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Untitled (21)
r kg ZA----- k f,___,t9Avv_i_,t/c il--\\ rtt,k ),-)._-/, (07- /-1.f_ J CA±,--(..-t„‘„tr,e,c,E4,--v.L__wL, - , M / 14 11 ,0' / ,�Gtx-i -(2 ---- WYCO- // I " , . -k-t- " ' f'l M‘ I -; (--/( <-' )i'l / I TErt 0--rac__, tk ') -;-- ,\-,,,,t. ' n- ,—v---v?--c-Wc._ A - 4 -4 / _ 0 e3—z..-6,-1,--6_,7-I' 0/r , I, 1 ' #• , � r `ry'R %, - C/i ��' r' i� i k.,4 , A,, /, , ,a-e- &e,-, ic7--&-- e- ' , c'', / 7 , .c'<a-e- u\ ' .4,e_a_,e_AL( \(--,i_ ___- (_,,,0 r, , A (3 __, &-r-r-/A4 A'ii),1,1f.e,;<, rz` 260-9-7-e( -A- Z-:-rj / / vi -- r ' ) .-/TY-' :j° /7:2_ ,/ i ,__.. /_ '1 11 /)it .0 ___0(jc (/6 . _ j 1 14/ 000 ' , . , (/--al iip 4-7--iet f . CN/1- c ' ' '(-Y ',// Of,aWfitv (f )7A--- cl?-7///2 (- / o ' ai,(J (,f c-iii . -6--e-,e- az-v._ r-1----/— ---', ' / ' ,,, /-),E,f (---A--tifff, e,,,,,,,„47 n--gt:‘, ccia-4--- -,,ci, _{..,t e-_ ,R4,„„(,,c,;),& .\,„ ilrliv-vrr i , . , 7------- ex K---7,--z4 ... c-e-e_- , 79 -' - tt t--, • 14P;d. ! 4 l'/ • Ca— 10—D- VT XW-134--- -/) ! f,01_ 1— Cifi> 1 , 's "C__ 11 41117 , c.(A, 1/1 _,1;_11, frv-try-g- i iit/ Ai 40,14 i .) -o--(1-iro i) v si - ,/ / / , ,r,,,,i_ez ?(6--->__ .-ar, -( oir____ . . . _. \'--.....,," N..... • . "C.i," ‘ • : •4. ■ . .,-/ i •.\N. \' Q:)0 / / •'•// i :t 1. .://.._ ',1 i . . . ' . . . • .. .. ■ 1 \ */-' (L • . . ,N4. '',,!,c./441•- • / •,.. ':7''' ''''''. Ih'/ .\....4'\ .c../' I '-''' •., i •'(..J -•<•.\ c,, •N/-C.& I (jaNkt2,. i \..3 . . „. . :... • ...- . . • 1 4' , f / fi X 0 , I • I / 41 AO i / i \ / / / / 'I ____—y,/ • . ,_:, cv,.,,,,,_,..„ 34, ii 2J2'7 1 / .1 , ' ' rxrd'I--4 .. -...." . , I if , , 0 4101/4 Ali e glAii , g , 4 _ __ _( I ------ (2 " 4 I Air _.... 29_6),, 4 4 f i / • V i../ # .11■AOOF I 274 i / I, \ 0 — ,..__.- 0------ --di 7" ,2 3 j)-1----2-4(1%. 1 11, / F 11-/1/ 14gliii / / fil.i ‘---2---1- 1---)---0---1-4 l) 1-0"-.)--0- ---0-J 1 : , f I V RESOLUTION. Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Salina, Kansas, at a meeting thereof duly held on the 20th day of November, A. D. , 1905: That said City Council deems it necessary to pave and curb all that portion of the alley between Seventh Street 4* Eighth Street , beginning at the south line of Iron Avenue, and extending 200 feet due south, all in the said City of Salina; and the said City Council hereby further declare such paving and curbing to be necessary to be done, and that such work shall be done and improve- ment made of the material and in the manner as set forth in the plans and specifications therefor, which will be prepared by the City Engineer, and placed o file in the office of the City Clerk of said iG� and the cost and expense of said work and improvement shall be paid by special. taxek on a 1 property legally chargeable therefor, to be assessed, levied'coliected, as authorizediby law. RESOLVED, further, that the City Clerk of said City be, and he hereby is directed to cause these resolutions to be published for ten consecutive days in the Salina Evening Journal, the official daily paper of said City. Adopted, November 20, 1905 . I • • IA A t,ayor. Attest: -je ,1 W- r .fty er PA I ' es.•.\ 0 _ .-...,,... . 111 'CI• , ' 't- VI 0 ro 0 le t. 111 el 10 a. = 0 Mimi ,..0 , .. WHEREAS, sixteen (16 ) General Improvement bonds of the Ci tpt Of Salina, numbered one ( 1 ) to sixteen ( 16 ) inclusive, dated January 1st; 1586 for One Thousand Dollars each, will mature on January 1st. 1906, said bonds being payable at the Kansas Fiscal Agency of. New York and are now owned by F. Rauh & Sons, of Indian- apolis, Indiana, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council of the City of Salina have heretofore decided to refund said bonds, and WHEREAS notice of such intention has been given the State School Fund (brnmission of the State of Kansas and others, and WHEREAS on October 13th, 1905 at a regular adjourned meeting of. the City Council of said City " " (t) proposals for the purchase of said refunding bonds were presented to said Council by the City Clerk of said City, and WHEREAS, C.F. McAdams proposed to purchase bonds on the following terms to-wit: Said bonds to draw interest at the rate of Four and Three- fourths ( 4 3,/4 ) percent per annum, the said Charles F. McAdams to pay a premium of Five 05.00 Dollars per thousand on said bonds, and to pay all expenses of refunding the same. And said pro- position being the highest and best bid for said bon.d4and the State School Fund Commission of the State of Kansas not having expressed a willingness to purchase said bonds4 therefore; IIESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Salina that the proposition of the said C.F. McAdams to purchase said refund-- ing bonds, be and the same is hereby accepted. Adopted December 26th, 1905. '. Arhrov ,d ,/ _ _ 4 ' 6.414k 1177671 _ • a, I - A3 0 ■--: X) ,N 5 , \ t E3 r-e ;,4 W. ■-1- '4 = h G\ 2 4\ \ ii. !.,0 F, ' lik . . • ' C .0 1, 1 cii 0 •■• 0 k. 41- /13 41-1` i'4••• 4% • ' Z . • I I f RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Sal ina,Kansas . That the sum of One Thousand Dollars be expended for the purpose of remodeling the brick building known as the cottage hotel and located on the crest 1%2 of Lot No .80 on Fifth Street ,and for the purchase of a team of horses l :a Bale Farness and other appliances ,said expenditure to be made under the directions of the Mayorftnd Fire Department Committee and said claims for such improvements to be paid for as other claims against said city. _ 1:0 Ilk ■—h M , j . 'N.S.111/4A E• N.A.sv P'` t4 . ril ,, •• , 0 • §3' ,2'•) k ,IQ 1; Nino/ . NI5 g; .: . , • "• . t milmi kl 0 '• E.). 14*(1\e 1 \ il■ q- .:—, 1 .■ 0 -1 Z 1 ! , 0 FIRST,WARD: DAVID ARNOLD r S.METZG ER SECOND WARD; THE BOARD OF EDUCA4ION CHAS.F.McADA J. O.WILSON J. O. WILSON, PRESIDENT THIRD WARD; WALTER P. CRAVENS, SECRETARY GEO. M.HULL FRED S.BELKLEY FOURTH WARD: JAS. A.KIMBALL R. P. CRAVENS SAMNA, KANSAS, Mch. 15 1906. "Resolved that it is necessary for this Board of Education to raise the sum of Ten thousand ($10000.00) dollard for the purpose of erecting and equiping a suitable school btailding and for that purpose -- to issue bonds of said Board of Education, payable in ten years after date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of not exceeding 5% peranr..um. Said bonds to be issued in denom nations of 500.00 each, with interest coupons attached thereto. And it is further- resolved that the Mayor of the City of Salina, he and he is hereby requested to call an election to be held Tuesday April 3 1906, for the purpose of submitting to the voters , the following proposition. Shall te::e Board of Education of the City of Salina, of the State of Kansas, be authorized to issue bonds in the sum of n10000. 00 due in ten years after date thereof, bearing interest at not exceeding 5% per annum, payable semi—annually, for the purpose of erecting and equiping suitable suitable school buildings."— To the HON. DAVID H. SHIELDS,, Ahayrar of the City of Salina, Kansas. At a_ regular meeting of the Board of Education duly-held on the Fifth day of March 1906. Said Board by unanimous avote,.s. adopted a resolution of which the :foregoing is a truza.n correct copy. / 44 Pre;ict,nt Clerk. • 1 • • /1111.■.. • -' ' • • • • • • • - • (;) 1-1, CD •. 5 • 0 0 (1) r-a • Jig 170' 'N9 1•12 0111011001010011401000111100 • • • . . •••••••.,!! • • 40 40 Whormas ,Spitzer & Co. of Toledo,O. are tIAL) highest and bt bidders for the Sixty Thousand Dollars (more or less)of Santa Fe Avenue internal Improvement Bonds issued for tht payine; of Santa Re Avenum between Iron Avnu, and tht main track of the Union Pacific Bailroad Company trabieznow, Thtrefor be it resolved that said bonds b and t,be same are hereby awarded to said Spitzer & Co. land the Ma:for and City C17rk are 11717e7by authorized and diracted to execute and deliver said bonds upon the pay- ment of the purchase: price to said Siptzer Co. , in accordance with the toms of thoir prc,position on file in the office of the City Olerke On mol;ion of Councilman Fkey the above resolution was adopted by th e following volre:-.. Ayes : -- Nyers ,RinglejlarnetNorthropiStevenson and 'Amy (6) Nays ;-- Miller and Metzger (2) I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by t} Mayor and Council at a rogular meeting Parch 19th.106 . e-e- --7 1 / S t a1int4Ka east-March 1Cith.1906. Hon•Mayor & Councilmen Salina,Kan. Gentlemen:— For the Sixty thousand dollars of five per cent Internal Improvement Bonds advertised for sale today,the same bei3w, issued in dtnoo- inations of One Thousand Dollars mach except one of bonds which sahll be due at the end of the first year with interest payable sril-a.nnun11:7 both principal and interest payable at the Kansas Fiscal Agsncy in New York City,delivertd tither in Toledo,or York,at our option will pay you 101 .30 and interest . Prior to our paying for said bonds wm are to be furnishoO. Nith full certified transorip of the proctedinrs evitlnoing thr legality to the satisfaction of out Atty. We also to have th e privilege of furnshing t thedinance which you are to pass ,samt being subject to the approval of Your City council . Respectfully submittedt P,$ ,W fy:rnish blank bonds free of ollargt . Spit2,4,,r I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is. a. true and cor- rect copy of the original proposea of ltitater & Co. ,on file in my office V) 0 CI 53 n r r"I (1) k 5-. c7. N. ; , ,,,:, ,pi ,,,,,,„, rt) k It ''s-S' ‘1 ° NN,.' ) ....4 ,...(7) "... , 1 czt gNi !,. �� ® 2. , 0 '..") ,-0--‘ tc:).4 8 ,t• 4LC: k... - — • ,., • I — • ... ... ,,..e. .... -,..,,, ., _ • — ,. . s.....,......—..,-—.. , .... ., . • - -- — —,,, . RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Mayor and council of the city of Sal ina,Kansas . That all licenoc privileges of the city of `lalina,for the week commencing May 14th .arcd ending May 19th.1906,be and the r, ..rg"" is hereby granted to the U.r .T .!"onvention Hall Association. The privileges so granted shall include all shows ,lectures ,enterta:inrments ,. *'niva' companies and alt other attractions visiting the city during said week ;oaid nriv-- il ges are granted with tl e e p:es condition tint± said Association shall stand all necessary expense se ocC;tts i oned by suoll privileges - resol -u!, ;: : ; :e paid to the A11 licenses paid under this Secretary of the U.0 .T. .Assoaiation. ...„ . \,.. ..... 0 •-. .\. 5 .... nil o I ,-. . '7,5_ 1 V:\ • V) o 0 P3 fa, n ■ NN ,vtt m t-k‘ rm ,c) k\\ (-‘%) , 0 , 0 I; 5 mismi (-) 3 ,.o ,--: c. - ■ : 0 I 0 ■ -I : I I I z r ° RESOLUTION. Be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina. That the Mayor and Council deem it necessary and recommend that the Missouri Pacific Railway Co . ,remove and fill up trestles or openings No 's 128-128 A and 129,and place a 24 or 36 inch tile opening at present. trestle No.128 and 128 A. On motion of Councilman Myers the above resolution was duly adopted Sal ina,Kansas , April 1?th.1906. , , ,_ . _ , , F ,.., , . .,.. tc - • :• i . . . . os : s <-,- rn • vil , , O. (-) v r"1 • n \ t. 1 •., . Cram I = \ -\ 2 14 5 I', . Ai ...• 1 .....1 '• . ''s \ C : 2" ,1—• i. . 'RV.t.\ , . .... I r • 4 IMEREAS, the city of Salina has now reached a population of ', ,OOO people, and is rapidly increasing, and is the wholesale center of central and western Kansas; and Whereas, said city is the natural railroad center for this ection of the stay- and passenger traffic into and thourh said city is extensive , and Whereas, the main lines of the Union Pacific, Missouri Pacific, Rock-Island and Santa .: e railroads enter and intersect the city within a short distance of each other and run parallel through the city ; Therefore , Be it Resplved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Salina, that we hereby request the general managers of said railroad companies to :Lake such investigations and inquiries into the importance of Salina as a business, railroad and commercial center as will satisfy them of the need and davantages of establishing a union depot in the said city of Salina, believing that the establishment of such union depot will acid to the best interests and well fare of both the city and said railroad companies . Be it further resolved that the said city hereby pledges its active co-operation in doing all in its power to bring about the estab- lishment of aaid union depot . Be it further Resolved that a copy of these -resolutions be mailed by the city clerk to the general managers of the railroad companies named . • -- I ( \-- ..• . ,ZNe ae-T, . . 0 . .c ■ = \k / ; . ...i I :1 A . \ rt i 1 0 .1 „..k _,.....,..._.. ._.. .. .„. . P - . . • 1 • . . DAVID H. SHIELDS, Mayor My (Iitll of 'atttua A. W. GODFREY, City Clerk OFFICE OF CITY CLERK SALINA, KANSAS,—- -_ _._------.---------_190-- RES 0LUT TON. Be it resolved by the Mayor & Council of the city of Salina, that it is deemed necessary to establish a sub-fire station in the Wesleyan University Addition,therefore Be it resolved that a hose cart with at least 500 feet of fire hose be stationed in the Wesleyan University Addition and that the matter of erecting a suitable hose house be r'efered to the Building Committee of the City Council with power to act. la. .p I r - 5:\ .... 0 .—' "4 ( ''■ . P., ..\ \\\) "' P., 74- CD r-n v) el> '-• IMMS =CV M 0 IIIMINIMI 0 5 ..., k49 0 ...._: C ,-.. .-., ‘.0 ,..0 0 , - • '. ..•— ..,.... ..,...:,,. i . • _ . . _.. ,. ... , ..- _ ._ .._.. . ....‘ ., _ ...... .,_,.. I . .,.-.......,_ . ..--: 1 wr _ RESOLUTION NO. 984 A RESOLUTION directing th t calplete plans and specifications for improvements hereinafter providede filed and that a detailed estimate of the cost_.of certain improvements, being the acquisition and purchase of land for park purposes and the cost of erecting buildings on and improving the public park system of the City of Salina, shall be made under oath by the City Engineer, and providing for the filing thereof by said engineer, all pre- liminary to the issuance of the bonds of said city as heretofore duly authorized by the qualified electorrs of said city. WHEREAS, at the election duly held in the City of Salina, Kansas, on the first day of April 1947, being the regular city election, there was submitted to the qualified electors of the said city the proposition of %all the City of Salina issue its bonds in the amount of 465,000.00 for the purposes of paying the cost of purchasing land for park purposes and the cost of erecting buildings on and improving the park system of said citytt, all pursuant to ordinance No. 5207 of said city; and FS:IEREAS, all directives of said ordinance No. 5207 were fully and th.ely complied with; and WHEREAS, at such election,which was duly and regularly held, a majority of the votes cast thereat upon said proposition were cast in favor of authorizing the said City of Salina to issue its bonds in said sum, for such purpose; and, SO, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'niE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF 'T CITY OF SALINA: Section 1. That the foregoing preambles are hereby made a part of this resolution. That in the judgment of the Board of Commissioners of Salina, Kansas, it is necessary and expedient that land be acquired and purchased for park purposes and the park system of the said city be improved by erecting buildings on and otherwise improving the park system of said city, and that for said work and improvements the City Engineer shall make and file with the City Clerk on or before the ')' day of 1947, complete plans and specifications for the acquisition and purchase of land for park • purposes and for the erection of building on and improving the public park system of the City of Salina, with the following acquisition and general type of improvements: (a)Erection and acquition of a shelter and recreation building to be construction, with the necessary installations incidental thereto in the "COUNTY PARK" being a part of the park system of said city; a swing pool to be installed therein, landscaping, planting of shrubbery, hedges, sidewalks, walks and all other necessary i:.provexaents to be installed therein and incidental thereto to complete said:work; (b) The installation of four standard size, concrete surfaced tennis courts in "OAKDALE PARK" a part of the park sytem of said city to be constructed of reinforced concrete 4" deep with such appurtenances and otherwise Improving as may be necessary to complete said work; r (c) For the surfacing, re-surfacing, and otherwise improving of, , streets and walks in "THOMAS PARK", "OAKDALE PARK", "SUNSET PARK" and "KEN'1OOD PARK", all being a part of the,park system of said city, as may be necessary to complete said, streets and walks for public use. (d) For the acquisition of land for park purposes; and that said engineer shall on or before the same date, submit to the Board of Commissioners, under oath, detailed estimates of the cost of such work, improvements and acquisition and purchase of land. Be it further resolved that the filing of the plans and specifications and the detailed estimate of cost, aforesaid, is preliminary to the issuance and sale of internal improvement bonds of the City of Salina, Kansas, duly and regularly authorized as aforesaid, and as hereafter directed by ordinance. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from andafter its adoption. Introduced and Passed, May 19, 197 Mayor r + ,-G7v-Cit _ Attest: A40.401' 40y City Clerk `C SZ �- I1 (D p' ¢ Cf. '1 1 a P 05 ril `- o & Z C/) >• a o r o 0 0 cna P i:i' cf. `d H- �� ® I reml I ¢J Y CTS '' 1139 v "i O O co O O m ci- o CD tiN IP. —4 Z T 4171 ti A0 45E vi Ya y-mld O0).- W°�.WI'40 i+O,i ^ W U. W,.0 fl._ ^O OY + O N Y qA �m 3A����~b�.0 1: xi How •^ .+ U Y 7 4� -o Qy �F��YO+ �'a) NFN6n aa'�U Yy � q p�'� a F- F g 7�t.liz 3 t� 02,,, F g t'. _ A Y,G OH ydi�.0 W ,F a�a� , .p"C ;4:0-. �.. N 0II!;1 :fl Y w : iinI N d m w N w g H m..O Q' � ayv" NE'�'' O.F o � .-�. .•Eq b F Ri++Fw o� y � p`�+ 1 cr:z _.9 i i �g t�'a da m ,�io i !:2-c, m O... E1. e�a ra A m V1 m aS ti ci RESOLUTION. W U RFAS,the City of Salina is a City of more than eight thousand --- inhabitants yhes it therefore RESOLVr.D,That we deem it advisable and to the best interests of said City that the Third Ward of said City be divided and that a new ward be oreated,and established,as follows: All that portion of the Third Ward of said city south of the center of Prescott Avenue and west of the center of Santa Fe Avenue shall • constitute and hereby is created a new ward,which is hereby designated and shall hereafter be the Fifth Ward of the City of Salinapand that the boundries of the Third Ward of said city as fixed by Ordinance No.255 is accordingly changed. Be It Further Resolved,that the Mayor is hereby instructed, authorized and directed to call a special election in said Fifth Ward for the purpose of electing Two Councilmen to represent said Fifth Ward in the City Council,as provided by law. Be It Further Resolved,that this resolution shall be published three consecutive times in the Salina Daily Union. Attest, . Passed and Approved this 16th.+4 of du l,O ccLo_A___, ,di_. 4 f 01 ) / ' or. . 7ayor. j 0,,.., c_____,_/ • , `--..„-•• (- \ k‘ ---\'', :::-.--,,-, 47 ft; • 0 kl "?`''' - l' -,, -"'• . ,.‘ . 7' . ,. /,,, .•, ‘1 t. • fk kl\:\I ik.','• t.% •4'N, V ,.,,, .,. 14%I. 0 f .110ITULTO$;.--M - (-::3,:s... brieinvori'S &Ante) runt olorr 'to v„,,tit) SI el .itnia lo It/i0 ed.ttP MagitriVr . s -----— --.4olte-toi4)&14-44----“folgatLida ea te r.:J.af-,1.9.trfit ,1-a epif etrizi- e.t Las elcivbs st pi-Deb r..-ivq- ,teriTiONLIOCIRYI Irmv v.rtm a Jae:: .brir, beblvii) od %J./1:n .bk..sa 'to .b/sVf ismciffir sift /ad/ : ewo 11,1)1 vs that:c t_Ufa/es bps I he,,teeln e.+et -, \ 8.6/ '1-o .11/kio8 i;;.I.Eo b±sa to blsW Itm.tri"T erLt le fie Lf1T.NI /aril ITA ..r.f.twie twnsvA si: .4.trisP, *10 •icanoo erfJ.• 'to .tuov., im.k; wirfavitt /3'opetracT 'to Isitieol 1.)5es.inn.tae.b y.creeled at PT.o.1-41:71 iw vit5n £ 31:-.) :11 y,cilrts.cf hns tOirnt.talion e. izt- l),(Legszti.ratl le 1,, tIn t,rft lo blsW rintrit 5 r.:J• sci 1,:lxervoir LEst-te bras at de,,R. 0.:,7 t3OrterdiA0 );:rf bex.rt. Re Vie hisa I:e ins bltia erg 'to e, ,Ilbriveti ,_bane:Ado X.Eztt.f.frice eau - siatoJ'es,.;-1:tarli. i;,(ftrtntr. a leirall 13.dt 14,..64 I b 6 v I c e off letiViska. /T 1 , h1sW fijli.q b!sa ni Loli-ot.)10 Iztooqa s Ilso O be140eNtb bra bemtiolaus inaW i-T.r.T.-„nr. btrai 30.,,',aEm.cen 0,1' fiewilletwon ow'r nr/i/ot.E.5 1..-o seocrwq ell/ lOt .v,s1 -zcf bob/Arcaq es t It mm!) fl ) c.irrit n± behatidIrg ed Ilsn'n not i'Llocal eirtr./ Ztarc..ttbevloaficl leort/itil J't *Fr_ wrio.tali li:11.1.4(T._ Sad Ilea W::.:1* ra Elfz31/ syi/Lroettinon fwirtt to AzAb.Adta..t aid/ bevo-cqqA hail beroosq t'et,-;LIA 1 1 f '1 't diif *:) 1'4 rel I trit4 P$ ,1 ! DAVID H.'SHIELDS, Mayor (L1tll A. W,G9pFREY, City Clerk ))) • H O « C r" , r etFICE=OF.CITY CLERK ►-�}, O r • O ��Cee Or' ai ,C r+ a �° 0 ec SALINA, KANSAS, _190 d- n o a .,M • a, ♦, t.o 4+1 'I RESOLUTION. wHJREAS,the City of Sal ina, is now a city of more than Bight Thousand inhabitants; Be It resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Salina: That it has become advisable and is to the best interests of Salina that the Third Ward of said city be divided as fellows: 1st. That all that portion of said ward south of Prescott Avenue and West of Santa Fe Avenue be and hereby is constituted the Fifth Ward of the City 1 of Salina. 2nd. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to issue proclamation calling a special election for Councilman and member of the Board of Education in said Fifth Ward. • ND__.2) ) 1 40 4 11-101 a w a+ =Z • a Cl.° N 0 g a 'd o c+ H L.- m 1 o w • • • 0 • • n C+ p ' • • p• os o o cf 0 0 �, A c w Q • • _ 1 A .X0ITU102 "Fi t� bnaeuodT Id3tat Hari* effort to vtt o a won et 1 ant IaE to vj±t ena t aA•+7.( W aSrLeStdsdnt :ant Ia2 20 1010 ed* to riemlt nnuoO bna iovaM ed$ xd berloaeR *I eff Ant taC 20 a/aeieSnt ,, *aed erfi o$ at bna sidastrba eaooed aari Jt SarlT :ewello4 as bebtrtb ed x$to btaa to biaW b^rtrlT ed* /ad* /aeW bus eunevA 53oaaeiq to rISuoa b-raw btae to uot3t•q Bads .f fa SadT .JeI x/i 0 ed$ to botaW r s ii i eras basut1Jenoe at tid_eieil bna ed eunevA eT sSna8 to •ant IaR to a 3nt.[iao nottsnslooiq ousel oS bestzodSua %defied at toxa [ ed$ $siT •bnS nt not:saubH to bzaoa ed$ to nedaerrt hue nsetItonirgf iot aot*oele tatoega _ .b':aW zf3ttRt btae ..___ ..• 11.1111 .,... - -,-, /..4. ' •,., Alk'at 11 ■ \ii , X '\■: '\ k ■ ,111. " .N., , ,; ,. ... ,.. \ . ' )' ' ■ . rri .. :) . % .., • ik 5\ `C 4••, : ,N, , \ C1A 0 —1J '111 ••,,.. 0 S, ig \ 4\ •, 1,....., 8 1 4 1 8 '44 :3/41\1\\11/4: . 1.—' ii■ t` , 3 L • p.1 C Z 1 ■4 11 . '' .... i Illk \ . i ! I .._ ---- , - .. Whereas, under the contract between the city of Salina and the Kansas Bitulithic co 3any,for the paving and curbing of Santa Fe avenue, of date of February 21, 1906, said Kansas Bitulithic com- paiy was required to complete the work embraced in such contract within 200 days from the date of such contract; and Whereas, on account of injunction suits, undesirable weather and unavoidable causes more than /1c_days of suchi time have gone by without such work having been more than commencedm, and without any fault on the part of said Kansas Bitulithic company, and such company will be unable to complete such paving and curbing within the time allowed under said contract. Therefore, be it resolved by the Mayor and Councilmen of. the ° city of Salina , that an extension of time is hereby given and granted to the Kansas Bitulithic company of 2/7c days, to be added to the 200 days granted under said contract, within which to com- plete the work contemplated therein, and said contract/ is hereby modified and changed to the extent of granting such additional gdays ' time . Salina, Kas . , Aug. 20, 1906, . \NI44T‘‘ . • t 0 ,--• I. 6K . P. t,,,.._ c:,›, $ ,. . (—, . 4\,\% : 111 r.., , g w P i A = �' 2. 0 , i),,,,\ 1 I • 1 ` • • , 1 (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2075 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Dover Drive (Twenty- eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the east line of Vassar Drive to the north line of Windsor Drive. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Dover Drive, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Vassar Drive to the north line of Windsor Drive be paved and graded with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 26, 1958 Passe, September 2, 1958 wr (SEAL) Attest: C'? ( 1/41- City Clerk ( 6.- ` C)1 ":6 . ., . , a, it 4> 5 <ict Pt -..... '- 'FD-' o ■-1 ca ra. ,zi o el n ti, Zit 5 a) I. 11 0 A CD t:J • Qin '&J-.. FA 0 o cf. 0 4:: .. rn ■ i 411-1 II 0 a I ,rizi - > . 4 Gl 0 t.. id• 0 o 1 : r - --' 2 . OD 1 I .., ,• ., (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2015 A RESOLUTION RElating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Max Avenue (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the west side of Lot 7, Block 4, Addition to Blocks k- and 6, Southern View Addition to the west side of Roach Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Max Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west side of Lot 7, Block 4, Addition to Blocks 4 and 6, Southern View Addition, to the west side of Roach Street be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 v Jr (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2035 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Edward Street (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the north line of Belmont Boulevard. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Edward Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the north line of Belmont Boulevard be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with Such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 • (SEAL) Attest) City Clerk �i o .co p 11174 . ¢ a • • o gi Cin Rl Q 4 M C� O -1 c+ 0, N f D ‘ %A \ilea CO (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 20118 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Hageman Street (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the south line of Cloud Street to the east line of Broadway Boulevard. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Eageman Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Cloud Street to the east line of Broadway Boulevard be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 1Y� r (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk `. m o ' R.. '0 0 t ft 5 CDC = 'c a 0 0 ., �3 4. td -a Milk- a ■ GI c+- i m .0 O N 'C am Fa N i e47) c0 CO a a 0 !0. 6 . r (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2015 A RESOLUTION Mating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Max Avenue (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the west side of Lot 7, Block 4, Addition to Blocks 4 and 6, Southern View Addition to the west side of Roach Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Max Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west side of Lot 7, Block 4, Addition to Blocks 4 and 6, Southern View Addition, to the west side of Roach Street be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 vr. (SEAL) Attest: .1271 41—A City Clerk r a. '0 0 ■ limoN101 it • . Z o¢ + r D � O m C• "j g? i a" • C '''Cil..'Cr):. 4 L.-1;10 OD • N '' o to D D r CO (First Published. in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2016 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and, grading of Norton Street (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the east line of Wesley Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Norton Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the east line of Wesley Street, be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 66.illgr" yor ( ) Attest: / . •F City Clerk Sa4 It V-4 0> Ft4 m o 1 `+s Q ¢, n CD K 110174 c . C 1 O i • c-1- cn IV M (") O N N o Fy 1-46:3' 1 D (D CO CO i....._ '4' 11'.13f:17 00 11/4Y1 E z Cl- r � �_i (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2036 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Norton Street (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the east line of Wesley Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Norton Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the east line of Wesley Street, be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 9• yor I (SE) Attest: 76;;CZt ..,/,i/ 7 --- ___________ City Clerk P C o •» 0 R, CD 0= • z CD CA rF ky k F . { n :: .(.1) • Ci IS rn :O.:: M 0 o N ` r ''t CD cto et '� .. (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2039 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Oxford Drive (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the south line of Belmont Boulevard to the west line of Ohio Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Oxford Drive,a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Belmont Boulevard to the west line of Ohio Street be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. • Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk �` �c S � O a ' 110:t +:1 7 r `�y $ ' 0 C{wJ o O J. • U2 :.1 • • n n o e m c.) • -1 ct • • N 2 'i e n 00 (First Published in The Salina Journal 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2038 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Quincy Street (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the North line of Kensington Road. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Quincy Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the north line of Kensington Road be curbed, guttered, pawed and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as nay be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 ,Nr (SEAL) Attest: z 41..• .� City Clerk _____ -,"Nisommer- - s . . . Pa P It H 0 ¢ 0 0. ' cP g Ott O al D I IV Pa ac r'0 m Lo _ p.. 9 D ' El *I • m n N o r K CS) VI, VICO 4.4 c.» (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 20h1 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Roach Street (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the north line of Belmont Boulevard. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Roach Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the north line of Belmont Boulevard be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as nay be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 . Nk - .or (SEAL) Attest: A74001-1 .."-:-'41------"" City Clerk a y tl O ¢' o •ri • 5 Zit O CD CD ct A ' w + O • w 17 0 so Y m • i i •t 1 O N Ni • Z Sd7 D 01 e (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2OL6 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Ralph Avenue (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the west line of Lot 7, Block 6, Addition to Blocks 4 and 6, Southern View Addition, to the west line of Roach Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Conndssioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Ralph Avenue , a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west line of Lot 7, Block 6, Addition to Blocks 4 and 6, Southern View Addition be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 (SEAL) Attest: /**, City Clerk j" cc z°a. o • • o p 11111011git • cr •. O y �� n 0 MIlls- G) • RI n _ • i ON n IP z CD il Cl. D C (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2047 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Smith Avenue (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the west line of Hageman Street to the east line of Broadway Boulevard. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Smith Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west line of Hageman Street to the east line of Broadway Boulevard be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 (SEAL) Attest: t <7, C ty Cler J - z a ® k 0 0 m H•2 y k C Ott 5 Lzi d 2 \ . P CA y \ m / \ & % ^ : ; , a ~ \ « ' • g ° #/ \ C % / 2. / ‘ LS) (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2040 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Wayne Avenue (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the west line of Belmont Boulevard to the west line of Roach Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Wayne Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west line of Belmont Boulevard to the west line of Roach Street be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 'T y (SEAL) Attest: CtyC-lerk fr ` ,r;. . a. `< m 0 � a, o • o, ..,. cp 0. t r 11t s 1 r 0 - O � c • , so • O ® • 1 - m• C] O cro -I p .• • 00• tC :• • • E OA* V1 VI. Co OD CO (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2037 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Wesley Street (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the south line of Norton Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Wesley Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Wayne Avenue to the south line of Norton Street be curbed, guttered, paved and graded (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 7 ( ) Attest: City Clerk _ ._. ... __ X () co r r ie O e. H.. j CA li : nd:111111� C‘6 D GI f AI 1•0 N � 3 LA N F1 r H CD CO 9. a CO (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2071 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Pershing Street (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base, from the north line of Jewell Avenue to the south line of Ellsworth Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas : That Pershing Street, a street in hhe City of Salina, Kansas, from the north line of Jewell Avenue to the south line of Ellsworth Avenue be paved and graded with two (2) inch hot asphalt mix over a six (6) inch crushed rock base (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter), along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 0 t (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk R o •::• (It) (It)Cr • a D N m-I O a. N b 31C9 c: ''''I' ct) n m I— F1 Z M1�+ D CO CO It L . (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2042 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Belmont Boulevard with concrete, two Slabs each Twenty (20) feet from toe of slab to back of curb), from the north line of Wayne Avenue to the west line of Roach Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Belmont Boulevard, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the north line of Wayne Avenue to the west line of Roach Street, be curbed guttered, paved and graded with concrete, two slabs, each Twenty (20) feet from toe of Blab to back of curb, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 yor (SEAL) Attest: Ae //, City Clerk 7 1'J tc, -),-7 `C /m; o wt • o e+ Q.. • g II.= f� Yom. ^ Z 1) V F++ • /'1 D.GI b m n N D (9. , Z • Co �a a- 6 F-i SO C co ,tit c+ JD ,. .1 ... • .., b W V N 0 .. ° O CA O O • r 1 'W '0 (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2034 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Cloud Street (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of diarb) lftelko044174MOROMMOmmaps concrete, from the east line of Roach • Street to the east line of Iewis Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas : That Cloud Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Roach Street to the east line of Lewis Avenue be curbed, guttered, paved and graded with concrete (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 7 Ili apr•N‹ I (SEAL) Attest: - -G",_� City Clerk . � y �`I 1--- I G (,,, 6 'v a, a. 0 Pd 0 , k . . co.i.., . 3.3 , a, ,,_ ., t,..., 0 = . ..... - P' *mill ua v N o W m n 4, N • ‘:11--'°e-i ' .m r O r' ( CD Gp GD " Z rs Z D OD Co A. ti::. A ''{ .E' y3' . 5 (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2027 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing and guttering of the South Side of Cloud Street from the east line of Quincy Street to the west line of Roach Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That the South Side of Cloud Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Quincy Street to the west line of Roach Street be curbed and guttered, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 1, 1958 Passed: July 8, 1958 r )k Y2111 AILOMilaresiy: • (SEAL) Attest: s/.7 // - _ City Clerk 1 a $11111t R, • cc-1' • . o • o cz ■ 0 i. I'S �� '0 0 y `i o N 'c s� � N CD I--+ F-+ F.t • D CD a co k. i T t op (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2026 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Cloud Street with concrete ( thirty-seven(37 Feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the east line of Quincy Street to the west line of Roach Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Cloud Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Quincy Street to the west line of Roach Street be paved and graded with concrete (thirty-seven (37) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) with concrete, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 1, 1958 Passed: July 8, 1958 Ilk 9E• (SEAL) Attest: 7 City Clerk . 0 w 0 Z 0 T� ■ V1 MI M y C> I h 0 I :7111: I. 0 D 0 M c1� + .. N M O 2 Pr r Y _ • L_ ___ . 1. (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2065 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Crestview Drive with concrete (Twenty-one (21) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the existing brick pavement approximately 80 feet west of the west line of Overhill Road to the east line of Lot 4, Block 4, Country Club Heights Addition # 2. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas : That Crestview Drive, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the existing brick pavement approximately 80 feet west of the west line of Overhill Road to the east line of Lot 4, Block 4+, Country Club Heights Addition # 2 be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-o1i',` (21) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 (SEAL) Attest: j -- ' City Clerk ti. • O ¢ d p.,t• , • 11= Q. CA 1 CD cf- O ■ 5• (V v a r Alt • -a 0 • CM ii: I--, any CO x Fcil:i › vi.W Alt c. OD • (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2051 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of DuVall Street with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the north line of Haven Avenue to the south line of Beverly Drive. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Duvall Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the north line of Haven Avenue to the south line of Beverly Drive, be curbed guttered, paved and graded with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 , 14Nk -.,_ or (SE) Attest: City Clerk a, a, c+ a ,p . o .. °> n ZIli p �. p . ). D CA :.... O Imo o m n O a m `C i r GfP to r z UZ r VZ V CA (First Published in The Salina Journal ,1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2059 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Eleventh Street with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the north side of North Street to the south line of Lincoln Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City or Salina, Kansas: That Eleventh Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the north side of North Street to the south line of Lincoln Street be curbed, guttered, paved with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb), along with such grading as may be necessary and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 29, 1958 Passed: August 12, 1958 - A�� 'r = or (BL) Attest: r City Clerk _ . . . . .. - C,-4 / Pp // // o a w g' \ \ / .. . g r..)k < ti ° �: /// � ®g# ::, o © > CD C \ / ( � , CO (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2O64 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Hilldale Road with concrete (Twenty-one (21) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the south line of Lot 9, Block 2, Country Club Addition # 2, to the south line of Crestview Drive. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Uilldale Road, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Lot 9, Block 2, Country Club Addition # 2, to the south line of Crestview Drive be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-one (21) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 1, or (SEAL) Attest: <11/‘/A-- City Clerk / ,-.1 > 7 k \ 0 . w ■ k / f \ \ \ ' .° /e -• / o / \ : g • a , - 7.ii" g G e o 0 > CD- c 0 C11:1 um CO ; '' oo co lrt 0 CO (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2061 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Uilldale Road with concrete (Twenty-one (21) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the north line of Crestview Drive to the south line of Country Club Road. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Bilidale Road, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the north line of Crestview Drive to the south line of Country Club Road be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-one (21) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 Ak 1k A _ or[ (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk 1107t • u Clin n : ry { N R r H GD CO D VI L (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 209 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving, and grading of High Place with concrete (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the east line of Highland Avenue to the west line of Simmons Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That High Place, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Highland Avenue to the west line of Simmons Street, be curbed, gutterdd, paved and graded with concrete (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 or (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk 0 It `' CD 0 ,'S cn• K n a ti o 0 ci ¢ c ig - M m x co • 111::: k=J t- I W.• X • O e 43 7 r. i a m n ON ` a CD cA CO C7 r Z CO VI SJ1 V1 CO Co • (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2069 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Harsh Street with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the east line of Seventh Street to the east line of Eighth Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas : That Harsh Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Seventh Street to the east line of Eighth Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter • to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 11F AL f (SEAL) �. Attest: AO z•••-ye/--c-y. c City Clerk �. ¢ ph Ii ii 0 0 x W N 9 O N m cN tfl n D m CD e.P CO Z '6 Vt. Vt. Oa D Co I I I II 1' 1I 11 I i I ■ I I (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2056 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Harsh Street with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the west line of Eighth Street to the east line of Ninth Street. BF IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Harsh Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west line of Eighth Street to the east line of Ninth Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 29, 1958 Passed.: August 12, 1958 ,-yor1 (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk CD o C:2-, rj O 0 c+ ¢ 4I; ' P. e, 4 m r co c" m 0 f O W r .1 Cp CD -- co i.n Lvlp$ 1 Ili III iI it III (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2055 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Harsh Street with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the east side of Seventh Street to the west side of Santa F+e Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Harsh Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east side of Seventh Street to the west side of Santa Fe Avenue be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 29, 1958 Passed: August 12, 1958 ` 1g; i•r (SEAL) Attest: C p ^�� City Clerk . fa. y st m o 0 0 ¢ '• o 1,„. o tl1 i r rn • a la '0 C I rn n � s J i M m F-+ r, CO VilD 00 (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2076 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Jewell Avenue with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the east line of Santa Ft Avenue to the east line of Fourth Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Jewell Avenue , a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Santa Fe Avenue to the east line of Fourth Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 26, 1958 Passed: September 2, 1958 ( yor (SEAL) Attest: , / City Clerk P • Ai ss o 44 illtit gi Cyr Iii:) O O I . a )IMM.111 • it CN `C D CD Cfl tp 2 D b0 L CO I CO t I. I I I I 1 I II it I . I' I I I I. I I j i I (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2070 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Jewell Avenue with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the east line of Fourth Street to the west line of Osborne Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Jewell Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Fourth Street to the west line of Osborne Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the sane are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 Mayo (SE) Attest: City Clerk P • c o... O ca c� t 1:14: c' X 0�3 p o Dr' a GI m n i i N O r - C9 D CO LI CO 1 1. . Iii I it iI I' I I I i (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2068 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Minneapolis Avenue with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the east line of Roach Street to the west line of Lewis Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Minneapolis Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Roach Street to the west line of Lewis Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 '''') Maims (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk I 1 ICI _ PD d¢ c - �. "0 0 0 day •. CA e • •• oa O b D O m m { m ` O r e9 e9 c0 a CA Vt CO V1 1 1 1 (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2067 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Minneapolis Avenue with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the west line of Lewis Street to the west line of Ohio Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Minneapolis Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west line of Lewis Street to the west line of Ohio Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 \ N. (SEAL) Attest: L City Clerk • C CD O K R d a, '0 O • Clin 5 s C/2 m N n 1-4D r ,-s CD F‘i:741■�9 c� 0 CO 1111 CO 1 it { (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2050 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of Simmons Street with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the south line of Leslie Avenue to the north line of Wayne Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Simmons Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Leslie Avenue to the north line of Wayne Avenue, be curbed guttered, paved and graded with concrete (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 1+ of (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk ¢' •cp Ott O , p • Z cf Ca • O • O. i o • 0 w m C] O N n D lD (p r CD r 2 co I co oa 1Jl (First Published in The Salina Journal. , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2053 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of South Street with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the east line of Clark Street to the west line of Montrose Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That South Street,a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Clark Street to the west line of Montrose Street, be curbed, guttered, paved and graded with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 ,r (SEAL) Attest: /e7 City Clerk Z et a Zit 5• P CD-,0 A • O I. � CJ tc o zc/2 N • � V a O r _wJ N r> . c.0 C9 i Z. LI co co (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2052 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, paving and grading of South Street with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the east line of Broadway Boulevard to the east line of Clark Street. BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That South Street) a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Broadway Boulevard to the east line of Clark Street, be curbed, guttered, paved and graded with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 22, 1958 Passed: July 29, 1958 :, % or (SEAL) Attest: / 0'/ - . " 'bt-i. City Clerk I ywr fO ¢ `d R+ �+ 0 Ki rd '. Q E' N v a o -1 o c i O N ' . ' r �i CO Co CO 2 a c (First Published in The Mina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2032 A RESOLUTION relating to the curbing, guttering, pairing and grading of Twelfth Street with concrete (Thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) from the south line of Harsh Avenue to the north line of Hamilton Avenue. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Twelfth Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Harsh Avenue to the north line of Hamilton Avenue be curbed, guttered, paved and graded with concrete (thirty-three (33) feet wide from back of curb to back of curb) along with such excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. bY Introduced: ' ,5„__= 7: , 1958 Passed: , 1958 • r ay.i (SAL) Attest: City Cler • F," r.* r. g a. 'cs o �` ¢ 2 E. • , i as p • .. :c) '4:-3..)"'''1-.3 1 I:41": a. Zit 9 w t:8,. C:ri 7 d n ca fi A , F-� 1--+ 11 A VI OD Oil in II 1 (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2066 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of West Place with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the south line of Elm Street to the north line of Park Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That West Place, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the south line of Elm Street to the north line of Park Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: August 19, 1958 Passed: August 26, 1958 per (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk 1101117: P., cr cs) 0 • gr t ti jj ro ® (T D q� O yx' F' o N C D CD Cfl GO CU r D VI CD ■ • (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2058 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Wilson Street with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the east side of Eleventh Street to the west line of Tenth Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Wilson Street/ a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east side of Eleventh Street to the west line of Tenth Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 29, 1958 Passed: August 12, 1958 (SEAL) Attest: 1/M� City Clerk a. \ / • . . \ 2 ? 7 E. ° E. o IX r#Ci / \„ . \ / , I .VP *MO , . , . • 2 © j # } ul ? % / k.noo tglil (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2057 A RESOLUTION relating to the paving and grading of Wilson Street with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) from the east line of Sherman Street to the west side of Eleventh Street. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: That Wilson Street, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the east line of Sherman Street to the west side of Eleventh Street be paved and graded with concrete (Twenty-eight (28) feet wide from toe of gutter to toe of gutter) along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 29, 1958 Passed: rust 12, 1958 If - •r (SEAL) Attest: r 4 ��-- €- �C � City Clerk sz sz 'd F:' •. ¢ 0 @ 1111:: rI'► m a • o 0 RI C] - 55: i et O ui r y e9 ` ‘6 'P '6 Oo (First Published in The Salina Journal , 1958) RESOLUTION NUMBER 2033 A RESOLUTION relating to. the curbing and guttering4of Jewell Avenue from the west line of Funston Avenue to 125 feet west. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: r ki LF That Jewell Avenue, a street in the City of Salina, Kansas, from the west line of Funston Avenue to 125 feet west be curbed and guttered, along with such grading and excavation as may be necessary therefore, and the same are hereby determined to be necessary improvements. Introduced: July 15, 1958 Passed: July 22, 1958 (SEAL) Attest: d iv City Clerk ___________ C-■ Ca • C:1- It :=•. i--1 iritt'D a . c-F 0 P.. 0 .. ,..,. P., Z :t 5 ct) a ei •- 0 ii: Z (11:1 . o gi 'xi CIA • (1) i .-, . , ei- • to C 0 IIMENi 0 ' CI 4, 011.1 • m n f■ 1-4 . C) (1) • 5. C90 COS4 14C:1116 CO