8.4 Authorizing Downtown Lighting ProjectCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 3/4/2013 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: AGENDA SECTION NO: 8 BY: FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FINAL APPROVAL: ITEM NO: Page 1 4 BY: Rodney Franz BY: ITEM: Resolution No. 13-6987 A resolution authorizing and providing for the issuance of general obligation bonds to finance reconstruction of the downtown lighting system under the authority of K.S.A . 12-685. BACKGROUND: On January 28, 2013, the City Commission approved contracts with Johnson Controls for the construction of a downtown lighting system in the total amount of $3,067,665, plus an FCIP fee of $40,769. Resolution No. 13-6987 provides for up to $3,110,000 (plus costs of issuance and temporary interest) in bonds to be issued in order to finance the project. In order to minimize costs of issuance and interest expense, we do not anticipate using temporary notes for this project. Bonds will be issued as a part of our annual summer bond issue in August. FISCAL NOTE: Downtown lighting improvements were incorporated into the 2013 – 2017 Capital Improvements Plan as a 2013 project costing an estimated $3.2 million to be paid back over a period of 15 years. CONFORMANCE WITH THE STRATEGIC PLAN: The City Commission of Salina will have committed to providing the highest quality City services possible within available resources. The City Commission recognizes their role and responsibility to provide the needed policy direction and resources to its administration. At the same time, the City’s administrative personnel are committed daily to transforming this direction and resources into the highest possible quality of municipal services, consistent with the expectations of both the City Commission and the citizens of Salina. COMMISSION ACTION OR RECOMMENDED ACTION: Pass Resolution No. 13-6987 providing for the issuance of general obligation bonds to finance reconstruction of the downtown lighting system. RESOLUTION NO. 13-6987 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE IMPROVEMENT OR REIMPROVEMENT OF CERTAIN MAIN TRAFFICWAYS WITHIN THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COSTS THEREOF. WHEREAS, K.S.A. 12-685 et seq. (the “Act”) provides that the governing body of any city shall have the power to improve or reimprove or cause to be improved or reimproved, any main trafficway or trafficway connection, and such improvement or reimprovement may include trafficway illumination; and WHEREAS, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 02-10071 on February 25, 2002 and Ordinance No. 13-10679 on February 25, 2013, the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas (the “City”) has designated Ash Street, Santa Fe Avenue, Iron Avenue, Mulberry Street, Walnut Street, 5th Street and 7th Street as main trafficways pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City hereby determines that it is necessary to improve or reimprove portions of said main trafficways as follows: Replacement of street lights in downtown Salina, in an area bounded on the north by Elm Street, on the east by 3rd Street, on the south by Prescott Avenue and on the west by 9th Street, and including lighting on Ash Street, Santa Fe Avenue, Iron Avenue, Mulberry Street, Walnut Street, 5th Street and 7th Street within such area, including all necessary and related improvements (the “Improvements”); and WHEREAS, the Act provides that all costs of the Improvements authorized thereunder, including engineering costs and all other costs properly attributable to the Improvements, shall be paid by the city at large and may be funded, among others, by the issuance of general obligation bonds; and WHEREAS, reports, estimates and plans have been compiled and furnished to the Governing Body of the City to provide sufficient information to commence proceedings for construction of the Improvements. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. Proceedings are hereby initiated pursuant to the provisions of the Act for the purpose of proceeding with the Improvements. Section 2. The City Manager and other City staff are authorized to take all necessary actions to proceed with the Improvements. Section 3. It is anticipated that the cost of the Improvements shall be paid from funds of the City available for such purpose and/or by the City-at-large through the issuance of one or more series of general obligation bonds of the City as provided by the Act, and pending the issuance of said bonds, through the issuance of one or more series of temporary notes of the City, in an amount not to exceed $3,110,000 plus costs of issuance and plus costs of interest on any temporary financing. Section 4. The bonds and/or notes may be issued to reimburse expenditures made on or after the date which is 60 days before the date of this Resolution, pursuant to Treasury Regulation §1.150-2. Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force from and after its adoption by the governing body of the City. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas, on March 4, 2013. (Seal) Norman M. Jennings, Mayor ATTEST: Lieu Ann Elsey, CMC, City Clerk 2