7.1 Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Yost AdditionCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 02/25/2013 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: 7 DEPARTMENT BY: ITEM Development Services, Planning FINAL APPROVAL: NO: 1 DA Pagel BY: Dean Andrew BY: /�DS ITEM: Ordinance No. 13 -10680 Consider an amendment of the Future Land Use Map (Figure 2.1) of the Salina, Kansas Comprehensive Plan to change -the future land use designation of a portion of the Yost Addition located at the Southwest quadrant of the Water Well Road / 1 -135 interchange from future Commercial to future Employment. [Staff would note that this is a quasi - judicial land use matter; therefore the rules, prohibiting ex parte contracts by interested parties with individual Commissioners, are now in effect] BACKGROUND: The City of Salina's Comprehensive Plan, adopted by the Planning Commission and City Commission in 2010, delineates future growth areas for new development based on proximity to existing municipal facilities and services and the City's ability to economically extend such facilities and services to support urban development. Support includes not only the basic requirements of paved roads and municipal water and sewer but also includes fire and police protection, schools and parks and recreation services among others. This is the city's Urban Service Area. The unincorporated area of Saline County located outside the current city limits, but expected to receive future urban development, is divided into primary and secondary service areas. Primary service areas are the preferred locations for initial urban development due to being contiguous to the existing city limits and the ability to economically provide public services concurrently with the extension of municipal boundaries. Secondary service areas, which represent the next tier of future growth, are intended to receive urban development only after the primary service areas have been substantially developed. The remainder of the planning area outside the Urban Service Area is designated as the Rural service area which is not expected to receive urban development during the current planning period. The Planning horizon of the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Service Area is 20 -30 years. Within the Urban Service Area, the Comprehensive Plan includes a Future Land Use Map as a guide to future uses of land within the Urban Service Area and identifies various Economic Development Hubs within the community and Urban Service Area. These hubs include the Airport Industrial Center, the South gth Street Commercial and Commercial / Industrial Corridor, Downtown and the North Downtown Area. On Page 2 -4 the Comprehensive Plan states: "The intent of the future land use map is not to predetermine land use or zoning for any one site or specific locations. The future land use map provides a land use framework for many future public and private decisions that will impact growth and development for Salina. It is a general guide that establishes relationships among various uses and intensity of development on a broad scale. Analyzing land use at this scale facilitates comprehensive and long -range planning for the city. Future zoning map amendments should be guided by the future land use map, as well as CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 02/25/2013 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: DEPARTMENT BY: ITEM Development Services, Planning FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page 2 BY: Dean Andrew BY: other goals, objectives and policies of the plan. Not all zoning applications are reasonable simply because they propose zoning districts that fall within ranges of use and intensity indicated on the future land use map. If an application conflicts with other goals, objectives or policies of the plan, or does not meet the location or development criteria (as defined by the land uses in this chapter) when applied to specific sites or locations, it should not be considered reasonable. Additionally, other zoning applications beyond the ranges of land use and intensity indicated on the future land use map may be reasonable in limited circumstances where projects clearly further the intent reflected by -the general guidance of the map or further other goals, objectives, and policies of the plan. Where circumstances or land use and development goals have changed, amendments to the land use map may be appropriate to accommodate development that furthers the plan vision and other goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The reasonableness of any specific zoning request should be evaluated on: • the general goals, objectives, and policies of the plan; • the future land use map; • how well specific planning for the site accomplishes the guidance provided by a specific land use category; and • application of the zoning district standards and criteria for a proposed zoning district to the site, including relationships and transitions to surrounding areas. The broad categories of land use indicated on the future land use map are defined by their primary uses: those land uses that most reflect the intensity and character of the category and which are generally acceptable throughout the area; and secondary uses: those land uses that are supportive of the primary uses, and with appropriate limitations, location considerations, and development conditions can reflect the intensity and character of the category as well." Primary uses allowed under the Commercial category are: • Retail / Service • Office • Civic and Institutional Potential zoning districts are: • C -3, C -5, C -6, C -7 and PDD CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 02/25/2013 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: DEPARTMENT BY: ITEM Development Services, Planning FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page 3 BY: Dean Andrew BY: Location criteria: • Commercial sites should be located adjacent to arterials or major thoroughfares which provide needed ingress and egress in order to avoid congestion. • Commercial uses should be located on key corridors (South 9th Street) or within mixed -use centers as identified by the plan. Primary uses allowed in Employment areas are: • Light Industrial /Warehousing • Heavy Industrial / Manufacturing / Processing • Educational Facilities / Campuses • Airport • Rail and Support Facilities Secondary uses: • Office • Retail / Service Potential zoning districts are: • 1 -1, 1-2,1-3, C -1, U and PDD Location criteria: • Uses should be located in proximity to support services with good access to major arterials, truck routes, belt highways, utility trunk lines, along railroad spurs, near airports, and as extensions of existing industrial uses. • Traffic from this category of land use should not feed directly onto local streets in residential areas. • Uses should be generally located away from existing or planned residential areas or at a minimum provide buffers from residential lases. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 02/25/2013 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ITEM NO: Page 4 On Page 2 -97 the Comprehensive Plan states: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: DEPARTMENT Development Services, Planning BY: Dean Andrew FISCAL APPROVAL: BY: FINAL APPROVAL: BY: "The airport area is a major employment, education and training hub for Salina, and will continue to be so into the future. The unique synergy of these activities offers a competitive opportunity for Salina, by offering businesses in the airport area access to nearby training and educational facilities. Salina should continue to build on this synergy of education /training, employment and transportation uses in this area. Manufacturing, warehousing, light industrial and large scale general businesses should be encouraged to locate in the airport area." "It is noteworthy that many of the economic development hubs propose a mix of land uses and development types. As such, the transition between different land uses is an important design consideration within the hub areas. In those areas in which potentially conflicting uses abut one another care should be taken to ensure that transitions between uses provide adequate buffers to minimize any adverse irripacts." "Due to the size, intensity and mixing of uses, site design criteria for industrial uses should be enhanced to address transitions to less intense surrounding uses." Staff Comments/ Analysis Comprehensive Plans and Future Land Use Plans are not intended to be static documents and should be reviewed periodically. The Kansas Planning and Zoning Enabling Act establishes a process for amending Comprehensive Plans in K.S.A. 12 -747. The burden is on the proponent of the plan change or amendment to justify the amendment. Some factors that the Planning Commission and City Commission should consider are: 1. Whether the amendment is justified by changing conditions in the community. 2. Whether the amendment advances goals and policies contained in the Plan. 3. Whether there is a public need for changing the Comprehensive Plan map. 4. Whether the public need is best served by changing the land use designation of the site in question as compared with other available property. 5. Whether the requested change would negatively impact the surrounding area. In regard to these criteria staff would offer the following comments. Prior Planning and City Commissions have recognized that interstate interchanges are a finite resource for the community and that land surrounding Salina's interstate interchanges should be preserved for highway travel- oriented commercial development. That was the purpose behind the creation of the C -7 (Highway Commerical) Zoning District in 1990. Most of the land around Salina's existing interchanges is zoned AGENDA SECTION NO: ITEM NO: Page 5 CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 02/25/2013 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT Development Services, Planning BY: Dean Andrew FISCAL APPROVAL: BY: FINAL APPROVAL: BY: C -7, the purpose being to preserve and protect land directly adjacent to interchanges for uses that serve the travelling public such as truck stops, motels and restaurants. Prior Commissions have also taken the position that development around interstate interchanges should be designed and landscaped so as to protect and enhance the appearance of interstate entrances and gateways to the city. There are currently 7 interstate interchanges around Salina including the Water Well Road interchange. Only the Water Well interchange, the SW and NW quadrants of the Magnolia Road interchange and the south side of the North Ohio 1 -70 interchange have commercial development potential at this time. At Magnolia Road and 1 -135 the east side is already developed and the west side is now served by utilities. At Crawford and 1 -135 the NE and NW quadrants are developed and the SE and SW quadrants have floodway / flood plain limitations and the west side of 1 -135 is not adequately served by utilities to support additional development. At the State Street interchange the presence of floodway and floodplain and the complete lack of public utilities virtually eliminate the possibility of commercial development. At 9th Street and 1 -70 the adjacent land is almost completely developed. The prospect of additional development south of 1 -70 is limited by the presence of Mulberry Creek and the Mulberry Creek floodway. The applicant is justifying this requested map amendment based on the fact that no development has occurred on any of the C -7 zoned lots over -the past ten years and the fact that there would still be 30 acres of C -7 zoned property available for highway service uses in the Yost Addition if their request is approved. The role of the City Commission in this case is to decide what its vision is for the future development of this area. Is the Yost Addition more closely related to the South 9th Street commercial corridor east of 1 -135 because of the Water Well interchange or is it more closely related to the Airport Industrial Area hub west of Centennial Road? Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission conducted an initial public hearing on this requested Comprehensive Plan amendment on January 15, 2013. The Planning Corn mission was unable to reach a consensus and voted to continue the public hearing to February 5, 2013 and requested that staff provide the Commission with additional information and options. The public hearing was reopened on February 5, 2013 and following presentation of the staff report, comments from the applicant and discussion and questions from Commission members, the Planning Commission voted 7 -0 to recommend that the Future Land Use Map (Figure 2.1) in the Salina Comprehensive Plan be amended to show the entire Yost Addition east of Dry Creek as a future Employment Area. (This alternative would maintain the current PC -7 zoning on the Yost Addition tracts east of Dry Creek but indicates that the Commission would be receptive to future industrial development east of Dry Creek). The Planning Commission offered the following reasons in support of their recommendation: AGENDA SECTION CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 02/25/2013 4:00 P.M. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: I FISCAL APPROVAL: NO: DEPARTMENT BY: ITEM Development Services, Planning FINAL APPROVAL: NO: Page 6 BY: Dean Andrew BY: 1. The Yost Addition east of West Dry Creek lies west of 1 -135 in a transition area. 2. The Yost Addition is outside of the South 9th Street Commercial Corridor and Overlay District. 3. The area west of 1 -135 is shown as being part of the Airport Area Economic Hub. 4. The South 8.77 acres of Lot 1, Block 1 is a second tier interchange location and the presence of the KDOT maintenance facility at the south end of Yost Drive has set the tone for this area. COMMISSION ACTION: If the City Commission concurs with the recommendation and findings of the Planning Commission, the attached ordinance amending the future land use designation of Blocks 1 and 2 of the Yost Addition From future Commercial to future Employment should be approved on first reading. In the alternative, the City Commission could amend the description in the ordinance and limit the change in future land use designation to just the South 8.77 acres of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Yost Addition (This alternative would maintain the current PC -7 zoning and would indicate that the Commission sees the remaining Yost Addition tracts east of Dry Creek as still being viable for future highway commercial development). If the City Commission disagrees with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Commission could make and approve a motion to deny the amendment request or to send this item back to the Planning Commission for reconsideration indicating its basis for disagreeing with their recommendation. (If the City Commission reaffirms the existing Future Land Use Map, the current Commercial /Employment Area land use boundaries would remain in place). Encl: Application Future Land Use Map Economic Development Hubs Map Excerpt of 1/15/13 and 2/5/13 PC Minutes Ordinance No. 13 -10680 atyof salkia Planning & community 1 /PVP.�nnmenl Publication Date Application December 25, 2012 No. M12 -13 Hearing Date Date Filed January 15, 2013 December 13, 2012 Vicinity Map Attached Filing Fee KG N/A Ownership Certificate Receipt No. KG Application to Amend Comprehensive Plan Map Pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 12 -747, application is hereby made to amend the Comprehensive Plan Map for the following described property: Name of Applicant: Jeff Maes — ComPro Realty Phone: 493 -8500 Applicant Mailing Address: 157 S. 7th Salina, KS 67401 Name of Owner (If Different): Ruth M. Yost Trust No. 2 Phone: 827 -7251 Owner Mailing Address: P.O. Box 198 Salina, KS 67402 -0198 Legal Description: The South 435 ft. of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Yost Addition to the of Salina, Kansas Street Address: 3700 Block of Yost Drive Current Comprehensive Plan Designation Commercial Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation: Employment IMPORTANT!: The proposed map amendment requires a positive recommendation from the Salina Planning Commission and approval from the Salina City Commission before a formal change can be made in the comprehensive plan designation of any property. This approval must be determined after separate public hearings before these bodies. The Kansas Planning and Zoning Enabling Act requires local Planning Commissions to conduct public hearings and make findings with regard to requests for comprehensive plan amendments. The findings provide justification to either approve or deny the amendment request. Read the questions that follow and answer them as completely as you can; use additional sheets of paper if necessary. Your responses will be used by City staff and the reviewing bodies to make findings and evaluate the merits of your request. In as much as THE BURDEN IS ON THE PROPONENT to justify the requested map change, the chances of a successful application depend upon the adequacy of the arguments you present to justify approval of the application. Description: Commercial land uses are currently located around Salina primarily along major transportation corridors. The commercial land use designation provides the opportunity for the development of general retail and service uses that serve neighborhoods, the community and the region. Future development of suburban style and large scale commercial businesses that rely on traffic for their business will continue to locate in two areas, North 9th Street at Interstate 70 and South 9th Street at Magnolia Road and Schilling Road. Specialized and niche business should be encouraged to locate in the downtown area. Commercial uses that serve existing and future neighborhoods should be encouraged to develop within mixed -use centers. Primary Uses: • Retail I Service • Office • Civic and Institutional Location Criteria: • Commercial sites should be located adjacent to arterials or major thoroughfares which provide needed ingress and egress in order to avoid congestion. • The location of major commercial uses should be coordinated with mass transit routes, high- density residential, centers of employment, and other intensive uses. • Commercial development should have required site design features which limit noise, lighting, and other activity so as to not adversely impact surrounding residential areas and adjacent uses. • Commercially - generated traffic should not feed directly onto local residential streets. • Commercial uses should be located on key corridors (South Ninth Street) or within mixed -use centers as identified by the Dian. • C -3, C-5, C -6, C -7, PDD (With Recommended Revisions) • South Ninth Street Overlay District (expand boundaries of lg;'�a,lin'p Map Code: -P-1 0 10 Example: R levelopment Criteria: • Ingress I egress points from arterial streets should be combined to support multiple commercial uses and properties. • Cross access easements should be required to reduce the trips on the arterial street network between uses. • Development should adhere to the South Ninth Street Overlay District. • Transitions between commercial development and less intense adjacent uses and neighborhoods should minimize the impacts of noise, light, traffic, operations and intensity of the commercial uses 2 -14 Description: Industrial, warehousing and office parks provide Employment (light and heavy industrial and associated office) opportunities and are generally considered the most intensive use of land because of operational impacts or functions. In Salina, a unique opportunity exists for the institutions that provide support and technical assistance to industry and business. As such those institutional uses should be allowed to locate in proximity to the business and industry that they support. Thus, institutional uses, specifically educational uses are also allowed within the employment land use category. The employment category defined herein coincides with the economic development district defined in the Economic Development sub - chapter in this plan. Light industrial uses include those uses that are typically related to warehousing, distribution, fabrication and parts assembly and rely on large land areas and large single story buildings. Heavy industrial uses are typically those uses that are production or manufacturing related, such as assembly plants and more intense manufacturing uses, including grain processing, ethanol production and bio- diesel Primary Uses: • Light Industrial /Warehousing • Heavy Industrial / Manufacturing I Processing • Educational Facilities / Campuses • Airport • Rail and Support Facilities Location Criteria: • Uses should be located in proximity to support services with good access to major arterials, truck route, belt highways, utility trunk lines, along railroad spurs, near airports, and as extensions of existing industrial uses. • Traffic from this category of land use should not feed directly onto local streets in residential areas. • Uses should be generally located away from existing or planned residential areas or at a minimum provide buffers from residential uses. ondar Uses: Location Criteria: Office Limited to support of Industrial / Retail /Service Employment uses (general office and retail /service uses as principle use should be focused in downtown or mixed -use centers); OR • Included as part of an overall campus integrating a number of different employment intensive uses. ZONING TENTIAL DISTRICTS: • 1 -1, 1-2,1-3, C -1, C -2, U, PDD (with Recommended Revisions) • Urban Industrial Overlay District (New) North Ohio Gateway Overlay District (expanded) 2 -15 Map Code: Example: )evelopment Criteria • Cross access easements should be required to reduce the trips on the arterial street network between uses. • Development within the North Downtown — West area should adhere to the Urban Industrial Overlay District. • Development within the North Downtown — East area should adhere to the North Ohio Gateway Overlay District. • Development in the vicinity of South Ninth Street should adhere to the South Ninth Street Overlay District. • Transitions between industrial development and less intense adjacent uses and neighborhoods should minimize the impacts of noise, light, traffic, operations and intensity of the industrial uses. ) evelopment Criteria • Transitions between commercial development and less intense adjacent uses and neighborhoods should minimize the impacts of noise, light, traffic, operations and intensity of the commercial uses. CHAPTER TWO: THE PLAN I PLEASANT HILL 'STATE CARMONY WATER 1----- - - - - -, I , 1 Q, m; - � �1 � ml 0 . o Lu = O _ F.- z N v ON O � J K Q ¢ } � Q NI w 1 Hi ILA II I11 I 11 I I I 1 _ r 4 � y ri IF& ■ i i N TIMMEL 1 NORTH JVF ij � II } CRAWFORD � 1 CLOUD I` 11 LJII " MAGNOLIA _1, 1 1\ 11 I , SCHILLING 1 I n ,u n n n n WATER WELL 1 w O O ? 2 vi o kn J L } WATKINS Q Q cr - - - -- — — - - -- — - -- --7 zlN u � ;► o PLEASANT HILL j ■ i ••i `^ j...: in j STIMMEL = CU11!1P'1 "'■ �( \� TIMMEL j I �r��ccr�►: .: ono ■ I� ■ I ARMSTRONG � • • • NORTH jj �• • - - -- - -- -- - -- --- I ■ 'STATE �• .• , � 1j zl = r.. CARMONY ■ Cl AWFORD ■' zl 'ti■ CRAWFORD I I •�•••� . ■ j CLO • .: I Q —,�- It' CLOUD - - - -- •� j MAGNOLIA MAG '' re L ... ti 16 ��fL � � ■ ■� - - -- - -- —_ I - - -_ —_— SCHILLING i WAT WATER WELL • w z o CL a Z) m • ■ .0 e...■ I _ ----------- . � I —. —. —. — . —. —. -- Salina Planning Commission January 15, 2013 Page 7 of 15 Commissioner Mikesell stated he has seen people put up signs for lots of reasons and some reasons are to be antagonistic to neighbors in terms of view and content. He stated once C -3 zoning is in place, even though this applicant may have the best of intentions, the next owner may not and then the Planning Commission can't do anything about it. He stated if we make it a Planned C -3 then we can make it fall within certain guidelines with options for height and width. MOTION: Commissioner Mikesell made a motion to recommend approval of Planned C -3 zoning with a 15 ft. sign height limitation, and signage on the property limited to one ground sign (monument or pole), and to 200 square feet of total signage. He stated the subject property is suitable for C -3 zoning because it is compatible with the character of the neighborhood, it conforms with the Comprehensive Plan, and there is no opposition to the request. SECOND: Commissioner Kennedy VOTE: Motion carried 5 -1 (Baxa opposed) (Youth Member Walker voted in favor of the motion) #3. Application #M12 -13, filed by Ruth E. Yost Trust #1, requesting an amendment of the Future Land Use Map (Figure 2.1) of the Salina, Kansas Comprehensive Plan to change the future land use designation of a portion of the Yost Addition located at the Southwest quadrant of the Water Well Road — 1 -135 interchange from future Commercial to future Employment. Mr. Andrew presented the staff report with visual graphics which are contained in the case file. Commissioner Kennedy asked if this application is in response to a business planning to locate there. Mr. Andrew replied he would not characterize this as speculative. He stated this request to amend the Comprehensive Plan is before the Planning Commission today because 1 -2 zoning is needed to accommodate a truck terminal which is a very specific use. He reviewed the Planning Commission alternatives as listed in the staff report. Commissioner Kennedy asked if Bosselman's is a truck terminal. Mr. Andrew replied Bosselman's is a truck stop and travel plaza. He stated a truck terminal is an industrial use where shipments of freight come and are broken down for further shipment. He stated the general focus of this agenda item is on future land use in the area. Vice - Chairman Welsh asked about the existing infrastructure and the KDOT maintenance facility. Salina Planning Commission January 15, 2013 Page 8 of 15 Mr. Andrew replied it was a brokered marriage that City staff helped facilitate between the Yost Trust and KDOT. He stated KDOT needed access across the Yost property and access to City utilities. He stated without the Yost Trust's cooperation to join in the plat and create the right -of -way, the KDOT maintenance facility would not have been possible. Commissioner Mikesell asked if Western Auto is a truck terminal or warehouse. Mr. Andrew replied it is a mix of both but more similar to a warehouse or distribution center. He stated the difference is that a warehouse has a large square footage to accommodate storage of materials and product whereas a track terminal's primary purpose is not storage but rather a facility where trucks deliver cargo that is broken down and redistributed to other trucks. He stated -the UPS facility on West North Street is an example of a truck terminal. He stated Bradley Trucking on Water Well Road is another example of a truck terminal. Commissioner Perney asked if the entire tract is put into the Employment area category, could there still be a truck stop or convenience store, etc. there in the future. Mr. Andrew replied commercial uses can be developed in industrial zoned areas but industrial uses can't be developed in commercially zoned areas. He stated the development standards for each category differ. Any action you took to amend the Comprehensive Plan would not change the zoning; it would remain PC -7. Commissioner Mikesell asked for clarification that 1 -2 zoning would allow large areas of gravel parking instead of paved surfacing requirements. Mr. Andrew replied that is correct. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the remaining portion would be adequate in size for development typically seen at an interchange. Mr. Andrew replied there would be about 11 acres remaining - probably not large enough for something like Petro 2, Bosselman's, or Flying J, etc., but it may be large enough for a motel or conference /convention center. Commissioner Kennedy stated he doesn't believe a motel next to a truck terminal would be very popular. He stated he is concerned that while the perception now is that the area won't be developed for commercial uses, we said the same thing about the Schilling interchange area several years ago. Mr. Andrew stated if this was not a second tier location, like what you see at 9th and 1 -70 or Crawford and 1 -135, 1 would agree, but this is a second tier site and would leave the prime commercial location intact. He stated KDOT's justification for building the Water Well Road interchange was better access for truck traffic to the airport industrial area than Schilling Road where trucks have to compete with commercial traffic and residential Salina Planning Commission January 15, 2013 Page 9 of 15 traffic. He stated the Water Well interchange is the preferred location for truck traffic entering the city and South Industrial Area. He asked Mr. Stack to elaborate on the issue. Mr. Stack stated there was nothing more to add; the Schilling intersection is busier due to the adjacent residential areas and Walmart. He stated it has a different feel than the Water Well interchange which is intended more for industrial use. Vice- Chairman Welsh stated the first business in this area will set the tone for future development. He stated once a trucking terminal goes in, he doesn't believe we will get a motel or truck plaza there. He stated he would like to hear more from the applicant. Mr. Andrew stated that is the difference between Options 2 and 3 of the Planning Commission alternatives, as listed in the staff report. He reviewed those options with the Commission. Commissioner Perney stated the KDOT maintenance facility already sets the tone for the area as industrial; predominantly employment opportunities. He stated a future fuel stop, convenience store, etc. would still be possible but the negative would be that gravel parking is allowed in industrial zoning. Mr. Andrew stated we could come up with an alternative to the parking surfacing requirements as part of a planned industrial district but we don't presently have that zoning classification. He stated -the Salina Airport Authority deals with those issues with deed covenants; if you develop there you have to comply with covenants as to parking lot surfacing, landscaping, etc. He stated that would be an option for the Yost Trust as well. Vice- Chairman Welsh asked the applicant to address the Commission. Jeff Maes, ComPro Realty, 157 South 7th Street, stated there are two questions — zoning and amending the Comprehensive Plan. He stated making it all employment doesn't say that the Planning Commission can't revisit it at a later date as they see development coming in and say the area would be better used as finite resource for commercial development. He stated in his experience of marketing this property over several years, no one has ever selected this site for a truck stop, hotel, etc. He stated there is a great deal of developable property closer to the critical mass. He stated from his perspective, it makes sense to designate the area as Employment and leave the PC -7 zoning in place. Mr. Andrew stated if a truck terminal business becomes interested in the area because another one is already there, it would have to come before the Planning Commission for a zoning change but we would not have to debate the Employment area designation if it was settled now. Mr. Maes stated the owners of the Yost property need development out there. He stated ten years ago they agreed to the infrastructure improvements and now the cost recovery fees are getting so high the land is becoming less appealing to potential buyers. Vice - Chairman Welsh asked if there were questions or comments from the public. Salina Planning Commission January 15, 2013 Page 10 of 15 Dennis Lauver, Salina Area Chamber of Commerce, 120 West Ash, stated Old Dominion examined multiple sites and this is where they ended up. He stated one of the reasons they picked this spot is because they do business in the airport service center and it makes sense for them to be west of interstate. He stated the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan would provide flexibility for the area. He stated his guess is that commercial will end up on the east side of the interchange. He stated Old Dominion workers are responsible for the success of that company; they do a quality job. Vice - Chairman Welsh asked about Old Dominion's current location. Mr. Lauver replied they are located in the same area as Blue Beacon and Graves Truck Line near Crawford and 1 -135. Commissioner Bossemeyer asked how many people would be employed by the new Old Dominion facility. Mr. Lauver replied a couple to begin with, a dozen or so in the long run. Commissioner Mikesell asked Mr. Lauver if a national truck line like Old Dominion is an attraction for other businesses looking at Salina. Mr. Lauver replied it certainly doesn't hurt but there are other factors such as access to interstate, the amount of land available, and access to the airport industrial service center. Commissioner Kennedy stated if we approve the requested amendment, we are writing off the west side of the interchange as industrial and there won't be enough space left for commercial development. He stated as Mr. Andrew said this is a finite resource. Vice - Chairman Welsh stated there is a lot of acreage to the west of the interchange. He stated the Water Well interchange was a huge deal when it went in and he hates to give it up. He stated he's not sure he wants to see gravel parking, truck traffic, etc. in that area. He asked what the community is going to get out of it. He stated this is a great space, expensive real estate, and we are talking about allowing it to be given over to industrial use. Commissioner Kennedy stated the industrial component of North 9th Street — the northeast quadrant of the interchange — is too close to commercial development and appears to have a chilling effect on successful development. He stated he believes we will see the same here. He stated it should be either all industrial or leave it as it is. Mr. Andrew stated some of that is a question of timing and ownership. He stated Grain Belt Supply was there before and McDonald's built a new restaurant and Quality Inn a new motel. He stated any lack of success may be a reflection of poor management. He stated the issue is about the first tier / second tier perception — how far does commercial development have to be from industrial development. He stated there are currently four undeveloped quadrants of the Water Well / 1 -135 interchange. He stated if the Planning Salina Planning Commission January 15, 2013 Page 11 of 15 Commission is in agreement that commercial is most likely to occur at the northeast and southeast quadrants first, then losing this area is maybe not as big a concern. He stated the northwest quadrant is already shown as Employment center and not as Commercial. He stated this is part of the Planning Commission's role — to determine a vision for how this area should be developed. Commissioner Bossemeyer asked if the north side of Water Well Road has the same access to utilities as available on the south side. Mr. Andrew replied no, not as much; there is still work that would need to be done to extend utilities to the north. This site has water, sewer, and a street already in place. Mr. Maes stated no one is interested in this site for commercial development because there is so much available developable ground east of 1 -135. He stated the prime property at an interchange is always right and right, or in the case of the Water Well interchange, the northwest and southeast quadrants. Vice - Chairman Welsh stated it is safe to say that the northeast and southeast quadrants can't be purchased today; they are not for sale. He stated his preference would be to tuck the Old Dominion trucking terminal further west rather than right next to 1 -135. Mr. Maes stated transmission lines bisect all of that property on the west side of Yost Drive and the perception is that there are health issues / safety concerns about building near transmission lines. Commissioner Baxa stated he understands we are concerned about how the city of Salina looks to people traveling on the interstate and that we want to encourage good, clean businesses but at some point we have to decide what interchange is acceptable for the truck and freight industry. He stated we need to have truck and freight terminals that support the kind of city we want. Commissioner Bossemeyer asked why Old Dominion can't move further west on Water Well closer to businesses they serve. Mr. Maes replied they won't invest in a two million dollar facility that doesn't have access to City utilities. He stated the Old Dominion facility would be 100% paved. He provided photographs of another Old Dominion facility and stated they don't have gravel roads or parking. He stated these issues should have been a concern when KDOT went in, but don't apply to Old Dominion. Vice - Chairman Welsh asked if there were further questions or comments from the public; there being none, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Mikesell stated he agrees with Commissioner Baxa and understands Commissioner Welsh's point as well. He stated when he drives in this area he sees a lot of truck traffic at Philips, Western Auto, etc. and it doesn't bother him. He stated based on Salina Planning Commission January 15, 2013 Page 12 of 15 the photographs presented today, he hopes Old Dominion would be a draw to the area for other businesses. Mr. Andrew reminded the Commissioners that their focus on this item should be what they see as a future vision for this area. Vice - Chairman Welsh asked how could the Commission vote for Employment designation and not vote in favor of the application in Agenda Item #4. Mr. Andrew replied that changing the Future Land Use map to show it as Employment for this area does not take away the Commission's ability or right to consider specific proposals individually. Commissioner Kennedy stated he is struggling with the idea of converting this to industrial. He stated if it stays commercial there is a chance to improve that interchange. He stated he's not sure the industrial park is even full at this time and so there are possibilities there as well. He stated we would be giving up a lot in the future if we give it up now. Mr. Andrew stated as it is relates to the Comprehensive Plan, staff has tried to emphasize in the Background Report the primary and secondary service areas. He stated this would be in the primary service area. He stated the difference between this and the north side of Water Well is that this property has water, sewer and a paved street already in place. MOTION: Commissioner Mikesell made a motion to recommend that the Future Land Use Map in the Salina Comprehensive Plan be amended to show the entire Yost Addition east of Dry Creek as a future Employment Area. SECOND: Commissioner Perney Commissioner Baxa asked where the water line ends. Mr. Andrew stated the water line runs out to the Salina Landfill which used to be Camp Phillips. Commissioner Baxa asked if the pipe dimension is the same all the way. Mr. Andrew replied yes, it is 24 inches in diameter. VOTE: Motion failed 3 -3 ( Mikesell, Perney, and Welsh in favor) (Baia, Bossemeyer, and Kennedy opposed) Mr. Andrew stated a 3 -3 vote results in a failure to approve the motion. Vice- Chairman Welsh asked for an alternative motion. Salina Planning Commission January 15, 2013 Page 13 of 15 MOTION: Commissioner Kennedy made a motion to reaffirm the existing Comprehensive Plan. SECOND: Commissioner Baxa VOTE: Motion failed 2 -4. (Bossemeyer, Mikesell, Perney, and Welsh opposed) MOTION: Commissioner Perney made a motion to recommend that the Future Land Use Map in the Salina Comprehensive Plan be amended to show only the South 8.77 acres of Lot 1, Block 1 of the Yost Addition as a future Employment Area. SECOND: Commissioner Mikesell VOTE: Motion failed 3 -3 (Bossemeyer, Mikesell, and Perney in favor) (Baxa, Kennedy, and Welsh opposed) Mr. Andrew stated since all three scenarios have not met with majority approval we need additional discussion to determine what staff can do to provide guidance on additional alternatives. MOTION: Commissioner Bossemeyer made a motion to postpone consideration of this issue until staff provides additional information and alternatives. SECOND: Commissioner Kennedy VOTE: Motion carried 5 -1 (Mikesell opposed) Mr. Andrew asked if there is anything specific the Commission would like to see in terms of additional information. Commissioner Mikesell suggested building layout information presented to the Development Review Team might be helpful. Mr. Andrew asked the Commission if they would like to hear any of the details about Agenda Item #4, or would prefer to postpone it as well. Commissioner Baxa stated Agenda Item #4 made it confusing and difficult for him to vote on item #3. Commissioner Bossemeyer stated he would like to hear an overview of Agenda Item #4. Commissioner Mikesell asked if an overlay could be part of the Comprehensive Plan. SUMMARY MINUTES SALINA CITY PLANNING COMMISSION CITY COMMISSION ROOM Tuesday, February 5, 2013 4:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Baxa, Bossemeyer, Brown (youth member), Norlin, Kennedy, Perney, Ryan, Welsh MEMBERS ABSENT: Mikesell, Storey, Walker (youth member) STAFF PRESENT: Andrew, Burger, Herrs, Norris Vice - Chairman Welsh called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. #1. Approval of the Summary Minutes of the January 15, 2013 regular meeting. The summary minutes of the regular meeting of the Planning Commission held on January 15, 2013 were approved as presented. Public Hearing Items #2. Application #M12 -13, Filed by Ruth E. Yost Trust #1, requesting an amendment of the Future Land Use Map (Figure 2.1) of the Salina, Kansas Comprehensive Plan to change the future land use designation of a portion of the Yost Addition located at the Southwest quadrant of the Water Well Road — 1 -135 interchange from future Commercial to future Employment (Continued from January 15, 2013 meeting). Mr. Andrew presented the staff report with visual graphics which are included in the case File. Chairman Ryan asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Bossemeyer asked how many acres of industrial area are west of Dry Creek. Mr. Andrew replied there are 80 acres owned by Doug Bradley at the southeast corner of Water Well and Centennial and a smaller tract to the east (Lot 1, Block 3 of the Yost Addition) containing 10.77 acres with a small amount of frontage that would require additional utility extensions. He stated there is about 65 acres north of Water Well Road and indicated the location of these properties on the aerial map. Salina Planning Commission February 5, 2013 Page 2 of 7 Chairman Ryan asked about the vote on this item from the previous Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Andrew reviewed the three votes from the previous meeting and stated the applicant can explain their preference between Alternatives 2 and 3 as listed on page 5 of the staff report. Commissioner Kennedy asked about the location of the existing sewer service line. Mr. Andrew indicated the location of the sewer service line on the aerial map and stated the sewer and water lines run parallel to each other in Yost Drive. The sanitary sewer terminates and the water line continues on to the west along Water Well Road. Commissioner Kennedy asked if a lift station would be required to extend sewer service to the other side of Dry Creek. Mr. Andrew replied yes, it would. Commissioner Norlin asked if Alternative 1 would allow the truck terminal proposed in Item #3 of today's agenda. Mr. Andrew replied no, if you choose Alternative 1 you are indicating you do not support a change from PC -7 to 1 -2. Chairman Ryan asked the applicant to address the Commission. Mr. Jeff Maes, ComPro Realty, 157 S. 7th Street, thanked staff and the Commission for revisiting this issue. He stated the applicant is requesting Alternative 2. He stated this would still give the Commission authority to consider future proposals. He stated he does not believe the proposed Old Dominion truck terminal would be a deterrent to other businesses typical to this type of location. He stated the Old Dominion facility would be an excellent buffer between the existing KDOT maintenance facility and future development. Commissioner Perney asked why Old Dominion didn't consider this project on the west side of Yost. Mr. Maes replied we proposed further west and they weren't interested; they liked the idea of having interstate visibility. Mr. Andrew displayed the site plan / survey of how the Old Dominion property would look. Mr. Maes stated Old Dominion plans to use five acres initially but does have future plans to expand on the remainder of the site. Salina Planning Commission February 5, 2013 Page 3 of 7 Commissioner Perney asked Mr. Maes if he would object to extending the Employment Area to cover Block 3 west of the creek; Lot 2, Block 2 and the subject site and leave the two north areas PC -7 and potential future Commercial. Mr. Maes replied it is difficult to see the difference and the Commission would still have the authority to consider future requests for industrial uses. Chairman Ryan asked if there were questions or comments from the public; there being none, he closed the public portion of the hearing and brought the item back to the Commission for further discussion. Commissioner Kennedy asked about truck parking on Yost. Mr. Stack referred to the Pacific Court area and stated we allow truck parking on one side of the road which is something the property owners can live with and that would likely be the case here. He asked Mr. Maes if Old Dominion plans to park trucks on the road. Mr. Maes replied we haven't had that conversation yet but I think we'd be okay with no parking. He stated typically with this type of use, all truck flow has to be contained on site. Mr. Stack agreed. Mr. Andrew stated part of the problem on Pacific Court is the business operating there doesn't have enough land area to accommodate their type of business. Commissioner Welsh stated the first lot west of Yost would be very difficult to develop due to the wires; other lots there would be difficult due to drop off. He stated he is in favor of Alternatives 2 and 3 to encourage future development and jobs. Chairman Ryan stated he is in favor of Alternative 2. He stated he realizes all the work that went into the Comprehensive Plan. He stated the Planning Commission is an advisory board appointed by the City Commission and if we recommend this change and they don't feel it is the right thing to do; they are in a position to correct us. Mr. Andrew reviewed the possible -findings in the Staff Recommendation on page 6 of the staff report. He stated the Planning Commission may have additional reasons they would like to be considered by the City Commission as a basis for any recommendation made today. Commissioner Kennedy stated he is opposed to giving up the corridors that can be developed commercially but agrees with Commissioner Welsh that bringing in jobs is important. He stated he is also opposed to gravel lots and appreciates that the Old Dominion site would be paved. Commissioner Bossemeyer asked if the Old Dominion site would be fenced similar to the Graves truck depot. Salina Planning Commission February 5, 2013 Page 4 of 7 Mr. Andrew replied fencing like that is generally a security decision for the business. He referred to photographs of other Old Dominion facilities and stated it is likely they would provide fencing for secure storage areas but the type of fence they use is not dictated by City code unless the Commission chooses the Planned Development District option. MOTION: Commissioner Welsh made a motion to recommend that the Future Land Use Map in the Salina Comprehensive Plan be amended to show the entire Yost Addition east of Dry Creek as a Future Employment Area as described in Alternative 2 and supported by the findings listed in the staff recommendation. SECOND: Commissioner Kennedy Commissioner Norlin asked about future industrial development and gravel lots versus paved lots. Mr. Andrew replied this issue will be an item for discussion at the next meeting of the Planning Commission. He stated staff was asked to conduct a survey of other Kansas communities to determine requirements and grandfathering practices. He stated our research indicates that Salina is a minority in allowing gravel parking at all. Commissioner Norlin asked for confirmation that any proposal in the future would still have to come before the Planning Commission. Mr. Andrew replied that is correct. Mr. Maes stated the amended contract does not allow gravel and future development could be restricted with deed covenants. VOTE: Motion carried 7 -0 (Youth member Brown voted in favor of the motion). #3. Application #Z12 -25, filed by Ruth M. Yost Trust #1, requesting a change in zoning district classification from PC -7 (Planned Highway Commercial) to 1 -2 (Light Industrial) in order to allow the construction of a truck terminal on the east side of Yost Drive, south of Water Well Road. The subject property is legally described as the South Four Hundred Thirty - -five (435') feet of Lot One (1), Block One (1), Yost Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas and is addressed as 3775 Yost Drive (Continued from January 15, 2013 meeting). Mr. Andrew presented the staff report with visual graphics which are included in the case file. Chairman Ryan asked if there were questions of staff. Commissioner Welsh asked about landscaping requirements. Summary published in The Salina Journal on March , 2013. Posted on the City of Salina website from March , 2013. ORDINANCE NUMBER 13 -10680 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE SALINA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. WHEREAS, all conditions precedent for the amendment of the Salina Comprehensive Plan have been timely compiled with. SO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. Findings. 1. The Yost Addition east of West Dry Creek lies west of I -135 in a transition area; 2. The Yost Addition is outside of the South 91h Street Commercial Corridor and Overlay District; 3. The area west of I -135 is shown as being part of the Airport Area Economic Hub; and 4. The South 8.77 acres of Lot 1, Block 1 is a second tier interchange location and the presence of the KDOT maintenance facility at the south end of Yost Drive has set the tone for this area. Section 2. Amendment. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT. That the Future Land Use Map (Figure 2.1) of the Salina Comprehensive Plan be amended to show the Yost Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas east of West Dry Creek as a future Employment area. Section 3. Repealer. That all prior ordinances in conflict herewith as they relate to the above described real estate are hereby repealed. Section 4. Summary of ordinance for publication. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption of publication once in the official city newspaper. Ordinance No. 13 -10680 Summary On March 4, 2013, the City of Salina, Kansas, passed Ordinance No. 13- 10680. The ordinance amends the Future Land Use Map in the Salina Comprehensive Plan to show the future land use designation of the area at the southwest corner of Water Well Road and I -135 as a future Employment area instead of a future commercial area in order to allow for light industrial development in the area. A complete copy of the ordinance is available at www.salina- ks.gov or in the office of the city clerk, 300 W. Ash, free of charge. This summary is certified by the city attorney. Introduced: February 25, 2013 Passed: March 4, 2013 [SEAL] ATTEST: Norman M. Jennings, Mayor Lieu Ann Elsey, CMC, City Clerk