8.2 Zone Hazelwood AdditionCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 6/17/2013 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: AGENDA SECTION NO: 8 BY: N/A CITY CLERK’S OFFICE FINAL APPROVAL: ITEM NO: Page 1 2 BY: Lieu Ann Elsey BY: JAG ITEM: Ordinance No. 13-10702 Second reading of Ordinance No. 13-10702 changing the zoning district classification from C-1 (Residential Business) to C-2 (Neighborhood Shopping District) to allow beauty salons and other neighborhood businesses in the Hazelwood Addition. BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 13-10702 was passed on first reading on June 10, 2013. Since that time no comments have been received. The ordinance was amended to remove the rezoning of Lot 27 to R-2 (Multi- Family Residential). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt on second reading Ordinance No. 13-10702. Summary published in The Salina Journal on June_____, 2013. Post on the City of Salina website from __________________________, 2013. ORDINANCE NUMBER 13-10702 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 8526 THE SAME BEING CHAPTER 42 OF THE SALINA CODE, AND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP THEREIN AND THEREBY ADOPTED AND PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY AND PRESCRIBING THE PROPER USES THEREOF. WHEREAS, all conditions precedent for the amendment of the Zoning District Map, the rezoning of certain property therein, hereinafter described has been timely complied with, SO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. Findings. 1. The rezoning request area is a relative isolated C-1 district not associated with any other office park areas. 2. The rezoning request area has frontage on South Ohio Street, a heavily traveled arterial street, and Greeley Avenue, a collector street. The request area is directly adjacent to C-3 zoned property to the south. The lot sizes in the Hazelwood Addition are not suitable for C- 3 type commercial development but are suitable for neighborhood scale, C-2 type shops and services. 3. The requested C-2 zoning would still provide a buffer between more intense C-3 type development to the south and residential housing to the north. 4. The increased signage allowed in C-2 would be compatible in scale and character with the arterial and collector street frontage of the request area. 5. The requested zoning change would have no impact on public facilities and services. 6. The rezoning request area conforms with the locational criteria for appropriately scaled convenience retail and service businesses under both the Urban Residential and Commercial land use designations in the city’s Comprehensive Plan. Section 2. Amendment. DISTRICT “C-2”, NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING DISTRICT. That the Zoning District Map of the City of Salina, Kansas duly adopted and published as a part of Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 42 of the Salina Code, be and it is hereby amended so that the following described property be rezoned as follows, to-wit: Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Six (6), less the East Ten Feet (10’) thereof, Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10) in the Hazelwood Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. shall become a part of DISTRICT “C-2”, NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING DISTRICT. Section 3. Amendment. DISTRICT “PC-2”, PLANNED NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING DISTRICT. That the Zoning District Map of the City of Salina, Kansas duly adopted and published as a part of Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 42 of the Salina Code, be and it is hereby amended so that the following described property be rezoned as follows, to-wit: Lot Five (5) and the East Ten feet (10’) of the Lot Six (6) in the Hazelwood Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. shall become a part of DISTRICT “PC-2”, PLANNED NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING DISTRICT. Section 4. Conditions of Approval. That the use of said described property shall be subject to all the conditions, restrictions and limitations as made and provided for in Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 42 of the Salina Code with reference to the PLANNED COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Development of the property shall be subject to the plans on file with the Zoning Administrator and/or City Clerk and the following conditions, to-wit: 1. Permitted uses on Lot Five (5) and the East Ten feet (10’) of Lot Six (6) shall be limited to beauty shops plus other uses permitted in the C-1 district. 2. Development on Lot 5 and East Ten feet (10’) of Lot Six (6) shall substantially conform with the approved site plan and associated submittals on file with the Zoning Administrator.   3. Exceptions and Modifications – Requested modifications of otherwise applicable zoning regulations approved by the City Commission under the authority of Sections 42-554(a) and 42-65(10)b are specifically enumerated as follows:   a). A modification of the required number of off-street parking spaces from twelve (12) to eleven (11). b). An exception to the requirement to provide a landscape buffer or screening between the parking area along Greeley Avenue and the street. Section 5. Repealer. That all prior ordinances in conflict herewith as they relate to the above described real estate are hereby repealed. Section 6. Summary of ordinance for publication. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Ordinance No. 13-10702 Summary On June 17, 2013, the City of Salina, Kansas passed Ordinance No. 13-10702. The ordinance changes the zoning district classification of property at the northwest corner of Greeley Avenue and South Ohio Street from C-1 (Restricted Business) to C-2 (Neighborhood Shopping), and PC-2 (Planned Neighborhood Shopping) to allow a beauty salon at 440 S. Ohio Street and includes a modification of the required number of parking spaces for the beauty salon at 440 S. Ohio Street. A complete copy of the ordinance is available at www.salina-ks.gov or in the office of the city clerk, 300 W. Ash Street, free of charge. This summary is certified by the city attorney. Introduced: June 10, 2013 Passed: June 17, 2013 Barbara V. Shirley, Mayor [SEAL] ATTEST: Lieu Ann Elsey, CMC, City Clerk