Bid FormPARITY Bid Farts Country Club Bank - Prairie Village, KS s Bid hdps9 /www.newissuehome.i- deal. com /Padty& P/mein.asp75ame co... Salina $1,485,000 General obligation Temporary Notes Sodas 2012 -1 Af For the aggregate principal amount of $1,495,000.00, we w91 pay you $1,491,055.50, plus accrued rthterest from the data of issue to the date of delivery. The BOWS ere to beer irderest at the following rate: .. Maturity Date nt Coupon % rW % Dollar Prke 05/01/2013 1,485M 1.0000 0.3750 1009511 Bid: - 100.410000 Premium: $8.088.60 Net Irderest Cost $9,421.50 NIC: 0.007447 Time Last Bb Received On:07109/2012 1:59:17 CDST This proposal is made hnlbled to at of the terms and ewditions of the Official Bid Form, the Oftdel Notice of Sete, and the PrenNrhary Official Statement, all of which are made a part hersor. - Bidder. Country Club Bank, Prairie VrlkQe , KS Contact Liao Roberts Title: Sr VP Telephone:819- 751 -1420 Far 913385-0105 Issuer Name: Una Company Name: AaA Accepted BY. Accepted BY: Date: vu Date: - 7— 9.' O 1W710021OW 110, /a�ipryy,a�wq TManrkt 1 of 1 7/92012 2:11 PM PARITY Bid Form httpsJ/ www .newissuehome.i- deal.com/Parity/asp /main.asp ?frame =co,.. UMB Bank NA. - Kansas City, MO's Bid . m ff V, Salina $2,365,000 General Obligation Internal Improvment Bonds, Series 2012 -A For the aggregate principal amount of $2,365,000.00, we will pay you $2,365,000.00, plus accrued interest from the date of issue to the date of delivery. The Bonds are to bear interest at the following rate(s): Maturity Date Amount $ Coupon % Bond Insurance 10/01/2013 130M 1.0000 1.921919 10/01/2014 140M 1.0000 10/012015 1 145M 1.2500 10/01/2016 150M 1.5000 10/01/2017 150M 1.5000 10101/2018 155M 1.5000 10t01l2019 155M 1.5000 10/01!2020 1b5M 1.4000 0/012021 160M 1.6500 0/012022 r 160M 1.8500 0/012023 165M 2.0000 !01!2024 170M 2.1000 10/0112025 176M 2.2000 10/012026 175M 2.3500 10/012027 180M 2.4500 Total Interest Cost $392,234.44 Discount - $0.00 Net Interest Cost - $392,234.44 TIC: 1.921919 Total Insurance Premium: $0.00 Time Last Bid Received On:07/092012 12:49:03 COST This proposal is made subject to all of the terms and conditions of the Official Bid Form, the Official Notice of Sale, and the Preliminary Official Statement, all of which are made a part hereof. Bidder. UMB Bank N.A., Kansas City, MO Contact Kristin Koziol Title: VP Telephone:816- 860 -7223 Fax: 816 - 843 -4325 Issuer Name: City of Salina Accepted By: • - l Date: / Company Name: UMB Bank, n. a. Accepted By: Date: 7/9/12 1 of 2 7/9/2012 1:59 PM