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Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule Feasibility Study
• • • • • i • LONG TERM 2 ENHANCED SURFACE • • WATER TREATMENT (LT2) RULE • FEASIBILITY STUDY • • • PREPARED FOR: • CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS • • PREPARED BY: • HDR ENGINEERING, INC. • FINAL: MARCH, 2013 • �.104 • HDR No. 0000183458 • 2 I 1 hJ • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study HDR No. 0000183458 • • • • • • Table of Contents • • Executive Summary ES-1 1 Introduction 1-1 2 Existing Facilities 2-1 • 2.1 Water Supply 2-1 • 2.2 Water Treatment 2-1 2.2.1 Surface Water—Rapid Mix,Flocculation,and Presedimentation 2-2 2.2.2 Ground Water—Air Stripping 2-2 • 2.2.3 Softening/Sedimentation 2-2 • 2.2.4 Filtration 2-2 • 2.2.5 Disinfection 2-2 3 Alternatives 3-1 • 3.1 Presedimentation 3-3 • 3.2 Two-Stage Lime Softening 3-5 • 3.3 Combined Filter performance 3-5 3.4 individual Filter performance 3-8 • 3.5 Ozone 3-14 • 3.6 Ultraviolet(UV)light 3-22 • 3.6.1 UV of Pre-Filtered Surface Water 3-23 3.6.2 UV Upstream of High Service Pump Station 3-23 • 3.6.3 UV Downstream of High Service Pump Station 3-25 • 4 Other Water Quality Concerns 4-1 • 4.1 Taste and Odor 4-1 • 4.2 Disinfection ByProducts 4-1 4.3 Chlorine Dioxide 4-4 • 5 Recommendations 5-1 • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study ii HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • Tables • TABLE 1-1 - PATHOGEN TREATMENT REQUIREMENTS • TABLE 2-1 - GIARDIA AND VIRUS REDUCTION BASED ON PLANT DESIGN CAPACITY • TABLE 3-1 - SUMMARY OF LT2 TOOLBOX OPTIONS AND APPLICABILITY TABLE 3-2 - PRESEDIMENTATION BASIN PERFORMANCE,2008-2011 • TABLE 3-3 - COMBINED FILTER EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE BASED ON YEARS 2008—2011 • TABLE 3-4 - INDIVIDUAL FILTER EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE BASED ON MAY,2008 • TABLE 3-5 - INDIVIDUAL FILTER EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE BASED ON SEPTEMBER,2009 • TABLE 3-6 - INDIVIDUAL FILTER EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE BASED ON AUGUST,2010 • TABLE 3-7 - INDIVIDUAL FILTER EFFLUENT COMPLIANCE BASED ON DECEMBER,2011 TABLE 3-8 - PROJECTED OZONE PARAMETERS BASED ON BENCH SCALE TESTING • TABLE 3-9 - CALCULATED CT FOR VARIOUS OZONE DOSES • TABLE 3-10 - PRELIMINARY OZONE DESIGN PARAMETERS • TABLE 3-11 - BROMIDE TESTING RESULTS • TABLE 4-1 - STAGE 2 D/DBP RULE SAMPLE DATA TABLE 4-2 - STAGE 1 D/DBP RULE SAMPLE DATA(2008—PRESENT) • TABLE 4-3 - STAGE 1 D/DBP RULE CALCULATED RAAS • TABLE 4-4 - CALCULATED LRAAS BASED ON STAGE 1 SAMPLING SITES • • Figures FIGURE 2-1 - TREATMENT SCHEMATIC • FIGURE 3-1 - TYPICAL TWO-STAGE LIME SOFTENING PROCESS(EPA,2010) • FIGURE 3-2 - TYPICAL IFE TURBIDITY FOLLOWING BACKWASH(AUGUST 22,2010) • FIGURE 3-3 - POTENTIAL OZONE DISINFECTION LAYOUT • FIGURE 3-4 - POTENTIAL UV DISINFECTION LAYOUT—UPSTREAM OF HIGH SERVICE PUMPS • FIGURE 3-5 - POTENTIAL UV DISINFECTION LAYOUT—DOWNSTREAM OF HIGH SERVICE PUMPS • pp A endices 41 APPENDIX A - WEDECO BENCH SCALE OZONE TESTING RESULTS • APPENDIX B - UV QUOTATIONS • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The City of Salina provides drinking water to its customers from an existing water treatment plant located in downtown Salina. The water treatment plant treats water from a surface water intake on the Smoky Hill • River and water from the Downtown Well Field. The rated capacity of the water treatment plant is 20 MGD; • surface water supply is limited to 10 MGD based on the installed intake pumping capacity and groundwater water supply is currently limited to 10 MGD based on the air stripper pre-treatment located at the water • treatment plant. The surface water and groundwater sources are blended together after their respective pre-treatment processes. • The Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (LT2) Rule went into effect in January, 2006. The LT2 Rule required monitoring of surface water and ground water under direct influence (GWUDI) source • waters for Cryptosporidium for a period of 24 months and subsequent classification into one of four"bins" . that have associated Cryptosporidium treatment requirements. Based on source water monitoring completed between January 2008 and December 2009, the City of Salina was placed into Bin 2, requiring • an additional 1-log reduction of Cryptosporidium. Salina is classified by population into Schedule 3, requiring compliance with the LT2 treatment requirements by October 1, 2013. • • The LT2 Rule sets out specific options for meeting additional log-removal requirements for Cryptosporidium. These options are described in some detail in the Microbial Toolbox Guidance Manual • (EPA, April 2010). The options were screened, leaving a focused list of options that were potentially • feasibile for the City, including: • • Presedimentation with coagulant addition (0.5 log credit) • Two-stage lime softening (0.5 log credit) • • Combined filter effluent performance (0.5 log credit) • • Individual filter effluent performance(0.5 log credit) • Installation of ozone disinfection facilities to provide 1-log credit • • Installation of ultraviolet disinfection facilities to provide 1-log credit Each alternative was evaluated for general feasibility. Based on the evaluation, the following options are • recommended for meeting the LT2 Rule requirements: • • Two-Stage Lime Softening (0.5 log) — City currently has softening/clarification and recarbonation; however, modifications will be required to feed chemical (likely lime or soda ash) in the second • clarification basin to meet the requirements for LT2. • Combined Filter Effluent Performance (0.5 log) — City currently meets this option on a consistent • basis. • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study ES-1 • HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • • Presedimentation (0.5 log) —City currently operates a presedimentation basin for treating surface water; however, modifications will be required to consistently meet removal requirements during winter months when raw water turbidities are low. • Although a total of 1 log of treatment for Cryptosporidium is necessary for compliance, it would be in the • City's best interest to strive to meet the three alternatives (a total of 1.5 log removal)year round. However • it may be difficult to meet the presedimentation requirements(0.5 log removal) in the winter months. • • • • • S • S r • • • I • • • S S • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study ES-2 HDR No.0000183458 • • • li • • • 1 INTRODUCTION • • The City of Salina provides drinking water to its customers from an existing water treatment plant located in downtown Salina. The water treatment plant treats water from a surface water intake on the Smoky Hill • River and water from the Downtown Well Field. The rated capacity of the water treatment plant is 20 MGD; • surface water supply is limited to 10 MGD based on the installed intake pumping capacity and groundwater water supply is currently limited to 10 MGD based on the air stripper pre-treatment located at the water • treatment plant. The surface water and groundwater sources are blended together after their respective pre-treatment processes. • • The Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (LT2) Rule went into effect in January, 2006. The LT2 Rule required monitoring of surface water and ground water under direct influence (GWUDI) source • waters for Cryptosporidium for a period of 24 months and subsequent classification into one of four"bins" • that have associated Cryptosporidium treatment requirements. Based on source water monitoring completed between January 2008 and December 2009, the City of Salina was placed into Bin 2, requiring • an additional 1-log (90%) reduction of Cryptosporidium. Table 1-1 summarizes the City's treatment requirements including the new LT2 Rule requirements. Salina is classified by population into Schedule 3, • requiring compliance with the LT2 treatment requirements by October 1, 2013. • Table 1-1: Pathogen Treatment Requirements • Crypto Giardia Viruses • Requirements under Previous Rules 2-log 3-log 4-log • _Filtration Credit 2-log 2.5-log 2-log Additional Requirements under • the LT2 Rule 1-log 0-log 0-log • Total Inactivation Required 1-log _ 0.5-log 2-log • The objective of this study is to evaluate and recommend compliance options for the City of Salina to • provide the required additional 1-log treatment of Cryptosporidium under the LT2 Rule, • • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 1-1 • HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • 2 EXISTING FACILITIES • • 2.1 WATER SUPPLY • The City utilizes both surface water from the Smoky Hill River and groundwater from the Smoky Hill River • alluvium for their raw water supply. In a typical year, approximately 60 percent of the raw water supply is from surface water and approximately 40 percent is from groundwater. The surface water from the Smoky • Hill River is the driver for the LT2 Rule compliance as the existing wells are classified as groundwater, and • not GWUDI. 2.2 WATER TREATMENT Both sources are treated at the 20 MGD water treatment plant located near downtown Salina. The • treatment plant provides partial water softening, filtration, and disinfection as required to meet federal and • state drinking water standards. Figure 2-1 provides a schematic of the treatment process. • • • • • VT • ,....- 4 4 • • • • • • • • • Figure 2-1:Treatment Schematic • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 2-1 • HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • 2.2.1 Surface Water- Rapid Mix, Flocculation, and Presedimentation • All surface water is treated through a presedimentation process consisting of rapid mix and flocculation, followed by a presedimentation basin (also termed the river desilting basin). Alum, polymer, and chlorine are added to the rapid mix. The amount of alum and polymer added are based on a target turbidity of less than 5 NTU in the effluent from the presedimentation basin. Ammonia is added at the head of the presedimentation basin for formation of chloramines. • 2.2.2 Ground Water-Air Stripping • All groundwater is pumped to an equalization basin and then treated through an air stripping process to remove benzene and volatile organic carbons (VOCs) including tetrachloroethylene (PCE), • trichloroethylene (TCE), and 1,2 dichloroethane (1,2 DCA). Chlorine is added upstream of the equalization • basin to limit biological growth on the air stripper media. The air strippers are currently rated at 10 MGD based on the capacity of the pumps. • 2.2.3 Softening/Sedimentation The surface water and groundwater sources combine after their respective pre-treatment at Control • Structure No. 1 and are distributed to two softening basins. Alum is injected prior to each softening basin. The softening basins are solids contact clarifiers with lime and soda ash addition in the rapid mix zone, • flocculation in the center well and settling in the clarification zone. Carbon dioxide is added at the outlet of • each softening basin to lower the pH to a target of 9.5 (first stage recarbonation). • Flow from each softening basin combines at Control Structure No. 2, where additional ammonia is added. Chlorine is added following the ammonia addition. The control structure splits the flow to two secondary • clarifiers, which provide settling of particles. There is no chemical addition that takes place at the • secondary clarifiers. Carbon dioxide is added at the outlet of each clarifier to lower the pH to a target of 8.8 (second stage recarbonation). The flows from the secondary clarifier combine in a pipe prior to filtration. • 2.2.4 Filtration • Filtration is provided by 16 filters. Filters No. 1 — 8 are named the North Filters and are normally routed to • the North Clearwell (1 MG). Filters No. 9— 16 are named the South Filters and are normally routed to the South Clearwell (2 MG). There is an interconnect between the combined filter effluent lines for each set of filters that allows operational flexibility; however, normal operation is as described above. • 2.2.5 Disinfection • Primary disinfection is accomplished through a combination of free chlorine and chloramines to meet the current Giardia and virus inactivation requirements of 0.5 log and 2.0 log, respectively. Chlorine is initially • added for surface water disinfection at the rapid mix; chlorine is typically added at 2 mg/L. Free chlorine disinfection is carried through the rapid mix and flocculator; most of the virus inactivation is obtained from • free chlorine through the flocculator. At the head of the presedimentation basin, ammonia is added to form • chloramines; between 0.2 to 0.5 mg/L of ammonia is added. From this point forward in the treatment process, primary disinfection is by chloramines. • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 2-2 HDR No.0000183458 • S • • • • Additional ammonia (0.2 to 0.5 mg/L) is added at Control Structure No. 2 (following the softening basins) and additional chlorine (4 mg/L) is added after Control Structure No. 2 before the secondary clarifiers. The • City has the ability to add ammonia followed by chlorine ahead of the filters, and chlorine after the filters; however, these feed points are not used in normal operation. Chlorine and ammonia doses are manually • controlled. • Table 2-1 shows the CT obtained at the design capacity of the water treatment plant, based on minimum • temperatures and maximum pH. Distribution system residual) is maintained using chloramines • Table 2-1: Giardia and Virus Reduction Based on Plant Design Capacity • Residual Peak Min Effective Log Log Temp. Baffle T10 CT Treatment Stage Disinfectant pH Flow Volume Volume Reduction Reduction CI,(mg)L) (deg C) Factor (min) (mg/L*min) (gpm) (gal) (gal) (Giardia) (Viruses) • Flocculator Free Chlorine 1.7 8.5 2 6,945 171,250 0.3 51,375 7.40 12.58 0.11 _ 4.79 River Desilting Basin Chloramines 1.1 8.5 2 6,945 1,271,621 0.5 635,810 91.55 100.70 0.12 _ 0.62 • Softening Basins Chloramines_ 0.8 9+ 4 13,889 900,000 0.5 450,000 32.40 25.92 0.03 _ 0.52 Secondary Settling Basins Chloramines 3.6 9+ 4 13,889 500,000 0.5 250,000 18.00 64.80 0.09 _ 0.58 Filtration Chloramines 3.4 9+ 4 13,889 288,470 0.7 201,929 14.54 49.43 0.06 0.56 • Clearwells Chloramines 3.2 9+ 4 13,889 1,000,000 0.3 300,000 21.60 69.12 0.09 _ 0.59 Total 0.50 _ 7.67 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 2-3 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • 3 ALTERNATIVES • • The LT2 Rule sets out specific options for meeting additional log-removal requirements for Cryptosporidium. These options are described in some detail in the Microbial Toolbox Guidance Manual • (EPA, April 2010). All the options identified in the rule for obtaining inactivation credits were screened to • rule out infeasible options with respect to the facilities and operations in Salina and are listed in Table 3-1. Rows shown in white were not considered realistic options for application in Salina based on the reasons • shown in the last column of the table. • Based on the preliminary evaluation of the toolbox options,the most realistic options for Salina are: • • Request 0.5 log credit for the existing river desilting basin under the presedimentation basin option. The City currently treats all surface water in the river desilting basin with continuous alum addition • for tubidity reduction. This option would require a commitment to achieve 68% (0.5 log) reduction • in turbidity on a mean monthly basis of daily readings. • Request 0.5 log credit for two-stage lime softening. The City currently treats all water in a two- • stage lime softening process consisting of softening, secondary settling, and two stages of • recarbonation. • Make a commitment to produce water that meets a lower turbidity level than is currently required • based on measurements taken at the combined filter effluent and/or at the effluent from each filter. • Log removal credit of 0.5-log for Cryptosporidium is given for meeting 0.15 NTU at the combined filter effluent for 95% of readings each month and another 0.5-log credit is given for meeting 0.15 • NTU at each filter effluent for 95%of the readings each month. • Install ozone disinfection facilities to disinfect surface water downstream of pre-sedimentation to • provide 1-log Cryptosporidium inactivation credit. • • Install ultraviolet disinfection downstream of the filters to provide 1-log Cryptosporidium inactivation credit. • • The subsequent sections will describe the considerations and options relative to these alternatives in greater detail. • • • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-1 • HDR No.0000183458 • • 10 • 0 • v.c o .c c v a N 5 7, ,_ g E � a _ 3 w ` w m � ,t ° 5 E ' E RE - a a a ' , b 3 = E w a o c c '' = 3 'w m v V m 0 a w m o O _0 u E v ._ ,. 0 4 a m o v m w 0.,?..- HI a o v =« c ° a - c o m _ • a H -A � a . v A t y g « Y c 3 o ry ' a s � . w ' o 3 d 3 m v .00r, % > v C > m o , o 9 c m N ° N E c . a E c t° 2 $ a m 0 3 o g v a v H '2 - o O l) d _ ;ti q `L- ° _ O Vir 0 atm Y L m C ? W E N -' m ¢ w HIH W y a E A ' v'N i• o a o .; E m E a Y �v ° ` v v a v o ; ° E o m a ° 'T oc "y m • ` a a _ :' ° o z o c ' E > r c a. ° v ti 7,7', I.-2 N '4 ti !, 3 0 , ' m o t o m t• 0 � c ° 2 3 , v v ° o _ - { , 2 .3 E E Y e « Q 1 wa H , E u '" c " s o o ° v ° "v ° a v ° v q E > v o 6 a E 0 S 3—'2= 2 c 3 v .a' a• -0 o " n - a ° - 3 a 0. E • . . E - '2 . ° a m a p c 2,= m C d v ° 2 3 n ` c C m O N a E v" « > > v C` a- « m oat E p _ o E a . n E x v = N -- „20 ,.=. 2 '--.5- -c. 5 s o n w a a,1114 '• a o n - U ” cL O' m it o v „ w • « « ' v a A m - o 3 o m v E . 2 ° ; �- o n v E a I s x o v - o>m > 2 2 o v Eo o a o E w N � + 3 E o v o , 0 v N oL u 3 u m 3 E ° .y m a ° o a c o 3 22E 3 z 3,n 7 3 5271? ` a33 ,S12 r t923.9 . vi na 8o f F ,e 2 3 d° A � m o � v • Z c ,`v„ a qn c O° m �° y « a u° > ; 157, 0- gt P5 v n °3 3 vc �. E ,7 c i v 'o c E a c y o — o n ° 2 E w m E v ” ° A E « '- E v+ ? m N n 06 .' E . N a p • u m- y m ° 0 3 v a " Sig II 9 +VS c v a o a u c c �' ` c a m a a o E ', w rv_,.'46t ,n v a v E m F c t a m 9 m o w ,n ¢ O W a s .3. 'm " c q ' n z N m >• c c c° � a : _ o u u ° 9 N1 o ° c m E -a s •" c ,a. « ' m u v .a. maw w w x CI O �' g15. L0 dJ u v O a m > m a y '� p i .y a a .':'. Er, 0 u r W m ? • O v 3 > v . 2 .17.-E'E' '°_ ° .. = 01 c CV c t. 7, _ '51] 17. t r o E - 2 .,T, . N u c v w 3 o t „ m ; .. v v q 'c ° v o a !N- 3 ° y :: o f as ° a n s m 3 a w E a n t EP A-0 m '° a° .., .p ? 3 m 'm c v m > > c « y A `m m `• a E a c y a E v v ` z ° '° 0 0 o n v 1111110 m o 1- d w w y ° • ' - q d m �°, 3 ° r. a E m c E v a o m .� n E o v ° a v ,o ? «°o ` G v G u O V % °n p ° O O ` O W LEI O v a .O H a a E 5 ti m .« a . a A v 3 3 .� � v ° m v° �o v m? .o w ro 3 0 ° E :o °' E H N c o- n a « cvv - o '"i avc.2 3a g N V 3 :t.. 4 ¢ u° 30 . m m m u . y ¢`o E 3 Ecc m°Z T. • m w I'a 0 I 4 ° a t 'IL ili 72 x u o a ° C v 2 0 € ❑ > V O V U a+tE O Q ttp a « N x ° O ro .0 n m m ? .:2." ",i a • w E E w v « E o f m E m O 0 E o o a o ° o d w o 0 o w 3 7 '3 3 o o o o o a o 0 0 o « o o a n n ry v m c U ° a o o a u > m j o u ° u u` y • O D_ UJ y • CE D p a a V N CE r C E i yp O v m c o `• b o 1 f, a °O ° a, o o ° a o p . « v a w -E = c t 3 a m o ' E .� E m m E III m m O Z • • 41 301 PRESEDIMENTATION • The toolbox option for presedimentation allows for 0.5 log credit for plants that have or construct a basin that is used to settle gravel, sand, and other material from the raw water with coagulant addition prior to the ® main treatment process. The compliance requirements for this option are as follows: • • The presedimentation basin must be in continuous operation and must treat all of the flow from the surface water source. • • A coagulant must be continuously added to the presedimentation basin while the plant is in operation. • • The presedimentation basin must achieve a monthly mean reduction of 0.5 log (68 percent) or • greater in turbidity or alternative state-approved performance criteria that demonstrate at least 0.5 log mean removal (i.e. particle count reduction or aerobic spore removal). ® • Presedimentation basin influent and effluent turbidity must be measured a minimum of once per • day. • Compliance is certified with KDHE on a monthly basis as a monthly average of daily readings. • ® As discussed in Section 2.2.1, the City operates a presedimentation basin for preliminary treatment of Smoky Hill River basin flows prior to the main softening/settling process. All surface water is treated in the • basin continuously. Alum is continuously applied ahead of the presedimentation basin at the rapid mix as a coagulant. 0 ® Presedimentation basin influent and effluent turbidity data were collected and reviewed for compliance with this toolbox option. As shown in Table 3-2, the City achieves greater than 70% reduction in turbidity • through the presedimentation basin most months of the year. The months of January and December can ® pose an issue with compliance under this option due to the low levels of turbidity coming into the plant. If the influent turbidity is as low as 5 NTU, the process would be required to remove down to 1.6 NTU to • achieve 68% reduction in turbidity. The presedimentation option should be able to be optimized to achieve an effluent turbidity of 1 NTU; this would allow for a low influent turbidity of 3.1 NTU which is lower than the ® historical influent turbidities presented below. • If this option is selected, a plant optimization evaluation should be conducted and the results implemented ® for the rapid mix,flocculation, and presedimentation processes in order to optimize coagulant addition and treatment of the surface water to achieve a goal effluent turbidity of 1 NTU or less. Additionally, the data ® showed several days where the turbidity meters were not recording. If this option is selected, it is • recommended that the turbidity meters be replaced, possibly with a backup meter so that compliance isn't compromised. 0 0 0 LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-3 HDR No.0000183458 S • • • • Table 3-2: Presedimentation Basin Performance,2008-2011 • Monthly Monthly Year Month Average Inlet Average Outlet Turbidity Log • Turbidity(NTU) Turbidity(NTU) Removed Removal • 2008 Jan 15.2 3.20 79.0 0.68 Feb 25.0 2.78 88.8 0.95 • Mar 75.5 2.30 97.0 1.52 Apr 110.7 2.32 97.9 1.68 • May 122.7 2.35 98.1 1.72 Jun 201.0 2.94 98.5 1.84 Jul 96.5 2.21 97.7 1.64 • Aug 171.0 1.91 98.9 1.95 Sep 110.0 1.80 98.4 1.79 • Oct 128.6 1.69 98.7 1.88 Nov 45.7 2.17 95.2 1.32 ® Dec 26.9 3.20 88.1 0.92 2009 Jan 14.4 2.83 80.3 0.71 • Feb 23.8 3.35 85.9 0.85 Mar 20.2 2.74 86.4 0.87 • Apr 137.2 3.10 97.7 1.65 May 68.0 1.95 97.1 1.54 Jun 171.9 2.49 98.6 1.84 • Jul 66.4 2.39 96.4 1.44 Aug 52.7 2.30 95.6 1.36 • Sep 112.1 1.95 98.3 1.76 Oct 52.7 2.36 95.5 1.35 O Nov 19.8 2.02 89.8 0.99 Dec 4.9 2.05 58.4 0.38 • 2010 Jan 12.0 2.06 82.9 0.77 Feb 8.9 2.00 77.4 0.65 • Mar 21.9 2.99 86.3 0.86 Apr 37.5 2.88 92.3 1.11 • May 36.3 2.51 93.1 1.16 Jun 86.0 2.81 96.7 1.48 Jul 137.4 3.00 97.8 1.66 0 Aug 137.4 4.06 97.0 1.53 Sep 100.3 3.95 96.1 1.41 • Oct 74.5 3.77 94.9 1.30 Nov 29.9 3.22 89.2 0.97 • Dec 14.0 2.45 82.5 0.76 2011 Jan 5.7 1.94 65.9 0.47 • Feb 11.7 2.23 81.0 0.72 Mar 29.1 2.69 90.8 1.03 • Apr 57.8 2.85 95.1 1.31 May 48.7 2.58 94.7 1.28 • Jun 107.3 3.59 96.7 1.48 Jul 44.7 3.38 92.4 1.12 Aug 47.5 3.84 91.9 1.09 0 Sep 56.4 4.24 92.5 1.12 Oct 33.0 3.49 89.4 0.98 • Nov 25.8 3.95 84.7 0.82 Dec 15.0 2.92 80.5 0.71 • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-4 HDR No.0000183458 0 • • f • • 3.2 TWO-STAGE LIME SOFTENING • The toolbox option for two-stage lime softening allows for 0.5 log credit for plants that have or could upgrade to a two-stage lime softening process. The compliance requirements for this option are as follows: • • The plant must have a second clarification step between the primary clarifier and the filters which is • operated continuously. • For split treatment processes, only the portion of the flow going through the two clarification stages • can receive credit. • addeal st occur in two separate and sequential stages. • ComplianceChemical is based ition and on hardness a monthly rmov certifimucation occ statement (to be kept on file at the plant) that all • plant flow was treated through the two-stage lime softening process. • Figure 3-1 below shows schematically EPA's definition of two-stage lime softening. The only difference • between this schematic and the City's process is the City's lack of chemical addition at the secondary clarifier. However, the City currently experiences hardness removal in the secondary settling basins. Per • preliminary discussions with KDHE, if chemical addition were to take place at the secondary settling basins, • the process may then be considered a two-stage lime softening process and may be eligible for 0.5 log credit of Cryptosporidium inactivation. The final step of approval would be to have a representative of • KDHE visit the plant and verify the process meets the criteria for two-stage lime softening. EPA and KDHE do not require a minimum amount of chemical to be applied to obtain the credit. • • Lm: CC. Soda Ash 1 ♦ • Recadxxra1Kxl + Ret:a(mOm Filers • Primary Clarifier Secondary Clarifier Figure 3-1:Typical Two-Stage Lime Softening Process(EPA,2010) • Existing lime solution chemical feed lines, one to each softening basin, are currently routed past the • secondary settling basins; therefore, it may be possible to provide a feed to each secondary settling basin • from these lines. Further evaluation is required to determine the amount of lime to be fed and its impact on the softening process as well as the capabilities of the lime feed system and piping to convey the flows. • Additionally, feeding lime will create more lime sludge as more solids are settled out; therefore, the capabilities of the residuals management system would need to be evaluated. • • 3.3 COMBINED FILTER PERFORMANCE • Under the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule(IESWTR)and LT1 Rule, conventional filtration plants such as Salina must achieve a combined filter effluent (CFE) turbidity of equal to or less than 0.3 • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-5 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • NTU in 95% of samples taken each month and must never exceed 1 NTU. The toolbox option for CFE performance allows for 0.5 log credit for plants that can meet more stringent effluent turbidities than current • regulations. The toolbox option allows for 0.5 log credit for plants that can achieve CFE turbidities of equal • to or less than 0.15 NTU in 95% of samples taken each month. Compliance for this option is certified with KDHE through the turbidity reports the City currently submits each month. Systems may receive credit for CFE performance and individual filter performance (to be described in Section 3.4) in the same month for • 1.0 log total. • Based on review of combined filter effluent data from 2008 through 2011, the City is routinely meeting 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of samples each month. CFE turbidities are typically in the range of 0.07 to 0.11 NTU. • However, the CFE is most likely to exceed 0.15 NTU when a filter is being backwashed as the CFE • readings increase during this time. Over the last four years, the maximum recorded CFE was 3.07 NTU on June 27, 2010(excluding readings that were recorded but are considered anomalies), however are typically in the range of 0.10 to 0.25 NTU. • Table 3-3 shows a summary of the City's compliance with this alternative based on recent years. • Compliance under the existing rules is calculated based on 96 measurements taken per day (every 15 minutes) at each combined filter effluent location (North Filters and South Filters), for a total of 192 • measurements per day; it is expected that compliance will continue to be calculated in this manner for • compliance with the LT2 Rule. • • • • • • • • • r S S • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-6 HDR No.0000183458 • • S 0 • Table 3-3: Combined Filter Effluent Compliance Based on Years 2008-2011 ® Year Month #Readings Total# %1 Year Month 1#Readings Total# >0.15NTU Readings Compliance >0.15NTU Readings Compliance 2008 Jane - - - 2010 Jan 1 5952 100.0% • Feb 0 5568 100.0% Feb 7 5376 99.9% Mar 0 5952 100.0% Mar 3 5952 99.9% ® Apr 0 5760 100.0% Apr 9 5760 99.8% May 1 5952 100.0% May 29 5952 99.5% Jun 0 5760 100.0% Jun 58 5760 99.0% • Jul 0 5952 100.0% Jul 56 5952 99.1% Aug 2 - - - Aug 77 5952 98.7% • Sep 0 5760 100.0% Sep 48 5760 99.2% Oct 0 5952 100.0% Oct 76 5952 98.7% • Nov 0 5760 100.0% Nov 7 5760 99.9% Dec 0 5952 100.0% Dec 1 5952 100.0% • 2009 Jan 0 5952 100.0% 2011 Jan 5 5952 99.9% Feb 0 5376 100.0% Feb 2 5376 100.0% ® Mar 0 5952 100.0% Mar 2 5952 100.0% Apr 1 5760 100.0% Apr 2 5760 100.0% May 4 5952 99.9% May 9 5952 99.8% ® Jun 4 5760 99.9% Jun 25 5760 99.6% Jul 4 5952 99.9% Jul 16 5952 99.7% ® Aug 8 5952 99.9% Aug 6 5952 99.9% Sep 6 5760 99.9% Sep 33 5760 99.4% • Oct 3 5952 99.9% Oct 58 5952 99.0% Nov 3 5760 99.9% Nov 123 5760 97.9% • Dec3 94 5952 98.4% Dec 151 5952 97.5% 'Readings are taken every 15 minutes atthe North CFE and the South CFE. • z Data not available. 3 Likelydue to instrument error. CFE measured did not a ppearaccurate based on individual filter effluent turbidities. • The most recent two years, 2010 and 2011, show a marked increase in the occurrences of CFE above 0.15 • NTU compared to years 2008 and 2009. This is likely due to a recent change in the chemical additions at the plant; facing ever-increasing alum and polymer costs, plant staff have decreased the amount of these chemicals to only that required to meet regulatory treatment requirements. Alum use in 2009 was • approximately half of what was used in 2008; additionally, the amount of alum used in 2010 and 2011 was further reduced to approximately 30% of what was used in 2008. If this option is selected, a plant • optimization evaluation should be conducted for the plant in order to optimize treatment and the • recommendations from the evaluation implemented by the plant to ensure consistent CFE turbidities that comply with the rule. However the data shows that this compliance alternative is a valid option for the City • in obtaining credit under the LT2 rule. • Some occurrences of CFE turbidity of greater than 0.15 NTU resulted even though the individual filter • turbidity contributing to the CFE averaged less than 0.15 NTU. Maintaining well calibrated turbidimeters will be essential for continually receiving credits on a monthly basis under this option. 0 • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-7 HDR No.0000183458 40 0 • • • • 3.4 INDIVIDUAL FILTER PERFORMANCE • The toolbox option for individual filter performance allows for 0.5 log credit for plants that can meet stringent effluent limits from each individual filter. Current regulations do not have a requirement for individual filter • effluent (IFE) turbidities but are required to monitor continuously the individual filter effluent turbidity. • Systems may receive credit for CFE performance AND individual filter performance (described in Section 3.3) in the same month for 1.0 log total. The compliance requirements for this option are as follows: • • IFE turbidity must be less than 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of values recorded at each filter in each month, excluding the 15 minute period following return to service from a filter backwash. • • No individual filter may have a measured turbidity greater than 0.3 NTU in two consecutive • measurements taken 15 minutes apart. • Compliance is certified monthly with KDHE in conjunction with the combined filter effluent reporting. This • option will require more extensive reporting each month as individual filter turbidities are required to be measured, but are not currently required to be reported unless they are measured greater than 1 NTU in • two or more consecutive measurements. • Individual filter effluent turbidity data were analyzed to assess the City's ability to meet the LT2 Rule IFE • performance criteria. One month, generally the most severe month in terms of CFE turbidity, was selected for each year between 2008 and 2011. Tables 3-4 through 3-7 show the analyses for the selected months. • The data show that the City would be able to meet the first compliance criteria of IFE turbidities less than • 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of samples, with the exception of Filter#9 in December, 2011. It is unknown what caused the higher IFE turbidity for this filter. Additionally, the months of September 2009 (Filters #3 and • #6), August 2010 (Filter #1), and December, 2011 (Filter #10) were approaching 95% and could be considered borderline. • • • • • • • • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-8 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • - • = C A M1 U E1- 0000000000000000000000000000000 c 9.2Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z • 0 m U 'N� O 0 3 • a o N o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C r,, W U of ry rn • ,n a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000040000000 cr a a) • '6N00000 N • a l0 o • o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m Q^ O• N Ol Q1 it • m a p • o 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-I 0 0 0 0 0 O O m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v rn °i• p _, N rn CT • N LL A N I CO a N C • y o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o m o 0 0 0 0 o m o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ^ N LL O _ • 1:3 it N 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . O O O O O O O N O 0 0 0 0 0 . 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O HINF111101011111 N N Om U m 11111011111111 - 101111111• a^, 00 d � N m • W ' • LL � � • 1111- 111111111111-1111-111 D ^ • � o C o ° o JQCQC R � m N rn • 111111 11111111111111111111111111 o � o N • iFIFIUI11iiH1 N N Ol N .� N .� N .� N .-� .-� N N N N N N N w < 0O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C • N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N w O N N C vl tD Ol O N N N N N N m m y .+ .r .r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ — Z D_ O tol, � N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � N � N N N N N Z O 7 7 Z N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 0 F E • 0 N V • • • • • • • The cause of turbidity measurements greater than 0.15 NTU may be the backwash process coupled with • the decrease in alum and polymer use between 2008 and 2009. In May 2008, no filters had any occurrences where 0.3 NTU was measured for two or more consecutive measurements and the City would • have been in compliance with this toolbox option. Years 2009 through 2011, however, show that the City would not have been in compliance the months that were analyzed due to the continual occurrence of IFE • turbidities of greater than 0.3 NTU in two or more consecutive measurements. • The main cause of IFE turbidities greater than 0.15 NTU and the occurrence of greater than 0.3 NTU in two • or more consecutive measurements is due to the ripening process after the filter is brought back online after backwashing. In 2008 through 2010, 2 filters were backwashed per day and all filters appear to be • online except when backwashing for an average filter run time of approximately 8 days. Beginning in 2011, • the City switched to backwashing one filter per day (each filter backwashed every 16 days) to save on backwash pumping costs. The toolbox option allows for one 15-minute period following return to service • after backwash to be thrown out of the compliance calculations. However, the data shows that the filters • can typically take anywhere from 1 hour (4 increments) to 4 hours (15 increments) to return to IFE turbidities of less than 0.15 NTU. In 2011 following the switch to one filter backwash per day, the filters can • take as long as 7.5 hours (30 increments)to return to IFE turbidities of less than 0.15 NTU. In addition, IFE turbidities following backwash are typically greater than 0.3 NTU, and on many days have occurred in more • than 2 measurements. Figure 3-2 shows a typical day with two filters backwashing. • 2.40 -- - -- _. • 2.25 Film a1i 210 • 1.95 1.80 • 4165 1.65 --- --- --._.. F Ls0 • of 1;5 - -- 1120 • 1.05 _. (Filter 1112 74 0.90 • > 0.75 -- ----._. 0.60 - -- a0 3 • �� ois 0.00 O pp G pp a — — • S S S' O S S S O G N O M q O m G O O O O O O O O • O H N M 'r N O N 00 00 O o f R N O N N N q N N O O O O O O O O O O p N 0N 0 N W rl N W N CO 00 00 00 00 2 2 2 -�0 0 r O N N N 2 0 \ N N N N N N N N N ` N J-._00 OD M 00 OO OD 00 OD M` W W W 00 • Figure 3-2: Typical IFE Turbidity Following Backwash (August 22,2010) • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-13 • HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • It is normal for there to be a period of time following backwash where turbidities are higher than normal. However, there are ways to minimize this period of time and the high turbidities that result. Some options include: • • Increase coagulant feed at the head of the plant • Evaluate the hydraulic load to the filters across the range of plant flow rates • • Optimize backwash duration and flow rate • • Backwash more frequently • Rest the filter after backwash for several minutes to several hours before putting the filter back in • service • Add a polymer to the backwash water • Evaluate use of air scour • • Slowly increase the hydraulic load on the filter as it is brought back online • • Implement filter to waste • Combination of above techniques • The filters and the treatment process in general appear to be capable of meeting the compliance criteria for • this option, as exhibited in 2008. In order for this toolbox option to be a viable option for the City, the City • must be committed to producing top-notch finished water quality on a daily basis. In order to do that, a plant optimization evaluation should be conducted for the plant in order to optimize treatment and • recommendations from the evaluation implemented by the plant to ensure consistent IFE turbidities that • comply with the rule. As a part of that, the filter backwash process must be addressed. Optimization of the backwash process will also have a positive effect on CFE performance. • 3.5 OZONE Ozone is commonly used in drinking water treatment for primary disinfection and taste and odor control. • The log credit for Cryptosporidium inactivation is determined based on the ozone residual and contact time provided in the process, similar to chlorine disinfection. Because ozone is unstable, it must be generated • on-site. Ozone generation and feed facilities include the following: • • Gas preparation (air-feed, oxygen-enriched feed, or LOX feed) • Ozone generator • Cooling water system • • Contact basin • Ozone residual monitors • • Ozone quenching chemical feed system • Ozone off-gas destruction system • • Ancillary buildings and utilities • The advantages and disadvantages of ozone disinfection are as follows: • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-14 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • Advantages: • Provides taste and odor control. • • Oxidizes organic (i.e. total organic carbon) and inorganic compounds which help control • chlorinated disinfection byproduct formation • Requires short contact time for inactivation of pathogens • • More effective than other disinfectants, excluding UV,for inactivating Cyrptosporidium • • Provides inactivation credit for Giardia and viruses, reducing the amount of chlorine disinfectant required • • Disadvantages: • Ozone gas is toxic and corrosive • • Additional power requirement compared to existing chemical disinfection • Ozone reacts with bromide to form bromate, a regulated disinfection byproduct(<10 ug/L) • Provides no disinfectant residual requiring use of another chemical disinfectant (i.e. chlorine or • chloramines)to maintain distribution system residual • Raw water quality can affect the ozone dose needed to obtain the necessary level of CT credit if • ozone is applied to the raw water • • Reactions with assimilable organic compounds produce assimilable carbon that must be removed using biologically active filtration • • High capital costs for contactor tanks, generation equipment, and related items • • Requires a higher level of maintenance and operator skill • Since Cryptosporidium inactivation is only required for Salina's surface water source and not the • groundwater source, the recommended ozone application point is following the river desilting basin, prior to the surface water blending with groundwater. Feeding ozone later in the process after organics are • removed would likely reduce the ozone dose required, however space constraints downstream in the water treatment plant preclude the ability to do this. Additionally, the early intermediate application point reduces • the size of the required ozone system to treat only surface water. To provide space for the ozone system, it • will be necessary to reconfigure the river desilting basin to allow space for an ozone contact tank and ozone generation facilities, while continuing to provide a similar or better level of pre-treatment of the • surface water. Plate settlers are an option for providing high-rate settling of the surface water in a smaller • footprint in order have available space in the remainder of the river desilting basin to construct ozone facilities. At a design flow rate of 10 MGD, approximately 30 feet of length (and the full width of 69.5 feet) is • needed for the plate settlers. The river desilting basin is 197 feet in length; therefore, with the addition of plate settlers, there will be approximately 167 feet of basin remaining for the ozone facilities. • • A bench scale study was completed to assess the ozone decay characteristics of the surface water and estimate the ozone dose to retain a residual to provide the recommended CT for Cryptosporidium • inactivation. The bench scale study was performed by Wedeco in June, 2012 on a 5 gallon sample of • settled water exiting the river desilting basin. A total of seven tests were performed on a single sample of • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-15 HDR No.0000183458 • I • • • • water at ozone doses ranging from 0 mg/L to 1.5 mg/L to assess the ozone demand and decay. Based on • these tests, the ozone decay constant, initial ozone demand, and ozone residuals at various time intervals were determined. The results of the bench scale study are included in Appendix A. • The estimated CT required to provide 1-log inactivation of Cryptosporidium is 21 mg/L-min based on a low • temperature of 2 degrees Celsius (based on the last four years of data). Based on Wedeco's results, the • calculated CT was determined based on their maximum dosage of 1.5 mg/L. Several assumptions were made: • There is no credit for Cryptosporidium inactivation in the first chamber • Ozone contactor is comprised of 6 chambers (5 effective chambers) • Ozone addition occurs in the first chamber only (would be optimized for multiple feed points during • design) • The contactor is based on a T10 of 15 minutes (hydraulic detention time of 3 minutes per chamber) • • At a dose of 1.5 mg/L of ozone, the resulting CT at the outlet of the ozone contactor is 1.0 mg/L-min, which is less than the required 21 mg/L-min. Using the decay constants and initial ozone residuals determined by • Wedeco's bench scale tests, doses greater than 1.50 mg/L were evaluated. The decay constant test • values were fitted with an exponential decay curve to approximate the decay constant at higher doses. Similarly, residual concentrations after 60 seconds (used to calculate the initial ozone demand within the • first 60 seconds of contact) were fitted with a linear projection to approximate the initial ozone demand at higher doses. Table 3-8 summarizes the projected values. • • The projected values were used to estimate the dose needed to achieve the required CT of 21 mg/L-min. Based on the projected values, a dose of 5.0 mg/L is needed; however, assuming 90% transfer efficiency • of ozone into the water, the required dose increases to 5.6 mg/L. Table 3-9 shows the calculated CT for • various doses. A dose of 5.6 mg/L results in a generator size of 570 pounds per day (including a 20% safety factor)for a design flow rate of 10 MGD. It is assumed that two generators of this capacity would be • provided for redundancy. • • I S r • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-16 HDR No.0000183458 • i I 0 • • Table 3-8: Projected Ozone Parameters Based on Bench Scale Testing ID Residual after Additional Time,T Dose kD Residual T= 1 T=5 T= 10 T=15 T=20 • (mg/L) (min^-1) after 60 sec min min min min min 0.15 -0.3159 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.25 -0.2994 0.120 0.089 0.027 0.006 0.001 0.001 • Test 0.50 -0.2695 0.283 0.216 0.074 0.019 0.005 0.005 Values 0.75 -0.2193 0.460 0.369 0.154 0.051 0.017 0.017 • 1.00 -0.2375 0.760 0.599 0.232 0.071 0.022 0.022 • 1.50 -0.1946 1.140 0.772 0.431 0.163 0.062 0.062 2.00 -0.1596 1.562 1.135 0.703 0.317 0.143 0.143 • 2.50 -0.1340 1.983 1.517 1.015 0.519 0.266 0.266 3.00 -0.1125 2.404 1.920 1.370 0.781 0.445 0.445 • 3.50 -0.0944 2.825 2.339 1.762 1.099 0.686 0.686 Projected • Values 4.00 -0.0793 3.247 2.771 2.184 1.470 0.989 0.989 4.50 -0.0665 3.668 3.211 2.630 1.886 1.352 1.352 • 5.00 -0.0559 4.089 3.656 3.092 2.339 1.769 1.769 • 5.50 -0.0469 4.510 4.106 3.567 2.822 2.232 2.232 6.00 -0.0394 4.931 4.557 4.050 3.326 2.732 2.732 • • Table 3-9: Calculated CT for Various Ozone Doses Ozone Residuals • Ozone kD After Start of End of End of End of End of End of Dose (min-1) Initial Chamber Chamber Chamber Chamber Chamber Chamber Total CxT O (mg/L) Demand 2 (mg/L) 2(mg/L) 3 (mg/L) 4(mg/L) 5 (mg/L) 6(mg/L) • (mg/L) 1.50 -0.1946 1.1 1.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 • 2.00 -0.1596 1.6 1.6 0.5 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 • 2.50 -0.1340 2.0 2.0 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 3.4 3.00 -0.1125 2.4 2.4 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0 5.4 • 3.50 -0.0944 2.8 2.8 1.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 8.0 4.00 -0.0793 3.2 3.2 1.8 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 11.4 • 4.50 -0.0665 3.7 3.7 2.2 1.4 0.8 0.5 0.3 15.6 • 5.00 -0.0559 4.1 4.1 2.7 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.5 20.7 5.50 -0.0469 4.5 4.5 3.2 2.2 1.6 1.1 0.8 26.6 • 6.00 -0.0394 4.9 4.9 3.7 2.7 2.0 1.5 1.1 33.2 • • When ozone is used for disinfection, KDHE requires a minimum of two contact chambers be provided. Therefore, two contact basins in parallel are required, each capable of treating the full design flow should 0 • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-17 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • one contactor be required to be taken offline for cleaning or maintenance. The contact basin is proposed to be an over-under baffle configuration and will be fully enclosed for capturing ozone off-gas for destruction. • Two, fully redundant off-gas destruction units must be provided. For the purposes of this study, six • chambers were assumed as the basis for this evaluation; actual design conditions may warrant a different design approach. The total estimated volume for each contact basin is 312,000 gallons. • • Ozone gas diffusers typically used in ozone applications require a minimum water depth of 18 feet to provide a sufficient depth for efficient transfer of ozone into the water column. The side water depth (SWD) • of the existing river desilting basin is 12'-5". Therefore, to maintain the current hydraulic grade line through the plant, the ozone contactor would be constructed deeper within the footprint of the existing river desilting • basin to accommodate the minimum SWD. Based on a SWD of 18 feet and a width of 32.5 feet, each • chamber will be 12 feet long. The total length of each basin, including allowances for baffle walls, is 86 feet. Including the 30 feet required for the plate settlers and the 86 feet required for the ozone contactors, approximately 81 feet of the 197 feet of the river desilting basin will remain as unused space. • Table 3-10 summarizes preliminary ozone system design parameters. It should be noted that these • parameters are based on bench scale testing of one water sample. In reality, ozone pilot testing is recommended to further develop the ozone system design criteria specific to the range of water quality • conditions that occur at the plant. Figure 3-3 shows a site layout of the proposed facilities. • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • S • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-18 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • Table 3-10: Preliminary Ozone Design Parameters • Parameter Value Units Notes CT Required 21 mg/L-min • Maximum Dose 5.6 mg/L Includes 90%transfer efficiency Design Flow 10 MGD • Generator Capacity 570 lb/day Includes 20%safety factor • #Contactors 2 Each designed for 10 MGD T10,Overall 15 min • T10,per Chamber 3 min #of Chambers 6 No CT given for first chamber • T10/HDT 0.4 Baffling factor for each chamber • HDT 7.5 min Volume of Each Chamber 52,083 gallons • SWD 18 feet Excavate new basin to accommodate Width 32.5 feet • Length 12 feet • Total Volume 312,500 gallons Overall Length 86 feet Includes baffle walls • • I • • • • • • • • S • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-19 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • Although use of ozone would reduce the formation of TTHMs and HAA5s that result from chlorinating • water, it does form its own disinfection by-products (DBPs). In the presence of bromide, ozone will produce brominated DBPs. Source waters with bromide in excess of 0.05 mg/L are at risk of forming bromate • exceeding the current regulated MCL of 0.01 mg/L if the ozonation process takes place at a pH greater than 6.5. The City has been periodically testing their surface water for bromide. Table 3-11 shows the results of this testing. The testing laboratory is only capable of detecting bromide above 0.5 mg/L. • However, concentrations of bromide as low as 0.05 mg/L have been shown to form bromate in excess of the MCL. Additionally, two samples during the summer of 2012 returned detectable bromide concentrations, indicating that bromide in the raw water is indeed a concern. These results suggest that ozonation of the surface water may produce bromate in excess of the MCL. Additional bromate formation • potential testing and bromide analysis is required to confirm whether bromate would be anticipated to be • formed in concentrations exceeding the MCL. • Table 3-11: Bromide Testing Results • Bromide Date Concentration • (mg/L) 11/16/2011 ND • 12/13/2011 ND • _ _ 1/9/2012 ND 2/21/2012 ND • 3/5/2012 ND 4/16/2012 ND • 5/31/2012 ND • 7/3/2012 ND 7/17/2012 1.3 • 8/16/2012 0.9 9/29/2012 ND • ND=Non Detectable above 0.5 mg/L • Other considerations prior to implementing ozone disinfection include: • • Ozone is a commonly used for taste and odor reduction. Issues with taste and odor in Salina • attributable to the surface water have been documented, but are rare. Many of the taste and odor issues in the City are due to tuberculation of old cast iron water distribution lines. • • Ozone quenching chemicals (calcium thiosulfate, hydrogen peroxide, sodium bisulfate) are typically needed to remove residual ozone prior to downstream treatment processes. • • The use of ozone generates assimilable organic carbon (AOC) that can result in biological growth • and an increase in corrosion in the distribution system. Typically, biologically active filtration is used to remove the AOC; however, the plant's softening may reduce the AOC concentrations. • Bench scale testing would be necessary to confirm that the water is not biologically active following • the softening/settling processes. • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-21 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • • Use of ozone also provides CT for Giardia and viruses, and therefore the amount of chlorine • needed for CT can be reduced potentially reducing disinfection byproduct formation. • Ozone generation requires a significant amount of power. The capabilities of the existing power • feed system and the annual costs attributable to the additional electrical energy required to operate the generator and other components would need to be determined. S • 3.6 ULTRAVIOLET (UV) LIGHT • The use of UV light for disinfection of drinking water is a relatively new application, but has been increasing in popularity since promulgation of the LT2 Rule. All UV reactors installed for drinking water applications • are closed vessel/pressure reactors. Chemical disinfectants such as chlorine leave a measurable residual to calculate CT. However, UV does not leave a residual and therefore the amount of log credit for • Cryptosporidium inactivation is determined based on the dose of UV provided. UV dose is dependent on • the UV intensity(measured by sensors), the flow rate, and the UV absorbance. The LT2 Rule requires use of UV reactors that have undergone validation testing to receive credit for Cyptosporidium inactivation. • Several UV manufacturers produce UV reactors that have been validated for a range of criteria (i.e. flow • rate, UV intensity, inlet/outlet configurations, etc) and so long as the reactors are installed under the conditions that they have been validated for, no on-site validation should be required. For 1-log inactivation • of Cryptosporidium, a UV dose of 2.5 mJ/cm2 is required if the UV reactors are installed post-filtration. • The advantages and disadvantages of UV disinfection are as follows: • Advantages: • • Cryptosporidium and Giardia can be inactivated with relatively small doses • Effectiveness is not dependent on pH or temperature • • Does not produce disinfection byproducts • • Relatively simple operation • Often is a low cost option and relatively cost-effective • • No waste water or residuals production • Disadvantages: • • Cannot measure a residual to confirm disinfection credit • • An alternative chemical disinfectant is still required for virus inactivation and distribution system residual • Additional power requirement compared to existing chemical disinfection Several alternatives of installing UV disinfection systems were examined, including: • • UV of Pre-Filtered Surface Water(Downstream of River Desilting Basin) • UV Upstream of High Service Pump Stations • • UV Downstream of High Service Pump Stations • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-22 HDR No.0000183458 • • 0 I 3.6.1 UV of Pre-Filtered Surface Water • This alternative includes installation of UV reactors downstream of the river desilting basin, prior to blending with groundwater, to treat the surface water flow of 10 MGD. KDHE requires that UV disinfection be • preceeded by filtration. Additionally, the published UV dose requirements pertain to filtered water; therefore, installation of UV before filtration may require full-scale validation testing to determine the UV dose for unfiltered water and may be less effective than if installed downstream in the treatment train. • Therefore, this alternative is not recommended and was not considered further. • 3.6.2 UV Upstream of High Service Pump Station This alternative includes installation of UV reactors between the filters and the high service pump stations. • There is no space within the filter piping gallery to install UV reactors (2 redundant units) on the individual • filter effluent lines or the combined filter effluent lines. Additionally, there is very little space in the yard between the filter building and the clearwells. One way to install UV upstream of the high service pump • station is to install it on top of an existing clearwell and reconfigure the clearwells. The clearwells could be • reconfigured in the following way: • Reconstruct the north clearwell (1 million gallons) as a wet well for the UV system inside the • footprint of the existing clearwell • Route all the filter effluent to the new wet well • • Construct a pump/UV building on top of the wet well at one end to pump water to the UV reactors • • Install three reactors in parallel, each rated at 10 MGD (one redundant unit) • Install a pipeline from the UV reactors to the south clearwell (2 million gallons) • • Provide baffle walls inside the south clearwell to minimize short-circuiting and to direct water to • High Service Pump No. 8 and to the High Service Pump Station • Reconstructing the north clearwell with new walls, top slab, and potentially foundation will likely be necessary. The existing clearwell was constructed in 1940 and its structural integrity is unknown; it is not likely that the existing structure can support a pump station/UV reactor building. • Figure 3-4 shows a site plan of the proposed improvements. • • Advantages of this alternative include: • If UV system goes down entirely, can still pump finished water out of the south clearwell • Surge pressures on UV system are not a concern • Disadvantages of this alternative include: • Capital cost and plant site impacts due to reconstruction of the north clearwell • • Loss of some volume of the north clearwell • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-23 HDR No.0000183458 • S I I I • 3.6.3 UV Downstream of High Service Pump Station • This alternative includes installation of UV reactors downstream of the high service pump station. As described in Section 3.6.2, yard space upstream of the high service pump station is extremely limited unless major construction is done to reconfigure the clearwells. Although it is not ideal, installing the UV reactors downstream of the high service pumps presents a more cost-effective solution and provides fewer impacts to the plant site. • UV reactors are typically rated for a maximum pressure of 150 psi. The pumps at the High Service Pump • Station are rated for a shut-off head of 181 feet, or 78 psi. According to plant staff, the pumps typically • operate in the range of 50-60 psi discharge pressure. Therefore, these pumps will not exceed the rated pressure of the UV reactors at normal operation. Surge pressures at the pump station would need to be evaluated and potentially mitigated to ensure the rated pressure of the UV reactors is not exceeded. High Service Pump No. 8 pumps out of the south clearwell to the Key Acres water tower and the south end of • the water distribution system. According to plant staff, this pump is only used in the summer during peak • demand times. The discharge pressure of this pump is generally in the range of 120 — 130 psi. In lieu of providing a separate set of reactors for this pump, which may need to be rated at a higher pressure to • accommodate surge pressures, a feed line to the pump can be provided to tee into the main distribution • header. UV reactors have successfully been installed downstream of high service pumps; however, the following items should be considered during design: • • Provisions for surge pressure protection • Provide a plan for cooling water flow and disposal during UV lamp warm-up • • Prevent excess UV on/off cycling • • Determine how mercury release could be contained (may require 500 linear feet of large diameter piping downstream • Provisions for ensuring the required distribution system residual with ammonia addition • Figure 3-5 shows a site plan of the proposed improvements. • Advantages of this alternative include: • • Avoids cost and plant site impacts of reconstructing the north clearwell • • All clearwell volume is preserved • Disadvantages of this alternative include: • • If the UV system goes out entirely, water can not be pumped out if regulatory limits controlling the quantity of off-spec water have been reached (the LT2 Rule allows for 5% of water delivered to the • public per month to be untreated by the UV reactors or treated by UV reactors that don't meet the • compliance dose criteria) • High surge pressures present a risk for the UV reactors S • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 3-25 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • 4 OTHER WATER QUALITY CONCERNS • • 4.1 TASTE AND ODOR The City has experienced issues with taste and odor (T&O) in the recent past. Wilson & Company • completed a study in 2008 to evaluate treatment options for reducing taste and odors resulting from the surface water source. Alternatives evaluated include ozone, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, • potassium permanganate, and powdered activated carbon. No raw water sampling was completed as a • part of this study to quantify T&O causing compounds. The recommended alternative was ozone on the basis that it would be added at the Smoky Hill River intake pump station with contact time obtained through • the existing raw water pipeline. • 4.2 DISINFECTION BYPRODUCTS • In 2009, HDR completed a study to evaluate alternatives for reduction of DBPs. At that time, the City had been experiencing high individual measurements of TTHMs and HAA5s since 2007, primarily in their April • and July samples for compliance with the Stage 1 D/DBP Rule. That study recommended elimination of • the front end chlorine addition or use of chlorine dioxide as an alternative disinfectant to decrease the levels of DBPs. • The Stage 2 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproduct(D/DBP) Rule went into effect in January, 2006 at the • same time as the LT2 Rule. The date for the City to begin compliance with the Stage 2 D/DBP Rule is the • same as for the LT2 Rule, October 1, 2013. The Stage 2 D/DBP Rule required an Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) to identify locations with high DBP concentrations. The locations identified • under the IDSE will be used as the Stage 2 D/DBP Rule compliance monitoring sites. The rule will require • compliance with current DBP MCLs of 80 ug/L TTHM and 60 ug/L of HAA5s based on a running annual average at each monitoring location. Table 4-1 shows the sample data and calculated locational running • annual averages (LRAAs)for each site where samples were taken as part of the IDSE. • Compliance under the Stage 2 D/DBP Rule differs from the Stage 1 D/DBP Rule, in which compliance is • based on a running annual average of all the monitoring sites. The Stage 1 monitoring sites are different from the Stage 2 monitoring sites and will continue to be sampled to verify compliance with the Stage 1 • DBPR. • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 4-1 • HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • Table 4-1 Stage 2 DIDBP Rule Sample Data Date Water Plant r Dental Center Walgreens Health Dept. TTHMs HAA5s TTHMs HAA5s TTHMs HAA5s TTHMs HAA5s_ 12/8/2008 46.7 22.3 47.9 16.5 47.8 22.5 48.5 23.3 • 1/21/2009 57.2 16.9 53.2 20.3 55.0 17.7 56.5 17.5 4/22/2009 82.4 45.9 83.6 43.0 85.0 45.6 83.6 42.4 • 8/11/2009 86.1 60.6 78.1 48.4 81.2 44.7 80.5 48.5 LRAA 68.1 36.4 65.7 32.1 67.3 32.6 67.3 32.9 • Date Tony's Pizza Bosselman's St.John's Military Great Plains Mfg. • TTHMs HAA5s TTHMs HAA5s TTHMs HAA5s TTHMs HAA5s 12/8/2008 47.5 24.1 48.2 23.1 48.7 23.8 49.2 21.5 • 1/21/2009 52.4 18.1 55.3 20.6 52.9 19.0 57.2 19.0 4/22/2009 81.9 50.7 77.5 37.1 82.1 48.9 78.9 38.7 • 8/11/2009 79.0 40.5 78.0 39.9 842 39.8 79.0 41.7 LRAA 65.2 33.4 64.8 30.2 67.0 32.9 66.1 30.2 • • Subsequent to the study,the City discovered they had been feeding more chlorine than needed at the front end of the plant and reduced the dose to that required for meeting CT requirements. As shown in Tables 4- 2 through 4-4, the Stage 1 DIDBP Rule running annual averages and locational running annual averages • (based on Stage 1 sampling sites) have decreased since 2009 and DBP levels are no longer near the regulated maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) as they were in 2009. 0 • Table 4.2: Stage 1 DIDBP Rule Sample Data(2008-present) • Sample Location 1 (ug/L) Location 2(ug/L) Location 3(ug/L) Location 4(ug/L) Date TTHM HAA5 TTHM HAA5 TTHM HAA5 TTHM HAA5 • 1/17/2008 59 25 22 25 61 22 52 22 2008 4/17/2008 59 77 71 83 75 67 78 48 • 7/15/2008 71 63 72 67 70 66 65 51 12/10/2008 59 31 35 34 60 34 60 28 • 1/13/2009 49 21 55 23 51 21 56 22 2009 4/13/2009 100 75 70 35 96 74 65 26 • 8/11/2009 76 52 79 47 85 50 74 39 10/13/2009 79 25 84 34 72 21 90 31 • 2/3/2010 35 17 40 20 36 14 41 20 2010 4/13/2010 24 14 14 8.8 26 15 15 43 8/17/2010 77 32 92 43 79 30 86 40 10/13/2010 78 32 77 34 76 31 86 36 • 1/12/2011 29 11 33 11 33 12 28 12 2011 4/11/2011 66 27 63 27 64 31 61 26 7/19/2011 78 43 83 43 75 40 83 37 • 10/25/2011 17 6 33 19 32 11 29 14 1/23/2012 46 20 45 17 45 13 41 15 • 2012 4/9/2012 77 46 73 44 72 16 51 19 7/18/2012 68 34 75 44 71 33 84 32 • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 4-2 HDR No.0000183458 0 0 • • • • Table 4-3: Stage 1 D!DBP Rule Calculated RAAs • RAA RAA Sample TTHM HAA5 • Date (ug/L) (ug/L) 1/17/2008 - - • 2008 4/17/2008 - - 7/15/2008 -• 12/10/2008 60.6 46.4 1/13/2009 61.6 46.0 • 2009 4/13/2009 64.6 41.9 8/11/2009 66.9 38.3 • 10/13/2009 73.8 37.3 2/3/2010 70.1 36.3 • 4/13/2010 54.4 28.2 2010 8/17/2010 55.6 25.5 10/13/2010 55.1 26.9 • 1/12/2011 53.3 25.3 2011 4/11/2011 64.3 27.2 • 7/19/2011 63.3 28.3 10/25/2011 50.4 23.1 _ • 1/23/2012 53.8 24.3 2012 4/9/2012 55.0 25.2 • 7/18/2012 53.7 23.9 MCLs 80 60 • • • • • • • • • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 4-3 HDR No.0000183458 • • I • • • • Table 4-4: Calculated LRAAs based on Stage 1 Sampling Sites • Sample Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Date TTHM HAA5 TTHM HAA5 TTHM HAA5 TTHM HAA5 • 1/17/2008 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2008 4/17/2008 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7/15/2008 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 12/10/2008 62.0 49.0 50.0 52.3 66.5 47.3 63.8 37.3 1/13/2009 59.5 48.0 58.3 51.8 64.0 47.0 64.8 37.3 • 2009 4/13/2009 69.8 47.5 58.0 39.8 69.3 48.8 61.5 31.8 8/11/2009 71.0 44.8 59.8 34.8 73.0 44.8 63.8 28.8 • 10/13/2009 76.0 43.3 72.0 34.8 76.0 41.5 71.3 29.5 2/3/2010 72.5 42.3 68.3 34.0 72.3 39.8 67.5 29.0 • 2010 4/13/2010 53.5 27.0 54.3 27.5 54.8 25.0 55.0 33.3 8/17/2010 53.8 22.0 57.5 26.5 53.3 20.0 58.0 33.5 • 10/13/2010 53.5 23.8 55.8 26.5 54.3 22.5 57.0 34.8 1/12/2011 52.0 22.3 54.0 24.2 53.5 22.0 53.8 32.8 • 2011 4/11/2011 62.5 25.5 66.3 28.8 63.0 26.0 65.3 28.5 7/19/2011 62.8 28.3 64.0 28.8 62.0 28.5 64.5 27.8 . 10/25/2011 47.5 21.8 53.0 25.0 51.0 23.5 50.3 22.3 1/23/2012 51.8 24.0 56.0 26.5 54.0 23.8 53.5 23.0 • 2012 4/9/2012 54.5 28.8 58.5 30.8 56.0 20.0 51.0 21.3 7/18/2012 52.0 26.5 56.5 31.0 55.0 18.3 51.3 20.0 • • 4.3 CHLORINE DIOXIDE • Although use of chlorine dioxide was ruled out for the purposes of LT2 compliance, it still remains a valid method for solving taste and odor and DBP issues. Replacement of the front end chlorine addition point O could help reduce the formation of disinfection byproducts should they become an issue again in the future. i Chlorine dioxide can also reduce taste and odors in the surface water. 0 0 S 0 S • • • • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 4-4 HDR No.0000183458 S 0 • • • • 5 RECOMMENDATIONS • • The City of Salina provides drinking water to its customers from an existing water treatment plant located in downtown Salina. The water treatment plant treats water from a surface water intake on the Smoky Hill • River and water from the Downtown Well Field. The Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment • (LT2) Rule went into effect in January, 2006. The LT2 Rule required the City to monitor the Smoky Hill River water for Cryptosporidium for a period of 24 months (completed between January 2008 and • December 2009). Subsequently, the City's source water was classified into one of four "bins" that have associated Cryptosporidium treatment requirements. The City was placed into Bin 2, requiring an • additional 1-log reduction of Cryptosporidium. Salina is classified by population into Schedule 3, requiring • compliance with the LT2 treatment requirements by October 1, 2013. • The LT2 Rule sets out specific options for meeting additional log-removal requirements for • Cryptosporidium. The options were screened, leaving a focused list of options that were potentially feasibile for the City, including: • • Presedimentation with coagulant addition (0.5 log credit) • • Two-stage lime softening (0.5 log credit) • • Combined filter effluent performance (0.5 log credit) • Individual filter effluent performance (0.5 log credit) • • Installation of ozone disinfection facilities to provide 1-log credit • • Installation of ultraviolet disinfection facilities to provide 1-log credit • Based on the alternatives presented in Section 3 for compliance with the LT2 Rule, the following options • are recommended for meeting the LT2 Rule requirements, in order of priority: • Two-Stage Lime Softening (0.5 log) — This option is based on providing two stages of lime • softening and recarbonation, which chemical addition and hardness removal in both stages. The City currently has one stage of softening followed by clarification and recarbonation; however, • modifications will be required to feed chemical (likely lime or soda ash) in the second clarification • basin to meet the requirements for LT2 with approval by KDHE. • Combined Filter Effluent Performance (0.5 log) —This option is based on meeting lower combined • filter effluent turbidities that is currently required under the LT1 Rule. The City currently meets the • removal requirements for this option on a consistent basis. • Presedimentation (0.5 log) —This option is based on meeting a minimum of 66.7 percent removal • of turbidity in a presedimentation basin with continous coagulant addition. The City currently • operates a presedimentation basin with coagulant addition for treating surface water; however, modifications will be required to consistently meet removal requirements during winter months • when raw water turbidities are low. • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 5-1 • HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • Although a total of 1 log of treatment for Crypfosporidium is necessary for compliance, it would be in the • City's best interest to strive to meet the three alternatives (a total of 1.5 log removal)year round. However S it may be difficult to meet the presedimentation requirements (0.5 log removal) in the winter months. • During the study it became apparent that the City may be able to comply with the requirements of the LT2 • Rule within the existing treatment processes, most likely by making operational changes with minimal capital improvements; therefore capital and operations and maintenance costs for the UV and ozone • disinfection options were not developed. The LT2 Rule will require a second round of source water sampling to be conducted beginning October 1, 2016. Based on those results, the bin classification will be • revisited. • Lime Softening Recommendations • In order for two-stage lime softening to be approved for compliance with the LT2 Rule, changes to the lime softening process will likely have to be made to feed chemical at the secondary settling basins. KDHE will • also have to visit the plant to review the process and proposed changes for final approval. It is • recommended that the City complete a study to evaluate the best option for providing a chemical feed at the secondary settling basins and what upgrades are required to the chemical feed system. Options for providing chemical feed may include moving the soda ash feed point or providing a secondary lime or soda • ash feed point. The cost for such a study would be approximately $25,000. The cost of upgrades for improvements to the chemical feed system is difficult to determine without • knowing which chemical will be fed, how much chemical will be fed to benefit the treatment process, and what the impact to the chemical feed systems and residuals handling systems will be. An approximate • capital cost for the chemical feed upgrades was determined for the City's planning and budgeting purposes. The cost estimate is based on providing a new lime feed point to the secondary settling basins. The cost • for providing a soda ash feed to the secondary settling basins is expected to be similar. The assumptions • for the cost estimate are as follows: • The total lime or soda ash applied to both basins in pounds per day will be approximately the • same. • The existing lime storage bin, lime feed bins, lime feeders, lime slakers, lime solution bin, soda ash feed bins, soda ash feeders, and soda ash solution tanks will be of adequate capacity. • • Three new lime feed pumps will be provided and will tap into the existing lime solution bin if an additional lime feed point is selected. • • Two additional soda ash feed pumps and new soda ash splitter box will be required if an additional • soda ash feed point is selected. • The existing residuals handling system will be of adequate capacity • ID The capital cost for lime softening (or soda ash) improvements is estimated to be $500,000, including engineering fees for design, bidding, and construction administration. • • LT2 Rule Feasibility Study 5-2 HDR No.0000183458 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix A • • Wedeco Bench Scale Ozone Testing Results • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • WEDECO • xylem • Let's Solve Water • • • • • • • OZONE TREATABILITY STUDY TEST REPORT • • • • Test performed for: • Salina KS WTP • • • • • Subject: • Ozone Demand Test • • • • • Prepared by: Robert Piercey • WEDECO • • • 1 • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Let's Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • • • • • • • • Table of Contents • 1. Background 3 • 2. Objective 3 3. Sample Characterization 3 • 4. Experimental Design 4 5. Parameters 4 • 6. Ozone Treatability Results 5 • 7. Conclusion 8 8. APPENDIX 9 • • • • • • • • • 120Z001.doc 2-10 • WEDECO,Department of Research& Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle,Charlotte, NC 28273 Tel:(704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Let's Solve Water • Salina KS July 2,2012 IP 1. Background • HDR Engineering is working on a design for the Salina Kansas drinking water treatment plant and • requested WEDECO to perform an Ozone Demand Study on the effluent water from the pre- sedimentation basin to determine its ozone demand. • • 2. Objective • The objective of the study was to determine the ozone demand, ozone decay. This testing was conducted on one water sample with 7 separate ozone doses. • 3. Sample Characterization • WEDECO received one water sample (5 gallons). Basic water quality testing was conducted on the "as received" samples on June 27th and the results are presented in Table 1 below. The Ozone Demand • Testing was conducted on June 26th. • Table 1 shows the results for the sample's basic water quality characterization: • Table 1: Basic Water Quality Analysis • Parameter Sample Units Method Detection Limit/Range • • Appearance Clear [-] Visual NA Chloride z 400 [mg/L] MERCK Test Strip 0—3000 mg/L Conductivity 1185 [µS/ ] OMEGA self-contained conductivity 0- 1999µS/em • meter(Wheatstone-bridge type) Hardness, • Total 286 [mg CaCO3/L] Merck Test Strip 90-445 mg/L • Iron 0.044 [mg/L] HACH TPTZ Method 0— 1.8 mg/L S • pH 7.3 [-] Fisher Scientific Accumet pH Meter 0- 12 • TDS 596 [mg/L] OMEGA self-contained conductivity 0- 1320 mg/L meter(Wheatstone-bridge type) • UVT254n,n 89.38 [%] HACH DR4000 spectrophotometer 0.1 % • • 120Z001.doc 3/11 WEDECO, Department of Research&Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle,Charlotte,NC 28273 Tel: (704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Let's Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • 4. Experimental Design • A total of seven(7) ozone tests were performed to determine the initial ozone demand of the sample: • Sample • 1) Test 1: Ozone dose of 0.0 mg/1 1110 2) Test 2: Ozone dose of 0.15 mg/1 3) Test 3: Ozone dose of 0.25 mg/1 • 4) Test 4: Ozone dose of 0.5 mg/1 5) Test 5: Ozone dose of 0.75 mg/1 • 6) Test 6: Ozone dose of 1.0 mg/1 7) Test 7: Ozone dose of 1.5 mg/1 • DI water was chilled to approximately 2 deg C and ozonated for 45 minutes in a reservoir using a gas • dispersion tube. The achieved ozone concentration was 57 mg/1 and was measured using HACH Indigo Trisulfonate AccuVacs. • • Mixing the ozone stock solution with the actual sample in predefined ratios resulted in the desired ozone doses. The glass reservoir is equipped with a JENCONS Bottle Top Dispenser for precise and quick • delivery of the ozone stock solution into the sample. The combined samples were mixed using a stirring plate and stir bar. I The sample was circulated using a peristaltic pump and the dissolved ozone concentration was measured • and recorded continuously using an online dissolved ozone monitor manufactured by Analytical • Technology, Inc. The basic element in the ozone monitor is a polarographic membrane sensor. The sensor consists of a gas permeable membrane stretched tightly over a gold cathode. A silver anode and • electrolyte solution complete the internal circuit. During operation ozone diffused through the membrane is reduced by means of a polarization voltage. The resulting current is directly proportional to the ozone concentration in the sample. • 5. Parameters • Multiple ozone doses were evaluated for the sample and the resulting ozone residual was continuously monitored. With the addition of smaller ozone doses the ozone demand can be estimated by the smallest • dose which results in a measurable residual. In addition a decay constant was determined as the ozone residual decayed in the sample over time. • • • • 120Z001.doc 4-10 • WEDECO, Department of Research& Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle,Charlotte,NC 28273 Tel: (704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Let's Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • • 6. Ozone Treatability Results • Table 2 below summarizes analytical data collected during the ozone testing. • Sample:Ozone Dose(in mg/I) Parameter Units Method Limit/Range Detection • 0.0 0.15 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.5 • Fisher Scientific Accumet pH pH 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.3 7.3 [-] Meter 0- 12 • UVT254nin 89.38 90.33 90.76 91.44 92.64 92.26 92.71 °/0 HACH DR4000 ° • 1 0.10%spectrophotometer • • Initial ozone demand is presented in Figure 1 below. The sample had an initial ozone demand of approximately 0.15 mg/L. Figure 1 shows ozone decay for the sample at multiple ozone doses over time. • • Figure 1: Ozone Demand Test Results: • C 1.2 • 1 1.0 • 0.8 • o 0.6 • 0.4 • 0.2 • g 0.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 • Transferred Ozone Dose [mg/1] • Tenip 20.0°C - 22.7°C • pH = 7.3 • • 120Z001.doc 5-10 • WEDECO, Department of Research&Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle,Charlotte, NC 28273 Tel: (704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Let's Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • Figure 2: Ozone residual(Dose of 0.15,0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, & 1.5) • • Ozone Demand Residuals versus Contact Time • C 1.20 - I I • ----Ozone Dose 1.5 mgA 1.00 '- Ozone Dose 1.0 mgA • 0= 11 Ozone Dose 0.75 mgfI i O go Ozone Dose 0.50 mg/I • '= --F-Ozone Dose 0.25 mgi v Ozone Dose 0.15 mg/I • © 0.60 ei • 0 0.40 hi • ° 020 — I I • W 0.00 1 1 -- i 1 p N ?-? N r. C`_ 8 N 8 • oo Contact Time[min:sec) • • • • • • • • • • • 120Z001.doc 6-10 • WEDECO, Department of Research&Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle, Charlotte, NC 28273 Tel: (704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Let's Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • Figure 3: Mean First Order Decay Constant(kD) S 41/ Mean First Order Decay Constant (kD) 0.5 0.0 5 -0.5 -K • -1.0 ,ate aw • C -1.5 ^'", 1 ,.��. ir11¢il`l.. -2.0 } a l{:; c►, 1if.11.r -2.5y t+t;,:,• �. , t -3.0 X;�;. A.. • X' -3.5 -4.0 • 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Time [minutes] • •Dose 0.15 mgA:kD=-0.3159 min-1 •Dose 0.25 mg/l:kD=-0.2994 min-1 •Dose 0.50 mgA:kD=-0.2695 min-1 A Dose 0.75 mgA:kD =-0.2193 min-1 • Dose 1.00 mgA:kD=-0.2375 min-1 Dose 1.5 mgA: kD =-0.1946 min-1 S S S S S S S • • . 120Z001.doc 7-10 WEDECO, Department of Research&Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle,Charlotte,NC 28273 Tel: (704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • WEDECO Ozone Treatability Study Report y1em • Let's Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • 7. Conclusions • • The mean first order decay constant(kD) allows for the prediction of ozone residuals. Based on an applied ozone dose of 0.50 mg/L in Sample 4 and an ozone concentration of 0.283 mg/1 obtained after 30 • seconds, the expected ozone residual after an additional 1 min would be 0.216 mg/1. The residual would be approximately 0.165 mg/1 after 2 minutes. • [C]_[Co]x e(-k0 x[`]) • • Sample 4: [C] =0.283 mg/1 *e^(-0.2695 mind * 1.0 min)=0.216 mg/1 • [C] =0.283 mg/1 *e^(-0.2695 mind * 2.0 min)=0.165 mg/1 • With an applied ozone dose of 1.5 mg/L for Sample 7 and an ozone residual of 1.140 mg/1 after 30 seconds, the ozone residual can be estimated to 0.772 mg/1 following an additional 2 minutes of contact • time. After an additional 6 minutes the residual is expected to be 0.354 mg/1 and.0162 mg/1 after an additional 10 minutes. • Sample 7: • [C] = 1.140 mg/1 *e^(-0.1946 mind * 2.0 min)=0.772 mg/1 • • [C] = 1.140 mg/1 *e^(-0.1946 mind * 6.0 min)=0.354 mg/1 • [C] = 1.140 mg/1 *e^(-0.1946 mind * 10.0 min)=0.0162 mg/1 • • • • • • • 120Z001.doc 8-10 • WEDECO, Department of Research& Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle,Charlotte, NC 28273 Tel: (704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Lets Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • 8. APPENDIX • • Ozone Treatability Testing System • • I ! w^' • • y:' A' i; -.... ° - y • 0, 1 • �G 1 • F • • ..i li , opr • • r, • • • 120Z001.doc 9-10 • WEDECO, Department of Research& Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle,Charlotte, NC 28273 Tel: (704)409-9700 Fax:(704)295-9080 • • • WEDECO • Ozone Treatability Study Report xylem • Let's Solve Water Salina KS WTP July 2,2012 • • Ozone Stock Solution • Ti • • • • irgiNIM"R******14 • v , • �4 ' • 1 > , • ri • • • • • • • • • 120Z001.doc 10-10 • WEDECO, Department of Research& Development • 14125 South Bridge Circle, Charlotte, NC 28273 Tel:(704)409-9700 Fax: (704)295-9080 • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix B • • UV Quotations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CalgonnCCarbon • • Budgetary Quote Sentinel`s UV System CCC • Quote: QS-1206-10 Salina,KS WTP • Date: June 06,2012 Rev: 0 • System Operating Data • Flow Design 20 MGD • Water Pretreatment Filtered (Assumed) UV Transmittance(1 cm) 85.0 % • Turbidity <0.5 NTU Log Reduction* 1 Crypto • Est.MS2 RED 10.6 mJ/cm2 End of Lamp Life/Fouling Factor 0.80 • Full Power Requirements/reactor 34 kW 480V/3 ph/60 Hz Full Load Amps @ 480 V 65 A per Reactor • *MS2RED based validation factor with MS2 RED Bias per UVDGM • System Description • Model Number Sentinel® 3x10 kW Quantity 2(Including 1 Redundant Train) • Design Flow 20 MGD per Reactor Reactor Design 24 in.Diameter 316 L SS reactor,Bead Blast Finish • 24 in.150 lb ANSI Flanged Connection 150 psig Maximum System Pressure • (3)Medium Pressure 10 kW Lamps per Reactor Automatic QuickwipeTM Cleaning System • Includes PLC controller with Touchscreen Operator Interface —Allen Bradley PLC Mounted in Control Enclosure • Electromagnetic Power Supply One(1)Duty UV Sensor per Lamp for Monitoring Lamp Output • One(1)Reference UV Sensor Internal Sensor for Temperature • Pressure Drop at 20 MGD per Reactor- 14 inches w.c. • Please note the above does not include:performance testing,installation,provisions for continuous flow,pressure relief • or auxiliary equipment other than that noted herein. • Budgetary Price $216,000 US • US EPA UV Disinfection Guidance Manual(November 2006) • • The information contained in this document is the property of the Calgon Carbon Corporation,and cannot be released for public or third party review without written permission from Calgon Carbon. • • • • S • Estimated Operating Costs • Assumptions: • Operating Conditions 10 MGD continuous at 93%T • Est. Dose per final UVDGM 7 mJ/cm2 Number of Operating Reactors 1 • Number of Operating Lamps 1 at 4.8 kW each Electrical Cost $0.08/kW-hr • Hours of Operation 8,760 hrs per year(24 hrs per day,365 days per year) • Annual Costs US$ Electrical Costs $3,361 • Lamp Replacement $894 Total Annualized Costs $4,255 • • • System Footprint(Dimensions per unit and panel) • Reactor Quantity 2 • Diameter 24 in. Length 36 in. • Width 53 in. Height 36 in. • Weight 1500 lb.(empty) • A clearance of 36"around front of unit is required to remove lamps • Control PaneUPower Supply Quantity 2 • Length 67 in. Width 36 in. • Height 85 in. Weight 2500 lb. • Delivery • The units will be shipped 16- 18 weeks after receipt of approved drawings(ARAD). • Price quoted above is F.O.B.jobsite; Salina,KS WTP I S S S • The information contained in this document is the property of the Calgon Carbon Corporation,and cannot be released for public or third party review without written permission from Calgon Carbon. • • • • • Supply By Others • • Indoor,non-corrosive environment 4C-50C,<95%R.H.Non-Condensing • • Unloading,placing,leveling,and anchoring equipment • Supply and installation of all interconnecting piping,bypass piping,isolation valves,flow • meters and controls,if required • Electrical hook-up,480 VAC to power supply cabinet • • Provision of flow meter,if required • Installation of electrical,process connections for UV transmittance meter,turbidity • meter,flow meter,etc.),if required • Supply and installation of electrical wiring between power supply cabinet and UV reactor and • between control cabinet and UV reactor,if required • All civil work including installation of UV reactor • • Provision of all analytical services during startup,certification,and testing including pH, temperature,UV absorbance,etc. • • Provision of on-line analytical instruments,if required(%T analyzer,turbidity meter,etc.) • Provision for continuous flow,flooded pipe through reactor inlet • • Provision for slow closing valve(s)downstream of the Sentinel®reactor to prevent water hammer • • Provision for pressure relief in process line,if required 41111 Startup/Training • • Price quoted above includes up to one(1)trip(s)totaling up to three(3)eight-hour days of on-site services for start-up and training. Calgon Carbon Corporation can provide factory technicians to perform startup and training for the system. • The per diem rate for a technician is$1,280 per day plus travel and living expenses.All expenses will include a 15%processing fee. Notes Prices do not include any applicable duties or taxes which may apply. Subject to Calgon Carbon Terms and Conditions. Please note that this system has been designed conservatively with an 85%UVT because of the capacity in the three(3)lamp design. To better assess O&M costs,an average 93%UVT has been used. If UV transmittance data is provided the budgetary quote can be revised,but if the data is not available please note that a reasonable • UVT range will be covered with this system. • • I I S • The information contained in this document is the property of the Calgon Carbon Corporation,and cannot be released for public or third party review without written permission from Calgon Carbon. • • • • l NCI U That Works! • Quote No: 12-06-BT1 • Date:June 5,2012 • Company: EPEC Attention: Mike Rudy • From: Bree Trembly,PE-Municipal Sales Engineer • Project: Salina,KS • Parameters: • Water Evaluation: 85%transmittance in a 1cm light path at 253.7nm • Flowrate: 20 MGD peak • Disinfection: 1- log crypto; 2.5 mJ/cm2 RED T1 • EOLL: 0.82 FF: 0.9 • Redundancy: 1 additional unit • • Equipment Selection&Design: Unit: InLine D 12000+ *Validated per UVDGM[2006] • Quantity: 3 Configuration: parallel • Each Unit/Train Treats: 10 MGD Lamp Type: B5050 Medium Pressure • No.Lamps per Unit: 6 Lamp Configuration: Horizontal and perpendicular to flow • Included Features: -Each unit comes complete with an automatic quartz cleaning • system,one sensor per lamp,temperature sensor,and lamp power level control. • Power&Controls: -Standard power and controls are housed in two free standing • epoxy coated steel cabinet per chamber. Cabinets are NEMA 12 rated,suitable for indoor installation. • Electrical Data: 480 V • 3-phase 60 Hz Connections: 20"ANSI flanges • Budget Price: $575,665.00 (includes freight to site). • Terms: -Quote valid for 60 days. • -Freight is ocean with FOB factory -Aquionics standard terms and conditions apply(available upon request). -Delivery approx.12-16 weeks. • • J1 KFNTON I ANDS ROAD a FRI•Nr.FR KY/.101R•P.1159 161.0710•T-$100995.0660•1•R59.141.015n WWW.•OIITONTFS.FOM = 0)Aqui0rucs 2010 • • • • 7H� pli �� Q M aci z° ,0 1= °N -o — _ N d• O p c t M M > u[ i■ - U of i• U) -/ r.. ,_�11 : Q C z ' 7E-4> o � u a• Do �, aJ 'o CCC �ill. 0 v) cu < di lir• 1 - . - �1 O !L�� W rci • 00 v c, to ty • - —0 z a ° Q Q__� UW) III ' :4 • O > ���I 0 [-= cr o > w o O0 eL • o N w Et ¢ W D c • c 00 6_ d • cu 2 u In O =c E2ooN Qo • I I Z z MI II CU • e _ e Q O Ir1 , ro Q) , ,--i ci f • �i� 11����1�� LL= _c E �' I1_���\\ v a G `� ' 5.c • O L • -0 L CD II /.1 1 "i (n.9. IPI`l '`'J II a • .I,�I. _�11. V W CL Nip 0 0---J �_c CO W W Q c� I I 0 0 „ II u� l� Ts ° ■1111 11114 0 I O N N c 0 • 1111111111102� I u ,�_ o IIM.11"---.. ...1M/ 1 6 Q E E3 eL 2 o o .. :- 5 —a) W N 0 cc t '�p m QQ p ^ p Q 0 O Ns E N 01 (I) :I z a, i n w0 N 01v Q CL • W 0_0 ._. c _, y0 � - Q o ›. o v i ) NJ 0 Ln in 0 • D w O w ,n a ti am 4.0 Q N W 44 2 v E ol•E v m OI v U) O c E viLa .c a� m �n -O • Z - o of ,o 2 13 2 • o p s MlYw/ cn cu ,D o V c '^ o IC E aJ O-ci • In C L +� in c L` y it, P' �, ; a '° y ¢ o 0 E., vn, Q j e%Id n ,� °RI 2,08 'I d s - L X 3 0 - ro Q '` Q.) 03 z • DO � N (nQ0OZ 1I Oli;:s3 i � p Q m ,y N M Lr) lD Ir 00 Ol • • • • • InLineT M D 12000+ IONICS� ° -- UV That Works! • • Specifications UV unit • Material Stainless Steel,316L • • Intemal finish Ran,,,0.8 pm • Degree of protection NEMA12 (IP54) • • Flange connections 20"ANSI 150 lbs • Dimensions See drawing next page • • Weight dry 375 lbs(230 kg) • • Weight wet 5951bs(415 kg) • Lamp type B5050H • • Number of lamps 6 • Temperature sensor PT 100 • • UV sensor 6x DVGW compliant sensors • Nominal pressure 145 psi(10 bar)* • • Test pressure 220 psi(15 bar) • Maximum hydraulic flow 11.4MGD(1800m3/h) • •Higher pressures an request • Specifications Control Cabinet Power Cabinet • • Cabinet type/QTY Floor standing/1 Floor standing/1 • • Dimensions 74.8x23.6 x 15.75inch 74.8 x47.25 x15.75 inch 1900 x600 x400 mm 1900x1200 x400 mm • • Weight 3301bs (150 kg) 1015lbs (460 kg) • Material Painted steel Painted steel • • Colour RAL 7035 RAL 7035 • Degree of protection NEMA12 (IP54) NEMA12 (IP54) • • Ambient temperature 40-95F (5-35°C) 40-95F (5-35°C) • Ambient humidity 15-90%rel. 15-90%rel. • • Maximum cable length 160ft(50m) 160ft(50m) • • Electrical Specifications(Build according IEC 60204-1) • • Input Voltage 480V,60Hz,3L 480V,60Hz,3L • Average power consumption 1.0 kW(±5%) 23.4 kW(±5%) • • Total connected power 1.0 kW(t5%) 36.0 kW(t5%) • Size of customers breaker >6A(480V) >63A(460V) / I • (D type kipping characteristic) - • j • Standard features Optional features r--- • UVtronic'controller Allen Bradley Compact Logix PLC/HMI Automatic cleaning system UltrawipeTM (chemical assisted)cleaning • system Energy control,3 power levels NEMA 4x cabinet with cooler • Drain tap(BSP or NPT) Stainless Steel AISI 304 cabinet Air release valve Bleed valve control • Door safety switch Dose output signal(4-20mA) • • • • InLineTM D 12000+ IONICSi — UV That Works. • • % 600 [23.6"] ±1052 [41.4"] 700 [27.6"] ~service area` service area`� 446 [17.6"] r \ I• . • N u n oo • 1 • Motor side I I • Ball valve UV sensor • At Flow direction Dimensions in mm[inch] • For a validated installation to UVDGM guidelines,a straight pipe length of 7 pipe diameters must be included upstream of the UV-chamber. • Validations/Certifications • InLine+D series are validated in accordance with the USEPA UV Disinfection Guidance Manual[2006] (Q-) • WQA tested and certified against NSF/ANSI 61 • • Aquionics InLine D+series Notes • InLineD 14000+ InLineD 12000+ • InLineD 4500+ InLineD 4000+ • InLineD 1000+ • InLineD 450+ • • • • • Aquionics Inc. Fax (889)341-0350 • 21 Kenton Lands Rd Phone (800)925-0440 Erlanger,KY 41018 E-mail sales @aquionics.com • USA www.aquionics.com • • • • • • • • TROJAN UVSWI FT TM • PROPOSAL FOR SALINA, KS • QUOTE: 115681 Jun 1 2012 • • 1 , • • tp • I/ xi • feb • • . • • tied/o: . . • 4 • • • • The TrojanUVSwiftTA4 is currently being used to treat over 2 billion gallons a day in municipal drinking plants around the world. With over 500 installed reactors, the TrojanUVSwiftTM has demonstrated • its proven, validated solutions for disinfection and taste &odor treatment. • • • • • 'tk. • • • • • • • • • • • TROJAN UVSWI FTTM • • • June 1, 2012 • HDR 4435 Main Street, Suite 1000 Kansas City, MO 64111-1856 • USA • Attention: Lorrie Hill • In response to your request, we are pleased to provide the following TrojanUVSwiftTm proposal for the Salina project. • The TrojanUVSwiftTM is well suited to meet current and upcoming regulations to protect the public from various • pathogens including the chlorine-resistant Cryptosporidium and Giardia.The system uses high-intensity, medium- pressure lamps to minimize footprint and headloss.The ActiCleanTM cleaning system meets NSF 60/61 compliance and eliminates routine quartz cleaning. All Trojan installations are supported by a global network of • certified Service Representatives, providing local service and support. • The TrojanUVSwiftTM system can be initially designed to enable a simple and cost-effective upgrade in the future to a UV-oxidation system for the treatment of chemical contaminants. In addition to disinfection, the UV-oxidation • process can be used for taste and odor treatment as well as the destruction of pesticides, volatile organic compounds, and pharmaceuticals/personal care products. Contact your Trojan Representative for more • information. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions regarding this proposal. Thank you for the opportunity • to quote the TrojanUVSwiftTm and we look forward to working with you on this project. • With best regards, • Ben Zwart Local Representative: • 3020 Gore Road Trent Ropp London, Ontario N5V 4T7 Ray Lindsey Company • Canada 17221 Bel Ray Place (519)457-3400 ext. 2112 Belton, MO 64012 • bzwart@troianuv.com USA • DESIGN CRITERIA • Salina • Design Flow: 20 MGD • UV Transmittance: 90% (minimum) • Disinfection Requirement: 1.0 log Cryptosporidium Removal Full Compliance with USEPA UV Guidance Manual • Validation: System Materials—NSF 61 ActiCleanM Gel—NSF 60 • Salina -2- Quote:115681 Jun 1 2012 • • • • • TROJAN UVSWIFT�' • • DESIGN SUMMARY • QUOTE: 115681 • Based on the design criteria, the TrojanUVSwiftTM proposed consists of: REACTOR • Total Number of SS316L Reactors: 2(including 1 redundant reactor) • Model Number: 2L24 Number of Lamps per Reactor: 2 • Number of Intensity Sensors: 1 per lamp • Total Number of Lamps: 4(including redundant reactor(s)) • Maximum Flow per Reactor: 20 MGD • Total Headloss at Peak Design Flow: 9.9 in-H20 Automatic Chemical/Mechanical Cleaning: Trojan ActiCleanTM Included • Standard Spare Parts/Safety Equipment: Included • UV PANELS Control Power Panels(CPP)Quantity: 2(1 per reactor) • Controller: Allen Bradley Compact Logix L35 • Operator Interface: Allen Bradley Panelview+700 • OptiViewTM Transmission Monitor: Not Included EQUIPMENT LAYOUT& DIMENSIONS (Please reference Trojan layout drawings for details.) • Reactor Flange Size: 24"ANSI 150 lb • Reactor Length (Flange to Flange): 341/4" • Control Power Panel Dimensions(WxHxD): 70.5"x 86.75"x 23.5" 4110 Distance from CPP to Reactor: 40' (other lengths available) ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS • 1. Each Control Power Panel(one per reactor) requires an electrical service of one(1)480V, 50/60Hz, 3- phase, 3-wire+ ground 2. Electrical disconnects required per local code are not included in this proposal. S 5 S S S 5 Salina -3- Quote:115681 Jun 1 2012 4110 • • • TROJAN UVSWIFT' • • COMMERCIAL INFORMATION • Total Capital Cost: $330,000(USD) • This price excludes any taxes that may be applicable and is valid for 90 days from the date of this letter. • OPERATING COST ESTIMATE • Operating Conditions Average Flow: 10 MGD • UV Transmittance: 90% Yearly Operating Hours:8,760 hours • Number of Reactors Operating at Average Flow: 1 • Power Requirements Lamp Replacement Average Power Draw: 8.9 kW Number lamps per year: 2 • Cost per kW hour: $0.05 Price per lamp: $502 • Annual Power Cost: $3,898 Annual Lamp Replacement $1,004 Cost: • Total Annual O&M Cost: $4,902 • This cost estimate is based on the average flow and UV transmittance listed above.Actual operating costs may be lower due to the TrojanUVSwiftTm automatic dose pacing control system. As UV demand decreases, due to a • change in operating conditions, the power level of the lamps decreases accordingly.The dose pacing system minimizes equipment power levels while the target UV dose is maintained to ensure disinfection at all times. • • EQUIPMENT WARRANTEES • 1.Trojan Technologies warrants all components of the system (excluding UV lamps)against faulty workmanship and materials for a period of 12 months from date of start-up or 18 months after shipment, whichever comes first. • 2. UV lamps purchased are warranted for 9,000 hours of operation or 3 years from shipment, whichever comes • first. The warranty is pro-rated after 1,000 hours of operation. This means that if a lamp fails prior to 1,000 hours of use, a new lamp is provided at no charge. • 3. Electronic ballasts are warranted for 10 years, pro-rated after 1 year. • • • • • • Salina -4- Quote:115681 Jun 1 2012 • • • . • TROJAN UVSWI FT TM • • • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT ...-*.-.. ' . a ....• ,------,, -.... ,4 . . , . ,. ,, . A 1- - ALL ,, _., w .. . • ,4, ) . Ar i-- ...`.,•. .4. •40 , ) ....) , 1 all , - , ... . di r1\ 71 i .. ., ■ : 4 '',n'''' k,, 'I':. q■, ,. .7 - I ''...-. ' IF. ' ,t-liri'y' . •ti. „ . - .... ,, IiiiiLiti • • • • . • • , 1 • . , • • • • • Ak Ali . • • TROJAN UVSWI FT TM • • • • • , _` 'ia c 81. TROJAN .,i:'IE1 1 • 1 • ' � �`; a � � • I • • - .-. Pk" , • • If •' • + — b lc • iiI • • c , � I e,r • • 1 I6 IP T IAN swIFT a + ,f ! I t?R i 0 • • ., gyp, • • The reference standard in UV • Proven, validated treatment solutions for disinfection and taste & odor control • Trojan Technologies is an ISO 9001 confidence.This compact system has uses specialized controls in conjunction registered company that has set the demonstrated its installation flexibility and with hydrogen peroxide(H202)to cost- • standard for proven UV technology and effective,reliable performance around the effectively perform UV-oxidation. ongoing innovation for more than 25 world in hundreds of installations. Engineered and built for dependable • years.With unmatched scientific and Available in multiple inlet outlet performance,the TrojanUVSwiftTM technical expertise,and a global network diameters,it is well suited to drinking requires a minimal number of lamps to of water treatment specialists, water disinfection projects—new and treat a given flow,and is serviceable from representatives and service technicians, retrofit applications—for a wide range of one side for easy maintenance.It also Trojan is trusted more than any other flow rates.The TrojanUVSwiftTM is also incorporates innovative features to reduce • company as the best choice for municipal upgradeable to models designed to treat O&M costs,including efficient,variable UV solutions.Trojan has the largest UV the compounds responsible for seasonal output,electronic ballasts and Trojan's • installation base worldwide—a base that taste and odor events(e.g.MIB and revolutionary ActiCleanTM system— includes today's highest capacity UV geosmin)and other chemical the industry's only dual-action,sleeve drinking water treatment systems. contaminants.Known as the • cleaning system. The TrojanUVSwiftTM is a testament to our TrojanUVSwiftn'ECT(Environmental commitment to providing water Contaminant Treatment),this UV system • , • • • IP • • The Benefits of UV • Broad-spectrum, cost-effective protection that offers unparalleled safety • • UV light is an environmentally-friendly, chemical-free way to safeguard water against 577_14myf, • harmful pathogens k • Proven in thousands of installations, UV is widely ,0 zoo 200 a, O'er& • accepted and endorsed worldwide for disinfection ■ .r t-AC of drinking water `'' lig: 1 • • UV offers broad-spectrum protection against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, • viruses, and chlorine-resistant protozoa • UV treatment provides Cryptosporidium and Vacuum-UV uvc UV-B UV-A • Giardia inactivation of up to 4-log at low doses • UV is a reliable, cost-effective part of a multi- • disinfectant treatment strategy often used in conjunction with chlorine to provide a dual barrier - i • • UV does not create disinfection by-products (DBPs) and does not affect taste , • • At approximately 1/5 the cost of ozone disinfection and 1/10 the cost of membrane filtration, UV is the most cost-effective approach for multi-barrier • treatment strategies AI • Trojan's user-friendly UV-oxidation solutions use ,,• UV light and hydrogen peroxide to eliminate the chemical compounds responsible for taste & • odor events, as well as endocrine disruptors, Ultraviolet light is invisible to the human nitrosamines, 1,4-dioxane, and other contaminants eye,but a highly effective,chemical-free • way of inactivating microorganisms in water. UV light penetrates the cell wall of the microorganism and alters its DNA • so it can no longer reproduce or cause infection. 0 Benefits of a Multiple Barrier Treatment Approach S • UV offers a cost-effective, secondary barrier of protection to safeguard drinking water against virtually all microorganisms treated by chlorine — as well as proven inactivation of chlorine-resistant protozoa, including • Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Dual barrier treatment using UV provides significantly greater community safety and reduced liability risk for municipalities • — MULTIPLE BARRIER PROTECTION • CHLORINE __ -__ - _ ULTRAVIOLET(UV) • EFFECTIVENESS EFFECTIVENESS Hepatitus A Streptococcus • r' Rotavirus . I • Giardia\ • Adenovirus • Crypto • i% Legionella r • E.coli • /1 • . Poliovirus • • • --4( COMBINED RANGE OF EFFECTIVENESS }' 0 • • TROJAN U 'SWIFT' • • Electronic Ballasts Control Power Panel (CPP) &Alarms • High efficiency,variable output(30-100%) The PLC-based CPP monitors and controls all UV functions and dose electronic ballasts are enclosed in an pacing,and can be configured to automatically trigger valves and other epoxy-painted,carbon steel case for indoor components.User-friendly,touch-screen operator interface provides • installation.Provide stable power and allow at a glance system status.Communicates with plant SCADA systems, dose pacing—adjusting lamp intensity allowing operators to remotely monitor UV system performance,lamp to flow and water conditions in order to status,power levels,hours of operation and other parameters. • optimize disinfection performance,minimize Features extensive alarm reporting system to ensure fast,accurate power consumption,and extend lamp life. diagnostics of process and maintenance alarms.Programmable control • software can generate unique alarms for individual applications. • �� a 1, °'` - OptiViewtm UVT Monitor ' � ee Optional,on-line UV transmittance (UVT)monitoring system provides ' highly accurate readings and offers added reassurance that proper UV • • ' dose is maintained during water ' f quality changes.Integrates easily =� %',0--',',I.' with Control Power Panel and plant • t� . o V''- . ,''1 SCADA systems using a 4-20 mA•• s output corresponding to the UVT level. • • T , . 5 Ada .- a.*, ` ¢. UV Reactor • e .. ,. Hydraulically efficient reactor is • " OF, .# extremely compact with optimized t ' flow characteristics to minimize headloss and eliminate'short • / circuiting.'Designed and refined ,y using extensive 3-D computational • ' fluid dynamic(CFD)modeling and verified with bioassay validation. Offers flexibility to be installed Jr! • horizontally or vertically.Available in multiple inlet/outlet diameters. 1 \ 4 "' x.;: Rated for up to 150 psi(10 bar). • Upgradeable—additional lamps can be added post-installation I • in response increased capacity requirements. • Medium-Pressure • UV Lamps High-output,medium-pressure ActiClean'n" Sleeve • lamps minimize the number of UV Intensity Sensor Cleaning System lamps required to treat a given flow. • Fewer lamps allows for an extremely The UV sensor continuously Optional,dual-action cleaning compact UV reactor,thus allowing monitors UV lamp output to ensure system uses mechanical wiping installation flexibility in pipe galleries, specified dose levels are maintained. in conjunction with a food-grade • and minimizing O&M costs for lamp The system can be configured cleaning gel contained within the changeouts. with one sensor per lamp for sleeve wiping collars to eliminate maximum assurance of disinfection fouling and residue.Programmable • performance. cycling cleans lamp and sensor sleeves on-line automatically without • disrupting disinfection or operator involvement,to ensure optimal 3 system operation and dose delivery. • • • S Key Benefits • TrojanUVSwiftT"'' S • Proven performance — fully validated. TrojanUVSwiftTM' systems have undergone comprehensive validation at a wide range of flow rates and UV transmittance levels in full • compliance with the protocols of the USEPA UV Guidance Manual. • Assurance of NSF 60/61 compliance. The TrojanUVSwiffm system and the food- grade ActiCleanTM' sleeve cleaning gel meet the stringent standards of NSF International. Compact footprint for installation flexibility. TrojanUVSwiftTM' systems can handle maximum flow capacity in minimal space.The compact design allows them to be installed • vertically or horizontally in restrictive spaces,thereby lowering installation costs.The systems can • even be installed immediately after a 90 elbow and other upstream piping configurations. Dual-action sleeve cleaning system reduces maintenance costs. Patented • ActiClean' system uses mechanical wiping and a food-grade cleaning gel to eliminate fouling automatically while the system is disinfecting — eliminating the expense of taking the system • off-line for manual cleaning. • Designed for maximum operating efficiency. High efficiency, electronic ballasts • allow lamp output to be adjusted from 30%to 100%to match dose to actual disinfection requirements, minimize operating costs,and extend lamp life. • Fewer lamps required to treat a given flow. Trojan's use of high-intensity, • medium-pressure lamps minimizes the number of lamps and seals, and reduces maintenance. • Upgradeable for taste & odor control. Using our advanced UV-oxidation process, • the TrojanUVSwifV'ECT is available to provide a low maintenance, cost-effective alternative to PAC, GAC or ozone to address seasonal taste & odor events, as well as provide a barrier to a variety of chemical compounds. • Global support. Local service. Trojan's comprehensive network of certified service • providers offers ongoing maintenance programs and fast response for service and spare parts. • Guaranteed performance and comprehensive warranty. Trojan systems • include a Performance Guarantee and comprehensive protection for your investment. Ask for details. • • • • 4 • • • • • Compact Reactor Design for Installation Flexibility • Smallest footprint in the industry reduces installation costs • Benefits: T *4 1 ,• �i. _.` `` 3 r iF ,f �r.1 •• • Compact footprint simplifies ' :�_.� ` • - T " .` installation and minimizes i;,_' '"`i i." h • related capital costs Mme+,: ^� s�, 'i , p • Engineered to fit into restrictive y • \-- m : r -' ;. .�..- • pipe galleries, including - ri . �; incorporation after individual T `► , • filter beds �" , f� • Designed for horizontal or , • vertical installation to allow r i ! 1 • maximum flexibility • ' ,. ► • Reactor is fully serviceable from i0:= •� ` • one side— allowing the system yam" to be installed tight to walls, , ;t/ ?1 1 ° � • other equipment or piping A 104,\,‘;', f , ! • Validated with a 90 elbow �; I • installed immediately before a-akti. - . a the reactor to ensure consistent ) ' 'i • dose delivery— even under - i challenging hydraulic conditions •T' • created by upstream piping - - • Highly efficient hydraulic design 4 __ } _ ;' • minimizes headloss, simplifying �' integration into existing NI N .0 to i 'i • processes i I 1 • Control panel can be located ,� r • with the reactor or remotely il i � 4 l , r • ., . • •) TROJAN swIn. r • Developed in consultation with Operators and l A 40: I Consulting Engineers,the TrojanUVSwift''is extremely F K4 • space efficient.Its compact footprint allows the system to be integrated into restrictive pipe galleries of water (I = z` treatment facilities-reducing installation costs and _ 'v = • eliminating the need for larger buildings or additions. - - _ • • 5 • • • • • ActiCleanTM Dual-Action Automatic Cleaning System • Optional cleaning system sets the standard in preventing sleeve fouling • Benefits: �.mmo • • Significantly better cleaning — of food-grade ` • cleaning gel and mechanical action removes deposits on • sleeves much more effectively _ -than mechanical wiping alone :'1 • • Ensures performance for more reliable dose delivery I" I, , • • Elimination of fouling factor reduces equipment sizing '� , _. • requirements and power _ illikkbalselatim/4----'' 'consumption — • ■ ActiClean"'" provides on-line ~�`• sleeve cleaning automatically =while the system is disinfecting — • eliminating the need and The dual action ActiClean"'sleeve cleanin g labor costs of taking the -""° z. xi system uses a combination of mechanical System Off-line for routine l wiping and an NSF 60 certified food-grade • manual cleaning . cleaning agent to provide unparalleled elimination of fouling. The patented system • • Innovative wiper design reduces O&M costs,and operates on-line while the system is disinfecting. incorporates a small quantity • of ActiCleanTM' Gel for superior, dual-action cleaning • • Trojan's ActiCleanTM' cleaning system has been proven effective • in hundreds of systems around the world �. • • ActiCleanTM can be added to an installed TrojanUVSwift" • not originally equipped with a cleaning system • 1 • ActiCleanTM Gel is Safe and NSF 60 Compliant ' • • ActiClean" Gel is comprised of • food-grade ingredients and (ID meets NSF/ANSI Standard 60 NSF International d • • Lubricating action of cleaning gel maximizes life of wiper seals • ActiCleanTM Teflon Rubber Gel Reservoir Bearing Wiper Seal AO • • 6 • • • • • Intuitive, Operator-Friendly 1 • Controller and Interface eimmi t • Touch-screen display allows easy operation and monitoring - I i • Benefits: • • PLC-based system controls all 0 52n00612.0939 PM` UV functions and dose pacing TROJAN a REACTOR OVERVIEW USER: DEFAULT ! • to minimize energy use while Mode Auto Flow %T Actual Dose Target Dose %Power maintaining required dose MGD % mJfcm' mJ/cm' % Status [Reactor On 3.7 90.0 41.7 I 40 L 30.0 • • Controller features intuitive, - graphical display for at-a-glance Control Remote heat • system status Auto - Restart 0 • Controller communicates with Reset idle Re • plant SCADA systems for 1 LAMP STATUS: Start Up Complete centralized monitoring of UV oN=CYAN° • WARMING=MAGENTA° performance, lamp status, power COOLING=BLUE e levels, hours of operation and FAULT=REUQ • alarm status • Reactor Running REACTOR STATUS: LEVEL OK=LIGHTER BLUE • Extensive alarm reporting system LEVEL LOW=GRAY • for fast, accurate determination of process and maintenance • alarms ? ►1 ii i '1 '1,,-. i s ,Kelp Valves Lamps Wiper Settings Info Security Trends Alarms Home , • The TrojanUVSwiftTM controller is equipped with a robust PLC and touch-screen display configured for user-friendly operation. The system provides dose pacing for optimized • disinfection performance and communicates with plant SCADA systems for centralized monitoring. • • Performance Assurance for Peace of Mind Dose accuracy is ensured by comprehensive validation and robust UV sensors • • Benefits: - _ .." a • USEPA field validation of all I • systems over a wide range of w; flow rates, UVT levels, and other • water quality parameters ,_` ''�'""'r • • UV sensors are filtered for ___ germicidal UV wavelengths, -�- r„ in accordance with USEPA - _ :i �' �-- _ = • validation requirements, for _ ` more accurate dose delivery '�- j1 ,: '� • • ActiClean system ensures �� t optimal UV output and = • measurement The TrojanUVSwift r•is designed to accommodate one sensor per lamp to allow highly accurate • System can be configured monitoring of UV output and system performance.Systems include a N1ST-traceable reference sensor for simple,on-line sensor calibration checks. with one sensor per lamp for • maximum accuracy • • • • • I • Upgradeable for Changing Requirements • and Taste & Odor Control • Designed to address future capacity demands and eliminate chemical contaminants • Benefits: • Reactors can be configured to accept ':,;a • additional lamps after installation to , cost-effectively meet increased • capacity, system redundancy, or taste s°i° &odor(T&O)treatment requirements . ' I AO.ittittilltmemmier • • The TrojanUVSwift'ECT, an upgraded system for Environmental Contaminant • Treatment, acts as a barrier against microbial contaminants, as well as • nitrosamines, endocrine disruptors, fit pesticides, and other chemical fi • • compounds i II • The TrojanUVSwift''ECT provides year- ?:i 0 • round disinfection and simultaneously 4 addresses seasonal T&O events .? - • + 40 • Trojan's UV-oxidation systems use `"•patented controls to effortlessly combine UV with hydrogen peroxide (H202)and minimize operation and 0 maintenance costs lir • •• • Trojan UV-oxidation offers lower operating costs/installed building • capital costs than ozone and carbon- Additional lamps can be added to installed TrojanUVSwilt"units to allow them to handle based T&O control plus the ability to greater flow volumes or address changes in water characteristics. The system can also control, p y be upgraded to treat chemical contaminants,such as NDMA and pesticides,as well as • treat high T&O-causing compound address seasonal taste and odor events. concentrations S • Built for Reliable Performance and Easy Maintenance Designed for trouble-free operation and minimal service • Benefits: 0 • Automatic ActiCleanTM sleeve cleaning system works while the • UV lamps are disinfecting + g" • • Routine procedures, including �`"" '^► lamp changeouts and sensor M '�"- • calibration checks, are simple e° and require minimal time — • reducing maintenance costs With hundreds of installations,the TrojanUVSwift'has demonstrated proven reliability in the field. The system was designed for easy service,and all routine maintenance • procedures require access to only one side of the reactor. • 8 • • • • TM TROJAN UVSWI FT 11111 . System Specifications • System UVSwift 12 UVSwift 24 UVSwift 30 Max Flow Rate 6 MGD(950 we/h) 25 MGD(3950 me/h) 40 MGD(6300 m3/h) i UV Transmittance at 254nm/cm' 70-98% • Number of Lamps up to 4 up to 8 up to 16 Total Lamp Power 1.8-12 kW 5.7-75 kW 14-200 kW • Max System Pressure 150 psi(10 bar) Dual-Action On-Line Sleeve Cleaning System Optional Max Ambient Operating Temperature 40°C Max Water Temperature 30°C Reactor Material 316L SS • Flange Types ANSI 12"150 lb ANSI 24.'150 lb AWWA 30"Class B AWWA 12"Class D AWWA 24"Class D AWWA 30"Class D • DIN 2576 300 mm PN10 084504 600 mm PN16 DIN 800 mm PN 6 BS 10 TABLE E 24" DIN 800 mm PN 10 Drain and Vent Ports Standard 1-1/2"Vent 1-1/2"Drain and Vent 2"Drain,1-1/2"Vent Ili Optional 3/4"NPT Adapter or Vent 3/4"NPT Adapter NSF Cenflcation 60/61 ✓ • Control Panel Material Painted Mild Steel Environmental Rating Type 12(IP54) • Separation Distance(Reactor to Control Panel) Up to 60'(18.5 m) Up to 72'(22 m) Power Input Options 480V,3 Phase,4 Wire+GND,60Hz 480V,3 Phase,3 Wire+GND,60Hz 38D-415V,3 Phase,4 Wire+GND,50Hz • 600V,3 Phase,3 Wire+GND,60Hz(Step Down Transformer required) 240V,1 Phase,3 Wire+GND,60Hz 240V,3 Phase,3 Wire+GND,60Hz • UL 8 CE Certfication ✓ Ethernet Network Interface ✓ • Operational Data Trending ✓ Standard Hardwired System On/Off Status ✓ Outputs UV Dose ✓ • Alarm Status ✓ Remote Monitoring Modem ✓ UPS Optional • Inlet/Outlet Valve Control Optional Approx.Reactor Dimensions • A 25"(635 mm) 34"(864 mm) 36"(914 mm) B 36"(914 mm) 54"(1372 mm) 62"(1574 mm) C 19"(483 mm) 32"(813 mm) 39"(991 mm) • 0 15"(381 mm) 24"(610 mm) 48"(1 21 9 min) E 21"(533 mm) 35"(889 rnm) 53"(1346 min) III A;I F E� •• • • I•�NE ? IdkiI I.KWA i IMPI • • B required ffor•eMCe • Find out how your drinking water treatment plant can benefit from the TrojanUVSwiftTM or TrojanUVSwiftTMECT—call us today. • Head Office(Canada) Trojan UV Technologies UK Limited(UK):+44 1905 77 11 17 3020 Gore Road Trojan Technologies(The Netherlands):+31 70 391 3020 London,Ontario Trojan Technologies(France):+33 1 6081 0516 • Canada N5V 4T7 Trojan Technologies-•-•(Italy):+39 02 39231431 Telephone:(519)457-3400 Trojan Technologies Espana(Spain):+34 91 564 5757 • Fax:(519)457-3030 Trojan Technologies Deutschland GmbH(Germany):+49 6024 634 75 80 www.trojanuv.com Hach/Trojan Technologies(China):86-10-65150290 Products in this brochure may be covered by one or more of the following patents: US 5,418,370, US RE 36,896,CA 2,239,925,CA 2,286,309,US 6,500,346,US 6,564,157,US 6,635,613, US 6,659,431,US 6,818,900,US 6.830,697,US 7,018,975,US 7,031,849 • Other patents pending. '• •).. �� ��Printed in Canada.Copyright CT' ght 2008.Trnlan Technologies,London,Ontario,Canada. • No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted in any form or by any means WATER CONFIDENCE' without the written permission of Trojan Technologies. MDW-004(1108) • • • 1* C, • 03z N cio z 3 oz 0 • § \ a 8 2 a 0 a J a Cr- U o i Q • 2 0 w U ? wj 0 H m O 00 2 O p O >N a,Us W K d m W C O x^ Ow W W ..'a,N 2 - 2 H Q N CO m da' Ci J W^ 2pU W R' 3 H W O ° J O F, N • it � rWp�iQ� �o 0 r^ E ¢0 6 o 0 0 09 NJL-zJa o _N- N a�� n co Ja_o0 0d a,2°$ w a \ a.... N 20N 5 w �9 Y_Q, N w g,i-w J a eltg ¢~ wm N r u _ w w2-o� go g� >Li ui n� oo(`oo �° "'`V' ag III a� w°x U "o w F•w r f} ill �``' • co 0,D yr, ° O LI J ---Po-- —Z g ..J • (/1 Or Q waz 6 ao .l ,: y� i,l w 2 w w CO w 2 W W 0 d U'O W Z Z U U W U .:k RS •11 l.L 4.i U # U w �ga V-La ww ip3 J z _ �"`- .i, i,� ¢ w ag 0 rax O Wq K w ,N m .O U > N • Z '°'°1a3.-U O w O O°w 00 °W W•2 Ow N °_U-•FUo,--zw20 ( I IX w3 n UOR=j r-Z0 5 K0m 0 m� �a~o° �� ?w3 ° Q aw�w2z °3w rO0 2 0_ oiM a .dn o6 m a°v wQ ois • W N V i 0,2 ° w °�w v g • °<° ry w 0 W K O 0 II•• • w m 8 • v U X w W E oa- Nan • pO,- Z W �N N x NU ,xw E rn T m OU • o E 5N N w �� z • �w > rn °a• 0 w > Z E W I ( W z ° No • w W w 1 vriii_ ag °0 E • I u W, iipr I a M � (n E 2 r m • w a ,1 S • c E M M ca • E (030n1ONI ION E - 213NOLLION00 M013) - 2i 30NV1J 01 3ONV13 9 • • • • • ..:.:„. • OZONIA .. ,,-N.-7, Degremont • • • Aquaray® H2o Potable Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System • • 71TH ' '' \ l • I uW p A g' riD.A r ' '3 �' rr d'" + 2 ' ' ill. . .. 44Prh' '1°' -i4.1" .;.:_ -.14..'''''!•:;- :::.: ', ' ' ."' .,1 � 1 • $. • 4. • • 4 e�R`yy �'s 5 0 • 1�, Ae iod3q;:.4=F t • • • Preliminary Budget Proposal • For • Salina, Kansas • • • June 8, 2012 • W.UtUKtMVN I—ItLFIIVVLU LtS.C.VM HtAUWOKKS 1 I3IULUh1LAL I SI_PARAIIUNS I MtM1iRANtS I UXIUAI ION-UISINI-tLIIUN I Li1USULIUS I INDUSTRIAL SYSIL S • • • • 030 N IA • OZONIA NORTH AMERICA, LLC 600 WILLOW TREE ROAD mP' • LEONIA, NJ 07605 USA TEL 201 676-2525 I FAX 201 346-5460 • • June 8, 2012 Lorrie Hill • HDR Engineering, Inc. 4435 Main Street, Suite 1000 • Kansas City, MO 64111 • Re: Aquaray® H2O Potable Water Ultraviolet Disinfection System Salina, Kansas LT2 Rule Feasibility Study • • In accordance with your recent request, we are pleased to submit our preliminary proposal for the ultraviolet disinfection system for the above referenced project. • The design proposed is based on our Aquaray® H2O System which features medium pressure • lamps and electronic ballasts for greater power conservation. We are proposing three (3) Aquaray H2O 20" diameter UV reactors (2 Duty + 1 Standby), to deliver up to a minimum 1.0 log Cryptosporidium inactivation at the design peak flow of 20 MGD with a 85 % UVT or greater. The Aquaray H2O 20" includes six (6) 4 kW medium pressure lamps. • If you have any questions or require any additional information, please don't hesitate • to contact our Representative below or the undersigned. LOCAL OZONIA REPRESENTATIVE OZONIA REGIONAL MANAGER • JCI INDUSTRIES, INC INFILCO DEGREMONT, INC Mr. Ty Cooper Mr. John Hughes • 1161 SE Hamblen Road 7722 Glen Rose Highway Lee's Summit, MO 64081 Granbury, TX 76048 • Tel: 816-525-3320 Tel: 817-279-0688 Fax: 816-525-5881 Fax: 817-279-0641 Email: tcooper @jciind.com Email: iohn.hughes(a�infilcodegremont.com • • Sincerely, For OZONIA NORTH AMERICA • • Pedro DaCruz • Sales Manager- UV • • • WWW.DEGREMONT-TECHNOLOGIES.COM HEADWORKS I BIOLOGICAL I SEPARATIONS I MEMBRANES I OXIDATION-DISINFECTION I BIOSOLIDS I INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS • • • • 0 ONIA • 0egrtmant DEGREMONT TECHNOLOGIES • Degremont Technologies is a world leader in the water and wastewater treatment market and offers a full array of integrated water solutions. The group is composed • of several leading equipment companies such as Ozonia North America, Infilco Degremont and Anderson Water Systems and is part of the larger Degremont • Group, which employs more than 3,000 people in over 70 countries, serving over 1 • billion people with water and wastewater solutions. Degremont is subsidiary of Suez Environnement, a the leading global water and waste services company with • sales of over$17 billion. • Degremont Technologies provides solutions in the areas of headworks, biosolids, disinfection, membrane filtration, separations and biofiltration. Ozonia North America has its headquarters in Leonia, New Jersey and is the disinfection equipment and solutions provider for the group offering a wide range of UV and • ozone products. Other companies within the group offer a variety of products with longstanding market names such as the Climber Screen® Mechanical Bar Screen, • ABW®Traveling Bridge Filter, and Cannon® Digester Mixing System. • • • Dëgrémont Technologies • • z • • 050 N I A JPJnlWco Degremont • SuCZ • • ,N U itteN�chnikAG "I( GeN Anderson Water Systems • • ,') • AQUASOURCE Deb re rnont • • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 2 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • a ONIA • rnont • SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND BUDGET PRICE • The design proposed is based on our Aquaray® H2O System which features medium pressure lamps and electronic ballasts for greater power conservation. We • are proposing three (3) Aquaray H2O 20" diameter UV reactors , to deliver a minimum 1.0 log Cryptosporidium inactivation at the design peak flow of 20 MGD • with a 85 % UV transmittance or greater. The Aquaray H2O 20" includes six (6) 4 kW medium pressure lamps. The headloss across each reactor at 20 MGD is only • 10.48 inches. • We propose to furnish the following equipment: • System Components: • • 1. The UV system shall be comprised of the following components: a. Number of 20" UV Reactor(s): Three(3) (2 Duty + Standby) • b. Number of PLC Control Panel(s): Three (3) • c. Number of UV Sensor(s): Eighteen (18) • d. No. of Temperature Sensor(s): Three (3) • e. No. of Power Cable Junction Boxes: Three (3) f. No. of Monitoring Cable Junction Boxes: Three (3) • g. Lamp Power Cables (30 foot lengths): Eighteen (18) • • Spare Parts: The following spare parts and maintenance items shall be provided: • 1. Three (3) 4 KW UV Lamp Assemblies • 2. Three (3) Quartz Jackets • 3. Three (3) Quartz Jacket Gland Nut Seals Service: • Five (5) days of service by a qualified Ozonia Field Service Engineer for supervision, testing, startup and training. Additional days of service, as required by the • ENGINEER or CONTRACTOR, are available on a per diem basis. • • • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 3 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • 5ONIA � , ,, • Oegsemnnt • To Be Provided By Others: • 1. All valves unless specified herein • 2. All piping to and from the UV reactors • 3. Instrumentation not specifically listed herein • 4. Installation of any kind • 5. Unloading and placement of equipment from delivering carrier 6. Building or cover • 7. All flange gasketing 8. Pipe supports • 9. Wiring, conduit, lights not specifically listed herein 10.UPS System for UV system • 11.Pressure gauges • 12.Pumps • 13.Hoists to lift/remove UV reactors 14.AII other necessary equipment and services not otherwise listed as • specifically supplied by Ozonia • • • • • • • • • S DESIGN BRIEF • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 4 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • 050NIA , • -.r6r„or,t DESIGN PARAMETERS 0 APPLICATION: 1-log Crypto inactivation • FLOWRATE: 20 MGD NUMBER of UNITS: 3 (2 duty + 1 stand-by) • UV TRANSMISSION: 85% UV DOSE (MIN.): 2.5 mJ/cm2 (1-log Crypto inactivation) • END OF LAMP LIFE FACTOR: 0.80 FOULING FACTOR: 0.90 • 1 • UV REACTOR • MODEL REF: Aquaray H2O 20" NO. OF LAMPS: Six (4 kW each) • LAMP MATERIAL: Quartz THIMBLE MATERIAL: Quartz • OPERATING PRESSURE (MAX.): 147 psig REACTOR MATERIAL: 316L stainless steel • REACTOR CONNECTIONS: 20"flange 150#ANSI pattern AUTOMATIC WIPER SYSTEM: Included • CHAMBER DRAIN: Included ELASTOMERS: Approved for drinking water • SPARES: Included • UV CONTROL PANEL • NUMBER of CONTROL PANELS: One per reactor ENCLOSURE MODEL REF: Aquaray H2O 20" • ENCLOSURE MATERIAL: 316L Stainless Steel ENCLOSURE RATING: NEMA 4X • CONTROL DEVICE: Allen-Bradley Micrologix1500 PLC OPERATOR INTERFACE: Monochrome Touch-screen • BALLAST TYPE: Electronic/constant wattage POWER VARIATION: Manual & automatic 25-100% of • nominal power FLOW PACING: Yes via 4-20 mA input(by others) • DATA LOGGING: Yes via Touch-screen LAMP FAILURE INDICATION: Yes via Touch-screen • ELAPSED TIME INDICATION: Yes via Touch-screen UV MONITOR: Yes via direct 4-20 mA to internal PLC • POWER SUPPLY: 480V/3ph/60Hz TOTAL INSTALLED POWER: 24.3 kW per reactor installed • POWER CONSUMPTION: 19 kW @ 20 MGD and 1-log Crypto INSTALLED POWER CONSUMPTION: 72.9 kW (including standby) • TURNDOWN: continuous PANEL TO REACTOR CABLE LENGTH: 30 feet (each reactor) • 0 • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 5 • Date:6/8/2012 0 • • • 0,50 N I A • r6m nt • BUDGET PRICE: • Our current budget estimating price is TO BE PROVIDED BY YOUR LOCAL OZONIA REPRESENTATIVE. This price will be valid for one (1) year; payment • terms will be as below and commercial terms and conditions are given on the • following page. The price is in accordance with the Scope of Supply and terms of this proposal and any changes may require the price to be adjusted. • Payment Terms: • 10% Net Cash, Payable in thirty (30) days from date of submittal of initial • drawings for approval; 80% Net Cash, Payable in progress payments thirty (30) days from dates of • respective shipments of the Products; 10% Net Cash, Payable in thirty (30) days from Product installation and • acceptance or Ninety (90) days after date of final Product delivery, whichever occurs first. • • SCHEDULE: Approval drawings and data can be submitted approximately 6 weeks after agreement to all terms, as evidenced by OZONIA's receipt of this proposal, fully executed; or, in the event that Purchaser issues a Purchase Order, OZONIA's receipt of fully executed letter agreement. OZONIA estimates that shipment of the • Products can be made in approximately 16-18 weeks after OZONIA has received from Purchaser final approval of all submittal drawings and data. • • Warranty Period: • The Manufacturer shall warrant the equipment being supplied to the Owner under this section (excluding UV lamps) against all defects in workmanship and materials • for a period of one (1) year from the date of startup or eighteen (18) months from shipment. This warranty shall be in force provided that the plant installation, startup • and subsequent operations are performed in strict accordance with written and oral instructions provided by the Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall replace or repair • any part or parts that are determined to be defective during the warranty period, provided that the defects are not a result of misuse or neglect. Travel expenses for • procedures classified as routine maintenance (e.g. lamp, sleeve and ballast • replacement) are not included under this warranty. • When the lamps are operated as designed and specified, the UV system manufacturer shall guarantee full replacement for the first 1,000 hours service and • prorated after that up to 8,000 hours. • • • Salina,KS Aquaray0 H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 6 • Date:6/8/2012 1110 • • • 4 ONIA �r :A • °cerement • DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS • A. Aquaray H2O 20" UV Reactor 1. The UV reactor shall be 316L stainless steel, with interior welds ground • flush smoothed and polished to 20 microinch, exterior welds smoothed and polished to 32 microinch. • 2. The UV reactor shall be designed to handle a maximum operating • pressure of 150 psig. 3. Each reactor shall be supplied with 20" 150# reduced thickness ANSI • flanged inlet/outlet connections. • 4. The length of each reactor shall be 27.6" (700 mm). 5. A 2" NPTF drain connection with stainless steel plug shall be provided to • enable draining the UV reactor for maintenance purposes. • 6. Two (2) 3/4" NPTF connections with stainless steel plug shall be provided to enable the introduction and circulation of chemical cleaning solutions • during off-line maintenance. • 7. A welded threaded connection shall be positioned at the middle of the UV reactor for insertion of the bi-metallic temperature probe. • 8. Each UV lamp shall be enclosed within a quartz jacket that has one end • open and the other end closed. The open end shall be sealed by means of a single compressible o-ring with stainless steel gland nut. Each quartz • sleeve shall be independently sealed within the reactor. 9. The UV lamp assembly orientation shall be positioned transverse to the fluid flow through the reactor. • 10.Each UV reactor shall consist of six (6) 4KW medium pressure high intensity UV lamps. • 11.Lamp replacement shall be capable of being done without the need to • drain the reactor. 12.Each UV reactor shall be supplied with a mounting bracket for installation. • B. UV Lamps & Quartz Jackets • 1. Ultraviolet lamps shall be medium pressure mercury vapor type with hard quartz enclosure. • 2. Exposed wiring shall be teflon or glass encased in order to prevent • degradation. • 3. UV lamp rated output shall be 4KW. 4. The UV lamps shall be operated by electronic power supplies with • dimming capability over the entire range of flow. Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 7 • Date:6/8/2012 • S Q ONIA ate. • F„Q„t 5. At full output, the UV lamps shall have an operating life of 6,000 hours. 6. Quartz jackets shall have a single open end that is fire polished and fused. • 7. Each quartz jacket shall have a nominal wall thickness of 2 mm. C. UV Sensor • 1. Each UV lamp shall be provided with one UV Sensor. • 2. The UV sensor shall be located on the outside wall of the UV reactor. The UV sensor shall be positioned at the center of the UV lamp arc and • perpendicular to the lamp. a 3. Each UV sensor port shall have a quartz viewing window. This view port shall allow the UV sensor to monitor the lamp while keeping the water • isolated in the reactor. 4. The UV sensor shall be capable of being removed from the view port while • the unit is disinfecting for maintenance or calibration. • D. Control Panel 1. Each reactor shall include a NEMA 12 Control Panel that is floor mounted. The control panel shall house all power distribution to the reactor and control for all system functions. 2. Each control panel shall be designed to operate from 480VAC, 3 phase, • 60 Hz power. The maximum total power consumption rating for each control panel shall be no greater than 24.5 kW. 3. The control panel shall incorporate an internal cooling fan for proper ventilation. • 4. A main power interlock isolator switch shall be provided on the control panel, 24 VDC control voltages shall be used to reduce electrical shock • hazard to operations and maintenance personnel. Components and wiring shall conform to UL, CSA and IEEE (16th Edition 1991) standards. • 5. The control panel dimensions are 2' 8" wide x 2' deep x 7' tall. The control • panel shall be mounted within 20' of the UV reactor. 6. Sufficient electrical control and UV signal cables shall be provided for • connecting the UV treatment reactor and control panel, as shown in the construction drawings. Conduit shall be supplied by the electrical • contractor. • 7. All internal control panel wiring shall be numbered at both ends, with corresponding DIN-rail connectors and terminal blocks for individual • connections. Wiring shall be neatly bundled in wire ways. • • S Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 8 Date:6/8/2012 S • • • O ONIA ,remont E. Controls • 1. An interactive LCD touch screen display shall provide the interface for all monitor and control functions. • 2. The UV reactor is controlled by an Allen Bradley Micrologix 1500 with an • LRP processor. 3. Electronic power supplies shall be employed for energy efficiency. The • electronic power supplies shall be capable of varying the output of the UV lamps between 25% - 100% of maximum output. Magnetic • ballasts/transformers shall not be acceptable. • 4. The control panel shall be capable of operating in hand, off or auto. The control panel shall also be capable of operating in remote or local mode. • 5. The PLC shall have a language selection that will allow everything to be displayed in English, Spanish, French or German. 6. The system shall be capable of dose-pacing such that changes in the flow • (4-20 mA signal by others), water quality and UV intensity can be taken into consideration by the system to vary the lamp output in order to • optimize dose and conserve energy. • 7. The control panel shall shut down the reactor if the reactor skin temperature exceeds a preset value. • 8. The PLC shall have the capability of displaying the following system information (if equipment is installed and wired to the controller): • a. Flow rate (if signal is available from plant flow meter) • b. Reactor status • c. Cumulative number of reactor on/off cycles • d. Individual lamp status with operating hours of each UV lamp e. UV intensity of each UV lamp • f. Power level of each lamp and total power of each reactor • g. Turbidity (if signal is available from plant turbidimeter) • h. UV Transmittance (if equipment is supplied as part of scope of supply and signal connected to controller) • i. Cumulative number of wiper cycles and wiper frequency • j. Alarm book that displays history of last 256 alarm conditions • k. Graphical UV system trends, including lamp power and UV intensity I. UV dose in mJ/cm2 (if above values are available) 5 S • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 9 Date:6/8/2012 110 • • 050NIA • Degr4mont • • F. Automatic Cleaning System 1. Each UV reactor shall have an integrated electro-mechanical wiper assembly for the automated cleaning of the quartz sleeves and sensor • ports installed within the UV treatment reactor. 2. Wiping frequency shall be operator adjustable through the touch screen display in 0.1 hour increments. • 3. A compact electrical motor assembly affixed to one end of the reactor (same side as lamp connections) shall power the wiper cleaning • mechanism. • 4. Wiper enclosure shall be constructed of stainless steel. 5. A torque limiter shall be provided as part of the wiper and shall be preset • in the factory. • 6. Multiple sensors shall be part of the wiper drive assembly to communicate any wiper errors to the PLC. An alarm shall notify the operator of any • wiper problems. 7. The quartz sleeve wiper shall be constructed of Teflon. Wipers that • employ the use of metal wire brushes that can score the surface of the • quartz sleeves shall not be allowed. 8. Operation of the wiper shall not interfere with the effectiveness of on-line • UV treatment. • • • • • • • • • • • • Salina, KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 10 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • o ONIA • J 3 •■.remora • Typical Aquaray® H2O Typical Drinking Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System Installations • • Unit Type &# of Project Name Location Plant Flow Year of • Reactors Capacity Installation (mgd) • • Aarav gu H2O 20" Village of Tularosa Tularosa, NM 2.0 2002 (1 reactor) WTP • • Aquaray H2O 20" Chapman Creek Sechelt, BC 8.5 2003 (1 reactor) WTP Canada • • Aquaray H2O 20" Wadi Zarga Ma'in Jordan 3.0 2004 (1 reactor) • • Aquaray H2O 20" Lawrence WTP Lawrence, MA 24.0 2005 (6 Reactors) • • Aquaray H2O 20" Shelbyville WTP Shelbyville, KY 6.0 2005 (2 reactors) • • Aquaray H2O 20" Upper Saddle River Upper Saddle 3.0 2006 (2 reactors) WTP River, NJ • • Aquaray H2O 20" Wadi Zarga Main Jordan 3.0 2007 (1 reactor) #2 • • Aquaray H2O 20" Orley WTP Paris, France 79.2 2008 (22 reactors) • • Aquaray H2O 20" Joinville WTP Paris, France 79.2 2008 (14 reactors) • • Aquaray H2O 20" Joinville WTP Salem, NJ 3 2010 (2 reactors) • Sauna,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 11 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • o ONIA - �` nom_; • `._ Detremortf:; • • Aquaray® H2O Typical Drinking Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System Installations • A\ • . • • • ' x ij • ■ '—Eta' ,,,--ippr v I -r so e � 1■ t • E` ■ ° y • 1. . wp i I 111 ;. ::. • • • • • Plant Location: Shelbyville, KY • Peak Flow: 6 MGD • • Number of Reactors: 2 x Aquaray® H2O 20" • • UV Dose: 40 mJ/cm2 minimum • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 12 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • 0 ONIA , ' r +Q, • F mant • • Aquaray® H2O Typical Drinking Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System Installations • • - e :/„ • ' 7 • • *ri ' Mp i I.I. - t3 i .4 29,..„ or • *r . y.ELF 4q, �y --'1 - .- .,-61,,, _ ,s:• -...____... �. .axweel • • • Plant Location: Lawrence, MA • Peak Flow: 24 MGD • • Number of Reactors: 6 x Aquaray® H2O 20" • a UV Dose: 40 mJ/cm2 minimum • • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 13 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • o ONIA is b,E F�.,,h r 'J • DegrAmnnt • • Aquaray® H2O Typical Drinking Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System Installations • o, , . 4.---' 0 • A .s l 1. - NJ ,....- ,.. . 4 .0" • -* -.%/-- , ir - VS% , A . VAIN' ■4\s I • (ft) + � ` y 1 ii • i .1- l ! • / i. 4140Pir !�' • - • • • • Plant Location: Orly WTP (Paris) • Peak Flow: 79 MGD • • Number of Reactors: 22 x Aquaray® H2O 20" • UV Dose: 40 mJ/cm2 minimum • • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 14 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • o 0NIA • rant • • Aquaray® H2O Typical Drinking Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System Installations • • �, y .4 ‘-• .• poe •!,-, 0.) • l r ''.• * if1/".1. :-..- ,' r., ' \ .,,, / - ,,,,/ ,, I.,;.'''' ,.. /! 4 , ,,,,...„4..,, I I x . vim.., .1,F F - 5 1 t • s • Y ut M .ti f , • • Plant Location: Joinville WTP (Paris) • Peak Flow: 79 MGD • • Number of Reactors: 14 x Aquaray® H2O 20" • • UV Dose: 40 mJ/cm2 minimum • • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 15 • Date:6/8/2012 • • • • 030 NIA • +Jegr6mnnt • • Aquaray® H2O Typical Drinking Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System Installations • • • • • • f • • • • • • • • • Plant Location: Upper Saddle River, NJ • • Peak Flow: 3 MGD • • Number of Reactors: 2 x Aquaray® H2O 20" • UV Dose: 80 mJ/cm2 minimum • • Salina,KS Aquaray®H2O 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 16 • Date:6/8/2012 • • 0 • 0,0NIA cf,fx • DeqLsmont . • • Aquaray® H20 Typical Drinking Water • Ultraviolet Disinfection System Installations • • 11• • , 0 • .r-- 3 I • II , $ ri :,---- 1, • i 4 , ",‘r ;'''' '4` ',.* A,. .., • . . . . • ;:. '%• i 41''' ' W."—'. j IR 4 4 • • , • • A • 0 • Plant Location: Village of Tularosa, NM • • Peak Flow: 2 MGD Number of Reactors: 1 x Aquaray® H20 20" • • UV Dose: 40 mJ/cm2 (minimum) 0 S • Salina,KS Aquaray®H20 20"Ultraviolet Disinfection System Page 17 4111 Date:6/8/2012 • • • Hill, Lorrie A. • From: Ty Cooper<tcooper @jciind.com> Sent: Friday, June 08,2012 3:15 PM To: Hill, Lorrie A. Subject: RE: Salina Kansas Ozonia UV proposal • • The budget price for the three (3) reactors is $375,000. • Have a good weekend • Ty • From: Hill, Lorrie A. rmailto:Lorrie.Hill@hdrinc.com_l Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 1:19 PM • To: tcooperOjciind.com • Subject: RE: Salina Kansas Ozonia UV proposal • Thanks Ty. Is there a budget price that should go with this? The letter says"to be provided by the local representative". • Thanks! Lorrie • From: Ty Cooper [mailto:tcooper(@iciind.com] • Sent: Friday,June 08, 2012 9:43 AM To: Hill, Lorrie A. • Subject: Salina Kansas Ozonia UV proposal • Thank you Ty • • This email has been scanned by the JCI Email Security System. To report problems please contact the JCI Applied Technology group at atech@jciind.com • • I • • S • • • • • • o I 0 I to „ 0 . . ••-' .."----...--i;. ... ' 1.... 11P-1 I ii:: ... . ___ -::, ..„. J .. ,,.. C- .. 1 •-i....,-;- ,7 7'• % li i•.: ..:=. •• s .: s.i ...:,......! °IN. tt:it: :1,. - ...............,. :....6, '.... \ .:..);;.. i • ' ■ 0 .• Z:;::: :!. :.:').": i,;.. ■ .:. -..„...........4 .... ....... , r..........:•......N.O:...:' :. ;• 4 ›- Z 11 4: . ::...:-: ; ." —.L.: ::;;• IN , 4:::: I I • .:-- •:rr :t .• '---••;.• 8i; ;; :...,••.-.: " . .5■%.-4 ,.:':::'''- '.:. ....; -•■• t • •*.`1- ..': !..1,.... . :••i•:•••0.... ••• C ....-c . .. ..... ... ! 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U 30� ° z 2 rn - SS °' ~� ra- w 0 w 'aaW 0 _J °_ W O N Z ® W N ° p / I- 9 FA z a E a e ° � __ LL ww rz "1 () • Z E Z03 3 Z3 �{m E �n od o _ `l co �- �a /a; �w w� nn 0 �y� V E. �L-L ^�E LLo ° LL. LWL I [wwSOZL] E >o z= - � 00.0 I2 N �- a o 0 O • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • REACTOR DIMENSIC SIZE W W - - - 2L24 70.5" 1791mr 1'-11 [597mm] 70.5" TYPICAL 4L24 1791mr 6L24 94" 2388mr • 8L24 94" 2388mr 1 \\N„..._________ \\,,,,,,,....._ ..,..,,,,,......_K,,,_________ , TOP VIEW SCALE:AS SHOWN CONTROL POWER PANEL (CPP) 1'-113" [596mm] 7 (LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED) T -- \ C *ADDITIONAL BALLAST PANEL REQUIRED FOR ADDITIONAL LAMPS. EG: 61.24 & 81.24 = 1 ADDITIONAL PANEL SEE SIZE CHART FOR OVERALL DIMENSIONS BALLAST OPERATOR CONTROL POWER PANEL (CPP) NOTES: 1. CONTROL POWER PANEL TO BE E-COAT POWDER COATED RAL 7035 LIGHT GREY. MATERIAL TO BE MILD CONTROL STEEL, NEMA 1, VENTILATED; FLOOR MOUNTED. PANEL 2. METAL FLEX, RIGID METAL CONDUIT OR EQUIVALENT ACCORDING TO LOCAL CODE (TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS). 3. MAXIMUM CONTROL POWER PANEL TO REACTOR E-STOP SEPARATION IS 72 F7. (22m). 4. PANEL WEIGHT: POWER ( CONTROL 5. METRIC DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE STRAIGHT CONVERSIONS PANEL PANEL FROM IMPERIAL. I 2L24 OR 41.24• S I D E VIEW SCALE:AS SHOWN 61.24 OR 8L24* DESCRIPTION: STANDARD ORAW IG NO. � w ' STD, UVSWIFT 24 CONTROL POWER PANEL SW0058 FRONT VIEW 1 R ,,\W DRAWN BY DATE REFERENCE NO. ;CALE:AS SHOWN CHECKED BY : DATE : N/A APPROVED BY : DATE : D01 C SCALE (8}5x11) : LOG NUMBER : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 38mm 3A SANITARY FITTING )-\ (COOLING) REACTOR NOTES: hird 1. CHAMBER MATERIAL TO BE TYPE 316L STAINLESS STEEL. - INLET VALVE 2. MAXIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE TO BE 150 PSI. I (BY OTHERS) 3. TROJAN RECOMMENDS THAT VALVES ARE USED TO ISOLATE (TYPICAL) THE REACTOR FROM PLANT FLOW FOR SERVICING. __ (NOTE: LAMP CHANGE OUT CAN BE DONE ON-LINE) ALL VALVES 111 ARE IT BE SUPPLIED SUPP BY BYHOTH. 4. CONDUIT TO BE SUPPLIED BY OTHERS. ALL CONDUIT TO BE RIGID, METAL FLEX CONDUIT, OR EQUIVALENT ACCORDING TO LOCAL CODE. 5. L24 REACTOR WEIGHT: 6. METRIC DIMENSIONS ARE STRAIGHT CONVERSIONS FROM IMPERIAL. 7. REFER TO DRAWING SWOO5BDO1 OR SWOD59D01 FOR CORRESPONDING CPP DRAWING. 8. COOLING FLOW LOOP REQUIREMENTS ARE SITE SPECIFIC DETAILS TO UVSWIFT 24 24"0 PIPE BE DETERMINED BY CONSULTANTS (CONTACT TROJAN FOR RECOMMENDED REACTOR I (BY OTHERS) (TYPICAL) COOLING FLOW RATES). 9. FLOW CONDITIONER MUST BE IN PLACE BEFORE INSTALLING REACTOR SERVICE CAP INTO PIPE. SEE SUBMITTAL FOR CORRECT ORIENTATION. PLAN VIEW SCALE: NOT TO SCALE COOLING WATER 38mm 3A SANITARY FITTING TO DRAIN (TYPICAL) (COOLING) B FLANGE TO FLANGE 24" 150 16 _ ED FOR ' (FLOW CONDITIONER ANSI/AWWA CLASS D RVICING \ NOT INCLUDED) A FLANGE (TYPICAL) • D REQUIRED FOR JUNCTION BOX (JB) - HIGH VOLTAGE PIPING r EQUIPMENT SERVICING ELECTRICAL ENCLOSURE (BY OTHERS) C - (TYPICAL) VENT . • •7 (♦ w Z Y 1,__,„„...._. _,,,,,,,,________ . ,L •III' _ _ , LVE / I I RS)J 38mm 3A SANITARY FITTING AL) (COOLING / DRAIN) E FLOW CONDITIONER PLATE SIDE VIEW I GAUGE 0.141") LOCATED ON SOLENOID VALVE TREAM SIDE OF THE REACTOR (BY OTHERS) SCALE: NOT TO SCALE (TYPICAL) FRONT VIEW DESCRIPTION: STANDARD DRAWING SCALE: NOT TO SCALE 1 Rt.IilI11,w STD, LNSWIFT 24 REACTOR (HORIZONTAL) SW0004_ DIMENSION DRAWN BY: DATE : REFERENCE NO. / A B C D E F G CHECKED BY: DATE : - - NSA APPROVED BY DATE DWG NO. R`EV. 32" 34-3/4" 37" 24" 54" 38" 88" D01 P, 813mm 883mm 940mm 610mm 1372mm 996mm 2235mm SCALE (8Nx11) : LOG NUMBER : LL o .. I- = W GO CC • QNn 0 IZ •• xp am0 0 0 2 0 L h ti 1 0 O 3 zw0 I o a?.1 NN 4 0 0 0 0 0 J W i 1 elli Z LD 1 .. 1 Z tiPF 0 3 A O N_ CO Z .� 0 ■—=. 1- A 2 Lu 11-=. Z LL H z ¢ .11 2 0 • � LL 0 Z 1 g z cv o W • U. o ~ I� 0 ~ v W CC CC w J 0 J w oa Ll.. z J C[ Z Z z�0 — o '—' iII�� ��Il�li J • > — Cn CC 111 �na'it�II�II E iI Chi CZ U :ii= III E _, . 1 .711,._ ° w D 111 .. C w � ., �II�II E- —_ 0 't w Z co —II -_-II��I N X91 � III J w -1,--___________;:- _� f— 0 �__ cL .. L.) Q RI CC Z ~ Sz D cJ • [] Lc)a< 03 C_in 30NHaH3l0 030N3WW0032! @ m z (wwOZZiI .0-.fi 30NFRIN3l0 030N3WW003L1 in ...1 t9 �9 3�NNaU3l� WfiWIWIW (Ww8091 .B/5 TT (ww0ZZTI .0-.fi N N ( 0 wwZ9U .9-.Z T 30NHLIy3l0 WfiWIWIW 'X321 [ww- l0 �0 ED CD (wwZ9L1 .9-.Z 051 .02 N N o w IUJ Z 30NNLIH3l0 Y 0 'NIW [ww Z9Ll �030N3W0003a U cr CC o =U CC .9-.Z [ww000T1 8/E E-.E (0 'NIW (ww0591 .91/6 T-.Z > 0 III Z ii. ca . 0 X W W(:J 4 _ ¢ 2 J LL O > K 0 W _ 1— ' ��� � S cc E ✓f ,.. H o II E i N• !1,1, II 1 g .-C;id✓ . ■ M F- IL CC U LU W O '1131831+4 H1800 ONY'0300008438338 010100MSI8NON1VH80JN31000 H305 ONO 9NHMV80301I010V' .03111WSN881 NS11 381 H180N VINOZ�1H A8V1318dOtld NOILVH804010SNIU11N07V9NIMV10 SIH1