1969-1973 Farm LeaseFORM ASCS-476 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (4-6-66) Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service NOTICE OF WHEAT FARM ACREAGE ALLOTMENT IMPORTANT To all persons who as operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper will for the crop year shown, be interested in the wheat T produced on the farm for which this acreage_allotment_is_established. - Yeur'p •sporal-a entio t -is -called t� all rileoints-set- "a ='aNQ.eICE--- --forth below. Read them carefully. Your local ASCS office will gladly answer any questions you may have. OTHER FARM IDENTIFICATION FARM NO NAME AND ADDRESS FARMLAD_ ... CROPLAND Tom. r fig✓ 7 n.. O P,3 1 + iii) R"4 ;.,S E tp . eAYYF a K,}-, T A5 %11Z W'14 A„': r t 3.dx a;.l iia.d O ! _a E R73. to ;.,S E tp . eAYYF a K,}-, T A5 %11Z W'14 A„': R. ,e i L You are hereby given notice of the WHEAT OWNERS ACREAGE I FARM ACREAGE ALLOTMENT (Acres) 4 CROP MAILING YEAR DATE NAMEAND ADDRESS OF ASCS COUNTY COMMITTEE SIGNATURE OF COMMITTEEMAN ALLOTMENT for the crop year shown established for the above identified farm. REVIEW OF FARM ACREAGE ALLOTMENT. Any producer who feels that the farm acreage allotment shown hereon is incorrect or inequitable as compared to like data determined for similar farms similarly operated, may request the county committee to reconsider the -matter. To 'be considered, the request must be in writing and mailed or delivered to the county committee within 15 days from the above mailing. Please report immediately to the RSCS county office if: (1) There is any question about the farm for which this allotment is established, (2) You will not operate the above identified farm in the crop year shown or (3) Any change occurs for the crop year shown in the ownership, operation, or control of the farm, or if there is any change in the total land in the farm from that shown above as a result of subdivision, sale or renting of additional land. If a change is made in the farm for the crop year shown which affects the above allotment, this notice shall not be effective and a revised notice of the corrected allotment will be furnished. I� 3. Maintain the farm conserving base. In ad- dition, put to conserving use wheat acreage di- verted without payment, wheat acreage diverted for payment, and acreage diverted from oats -rye or barley bases under the substitution option when used. 4. Keep within all other allotments estab- lished for the participating farm. 5. Keep within the wheat allotment or permit- ted acreage on any other farm in which you have a;• interest. 6. Certify compliance with the program and ; carry out your agreement. l (To help you meet program provisions fully, measurement service is available at a nominal cost upon request.) For further details, including approved conserv- ing uses' for diverted acres, consult your Agri- cultural Stabilization and Conservation Service ( ASCS) county office. GPO 809-030 oz 1969 WHEAT PROGRAM 1. The national wheat allotment for 1969 has been established at 51.6 million acres. For 1968 it was 59.3 million acres. The reduction has been made necessary by another bumper crop produced throughout most of the world in 1968. This reduction in allotment makes necessary a diversion program similar to that available in 1966. There will be diversion payments for di- verting acreage from wheat below the farm allot- ment. The 1969 program again provides for price support loans, marketing certificates and substi- tution between wheat and feed grains. Wheat farmers who wish to receive income un- der the wheat program should sign up and then plant wheat, divert additional acreage or use the substitution provisions in accordance with the program. Wheat history on land signed up in the Cropland Adjustment Program, Cropland Con- version Program, Conservation Reserve, and Great Plains Program is protected. PROGRAM OPTIONS The 1969 wheat program offers several op- tions. These are: 1. You can sign up, divert to conserving use an acreage equal to 15% of your 1969 farm allot- ment, and plant wheat on all your wheat allot- a ment acres. 2. You can elect to plant less than your full allotment, earn diversion payments and qualify for domestic marketing certificates. By planting 43 percent of your allotment and meeting other program requirements, you can qualify for the maximum of certificates. United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service PA -875 June 1968 3. You tan sign up to overplant your allot- ment by up to 50 percent, store the excess pro- duction, and be eligible for marketing certificates and price support loan on the wheat not stored. 4. You can substitute wheat for feed grains (corn and grain sorghum) on a farm if you sign up and participate in both programs. 5. If your farm has an oats -rye or barley base, you can, upon request at signup, also become el- igible to substitute wheat for oats -rye or barley by diverting to conserving uses 15 percent of the oats -rye or barley base. Neither diversion pay- ments nor price support payments are available for oats -rye or barley. When you substitute wheat for oats -rye or barley, you will lose wheat pro- gram benefits unless you (1) participate in the feed grain program if you have a feed grain base, or (2) produce no corn or grain sorghum if you have no feed grain base. 6. You can elect to substitute feed grain for wheat if you sign up and participate in both pro- grams provided you are not substituting wheat for barley or oats -rye. Payment for the diversion will be made at the diversion rate for the crop actual- ly diverted. PROGRAM BENEFITS Farmers who sign up and qualify are eligible for these benefits: 1. Price support loans on their entire farm wheat production (except any stored excess wheat). The national average loan is $1.25 a bushel. 2: Diversion payments for diverting below the farm allotment. Rates are based upon 50 percent of the county wheat loan rate times the farm's projected yield. Maximum diversion for payment will be the larger of 50 percent of the allotment or the difference between 25 acres and the non- payment diversion (acreage equal to 15 percent of the farm allotment) but not to exceed the farm allotment. 3. Domestic marketing certificates on 43 per- cent of the projected production of the farm allot- ment. Certificates will be issued for about 520 million bushels, the expected domestic food use for 1969. The law requires domestic certificates to be issued for no more than the expected do- mestic food use. These certificates will be val- ued at the difference between full wheat parity and the $1.25 per bushel national average loan value. Parity for wheat in May 1968, was $2.63 per bushel. MARKETING CERTIFICATE SHARING Funds for marketing certificates will be di- vided among landlord and tenants as they share in the 1969 wheat crop, unless a different dis- tribution can be justified and is approved by the ASC State Committee. TO TAKE PART 1. Sign up with the ASCS county office dur- ing a signup period which will be announced. 2. Have an acreage- of wheat no larger than your allotment (or no larger than permitted acre- age if you use the substitution, additional di- version or excess acreage options). FOF�M;,ASCS-476 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE l5-21-711 Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service NOTICE OF WHEAT FARM DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT AND SET-ASIDE REQUIREMENTS IMPORTANT The attention of all persons, who have an interest in the wheat produced on this farm, is called to the points set forth below for the crop year shown. Read them carefully. Your local ASCS office will NOTICE gladly answer any questions you may have. FARM DOMESTIC ALLOTMENTSET-ASIDE REQUIREMENTS This acreage must be set This allotment DOES (Exctudes your normal conserving base) NOT limit the acreage _ aside in conserving uses 1 for crop year shown for this of wheat you may farm to be Acres a produce on this farm. A a Acres a eligible for wheat pa program participation. r—FARM NO O P,�} E R EE T f2 NAME AND ADDRESS FARMLAND 'CROPLAND i `i' i ; ' A iv'.i 2021 J -.'+s NAME AND ADDRESS OF tt ;y p .r+ !�, g,o1� �,, + ,� ,I,; _ - COUNTY ASC ,1 J� iJAt 11.''.3Rf A i1:S 614 ,16 -. {? . ;i^i �S,i �,�5.'3£�.> s COMMITTEE . {��T h p y� {�{ SOF IGNATURE r xf'rJkL��t T. Cl i' Mi lii�ilil t4 •w�"•�I A ;:,. COMMITTEEMAN w i i',1 `Ir ").,L F CROP MAILING DATE LC.fi YEAR You are hereby given notice of the WHEAT DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT:gnd WHEAT SET-ASIDE REQUIREMENT for the crop year shown for the above identified farm. REVIEW OF FARM DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT. If any producer on this farm feels that the wheat allotment for this farm is incorrect or inequitable, he may request the county committee to recorisider the matter. To be considered, the request must be in writing and mailed or delivered to the county committee within ,15 days from the above mailing date. Please report immediately to the ASCS county office if; (1) You will not operate the above identified farm in the crop year shown, (2) Any change occurs for the crop year shown in the. ownership, operation, or control of the farm, or if there is any change in the total land in the farm from that shown above as a result of subdivision, sale or renting of additional land. If a change is made in the farm for the crop year shown which affects the above allotment, this notice shall not be effective and a revised notice of the corrected allotment will be furnished. OTHER PRODUCER Farm_?o o_ _210 Dear Producer: The 1`_'72 conserving 1)ase for your farm is acres. This letter serves as your official notice of the conserving Lase. If any prouucer on the farm feels that the conserving base is incorrect, he may request the county committee to reconsider the matter. To ',e considered, the request must ,e in writing and mailed or eielivered to the county 11.Dc committee wit' -Ain 15 days from the date of this letter. The farm con- serving ?ease must be maintained in an; approved. conservation use and is in addition to tae set -asides acreage ASCS-516 (Notide) U:S. (10-20-72) t,,_Agricu(tural St'biliz6fion NOTICE OF�ALLOTMENTiBASE j Feed Grain, Me st'.And FARM- CROP* 0FARM NO. NAME & ADDRESS LAND •` LAND P U I X4 R N T N OL1,11, '�11 Z-*AF� R A D r 0 W D N N R L B. GRAIN C'i4op ALLOT. �E INTEfN.E.,, S ET - ASIO 2 YIELDL P� 3 A. CORN SORGH. _j CONSERVING BASE APPEALS Any r producer on this farm may request the county committee to inequitable. The request ell must be in writing and mailedvered '-except the conserving base may be reconsidered through -sign '-up.He feed grain base acreages, or yields of which the producer, haen the reason for requesting reconsideration and the adjustment which t UPLAND COTTON YIELD AND PAYMENT Program yields and payment rates for upland cotton are b:ised-in p; column for upland cotton a program yield has not been .established preceding crop year. When the -production evidence is fuirni . shed a notice of yield and paym'ent-rates. If acceptable prod uction'evide-nce, i zerot for the purpose of computing payment yields in fu ure years. PROGRAM PARTICIPATION To participate in the Feed Grain, Wheat, or U 0 , Upland C tton-Program during the sign-up period. z YEAR NOTICE MAILED 1111111111111111WAMAWA NAME AND ADDRESS OF COUNTY ABC COMMITTEE IMPORTANT NOTICE to all persons who as operator, tenant or sharecropper will have an interest in ,the crops %- hown for this farm. Your attention is called 40 the contents of this notice- Read it carefully. Your !ocal-.,';j 46hty ASCS office will gladly answer any ques- ongyou ll'tnav have. he faiinoperator is responsible to promptly report any changes irinq­".r�,-. -crop year in the ownership or operation of the farm, or iangesin-tfib land on the farm as a result of subdivision, sale, pur- jqy"l. Changes must be reported to the county ASCS fice. if a:change is made during the crop year, this notice will not effective -and a revised notice will be furnished. :Onsidev- any entry on this form which he believes is incorrect or )'thecounty committee within 15 days of the above mailing date ever,,, this,-n6tice does not extend the appeal period for allotments, � - 'I revioust y -'.; notified for this crop year. Each request should include ;producer .._b..�61ieves should be made. ori the Z .4Akin's actual production. If no entry appears in the yield acause;� �,producers have not furnished production evidence for the acc"d :=1y the county committee, the operator will be sent a of furnished, the preceding year's production shall be considered the .operator , must file his intention with the county ASCS office N N D A D as s M i. D M' N D B. GRAIN A D M SORGH. I N A D D C. BARLEY M N A D W D _j CONSERVING BASE APPEALS Any r producer on this farm may request the county committee to inequitable. The request ell must be in writing and mailedvered '-except the conserving base may be reconsidered through -sign '-up.He feed grain base acreages, or yields of which the producer, haen the reason for requesting reconsideration and the adjustment which t UPLAND COTTON YIELD AND PAYMENT Program yields and payment rates for upland cotton are b:ised-in p; column for upland cotton a program yield has not been .established preceding crop year. When the -production evidence is fuirni . shed a notice of yield and paym'ent-rates. If acceptable prod uction'evide-nce, i zerot for the purpose of computing payment yields in fu ure years. PROGRAM PARTICIPATION To participate in the Feed Grain, Wheat, or U 0 , Upland C tton-Program during the sign-up period. z YEAR NOTICE MAILED 1111111111111111WAMAWA NAME AND ADDRESS OF COUNTY ABC COMMITTEE IMPORTANT NOTICE to all persons who as operator, tenant or sharecropper will have an interest in ,the crops %- hown for this farm. Your attention is called 40 the contents of this notice- Read it carefully. Your !ocal-.,';j 46hty ASCS office will gladly answer any ques- ongyou ll'tnav have. he faiinoperator is responsible to promptly report any changes irinq­".r�,-. -crop year in the ownership or operation of the farm, or iangesin-tfib land on the farm as a result of subdivision, sale, pur- jqy"l. Changes must be reported to the county ASCS fice. if a:change is made during the crop year, this notice will not effective -and a revised notice will be furnished. :Onsidev- any entry on this form which he believes is incorrect or )'thecounty committee within 15 days of the above mailing date ever,,, this,-n6tice does not extend the appeal period for allotments, � - 'I revioust y -'.; notified for this crop year. Each request should include ;producer .._b..�61ieves should be made. ori the Z .4Akin's actual production. If no entry appears in the yield acause;� �,producers have not furnished production evidence for the acc"d :=1y the county committee, the operator will be sent a of furnished, the preceding year's production shall be considered the .operator , must file his intention with the county ASCS office N A D D M i. M' N A A D D ID D _j CONSERVING BASE APPEALS Any r producer on this farm may request the county committee to inequitable. The request ell must be in writing and mailedvered '-except the conserving base may be reconsidered through -sign '-up.He feed grain base acreages, or yields of which the producer, haen the reason for requesting reconsideration and the adjustment which t UPLAND COTTON YIELD AND PAYMENT Program yields and payment rates for upland cotton are b:ised-in p; column for upland cotton a program yield has not been .established preceding crop year. When the -production evidence is fuirni . shed a notice of yield and paym'ent-rates. If acceptable prod uction'evide-nce, i zerot for the purpose of computing payment yields in fu ure years. PROGRAM PARTICIPATION To participate in the Feed Grain, Wheat, or U 0 , Upland C tton-Program during the sign-up period. z YEAR NOTICE MAILED 1111111111111111WAMAWA NAME AND ADDRESS OF COUNTY ABC COMMITTEE IMPORTANT NOTICE to all persons who as operator, tenant or sharecropper will have an interest in ,the crops %- hown for this farm. Your attention is called 40 the contents of this notice- Read it carefully. Your !ocal-.,';j 46hty ASCS office will gladly answer any ques- ongyou ll'tnav have. he faiinoperator is responsible to promptly report any changes irinq­".r�,-. -crop year in the ownership or operation of the farm, or iangesin-tfib land on the farm as a result of subdivision, sale, pur- jqy"l. Changes must be reported to the county ASCS fice. if a:change is made during the crop year, this notice will not effective -and a revised notice will be furnished. :Onsidev- any entry on this form which he believes is incorrect or )'thecounty committee within 15 days of the above mailing date ever,,, this,-n6tice does not extend the appeal period for allotments, � - 'I revioust y -'.; notified for this crop year. Each request should include ;producer .._b..�61ieves should be made. ori the Z .4Akin's actual production. If no entry appears in the yield acause;� �,producers have not furnished production evidence for the acc"d :=1y the county committee, the operator will be sent a of furnished, the preceding year's production shall be considered the .operator , must file his intention with the county ASCS office irh ASCS-476%U: S. DEPT E R-2-73) Agr'icultuial Stab NOTICE OF FARM WHEAT,ALLOT M P O R TA N T The attention of .al I person - N O T I C E the points set forth below _I gladly answer any question FARM WHEAT ALLOTMENT ACRES SET -7 This cllotmentDOESNOT- hmlt the acreage :of'-; -'. f wheat you may produce -,J."':, a / on this farm. FARM NO. NAME AND ADDRESS FARMLAt; O lR -. 01, h, C. -J T I11, S 'l 2 S W AULIINA 67401 R You are hereby given notice of the WHEAT ALLOTMENT or ,shown for the above identified farm. REVIEW OF ALLOTMENT AND CONSERVING BASE. f base for this farm is incorrect or inequitable, he m'ay re( request must be in writing and mailed or deli veredito the Please report immediately to the county ASCS.office ifs:' (1) You will not operate the above identified farm'in th (2) Any change occurs for the crop year shown,fn-the c the total land in the farm from that showri,.above as If a change is made in the farm for the crop year shown: revised notice of the corrected allotment will bre._furnish 1 t �I t.: a' 5 TMENYOF AGRICULTURE iation-and'Conservation Service ENT AND CONSERVING USE REQUIREMENTS who ;have an interest in the wheat produced on this farm, is called to the 'crop year shown. Read them carefully. Your local A.SCS office will you may have. CONSERVING USE REQUIREMENTS DE(Acres) CONSERVMG BASE(Acres) These acreages must be main- tained In conserving uses -for - crop year shown for this farm to be eligible for wheat pro- gram participation. CROPLAND SALE .x+'�L': VtJ. Afir-.;1 OFFICE NAME AND r= . ADDRESS OF COUNTY ASC p' COMMITTEE p3 1974 CROP MAILING YEAR DATE WHEAT CONSERVING USE REQUIREMENTS for the crop year {3 my producer -on -this farm -feels that the wheat allotment or conserving e'st the county committee to reconsider the matter. To be considered, the ounty committee within 15 days from the above mailing date. crop year shown. nership,-operation, or control of the farm, or if there is any change in ,result of subdivision, sale or renting of additional land. rich offects the above allotment, this notice shall not be effective and a L HER PRODUCER Rolland McPhail T�f zz; -7 7 _T L! SENA ------------------ T, 47 i land McPhail Gary Winslow GOLF COURSEI