you own. These special assessments were set by ordinance on that same day.
The following statement shows the amount of the assessment to be $ 31,186.48. You have the following
1) The assessment may be paid in full or in part at this time. To do this, return the yellow copy of this
statement, with your check, by 5:00 p.m., June 13, 2011. If paid in part, the unpaid balance will be
assessed by the method below.
2) You may choose to pay your assessment with your property taxes over the next fifteen years. The
City will issue 15-year general obligation bonds to provide for the long term financing of the
improvements. The principal and interest will be calculated and certified to the County Clerk to be
included on your annual property tax bill. The interest rate will be set when the bonds are sold, but it
is not expected to exceed 6.0%. To accept this option, do not pay the amount on this statement. No
payment is required at this time and you do not need to notify our office of your decision, unless you
would like to make a payment.
Property Information:
Legal Description GRAND PRAIRIE ADD BLK 1 LT 8
Tract: 31088 Job Number 2008-2729
Principal Amount $ 31,186.48
First year of Assessment - 2011
Last year of Assessment - 2025
If you have any questions regarding this matter,please feel free to contact our office.
Lieu Ann Elsey
City Clerk
City City of Salina
6/01/2011 P.O. Box 736 Receipt No. 000120743
\''vadtiO cc Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 WOLFFC
Description ** RFPR TNT ** Amount
PREPAID SP TRACT #31081 JOB #2008-2729 GRAND PRAIRIE ADD 31, 186 . 48
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
Received from:
SUHAIR MUGAWISH $31, 186 . 48
CHECK 2140 $31, 186 .48
Department of Finance &Administration City of
Office of City Clerk TELEPHONE (785) 309-5735
Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk FAX (785) 309-5738
300 West Ash Street, Suite 206 TDD (785) 309-5747
P.O. Box 736 . ' a-mail: lieuann.elsey
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Salina Website:
May 10, 2011
Samir Fahid & Suhair Mugawish
1211 Sierra Drive
Salina, KS 67401
Dear Property Owner:
On May 9, 2011, the Salina City Commission held a public hearing regarding special assessments for
improvements to property you own. These special assessments were set by ordinance on that same day.
The following statement shows the amount of the assessment to be $ 31,186.48. You have the following
1) The assessment may be paid in full or in part at this time. To do this, return the yellow copy of this
statement, with your check, by 5:00 p.m., June 13, 2011. If paid in part, the unpaid balance will be
assessed by the method below.
2) You may choose to pay your assessment with your property taxes over the next fifteen years. The
City will issue 15-year general obligation bonds to provide for the long term financing of the
improvements. The principal and interest will be calculated and certified to the County Clerk to be
included on your annual property tax bill. The interest rate will be set when the bonds are sold, but it
is not expected to exceed 6.0%. To accept this option, do not pay the amount on this statement. No
payment is required at this time and you do not need to notify our office of your decision, unless you
would like to make a payment.
Property Information:
Legal Description GRAND PRAIRIE ADD BLK 1 LT 15
Tract: 31081 Job Number 2008-2729
Principal Amount $ 31,186.48
First year of Assessment - 2011
Last year of Assessment - 2025
If Y ou have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Lieu Ann Elsey
City Clerk
I _ 1
City of City of Salina
6/10/2011 P.O. Box 736 Receipt No. 000120935
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736
Description Amount
PREPAID SP TRACT #20372 JOB #2008-2715 20, 962 . 00
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
Received from:
CHECK 6636 $20, 962 . 00
Department of Finance&Administration City of
Office of City Clerk TELEPHONE (785)309-5735
Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk FAX(785)309-5738
300 West Ash Street, Suite 206 TDD (785)309-5747
P.O. Box 736 e-mail: lieuann.elsey
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Sauna Website:
May 10, 2011
SALNA, KS 67401-4067
Dear Property Owner:
On May 9, 2011, the Salina City Commission held a public hearing regarding special assessments for
improvements to property you own. These special assessments were set by ordinance on that same day.
The following statement shows the amount of the assessment to be$20,962.00. You have the following options:
1) The assessment may be paid in full or in part at this time. To do this, return the yellow copy of this
statement, with your check, by 5:00 p.m., June 13, 2010. If paid in part, the unpaid balance will be
assessed by the method below.
2) You may choose to pay your assessment with your property taxes over the next fifteen years. The
City will issue 15-year general obligation bonds to provide for the long term financing of the
improvements. The principal and interest will be calculated and certified to the County Clerk to be
included on your annual property tax bill. The interest rate will be set when the bonds are sold, but it
is not expected to exceed 6.0%. To accept this option, do not pay the amount on this statement. No
payment is required at this time and you do not need to notify our office of your decision, unless you
would like to make a payment.
Property Information:
Legal Description: A tract of land situated in the NE'/4 of the NW% of Section 1, T-l5-S, R-3-W of the 6th PM, in
Saline County, which is more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the N line of said Sec. 1,
which point being 1,832.67' N89°44'29"E of the NW corner of said Sec. 1; thence continuing N89°44'29"E along the
N line of said Sec. 1 a distance of 329.88'; thence S 00°20'37"E a distance of 400'; thence S89°44'29"W a distance of
329.88'; thence 1\100°20'37'W a distance of 400' to the POB, except the N 60' thereof as conveyed to county for use
as public street. Together with all appurtenances and rights of grantors in and to the real estate, including all right,
title, and interest of.grantors in the land underlying any dedicated roadway easements or right-of-way.
Tract: 20372 Job Number 2008-2715
Principal Amount $ 20,962.00
First year of Assessment—2011 Last year of Assessment - 2025
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Lieu Ann Elsey
City Clerk
CAW City of Salina
6/10/2011 P.O. Box 736 Receipt No. 000120913
,� Salina, Kansas 67402-0736
ti, k6 CC WOLFFC
Description ** R RPR TNT ** Amount
PREPAID SP TRACT #28334 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 23, 856 . 23
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
PREPAID SP TRACT #30844 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 15 , 235 . 05
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
PREPAID SP TRACT #30843 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 18 , 624 . 60
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
Received from:
MELVIN BERGKAMP $57, 715 . 88
CHECK 6732 $57, 715 . 88
• Department of Finance&Administration City of
Office of City Clerk TELEPHONE (785)309-5735
Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk FAX(785)309-5738
300 West Ash Street, Suite 206 TDD(785) 309-5747
P.O. Box 736 e-mail: lieuann.elsey
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Salina Website:
May 10, 2011
SALINA, KS 67401-8413
Dear Property Owner:
On May 9, 2011, the Salina City Commission held a public hearing regarding special assessments for
improvements to property you own. These special assessments were set by ordinance on that same day.
The following statement shows the amount of the assessment to be $ 23,856.23. You have the following
1) The assessment may be paid in full or in part at this time. To do this, return the yellow copy of this
statement, with your check, by 5:00 p.m., June 13, 2010. If paid in part, the unpaid balance will be
assessed by the method below.
2) You may choose to pay your assessment with your property taxes over the next fifteen years. The
City will issue 15-year general obligation bonds to provide for the long term financing of the
improvements. The principal and interest will be calculated and certified to the County Clerk to be
included on your annual property tax bill. The interest rate will be set when the bonds are sold, but it
is not expected to exceed 6.0%. To accept this option, do not pay the amount on this statement. No
payment is required at this time and you do not need to notify our office of your decision, unless you
would like to make a payment.
Property Information:
Legal Description Lot 4-5, Block 1, Replat of Bergkamp Subidision
Tract: 28334 Job Number 2008-2715
Principal Amount $ 23,856.23
First year of Assessment - 2011
Last year of Assessment - 2025
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Lieu Ann Elsey
City Clerk
. 400.....„_ ..0.1.7,:s..\\,,,,,*
City of Salina
6/10/2011 P.O. Box 736 Receipt No. 000120913
� Salina, Kansas 67402-0736
u na
Description ** RFPR TNT ** Amount
• PREPAID SP TRACT #28334 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 23, 856 . 23
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
PREPAID SP TRACT #30844 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 15, 235 . 05
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
PREPAID SP TRACT #30843 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 18, 624 . 60
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
Received from:
MELVIN BERGKAMP $57, 715 . 88
CHECK 6732 $57, 715 . 88
Department of Finance&Administration City of
Office of City Clerk TELEPHONE (785) 309-5735
Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk FAX(785)309-5738
300 West Ash Street, Suite 206 TDD (785) 309-5747
P.O. Box 736 e-mail: lieuann.elsey
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Salina Website:
May 10, 2011
SALINA, KS 67401-8413
Dear Property Owner:
On May 9, 2011, the Salina City Commission held a public hearing regarding special assessments for
improvements to property you own. These special assessments were set by ordinance on that same day.
The following statement shows the amount of the assessment to be $ 15,235.05. You have the following
1) The assessment may be paid in full or in part at this time. To do this, return the yellow copy of this
statement, with your check, by 5:00 p.m., June 13, 2010. If paid in part, the unpaid balance will be
assessed by the method below.
2) You may choose to pay your assessment with your property taxes over the next fifteen years. The
City will issue 15-year general obligation bonds to provide for the long term financing of the
improvements. The principal and interest will be calculated and certified to the County Clerk to be
included on your annual property tax bill. The interest rate will be set when the bonds are sold, but it
is not expected to exceed 6.0%. To accept this option, do not pay the amount on this statement. No
payment is required at this time and you do not need to notify our office of your decision, unless you
would like to make a payment.
Property Information:
Legal Description Lot 1, Block 1, Replat of Bergkamp Subdivision
Tract: 30844 Job Number 2008-2715
Principal Amount $ 15,235.05
First year of Assessment - 2011
Last year of Assessment- 2025
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Lieu Ann Elsey
City Clerk
City of City of Salina
6/10/2011 P.O. Box 736 Receipt No. 000120913
,\ Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 WOLFFC
Description ** RFPRTNT ** Amount
PREPAID SP TRACT #28334 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 23, 856 . 23
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
PREPAID SP TRACT #30844 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 15, 235 . 05
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
PREPAID SP TRACT #30843 JOB #2008-2715 STREET IMPROVEMENTS 18, 624 . 60
342-000 557 . 000 . 00
Received from:
MELVIN BERGKAMP $57 , 715 . 88
CHECK 6732 $57, 715 . 88
Department of Finance&Administration City OW
Office of City Clerk TELEPHONE (785)309-5735
Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk FAX(785)309-5738
300 West Ash Street, Suite 206 TDD(785) 309-5747
P.O. Box 736 'tea, e-mail: lieuann.elsey
Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Salina Website:
May 10, 2011
SALINA, KS 67401-8413
Dear Property Owner:
On May 9, 2011, the Salina City Commission held a public hearing regarding special assessments for
improvements to property you own. These special assessments were set by ordinance on that same day.
The following statement shows the amount of the assessment to be $ 18,624.60. You have the following
1) The assessment may be paid in full or in part at this time. To do this, return the yellow copy of this
statement, with your check, by 5:00 p.m., June 13, 2010. If paid in part, the unpaid balance will be
assessed by the method below.
2) You may choose to pay your assessment with your property taxes over the next fifteen years. The
City will issue 15-year general obligation bonds to provide for the long term financing of the
improvements. The principal and interest will be calculated and certified to the County Clerk to be
included on your annual property tax bill. The interest rate will be set when the bonds are sold, but it
is not expected to exceed 6.0%. To accept this option, do not pay the amount on this statement. No
payment is required at this time and you do not need to notify our office of your decision, unless you
would like to make a payment.
Property Information:
Legal Description Lot 3, Block 1, Replat of Bergkamp Sudivision
Tract: 30843 Job Number 2008-2715
Principal Amount $ 18,624.60
First year of Assessment - 2011
Last year of Assessment - 2025
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact our office.
Lieu Ann Elsey
City Clerk