1971 FundingSALINA CULTURAL ARTS CO1,U,1ISSION P.O. Box 685 Salina, Kansas 67401 City Commissioners City- County Building 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 November 16, 1971 Dear Commissioners: By a unanimous decision the Salina Cultural Arts Com- mission voted to express concern in favor of the Salina biunici- pal Band remaining as it is with a yearly allocation of money from the city. L0e feel that our commission must encourage vitality in the arts. The Band has served Salina well and offer - ed a type of musical program that people easily respond to. It fills a definite need in the cultural arts program of Salina. The Salina Municipal Band has long been a tradition in Salina dating back as early as 1910. We would not like to have a tradition as enjoyable as this come to an end. Respectfully submitted, l r "a Dr. Wendell Nickell, Chairman Salina Cultural Arts Commission Memorial Hall Salina, Kansas 67401 Salina Iianicipal Band Progress Report 1972 The band, plans 'a program in the same line as folloPied in racent -,,ears: Our first concert of the su €t ep season will be on 15nday e-venilnC Jig *Ie 13, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. iI? Sunset Park. Ne ,"rill, have sev:ral rehearsals to get organized in preparation for the sur:'1•`.^.er concert season, Following this first concert We will rehearse every Nonday night and play a.. concert every Tuesday night for the whole &LIIaiIlJr throuch iiu --Ust 29. - ,e still likely do a special Qth of NO concert. There is the Tr 'i 5:- v:;'rs Fair Uar_•.ce on August 7 and the Tri- Rivers Yair concert on August S. Also the sp -ecial concert for the close of the P.ecreation Co:_ *aission sur-,::ar proEra;I. There is alw;y3 the possibility of extra needs avri-Si.nZ. Respectfully SUNOMW d, Sec. - trews. Salina Uunicipal Band Proposed Band Budget 7971 We raquost a budget of 410,000.00 for 1971. We have put into effect the proposals of 1969 year end import (see attached letter) end seem to be within our budget limitations. Vo would put forward for 7971 the saw basic program we plan to follow in 1970s Vookly rehearsals of 2 hours and weekly concerts of 1 hour throughout most of the vu-mer norths with a bazid of approaLuately 40 mang3ore at each perforaance. In addition vas do the Tri- f:ivnro Fair parade and concert, tno plWgrouad sumvr program ending cer©mnies, oto. Our equipment and supplies and expense salaries run about the samo (sea attached nemrandum)• This 3-ear (1970) we are again ki Ca Male Park and would expect to eontiruo. 'Ye re(racut a budget of X10,000.00 for 1971. Rospactfullj submitted, Salina Nunicipal. Band P.rrold Crorrtl;er Soc.- Trean. I Attached 1'-%morandum Proposed Band Budget 1971 Expense Salary information: , _Union members: $6.00 rehearsal 7.00 concert 2.50 overtime Full expense members: 46.00 rehearsal 5.00 concert 2.50 longevity and specialist pay when applicable Half expense members: $3.00 rehearsal 3.00 concert Budget breakdown: 11 concerts and rehearsals S 51200.00 4 rehearsals 600.00 parades and or extra jobs 740.00 Director's expense salary 940.00 Director junior band's expense salary 600.00 Secretary- Treasurerls expense salary 300.00 Managers e q ease salary 215.00 Drayage; Set -Up Risers & Chairs 412.00 P.A. system 220.00 Music 300.00 Insurance and bonds 50,00 Printing 25.00 Upkeep of equipment, etc. 300.00 11iscellaneous 40.00 Postage 8.00 TOTAL . . . . . $ 9, 00 Approved by: BAND TRUSTEES .; a_ro pro; t. er — - Secre.,ary -Treasp rer a May 8, 1970 Dear Band Member: Rehearsals commence Monday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m., at Memorial Hall. The first concert is Tuesday, June 16. Goals for our 1970 season follow. I Standards of Performance as goals of attainment: 1. Attendance at all rehearsals and concerts. If unable to attend, arrange a replacement, or so inform us so we can arrange a replacement. 2. Being on time and ready to perform at the designated time. 3. Being in uniform at all performances: for public performances; black shoes, black socks, black pants for men and black skirts for ladies, white short sleeved shirt or blouse, black tie for males and black tie substitute for females. Haircuts? I 4. Concentration on the job at hand so we can perform at our very best effort. 5. Courtesy to our conductor. Our conductor has a 2 -hc placed on him for completion of a rehearsal preparir is interesting enough to draw an audience. You may band plays better that more people come out to hear absolute responsibility to turn out a musical organi unit Hein the only one who can do this to make it in our individual efforts of performance. r time limit arbitrarily us to play a concert that ave noticed that when the t. Our conductor has the ation that performs as a possible for us to succeed 6. It is the individual responsibility for each of us to meet these standards of performance. It would appear to me.that failure to do so without adequate reason therefore should lead only to one result; other arrangements would need be made. The secret to making this work will be a matter of judgment when to blow the whistle on a particular individual and determine he or she is not meeting the standards of performance satisfactorily or successfully to require a 'replacement. Suggestion: if each of us will take care of our individual part in it and not concern ourself with the other guy, this works the best. If you start with the Band it is anticipated that your loyalty for the summer is with the Band and not some other musical group. This is not meant to say we do not expect you to take vacations, go to summer music camps, etc., because we realize these things are a regular part of summer activities. But, we do expect you to put Monday night and Tuesday night aside for the Band (and yourself) during the regular summer concert season. I Questions: Should we have a policy for the Band on haircuts? (this would be a part of being in uniform) Should we have a policy for the Band on smoking at rehearsals? Remember: The basic policy of the Band (should be) is always to do what is in the best interest of the Band. C Salina Municipal Band Harold Crowther Secretary- Treasurer