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MRS. HARRIET R. MOSES - 451 SOUTH EIGHTH ST. . SAUNA, KANSAS 54.W 2r, iff7 6c4.4, (01 olovrt, ` (U/7 -j'/ a.. a-W .�...�-o.� /emu, a.,.<. j�rn 6)n v Or °' ale. K:u b - - 7 „ , . THE SALINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS tr SALINA, KANSAS Mce,it GRACE E.STEWART DIRECTOR ELEMENTARY EDUCATION )40C..04•J aele'Llti4 *1 • A , 1P4',7 I, ,, r - 1 tie...,:,,/ >0 A,,e....,..; >71-S---e-dA---6 -.7,04-0-4a-a--t-.1 ,e,. >1..ti etA.-6 ec_i.-e___40--/--4,e(A." , /,�,(4_, �u-t . / - era— a..�...�:1 , -.7fre_t-I-t.L.-4--e--ti - -- ,' - r . "0,9-0-A-•06 . __e_e„)..e.„.:4,z • - , 7 ,, .. .4fe_4c...01 ,- - ------A, .. • / 'r / ,_._-62o r , . ,... i -/,„ - ,1 r - / ,e32,.a...„ 0 4 II / cSafina Pat La O'4EQLL1 V antfl5 UT5soaiaLioa � nz eortat d{ali J c aLtna, - Ransas February 4, 1947 Mr. E .J.Allison, City Manager Salina Kansas Dear Sir: Recently the Salina Public Health Nursing Board received from A.B.Macki< Chairman of Memorial Hall Board,a letter informing us that hereafter we were to pay rent of $20 per month on the room assigned to us at Memorial Hall for the Public Health Nurse ' s office . Our budget as it now is will not carry the added expense and we understand the only room available at City Hall is on the 3rd floor and this of course would be very inconvenient for us as it would be impossible for new mothers and babies ,elderly patients and T .B.patients who do come for chech ups to climb these stairs'. — Scheduled for March is the Crippled Childrens• Clinicand this was asked for by the Medical Society, !?e believe it impossibie • to get the children who come to this up stairs conveniently. The ramps at Memorial Hall are ideal for patients who come In wheelchairs or who must be carried. The T.B. Mobile Unit is scheduled to be in Salina and we think you will agree that the lobby and the present room are an ideal place for this . Thought should be given to the convenience of the Nurse ' s office bei0g available in an emergency while Memorial Hall is in use . That is to say during Conventions and other meetings . :e bring this problem to you hoping you can find some solution for it . • I am, Respectfully yours , . _ • Chr . of Salina Public k alth Nursing Board. l/' i p .-t H 2 0 .4 •r1 yU 0 Si fki WI • m • • June 6, 1947 • A preliminary meeting of boat owners was held at the Kansas Boat and Motor Co. , 145 South 5 St. , for the purpose of- ; forming a Boat Club to improve and promote boating pleasure and safety. Harry Kennerly was nominated for President, Dan Kastner for Vice-President, Dale Hudkins for Secretary and Treasurer. All unanimously elected by vote. The name Salina Boat Club was adopted. • Assessments to defray expenses to promote better boating conditions and safety will be made at a later date. It was also suggested that the city- be asked to help place _ rule and safety signs. Twenty five members were present. . The following rules and regulations were agreed upon as mandatory: 1. Reasonable and safe speed in dock area 2001 each way from foot bridge with marker showing "Turnhere" .' No .boats`npermitted to cut in or turn within this restricted area finless disabled. y 0 � a 2. All boats must cut speed on approaching other "boats -,and must pass at a safe distance on the left of each ©therliwhen possible. Q y 3. All privately owned motors must have muffled exhaust. 4. When overtaking another boat in unrestricted waters, pass on the left as far as practical. • 5. All privately owned boats shall carry life preserver equipment. 6. Full throttle permitted only on reasonable and safe distance :beyond turning markers and. other boats. 7. All boats must have adequate signal lights when ' operated after dark. • No further business so meeting was adjourned. • Salina Boat Club . H. R. Kennerly, Acting S cretary. 1 • • • V' • dncr'L ci 7 1..oc: `O '{.,. .,. Jj. -y.•^( �.•y j .-r,r :10 o:: 7: "'i r, . , -;t'tlY ' _ IJLC . 1"A G. a Tr: ..J:C Ja'o' . .FS J • . Tr it . r . iii 'Iv° 3 .31'. 'J:. .:F.': .: :`.f ;x`. 1, ,J: ..,n•. f[ .'.t. . 't :) :'_-.in.) • ,0r , .t .. ....•c'::, r "'. k}. F.'3' . . . - P. 1' t'(O,Y:, °. .. ^[•C .:ter :f• •.. _ .. ,:`Y _'"J ` ._ i .:C' • t'S 1 ' h a -or' Acc.f) C: :/'9:?r: .?" O C-1 131(4.1[10:.; . Cr 0;. I�.�n .`r}.. ti:: 1.7)• 3l � : J .0`C' ata. a'.'ryi 45.31: .v . :- u r7 fS•..i. ' II':lic., O , ;7;e:; C:i :)•7N:`d•.ncn CD F' `i:: ... . _ •o::a_c thin ,r., 3 .( .'r: r o `- ;.. ir ;.^•'' , ^i:_ - 4;.}`.c. Sij !::7(` fd''- •�j.::JT',:i cr �r.' 'I'.... • • • • • • • r . ; )1%/3 .P:1 tjeSTAttifill SALINA SAFETY COUNCIL SALINA,' KANSAS SEPTEMBER 19, 1947 • City Commission of Salina Salina, Kansas Dear Sirs: The Salina Safety Council at a meeting held on September 11, 1947, unanimously approved the following recommendations for your con siderations The Salina Safety Council recommends that the City-of a t- J Salina establish the following safety precautions in the interest ,of the 0 school children of Salinas " '•r 1. That removable stop signs be erected'at all school crossings where passenger car and truok traffic is heavy " during the arrival and departure hours of students:;, •" r- 2. That with the approval of the Board of Education, the. placement and removal of the stop signs will be the',: 6 r; responsibility of the present school traffic guides:. ` 3. Due to the hazards created by children running out from behind parked cars, we recommend that "No Parking" areas be 'established in front of schools located on heavy traffic thoroughfares. We sincerely hope this matter will meet with your approval and immediate attention. • Respectfully submitted, President • SALINA SAFETY COUNCIL Salina,' Kansas T.LrLI LiL ci ;Id ,Cf. s “0.7.;.12.5.4 % r..) : . • rfcif 00 ';11,,) riff: 0'1-7 • y,.71.1.401-1( . L- abx I.,:fircs ro6 vi'fri,44 • o LC.i e 1C .t44 i-1/-001", rtr.:t.t.tt 0-4 0 - " 4, CV 4) 21 CV C ,;(1.1,5 r4 4 2, 1 +4, r — • g 0 a) —florrt,:‘ it) go,,e, ":".1.;`,E ?) 'La; • ")- C ta .4 +5 1.• I" erteiftriCt.::::.) ;•rft: Id'. V) SI 14 0 IC.P1'. IJ f!.7.- Oi 4-'C S 12.1, S ' • ... _ of 0) .1100 J.:1 '10 0.) 0 rI• cC4) ;)-:./0 111 1-) r..• t.zvV7L ucLr . 0"..1' chi L.1 T1430 bt ;•Fiffr,r1f. 010 0 D..•-)r. f.%) `FL r1 hairnit col-f.fcrtyo•Loc•.t uLflc ) co !-. L1i± cp.!: C.;' • ,•■ - • . • ' .2- , • ; • • Salina, Kansas 22 November 1947 The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners • City of Salina • Salina, Kansas Gentlemen: The Civic Improvement Committee of the Salina Lions Club has voted unanimously in favor of the principle of City Planning. At the regular meeting on Friday, 21 November, the Board of Directors of the Salina Lions Club passed the following Resolution: "WHEREAS, the City of Salina is now enjoying a gratifying growth in population and in general business activity; and WHEREAS, it seems probable that this growth is . destined to continue over a considerable period of time; now, therefore, . BE IT RESOLVED that the Governing Body of the City of Salina be commended for the steps they have taken toward the working out of a comprehensive City Plan, and that they be urged to complete their negotiations with a reputable and competent firm of City Planners as soon as that can be properly arranged; to the end that the future growth of Salina may proceed along orderly lines, and that - the citizens of Salina may enjoy the maximum return from their investments in public improvements, as well as from their investments in industry, business and private homes". It is a pleasure to be able to transmit to you the opinions of this group of Salina' s citizens. R=: .e tfully yours, Murray . Wilson Cha , Civic Improvement Committee Sal Lions Club P • • • • • • • • nr ' ♦ .� i . ... .. .. .. CF • oho 0 - N . . r, . . . ._ . . .. . , r .. . _ 1-S m w oq • • • • • r, MRS. HARRIET R. MOSES - 451 SOUTH EIGHTH ST. - S�ALLINA, KANSAS • Se-doc.„4: , �Z a.vt wo a- vw 4 a.!_4�y. tr t-f- ac %a v • / tee' - r' 10. wire •/1 . � ti L.. ■ • " I • • • • • Salina, Kas. , Mar . 2, 1908.. To the Hon. Mayor and Council, Salina, Kansas . . . Gentlemen: -- We, your committee, appointed to ascertain whether or not the •resolution_heretofore passed by the Mayor and council to pave and curb Ocv-e%rLGk� street in said city, betwcentd-Ara street ands street , has been defeated by protest or protests . filed with the city clerk containing the names of a majority of the resident owners of property liable to taxation for the said improvements of said street , beg leave to report that , after a careful investigation of the matter, aided by a plat of said street and a list of such resident property owners, furnished by a bonded abstracter of Salina, and the protest or protests filed thereto , which plat , list of resident property _ owners ,Liable. to taxation -for said -improvements hne the list or lists of protesters thereto are hereby attached to this report .and made a part of the same, we find the total number of property owners liable to taxation for thee cost of said improvements of .said street , within the limits named, is ; that the. total number of legal signers to such III protest or protests is . St , leaving ax legal of resident owners of property in favor of such resolution and in favot of said mayor anc council acquiring jurisdiction in the matter to be `I Your committee therefore asks that its report be accepted and approved by the council . Fespectfull: , r A20 r 13 / • • Committee . 1\1\ . a • / _-- S : 4.41,-4 i ,--i-aj14,7---e—e--oz- 7 r r Sr... G ,f tM--/ L- i !s`4 y - J . I f C4,1- / ( f - - ' .� - 1.4,-,..4,$ . t rri 6.6.,..i P,,p ,;,,,:::„..e.ta...,1_, ,,,ye. ' 641,,,-, ,."-:,., , c 2 / 4 i — npe— : -°z; 1 is i E , 1 - - --- ___.--- -- - r .? ...1 iiiii- ,6„4 ,,,,i l ,, j '. '', AL 444,6e/ _— -i// _. --. t , ' >vY- 1 bj 1 J ' ' e '.. ' - ' _ _-_-_�: . t.)--- / ,..: ce y ,...„--2 , , ,, I if 611/1/11.44 cYrg,'" i',■ i 1 • I: • . . , . .. • . 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A '4;::,ftrt of t .,y. .4,-, 2 4.o flnel thv tiOt , iri4,i,n1Ir '..:47 7)roprty cl-Infwm, 144h1, -to taxation e.)." - r of -.:'. :31,rt ,, Itthia thJ1 limits - 1 bt .. .7,villt of .-, 1 tagnbru to . nuqh fAA-wiA44-11--' ,:n.:Iti.- or Trott„Ita4ifs. 1,.tari.n-- ftr. 1 ---,1 olir.i4rz of. proprt.r, . 41,1 fwror .,- .4,:,,01 rtoolatiOn. v-A. iq fallotof '41id. Fp..- --Itvor nno c- relnil _wv,41ring jurindlotion in V1.,. 7.' tt,,!,.fr to .J:- Jaomoitt tYArforo •p“.1:A.a --,, At .!..1:. .r. r , be;• actv,pt-pd ,,A, 6. • -!'y ,:: 7±- ;-• ,: :,.! . .,. f.411. 7 ‘ / / / _Aide' Y • ../ Of . . drIP :. comit,„,, . ■iimii .. ..... .. ......... I hereby= certify that the fol1owin3 list of naries are miners of prof, rt:: on Santa Pe Ave and propert:Ir that would be liable to taxation for r r m Santa Fit Ave froN Walnut Street to Crab'.`-, ,o �aXR �.on fo,. p� �, i.�" San�« ford Avenue in the Ci.t`,r of Salina, Kansas as shown hTr the records in the Office o:f the Reo;_ister of reeds of Saline County .Kans . ANT)ERS(17 .Tr)T,rT SOT-71177, SP,IITP. AT)fISnN YARv E, SEE R .r , `Z A1V)ISON KATHARIN} • ,54: SETT? C .7' . Aral SON ').M, STTE1'ET, ROI'MA. Tjp_ATTON J .S . f 5-71FT.T7, J .!3 BET,T,FVIT,T,E S .E. (., -F SEITZ T.P ." uMIT,Y ]'1.PT1TMAN,BY WILT,, SHERF?IN J . BFAT"'ON M._A. f : ;' ST-IERRI1 1-' .p.,t, FROWN 1.P ,34i{T ER7- , r, T�11"s7:T+;ri, n , S'�IERRIN J .E. {' BR.AT)LEI 9 .A SFr-THIN MARY,HEIRS O J ,STTERT 1 / / BRAT)T,EY T ,R . SEIT7 0 , BEAN r J SEIT7 JO} ANNA S , .BRISTOri,J .T, . SEIT7 NET,T,IE A.E. CHURCH TJTITT ERAN. r ta M"T CORAT) E ,E , ST;IT7 ( F)RGT, 0 .P. N SFT_T? CTNAS ,F.W. CRAB P0R. E.?T • / CATTET,T, ! .J . S rIT7 TTENRY .J . v CLINE T.p SEITZ 1 O ,R ,fit'. FEIRS Or OSCAR SEIT7 CHT1Rr'H co? GF,ErATIoNAT . T,_. r - ,.r,-` TWICH �T,T, ; v C AF,T.,., �,R � E.1; . � V- Tr JLI TrT LE E.11t. V ATJT4 ETTE T.TZ *)pIkK:E.*)nnq. _. WATSON 'L 7 2- WIN' ERBOTIZAM J .N. K .M. ETHRTWIE T` S t,i.. W.AIJTCT{,R J .F . EN tTJE LAPT n , '."' W I.M.; eT .rn . .- ERERHART 7-7.P . TAKENTT_IY,17 P . ES :.W. J YORK A .0 . � 6 Fzrrr ,/ T,nTiTA,T, • 720e r= )FREv n err o n tr` 1RI9rinTi'-) •Pd, WITINAP.T 71.1., n n HCART) W• NnT,Adr,TTTr11 HnLINT,TI9T A, T, HnT,Pdcy TTgT r;TTep, r NA(1MAN r.,,n• • 3 : NFYWARf PMM,C • ei ACS ' T.ARrTTA, JONE9 E E ro . 4,144, t/ .. T T Tnri/07' R •A. L' MIT,T,IKI?'' r)•R, 'Q r, 44r C , • MFTFVFH! n•C • L./ MA 9CN .A V.A. NAT'T. CC • NFT,`3nN ! ARV. `� pTFr,�nT,T •I �1 WF,T,finN n •:, d, ( TMs E.D. MP,FR P;,"►•' P.r„T, P ,N, PTTTN.A 4 !, rte- G)TTTIICY T,TTT,TT • 1. ZUTACV or 4'17 RIACP 7•"7. .5-0 RICE .T , �5 r R.rP1IAT^'F ,T ,T, , RICF .T ,w,.TT , TlyrITT *ir, �f. ,,.�?TnI. . •A• max, n7. x. ,.,.,,...N. i .-... ......--t •., 4 . r.,1.\\) \N: big' 1 k\\:\ C � i � , 1 \ )\9 Nii, �� ., • z cz,. r . Pvi )-st , _ ____ N . _____ __,_ . , __._ p!,7___747__ . 11 _ „ 71F-7 Salina, Kas . , Mar. 2, 1908. To the Hon. ?ayor and Council, . Salina, Kansas . Gentlemen: — We, your committee , appointed .to ascertain whether or not the resolution heretofore passed by the mayor and council to pave and curb ---(27 �___T_ _ street in said city, etweeni�� `street and . z- street , has been defeated by protest or protests filed with the city clerk containing the names of a majority of the resident owners of property liable to taxation for the said improvements of said street , beg leave to report that , after a careful investigation of the matter, aided by a plat of said street and a list of such resident property owners , furnished by a bonded abstracter of Salina, and the protest or protests filed thereto , which plat , list of resident property owners liable to taxation for said improvements and the list or lists of protesters thereto are hereby attached to this report and made a part of the same, we find the total number of property owners liable to taxation for th$e cost of said improvements of said street , within the limits named, is jj1 '.$_ _ _, _y ; that the total number of legal signers to such protest or protests is� —a. ___ , leaving a// legal of resident owners of property in favor of such resolution and in favor of said A mayor ant council acquiring jurisdiction in the :smatter to be r �« \ _ Your committee therefore asks that its report be accepted an. '' approved by the council. Respectfully, J� ( ,. --''' r Ar , ' Committee . Resid,: r ':)arty o rrE,, 1 Kansas Ice P Storage Co 2 T .D.Lee Mercantile Co. Lee Hardware Company V 4 Samuel walker 5 Charlotte walker V 6 David Davis • 7 A,nd. RF. Anderson • P Gustaf Anderson v 9 I . Snyder 10 J.J.Richolson ✓ 11 Salina Foundry 8:; Wfg.C o. e / 12 D.E.Barger 13 Z.C.rillikin V 14 Anna Miller ✓ 1.5 Alonzo Lips v- 16 George Lipe V 17 Pharo Miller f 18 J. '.McDaniel 19 Geo.?'T.Benfield 20 H.H.Sudendorf • 21 F.Kubitschek 22 Fred D.Shellabarger 23 Shellabarger Mill a, Elevator Co. 24 Callie Markland v 25 Charlotte Lotz 26 "'m. Putsch 27 western Star Will Co. 28 Theresa Geis 29 C,,.1'T.A.n ersQn ✓ 30 Catherine Peters 31 Pearl N owaornb 32 Ed Lotz 33 P.L.Gsbhart r,s 34 T.W.Carl in ✓ 35 Mrs Lucy A.Bickinson 36 Thos.P.Dickinson 37 A.P.Dickinson 38 Chas Yockers wf 39 John Finley v 40 .A.H.Peters v '41 Carl Benz 42 Chas Kastner ✓ 43 Emma L.Myer 44 Carl F.Myer 45 Ed A.Myer 46 Montrose Vyer 47 A.O .Holmquist 49 C.P.Barrington 49 Geo.Kastner 50 Nelson Bldg. Uerc .Co. 51 A.Stockenberg 52 J.J.Eberhardt r v P . Oititvv 53 k.Shute ✓ 54 S.I .Nelson ✓ 55 F.O.Ostenberg V- 56 Mary J.Prittendall 57 Louis Alt 58 T.'"?.Roach 59 Nettie `.Thompson 60 David Hill V :61 David S.Brotton 62 L.J.Burkland 63 Ed Burkiand 4 64 Tamar A..Derrington f3 Hugr. S . 'n777(;1 1 67 Mrs C.G.Allen(formerly Mrs Mart. O'Brien)4212 N 8th St. ) 68 Marguerite O'Brien. 4212 N 8th St. Above is list of the resident property o—ners of property on Fifth Street between Elm and Walnut Streets, which I think is correct. T.D.Fitzpatrick List of Property affected by Paving Fifth Street,Salina,Karsas from South side of Elm St. to the North Side of Walnut Street. Lot 49 Kansas Ice &: Storage Co. Lot 50 H.D.Lee Mercantile Co. I:ot 51 Kansas Ice & Storage Co. 720 ft52 H.1 .Lee Mercantile Co. S30 ft Lee Hardware Company 53 Kansas ICe & Storage Co. 54 Lee Hardware Company 55 Lee Hardware Company 56 ) Condemned for U.P.Ry.Co. 57 Samuel & Charlotte walker 58 ) former ornem W.R.Reynolds. 59 Lee mercantile Company S 20 ftof58, Public Alley. 61 Lee Mercantile Company 60 John O'Brien deceased See 63 Lizzie A.Converse note submitted herewith. 62 Andrew M.Anderson and Gustaf Anderson 65 Lizzie A.Converse 64 I . Snyder F7 Leidigh &- Havens Lbr.Co. 66 J.J.Richolson 69 1 It n if It 68 Salina Foundry &• Mfg. Cc. 71 It n n n tt 71/270 It It It II It S 1/2 D.r.Berger,S.7. &: J.C.Beyler 73 tt If tt ft tt N1/272 n tf tt It tt n n r S 1/2 ' . Millikin 75 n It 11 tt tf 74 Alonzo anH Goo. tJipe. 77 Anna 1:,=iller 76 ) West 20 f t.of both lots & ) J. 7.7IcDaniel ,Ea7t 100 ft. 79 Pharo Miller 78 ) I . Snyder 31 Geo. 77. Benfield 80 City of Salina 83 Herman H.Sudendorf ^2 City of Salina 35 Herman H.Hudendorf 84 City of Salina 07 Herman H.Sudendorf 86 City of Salina 04 Herman H.Sudendorf 88 Ferdinand Mubitsehek 91 Fred D. Shellabarger rr 1/290 R.8.Turner 93 Shellabarger M.&.E.Co. s 1/2 John H. Alley Nl/2 92 W.C.Alley 95 Salina Mill & El e.Co. S 1/2 'T.M. Markland � & Callie arkland 97 Mrs Charlotte Lotz 94 W.TM.Clark & Callie Parkland N1/299 Western Star Mill Co. N1/2 96 -.'".Clark & Callie ".Iarkland 21/2 H.H.Sudendorf S 1/2 Wm. Putsch 96 J.E.MMcDanjel N1/2101 Catherine Peters 100 Theresa Geis S 1 2 Ed Lotz N1/2 102 C.V.And.erson 71 2103 Ed Lotz S1/2 Pearl Newmomb 31/2 T.W.Carljn 194 P.L.Gebhart 105 Mrs LucyA.Dickinson 106 P.L.Gebhart Tom.P.Dickinson and A.fl..Di ckinson 108 Wm.0ourtney Marshall 107 Charles Yockers Iron Avenue Lot 109-111 &Northl/2 113 110 East 62ft. Abrahm H.Peters VT 48ft.Jno.F111.16y -- and middle 18ft. ,Carl Benz . middle 24ft.Emma L.r:Iyer, 112 ?west 40ft. Chas.Kaetner Carl F.Myar,Ed A.Myer and Bart Myer,Montrose Myer E 48 ft. A.H.Poters Portion of private Alley(middle 24ft. SiOft.of N1/2 Lot 113 ) ' seems to belong to heirs of Andrew Muir,deceased. -, S1/2 113 Clauda P.Barringten . 114 A.J.Holmquist N 1/" 115 A.J.Holmquist S 1/2 Salina,S.W. Ry.Co. 0####. 116 A.J.Holmquist 117 Sal.ina, S ..''. Ry.Co. S30ft. 118 George Kastner 110 Heirs of James Johnson N2Oft 118 A.J.Holmquist 121 J.J.Eberhardt 120 Nelson Bldg.& ;Iorc.Co. 123 J.J.Eberhardt 122 A. Stockenherg 125 J.J.Fberhardt 124 City of Salina 127 Mary J.Brittendail 126 Albert Shute 129 Carolina L.Johnson 128v S .I .Nelson and F.0.Ostonberg • A11 1117- i 1 ) Fifth Street, Con't 'd. Lot 131 Caroline L.Johnson 130 Louis Alt q 133 ilary E. Keith 132 Thos —. Roach 135 S1/2 David Hill 134 N1/2 Thos —.Roach N1/2 Lars J.Burkland and 3 1/2Nettie ".Thompson 7d Burkland 136 David S. Brotton 137 Hugh 0 . Maxwell 138 'amar A.Derrinvton °7thl 1908 . hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct list of the owners of record of the several tracts of land herein mentionedlas is shown by the Records in the Office the Re7istr of heeds of Saline County, Kansas. This certificate made for the Committee on Paving of the Council of City of Salina for their use and benefit. ;frir ii Abstracter mur Note,concerning title to Lot :'160 on Fifth Street, Salina, Kansa �. title to the property of record is in John O'Brien, John O 'Brien died, ' intestate as far as any records in this county show,leaving a widow, afterward married to David Davis, and two sons,whooe ma es I think wore John and Martin. !!rs O'Brien,afterwards ''rs David Davis,has since died, leaving a will, so T am told, leaving her property to her husband,David Davis. Thli will has never been probated in this County. John O'Brien now lives in Chicago, and according to the law of descents of State of Kansas, ownes one fourth of said property. Martin O'Brien married, and afterwards died, leaving a widow and one daughter,named !. arr,t rite O 'Brien. His widow has since married one S .G.Allen and now lives at - 2l2 North 8th Street. According; to the law of descents lire 1.G.A17_an and her daughtor, ' ar ;aurite O 'Brien each own an undivided one eighth interest in said property. c9 1 os Lo o I \ 4-) 0 0 • N I Cf) 0 +3 \ \ CI) 0 irla r4 r-1 03 pm I .... o i +3 I Sr (A sd ref at a> Pi N 1 Xi P-i . . +3 ti-4 0 . • . \ •P‘ :. En 0 te 1 _ ■ '),c go 0 )4 II 0 Z ' \ $.4 o3 El Pi 4-4 0 ,. +) 1 1 r ! • aW. lo Yiln1) . • c. *'0.,1?, 1: -7 • • f',,olltli°, v, ,, pi'..,n-.1°,:,,,, to ., e:,:ir-thll. '',!1•!,:l*". --,r !')r .,':':ot t'.,..;-:: r. olutir h-v. ,I,Joeore vi.•$:,..: 40,_ 1,..°; . t :A ,.. .0,,,:',;]',41,' ,:Inl- cP'-', .:Iil t'o ',..,,w!,:) '';',n::i. •':', ''',,,r''''';' • 7/4er./,( >42(-4 'atr9t, in. r,,,, .-.1,4 :,:llt-;;; 7ty,--A-4 ,';),.14?:114Z l''',',, -;',' ••• --....„ •............,__,,......., . 1"." .....2(A-,, ,, , . r t 't.iN,,7,1 .Tsn de.:Lf :°, 1 '.',:c' •.:.,rt,,, ,?At (ye ,':; -,A•6 fi .d, , ,i,t'L. t'',.-A. ndt • clerk coth,,in.inc •tho rmm. . or mklorit:i, 1-..f! tb,,f; , r681,Arl. ty'vtrsiof propr.ii*ty lkbl,til. ,to •tasAton for tho aet'.14 tvrolloontito . IvIg.. 1qavo. W rewl th4t , 4171-,Qr4 04rona initiltion • • ,-....,f t'r,. niz.,•Ltrv.•tild-tvl• Iv A .plat • of •laid:-strt 4,r0 4 lAst of awih. rftddilnt • • • in.7-opfwILy •ovrtlta'o* •viirl'I':HgbP4 by• 4 'bOrA4 ,,,i,ltr4.011, P, of l*kli.: 4 f, TI. thn ._.:..et4t. or .,rv.1-t., - .:0 fIl.. i ,,, ,,r,J.*o, ..,. . p'.1 $ Ilat of roaiOttprevtrly • 04Vera 144b1.6.-W- •thxtion • ror o4.1d• Ilpro.,:r .n11$ . 4nd thd list. or Ii3tti Of • ! f 1 z,rot.trit1:- ,:b,*rto :-..,r h','..,?. '-7%: ,..A.1., h,..."4 :.:o tbiz' eapmt. atld ivAdp • A lArt of . t};;.;;:o • sh..it,v. .- No-Hrilid tht to,tbj • r14,,4, ,flr of peo) ivq. ollil.tws 114bie t, .!.f, .tIt.ntAtion for tho0. tw'st, 6f aii4d 1.1*1-tolme.l.nt.8 of ..tmid 3trt4 Ysithin :t linitY..1 • /,___ _,— . • - • . • - • ....,..b t!N:l.' -;......r. t .t.A .or I.,,,Tt,..y.t::11 '-.14 • 1.7_,_ __,J 1-2-,1.r.l. ...:1;,t 1.1!..TA4. ,°,1=1.04.7wAttt. of rbidt'nt • • ,'.'..!,:,:in.,'...:r..J o.-Z.' -..;:::,ro,. .w.:!'t„:: 1,,.-; :::', ..,..., :r ,..., ,,.' ,..::-.rta ..r, ol-,:.,,,. ..:in :,'-!.d ir falter. of 0.,,er to 7 aclo,::ptelA ,,..,nd , .. , dr ' • .-/'/ . -/' /! -• . . .. THE GLOBE-WERNICKE LEGAL WRAPPER—Patented Feb. 11, 1890—FIRST QUALITY. DIRECTIONS—Elevate the metal points—attach the manuscript—then bend the points down flat—dampen the gummed flap and stick it down—this fastens the papers and hides the metal. I • . ! • . i : \.. ( . . \ \ . (W. • • 1 ,...\D . .N. • . 1 Ns:t: .•' ... 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Col.J.n.c .:_al :. .... :Ale.•-•-• :..-.- our lol..:: .t,t.e,.-: ...::' ;c,:int, .,,e, to , c ,:i7t , ,-.i. ..:liothk.;r or :• -t '...::e rooLtior 7::. -...'xto26re Tcl, 171,1, :the : or ;.id col2r,cil to TJ ,..re ,nd curb otroot in oadd ('it , 1141)Oty, 47; ' • otnxIt OwntSIMAWIt..1.3.**140....***4 .':,, (r.... ,,,'1•Ae41 ...... • 2.,ree , ..i..I.. .o ,men defeat .. ,4 1)101,08 Of J°(11,, b z4 filc.6. - itll t'''i±; cit.:: clerk containing the naneu of 'a Aajority of the rooidert o',./7.1er of proprty liable to taxation for the said i4rovemento of .::ai ...: :A.-.ceet , l'inc: 1. ,.:2:T.! to r.:.4,ort thzA ,•- after •a oaroful inirestition of te . ,,.J..tter, ,,..i::.f:d I . .Li: .flt of iflid. otreet and a liot of olAch reeident o pf -perty •orier'S.,• rurn,', .i,:he(-'3. 1.%,./ ord.0,,!d 4,4,.hti5trtt of 'Itildira, n,nd t1-11) protot or protoots filE,d. thereto , 41A.ch •plat , lit of resident 1)roperty • . • ovInor'4 I '11,e to te,,xtion. for ,.:, .. iro've:Tients :.4..rd the liot or 'lots of ,-irOtestoro thoreto LrT 1: 1 : ,-.tt,. ' oA. to tkA6 •IPco rt o„rld ..f.: d6 -,i, part of the 21.',,,, , wt ,find tkle totl nul,or f.:f :4'01.; r1,7 cy:vrcrL, lihi,,, to tar,Ition for th.;Je coot of 1,. :tid ft.. 'A"com2,7-.;ntl, of j...'!:. 31', t , ...j.tlin th.-) i.inli ,•. ',1 r4llod,' ii:; *._. ; 1:rat thc tot ,1 n,,,i!Thr of :.. w:,a1 .. incro o ouch protoOt 01 pro tc;A$ i.z. Tb , 1-yaving .,;;e.' I vmilic-mov.gidt,4 of reident . ...._____._ ' owners of ;:,,roperty in •.faver of f:luch ,resolution nd in fw7et of oid mayor =itne c?,:unci1 ac:A4r.:1,r jvrilict ion in t''.a. ::attr to .1,....::•,j. ,___ . - , Your' e(..) :itte:',6 'therefore :.%:.' s t b,t its ro.port '''':.::.... ..'.. 7•.,' ''-', . .7.,, cil . 7. 2.. ,5(,*1:1)...L.J.,:‘:_,. f/./J 74c& . Conaitto . 1 1 Ii ' Resident property owners 9ffoctea-by Faving of Ash street _rom rrest side of Fourth Street to East side of Seventh Street. 1 J.J.Richolson 2 Anna Miller 3 F. A .Maynard 4 N.N.Sudendorf 5 Salina mill 7.0o. (no-T,Shellagargor 6 I .Snyder 7 Salina Foundry (9- "fg.00T, 8 ). Berger 9 7.C.Millikin 10 Alonzo Lipo 11 George Lipe 12 J.7.McDaniel 13 F.Kubitschek 14 Callie Markiand 15 Pharo Miller 16 Geo.w.Berfield 17 Fred D. Sbellagargor 18 J.T.T7ells 19 Alev Berg 20 C.L.Ong 21 A."Y.Laughlin 22 Alice A.Nuyett 23 Tcate m.Ethridge '4 Salina Silver Leaf Temple No.15,0rder of 12 [ 25 Sunbeam Tabernacle No.710rder of 12 26 Johanna s.,7eits 2.7 Theo.P.T'T. Soitz 28 Chas. Seitz 29 Nellie Seitz 30 George Seitz 31 J.F.Yerrill 32 Natural Body Brace Co. 33 T'T.H. Skelton 34 Geo. Nolzreistor 35 Francis T7. Tucker 36 Lucretia Claflin 37 T.C.Wallace 08 7.T.Jones 39 J.L.Bishop 40 C.G.Bulkley 41 H.D.Lee 42 J.Durcan 43 Geo. 17eisgerber 44 Mary Wright 4s James Mason 46 Jacob Sands 47 7ato Gracey 48 J.F.Thomas 49 Mary J.Thomas 50 Geo.P .TTolzmeister 51 Maggie ". Moore 52 Simon J. Morin 53 F.K.Baier 54 Mr C . Bucholtz 55 Pearl Ripke 56 George Ripka 57 Mary A. Skelley 58 Mary M. Couse 59 Emma Aldrich felt#6 . . i . Property affected by Ash Street Paving, from west side of Fourth St. to East Side of Seventh Street, Salina, Kansas. Property fronting on Fourth St. Tot 64 S1/2 J.J.Richolson 66 J.J.Richolson 68 Loidigh P, Havens Lbr.Co. 70 if tf 9 9 9 72 if 9 if if 9 74 9 9 .1 It 9 76 Anna Miller 78 s! s 80 F.A.Traynard 82 F. k.T1-aynard 84 F.F.Sudendorf 86 H.F. Pudendorf 88 7.7. Sudendorf 90 7.1-T.Sudondorf • 92 Salina n11 ' Eie.Co 94 N 1/2 Salina Mill P vle.Co. Property fronting on Fifth Street. Lot 64S1 /2 I .Snyd,,r S1/2 63 Lizzie " .Converse 66 J.J.Bicholson 65 it 9 II 68 Salina Foundry & Mfg.Cc 67 Loidigli MavensLbrCo. 707 1/s Salina Foundry l!fg.Co 69 9 9 9 9 9 712S 1/2 T).17.Berger,J.C.P- F.'s.Beylr 71 it 9 9 11 if 72r 1/2 D.T .Borger J .0 .&.5.1 .Bey1r 73 It 11 It 11 /1 72S 1/2 Z.C.7il1i1-in 75 9 if if ft 9 744 Alonzo Lipe,Geo.Lipe 7637est 20 ft,J.7-1.1TcDaniel 77 Anna Miller and 'tkitk WfOffW 70)Eatt 100 ft. I .Snydor 80 City of Salina 79 Pharo Miller 82 City of Salina 81 Geo.7. Penfield 84 City of S'alina 85 H.H.Sudendorf 86 City of c•3alinn, 85 H.F.Sudendorf 88 Ferdinand Kubitechek 87 7.F.Sudendorf 90 71/2 R.S.Turner 89 H.F . Sudendorf S 1/2 John 7.Alley 92 71,/2 r-.C.Alley 91 Fred 01). Shollabarger 92 S 1/2 "T.'-.Clarl<-. (F Caine TJarkland 1/2 7.'T.C1ark P- Callie iTarkland 93 N1/2 Shellagarger 7•&...7.00 . Property fronting on Santa Fe Avenue. 64 S1/2 J.T.volls & Alex Borg 63 S1/2 H.D.Loe 65 X 1/2 C.L.Ong 65 J.Duncan S 1/2 A.W.Laughlin 67 71/2 .7.Duncan 68 71/2 Alice A .ThoyettV S1/2 Gilbert O.Taft S 1/2 Kate 7.rthridge 70 N 1/2 Salina Silver Loaf Temple GO 71/2 !!artin3ohnson f15 Order of 12 and C1/2 D.r.Berger,J.C. and Sunbeam Tabernacle r0.7 r.E.Deyler Order of Twelve 72 John F. Merrill 71 Geo "Teisgerber 74 71/2 NaturalBodyBrace Co 73 Alonzo '8- Gc-o.Lipe S 1/2 "T.H.Skelton 76 7.K.Criley 75 J.L.Bishop 78 Til.T?,-.Criley 77 J.L.Bishop 70 5 1/2 ilehanna '?.Seitz, Theo B .—. Seitz,Charles Peitz, Geo. Seitz,Nellie Seitz and Henry Seitzpheirs of Oscar Seitz,docoascd' ■ i 1 Ash Street,Contd. Property fronting on Santa Fe Avenue. Lot80 E 70 ft of the N 1/2 Lot 79 Mary 'right,East part Geo.Holzmoistor & Geo.P. Tim Hoyne,North and West Holzmeiti ter J.Duncan,Sou.th and West 7 50 ft. of N 1/2 and all see plat. of S 1/2,Francis E.Tucker 82 Lucretia Claflin 81N1/2 J.Duncan S 1 2Leon rTati ,ClaraSchippol 84N 1 2T.C.T7allace 8351 2 Heirs GotthartSchippel Sit Lucy M.Lawton N1/2 James Mason 80 Lucy M.Lawton ssN1/s Heirs Gotthart Schippel S1/2 Jacob Sands 88N1/2 Lucy M.Lawton 87 Kate Gracoy S1/2 F.T.Jones 90N1/2ofNl/2Lucretia Claflin 89 Heirs Go' hart Schippel S1/2ofN1/2E.T.Jones N24ft S 1/2GotthartSchippel heirs S 1 ft. J.L.Bishop 92 Ni/2 J.L.Bishop 91 N1/2 Schippel Heirs S1/2 C.G.Bulkley S1/2 City of Salina 94 N1/2 C.G.Bulkley 93 N1/2 Schippel Heirs Property Fronting on Seventh 5ttoet,East side. Lot 6S S 1/2 J.F.Thoma.s r. "Tarr J.Tho~ as �, M 65 `--) J.F.Thomas and.P-raryJ.Thomas. ,,�� `� l v i 67 Heirs of. r.' .Hu11 (non-residents ) 69 Maggie M.Moore 71 Simon J.Morin 73 P.T.PitzeP, & M.P.Pitzer 75 J.C. Stevens 77 J.C. Stevens 79 F.K.Baier 81 F.K.Baier 83 Mrs C.Bucholtz 85 Pearl Ripke 87 George Rieke 89 Mary A .Skelley J.L.B1 shop 91 Mary V.Couseand Emma Aldrich 93 Ni/2 Mary M.Couse and Fmma Aldrich Salina, Feb 57th, 19f8. I hereby cer' ify that the above and foregoing is a correct list of the owners of record of the several lots or parcels of ground herein mentioned as is shown by the :t e,lords in the office of the Re sister of Deeds of Saline Cornts:f, Kansas. This certificate made for th Cow rittee on Paving of the Council of the City of Salina for their use. / Abstracter. • 1 N. ...\ IN' . k .i. • c• tzi a) la iN , go CO • IQ . ' ‘ Ci• . .• C+ 0 CO ili 0 )e÷ "S! N Ca C+ ...• '- • .-o . .H. I CO a) ul .F.J. il) I 0" • %\ 1--.. a) A 1-1. !••-> 10 \ \ 0 )-b Z tti .o lc+ II \ \ k 4 cr) A il to 1 1 o I* • 0 4 0. lip) P\ v \ '& c+ Z.71 I'd • go N.. 141 4:4 ' . Ell 0 ■ ■ c+ rn at I?I, cl. • ■ ‘ : -. .. • , . .