Financial Requirements 1969::ay 22, 1969
Financial requirezonts to continaa a high caliber band in Jane 1969 (and
July 1, 1969, a Tuesday evening concert):
5 rehearsals ( 5 noonday nights)
5 concerts (5 Tuesday nights)
1 conductor
005 musicians — made up of approxinatei.y 10 union =embers, 30 full
pay uembers, and 10 half pay mnmbers (those younger
than high school seniors as of next fall)
haaling equipment and setting it up and tearing it down for concerts
P. A. at concerts
$3250.00 TOTAL needed for June 1961 (this figure taken from July 1968)
a month with 5 %ndays and y Tuesdays)
The Band's college members have not returned for the summer as out, making
it impossible to know how many of them will be with us again this sumaer. The
other menbersaip may have dropped off some. In June we will be able to know for
sure who all will be able to play with the Band this summer and I will be able
to make a current membership list for this su, a copy of which I will submit.
e have our new band room worked out fairly well and organi^ed for use. Ie
will need some fans for this summer until we can got cooling units from the pre-
sent City hall after the new Govern. aent Building is completed. 14en with fans
it will be KOT! but fans will make it tolerable?
As soon as I have actual expenditure figures it lo3ks to me that thss3
could be repo mad as we go along.
/nn ^eso ctfulf y y5xn1 ed, W—
H rold CrI Cher, Sec. Treas.
119 South An Street.